Repair Design Furniture

What is a custom modular kitchen. The difference between a modular kitchen and a custom-made kitchen. Types of modular kitchens

A modular kitchen is a unique opportunity to equip the interior as functionally as possible Today, a kitchen set, as a rule, is a set of different modules - separate pieces of furniture, each of which has its own practical load. What are modular kitchens and what are their varieties - a little theory and practice.

Types of modules

The idea of ​​furniture modules appeared not so long ago - in the seventies. But very quickly, furniture from separate segments gained popularity. Nowadays, modular kitchens are ubiquitous - moreover, it is almost impossible to equip the kitchen with free-standing cabinets and shelves.

The angular layout is considered to be the most ergonomic, as it allows you to equip the working "triangle" as conveniently as possible

The standard currently existing kitchen modules consist of a standard set of sections.

These include:

  • floor cabinets;
  • a floor cabinet for a sink;
  • hanging cabinets;
  • wardrobe with shelves and drawers;
  • cabinets for built-in appliances.

Floor cabinets make up the main line of the headset and are most often combined with a common table top. They are used for storing food and dishes. Hanging cabinets are a type of furniture placed on the walls. Its application is similar. Wall cabinets are not designed for storing heavy items, including small household appliances. A type of wall cabinet is a cabinet with a dish drainer.

A sectional module - a cabinet with shelves - can stand alone. This piece of furniture is the tallest. Its sizes can be both standard and non-standard, depending on whether the furniture is made to order or not. Modular furniture can be supplemented with shelves of various configurations. Their sizes depend on the design of the headset.

Thanks to the optimal dimensions of the modules, the kitchen can be installed in both standard and non-standard rooms.

To prevent the kitchen from looking cluttered, you can install transparent doors

As a rule, the dimensions of modular cabinets are fairly typical. Standard modular kitchens sold in stores have dimensions of 600 mm for base cabinets and 400 mm for wall cabinets. Sizes may differ in one direction or another, but only slightly.

Pluses of modules

Modular kitchens have many advantages.

These include:

  • the ability to arrange modules to your liking in the kitchen, depending on its configuration and your own ideas about aesthetics;
  • the ability to change the design of the kitchen by changing the modules in places;
  • practicality and functionality;
  • the ability to remove all things from the eyes.

Corner modular kitchens are ideal for small spaces

Before arranging the furniture, the kitchen is detailed, when it is roughly outlined where the individual modules will be located.

Dimensions (edit)

The sizes of modular headsets can be very different. Today in the world there are a huge number of factories producing modular furniture. As a rule, manufacturers offer several typical lines - for small kitchens, for medium-sized and full-size kitchens. In this case, the dimensions of the headset are determined not by the number of modules, but by the dimensions of the cabinets themselves. However, you can go the other way, trying to place furniture of standard sizes in a small kitchen, dispensing in this case with fewer sections.

L-shaped modular kitchen allows you to very effectively zone the room

The height of the base cabinets has a size of 85 cm. The depth of the cabinets can be different - it is larger for the floor cabinets, and less for the wall mounted cabinets. As a rule, the dimensions are within 45-50 m.

Ready-made or customized

Modular furniture can be of different types:

  • ready-made factory according to standard sizes;
  • custom made in standard sizes;
  • made according to our own project of non-standard sizes;
  • handmade.

Modular kitchen allows you to compactly place everything you need

Each species has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of standard factory models are that it is quite simple to purchase and place it without waiting for its execution, which can take several weeks or even months. In addition, on occasion, a standard headset can be easily expanded by simply purchasing another module. If a separate module fails, it is easy to replace it. The disadvantages include the fact that there is no need to expect any special individuality from the interior.

Custom-made furniture is convenient because it allows you to:

  • create an individual interior solution;
  • has individual dimensions for the area of ​​a particular room, which allows you to use every centimeter of the area in the most optimal way.

The disadvantages include the fact that it costs more than the factory one.

Important: It is more convenient to make furniture in standard sizes because then it will be possible to purchase ready-made facades for it and change them if you want to change the color scheme. This also reduces the manufacturing time of the headset. When custom-made, the detailing of the placement of modules in the kitchen is extremely important.

Designer modular structures allow you to independently model the interior of the kitchen

Modular kitchen furniture allows you to implement any design solutions in the interior of your kitchen

It is important to arrange the kitchen furniture so that the distance in the so-called "working triangle" is as short as possible.

DIY modules

A modular headset can be made with your own hands. To do this, you need to decide on its concept and draw drawings of future cabinets. DIY furniture can be made standard and non-standard. In some cases, it is more profitable for the master to follow the standard sizes. In this case, you do not have to make drawings yourself. Today, almost any drawing of standard sized kitchen cabinets can be found on the Internet.

Important: In order to get the perfect set, you need to carefully measure all the dimensions of the kitchen and, based on them, develop the drawings of the cabinets.

After the development of the drawings, the required material is selected and calculated. Again, in order to reduce the cost of work and speed it up, you can pay attention to ready-made elements that are sold in stores for home and repair - shelves and facades.

The installation of a corner kitchen module provides for sufficient lighting.

Detailing of parts on the material canvases is done independently. But the cutting can be done either yourself, or you can order it in the same building materials store or special furniture companies. Professional cutting is preferable, as it is performed on professional equipment by people with many years of experience. In this case, you can avoid marriage, careless execution and subsequent inconsistency of parts and work on their fitting.

Assembling a self-made headset is carried out in the same way as assembling a headset purchased from a store from modules.

Important: when assembling, euro ties are used - this allows you to make the structure more durable and stable.

Work always starts from the beginning with the assembly of the frame. Then the back wall is placed and the modules are installed in their place. After that, the tabletop is installed, the shelves are inserted. Doors are hung last.

Modular kitchens are comfortable and practical. They can become a real decoration of the kitchen and its highlight.

Modular kitchens (photo)

Previously, if we wanted to update the kitchen, we had to order it, and the company developed an individual project. We got a kitchen that was unique in its kind. Undoubtedly, there was a charm here, although it was rather expensive, long and tricky. But the principles of mass culture, assembly line production and the LEGOization of society have brought about a real revolution in the furniture industry. Once someone wondered why not turn kitchen sets into a constructor consisting of bricks - standard modules that can be massively and inexpensively stamped at a factory. So that people can independently assemble their kitchen from standard elements. It's faster, easier and cheaper.

The idea gained great popularity, and editions on interiors were full of ready-made projects developed by professional designers. So people got the opportunity to get the kitchen from the pages of fashion magazines or from films, spending less on it than on an individual project.

Personally, I like faster and cheaper than more expensive and longer. And you?

Having a certain relationship with the production of furniture, I do my best to promote the ideas of LEGO interiors to my friends and relatives. And now I decided to write an article about the benefits of modular kitchens. Hope this helps people planning to update and upgrade their hearth.

So, let's go again! What are modular kitchens ?!

The plant produces a series of cabinets of various types: wall-mounted, floor-standing, with and without drawers, regular and corner cabinets, hoods, side plinths for tables, and the like. All modules are manufactured in several color and size options, but in the same style. All elements of this set fit together and allow you to completely design the interior of your kitchen space. Ready-made modules can be purchased at a building hypermarket - such as OBI - and can be easily customized to suit the specifics of your kitchen. Since these units are generic units, they tend to be cheaper and are a great option for people who want their kitchen to look trendy and stylish but have a limited remodeling budget.

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The best designers will develop modular solutions before the machine that produces kitchen cabinets of this or that series goes into operation. And these are designers who do not so much follow the latest fashion trends in interiors, but create trends themselves. So a modular kitchen is always a stylish and chic look. In fact, you get the kitchen from the TV - the same as in your favorite TV series or cooking show. It's nice to come here, it's nice to stay here. This is quite important if you plan on inviting friends. Aesthetics and functionality must coexist in modern kitchens.


Just as LEGO's generic parts let kids (and some passionate adults) create unique things, modular kitchens leave room for your creativity and thought.

There are plenty to choose from here. Each wall unit, floor unit, cabinet, drawer - each element - can have several options for size, finish, color. By using various combinations of sizes and styles, you can create a unique design that will not be repeated anywhere.


Continuing the topic of functionality, I want to note that modular headsets are manufactured by large companies that invest a lot of money in all stages, including the development and testing stages. Therefore, by purchasing such a kitchen, you get a carefully thought-out product, designed by leading experts who understand the functionality of all its elements.

And this will appeal to the overwhelming majority of Russians living in large settlements!

Large kitchens are not the most frequent occurrence in our multi-storey urban reality. Therefore, due to lack of space, it is required to maximize the potential of each square centimeter.

Modular kitchens are the ideal solution for optimizing and organizing space, taking into account the daily needs of a person and the frequency of using different zones and objects. Modular accessories fit on cabinets and drawers and create extra space for cutlery, crockery, bottles, spices, vegetables and waste bins. Even hard-to-reach corners, which are not normally used, are equipped with accessories such as corner carousels.


Say goodbye to your carpenter. You don't have to wait for months for a new kitchen unit and endure the noise and dust that are inevitable when making a custom kitchen. All cabinets and cupboards have already been produced. All that remains is to deliver them.

The assembly does not require a lot of time and effort. You can do it yourself or order a service in a store where you buy your modular kitchen. All elements can be moved and swapped. And if you decide to move to a new place of residence, the headset is easy to dismantle, transport, and then assemble, adjusting all the components to the new space.

As for the renovation, everything is quite simple here, too, thanks to standardization. The term "modular" means that your kitchen is made up of interchangeable units. If some part breaks down, then it will only be necessary to repair it or buy the same one in the store and change it. The rest of the elements of the headset will not have to be touched. In addition, manufacturers of modular kitchens all over the world make cabinets in standard sizes, that is, it will even be possible to purchase an item from another company.

Modular kitchens are the spirit of our era. Their mission is to make the most of every inch of precious space. These are compact smart solutions that fit perfectly into any room and have an excellent appearance.

Once, while visiting my good friend, I complimented her on how delicious she cooked everything. To which she replied: "It's because I have a beautiful kitchen!" Then I thought she was joking. However, now I think differently.

The kitchen is more than just a place to prepare food. It is a powerhouse that gives life energy to your household. A good, comfortable kitchen cheers up, helps to improve culinary skills, and most importantly, to cook with love. After all, the main secret ingredient of every dish of a good housewife is love.

In the kitchen, one cannot do without a kitchen unit - this is the most important furniture, without which it is impossible to imagine a workspace. Today, a kitchen set, as a rule, is a set of different modules - separate pieces of furniture, each of which has its own practical load. What are modular kitchens and what are their varieties - a little theory and practice.

The idea of ​​furniture modules appeared not so long ago - in the seventies. But very quickly, furniture from separate segments gained popularity. Nowadays, modular kitchens are ubiquitous - moreover, it is almost impossible to equip the kitchen with free-standing cabinets and shelves.

The standard currently existing kitchen modules consist of a standard set of sections.

These include:

  • floor cabinets;
  • a floor cabinet for a sink;
  • hanging cabinets;
  • wardrobe with shelves and drawers;
  • cabinets for built-in appliances.

Floor cabinets make up the main line of the headset and are most often combined with a common table top. They are used for storing food and dishes. Hanging cabinets are a type of furniture placed on the walls. Its application is similar. Wall cabinets are not designed for storing heavy items, including small household appliances. A type of wall cabinet is a cabinet with a dish drainer.

A sectional module - a cabinet with shelves - can stand alone. This piece of furniture is the tallest. Its sizes can be both standard and non-standard, depending on whether the furniture is made to order or not. Modular furniture can be supplemented with shelves of various configurations. Their sizes depend on the design of the headset.

As a rule, the dimensions of modular cabinets are fairly typical. Standard modular kitchens sold in stores have dimensions of 600 mm for base cabinets and 400 mm for wall cabinets. Sizes may differ in one direction or another, but only slightly.

Pluses of modules

Modular kitchens have many advantages.

These include:

  • the ability to arrange modules to your liking in the kitchen, depending on its configuration and your own ideas about aesthetics;
  • the ability to change the design of the kitchen by changing the modules in places;
  • practicality and functionality;
  • the ability to remove all things from the eyes.

Before arranging the furniture, the kitchen is detailed, when it is roughly outlined where the individual modules will be located.

Dimensions (edit)

The sizes of modular headsets can be very different. Today in the world there are a huge number of factories producing modular furniture. As a rule, manufacturers offer several typical lines - for small kitchens, for medium-sized and full-size kitchens. In this case, the dimensions of the headset are determined not by the number of modules, but by the dimensions of the cabinets themselves. However, you can go the other way, trying to place furniture of standard sizes in a small kitchen, dispensing in this case with fewer sections.

The height of the base cabinets has a size of 85 cm. The depth of the cabinets can be different - it is larger for the floor cabinets, and less for the wall mounted cabinets. As a rule, the dimensions are within 45-50 m.

Ready-made or customized

Modular furniture can be of different types:

  • ready-made factory according to standard sizes;
  • custom made in standard sizes;
  • made according to our own project of non-standard sizes;
  • handmade.

Each species has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of standard factory models are that it is quite simple to purchase and place it without waiting for its execution, which can take several weeks or even months. In addition, on occasion, a standard headset can be easily expanded by simply purchasing another module. If a separate module fails, it is easy to replace it. The disadvantages include the fact that there is no need to expect any special individuality from the interior.

Custom-made furniture is convenient because it allows you to:

  • create an individual interior solution;
  • has individual dimensions for the area of ​​a particular room, which allows you to use every centimeter of the area in the most optimal way.

The disadvantages include the fact that it costs more than the factory one.

Important: It is more convenient to make furniture in standard sizes because then it will be possible to purchase ready-made facades for it and change them if you want to change the color scheme. This at the same time reduces the manufacturing time of the headset. When custom-made, the detailing of the placement of modules in the kitchen is extremely important.

DIY modules

A modular headset can be made with your own hands. To do this, you need to decide on its concept and draw drawings of future cabinets. DIY furniture can be made standard and non-standard. In some cases, it is more profitable for the master to follow the standard sizes. In this case, you do not have to make drawings yourself. Today, almost any drawing of standard sized kitchen cabinets can be found on the Internet.

Important: In order to get the perfect set, you need to carefully measure all the dimensions of the kitchen and, based on them, develop the drawings of the cabinets.

After the development of the drawings, the required material is selected and calculated. Again, in order to reduce the cost of work and speed it up, you can pay attention to ready-made elements that are sold in stores for home and repair - shelves and facades.

Detailing of parts on the material canvases is done independently. But the cutting can be done either yourself, or you can order it in the same building materials store or special furniture companies. Professional cutting is preferable, as it is performed on professional equipment by people with many years of experience. In this case, you can avoid marriage, careless execution and subsequent inconsistency of parts and work on their fitting.

Assembling a self-made headset is carried out in the same way as assembling a headset purchased from a store from modules.

Important: when assembling, euro ties are used - this allows you to make the structure more durable and stable.

Work always starts from the beginning with the assembly of the frame. Then the back wall is placed and the modules are installed in their place. After that, the tabletop is installed, the shelves are inserted. Doors are hung last.

Modular kitchens are comfortable and practical. They can become a real decoration of the kitchen and its highlight.

Modular kitchens (photo)

The modern housewife spends no less part of her life in the kitchen, hence her desire for maximum comfort is understandable. However, people often face such a problem as a lack of space - especially for apartment layouts with a design a la "Khrushchev". What should be done in this case? After all, I want to equip the kitchen with convenience, and at the same time create it ergonomic and functional.

  • 1 Modern modular economy class kitchens
  • 2 Types of modular kitchens
  • 3 Materials for the manufacture of modules
  • 4 Care instructions
  • 5 Manufacturers at a glance
    • 5.1 Leroy Merlin
    • 5.2 Ikea
    • 5.3 Stolplite

Modern modular economy class kitchens

Today, this problem is quite easy to solve if you turn your attention to modular kitchens, which are the simplest option for decorating a kitchen room. Modules from which a modern kitchen is assembled are perfect for any layout and different areas. So what are modules?

This is a set of kitchen furniture that is assembled from individual elements (modules). The complete set can be very different, ranging from a pair of cabinets (pencil case and wall mounted) and ending with a whole "island" with a bar counter. The main advantage when choosing such furniture is the ability to independently combine and arrange elements according to your preferences, as well as additional opportunities for selecting a design for a specific interior style.


  • Functionality. Any of the offered series can be presented in several variations, and each of them will look stylish in your interior.
  • Roominess. Despite the fact that modular economy-class kitchens can have a minimum of items in the kit, each of which has room for household kitchen appliances, and for cutlery with sets of dishes, and for a stack of towels with napkins.
  • Small size. Perhaps the small size of a modular kitchen is not just an advantage, but an advantage over other types of kitchens, which allows you to place modules on almost any area of ​​the room.
  • The ability to build the module "at will"(depending on the size and layout of the kitchen).
    Today it is called “versatility” - when modules are a universal set consisting of several elements.
  • Add here affordable price and you will almost get a glimpse of modern, modular economy class kitchens.

Small modular kitchen

You can buy ready-made modular economy class kitchens on sale from manufacturers, or you can make them to order. As for custom-made kitchens, everything is a little simpler here: you contact a specialized company, voice your wishes about the dimensions and design of the module and ... in a few days you get a ready-made kitchen set.

By the way, today manufacturers of kitchen furniture even offer such options when modules of the same brand, but different series can be assembled in different versions - monochromatic, light, dark, bright saturated colors or deep calm - everything will depend only on your taste and desire.

Types of modular kitchens

  1. Standard, or linear. In this case, the modular kitchen is assembled in one row along one wall. Another option for the arrangement of furniture is called single-row, and it involves the installation of modules with a length of no more than three meters. This classic option is the most affordable solution for small apartments at the lowest cost. Linear kitchens are usually produced from chipboard and MDF.
  2. Double row. By analogy with the previous version, a modular two-row kitchen can be located along two opposite walls. This option is very convenient for those rooms where it is necessary to fill the kitchen space (for kitchens with an area of ​​more than 6m2, placing the modules in two rows would be a good solution, one of which will be located along the wall, and the other parallel to it, but in the center of the room). At the same time, it is advisable to equip the work area separately from the utensils and grocery - this will greatly simplify the process of cooking.
  3. Corner. Such a kitchen will be convenient for small rooms, in which every cubic centimeter of space counts.
  4. U-shaped. This module will occupy three walls of your kitchen - but its spaciousness will also be good. In addition, the U-shape of a modular kitchen always looks stylish. Such options are made only to order, since in this case it will be necessary to take into account all the planning features of a single kitchen.
  5. Island and peninsular. In the first case, the module is assembled directly in the center of the room and does not in any way depend on other elements of the kitchen set (for example, a dining area with a work surface or a module with a sink). The second option is the protruding part of a single module, which can also be used either as a bar counter or as a dining table. Both options are made from inexpensive MDF - mostly to order.

Types of modular kitchens

Two-row modular kitchen

Linear modular kitchen

Island modular kitchen

Island modular kitchen

Island modular kitchen

U-shaped modular kitchen

U-shaped modular kitchen

Corner modular kitchen

Materials for the manufacture of modules

A modern modular kitchen in a budget version can be made of such inexpensive materials as plastic, MDF boards, chipboard / fiberboard.

  • Plastic. The main fabric of the module is MDF sheet, faced with a plastic coating. Today, modular plastic kitchens are the most common ones with a durable coating that protects them from accidental small damage (scratches, bumps) and high humidity. The pluses include a wide selection of designs, a wide color palette and low cost. Also, plastic is resistant to ultraviolet radiation - when sunlight hits the surface of the module, the color will remain the same (will not fade).
  • MDF... The basis for the body of the module is MDF boards (fine wood fraction as an alternative to natural solid wood), with a facing layer of liquid PVC, acrylic, thick veneer. As a designer decoration, the manufacturer can use metal or glass inserts. Modular MDF kitchens will perfectly fit into almost any interior. Of the advantages, we note the environmental friendliness of the material, an affordable price, a wide selection of designs.
  • Chipboard. Unlike MDF, the basis of the body of such kitchens is chipboard, with a thickness of 1.8 cm. Particleboard facades can be coated with a film and a protective varnish covering the decorative layer. The biggest advantage of modules made of this material is the low price and variety of colors.
  • Frame facades. They represent a frame with an insert of a sheet of another material (plastic, glass, chipboard, mirror surfaces). The advantage of such a module is the ability to replace the insert for every taste, which is another budget solution for those who want to "change the environment" in the kitchen. Various colors, a combination of shades with the overall interior and an affordable price are the main factors of the modules from the frame facade.

Modular kitchen with frame fronts

Since modern inexpensive modular economy class kitchens are made from MDF and chipboard, their service life is lower than that of kitchens made from natural solid wood. However, the operational period of such modular furniture can be extended by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • avoid the use of aggressive chemicals (acetone or solvents containing essential oils);
  • use only wet cleaning of surfaces - using laundry soap or a mild detergent (this also applies to all fittings); when cleaning the working surface of the sink, use only the agents recommended by the manufacturer;
  • wipe dry the cleaned surface with a soft cloth; at the same time, do not allow a large amount of water to enter the work surfaces (for example, when cooking in the work area) - plastic or MDF panel panels can swell from water and come off;
  • avoid mechanical damage to surfaces as much as possible (MDF surfaces are more prone to scratches and chips than other coatings);
  • for plastic surfaces - do not allow heated (over +100 C) dishes to come into contact with the surfaces.

When installing modules next to a stove (both electric and gas) at a distance of less than 2.5 cm, an additional gasket made of heat-resistant material is required; additional processing of the edges of the working surfaces is also necessary - you can use corners made of aluminum, planted on a sealant, this will reduce the rate of peeling of the edge if moisture accidentally gets on it.

Manufacturers at a glance

Leroy Merlin

The manufacturer offers a good design of modules for a low cost - and this is valuable for state employees. Various materials and equipment, the obligatory presence of hoods, ease of installation and assembly speed, imitation of natural solid wood and stone, a good protective coating, reliability, a good operating period in its segment - the advantages of modular kitchens from this manufacturer can be enumerated endlessly. Prices for modular kitchens Leroy Marlene range from 400 to 3000 rubles / unit.

Modular kitchen Leroy Merlin


Facades made of MDF are distinguished by high strength, the body of the module is laminated chipboard with laminated coating. The style of Ikea modular kitchens is modern, Scandinavian, country. The manufacturer gives a 25-year warranty for its products. Of the advantages, it is worth noting a good appearance at an affordable price, the reliability and durability of the body and facade material, the speed of assembly and installation, a wide selection of colors, the possibility of making modules to order. Prices for a modular kitchen start at 20,000 rubles.

Ikea modular kitchen


The modules are manufactured using modern technology. Material - chipboard, MDF, laminated chipboard, plastic, glass and metal inserts are possible. Kitchens are produced with imitation of natural wood and stone, which allows you to choose an individual kitchen set for almost any interior. The main advantages are functionality, practicality, ergonomic design, a large selection of colors plus an affordable price. As well as reliability, strength of the body and facade, excellent quality of the protective coating. Product prices start at 10,000 rubles. per module kit.

Modular kitchens Stolplit

If we consider the products from a financial point of view, at first glance, the selection of a ready-made kit may cost more than ordering a project - in the case when the customer himself chooses a material that is cheaper, simpler, with fewer additional design pieces. However, it takes more time to find the right material, develop a project, and wait for a ready-made set of orders. And delivery is not always free.

But on the practical side, buying a ready-made kit, perhaps, will be the most convenient option for choosing a modular kitchen, without additional time investment.

Conclusion: both the first and second options for purchasing a modular kitchen are the same from both a financial and a time point of view.

Prices for modular kitchens from different manufacturers are quite affordable, and everyone can afford to buy either an inexpensive ready-made kit, or create a kitchen for themselves according to an individual sketch.

As for the evaluation of the compared products, most likely, kitchens from Ikea will come first in terms of quality and guarantee, then Stolplit, and then Leroy Merlin. But the price question will arrange manufacturers in the following order: Leroy Merlin, Stolplit, Ikea. So it's up to you, dear customers!