Repairs Design Furniture

Household appliances, its types and purpose. Household appliances, one of the classifications

In the modern stormy rhythm of life, household appliances make it possible to quickly and effectively cope with household chores. Often it fully performs work per person. Household appliances have a classification by intended purpose.

Measuring instruments

The main minor technique for measuring various parameters includes:

  • Kitchen scales (with bowl, flat, in the form of a decanter to determine the exact weight, with fasteners for hanging).
  • Outdoor scales for determining human weight. For weighing children up to ten kilograms, special scales are made with a cuvette.
  • Shootlessness. Called to replace scales outside the house (fishing, cottage, market).
  • Clock (floor, desktop, fireplace). Manufactured mechanical and electronic.
  • Alarms. I can run out different materials (tree, plastic, glass, stone, metal).
  • Thermometers for measuring body temperature, indoor air and outdoor, water temperature.

Computer Engineering

Without the technique of this kind, modern person no longer represents its existence. It includes:
  • calculators (portable device for computing operations);
  • smartphones (functional mobile phone in the form of a mini-computer);
  • tablet and personal computers,
  • laptops.

Kitchen appliances

The most extensive segment. For the purpose is divided into several subgroups.

To preserve products

The short-term preservation of products from damage is performed by refrigerators. For longer preservation by freezing, freezers are suitable.

For mechanical processing

Eliminates the most difficult and unpleasant work. The mixer makes it possible to quickly mix liquid components. It is used to prepare beverages, creams, mashed potatoes, dough. Grind more dense and hard products using a blender. The transformation of meat into the minced meat grinder. Align all functions in one device allows the kitchen processor.

For thermal processing

Includes electrical or gas stove. Great popularity enjoy induction plateswarming special dishes with induction current. For baking are produced wind cabinetsallowing to use different modes Baking.

No less functional are microwave ovens, bread makers, multicookers, double boards. Thanks to this home appliance, food is delicious and useful. Enough to put there required ingredients, set the mode and press the button.

Smaller household appliances include:

  • grill (fries meat on a grid or spit);
  • aerium (prepares food by blowing hot air);
  • fryer (products are prepared in hot oil);
  • toaster;
  • waffelnitsa;
  • pancake;
  • yogurtnitsa;
  • steroids for grains and others.

For cooking drinks

A truly delicious coffee is a welded coffee maker made of grasses crushed in a coffee grinder. An even more functional tool is a coffee machine. The ability to boil the water to brew tea, give electric kettle. For the preparation of vitaminized cocktails and juices need a juicer.

Auxiliary machinery

After cooking, there remains unbearable dishes. Dishwasher helps to cope with this. To prevent smell, smoke, evaporation in the kitchen over the stove are made of extracts. Water heaters allow electrical heaters.

Home cleaning equipment

The main device for cleaning the premises is a vacuum cleaner. It can be washing, combining the function of removing dust and washing floors. To eliminate pollutants of various kinds (fat, mold, raid) from the surface of brakes, cranes, tiles without chemicals Available steam cleaners and even steam mops.

Close care technique

The following "helpers" are intended to contain clothing clean and accuracy:
  • Washing machine for removing contaminants from clothing and other textiles products.
  • Drying machine. This folding table with a cap from heat-resistant material is able to dry and stroke clothing.
  • Ironing board. Mint clothes are stacked on its surface. The kit usually includes the cord holder, the stand for the iron, the shoe for ironing sleeves.
  • Iron. Through the effects of temperature and moisture on clothing are removed.
  • Sewing machine. Allows you to make or repaired clothes, lengthen or shorten the product. Modern machines are able to embroider, sew buttons, grind loops and perform a large range of finishing lines.
  • Machine for hairstyle, dryers for shoes.

Technique for creating a comfortable microclimate

These include:
  • air conditioners (heats up, cooled and cleans air);
  • cleaners (clean air);
  • washing and humidifiers of air (clean and moisturized);
  • heating radiators (increase air temperature);
  • fans (blown air flow);
  • air ionizers (make air fresh and clean).
  • weather stations (measure and show the main parameters of the microclimate).
Many climate machinery devices combine several functions. For example, a humidifier cleaner, air conditioning with a ionizer and so on.

Small household appliances for care

Bring hair in order helps dryers for drying and styling, pliers for curling curls, iron for straightening strands. In the fight against unnecessary "vegetation", epilators and electric shavers are designed to help. The first remove the hairs with the root, the second is cut off, leaving the whole bulb. In the bathroom you can find irrigators (electric toothbrushes) and massagers.

Recreation and Entertainment

Thanks to the above home assistants, free time remains. It can be held for listening to music or watching a favorite transfer or film. For these purposes, there is the following technique:
  • music center (designed to play of different kind carriers);
  • player (reproduces audio and video files);
  • DVD player (reads and reproduces DVDs);
  • television;
  • game console;
  • radio receiver.
More complex systems include home cinemas and acoustic equipment. Photographs and camcorders are capable of capturing pleasant moments. Satisfy the desire to communicate at a distance help telephone sets.

Maria Vyazhad

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Modern life does not seem without the use of various types of household appliances. Thanks to her, people appear more free time and considerably ease everyday homework. A special place among all species is the large household appliances. Without it, no residential premises do not. But what do you relate to large household appliances? Let's look at its classification and the main purpose.

Classification of large household appliances.

Examples of large household appliances can be found at It is classified by the scope of application. So, it happens:

  • kitchen;
  • climatic;
  • harvesting;
  • non-profile.

Kitchen large household appliances include warm panels, Wind Cabinets, Gas and Electric Plates, Dishwashers, Refrigerators and Hoods. Probably everyone came across them. Such a type of large household appliances is very useful, as it allows you to cook food, make pastries, and all evaporation outside the room.

A little less often in everyday life is a climatic type of large household appliances. These include air conditioners different design, heating devices and humidifiers. Naturally, without this type of technology, accommodation in homes and apartments is possible, but at the same time it will not be so comfortable as with her. With the help of climatic equipment, you can create ideal conditions inside housing, which do not depend on the street shines the sun and stands the summer heat, either blowing a strong wind and swelling a blizzard.

Cleaning large household appliances includes all sorts of vacuum cleaners and cleinners. With their help, it is possible to clean up the house without any problems and without driving yourself. Now there is a robotic type of harvesting appliances, which makes life easier even more.

Non-profile large household appliances are represented by washable and drying machines different types Downloads. If we take in general, they should be located in the bathroom. But, very often, due to the shortage of the lap the bathroom, they are inserted into the kitchen. Because of this, the washing and drying machines have no accurately defined location.

It is worth noting that large household appliances can be not only separate, but also embedded. This installation method makes it possible to use free space in rooms much better and more efficiently, while it improves the convenience of its use. So, for example, a microwave plate and a small oven are installed in special lockers, which are put on each other. Thus, the amount of free space increases significantly.

Without modern household appliances, we no longer imagine life. It facilitates the work of hostesses in home and cooking, serves for entertainment and performs many useful cases.

Household appliances are the achievements of science, they use the most advanced developments. You can buy them in specialized stores or online, for example, on the site The last option is preferable, because you can purchase the desired techniquewithout leaving home and save time.


As already mentioned, such a category of goods, like household appliances, belongs to those facilitating their homework.

It is divided into destination:

  • for kitchen - refrigerator, electric solutions, dishwasher, stove, bread maker, toaster, mixer;
  • measuring equipment - thermometer, scales, clock;
  • for cleaning and cleaning - a steam cleaner and vacuum cleaner;
  • climatic - air humidifier, fan, air conditioning;
  • to care for clothes - Iron, washing machine;
  • other - lighting devices, televisions, computers, heaters, etc.

And this is all - not the entire list!

Huge range

All household appliances are divided into the necessary and the one without which it is possible to do. So, if without refrigerator, the products spoil, so it is necessary, then the dishes can well be washed with your hands, without any car.

When buying a particular device, buyers pay attention to the characteristics you need. That is, if the kitchen is large, then the technique is chosen more overall than for a small room.

Manufacturers take into account users' requests, so the model range of goods is so huge. Here are TV - there are with large and small screens, fixed on special holder on the wall or on a stable stand.

Now the built-in household appliances, supporting the design of the kitchen and saving space, received great popularity.

Any technique works with electricity, so placing it next to sockets or specifically install them in the right place. But there are autonomous models that have their own power source - screwdriver, etc.

Modern household equipment is increasingly equipped with electronics and therefore it can increasingly function without human participation. It creates additional comfort. Now it is quite possible to control the vacuum cleaner and a coffee maker at a distance sitting in the living room at the TV.

Conspiracy theory. " Appliances»:

Without equipment in the modern world, a clear thing, you will not live. And buy household appliances will not be difficult. There are also large household appliances stores, type "Sulpak", "Dream", "TechnoNom", etc., and online home appliance stores in Almaty, Astana, Kazakhstan. What household appliances should be in the house, what to buy first of all, and with the purchase of which household appliances can be having to stand?

In addition to the most familiar household appliances, home audio-video techniques appear new devices that allow part homework automate.

Household appliances are so firmly included in our lives that we no longer know how to do without them. No useless electronic helpers are not - all of them are made to make us easier our life and make stay in the house more comfortable. And without some types of household appliances, it is not necessary for anything - they must be in the house.

Home appliances in the house


This is perhaps the most indispensable assistant. Without it, all our products would have spoiled for a long time, and you don't challenge the supermarket for the finished meal. Therefore, the bulk "friend" always takes an honorable place in the kitchen, without it - in no way.

Stove for cooking

Plates are gas and electric. Regardless of the "power supply" method, the plates perform the main function: help cooking food. Therefore, along with the refrigerator, this is the first thing that mistresses are concerned. A high-quality stove with a good oven allows you to prepare useful and delicious food.


Another indispensable thing that is in the kitchen (or in the bathroom, if allowed). Of course, in the old days was washed exclusively with hands, and now many things (the same carpets or dresses of delicate fabric) are soaked manually. But the favorite "washer", which at the same time often and the "pressing", and the "dryer" deliver modern man From time consuming and takes a lot of wash time.


Of course, this is the subject of not such necessity, like a stove. But if you need to warm food urgently, you can't dispay without microwave. In it, her portion of soup can heal even a child who is still early to light gas. In addition, many restaurant stuffs, such as pizza, difficult to warm on the stove.


Another type of household appliances, designed to alleviate a lobby of a housewife. Dirty dishes shoved, added detergent - and Wowl! - The wonderful car moved all the dishes. Electronic "dishwasher" saves water, electricity, nerves and time spent in the kitchen. So that modern hostess without such a device is unlikely to do.


The phone is the most important means of communication. And if from stationary phones gradually begin to refuse, the cellular communication is gaining momentum every day. In addition, a modern phone is not only a "dialer", it is a gadget with a multitude of functions, not all of which are equally useful and sometimes kidnap a lot of time. Yes, yes, games!


From the Soviet times, the TV strengthened its position in the house not only as the main tool for entertainment, but also as a source of information. Many families have not one "drawer" in the apartment, but several in each room and in the kitchen (for the background during cooking, for example). Widescreen 3D panels have gained special popularity. Now television on a qualitatively new level!

DVD player

Without excellent "Kina" can not do. And the DVD players will cope with this task, correctly submitting a picture on the TV screen. Moreover, modern players are multifunctional. Here you and the support of full 3D, and karaoke, and play music. In order not to be bored, without this technique - no way.

Computer (or laptop)

On the importance of the computer, do not even talk. "Striking" or mobile "laptop" is a mandatory attribute of middle-class representatives. Internet access, ensuring communication, entertainment, in the end. And for someone - for copywriters, designers, programmers, photographers, writers - computer means of earnings.

Air conditioning (or climatting system)

More recently, the air conditioner was considered hardly a life of luxury. Now, after a whole series of arid summer periods has passed, the air conditioner has become an integral attribute of good offices. Gradually moved to the apartment. It helps to escape from the heat and dust of megalopolis. And the most secured and at all acquire entire climatt control systems to cool in the summer, and in the winter it is not frown.

Even the super-power ironing installation attached to washing machinewill never replace this device. Irons, perhaps the most ancient technique. They exist as much as there are people who want to look neat. Even in the last century, cast iron irons were popular, in which the coals were stuffed. Now there are the very following different devices For ironing, but without a good iron, the hostess is nowhere.

A vacuum cleaner

Dust is a real Beach of our time. Few who have no allergies (in the literal and figurative sense). Therefore, the vacuum cleaner is a mandatory attribute of any home. There are different vacuum cleaners, including water, and automotive, and for furniture. All of them perform one function: they make our dwelling and tidy.

Kitchen helpers (kitchen technique)

This includes a whole group of indispensable kitchen appliances for cooking:

  • combineers
  • blenders
  • vegetable cutters
  • mixers
  • multicookers,
  • breadmakers ...

The list can continue any housewife. Maybe all this technique is not so important, but its presence makes the cooking process as easy and comfortable as possible.


Without a device that dries hair, modern fashionista can not do. Without it, do not build hairstyles. And if you lie on the night with a wet head, not dried overnight, in the morning you have to comb chatins. Yes, and men for emergency drying hair dryer are needed.

Machinery for care

This category includes various miniature devices, allowing to keep the body clean: Stremmers, epilators, electric shavers ... Of course, the technique should serve for the house, but also forget about yourself.

This is the average "portrait" of the house in which there are different kinds Household appliances. Of course, for each person a set of necessary equipment will be different and, maybe more volumetric. The main thing is not to forget: the technique exists for us, and not we for the technique, and the cult of it should not do.

One of the popular gadgets today is a tablet. The thing is fashionable and useful. You know, how to choose a tablet?

Equipment and devices facilitating household Thanks to its mechanization. These devices and devices were developed not within a certain set or in accordance with some plan, which provided for a certain sequence - they simply appeared one after another, with the subsequent introduction of improvements that increased their reliability and efficiency compared to the level, already achieved earlier. The composition of modern household electrical equipment includes refrigerators and washing machines, vacuum cleaners and electricificants, radio receivers and televisions, camcorders and voice recorders, microwave ovens, medical devices, calculators and many other devices and devices that have become available in everyday life with the development of electronics and automation. Electric motors, heaters and cooling devices built into the frames of many have long been used by household machines and mechanisms, gave them new life; For safe use, they are additionally supplied with safety valves and emergency switches. Many additional details and devices, such as timers, thermostat, light indicators of furnaces and sensory panels, manufacturers of household appliances include automation, convenience and improvement of appearance.
Household electrical equipment
Exploitation. All manufactured electrical appliances are supplied with passports and instructions for their operation, however, the responsibility for the correct handling of them is assigned to the consumer. Many electrical appliances designed for power supply from the AC network fail if they are used on constant toke. The maximum safe load during nutrition from the 115-120 V network is about 1,400 W. Overloading the power supply causes a drop in voltage, burning fuses and may even cause a fire. The heat reinforcement controlled by the thermostat is disconnected when the desired temperature is reached and turn on again when the temperature decreases. Powerful heating devices and installations are available for connecting to a voltage of 208-240 V. to this group. household appliances Power plates, water heaters and clothing dryers. On passport signs of these products, much higher limit nutrition requirements are indicated, the actually necessary in many cases. Electric stove with two ovens can consume power up to 15 kW, if the oven, the hot wardrobe and all the upper burners are included on the full power. Power consumption will be about 2000 watts, if you turn on the full power of one powerful upper hardware, but energy consumption will decrease 10 times if the same burner is included on the minimum heating.
Kitchen electrical equipment. Plates. The top of the electric stoves provide the ability to select multiple temperature modes ranging from a fairly low temperature to very high and heated quite quickly. Thermaller regulate oven, grills and some upper burners. Many ovens provide for the ability to automatically (in time) on and off. There are four types of electrical burners. In the most common electron spirals are used. In the design of this type, the wire spiral is enclosed in a metal tube, rolled in the form of a flat spiral and filled with insulating material. The heat is transmitted from the hot wire spiral of the dishes put on the burner, by thermal conductivity and radiation. In the glass-ceramic burners, heat is transferred to the dish, standing on the burner, radiation from the heating elements located under it. In the burner of a solid design, pig-iron discs are welded to the top of the burner made of tempered glass or from enameled steel. At the bottom of each disk are placed in ceramic insulation heating elements from high electrical resistance wires. The entire disk heats up, and heat through thermal conductivity is transmitted to the dishes standing on the burner. The newest (and most expensive) electric arrangements are induction. The electromagnetic field in them create induction coils controlled by semiconductor schemes. Coils are closed with glass ceramics. The electromagnetic field created by them induces electricity In the dishes made of ferromagnetic material. As a result of the dishes, together with its content heats up. Release electric ovens With heat transfer by radiation or convection. In the ovens of both types there is a heating element. However, in the radiative oven, the air remains almost without movement, and in convection heated air circulates above the fan under the action of the fan. The convection furnace prepares food by 30% faster than radiative, and the preparation temperature can be below 15 ° C. Microwave (microwave) furnace, unlike the electric stove, heats the food not by conventional heat transfer mechanisms, and through the microwave generated by it (over-high frequency oscillations) that quickly excite water molecules in food. This movement energy is expressed in temperature increase. Since metals reflect microwaves, utensils used for cooking in a microwave oven must be made from other materials, such as paper, glass and some plastics. Traditional recipes and cooking methods must be changed taking into account the features of cooking in microwave ovens. Such household electrical installations include single-chamber combinations of microwave / convection and microwave / baked furnaces. These settings allow one and the same camera to use both in the traditional mode and on the energy of microwaves or convection heat (or both together). Microwaves can be installed on kitchen tables or portable serving trolleys; Models are also available for mounting as built-in kitchen electrical equipment.
Refrigerators / freezers. In the compartment for fresh refrigerator products / freezer, food products are preserved at a temperature of about 3 ° C. Cooling is achieved by evaporating the corresponding refrigerant in the evaporator coil placed inside the refrigerator. The evaporation of the refrigerant is controlled by capillary devices, and the air flow, which flows around the coil, is thoroughly adjustable to maintain the set temperatures in different sections of the refrigerator / freezer.

Heated refrigerant (usually it is freon) is derived from the heat insulated section, compressing and condensed to release the heat absorbed in the evaporator coil. In the refrigeration system with evaporation-compression, the compressor supplies the heated gas into the capacitor, where the gas is condensed into the liquid. In refrigerators with an absorption heat installation of cyclic effect, the heated refrigerant is absorbed by water, and when the refrigerant is required for cooling, the cycle is again started with heating of the stored liquid. In conventional sources of thermal energy in the absorption system of this type, electricity serve, natural gas or kerosene. The freezer section provides storage temperature -18 ° C for ice cubes, frozen ready-made dishes and semi-finished products. In two-door models of the freezing section and fresh products are separated, and each section has its own door. However, in most refrigerators / freezers, the cooling coil is in the freezer section, and the circulation of cold air in the sections of fresh products is provided with an electric fan. The power of the modern refrigerator is sufficient to maintain in the freezer section of -18 ° C for several weeks. Many refrigerators / freezers have such a convenient feature as automatic defrosting. It is usually performed by radiant heating of cooling coils or space around them. The defrost cycle is triggered, as a rule, the timer that follows the time of operation of the compressor and automatically begins defrosting at the specified moment. Home refrigerators have many additional amenities such as specially cooled sections in which lower meat storage temperatures can be installed, pull-out baskets (grids) with tanks in which the selected moisture mode can be installed, and dispensing devices that provide access. to ice cubes and cold water Without the need to open the freezer door.
Freezers. The cooling mechanism at the freezer is exactly the same as the refrigerator with the electric motor. A well-insulated wardrobe usually has several cooling coils located near the shelves and retractable baskets where products intended for rapid freezing are placed. The freezers quickly freeze and maintain products at temperatures -18 ° C and below. Freezers are produced different sizes - from 50 to 500 dm3. They are like a chest of drawers with a rising lid or on a regular refrigerator with opening doors. In some cases, they provide for the alarm system, which prevents the temperature of the temperature in the freezer before the expansion point.
Dishwashers. In automatic dishwashers, dishes are placed so that the whole it turns out to be in the path of powerful spray water streams, created pumps or hydrotrobins. Water pumped into the tank, filtered and goes back on the dishes. Food residues are washed off with water, then the dishes are rinsed and exposed to heat drying with heated air or blowing unworthy air. The effective operation of the dishwasher is achieved due to the use of non-forming detergentscontaining alkalis and corrosion inhibitors. Problems of spots and fat films can be solved by increasing the water temperature, adding water softening and the choice of effective detergents.
Devices for grinding and removing waste. Electric waste waste shredder, built in stock kitchen sink, grinds nutritional waste so that they can be washed with water through the drain. Water should not be closed throughout the operation. Equipment for washing, drying and ironing. Electric washing machines. Timers, solenoids and heating elements are just some of the many automatic equipment, which turned the washing machine with a horizontal stirrer and manual rolls for spinning to an efficient automatic installation. Each type of washing machine is characterized by its combination of the method of washing, operating temperature, water treatment and rinse numbers. The machine with a disk stirrer moves washed underwear through water and water through underwear. Front loading drum machine moves a wet under-down under-down in a rotating drum. In such a wash machine, it is necessary to roughly twice the water compared to the machine that moves underwear through the water with a stirrer. When a smaller volume of water is used when washing, less detergent is required. In the machine with a stirrer, it is permissible to change the concentration of detergents in broader limits than in the car with the drum. Rotating drum forms a lot of foam mitigating drop wet linenBut at the same time dirt is not well removed.
Dryers. The dryer is equipped with a rotating drum, in which the underwear is transferred from the bottom up and overturns, and the heated air will blow it down at this time. For heaters in most electrical strokes, nutrition from a voltage of 230-240 V is required; Their rated power of consumption with continuous heating within an hour is 5 kW. Dryers designed for food from the 110-115 V network, highlight less heat, and they are used in cases where to use more high voltage ineffective. The cost of drying is the same, but time has to spend more. The average linen batch (weighing 3.5 kg) in the dryer, fed from the 230-240 V network, dries after 30 or 40 minutes. In many models of dryers, heating elements are disconnected for 5 or 10 minutes until the end of the cycle so that the linen can cool, because with the approach to the end of the drying cycle, the air temperature in the dryer becomes above the temperature hot water When washing. The terrier protects the dryer from increasing the temperature to a dangerous level, and most of the models have the ability to maintain a moderate temperature that is necessary for drying products from north-resistant tissues. The temperature increase is constrained by the cooling effect of water evaporation. With an average loading of the dryer, the amount of water evapoiled is 2.7-3.5 kg. To prevent accumulation of such a number of steam indoors in the dryers provide for exhaust ventilationwhich sucks moisture and fabric lint out.
Irons. The iron with a steamotrier forms steam when the water is passed onto the heated surface inside the iron or when the entire volume of water in the tank is heated, from which the pairs go throughout the outlet. Both iron design options work satisfactorily. In the design of the first option, the vaporization starts almost immediately after switching on. In the second embodiment, water evaporation is delayed. The rated power of the irons is about 1000 W.

In irons with a steamotrier, when using ordinary water, a scale is formed, which ultimately slows down the heating and prevents the vaporization. It is therefore preferable to use distilled or deionized water. Road irons usually have a smaller nominal powerthan irons for homework, and often do not contain any regulators, and therefore it may be damaged when powered by another current view. The irons of some models have thermometers showing but not regulating temperature, and adapters for different species Current in the supply network.
Water heaters. Water heater is a heat-insulated tank-drive of hot water with one or more heating elementsworking on gas or electricity and safety valve. To regulate the temperature, a thermostar is used, which is usually configured to a value ranging from 50 to 60 ° C. In some models of the thermorel, it is easily reconfigured from one value to another; In other models, it is possible to obtain only two levels of temperature - about 80 and about 55 ° C. Fast heating is provided as in gas modelsand in electrical heaters, although the heating rate of the last less due to the limitations caused by electrical wiring systems in residential buildings. The tank drive is usually made from galvanized iron, aluminum alloys and mono-metal and are facing outside thermal insulation, and from the inside - corrosion-resistant materials based on glass or plastic. To decrease corrosion damageThe water heaters often embed magnesium rods. In soft water, corrosion is quickly enhanced by increasing its temperature.
Water softeners. Water hydroes are tanks containing granulated zeolite, softening water. Ions that make water tight are held by zeolite, and the water is distinguished by ions, softening it. Zeolite is regenerated when placed in the tank for a short time of the saline, followed by washing the tank. This process of ion exchange and regeneration by salt solution, as well as the use of materials removing materials unpleasant odorsmay be carried out repeatedly.
Air conditioners for premises. The air conditioning cooling unit is similar to those used in refrigerators. This block also performs the functions of the dryer, condensing and removing moisture from the air during its cooling. Many air conditioners can be configured to the influx into the outside air and an exhaust room. Installations that make it possible to select heat from a colder body and transmit it warmer than it is called thermal pumps. The efficiency of the air conditioner is expressed by its energy efficiency. Electric motors of air conditioners intended for cooling rooms of large volumes are connected to a voltage of 230-240 V, and they often require the use of wiring, withstanding currents of more than 15 A. The size of the air conditioner is determined by such factors as the exposure of the room relative to the countries of the world, the total area of \u200b\u200bwindows, thermal insulation The effectiveness of the walls, gender and ceiling, the size of the room and the number of people usually located in it.
Air cleaners. External air pollution along with insufficient air circulation in modern houses Left to expand the use of portable air cleaners and air filters, as well as devices designed to include them in the heating and cooling system. Air cleaners are supplied with fans that run air through filters or between electrically charged plates to remove harmful particles; Filters are used by materials such as activated carbon or fiberglass. In some air purifiers, radiation is used (usually ultraviolet) and ozone or deodorants that allow you to remove or destroy particles that cause discomfort. Health organizations are kept under the control of the danger arising from high ozone in the air (which, with significant quantities, can act as a deadly poison). They also check the assertions of many manufacturers about health benefits, bringing air purifiers.
Moisture absorbs. These settings work similarly to the refrigerator compressor type. The fan runs warm and wet air over the cooling unit, where its temperature is reduced as much as it is necessary to condensate most of the moisture. Water accumulates under the coolant, and the chilled dry air returns to mix with the humid air of the room. IN basement And in raw rooms with weak air circulation, moisture absolutes allow you to reduce dampness.
Vacuum cleaners Thanks to the suction action that creates a fan rotated by the electric motor, the vacuum cleaner draws the flow of air and solid particles into its dust collector, and the air passes through the filter and is released into the room, and dust and litter remain in the bag or in the appropriate tank. The tip of the hose of the vacuum cleaner should fit well to the surface that is subjected to cleaning. For each type of vacuum cleaner, there is a set of nozzles and a method for adjusting the dense adjacent. The brush or brush with a scraper at the end of the hose helps to suck the dirt and dust from the carpets and from furniture along with the stream. Air passes through fast rotating exhaust fan The vacuum cleaner, however, solid particles gradually destroy the impeller. Many vacuum cleaners have ways to reduce suction force, allowing to clean light tissues without sucking them in the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner. Some vacuum cleaners have rotating brushes or other means causing vibrations of nozzles. Electric motors in such vacuum cleaners are behind the dust collector, i.e. On the opposite side of the hose. Solid particles that can damage the engine of the vacuum cleaner, in such models are delayed with a dust collector.
Electric bars and scrubbers. In a set of many vacuum cleaners, there are hard brushes that allow washing, apply wax and compositions for cleaning coatings. In addition, there are scrubbers that can both make the surface with water and collect it, as well as scrubbers, dried by the floor with a stream of air. Some manufactured models are equipped with devices that allow using the power of the electric motor for other applications, for example, to drive tools and paint sprayers.
Portable household electrical appliances. There is more and more portable electrical appliances and tools for household applications. Among them are fans, mixers, stirrers, canvas, coffee makers, toasters, electrobes, heat plates, marches, hair dryers and many other devices and devices designed for inclusion in a regular network socket. A significant part of such products is produced in the form of cordless models designed to work from rechargeable batteries.

Microcomputer controls. Household appliances with microprocessor and sensory controls were first used in the early 1970s. The "brain" of such sensory controls is a microprocessor implemented in the form of a microcircuit. Semiconductor microprocessor integrated circuits exclude the need for many cumbersome details, such as operating management, gears and electrical contacts, which makes it possible to make household electrical appliances management tools more compact and lighter. See also Computer. To the number of household electromashes and devices with microcomputer sensory controls include the above mentioned kitchen plates, microwave ovens, refrigerators / freezers, dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, air conditioners, coffee makers, mixers, stirrers and irons. The sequences of operations and the desired functions can be selected by touching the touch panel, and the pre-programmed functions can be repeated without a repeated programming time. Digital indicators signal such parameters or disorders of the operation modes, as the temperature in the refrigerator or the freezer, clogging the sprayer in the dishwasher or the time remaining until the end of the operating mode. In some electrical appliances, such as iron, automatic shutdown is provided when they cease to use. Microcomputer controls can diagnose possible malfunctions In one or another electrical system, it makes it possible to reduce the loss of time and money on the challenge of specialists from the service sector.
Gas household settings
Gas plates. Typical kitchen gas stove It has several burners with burners on the upper surface and oven under them; The standard additional amenities include clocks, timers and thermostat, helping to prepare food with a minimum of paid attention. The oven is equipped with gas valves, allowing the oven to set the oven optimal operating temperature. At the same time, gas burners provide the required heat outfit mode, supporting the defined temperature with an accuracy of ± 4 ° C. The sensitive element of the thermostat is located directly under the cooking dishes; It transmits the current temperature value to the self-regulating gas valve.
Built-in ovens. Some time ago, a fashion appeared on the "built-in" household appliances, and in accordance with this trend, the corresponding gas burners began to be issued. Available on sale also wall gas ovensAnd in some of them there is a small rushper with a spit. These installations are equipped with high-sensitive thermal control facilities capable of supporting set temperatures With an accuracy of ± 2 ° C. New regulation and automation tools are also developed for cooking at moderate temperatures. In the oven, even such a low temperature can be accurately maintained, like 60 ° C. Oven the ovens with self-cleaning or with a compulsory convection and a frying cabinet of convenient height with the placement of the rashper at the top of the cabinet.
Gas refrigerators. These refrigerators with a hermetically sealed cooling system and non-moving parts are among the most reliable refrigerators. Their functions are more connected with thermochemistry than with mechanics. The cooling method used in them is based on the principle of absorption of ammonia vapors with water with relatively low temperatures and the separation of them when the solution is heated. A ammonia mixture with water is called summer alcohol And used in everyday life for washing windows. The cooling system begins to work when heated is small gas flame container (called generator) with ammonia alcohol; The gas released when heated passes through the capacitor and falls into the receiver. The condensate is then evaporated in the evaporator or in the cooling system with heat absorption. Next, the gas again dissolves in the dilute liquid of the generator, increasing its concentration, and the cycle is repeated. The intensity of heat exchange adjusts the thermorel depending on the desired cooling.
Gas air conditioners. Air conditioners of this type are very similar to mechanical, except that the cooling cycle is based on the principle of absorption, and not on the compression cycle. A compression system with a free piston operating on gas fuel, noise less than a normal compressor, and is minimally susceptible to wear, since the piston is not attached to anything and fluently moves in lubricant oil. Such air conditioners can be included in the gas-powered system of heating, which allows you to use them all year round.
Dryers for clothes. The automated dryer operating on gas fuel is different from the electric dryer with a large heat flux, which is much accelerating the performance of drying operations. The dryer consists of a rotating drum, which loads clothes, and a gas burner, which heats the air supplied to the drum. The heated air selects moisture from the clothing, which gently overturns when the drum rotates; Blowers are injected with hot dry air for drying and remove wet. Tools on the thermostat and timers allow you to install and withstand the required temperature modes And temporary drying cycles.
Panfilov E.A., Belfer F.P. Appliances life. M., 1981 Belfer F.P. Equipment and technology of household services. M., 1984 Electronics: encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1991.

The encyclopedia of the colley. - Open Society. 2000 .