Repairs Design Furniture

Simple designer ideas. Interior items do it yourself: creating and decoking, master classes. Hooks for clothes from cutlery

Each hostess and owner want to make their home beautiful and comfortable. This article contains a variety of ideas for home that make it possible to achieve this result with a little time, money and strength.

Decorating the walls

Recently, painted or plated wall-colored walls became very popular. Yes, they serve as an excellent background for accessories, furniture, etc. But large empty spaces require some additions. How to decorate an empty wall? There are a lot of ways, just need to choose the appropriate.

Geographic maps on the walls

An extremely simple and very spectacular idea for a home that helps solve the problem of empty walls is to stick a geographical map. It is not at any room and not to any interior, it is suitable, but for the children's room, cabinet, balcony or loggia, and in some cases, even for a bedroom or living room you can find options. It is important to correctly pick up the card under the interior, and they are not only "ordinary" - geographical. There are vintage, navigation, stylized, etc.

Where to look for such cards? Geographical maps can be found in book or stationery stores. Stylized or vintage will not find there. Some options can be found in stores with wallpaper. There they are in the form of photo wallpaper. Many different on the beloved many aliexpress can be searched in other online stores. But there is another option: find the map you liked on the Internet, save onto the carrier and print in the firm that are engaged in outdoor advertising. The only requirement: a large card format. Of course, they will be able to increase it, but not indefinitely. So the initial image should be high-quality and big.

We make modular paintings

The idea for the house - paintings and photos on the walls - not Nova and many fed up. Yes, this is a classic, but I want something new and unusual. One of the options is modular patterns. This is one image, broken into a different number of fragments. Fragments may be different or the same. Often these "pieces of images" are called "modules", hence the name "Modular picture".

As an object, you can take any poster, poster, photo wallpaper. You can, again, the image you like will print in an advertising agency. In this case, you can even take your photo or close friends, a favorite landscape, etc. Based on the composition of the pattern, it is broken into several parts, cut. Under fragments make a framework. The sizes of the frames should be 3-5 cm less fragments so that the module can be wrapped and secured on the back.

Nature is one of the most popular motifs of the sunset sun on the sea - what can be romantic than the beach, the sun, summer ...
And again flowers ... symmetrical partition is also possible fantasy - option for teenagers

Frames can be made of wooden planks, cover with fine plywood or fiberboard. But the easiest way is to take a foam of sufficient density (300-350 gr / m³) with a thickness of 4-5 mm or more. It costs a little, you can cut it with any hacksaw, it will not damage the paper, weighs the only trifle, so it is possible to fix the modules even for bilateral scotch. Carnated images to tablets can be used with glue (find suitable), or with a construction stapler and brackets.

Decorative mirrors

Ideas for the house using mirrors are not new. The first samples of this magic glass appeared before our era and were extremely roads and rare. And not surprising. The mirror in itself is an excellent accessory, and if it has an unusual form or an amazing frame, it will definitely become an interior decoration.

So simple - circles from the mirrors, and the interior transforms the butterflies from the mirror - an interesting idea
If in the same style to separate the shelf, dresser, bedside table ...

Such compositions can be made not only from a conventional mirror - glass with spraying. There is an acrylic mirror on the market. This is a flexible and absolutely safe material. It does not give so ideal reflection as a "normal" mirror, but it is not required for these conditions. We need plastic material with which it is easy to work. Sell \u200b\u200bsets from fragments of different shapes and size, on the opposite side of which double-sided adhesion passed. This mirror is attached simply: remove the protective film with sticky tape, apply and press. Everything.

Making Accessories for Home Decoration

Many home ideas relate to the creation of unique author's crafts that make our dwelling memorable, cozy. It is such things that create an atmosphere at home. And at all, not necessarily on their creation to spend an incredible amount of time and money. There are very simple ideas using the most ordinary, and sometimes, and thrust things.

Ideas for the house are a whole sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities to improve the interior or more convenient life ... and sometimes, both

Decoration of VAZ and Bottles Lace

Amazing transformations can take quite a little time. For example, from a conventional vase, bottles or banks, you can make a unique beauty to a vase. Moreover, the process itself will take 10-15 minutes. This is if all you have at hand. And you need, except for decorating objects, only lace, PVA glue, scissors and brush.

That's the way you thought. Just turn around the vessel with lace, cut into size, glue, we wait until dried up. It's all. But the result will please you.

Who said the lace should be white ...

Lace can be bought or tied. The second option allows you to decorate vases of complex forms, which conventional lace can be made with great difficulty. If you do not know how to knit, but you want to decorate an unusual vase, look for stretch. There is also such, and in a rather wide range. With the help of a stretched agen, most of the problems are removed.


If you are looking for original ideas for the house, consider the miniature garden-zen. It is easy to do it, looks great, and can also help you relax and calm down after a hard work day. Only this accessory is not for families with young children .... You yourself will understand why.

Sad-Zen in the original is a rather complex system, but stylization can be made from a transparent rounded capacity or even glass candlers, vases, a small aquarium. We need more sand for landscape design, terrariums or aquariums and a plant-crack or cactus.

To begin with, we will deal with how to be with a plant. It can be placed in a small pot, and to bury him in the sand. Instead of pot, you can use the sock with the soil (sock to tie). Some plants (cacti) can be planted directly in the sand. In general, choose any way, but with a direct fall in the sand, you need to take care of the normal drainage - put on the bottom of the pebbles.

Sand pour into the container, install a pot with a plant or its roots, fall asleep all this sand up to a certain level. All is ready. Now the sand surface is smoothed and draw pictures on it. For drawing there is a special metal wand, but is suitable for start and wooden.

Food you want to get closer to the original, you can make a desktop version of the Japanese garden from a small drawer. The box of the drawer is collected from wooden bars or bamboo trunks, the bottom usually makes from plywood or well-fitted and treated wooden planks. You can still make legs.

The resulting container is also filled with small sand, but what else add - your business. You can plant several plants, put stones, pebbles, put candles, Buddha statuette. In general, here everyone already creates his own Zen))

Mini garden in the house

There are two types of miniature gardens that can be done to decorate the interior of the house or apartment: open and semi-closed. An open minisade is made in large flat pots, pallets. You can use miniature bonsai type plants, succulents and small-sized cacti.

When selecting plants, pay attention not only to the dimensions, but also on the soil in which plants grow. With a sufficiently large area of \u200b\u200bthe minisade, it can be divided into zones with different soil acidity, but it will require physical separation, as well as distinction using physical partitions from plastic - soils are not mixed.

In such an interior decoration, the real garden is recreated. With paths, benches, rockers, etc. You can put a toy house, make a pond. All your fantasy will tell you.

Semi-closed mini-gardens are made in glass tanks. Very interesting look round: aquariums, vases. The grounds or stones are poured into them, plants are planted. But in such a limited volume, it is necessary to select plants not only by type of soil, but also the degree of illumination, irrigation regime, etc. In different ways to care for plants in the bank will not work.

The smallest gardens ... And then - the garden of my mug ... a piece of fairy tale

In such containers, you can grow different grades of moss. In fact, they are very beautiful and only in such miniature gardens and can be viewed to the smallest detail. Some of them resemble trees or shrubs, others more like grassy plants. From pebblers and moss create a wide variety of compositions that reproduce real landscapes or carrying us into a fabulous country.

Sofa pillows do it yourself

If we consider photos of interiors, it can be noted that in most of them the wrist of the interior gives pillows. With their help, the boring interior turns into a living and memorable. In addition, a large number of pillows allows you to comfortably relax. Similar idea of \u200b\u200bthe houses allow you to quickly change the "mood of the interior" by adding home comfort.

In the case of the use of tissues, everything is clear - select the color and texture to the interior. But there are homemade pillows, from which itifies comfort. Bright example - knitted pillows. Most different patterns, colors, forms. But the result is one - they really want to hug, press. They will be shown very non-standard.

From the old bike pajamas and sweaters, and this old jeans turn into the original pillowcase ... I need only a cloth with the adhesive basis knitted miracle - very cozy lace for trimming pillows - style you need to pick up a dilated fabric - simple and effectively

What to do if you do not know how to knit? This is not trouble. There is old sweaters. Your or children. Of these, very interesting and neat pillows are obtained. Cutting the old knitted products on the sleeves, put the pillow at semi-finished pillowcase, sew on both sides. All, designer pillow is ready.

You can also use lace, dilated fabrics, old jeans, even pajamas. Everything goes to move. And the more strange the color is, the more interesting the result is.

Ideas for home: different little things with their own hands

The atmosphere and comfort in the house create not only global things. A variety of small things that can be made of girlfriend bring no less and sometimes more pleasure and benefit. They \u003d then use often. And on the same pictures or mirrors in a month and do not look already. A certain number of ideas for turning the house in a cozy and convenient place was collected in this section.

Opportunities - sea

Paddle for shoes with pebbles

Owners of private houses have to go out into the yard regardless of the weather. Therefore, the shoes do not always shine cleanliness. Many come out of the position putting a rubber rug near the door or putting the rubber pallet. Yes, the dirt is not distributed, but the view is not the most attractive. Significantly improving the situation can be simply poured into the pebbles pallet. Water will flock on stones, the drift on them is not visible, dirt too. Periodically, it will be necessary to chuck in the water and rinse - to remove the accumulated dirt, but the pebble is a reusable material and "stelement" it simply cannot.

If there is no rubber pallet, you can knock down the wooden box with the height of the sides of about 10 cm. Pebbles can be found on the river bank, sea, etc. In extreme cases, you can find it in designer stores or where goods for aquariums are sold. But it's expensive to buy this "charm".

Storage of scarves

Scarves, cervical headscarfs and other similar products usually have a lot in each family. How to store them so that they do not occupy a lot of meta, were always at hand, and did not reveal? There are several lifhacks that can be easily made with your own hands.

First. Metal rings attach to the usual hanger. Rings can be plastic or metal. And those and others can be found in the departments trading. There are no matter where there is no, in form, sizes and material. You can kill wooden hangers / shoulders / trempels, attach the stapler brackets, to the plastic - glue or tied with threads. And all, you have a fixture for storing scarves.

A little more difficult thing about the second device. Need a treated board and a dozen-other clothespins. Clothespins to the plank are secure one side. They can be kniting with nails, fasten with self-drawing, glue. We also need a loop to consolidate the design itself on the wall.

Both ideas for home are practical, require minimum of money and a little time. And please appreciate yourself. Especially in the spring-autumn period, when scarves, scarves, porridge on the shelf a lot.

Instead of bookshelves

- The thing is good, but not everywhere they are appropriate, and there are a lot of good copies of money. But the books must be kept somewhere. Exit - metal brackets. When they are installed, the lower book serves as a support of the milking 4-5 pieces that simply fit on it.

Holder for books - all ingenious just

The lack is obvious - the bottom of the book is not available. Exit - down to lay the most unpopular or not necessary.

Holders for keys and other little things

One of the biggest problems is where to hang the keys so that they can be quickly found, and instantly hang or remove. One of the good options is a magnetic board, but where to look for it - the question. But you can make funny holders from balls for big tennis. They are caught about a third of the diameter. That's all. The holder is ready. It should only be consolidated somewhere. It is possible - on the wall with nails, you can attach several pieces on a separate board, and already the board itself attach to the wall, closet, etc.

Instead of the key - Cute face

Make such a holder for trifles can be in seconds. Loan search for tennis balls. And to be even more interesting, peaks stick to the ball. It turns out such a cheerful emoticon.

Basket made of plastic tanks and clothespins

In the LBU, the farm is full of plastic containers from food, but ideas for the house with their participation are infrequent. We found one such option in which the hero is a liter container from the Mayoneza. In principle, any bank of large diameter and low height can be suitable. Otherwise, the "basket" will be inconvenient to use.

Waste Income - Plastic Bank Basket

With the help of universal glue, the container is glued with clothespins. When the glue dries, cover the surface with varnish or oil for wood. The inner part is closed with cotton or flax covers. I do it a little longer than you need, so that you can hide the unsightly edge behind the crowd.

Handle make a steel wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. From it I wipe the arc. At one end, we make a loop, in the sidewall with the help of a nail heated on fire, we produce two diagonally arranged holes (one opposite other). In one hole, we produced the formed loop on the handle. On the second side of the wire bend, we draw through the second hole, and then we form a loop. Pen decorating a hen rope. From it you can make decorations for a basket. If you know how to weave Macrame - wonderful, no - there will be an ordinary pigtail, woven from several threads.

Stand for a sofa or chairs under cups / glasses / newspapers

Drink a cup in your favorite chair is a great idea. But there is nowhere to put a cup, the phone is always afraid between the seat and the "bye". Armrests from modern models are soft, they will not put anything on them. So invented smart people to make a stand under cups / glasses (in the photo). Extremely simple and very comfortable thing. Little ideas for home will bring you more pleasant minutes.

We will need three boards with a width of at least 25 cm. They are knocked down in the form of the letter "P" (the compound can be enhanced by carbon black). The height of the jumper is a little longer than the height of the armrest, the table should not more than 1/3 of the width of the seating, otherwise you just do not sit in the chair. The design put sideways, the bottom is rushing under the chair. It serves as an emphasis and does not give the design to turn over. For confidence, the lower part do much longer than the "Table". More, for mobility, you can install wheels, but it should not be forgotten that the legs of modern furniture are low and wheels are needed small, and it is necessary to mount from. Otherwise, the stand simply will not go under the chair.

Where to hide bowls for dogs

Dog owners know how to trouble find a place for dog bowls. Dogs living in an apartment or house are usually killed in the kitchen. There they put bowls. But they are needed for half an hour a day, and then all day are confused under the feet on the floor. You can solve the problem, and elegant. Bowls set in one of the drawers. We need - opened the box, poured food. Feeding is over - the bowls werehed, put in place, the box was deployed. Everything is perfect and does not interfere with anyone.

For this idea, a small upgrade of the box will be required. On the perimeter, a small cross section or corner is stuffed. From plywood, or another sheet material cuts a rectangle of the desired size. In it, under the bowls, cut the holes, then we can paint (if necessary). That's all, the idea is implemented. It remains to learn pets.

Idea for storing slippers

In any house or apartment with the number of residents from two or more, slippers are lost all the time, confused and disappear somewhere. One of the interesting ideas of solving the problem are such pipes / sneaker holders. Under each pair of your pipe. The order is guaranteed.

Pipes can be made of stainless steel, you can cut them from plastic pipes of large diameter. It will only be necessary to handle a slice well - to be comfortable and beautiful.

The design of the apartment can be completely designed independently. To do this, you need to know several basic rules and show your own imagination. Thanks to our recommendations, you can design the apartment design with your own hands.


Very often, repairs in the apartment will not express out of the motives to change the usual situation, and when certain problems arise. For example, the plaster or furniture comes to unsuitability from the ceiling. Very often we are ready to live in akin to the end, provided that the minimum comfort is observed, and do not solve repair. This choice is not always intelligent. Professional designers picked up "Lifehaki" for the transformation of your apartment or at home. They are able to inhale a new life even in the most silent room.

There are two main ways to design a house or apartment design - you can make simple cosmetic repairs or change everything radically. The choice is always yours. It is necessary to take into account the overall style, and only then select the color gamut of the room, given the future interior.

Actual trends

For its apartment it is best to choose current trends in design. It will help you make your home stylish and modern. Add notes in it with modernity and use materials that will serve you for many years. So you will be able to postpone the next repairs in your home.

In the design of the apartment professionals most often apply such styles as:

  • provence;
  • loft;
  • country and many others.

Many designers today design design and in rustic style.


Classic style combines several directions. Among them - Baroque, Rococo, Classicism, Modern, English and others. There was a classic style for several centuries ago, but managed not to lose its relevance today, which proves its beauty and practicality.

Its feature is expensive decor objects and decoration, as well as carved furniture. Fireplace, statues, antiques are traditional components of the style.


This style will help recreate the situation inherent in some particular nation. You can revive Japanese minimalism in your home, German pragmatism, Russian identity.


Modern design is such directions as:

  • art Deco;
  • minimalism;
  • high tech and others.

In modern style, the spirit of progress and postmodernism is clearly felt. There is a refusal of excess comfort and details. This design is inherent in beauty in simplicity. Strong lines, monotony, minimalism, lacquer on surfaces, strict furniture, bright lighting is an all modern style.


Choosing the color of the walls and floor for an apartment or at home, follow the prompts of professionals:

  • Shades of green and blue contribute to the concentration of attention and relax their eyes. Also good milky white and pale yellow tones.
  • Orange and red raise excitability.
  • To create a harmonious combination, it is necessary to take a white and any contrast color. The combination of colors also depends on style. For high-tech, white, gray and bright red will suit. For modern, you need to choose purple, red and pink.
  • There is no combination of two bright contrasting colors.
  • It is not recommended to connect brown and gray in one room. They visually reduce the room.

  • The color of the floor can be both light and dark. It all depends on the stylistics of the room.
  • In small rooms it is necessary to add more light. But do not overdo it. If you have a light ceiling, the floor can be made contrast. This will add more brightness.
  • Just 3-4 mirrors for the entire apartment for visual expansion of space.

Materials during finishing can be used any. It all depends on the design you choose. Today, brickwork becomes more and more popular. She will fit well into the industrial style. Decorative plaster is more suitable for classic.

We develop a design project

When developing a design project, a common housing style should be taken into account and the features of each individual room, its functionality and stylistics.

The bathroom is suitable for the design of the Victorian era. He looks very rich and like many people. Such a luxury should be decorated with vintage furniture.

In the kitchen you can put an unusual chair with smooth lines. It will be simply amazing. Fixtures in the style of chrome surface are fitted Fusion. It will be a good combination.

The living room must have a maximum comfort and a lot of space. If you have a lounge of a large area, then you can safely use a variety of colors in the interior. For a small living room, it is better to use light tones. So you can visually expand the space.

It is difficult to develop a design project with your own hands. You can do it yourself only if you follow our recommendations.

You can additionally use the application to create design. This will simplify the task. The process of creating a project in this case looks like this:

  • Measure We draw or print a layout indicating real sizes.
  • Large-scale plan. The ratio of real size with the plan on the plan should be 1: 4. It is done either manually or on the computer.
  • Task technical plan. It is a list of what is to be done: the selection of the style, the choice of furniture in the premises, colors and everything that the interior will give logicality and rationality.
  • Planning solution. Need to redeem the apartment and find out how to do everything by law. We note zones and arrange objects (so far only on paper).

  • 3D. Create a three-dimensional model from a flat plan in the SketchUp program and try to go through it virtually. A plan may arise due to the fact that now you will more fully understand how we have on paper will look in real life. You will also understand the advantages and disadvantages of finishing with various materials, work various little things and so on.
  • Selection of style. Before you begin this stage, you already imagine what and how will it function and how your interior and design and design will look. Once again, re-read the previous points, finally determine everything for yourself, look at the pictures that were inspired and taken for a sample interior and proceed directly to the design.
  • Consider the settings of the apartment before you start choosing materials for finishing, furniture, lamps and lamps, etc. There is not enough high ceiling, poor lighting and other troubles can greatly prevent your ideas in life.
  • Blueprints. Transfer outline to the plan. There will be drawings for dismantling, and installation drawings. We mark lamps and other light sources, switches with sockets.

Necessary materials and tools

For budget repairs you will have to independently buy building materials. Let's go through tools and materials to which you have to appeal during operation. You will need:

  • A perforator that combines functions and drills, and a jackhammer, and a solution mixer, and a screwdriver. To expand the functionality we advise you to buy a car, a cartridge with an adapter, a mixer for solution, peak and a blade.
  • Screwdriver. He has two actions: twist and unscrew the screws, dowel, anchor, bolts, and drill metal. We also buy a set of bits and drills.
  • Bulgarian. It is necessary to purchase 3 disks: a cutting disc for metal, diamond (for concrete and ceramics) and grinding.
  • Building level. There are a wide variety of dimensions of this tool, ranging from 20 centimeters and ending with 2.5 meters. Little openings are enough to level 40 cm. Walls, ceilings and sex are needed, respectively, greater level. Very popular and often used bubble alcohol. Due to the presence of alcohol, it is successfully operated at a temperature below zero.

  • Roulette for measurements. Recommended length - seven meters.
  • Hacksaw. Need a tool with large teeth - for bars and boards, and with small - for plywood, fiberboard, chipboard and plastics.
  • A hammer. We need a conventional hammer with a rectangular cross section, one stupid side and one bevel.
  • Passatia. Help and eat wire, and pull the nail. This is a multifunctional tool.
  • Spanner set from 6 to 22 mm.
  • Spatulas - narrow, wide and gear. The narrow (60-80 mm) is useful for hard-to-reach openness. Wide (200-400 mm) for walls, openings, etc. The sword is needed to apply glue to the tile or stone area.
  • Also, conventional paint brushes will also be required.


Even the simple repair of the walls will not do without finishing. We offer you original ideas. You can safely use them in your home. You will certainly get original and stylish design:

  • Fresh press. The newspaper instead of wallpaper on the walls is very original and stylish. With a proper white paper, this option will look quite well. The newspaper is much thinner than the wallpaper, so do not forget to cover it with a protective varnish after sticking.
  • Brick. The wall of the brick will be a good solution for stylish design. But only flashes in modern interiors, she too often and managed to get bored already. Therefore, you can post a brick not the whole wall, but only a part. It will be interesting to look at the White Outside of the Wall. You will have an interesting contrast.
  • Sea stones. Returning from vacation, you can grab the material to finish your home right from the sea. Sea stones and pebbles are reliable enough. It is convenient and pleasant to work with them and can be installed, laying out various patterns.

You can lay out both the whole wall, and only a small part.

  • Stretch walls. If you imagine what a stretch ceiling is, you will not call the question, what is the stretch walls. This practice is found quite infrequently and that will add originality to your design. Do not be afraid to try something new.
  • Plasterboard. Inaction and bizarre designs from drywall do not like designers. However, there are cases when even such a finish looks stylish and effectively.

In order not to overdo it and do not make a cardboard box out of your room, it is still better to first consult with specialists.

How to distinguish between space?

Independently visiting the comfort in the house is quite possible. You can not only beautifully, but also practicalize space, just adding decorative partitions. Let's take a look at several ways to distinguish between space and separate the room from each other:

  • Podium in the middle of the room. A non-standard and rather unusual choice, as it may seem first. It is necessary to throw away the bed, and instead they build a podium with a height of half a meter and put a huge mattress on it. It will give your setting peacekeeping, calm and friendliness. You can add to the podium boxes that are extended, and store various things there.

  • Individual space.If you live in an apartment building, then this does not mean that your apartment cannot transform and make it at least a bit individual. For example, reducing the ceiling above the bed. This visually creates the center of the room and focuses on the sleeping area. It will help in this plasterboard. Do not forget to pre-build some unusual backlight there.

For each person, the house is a special place where you can relax with soul and body, relax after a hard working day, spend time in a circle of loved ones and friends. This is a serene island filled with tranquility and warmth, comfort and care that overwhelms the owners of the owners with limitless peace, instilling in their soul, inherent in their soul. Not always our house looks so cozy, as we sometimes would like.This problem is quite solved: you can turn your house into a corner where comfort lives and warm, peace and serenity live. You will independently be able to turn your home in the desired place for your heart: we understand the intricacies of creating comfort with your own hands.


All the necessary materials for crafts can be found at home or do it yourself. Such crafts will not refuse the place even the most stylish designer decorations. However, do not forget about the features of the selection of the decor for each room. What appropriate for one room, for another will be absurd and absurd.

The kitchen will wonder the panels from the fabric, especially if it is on the topic of cooking. Themes can be teapots, jugs and other dining attributes.

Such a panel will create the impression of a special coziness and heat. Beautiful paper butterflies, designed for chandeliers, will not be appropriate in the kitchen, because they will interfere with it.

Paper butterflies are an excellent addition to the living room or in the bedroom. It is in these rooms that they will create a feeling of weightlessness, the ease that is required for such rooms.

In the bathroom you can lay a rug made of fabric made by your own hands. Choose that color that will harmoniously combine with the color gamut of your bathroom. Do not forget that not every craft is suitable for a particular room. Before you start making the decor, agree on its color with the color of your room, relevance in this room, similarity with style.

Now, more and more people were interested in Hand Mid (handmade crafts). Such crafts are valued high, since they are alien to factory stamping and lack of exclusive. Hand Maid is always a unique style, the only instance. You will be able to make Hand Meid for the house, it is worth only to give the will of fantasy and think what you want to do. You can make everything that fantasy allows. Such a thing will have a unique design, special value and uniqueness. Make something possible for the internal interior and for the facade of your home.

Think what it can be. What will give your home extra comfort. Perhaps an unusual picture, panel, a figurine made of plaster, a lamp that resembles a starry sky and much more. You can transform your interior any, even a small element that will harmoniously fit into the style of the room. All this you can make your own hands.

The occupation of such creativity is relaxing and brings pleasure. Creating creativity. Let your home become your personal workshop and the museum of your unique works.

For different premises

You can build something with your own hands for any interior (whether it is a decor for your favorite cottage or a cute handicraft for an apartment). As a rule, for a country house, something that will correspond to its style is made. The design of this house is most often relaxed, a fairly simple, who does not claim for a decisive luxury. Therefore, make such crafts that will complement the house reflecting its essence. It can be a picture made using colors, knitted panel or wicker basket.

Simple decor elements will also be suitable for the wooden village house. Something who visits on the thoughts of nature, simplicity (for example, crafts from wood or fabric will be an excellent addition to the decor of such a house).

For a private house or apartment there is a huge variety of ideas of interior jewelry. It can be crafts even from leaves (autumn leaves, slightly dried, then filled with varnish and glued to cardboard that add charm to your home). For some crafts, you will need men's hands to help to fulfill the work for you.

From the subwoofers

It is possible to realize your creative ideas even from the most common means that will be housed at home. Ingenious crafts do not require tremendous costs. You just can only connect your imagination and start making the decor for your interior. To do this, you can use different unnecessary fabrics, for example, from old clothes, cardboard, paper, simple toothpicks, CD discs and other little things that will be in any house.

Decorative panel can be made of fabric or yarn.Monophonic furniture can be decorated with butterflies cut out of paper: It will give your room the fragrance of beauty and immediacy. You can paint the walls of Sakura, and the pink petals gently cut out of the paper and stick onto the wall.

Use old dishes that you no longer use, shoes or bags. Any unnecessary things may go to the move (old clothes, magazines, boxes from under anything, old drawers, suitcases and more).

Detailed master classes

You will learn how to make a panel from the fabric, a picture in the technique of quilling, crafts in the technique of Patchwork, learn how to apply old CDs, paint the lining at home, read the other useful information on making comfort to your home. Take yourself a note of a couple of useful tips that will be outlined below.

What to sew for comfort?

Unbelievably cozy and cute, crafts, which wear an interesting name - panel. They can be made of fabric, wood, beads and other materials.

We will look at the easiest option, how to make a panel of fabric:

  • You will need flap of different colors and length. It is necessary to stick them to cardboard or any other tight material (you can on a wooden plank, if you have it). Immediately decide on the picture you want to embody: so it will be easier for you to choose the desired material.
  • After selecting the desired image, start cutting it out of the fabric and stick to the cardboard. It is advisable to use PVA glue, because it is suitable for sticking the flap, will firmly keep them on cardboard.
  • Cardboard can also be added to any cloth, preferably one-photon. It will serve as a background for the main image.
  • If you do not want to use glue for your panel, you can sew thread flap. Similar seams look very interesting.

If you think that such a task you can not worry, do not worry. Any images are suitable for panels, even the simplest and simple. Cut from fabric various geometric shapes or simple items (for example, kettle, mugs, pots, jugs, flowers, etc.). This is even a child.


No less interesting in the interior, crafts in the style of Patchworks look. This patchwork machinery resembles a panel of fabric. These are neatly carved flap assembled in the composition of a certain topic, which can decorate any item of your room. For example, a patchwork is often decorated with pillowcases or blankets, collecting them from many flap of different sizes and color. More often fragments for compositions are rectangular and triangular geometric shapes, as well as squares. Pillows performed in Patchwork technique look very interesting, they will definitely add your living room of bright colors.

By the way, the decor elements made in the Patchwork technique are most suitable for the interiors in the style of Provence or Bocho.

Creative knitting

Undoubtedly, a beautiful element and addition to your interior will be knitted crafts from yarn. If you love and know how to knit, the original schemes of toys, stands and napkins will help you to realize the conceived in reality. You can associate an interesting case for flower pots or a stand under hot. We present to your attention instructions for creating a knitted rug from those things you do not use.

Take the old thing and start cutting it on the helix. You must have a long strip width not more than 4-5 cm. Armed with crochet for knitting and start making a chain of air loops. Use strips of different color if you have a lot of old things. The resulting rug is decorated with a corridor or any other room in the house. A similar piece of decor looks original, make it will not be much difficult. Moreover, he will be cramped shortly, so it does not take a lot of time to create, but the comfort you will surely be guaranteed.

Ideas for storing things

Creative things that look stylish and original can make not only a professional designer. You yourself will be able to make unusual and useful things for homemade little things.

For example, a blank plastic bottle from lemonade is suitable for storing all sorts of trifles:

  • With the help of a stationery knife, cut a bottle in half. You will need the lower part without a neck. Arm yourself with beautiful paper napkins and glue. Mastery Capacity in the technique of decoupage.
  • You will need to make a piece of bottle with glue with glue. Make it, as you already understood, is easier than simple.

If you have old drawers from the table, they can be transformed into an exclusive designer thing, saving the inner walls of the drawer with multiple paper napkins or brilliant paper for gifts. In such a box you can store any small things. By the way, the exterior walls of the box can also be repainted in another color or specially aged, having funned for the same paint.

The formation of things is now a special technique that will give the decor a vintage style.

If you have jars from the paints after repair, you can use them as storing things. It is worth only to come up with how you decorate the jar and give it a proper look. You can work in the technique of decoupage, wrap with gift packaging or decorate rhinestones at all, sequins. Such a jar can be hung or put on the shelf, storing stationery and other little things in it.

If you are a hostess or owner of a wooden house, you do not alien to the problem of blackout wood and the loss of its former attractiveness. To prevent damage to the wooden surfaces of the house, you can paint the lining inside. The paint retains the wooden texture well and makes the tree more resistant and durable. Painting the lining should be in several stages:

Preparation for paint coating

At this stage you will need pumice, clean rag, painting brush, primer. Clean the lining from contamination by the resulting solution from warm water and soda, the old paint can be removed using foil. Wipe it the surface without exerting too strong pressure so as not to spoil the wooden surface.


With the help of pembol or sandpaper (preferably fine-grained), carefully polish the lining.


Pretty wipe the lining from the gathered dust and apply the primer in a few layers with the drying of each of them.


This stage is the final on which you will need two brushes: medium width and narrow brush. Apply paint into several thin layers, but not more than three. It is recommended to start painting on top so that it is not fluttered from the already painted places. Before applying the second layer, wait to the first layer of the back. The last layer of paint should be the thinnest. Choose only good paints that have proven themselves in the market of this segment from a positive side and get the highest assessments from buyers. To do this, before buying it is worthwhile.

Mastery of paper

Paper is one of the most affordable materials for crafts. From it you can make origami, napkins, a stand under hot and other crafts that will look original and interesting, it is worth only to show fantasy. One of the most beautiful crafts that can be made of paper is a picture in a quilling technique. To do this, cut thin paper strips.

Each strip is folded, giving it any form (more often oval). With the help of pressure by your fingers to the folded tangle paper, form a multilayer oval shape. Just do not press the paper too much, otherwise you risk turning it into a flat tangle. In this technique you can make a picture and hang it on the wall. And you can immediately glue similar paper balls on the wall, if it is monophonic and neurkaya.

Take the cardboard and prepare the paper. You can use color cardboard. Cut thin strips from paper material and start sticking into cardboard with PVA glue. Picture a fantasy flower or butterfly. The image can be completely any. Such a picture can be hung in the bedroom, living room. She will look gorgeous in any room.

From paper you can even make a stand under hot. To do this, cut the thick strips of paper, start turning the resulting bands, forming a tangle. Depending on how the size you want to make a stand, cut the balls more or less. After connecting them to each other, gluing on the sides. Stand under hot ready.

We offer you to decorate your chandelier paper butterflies. To do this, draw a butterfly on paper and cut it on the contour. Give a small hole and grind a thread there. Making the nodes on the end, hang the resulting butterfly on the chandelier.

The more butterflies you cut out, the charming will look at your room.

Draw on a monochon wall trunk of a tree and departing from it in different directions of a dark paint branch. With color paper cut out green tree petals or pink sakura petals, sticking them on the sprigs of the drawn trunk. This is an amazing option for making the brightness of one-photon walls.

A stylish apartment is a dream that seems unattainable to many. It is believed that only the efforts of professional designers and enormous financial investments will turn an apartment in an ideal. But the fact is that to create a harmonious and exquisite interior, it is not at all necessary to hire specialists and spend astronomical sums. Enough to show a little fantasy.

Skillful hands are able to work wonders even in a tiny apartment. Do not believe? Look in the Internet. On a variety of various sites, you can learn great ideas for the interior with your own hands. There is everything here: the revival of old furniture, the decoration of the room, the creation of unusual elements of the decor from the girlfriend. Even the old lamp, scattered volumes of the "British Encyclopedia" or a broken chair that have been lying around for many years on the balcony, can become a chic decoration of your bedroom or living room. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Decoupage furniture Oboyami

Do you have pieces of old wallpapers left on the mezzanines left with the last repair? Do not rush to attach them to the garbage as unnecessary trash! They will help breathe life into old interior items, turning them into designer things.

The coffee table will look spectacular if putting a piece of elegant wallpaper under the glass on it. No need to mess with glue. If the pattern is tired, it can be changed at any time.

To decorate the lampshade wallpaper - an excellent idea: the thing becomes bright and refined. In addition, the lamp turned on the pattern, swinging the bizarre shadow around the room. Is it not true, beautiful?

An unusual headboard can be done simply by sticking over the bed a piece of wallpaper of contrasting color. This solution is especially convenient for beds without backs.

Wallpaper black and white tones, striped or cage - a stylish decoupage option.

Wall mural pasted on the cabinet doors allow you to create unique furniture in exotic styles.

IMPORTANT: In order to facilitate cleaning, choose easily washable wallpaper, for example, vinyl.

Decoupage cabinet wallpaper

A boring table or a shabby wardrobe is becoming a boring table or a shabby wardrobe, an enlivent atmosphere. This type of decoupage is very simple in performance and is available to everyone. Take advantage of the great ideas as:

  • Fucking wallpapers with the same ornament. A boring white cabinet will be much more expressive! Watch the drawing to coincide, and the color harmonized with the color of the walls and the shared appearance of the room.
  • Patchwork technique. Creative looks for furnaces with pieces of wallpaper with different pattern, like when sewing a patchwork blanket. The main thing is that "Loskutiki" combined between themselves and created a harmonious composition.
  • Blowing with wallpaper from the inside. Working, but spectacular idea for open shelves. Allows you to create a bright composition by making the rear wall of the rack and the shelves themselves element design.

IMPORTANT: Before getting to the salary, with the help of sandpaper and acrylic paint, clean the work surface from stains, cracks and scratches.

Other types of decoupage

Exquisite compositions for decorating furniture are created by other means.

Napkins for decoupage. They are not difficult to find in specialized stores for needlework. A variety of style, they allow decorating furniture in accordance with the common room style.

The cloth. Decoration of matter - an effective way to breathe life into old furniture. It is convenient to use old curtains for this. The cabinet, placed with slices of fabric, looks elegant and unusual. Re-covering the old chair, you will get a stylish piece of decor.

Varnish. A simple and refined way - sticking the napkins for decoupage, to cover them with varnish. Effective idea of \u200b\u200busing a special varnish for cracker: such a varnish creates beautiful cracks on the surface.

Toning paint. Furniture toned by colored paints looks bright and exquisite. Extravagant option - to paint the table through tulle, receiving an elegant pattern. Skillful toning can be artificially "to formate" furniture, giving her aid nobility. The effect of antiquity creates decoration of gold or silver paint. Luxurious gold or silver will make stylish even the most nondescript furniture.


Head - the main decorative element bed. It is easy to make a bright emphasis in the bedroom design, if you show imagination:

  • soft headboard: A piece of polyurethane foam is pasted on a solid base and is covered with velvet, velor or other material. For decoration, use buttons;
  • natural tree. The colossal choice of ideas: noble wooden panels, exquisite wooden grille, cute shelves and much more. It seems to be a headboard from natural branches;
  • a rock. Insert from natural stone will be heading. Lovers of spectacular designs can be headboard panels from sea pebbles;
  • bamboo. Exotic material that allows you to create a unique headboard - from an elegant panel to an exotic headboard collected from bamboo sticks of different height;
  • picture. Favorite picture or photo, causing warm memories, will become an exquisite headboard and will expand the bedroom space;
  • installation. Here you can show fantasy, using the most unexpected items to decorate. The result is becoming more beautiful. Do not be afraid to experiment!

Roman curtains

Roman curtains - a comfortable and stylish solution for the interior of any of the rooms of your home. They are a piece of the canvas in the size of the window with the sewn straps. Thanks to the last Roman curtains can be collected as blinds, forming beautiful folds.

Easy and grace make Roman curtains with a magnificent decorative element. They can be decorated with a living room or bedroom, hang in the nursery. This is a practical option for the kitchen. The rich selection of colors allows you to find an option to soul.

Roman curtains are easy to make yourself. To do this, you will need a piece of your chosen fabric and old blinds:

  • measure the width and length of the window, add 1 cm on each side for the seams and cut a piece of matter. Find the iron and push on the seam;
  • remove the extra planks from the blinds, the rest are sticking to the insane curtain;
  • hang a chart.

Instead of blinds, you can use wooden bars. In this case, the bar is glued or sewn, on the choice. Do not forget to sew rings for cord pass.

Wall decor from photo

Elegant photos from a personal archive or from the Internet will become an exclusive detail of the interior. We just need to try a little!

Photo frames - not the only way to hang photos on the wall. Think of such ideas as:

  • Photo on the substrate. Find a thick, hard and light basis (perfect option - foam or polystyrene foam). Print photos so that it was 5 cm more substrate: the clearance is necessary for folds. Gently glue a photo to the substrate, bending the ends. Treat the photo with glue to the glitter image. If you cut a photo into several parts, you will get a spectacular modular picture.
  • Photo on canvas. You will need a canvas stretched on the frame and the printed image in size. Apply a thick layer of glue medium on canvas, press the image tightly and leave for a few hours, not forgetting to be wetted from the sprayer. Then carefully separate the paper and apply the gel medium to canvas to protect. It turned out a gorgeous image with spectacular wiping!

Creative ideas for using a photo in the interior there are many. Use!

Original mats

It is difficult to believe how magicly transforms the interior due to the pretty rug. It is also easy to make it yourself with his hands from the girlfriend, the choice of which is very large.

Leather belts. A dozen belts of genuine leather (their quantity depends on the width of the future rug) is fastened with each other with metal brackets or ropes. Looks great!

The cloth. You can skip trimming through the holes of the bath rug, creating a fluffy surface, or weave a pretty rug from narrow strips of matter. Great material will be old T-shirts or fluffy bath towels.

Wine plugs. Of the approximately two hundred wine plugs, cut in half and pasted on the water-repellent base, it turns out an incredibly stylish rug. From the traffic jams you can lay out the pattern.

Woolen threads. Having made pumps from woolen threads and engage in each other, you will get an incredibly cozy rug. The choice of shades richest!

Sea stones. Beautiful pebbles assembled on the beach can turn into a spectacular bathroom rug. Incredibly stylish!

Cozy pillows

Soft sofa pillows create a feeling of comfort and serve as a bright emphasis in the interior. If it is difficult for you to find a pad in the store that meets your tastes, do not be mistaken: it is easy to make it yourself.

Pillow with your own hands. Each master who can handle the sewing machine, can sew a pillow or a soft asterface and mold. Update old sofa pillows, sewing pretty pillowcases for them. A rich choice of fabrics and packs in stores guarantees the embodiment of any idea.

Staining. If you do not know how to sew, it does not matter: boning pillows are easy to paint into a new color with special paints for fabric. The spectacular option is a drawing or pattern applied using a stencil. Especially convenient for painting white pillows.

Ombre. To obtain a fashionable and surprisingly spectacular color, dipped the pillowcase into the dye on 2/3 of the length and now remove the centimeters from the liquid to 5. Wait another 5 minutes and deliver the following 5 cm, and so to the end. The result is a stylish gradient.

Decorative lampshades

The original lampshade will become a real decoration of the room. You can make it yourself, having received a truly exclusive thing. The choice of materials for the manufacture is very large:

  • paper. The elegant carved cap will not just decorate the lamp, but will also discard bizarre shadows. Creative lampshade will succeed in world map or favorite photos;
  • the cloth. Needlewomen can sew a lampshade to their taste or decorate the one that is already available, ribbons, appliqués, draperies;
  • threads. Tightly wrap the lampshade with twine and fasten: simple and elegant! With the help of an inflatable ball, thick threads and glue, you can make a stylish lamp shape in the shape of a ball;
  • beads or buttons. Sew or glue them to the table lamp, and it will turn into a work of art. Another way is to ride beads on the threads and, attaching to the metal hoop, make an elegant lampshade;
  • twists. Collect smooth rods and secure them with each other. It turns out an unusual lampshade of natural material.

This and much more you can do yourself: just skillful hands and fantasies. Do not be afraid to create!

Living Succulent Decor

Live plants as a decoration - is truly magical. The design element from succulents will certainly cause admiring exclamations of your guests. It is difficult to believe that such beauty can be made at home with your own hands:

  • Wall of succulents. The shallow box closes on top of a metal mesh with a wooden frame. Inside the soil is poured (any mixture is suitable for cacti). Succulent composition is planted. These unpretentious plants feel great in the most difficult conditions. The design is fixed vertically and pleases the eye.
  • "Plantation" on the table. It will take a fat countertop with a deepening in the middle. Put there boxes with succulents and admire the extraordinary "plantation", green in the middle of your desk in the living room.
  • "Green" coffee table with a glass countertop. Its lower part turns into a flower pot, where a variety of succulents are planted. Decorate the composition with elegant pebbles.

Important: To create a composition, choose a variety of plants in shape and color.

Glass packaging in decor

Glass bottles, banks, bubbles are spilled in our homes. Surprisingly, these useful items can turn into an exquisite decor. Make them easily even newcomer.

Decoration. With the help of brushes, paints and inspiration you can turn the usual jar or a bottle into artwork. For decoration, threads, beads, fabric, paper, adhesive tape and all materials that get under hand are also suitable. Finished packaging can become an exclusive vase or a cute souvenir.

Lamp. The simplest way is to shove the LED tape in a bottle of colored glass and get a spectacular festive flashlight. If you cut a bottle or cut a hole in it, it will turn out an unusual candlestick or original chandeliers.

Exclusive utensils. It is enough to cut a bottle and get used to her carefully. From the bottle, painted across, it turns out a unique wineglass or a vase. Split the bottle along - and you will have exclusive coasters for food.

On the Internet there are hundreds of ideas available to all ideas on the use of glass containers in the decor. Act!

What is just not invented in the world of design for a comfortable, stylish and at the same time of the original interior. Experienced masters know what to surprise their buyers. Do you think to do something like this unreal? And in vain! We have 80 luxurious ideas for the house, which are not much different from designer frills.

1. Curtains of beads

Instead of the ordinary door, adorable curtains from beads and beads look more interesting. Make this very easy, you only need to buy a lot of beads.

In the process of work, you will be useful: scissors, base for curtains (cord, fishing line), eaves, large beads, and beads itself.

Think up the pattern, then measure the fishing line by folding it twice. Leave the stock to attach it to the bar, and start weave.

We decorate the bar and fasten the bead threads.

2. Decor on the wall in the form of a world map

Required materials: twine, hammer, handle, stationery metal cloves, one-picture plot on the wall, world map.

The finished panel can be decorating by anything - photographs, pictures, postcards and other things that always want to consider.

3. Marine motives: Unusual clock on the wall

How to transform home furnishings and keep a romantic beach mood? We advise you to make hours from sea pebbles.

For work, prepare pebbles, clockwork, scissors, ruler, paint, marker, glue, cardboard and wrapping paper.

Wrap a paper frame (you can also use a beautiful tight fabric).

Collect pebbles in different color, draw the dial, we mark the place for fastening the mechanism and secure a loop on it.

We glue pebbles.

Mount the mechanism and admire the unique masterpiece!

4. Magic lamp

Even the usual glass bank can shine without electricity. And make such a magic will not be difficult.

For sparkling flashlight, make a glass jar, a lot of glass bowls, alcohol, cotton, luminescent paint and brush.

To begin with, wipe the jar inside the alcohol, and only then the brush slighten the strokes and the point of paint. Let it completely die. It remains only to pour glass balls - so the rays in a wonderful lamp will be playfully echoes.

5. Filter bulb

6. Pictures drawn with floral buds

Artistic craft die for everyone when there are flowers, paints and inspiration.

7. Basket-rosette from felt for trifles

Felt - a comfortable material primarily for those who only know the dise of cutting and sewing. It is not necessary to skillfully and cut out, since such a tissue does not require an overlock. It is enough just to cut and connect.

So, prepare: felt, ruler, knife, pins, thread, stencil in the form of a hexagon.

Transfer the shape and cut out.

Collect the core pins.
Attach the remaining petals.

Wonderful basket in the form of roses is ready! Her functions may have a mass - from storing small things, to the newsmeal and flower porridge.

8. Natural composition of branches and living colors

Materials: wire, plugs, beautiful ribbon, small branches up to 15 cm long (about 60 pieces), secret and best colors.

Mastery framework.

We twist our composition, fix it with the remaining wire.

Final barcode - decor. Waving a sprig ribbon, we put flowers inward and put in a glass flask. The result is incredible!

9. Decorating Wall Paper for Origami

10. Functional board-organizer

11. Original shelf with banks

12. Magnificent lace lace lace

Materials: Lace fabric (it can be a piece of old curtain), brush, PVA glue, electric mechanism and inflatable air balloon.

First of all, cut fragments from lace.

I inflate the ball, smearing it with glue and put the bracket our lace circles. We leave to sleep for a day.

I piercing the ball with a needle, peeling it from the lace surface.

We make a hole in the opposite side for wiring. Install the electrical mechanism.

13. Vote-lamps

This original lampshade imitates the old bucket, creating the effect of antiquity. But in fact, made of dense specific fabric.

14. Plates with messages

15. Penate photo photocollazh

16. Impressive photoosten

17. Creative suspension with photos

18. Letter memories

19. Exclusive vase from banks and nuts

20. Laconic cute vases on the wall

Materials: reduction (preferably square), fasteners, leather ribbon, cute glass pots, screws, hammer, screwdriver and scissors.

21. Decorative clay pot

22. Transformation of old shoes

23. Uncommon panel - a new role in old-fashioned ties

24. Decorate the wall by baby hats and elegant dresses.

25. Vintage cabinet from window frames

26. Not standard space for skis

27. "Ski" Photo Frame

28. Music wall of guitars

29 ... and vinyl records

30. Head of old pallets

Very simple idea for creating a cozy interior identity. On pallets you can hang different things: mini garlands, ribbons, cute fabrics.

31. Cork rug

Excellent alternative to ordinary postponed in the bathroom! It is convenient, practical and beautiful. Such a rug repulses moisture, and its natural color will harmoniously fit into almost any atmosphere.

32. Old storage boxes

33. Stakenik for hangers - element of vintage decor

34. Retro idea: decorating furniture inside with beautiful wallpaper

35. Wallpapers on the doors

36. Wall Frame - Honorary Place for Luxury Wallpaper Ornament

37. Double feature of one picture

Support the theme of wallpapers on the wall, wrapped by the same books.

38. Update the desk lamp, decorating the lampshade of beautiful wallpaper

39. Nature in your home

40. Another role of ordinary hanger

41. Hanger with a clip as the holder of paintings, photos and other decorative items

42. Office tablet for compositions on the wall

43. Artist experiments

44. Bright chandelier with pompons for children

45. Magnificent paper balls for decor

46. \u200b\u200bBocho garland

47. Cute braid for the Roman curtain

48. We transform lampshade adorable fringe

49. Funny Interior Detail - Garland from Mini Pomponov at the window

50. Stool Restoration for Children

From the old stool with scratches and scratches it is easy to make a beautiful and stylish subject of the interior. Prepare paints, greasy tape and colored woolen threads to sew a cute pillow with pompons for a stool.

51. Koryaga in the role of hangers

52. Vintage chest - an excellent alternative to the journal table

53. Original bedside table from the chest

54. Chest as an exhibit inside a glass box - Central interior decor object

55. Extravagant trumina from the suitcase

56. Unusual minibar

57. "In suspended" - chest of a la shelf

58. Suitcases for storage

59. Charming Lenhing for Pet

60. Non wall

61. Cities and countries over the desktop

62. Notes Chalkboard

63. Instead of wallpaper old newspapers

64. Precious Bookmarks

In the modern world of computer technology books also acquired an electronic format. But for some of us, the ritual reading the old good books in their pristine appearance is still the place to be. A luxurious bookmark will not only further emphasize its importance and value, but also become a decorative highlight of your interior. A similar thing is easy to make with your own hands.

For decoration, any jewelry - beads, brooks, stones will be suitable.

You will also need to work: wide colored ribbons (velvet or satin), scissors, thread, needles, nippers, glue and clips for decor.

Take the ideal combination of your taste.

Clear ribbons, folding them twice.

We decorate the ends of the clamps.

65. Serving decor - Butterflies from napkins

Add a romantic note in the design of the table, turning paper napkins in pretty bright butterflies. You just need a thin wire, scissors and, of course, the napkins themselves.

We put in half a napkin.

We form triangles on diagonal lines.

On one side, the end of the triangle connect with the vertex.

I turn over the opposite direction and bend the vertex to the base.

That's all! It remains only to make a mustache from the wire.

66. Bird on the canvas

68. Stylish Decor Plate

Required materials: White plates, tape, special markers, water, cotton wands and oven. Ward wands with a glass of water will be needed in order to adjust the pattern.

Variant n ° 1

Option n ° 2

The final barcode is to consolidate the figures received by placing our oven saules. For porcelain 220 ° C for 30 minutes, for ceramics - 160 ° C the same 30 min.

69. Unusual Case for Vase

Vase from a plastic bottle with a decorative case from multicolored lightning looks much more attractive!

Materials: 12 lightning (20-25 cm), plastic bottle, thread, knife.

Stitching along the length of the zipper.

We sew two edges (you can do it manually).

We try.

Cut the top of the bottle.

Cut flowers and enjoy the composition!

78. Family organizer: make up the menu

79. Luxury basket "Pink Heart"

80. Romantic Decor - Heart of branches

Such options for the magnificent ideas of manual crafts and other things for the house - what is needed when the usual interior is no longer inspired, and to dramatically change the situation for you not to pocket.