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Shock therapy. Kolyma stories, Shalamov Vamlam Tikhonovich

The story of the story of V. Shalamov - a painful description of the prison and camp life of the prisoners of the Soviet Gulag, their similar to another tragic destinies, in which the case, merciless or gracious, assistant or killer, arbitrariness of chiefs and thieves. Hunger and its convulsive saturation, soda, painful dying, slow and almost as painful recovery, moral humiliation and moral degradation - that's what is constantly in the spotlight of the writer.


The author recalls the names of his camps. After causing a sorrowful martyrologist in mind, he says who died and how he died, who was and how she was, who was hoping for, who and how he had led himself in this Auschwitz without stoves, as Kolyami camps called. Few who managed to survive, few people managed to stand and remain morally intact.

Life engineer Kypeev

I did not betray anyone and not selling, the author said that she had developed a formula for himself to actively protect his existence: a person only can consider himself to consider himself a man and stand up if at any moment he was ready to commit suicide. However, later he understands that he only built a comfortable asylum, because it is unknown what you will be in a decisive moment, whether you have enough physical forces, and not just spiritual. Arrested in 1938, the physicist-physicist of the Cypriaev did not only endured the beating at the interrogation, but even rushed to the investigator, after which he was planted in the Cake. However, it still achieves signatures under false testimony, blowing his wife's arrest. Nevertheless, the Cypriaev continued to prove himself and others that he is a person, and not a slave, which are all prisoners. Thanks to his talent (he invented a way to restore burned electric light bulbs, replenished the X-ray machine), he manages to avoid the hardest work, but not always. He miraculously remains alive, but moral shock remains in it forever.

At the show

The camp plant is evidenced by Shalamov, to a greater or lesser extent concerned everyone and happened in a variety of forms. Two thoughts playing cards. One of them is played in the Pooh and asks to play a "show", that is, in debt. At some point, a raised game, he unexpectedly orders the usual prisoner from intellectuals, accidentally produced among the audience their games, give a woolen sweater. He refuses, and then someone from the thoughts "cums" him, and the sweater still gets Bratulary.

At night

Two prisoners suffer to the grave, where the body of their deceased comrade was buried in the morning, and take the lingerie from the deadly to sell or change to bread or tobacco. The initial dishes to the removed clothing is replaced by a pleasant thought that tomorrow they may be able to eat a little more and even smoke.

Single frozen

The camp work, uniquely determined by Shalamov as slave, for the writer - the form of the same plant. The procedure-prisoner is not able to give the percentage rate, so work becomes torture and slow kidding. The alarm of Dugaev gradually weakens, without holding a sixteen-hour working day. He takes, Kaelit, Rajlets, again takes and again Kaelit, and in the evening there is a caretaker and freezes the tape measure made by Dougaev. The named digit is 25 percent - it seems to Dougaev very big, he has a hatch of caviar, the hands, shoulders, head, he even lost his feeling of hunger. A little later, he is called to the investigator who asks the usual questions: the name, surname, article, term. And in the day of the soldiers, Dugayev will lead to a deaf place, a fenced high fence with barbed wire, from where at night the dragonment of tractors is coming. Dugayev is guessing, why did he come here and that his life is over. And he regrets only that in vain woven the last day.


Sherry Brandy

The prisoner-poet dies, which was called the first Russian poet of the twentieth century. It lies in the dark depth of the lower row of solid two-story narc. He dies long. Sometimes some thought comes - for example, that he was stolen by bread, which he put under his head, and it is so scary that he is ready to swear, fight, see ... But he has no strength for this, and the thought of bread too Lake. When a daily soldering is put in his hand, he pulls away the bread to her mouth, sucks him, trying to tear and nibble with quinted stressful teeth. When he dies, he is not written off two days later, and inventive neighbors manage to receive bread on a dead man like a living: they do that the one like a puppet doll raises his hand.

Shock therapy

The prisoner of Merzlyakov, a man of a major physique, being in common work, feels that he gradually rents. Once he falls, it cannot immediately get up and refuses to drag a log. He first beaten his own, then an escorter, he is brought to the camp - he has broken ribs and back pain. And although the pains quickly passed, and the rib has grown, Merzlyak continues to complain and pretends that he could not raise, seeking at any cost to delay the record of work. He is sent to the Central Hospital, to the surgical department, and from there for research into the nervous. He has a chance to be actured, that is, written off on illness to the will. Remembering the braister, a rapid cold, a bowl of an empty soup, which he drank, not even using a spoon, he concentrates his whole will, so as not to be shown in deception and sent to the penalty area. However, the doctor Pyotr Ivanovich himself, in the past, the prisoner was caught not slipping. Professional displaces human in it. Bol

like a part of his time, he spends precisely on exposing the simulants. This is a tessist of his pride: he is an excellent specialist and is proud to keep his qualifications, despite the year of common work. He immediately understands that Merzlyak is a simulant, and anticipate the theater effect of a new exposure. At first, the doctor makes him Rauch-anesthesia, during which the body of Merzlyakova managed to disperse, and another week the procedure for the so-called shock therapy, the action of which is similar to the rustling of violent madness or epileptic seizure. After her, the prisoner himself asks for an extract.

Typhoid quarantine

Prisoner Andreev, sick tithes, enters quarantine. Compared with the general works on the presence of the patient, the position of the patient gives a chance to survive, for which the hero was almost no longer hoping. And then he decides with all the truths and inconsistencies as long as possible to stay here, in the transit, and there, perhaps, it will not be sent to the golden slaughter, where hunger, beatings and death. At the rollback before the next shipment on the works of those who are considered recovered, Andreev does not respond, and thus he can be hidden for quite a long time. The transit gradually empties, the queue finally reaches Andreev. But now it seems to him that he won his battle for the life that now the Taiga was saturated and if they were sent, then only the closest, local business trips. However, when the truck with a selected group of prisoners, who unexpectedly gave rise to winter uniforms, will be minus the line separating the neighboring business trips from the distant, he with an internal shudder understands that fate brutally laughed at him.

Aneurysm Aorti

Disease (and the exhaust state of prisoners "gains" is quite equivalent to severe illness, although it was officially not considered as such) and the hospital - in the stories of Shalamov an indispensable attribute of stories. In the hospital enters the concluded Catherine Glovakskaya. Beauty, she immediately liked the duty officer Zaitsev, and although he knows that she is in close relationship with his acquaintances, concluded by stavalov, the head of the mug of artistic amateur activities, ("Theater Theater", how to joke the head of the hospital), nothing prevents him in turn try your luck. He starts, as usual, with a medical examination of the Glovakovka, with listening to the heart, but his male interest is rapidly replaced by a purely medical concern. He finds aortic aortic aneurysm to the Glovakian aneurysm - a disease in which any careless movement can cause a fatal outcome. The bosses, which took the unprinted rule, separated lovers, was once sent a globatkaya on a penalty of women's field. And now, after the report of the doctor about the dangerous disease of the prisoner, the head of the hospital is confident that it is nothing more than the mistake of all the same bedrooms trying to delay the mistress. Globatskaya is discharged, but when loading in the car happens, what Dr. Zaitsev warned, - she dies.

The last fight of Major Pugacheva

Among the heroes of Shalamov's prose there are those who do not just seek to survive at any cost, but also able to intervene in the course of circumstances, to stand up for themselves, even risking life. According to the author's testimony, after the war 1941-1945. In the northeast camps began to arrive prisoners who fought and past German captivity. These are people of different hardening, "with courage, the ability to risk, believed only in weapons. Commanders and soldiers, pilots and scouts ... ". But the main thing, they possessed the instinct of freedom, which awakened the war in them. They shed their blood, sacrificed their lives, saw the death face to face. They were not corrupted by camp slavery and were not still exhausted before the loss of forces and will. "Wines" were the fact that they were surrounded or captive. And Major Pugachev, one of these, not yet broken people, is clear: "They were brought to death - to change these living dead", which they met in Soviet camps. Then the former major collects as decisive and strong, for himself to be, prisoners, ready to either die, or become free. In their group - pilots, scout, paramedic, tanker. They realized that they were immune to death and that there was nothing to lose. All winter prepare escape. Pugachev understood that only those who would have passed common work can go through the winter and after that. And the participants of the conspiracy, one by one, are moving to the service: someone becomes a cook, someone cultivorg, who reinforces the weapon in the guard. But spring comes, and with it and the day of day.

At five o'clock in the morning they knocked on the watch. The duty implies the camp chef-prisoner who came, as usual, behind the keys from the pantry. After a minute, the duty officer turns out to be strangled, and one of the prisoners is disguised in his form. The same happens with the other, who returned a little later on duty. Further everything goes according to Plan Pugachev. The conspirators break into the premises of the guard and, shooting the duty officer, take advantage of weapons. Holding under the sight of suddenly awakened fighters, they dress up in a military shape and reserved by the province. Going beyond the limits of the camp, they stop the truck on the track, the chauffeur plant and continue the path already on the car until gasoline ends. After that, they go to Taiga. At night - the first night on freedom after a long month of captivity - Pugachev, waking up, recalls his escape from the German camp in 1944, the transition through the front line, interrogation in a special department, accusation of espionage and sentence - twenty-five years in prison. Remembering and recreation in the German camp of the Emissarians General Vlasov, who recruited Russian soldiers, convincing them in the fact that for the Soviet power, they were all captured, traitors of the Motherland. Pugachev did not believe them, while he could not verify himself. With love, he looks around sleeping comrades who believed in him and stretching hands to freedom, he knows that they are "better than all worthy of all." And a little later, the fight is tied, the last hopeless battle between the fugitives and surrounding their soldiers. Almost all of the fugitives die, except for one, seriously wounded, which is cured to then shoot. Only Major Pugachev managed to leave, but he knows, hanged in Blood Berloga, which will still find him. He does not regret the made. The last shot of his shot.

Research - E. A. Shklovsky

Good retelling? Tell your friends in the social network, let them prepare for the lesson!

While gracious time, when Merzlyak worked with a stable and in a homemade krukrochka - a large canning can with a punched bottom on a manner of Sita - it was possible to cook from oats obtained for horses, a croup for people, cook porridge and these bitter hot knees to drown, wad hunger , even then he thought over one simple question. Large oblique mainland horses received a daily serving of government oats, twice as large than squat and cosmatic Yakut horsens, although those and others drove the same little. The bastard-Persheron Thunder fell asleep in the feeder so much oats, how many would be enough for five "yaks." It was right, it was used everywhere, and it was not tormenting Merzlyakov. He did not understand why the camp of human missions, this mysterious painting of proteins, fats, vitamins and calories intended to absorb their prisoners and called a boiler sheet is compiled at all without taking into account the live weight of people. If they relate to them as a working cattle, then in matters of the diet, it is necessary to be more consistent, and not to keep some arithmetic average - stationery fiction. This terrible average at best was beneficial only by Malorosl, and indeed, the little ones reached later than others. Merzlyakov, on its construction, was like a percheron thunder, and the pathetic three spoons of porridge for breakfast only increased the sucking pain in the stomach. But besides the soldering, a brigadier worker could not get almost nothing. All the most valuable - and oil, and sugar, and meat - did not fall into the boiler at all in the amount of what is written in a boiler sheet. I saw Merzlyak and more. The first people were dying. No habit of hard work changed here exactly nothing. The delicate intellectual still kept longer than a giant Kaluzanin - natural excavator - if they were fed the same, in accordance with the camp soldering. In increasing the soldering for the percentage of production, too, there was little proc. Because the main painting remained the same, in no way designed for the inclined people. In order to eat better, it was necessary to work better, and in order to work better, it was better to eat better. Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians died first everywhere. They were the first to reach, which caused remarks of doctors: they say, all this Baltic state of the Russian people. True, the native life of Latvians and Estonians was further stood from the camp of life than the life of the Russian peasant, and they were harder. But the main thing was still in the other: they were not less hardy, they were simply larger than growth.

A year and a half ago, Merzlyaku happened after Qinggi, which quickly piled a novice, work freelance sanitation in the local hospital. There he saw that the choice of dose of medication was done by weight. The test of new drugs is carried out on rabbits, mice, guinea pigs, and the human dose is determined by recalculation by body weight. Doses for children less than doses for adults.

But the camp diet was not calculated by the weight of the human body. That was the question of which the wrong decision was surprised and worried Merzlyakov. But earlier, what he looked finally, he miraculously managed to make a breather - where it was possible to steal the Horses of Oats and knock them down their stomach. Merzlyakov already thought that he would break, and there - that God would give. But it happened wrong. The head of the concess was removed for drunkenness, and his senior horse was appointed to his place - one of those who at one time taught Merzlyakov to handle a tin coar. Senior Grandmiths himself turned a lot and perfectly knew how it was done. In an effort to establish yourself before the bosses, he, without needing already in oatforcing, found and his own struck all the largest homes. Oats began to fry, cook and eat in natural form, fully equating their stomach to the horsepower. The new head wrote a report on superiors. Several Konyukhov, including Merzlyakov, were planted to the Carester for theft of oats and are directed from the concession to where they came from, - on common work.

In general works, Merzlyakov soon realized that death is close. His shuttle under the severity of the logs, which had to drag. The foreman who unlusted this lazy forehead ("Lob" is also a "tall" in the local language), whenever Merzlyakova "under the member", forcing Kollych, the thick end of the log. One day, Merzlyakov fell, could not get up immediately from the snow and, suddenly deciding, refused to drag this damned log. It was too late, dark, the escalers were in a hurry to politzanyatiy, the workers wanted to get to Barack, to the food, the decades this evening was late for a card battle, "Merzlyak was to blame in the whole delay. And he was punished. He was beaten first with his own comrades, then a foreman, conversion. It remains a log in the snow - instead of a log, Merzlyakov brought to the camp. He was freed from work and lay on the horses. The loin was sick. Feldscher smeared back Merzlyakov Solidol - no means for rubbing in the medical center was not long ago. Merzlyakov lay all the time, having seduced, aggressively complaining about the back pain. There were no pain for a long time, the broken edge has grown very quickly, and Merzlyakov sought at the price of any lies to pull out an extract to work. He was not discharged. Once he was dressed, put on stretchers, immersed in the body of the car and together with other patients were taken to the district hospital. X-ray there was no x-ray. Now it was necessary to think about everything seriously, and Merzlyakov thought. He lay there for several months, without being blinking, was transported to the Central Hospital, where, of course, X-ray was and where Merzlyakov was placed in the surgical department, in the chamber of traumatic diseases, which, according to the simplicity of spiritual, patients called "dramatic" diseases, not thinking about bitterness of this kalabura.

"That's right," said Surgeon, pointing to the history of Merzlyakov's disease, "we translate to you, Peter Ivanovich, there is nothing to treat it in surgical.

- But you write in a diagnosis: ankylosis on the soil of the spine injury. I mean what? - said the neuropathologist.

- Well, ankylosis, of course. What else can I write? After beatings and not such things can be. Here I have a gray "gray" there was a case. The older beat the worker ...

- Once, Seryozha, listen to me about your cases. I ask: why translate?

"I wrote:" For the survey for the subject of the activation. " Skid it with needles, and turn on the steamer. Let it be a free man.

- But did you make pictures? Violations should be visible without needles.

- did. Here, please see. - Surgeon brought a dark film negative on the gauze curtain. - Damn it will understand in such a picture. As long as there is no good light, good current, our x-ray all the time will give such a torment.

"True a torment," said Peter Ivanovich - well, so be. - And he signed his surname on the history of illness, consent to the translation of Merzlyakov to himself.

In the surgical department, noisy, stupid, crowned frostbizes, dislocation, fractures, burns - Nordic mines were not joked, - in the department where a part of the patients lay right on the floor of the chambers and corridors, where one young, infinitely tired surgeon with four paramedics: all They slept for three to four hours, - there they could not carefully do Merzlyakov. Merzlyakov understood that in the nervous department, where it was suddenly translated, and this consequence will begin.

All his arrestish, desperate will was focused on one long ago: Do \u200b\u200bnot raise. And he was not flexing. As I wanted to raise the body at least for a second. But he recalled the braisch, slightly breathing cold, frill, slippery, shining from frost stones of a golden slaughter, a bowl of sovereign, which he drank a volley for dinner, without using an unnecessary spoon, the konvoir boots and the Boots of the Devnigans - and found the power not to get off . However, it was already easier than the first weeks. He slept a little, afraid to raise in a dream. He knew that Sanitation duty officers had long been ordered to follow him to catch him in deception. And after the launch, it also knew Merzlyakov - followed the shipment to the penalty area, and what should be the penalty area, if the ordinary left the Merzlyakov such terrible memories?

The next day after the translation of Merzlyakov led to the doctor. The head of the department asked briefly about the beginning of the disease, and he left sympathetically head. He said, as if by the way that even healthy muscles with a multi-month unnatural position get used to him, and a person himself can make a disabled person. Then Peter Ivanovich proceeded to examine. For questions at eye injections, when tapping with a rubber hammer, at the pressing of Merzlyakov answered at random.

For more than half of their working time, Peter Ivanovich spent on exposing the simulants. He understood, of course, the reasons that pushed prisoners to the simulation. Peter Ivanovich himself was recently concluded, and it was not surprised by the child's stubbornness of simulants, neither the frivolous primitiveness of their fakes. Peter Ivanovich, the former associate professor of one of the Siberian institutions, he himself folded his scientific career into the same snow, where his patients saved their lives, deceiving him. You can not say that he does not regret people. But he was a physician to a greater extent than a person, he was a specialist primarily. He was proud that the year of general did not knocked out a specialist doctor from him. He understood the task of exposing the deceivers at all with some high, national point of view and not from the position of morality. He saw in it, in this task, worthy of applying his knowledge, to its psychological ability to place the Western, in which they should have had a hungry, polushemissed, unfortunate people to come to the worst glory of science. In this battle of the doctor and the simulant on the side of the doctor there were all - and thousands of cunning drugs, and hundreds of textbooks, and a rich equipment, and the help of the convoy, and the vast experience of a specialist, and on the patient's side was only horror before the world, where he came to hospital And where he was afraid to return. It is this horror that gave prisoner for the struggle. Exposing the next deceiver, Peter Ivanovich experienced deep satisfaction: again he receives a testimony of life that he is a good doctor that he did not lose qualification, but, on the contrary, I pulled off, polished it, in a word that he can still ...

"Fools these surgeons," he thought, squeezing the cigarette after the departure of Merzlyakov. - Topographic anatomy do not know or forgotten, and reflexes and never knew. They are saved by one x-ray. And there is no snapshot - and cannot confidently say even about a simple fracture. And how much! - That Merzlyak Simultant is Peter Ivanovich clearly, of course. - Well, let him lie near the week. For this week, all analyzes will collect everything in shape. All papers in the history of the disease put down. "

Peter Ivanovich smiled, anticipating the theater effect of a new exposure.

A week later in the hospital, the stage was collected on a steamer - the translation of patients to the big land. The protocols were written immediately in the Chamber, and the chairman of the medical commission came from the Office independently looked through patients cooked by the hospital to sending. His role was reduced to viewing documents, checking proper design - personal inspection of the patient was half a minute.

"In my lists," said Surgeon, "there is someone Merzlyak." He was broken a year ago convoires spine. I would like to send it. It was recently translated into the nervous department. Documents for sending - here, prepared.

The chairman of the commission turned towards the neuropathologist.

"Bring Merzlyakov," said Peter Ivanovich. Half-bent Merzlyakov led. The chairman looked at him.

"Eka Gorill," he said. - Yes, of course, there is nothing to keep such. - And, taking the pen, he reached out to the lists.

"I don't give my signature," Petr Ivanovich said with a loud and clear voice. - This is a simulator, and tomorrow I will have the honor to show it and you and the surgeon.

"Well, then leave," the chairman said indifferently, putting the pen. - And in general, let's finish, it's too late.

"He is a simulant, Seryozha," said Peter Ivanovich, taking the surgeon as they came out of the chamber.

Surgeon released his hand.

"Maybe," he said, frozen fruitful. - Give you a god of success in exposure. Get a lot of pleasure.

The next day, Peter Ivanovich at the meeting at the head of the hospital reported on Merzlyakov in detail.

"I think," he said in conclusion, "that we spend the exposure of Merzlyakov in two receptions." The first will be Rauch-anesthesia, which you forgot, Sergey Fedorovich, - he said with a celebration, turning toward the surgeon. - It had to be done immediately. And if Rass will not give anything, then ... - Peter Ivanovich spread his hands, then shock therapy. This is an interesting thing, I assure you.

- Isn't it too? - Alexandra Sergeyevna said, headed by the largest hospital department - tuberculosis, full, cargo woman who recently arrived from the mainland.

"Well," said the head of the hospital, "such a bastard ..." he shy little in the presence of the ladies.

"Let's look at Rausha's results," said Peter Ivanovich conciliatively.

Raush-anesthesia is a stunning anesthesia of short-term action. The patient falls asleep for fifteen - twenty minutes, and during this time the surgeon should have time to push dislocation, amputate finger or reveal some kind of painful beating.

The bosses, dressed in white bathrobes, surrounded the surgery table in the dressing, where the obedient semi-bent Merzlyakov was laid. Sanitary tapes, which usually tied patients with the operating table.

- Do not, do not! - shouted Peter Ivanovich, running. - Here is a ribbon and not necessary.

Merzlyakov's face turned up. The surgeon put an anesthetic mask on him and took a bottle with ether in his hand.

- Start Seryozha!

Ether ordered.

- Deeper, breathe deeply, Merzlyakov! Count out loud!

- Twenty-six, twenty-seven, "Merzlyakov considered a lazy voice, and suddenly breaking off the bill, he spoke something, not immediately understandable, fragmentary, reciprocated by Maternaya Brani.

Peter Ivanovich kept the left hand of Merzlyakov in his hand. A few minutes later the hand weakened. Peter Ivanovich released it. The hand is soft and dead fell on the edge of the table. Peter Ivanovich slowly and solemnly dispersed the body of Merzlyakov. All ashung.

"Now tie him," said Peter Ivanovich Sanitara.

Merzlyakov opened his eyes and saw a hairy fist of the hospital chief.

- Well, Gadda, the boss hoarsely. - Now you will go on trial.

- Well done, Peter Ivanovich, well done! - Served Chairman of the Commission, clapping a neuropathologist on the shoulder. - But yesterday I completely gathered this gorilla free to give out!

- Unleash it! - commanded Peter Ivanovich. - Peel from the table!

Merzlyaks have not yet woke up completely. In the temples pounded, in the mouth was the sickel, the sweet taste of the ether. Merzlyakov also did not understand now - a dream is or a yawn, and maybe he saw such dreams more than once before.

- Well, you all to the mother! - He unexpectedly shouted and bent, as before.

Wideworm, the bony, almost touching with its long, thick fingers of the floor, with a muddy look and dismayless hair, really similar to the gorilla, Merzlyakov came out of dressing. Peter Ivanovich reported that the sick of Merzlyaks lies on the bed in his usual pose. The doctor ordered him to bring him to his office.

"You are exposed, Merzlyakov," said the neuropathologist. - But I asked the boss. You will not go under the trial, will not send to the penalty area, you will simply discharge from the hospital, and you will return to your mine, on the old work. You, brother, hero. For a whole year I fumbled my head.

"I don't know anything," said Gorill, without raising his eyes.

- How you do not know? After all, you have just disturbed!

- No one blends me.

"Well, my dear," said the neuropathologist. - This is no longer too much. I wanted to be in a good way. And so - look, you yourself will ask for an extract in a week.

"Well, there will be there in a week," Merzlyak said quietly. As he was to explain the doctor that even an extra week, an extra day, an extra hour, lived on the world, this is His, Merzlyakovsky, happiness. If the doctor does not understand this himself, how to explain to him? Merzlyakov was silent and looked into the floor.

Merzlyakova took away, and Peter Ivanovich went to the hospital chief.

"So you can tomorrow, not a week later," said the boss, after hearing the proposal of Peter Ivanovich.

"I promised him a week," said Peter Ivanovich, "the hospital will not flock.

"Well, okay," said the boss. - Let in a week. Just call me. And you will be tied?

"You can't bind," said the neuropathologist. - Will dislocate or leg. Keep will be. - And, taking the story of Merzlyakov's disease, the neuropathologist wrote in the column of appointments "shock therapy" and put the date.

When shock therapy is introduced into the blood of a patient dose of camphor oil in an amount, several times greater than the dose of the same medicine when it is injected into the subcutaneous pricing to maintain the heart activities of seriously ill. Its action leads to a sudden attack, similar to the rustling of violent madness or epileptic seizure. Under the blow of the camphor, all muscle activity is sharply rising, all human motor strengths. The muscles come to the tension of the unprecedented, and the power of the patient who lost consciousness, rates. The attack lasts a few minutes.

Several days have passed, and Merzlyakov did not think to blend in their will. It came in the morning, recorded in the history of the disease, and Merzlyakov led to Peter Ivanovich. In the north, the doctor's office is full of entertainment. Eight hefty sanitary cars lined up along the walls. In the middle of the cabinet stood a couch.

"Here and we will do," Petr Ivanovich said, getting out of the table. - I will not walk to surgeons. By the way, where Sergey Fedorovich?

"He won't come," Anna Ivanovna said, duty sister. - He said "Busy".

"Busy, busy," Petr Ivanovich repeated. - It would be useful for him to see how I do his work for him.

Merzlyakov shoved the sleeve, and the paramedher anointed his hand with iodine. Taking into the right hand of the syringe, Feldsher Plotol the needle Vienna near the ulnate bend. Dark blood rushed from the needle inside the syringe. The piston gripped with a mild thumb, and the yellow mortar began to go to Vienna.

- Pour apart! - said Peter Ivanovich. - And lively go away. And you, - he said to Sanitara, - Keep it.

The huge body of Merzlyakov jumped up and scored in the hands of Sanitars. Eight people kept him. He hoarse, beat, was lying, but the Sanitars kept him firmly, and he began to sink.

- Tiger, the tiger can be kept so, - Peter Ivanovich shouted. - In Transbaikal, tigers are caught. Now pay attention, "he said to the hospital chief, - how Gogol exaggerates. Remember the end of Taras Bulba? "Not a little thirty people hung around him and on his feet." And this gorilla is bigger than bulbs. And just eight people.

"Yes, yes," said the boss. He did not remember Gogol, but he liked the shock therapy.

The next morning, Peter Ivanovich was delayed by Koyki Merzlyakov during the circumference of patients.

- Well, like, he asked, - What is your decision?

"We write down," said Merzlyakov.

Shalamov V.T. Collected works in four volumes. T.1. - M.: Fiction, Vagribus, 1998. - P. 130 - 139

Name pointer: Gogol N.V. , Lunin S.M.

All rights to the distribution and use of works of Varlam Shalamov belong to A.L. The use of materials is possible only when agreeing with the editors [Email Protected]website. The site was created in 2008-2009. on the funds of the grant RGHF No. 08-03-12112V.

Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov

"Kolyma stories"

The story of the stories of V. Shalamov is a painful description of the prison and camp life of the prisoners of the Soviet Gulag, their similar to another tragic destinies, in which the case, merciless or gracious, assistant or killer, arbitrariness of chiefs and thieves. Hunger and its convulsive saturation, soda, painful dying, slow and almost as painful recovery, moral humiliation and moral degradation - that's what is constantly in the spotlight of the writer.


The author recalls the names of his camps. After causing a sorrowful martyrologist in mind, he says who died and how he died, who was hoping, who was hoping for who and how he had led himself in this Auschwitz without stoves, as Kolyami camps called. Few who managed to survive, few people managed to stand and remain morally intact.

Life engineer Kypeev

I did not betray anyone and not selling, the author said that she had developed a formula for himself to actively protect his existence: a person only can consider himself to consider himself a man and stand up if at any moment he was ready to commit suicide. However, later he understands that he only built a comfortable asylum, because it is unknown what you will be in a decisive moment, whether you have enough physical forces, and not just spiritual. Arrested in 1938, the physicist-physicist of the Cypriaev did not only endured the beating at the interrogation, but even rushed to the investigator, after which he was planted in the Cake. However, it still achieves signatures under false testimony, blowing his wife's arrest. Nevertheless, Cypriaev continued to prove himself and others that he is a person, not a slave, which are all prisoners. Thanks to his talent (he invented a way to restore blown light bulbs, fixed the X-ray machine), he manage to avoid the greatest work, but not always. He miraculously remains alive, but moral shock remains in it forever.

At the show

The camp plant is evidenced by Shalamov, to a greater or lesser extent concerned everyone and happened in a variety of forms. Two thoughts playing cards. One of them is played in the Pooh and asks to play a "show", that is, in debt. At some point, a raised game, he unexpectedly orders the usual concluded from intellectuals, accidentally produced among the audience their games, give a woolen sweater. He refuses, and then one of his thoughts "cums" him, and the sweater still goes to Bratula.

At night

Two prisoners steps to the grave, where the body of their deceased comrade was buried in the morning, and take the lingerie from the dead men to sell or change to bread or tobacco. The initial dishes to the removed clothing is replaced by a pleasant thought that tomorrow they may be able to eat a little more and even smoke.

Single frozen

The camp work, uniquely determined by Shalamov as slave, for the writer - the form of the same plant. The procedured-prisoner is not able to give the percentage rate, so work becomes torture and slow kidding. The alarm of Dugaev gradually weakens, without holding a sixteen-hour working day. He takes, Kaelit, Rajlets, again takes and again Kaelit, and in the evening there is a caretaker and freezes the tape measure made by Dougaev. The named digit is 25 percent - it seems to Dougaev very big, he has a hatch of caviar, the hands, shoulders, head, he even lost his feeling of hunger. A little later, he is called to the investigator who asks the usual questions: the name, surname, article, term. And in the day of the soldiers, Dugayev will lead to a deaf place, a fenced high fence with barbed wire, from where at night the dragonment of tractors is coming. Dugayev is guessing, why did he come here and that his life is over. And he regrets only that in vain woven the last day.


Sherry Brandy

The prisoner-poet, whom he called the first Russian poet of the twentieth century. It lies in the dark depth of the lower row of solid two-storey nar. He dies long. Sometimes some thought comes - for example, that he was stolen by bread, which he put under his head, and it is so scary that he is ready to swear, fight, see ... But he has no strength for this, and the thought of bread too Lake. When a daily soldering in his hand is put in his hand, he presses her mouth to his mouth, sucks him, trying to tear and nibble with quinted stressful teeth. When he dies, he is not written off two days later, and inventive neighbors manage to receive bread on a dead man as a living: they do that the one like a puppet doll raises his hand.

Shock therapy

The prisoner of Merzlyakov, a man of a large physique, being in common works, feels that he gradually surrender. Once he falls, it cannot immediately get up and refuses to drag a log. He first beaten his own, then an escorter, he is brought to the camp - he has broken ribs and back pain. And although the pains quickly passed, and the rib has grown, Merzlyak continues to complain and pretends that he could not raise, seeking at any cost to delay the record of work. He is sent to the Central Hospital, to the surgical department, and from there for research into the nervous. He has a chance to be actured, that is, written off on illness to the will. Recalling the braischi, a cheeky cold, a bowl of an empty soup, which he drank, not even using a spoon, he concentrates his whole will, so as not to be outreached in deception and sent to the penalty area. However, the doctor Peter Ivanovich himself, in the past, the prisoner, caught not slip. Professional displaces human in it. Most of his time he spends on exposing the simulants. This is a tessist of his pride: he is an excellent specialist and is proud to keep his qualifications, despite the year of common work. He immediately understands that Merzlyak is a simulant, and anticipate the theater effect of a new exposure. At first, the doctor makes him Rauch-anesthesia, during which the body of Merzlyakov managed to disperse, and after another week the procedure for the so-called shock therapy, the action of which is like a rustling of violent madness or an epileptic seizure. After her, the prisoner asks for an extract.

Typhoid quarantine

Prisoner Andreev, sick tithes, enters quarantine. Compared with the general works on the fores, the patient's position gives a chance to survive, for which the hero was almost no longer hoping. And then he decides with all the truths and inconsistencies as long as possible to stay here, in the transit, and there, perhaps, it will not be sent to the golden slaughter, where hunger, beatings and death. At the rollback before the next shipment to the works of those who are considered recovered, Andreev does not respond, and thus he is long been able to hide. The transit gradually empties, the queue finally reaches Andreev. But now it seems to him that he won his battle for the life that now the Taiga was saturated and if they were sent, then only the closest, local business trips. However, when a truck with a selected group of prisoners, which unexpectedly gave rise to winter uniforms, will be minusing the line separating neighboring travel from distant, he with an internal shudder understands that fate brutally laughed at him.

Aneurysm Aorti

Disease (and the exhausted state of the prisoners - "downturn" is quite equivalent to severe illness, although it was officially not considered as such) and the hospital - in the stories of Shalamov an indispensable attribute of stories. The hospital gets the prisoner Ekaterina Glovakskaya. Beauty, she immediately liked the duty officer Zaitsev, and although he knows that she is in close relationship with his familiar, enclosed beft, the head of the mug of amateur amateur, (the "serfdom", how to joke the hospital chief), nothing prevents him in turn try your luck. He starts, as usual, with a medical examination of the Glovakovka, with listening to the heart, but his male interest is rapidly replaced by a purely medical concern. He finds aortic aortic aneurysm to the Glovakian aneurysm - a disease in which any careless movement can cause a fatal outcome. The bosses, which took the unprinted rule, separated lovers, was once sent a globatkaya on a penalty of women's field. And now, after the report of the doctor about the dangerous illness, the head of the hospital is confident that this is nothing more than the mistake of all the same beds trying to delay the mistress. Globatskaya is discharged, but when loading in the car happens, what Dr. Zaitsev warned, - she dies.

The last fight of Major Pugacheva

Among the heroes of Shalamov's prose there are those who do not just seek to survive at any cost, but also able to intervene in the course of circumstances, to stand up for themselves, even risking life. According to the author's testimony, after the war 1941-1945. In the northeastern camps began to arrive prisoners who fought and past German captivity. These are people of different hardening, "with courage, the ability to risk, believed only in weapons. Commanders and soldiers, pilots and scouts ... ". But the main thing, they possessed the instinct of freedom, which awakened the war in them. They shed their blood, sacrificed their lives, saw the death face to face. They were not corrupted by camp slavery and were not still exhausted before the loss of forces and will. "Wines" were the fact that they were surrounded or captive. And Major Pugachev, one of these, not yet broken people, is clear: "They were brought to death - to change these living dead", which they met in Soviet camps. Then the former major collects as decisive and strong, for himself to become concluded, ready to either die or become free. In their group - pilots, scout, paramedic, tanker. They realized that they were immune to death and that there was nothing to lose. All winter prepare escape. Pugachev understood that only those who would have passed common work can go through the winter and after that. And the participants of the conspiracy, one by one, are moving to the service: someone becomes a cook, someone cultivorg, who reinforces the weapon in the guard. But spring comes, and with it and the day of day.

At five o'clock in the morning they knocked on the watch. The duty officer admits the camp chef-concluded, which came, as usual, behind the keys from the pantry. A minute, the duty officer turns out to be strangled, and one of the prisoners is disguised in his form. The same happens with the other, who returned a little later on duty. Further everything goes according to Plan Pugachev. The conspirators break into the premises of the guard and, shooting the duty officer, take advantage of weapons. Holding under the sight of suddenly awakened fighters, they dress up in a military shape and reserved by the province. Going beyond the camp, they stop the truck on the track, planted the chaffeur and continue the path already on the car until gasoline ends. After that, they go to Taiga. At night - the first night on freedom after a long month of captivity - Pugachev, waking up, recalls his escape from the German camp in 1944, the transition through the front line, interrogation in a special department, accusation of espionage and sentence - twenty-five years in prison. Remembering and recreation in the German camp of the Emissarians General Vlasov, who recruited Russian soldiers, convincing them in the fact that for the Soviet power, they were all captured, traitors of the Motherland. Pugachev did not believe them, while he could not verify himself. With love, he looks around sleeping comrades who believed in him and stretching hands to freedom, he knows that they are "better than all worthy of all." A little later, the fight is tied, the last hopeless battle between the fugitives and surrounding their soldiers. Almost all of the fugitives die, except for one, seriously wounded, which is cured to then shoot. Only Major Pugachev managed to leave, but he knows, hanged in a bearish berry, that they will still find him. He does not regret the made. The last shot of his shot.

Shock therapy

One of the prisoners named Merzlyak, being in common work, felt that he was getting worse and worse. When he once fell, she was a log, he refused to rise. For that, he was beaten at first, then the warders. And he hit the camp with the fracture of the rib and pain in the lower back. The rib healed and passed pain, but this did not show Merzlyakov, trying to stay in Lazarut a little longer. Understanding that physicians cannot cure a prisoner, he will be taken to the local hospital for inspection by specialists. For him, there is a chance to be activated by the state of health, because with such diseases it will not be sent again to the mistress, where it was raw, cold, and fed with incomprehensible soup, where there was only a driver who could easily drink without the help of a spoon. Now he concentrated completely on his behavior, so as not to be enthusiastically in lies and not earn money and penalty.

But with the doctor Merzlyakov was not lucky. He was treated by Peter Ivanovich - a doctor who specialized in the exposure of simulants. And at least he was the same year of conclusion, he was taller than the medical principles. Realizing that the Merzlyaks simulant, he directs the patient first to Rauch-anesthesia, which allows you to break the patient, and after and on the shock therapy, after which the patient himself asked for an extract.

Typhoid quarantine

After the disease of the title, the prisoner Andreeva is placed under quarantine. At the forecasts themselves, compared with common work, health plays a big role. Andreeva wakes up for a long time satisfying hope not to return to where dampness, hunger and death reigned. He hopes longer to stay in the transit, and there, maybe, and lucky that they will not be returned to the forecast. On the construction of prisoners before sending Andreev did not respond, as it was considered not yet recovered. He was in the transit until she was empty, and the queue did not come to him. Andreev seemed that he defeated the death that he was already closed the way to forecast in Taiga, that he was now sent only to local business trips. But when the truck with prisoners, who were given winter clothes, suddenly crosses the shared feature between the near and long-distance business trips, Andreev understands that the sulfur simply burned over him, and that everything starts again.

Aneurysm Aorti

In a hospital, where there were exhausted prisoners-order, the concluded Glovakskaya Catherine falls. It was good that she immediately liked the Zaitsev - the hospital duty officer. He knows that Katya and his friend-prisoner beds, which was the head of the mug of amateur activities, had a relationship. But it did not stop him, and the hare decides to try their own happiness.

He began, as he likes a doctor, with a medical examination of a patient concluded. But that male and interest in a beautiful woman quickly changed to medical concerns when he finds out that Katya suffers on aortic aneurysm - a disease that with the slightest improper movement can lead to death. The bosses thought that these were the tricks of the beloved, so that his beloved was longer near, and gives the team of the Zaitsev to write a patient.

The next day, when the prisoners were driving into the car, it happened what the doctor was warned by - Catherine dies.


Shalamov - Kolyma Stories

Varlaam Shalamov is a writer, who has undergone three deadlines in the camps, survived the hell, who lost his family, friends, but not broken by Naitaria: "The camp is a negative school from the first to the last day for anyone. Man - Neither the boss, nor the arrestant to see him. But if you saw him - I must say the truth, no matter how terrible it is.<…> For my side, I have long decided that I dedicate the rest of my life for this truth. "

Collection "Kolyma stories" - the main work of the writer, which he composed for almost 20 years. These stories leave the extremely difficult impression of horror from the fact that people really survived. The main topics of works: camp life, breaking the nature of prisoners. All of them were waiting for an imminent death without food, without joining the fight. Hunger and its convulsive saturation, soda, painful dying, slow and almost as painful recovery, moral humiliation and moral degradation - that's what is constantly in the spotlight of the writer. All heroes are unhappy, their fate ruthlessly broken. The product language is simple, simple, not decorated with means of expressiveness, which creates a sense of the truthful story of an ordinary person, one of many who worried all this.

Analysis of the stories "At night" and "condensed milk": problems in "Kolyma stories"

The story "At night" tells us about the case that does not immediately fit in my head: two prisoners, bagresses and Glebov, roll the grave to remove the underwear from the corpse. The moral and ethical principles were erased, gave way to the principles of survival: the heroes will sell underwear, they will buy a little bread or even tobacco. The subjects of life on the verge of death, the doomes of the red thread pass through the work. The prisoners do not value the life, but for some reason they survive indifferent to everything. The problem of deeming opens in front of the reader, it is immediately clear that after such shocks a person will never be the same.

The problem of betrayal and infancy is devoted to the story "Condensed Milk". Geologist's engineer Sheestakova "lucky": in the camp he escaped mandatory work, got into the "office", where it gets good food and clothing. The prisoners envied not free, but such as the Shestakov, because the camp dashed the interests to domestic: "Only something external could bring us out of indifference, to take away from slowly approaching death. External, not internal force. Inside everything was burned, empty, we were still, and on tomorrow we did not build plans. " Shestakov decided to assemble a group for escape and to hand over to the authorities, having received some privileges. This plan has solved the nameless main hero, familiar engineer. The hero requires two banks of milk canned food for his participation, this is the limit of dreams for him. And Shestakov brings a treat with a "monstrously blue sticker", this is a revenge of the hero: he ate both banks under the eyes of other prisoners who did not expect food, they simply watched a more successful person, and then refused to follow the Shestakov. The latter still persuaded others and handed over them. What for? Where did this desire to hear and substitute those worse? V. Hashamov answers this question: the camp dismisses and kills all the human in the shower.

Analysis of the story "The Last Fight of Major Pugacheva"

If most of the heroes of "Kolyma stories" are indifferent to those unknown for what, then in the story "The Last Fight of Major Pugachev" situation is different. After the end of the Great Patriotic War in the camp, the former military, whose wines were just that they were in captivity. People who fought against the fascists cannot simply indifferently live, they are ready to fight for their honor and dignity. The twelve newcomer prisoners led by Major Pugachev organized a conspiracy with the goal of escaping, which is preparing all winter. And so, when spring came, the conspirators rushes into the premises of the guard and, shining the duty officer, take advantage of weapons. Holding under the sight of suddenly awakened fighters, they dress up in a military shape and reserved by the province. Going beyond the camp, they stop the truck on the track, planted the chaffeur and continue the path already on the car until gasoline ends. After that, they go to Taiga. Despite the power of the will and determination of the heroes, the camp machine overtakes them and shoots. Only Pugachev was able to leave. But he understands that he will come soon. Does he be sense of punishment? No, he also shows the strength of the Spirit in this situation, he himself interrupts his difficult life path: "Major Pugachev recalled them all - one after another - and smiled to everyone. Then I put in my mouth a blow of a gun and the last time he fired in life. " The theme of a strong man in the suffocating circumstances of the camp is disclosed tragically: it is or grinding the system, or it struggles and dies.

"Kolyma stories" are not trying to split the reader, but how many sufferings, pain and longing are in them! This collection needs to read each to appreciate your life. After all, despite all the usual problems, a modern person has relative freedom and a choice, it can show other feelings and emotions, except for hunger, apathy and desire to die. "Kolyma stories" not only scare, but also make a look at a different way. For example, stop complaining to fate and regret yourself, because we were lucky enough more than our ancestors, brave, but grinding in the millstones.

Interesting? Save on your wall!

The story of the story of V. Shalamov - a painful description of the prison and camp life of the prisoners of the Soviet Gulag, their similar to another tragic destinies, in which the case, merciless or gracious, assistant or killer, arbitrariness of chiefs and thieves. Hunger and its convulsive saturation, soda, painful dying, slow and almost as painful recovery, moral humiliation and moral degradation - that's what is constantly in the spotlight of the writer.

The tombstone the author recalls the names of his camps. After causing a sorrowful martyrologist in mind, he says who died and how he died, who was and how she was, who was hoping for, who and how he had led himself in this Auschwitz without stoves, as Kolyami camps called. Few who managed to survive, few people managed to stand and remain morally intact. The life of the Kypripev engineer did not betray anyone and did not sell anyone, the author said that she had developed for himself a formula for active protection of his existence: a person only can consider himself to be a man and stand up if at any moment he was ready to commit suicide. However, later he understands that he only built a comfortable asylum, because it is unknown what you will be in a decisive moment, whether you have enough physical forces, and not just spiritual. Arrested in 1938, the physicist-physicist of the Cypriaev did not only endured the beating at the interrogation, but even rushed to the investigator, after which he was planted in the Cake. However, it still achieves signatures under false testimony, blowing his wife's arrest. Nevertheless, the Cypriaev continued to prove himself and others that he is a person, and not a slave, which are all prisoners. Thanks to his talent (he invented a way to restore burned electric light bulbs, replenished the X-ray machine), he manages to avoid the hardest work, but not always. He miraculously remains alive, but moral shock remains in it forever.

At the show of the camp plant, Shalamov testifies, to a greater or lesser extent concerned everyone and happened in a variety of forms. Two thoughts playing cards. One of them is played in the Pooh and asks to play a "show", that is, in debt. At some point, a raised game, he unexpectedly orders the usual prisoner from intellectuals, accidentally produced among the audience their games, give a woolen sweater. He refuses, and then someone from the thoughts "cums" him, and the sweater still gets Bratulary.

At night, two prisoners steps to the grave, where the body of their deceased comrade was buried in the morning, and take the lingerie from the deadly to sell or change to bread or tobacco. The initial dishes to the removed clothing is replaced by a pleasant thought that tomorrow they may be able to eat a little more and even smoke.

Single froze the camp work, uniquely determined by Shalamov as slave, for the writer - the form of the same plant. The procedure-concluded is not able to give the percentage rate, so work becomes torture and slow kidding. The alarm of Dugaev gradually weakens, without holding a sixteen-hour working day. He takes, Kaelit, Rajlets, again takes and again Kaelit, and in the evening there is a caretaker and freezes the tape measure made by Dougaev. The named digit is 25 percent - it seems to Dougaev very big, he has a hatch of caviar, the hands, shoulders, head, he even lost his feeling of hunger. A little later, he is called to the investigator who asks the usual questions: the name, surname, article, term. And in the day of the soldiers, Dugayev will lead to a deaf place, a fenced high fence with barbed wire, from where at night the dragonment of tractors is coming. Dugayev is guessing, why did he come here and that his life is over. And he regrets only that in vain woven the last day.

Sherry Brandy dies a prisoner-poet, which was called the first Russian poet of the twentieth century. It lies in the dark depth of the lower row of solid two-story narc. He dies long. Sometimes some thought comes - for example, that he was stolen by bread, which he put under his head, and it is so scary that he is ready to swear, fight, seek ... But he has no strength for this, and he has no idea about Bread is also weakening. When a daily soldering is put in his hand, he pulls away the bread to her mouth, sucks him, trying to tear and nibble with quinted stressful teeth. When he dies, his two more Anya is not written off, and inventive neighbors manage to receive bread on a dead man as a living: they do that the one like a puppet doll raises his hand. Shock therapy The prisoner of Merzlyaks, a man of a large physique, being in common, feels that he gradually falls. Once he falls, it cannot immediately get up and refuses to drag a log. He first beaten his own, then an escorter, he is brought to the camp - he has broken ribs and back pain. And although the pains quickly passed, and the rib has grown, Merzlyak continues to complain and pretends that he could not raise, seeking at any cost to delay the record of work. He is sent to the Central Hospital, to the surgical department, and from there for research into the nervous. He has a chance to be actured, that is, written off on illness to the will. Remembering the braister, a rapid cold, a bowl of an empty soup, which he drank, not even using a spoon, he concentrates his whole will, so as not to be shown in deception and sent to the penalty area. However, the doctor Pyotr Ivanovich himself, in the past, the prisoner was caught not slipping. Professional displaces human in it. Most of his time he spends on exposing the simulants. This is a tessist of his pride: he is an excellent specialist and is proud to keep his qualifications, despite the year of common work. He immediately understands that Merzlyak is a simulant, and anticipate the theater effect of a new exposure. At first, the doctor makes him Rauch-anesthesia, during which the body of Merzlyakov succeeds in breaking out, and after another week the procedure for the so-called shock therapy, the action of which is similar to the rustling of violent madness or epileptic seizure. After her, the prisoner himself asks for an extract.

Typhoundic quarantine Prisoner Andreev, sick tithes, enters quarantine. Compared with the general works on the presence of the patient, the position of the patient gives a chance to survive, for which the hero was almost no longer hoping. And then he decides with all the truths and inconsistencies as long as possible to stay here, in the transit, and there, perhaps, it will not be sent to the golden slaughter, where hunger, beatings and death. At the rollback before the next shipment on the works of those who are considered recovered, Andreev does not respond, and thus he can be hidden for quite a long time. The transit gradually empties, the queue finally reaches Andreev. But now it seems to him that he won his battle for the life that now the Taiga was saturated and if they were sent, then only the closest, local business trips. However, when the truck with a selected group of prisoners, who unexpectedly gave rise to winter uniforms, will be minus the line separating the neighboring business trips from the distant, he with an internal shudder understands that fate brutally laughed at him.

Aorta aneurysm disease (and the exhaust state of prisoners "gains" is quite equivalent to severe illness, although it was officially not considered as such) and the hospital - in the stories of Shalamov an indispensable attribute of stories. In the hospital enters the concluded Catherine Glovakskaya. Beauty, she immediately liked the duty officer Zaitsev, and although he knows that she is in close relationship with his acquaintances, concluded by stavalov, the head of the mug of artistic amateur activities, ("Theater Theater", how to joke the head of the hospital), nothing prevents him in turn try your luck. He starts, as usual, with a medical examination of the Glovakovka, with listening to the heart, but his male interest is rapidly replaced by a purely medical concern. He finds aortic aortic aneurysm to the Glovakian aneurysm - a disease in which any careless movement can cause a fatal outcome. The bosses, which took the unprinted rule, separated lovers, was once sent a globatkaya on a penalty of women's field. And now, after the report of the doctor about the dangerous disease of the prisoner, the head of the hospital is confident that it is nothing more than the mistake of all the same bedrooms trying to delay the mistress. Globatskaya is discharged, but when loading in the car happens, what Dr. Zaitsev warned, - she dies.

The last battle of Major Pugacheva among the heroes of Shalamov's prose is also those who do not just seek to survive at any cost, but also can intervene in the course of circumstances, to stand up for themselves, even risking life. According to the author's testimony, after the war 1941-1945. In the northeast camps began to arrive prisoners who fought and past German captivity. These are people of different hardening, "with courage, the ability to risk, believed only in weapons. Commanders and soldiers, pilots and scouts ... ". But the main thing, they possessed the instinct of freedom, which awakened the war in them. They shed their blood, sacrificed their lives, saw the death face to face. They were not corrupted by camp slavery and were not still exhausted before the loss of forces and will. "Wines" were the fact that they were surrounded or captive. Imaoror Pugachev, one of these, not yet broken people, is clear: "They were brought to death - to change these living dead", which they met in Soviet camps. Then the former major collects as decisive and strong, for himself to be, prisoners, ready to either die, or become free. In their group - pilots, scout, paramedic, tanker. They realized that they were immune to death and that there was nothing to lose. All winter prepare escape. Pugachev understood that only those who would have passed common work can go through the winter and after that. And the participants of the conspiracy, one by one, are moving to the service: someone becomes a cook, someone cultivorg, who reinforces the weapon in the guard. But spring comes, and with it and the day of day.

At five o'clock in the morning they knocked on the watch. The duty implies the camp chef-prisoner who came, as usual, behind the keys from the pantry. After a minute, the duty officer turns out to be strangled, and one of the prisoners is disguised in his form. The same happens with the other, who returned a little later on duty. Further everything goes according to Plan Pugachev. The conspirators break into the premises of the guard and, shooting the duty officer, take advantage of weapons. Holding under the sight of suddenly awakened fighters, they dress up in a military shape and reserved by the province. Going beyond the limits of the camp, they stop the truck on the track, the chauffeur plant and continue the path already on the car until gasoline ends. After that they will wate in Taiga. At night - the first night on freedom after a long month of captivity - Pugachev, waking up, recalls his escape from the German camp in 1944, the transition through the front line, interrogation in a special department, accusation of espionage and sentence - twenty-five years in prison. Remembering and recreation in the German camp of the Emissarians General Vlasov, who recruited Russian soldiers, convincing them in the fact that for the Soviet power, they were all captured, traitors of the Motherland. Pugachev did not believe them, while he could not verify himself. He loves the sleeping comrades who believed his hands to their freedom, he knows that they are "better than all worthy of all *. And a little later, the fight is tied, the last hopeless battle between the fugitives and surrounding their soldiers. Almost all of the fugitives die, except for one, seriously wounded, which is cured to then shoot. Only Major Pugachev managed to leave, but he knows, hanged in Blood Berloga, which will still find him. He does not regret the made. The last shot of his shot.

All Russian works in reducing alphabetics:

Writers for which there are works in reducing: