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Interpretation of sleep ballet in dream books. Eastern female dream book. In the Esoteric Dream Book, if you dream of Ballet

Ballet dream- means adultery, as well as failure in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about ballet- hence, in real life you tend to mock yourself. You force yourself to endure what you do not like, and even hesitate to tell your partner about the reasons for your displeasure, fearing to ruin your relationship with him. Believe that this way you will spoil them faster, because for sure the partner already feels something.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Ballet- failures in business, quarrels and arguments with a lover, bouts of jealousy.

New family dream book

Ballet- portends marital infidelity, as well as failure in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers.

Modern combined dream book

Watch ballet in the theater or on TV- to a pleasant acquaintance; participation in a ballet performance- disorder family budget, business damage, leg disease.

Eastern female dream book

Ballet- get ready for cheating and jealousy scenes.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

To be present in a dream at the ballet premiere means that they will pay attention to you necessary people.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a ballet couple in a dream- to betrayal of one of the spouses.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Ballet- a hindrance in your business.

Dream interpretation Hasse

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn out linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

ballet - A dream about ballet means adultery, as well as failure in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers., Miller's dream book

ballet - To see ballet soloists performing on the stage of the theater means betrayal in love affairs, discord between partners in business and, as a result, scandals, quarrels and scenes of jealousy. Seeing your acquaintances in the role of ballet dancers means that you will face ungrateful friends and unwanted companions. Commercial affairs will also decline, but fortunately for a short time. Seeing yourself as a ballerina performing in a concert in front of a large audience means that soon you will have to have fun in your cheerful company. Seeing a ballerina close or talking to her is to the detriment of business and leg illnesses., Dream interpretation of Melnikov

ballet - To see in a dream a ballet couple performing a pas de deux - to betrayal of one of the spouses., Family dream book

ballet - If you dreamed about ballet, it means that in real life you tend to mock yourself. You force yourself to endure what you do not like, and even hesitate to tell your partner about the reasons for your displeasure, fearing to ruin your relationship with him. Believe that this way you will spoil them faster, because the partner probably already feels something., Freud's Dream Interpretation

ballet - To see - to receive consolation; dance in ballet - soon you will take part in fun fun., Dream interpretation of Miss Hasse

ballet or ballerina- business damage and leg disease., Dream interpretation of Miss Hasse

ballet - To be present in a dream at the premiere of a ballet means that the right people will pay attention to you., Dream Interpretation Grishina

ballet - Ballet portends marital infidelity, as well as failure in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers. In addition, a dream about ballet indicates that in ordinary life you tend to torture yourself. You often endure what you don't like. Feel free to talk about the reasons for your discomfort, it will not ruin your relationship with your loved one. They are more likely to deteriorate if you continue to play silent. Dream interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

concert by description - Seeing and listening to a first-class concert in a dream means the time of delightful entertainment, and for writers - an interesting literary work. For a business person, this dream portends a successful trade, and for young people - the purest bliss and true love. Concerts featuring ballet dancers and singers mean you will run into ungrateful friends and unwanted companions. Commercial affairs will also be in decline, but fortunately, for a short time., Miller's dream book

artist by description - To see in a dream a pop genre, circus, etc. artist or talk to him - in reality you will find a surprise, either in personal matters, or in your state of health. To see him perform on stage - you will have to indulge in a trick in order to catch others in a lie. Being in the audience at a concert with ballet dancers and singers means that friends will show ingratitude; in addition, encounters with unwanted companions and temporary disruption of business affairs are possible., Dream interpretation of Melnikov

fall by description - If in a dream you stumbled over something and fell - this means that you will tarnish your reputation with an unseemly act that will cause general condemnation. Falling to the ground from a great height - in reality you will experience a strong fear. A dream in which you dream that you fell from the edge of a bottomless abyss and fall into it - in reality, this threatens with disappointment in your faithful. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end in the happiest way. To fall in a dream under the weight of a load means your inability to raise funds for those who are counting on your help. Seeing birds falling to the ground in a dream means that you will fall into melancholy. Falling off the fence, climbing over it, is the successful completion of an important business. To see a star falling from the sky is a harbinger of sadness and sorrow. If in a dream the fruits from a shaved tree fall on you in a hail - in reality you will experience remorse for an unfulfilled promise. Falling into a ditch in a dream, trying to jump over it - to a decline in business and personal loss. Falling into a well of water in a dream - to extreme despair, into an empty well - those who frightened you with failure will be shamed by your brilliant success. To see figure skaters or ballet dancers who have fallen while performing means that in reality you will face the ingratitude of friends. Falling from a high ladder in a dream is a harbinger of despair and unsuccessful efforts to straighten out a critical financial situation. Falling overboard into the raging sea threatens in reality with hasty and thoughtless decisions, fraught with negative consequences. Falling off a kicking horse is a sign of a serious infectious disease. Seeing snow falling in large flakes or huge hailstones in a dream means that the coming troubles will not cause you any serious damage. If in a dream you are desperate about a sharp drop in the rate on the eve of the shares you have purchased, such a dream portends severe shocks in reality, which will not be in vain for your mental health. Dream interpretation of Melnikov

concert by description - If in a dream you listened to a first-class concert, then the time for delicious entertainment will soon come. For business people this dream portends successful business, and for young people - true love. Taking part in a concert of singers and ballet dancers means you will run into ungrateful friends and unwanted companions. Commercial affairs will also be on the decline, but fortunately not for long. Dream interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

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familiar in the window


rotten teeth

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descend into the water

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earth to drink


Cancer disease


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the boys

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to fish

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see how they piss


Unsuccessful business venture. Watching ballet in the theater - you will be let down by the person you pinned on great expectations... Participate in ballet - your undertaking will lead to financial ruin.

Imagine that the ballet suddenly stops: an entertainer comes out and announces that the performance is canceled for technical reasons, or the people dancing in the ballet turn into white birds (see Birds).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream interpretation - to dance

Dance - If in a dream you danced with pleasure, then such a dream has good value... All your problems that weighed you down Lately, will pass, you will feel much better in communication with the opposite sex.

But do not be too zealous, otherwise you will have problems of a different kind. - If in a dream you really wanted to dance, but for one reason or another did not do it, then your dream shows that you have great, and even too great, sexual potential, but for some reason you do not realize it in any way. Apparently, you are sure that this is not the main thing in life.

In fact, the troubles that sometimes happen to you are a consequence of this very “unspent” of yours. In a dream, you enjoyed watching someone dance well, and you got great pleasure from this spectacle - in real life you dream of trying something that is considered forbidden by public morality.

It could be same-sex love, which you find very sexy. Make your desire come true, and then the dissatisfaction will disappear by itself.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Ballet in dream books famous authors... Perhaps, in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream in a dream Ballet

Dream interpretation of Pastor Loff

What is the dream and what does Ballet mean?

Beautiful action ... But mainly for those who watch it. But for those involved in the show, it's hard work. Hence such different interpretations dreams that include one of the symbols of ballet. If you dreamed that you yourself were dancing on stage as a ballerina or a dancer, then this dream may indicate that you may soon injure your legs or that some kind of disease arises in your body, which will manifest itself through your legs. If you are only a spectator, then such a dream may indicate pleasant experiences, but not just joy, but joy "with tears in your eyes", this is how this dream is interpreted in which the Ballet dreams.

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Why is Ballet dreaming in a dream?

To see - to a walk, a feast, participation in which you will later regret; warning about upset, failure. For young lovers to see ballet - to a quarrel and jealousy, for family people- the temptation of marital infidelity, this means a dream that you dreamed, for more details on why Ballet is dreaming, see below.

Dream interpretation of a housewife

What is the dream of Ballet for a woman:

Treason loved one, complicated relationship between business partners, family discord and turmoil. To see your friends or relatives in the role of dancing - friends will not support you in difficult times, you will face minor losses. Being a ballerina - you will have fun in the company of people you like. Talking to a ballerina - chronic leg disease or complex fracture

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why dream and what does Ballet mean in a dream?

Sawing ballet in a dream means that you are used to the role of a subordinate both at work and in sex. You even tolerate what you do not like, but you cannot say about it. You are constantly afraid to ruin your relationship with your loved one and choose silence rather than a frank conversation with your partner, this is how the dream in which the Ballet dreams is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why is Ballet dreaming, how to understand a dream?

A dreaming ballet means that in reality you are in some way very similar in character to people belonging to masochists who are not averse to making fun of themselves. For some reason, you allow your partner to mock not only your feelings, but also your body. At the same time, it is very difficult for you to overpower yourself and tell your partner about your grievances. And all this is only because you are afraid of losing it. However, you should make an important decision for yourself and admit your dissatisfaction with your companion, because, most likely, he already suspects something like that. Otherwise, you are likely to ruin your relationship with your partner.

Summer dream interpreter

To be present in a dream at the premiere of a ballet means that the right people will pay attention to you.

Autumn dream interpreter

If you dream of Ballet, what is it for:

We saw in a dream a ballet couple performing a pas de deux - to the betrayal of one of the spouses, as the dream book says about this dream, for details, if you dream of Ballet, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why is Ballet dreaming in a dream?

Get ready for cheating and jealousy scenes

Old grandmother's dream book

Why does a sleeping man dream of Ballet?

Ballet (when you see it from the side) - a walk is expected, a feast, in which you later will not approve (or will not accept) your participation. Warning, disappointment, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had, read on if you want to find out what the Ballet is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

What is the dream of Ballet from a dream book?

The ballet foreshadows adultery, as well as failures in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers. In addition, a dream about ballet indicates that in ordinary life you tend to torture yourself. You often endure what you don't like. Feel free to talk about the reasons for your discomfort, it will not ruin your relationship with your loved one. They are more likely to deteriorate if you continue to play silent.

Spring Dream Interpreter

A hindrance in your business.

Ballet- get ready for cheating and jealousy scenes.
Eastern dream book

If you dreamed about ballet- it means that in real life you tend to mock yourself. You force yourself to endure what you do not like, and even hesitate to tell your partner about the reasons for your displeasure, fearing to ruin your relationship with him. Believe that this way you will spoil them faster, because for sure the partner already feels something.
Intimate dream book

Ballet- portends marital infidelity, as well as failure in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers.
Family dream book

Dreaming about watching ballet in the theater or on TV- to an unexpected acquaintance, which will bring many pleasant minutes; take part in a ballet performance- a waste of the family budget, significant damage in business, perhaps you will have an illness in your legs.
Combined dream book

Watch ballet in the theater or on TV- to a pleasant acquaintance; participation in a ballet performance- disorder of the family budget, damage in business, leg disease.
Modern dream book

Today, the ballet seen in a dream- is a symbol of far-fetched, exaggerated emotions. You may be overly violating your feelings and wasting too much energy trying to look different from who you really are. Sleep warns you of imminent fatigue and possible disappointment.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

To be present in a dream at the premiere of a ballet means that the right people will pay attention to you.
Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

Seeing a ballet couple in a dream- to betrayal of one of the spouses.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Ballet- a hindrance in your business.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Ballet see- get consolation; dance in ballet- soon to participate in a fun game.
Dream interpretation of the medium miss Hasse

To dream of ballet soloists performing on the stage of the theater- means betrayal in love affairs, discord between partners in business and, as a result, scandals, quarrels and scenes of jealousy.
See your friends in the role of dancing ballet- means that you will face ungrateful friends and unwanted companions. Commercial affairs will also decline, but fortunately for a short time.
Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream about ballet means adultery, as well as failures in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers.
If you dreamed about ballet- it means that in real life you tend to mock yourself. You force yourself to endure what you do not like, and even hesitate to tell your partner about the reasons for your displeasure, fearing to ruin your relationship with him. Believe that this way you will spoil them faster, because for sure the partner already feels something.
Dream interpretation modern woman

In a dream, you find yourself in a theater and watching ballet- failure awaits you soon.
If you dreamed that you yourself are participating in some kind of ballet production- soon your beloved (beloved) will cheat on you, and you will quarrel.
Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Ballet- the play symbolizes dreams and ideas about same-sex love.
Freud's dream book

Ballet see- there is no order in your thoughts.
Participate- your frivolity will lead to trouble.
Esoteric dream book

Ballet in a dream- can herald in reality events that have a special, but not obvious meaning in your life. Perhaps you are faced with the discovery of some kind of secret or deception in the family. Such a dream can portend marital infidelity, a quarrel between lovers, business failure.
Watch ballet in the theater- you can be let down or disappointed by the person on whom you had high hopes.
Enjoy ballet on TV in a dream- means in reality to have a new acquaintance.
Take part in ballet- to financial losses and losses.
A dream in which you see a ballerina dancing- may portend to you in the future a frequent change of luck and mood.
See a stumbled ballerina- a harbinger of failure or unfavorable circumstances.
Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Ballet dream- means adultery, as well as failure in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers.
Miller's dream book

When you think about ballet- the words "grace", "balance" and "grace" come to mind. Ballet is also associated with discipline, endurance and flexibility.
Do you watch ballet or dance yourself? If in a dream you saw a particular ballet, for example, Romeo and Juliet or Swan Lake, this may have to do with your real life situation. Perhaps this is a sign that you need to stay on the crest of success, or someone else is helping you to be on top.
Have you seen a prima ballerina in a dream?- she personifies important person which takes up most of your time and energy.
Those who dance in ballet are not only slim but also flexible- perhaps the dancer in your dream symbolizes the desire to be more flexible in life's circumstances.
Universal dream book

Ballet- failures in business, quarrels and arguments with a lover, bouts of jealousy.
Dream interpretation for bitches

Seeing ballet in a dream- means that you are used to the role of a subordinate both at work and in sex. You even tolerate what you do not like, but you cannot say about it. You are constantly afraid to ruin the relationship with your loved one and choose silence rather than a frank conversation with your partner.
Dream interpretation love relationship

Ballet- business damage, leg disease.
Dream interpretation of Solomon

Ballet see- disappointment, infidelity in a relationship.
Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The dream in which you see ballet- carries a negative meaning. You should prepare for the fact that your lover decides to change you, which will lead to jealousy on your part.
Love dream book

Ballet- adultery, as well as failure in business, in commerce.
Dream interpretation of the future

Ballet- to acquaintance.
Slavic dream book

If you dream of ballet in a dream, this dream portends infidelity in marital relationships, failure in business or business, as well as jealousy, otherwise disagreements between lovers.
Watching ballet in the theater in a dream - this dream tells you that soon the person you were pretty much hoping for will let you down and will greatly disappoint you.
To get pleasure from watching ballet on TV in a dream promises in reality some kind of acquaintance with the newest person.
If you dream that you are taking part in ballet - this dream warns of imminent financial losses and financial losses.
If you dreamed of dancing ballet - an entertainment event, some cool action or a pleasant surprise is coming.
Watching ballet in the theater is differently on TV - swears a suitable meeting in the future, which will change your life for the better, and if you take part in any ballet performance, then such a dream warns you about the monetary costs associated with the general family budget, as well as damage in business, exacerbation of leg diseases.
If in a dream you saw your friends dancing a ballet party - such a dream, according to our dream book, warns you in advance that after a while an unexpected meeting with vile people or some outdated famous people will take place, which will entail a decline in business, but this will not continue all the time, after an undoubted time everything will return to normal.
Online dream book