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Causes of drinking alcohol. Why and why people drink alcohol

With alcohol, many problems are connected and the most important of them is alcoholism. But not all drinking people suffer from alcoholism. If you know the measure and do not drink often, then an ordinary person, occasionally drinking a glass of vodka or a glass of wine to the holiday, the formation of a resistant dependence on alcohol does not threaten. But if you compare a conventional healthy person, sometimes driving a black drink, and an alcoholic, then each of them has its own reasons to start drinking. Understanding these reasons helps to figure out what makes one more people start drinking more and more and become an alcoholic, and others know the measure and never move this face. Moreover, the understanding of the causes of thrust to the alcohol allows you to get rid of alcohol addiction. Psychological rehabilitation in the treatment of alcoholism is one of the important components of successful overcoming dependence. The main task of such rehabilitation in identifying and eliminating the cause.

Stages of drinking alcohol

Usually the answer to the question why people drink, more concerned women who suffer next to her alcoholic husband. However, there are traction to eat alcohol and some of the fair sex representatives. And their search for the cause, on the contrary, is not interested.

During polls and research held in order to find out why people begin to drink, the five main stages of the formation of thrust to alcohol were determined:

  1. Often my first glass is drinking a company or of interest. Most people use alcohol in adolescence for the first time. But it is too early to talk about the development of alcohol dependence. Usually, such an early consumption of hopic drinks is associated with a teenager in a drinking company or with interest that arose against the background of the stories of more "experienced" comrades about the state of fun and euphoria after drinking alcohol.
  2. Subsequently, a person begins to drink to feel a feeling of intoxication and relaxation again. This is usually happening in the same company where the teenager received the first experience. At the same time, a sense of discharge, fun and euphoria visits a person again, and a positive experience from the alcohol reception is repeated. At this stage, people drink alcohol, because they receive pleasure from him. This is the initial stage of the formation of addiction.
  3. Formation of psychological dependence on alcohol. At this stage, a person loves to drink on holidays, but over time he is trying to find more and more reasons to drink. So, the interval between alcohol techniques is reduced. A used alcoholic beverage improves the mood, and without it, a person has an depressed state, poor mood, irritability and aggressiveness.

  1. Further reasons for drunkenness are no longer connected with the state of joy and pleasure, but with "treatment", because the alcoholic must be struggling with a hangover, and a new dose of alcohol can simply and quickly improve their state of health in the morning. Moreover, such a stage of alcohol dependence is formed in people who love to drink almost every day. In this case, the answer to the question why people drink, lies in physical dependence on ethanol. This substance firmly entered into the metabolic processes of the body, which cannot work without alcohol. And start throwing to drink at this stage very hard, because the thrust is so strong that a person cannot manage his desires. If he starts taking vodka in the morning for walker, it quickly enters the state of the feed.
  2. At the very last stage of alcoholism, the patient does not think of his life without alcohol. And as soon as he tries to get out of the bay, his condition deteriorates sharply and the alcoholic has to drink again and again to feel fine. In this case, alcohol will not be pleasure for him, but a vital substance, slowly killing a person.

As you can see, at each stage of drinking alcohol, there are reasons pushing a person to drink. Therefore, to give an answer to the question why people drink, you need to understand at what stage is a person with alcohol. Psychology is such that not trying a alcohol teenager can not drink for a welfare, and the cause of alcoholism at the last stage cannot be a desire not to stand out from the company.

Psychological reasons

To understand why people drink alcohol, it is worth going beyond the five stages of the formation of the dependence that we have considered above. There are a number of reasons that are not so obvious and visible, but this is not less significant and serious. So, to figure out why people drink, you need to learn psychological aspects.

IMPORTANT: As a rule, if a person in life is all good: there is a friendly family, your favorite children, interesting, well-paid work, a variety of leisure, non-drinking or in moderation Drinking friends, all healthy and happy, then reasons, regularly use alcohol, There is no man.

Among the psychological reasons why people start drinking, you can call the following:

  1. Loneliness is the cause of the development of alcohol addiction. When you do not talk to anyone about life, her problems and sadness, when there is no next to a supporting and understanding person, then the alcoholic beverage made the world is less hostile and a sense of loneliness is dulled for a while.
  2. A person may not love himself, his shortcomings or experience insecurity. All this is he trying to smooth out with alcohol. Some people with obvious defects of appearance or speech feel in society fidgeted and shy themselves, so they are trying to drown out this feeling with alcohol drinks.
  3. A person can start drinking to drown out a strong mental pain that is connected with the loss of a close beloved person or a serious illness.
  4. A rather common psychological cause sounds like this: for courage. To stroke fears, anxiety and fears, a person can drink alcohol and become more confident and relaxed, if not overdo it with a dosage.
  5. Sometimes the answer to the question why they drink, lies in the nervous and psychological tension, which many of us experience after a working day. In such a state, it is difficult to relax and fall asleep. To get rid of psychological cargo after work, not only some men drink beer, but also a fair floor representatives thus remove the nervous tension. The first time it helps, but then a person is experiencing psychological, and later physical, addiction.
  6. Some men in response to the question why drink alcohol, namely, beer, they say that they like the taste of this foam drink and so they quench thirst.

Social reasons

In addition to the psychological aspects, our desire to drink can be managed by social reasons. Among them can be called such:

  • dissatisfaction with your life (work, family), financial and domestic problems;
  • psychological pressure of colleagues, family members, bosses;
  • lack of self-realization in family life, work, career, children, etc.;
  • low social status;
  • a drinking company that does not miss any holiday or celebration;
  • traditions to drink on all holidays;
  • teenagers are trying with alcohol to attract attention.

Attention: do not forget about hereditary predisposition to alcohol dependence. If in your family someone suffered from alcoholism, then the likelihood is that when certain reasons or their combination appear, a person will start drinking.

False reasons

To find the answer to the question why alcoholics drink, it is worth looking at the above-described stages of alcohol consumption. The answer is obvious, they suffer from psychological and physical addiction. These are two main causes of drunkenness. But many of the dependent people are trying to justify their destructive habit of well-founded (in their opinion) reasons:

  1. Drinking raises the mood. The catch lies in the fact that improving the mood comes only at the beginning, if a person continues to drink, then euphoria and joy are quickly replaced by irritability, aggressiveness, or on the contrary, the depressed mood. To understand how unreasonable this reason is, it is worth remembering how chronic alcoholic looks like. He definitely does not resemble a person in a good arrangement of the spirit and mood.

Important: Stage of alcohol euphoria is available only to people at an early stage of dependence.

  1. If alcohol is accepted to normalize relations between people, tying new connections and dating, it is worth noting that ethanol destroys brain cells, which leads to dementia, and this in turn certainly does not have the people around you. Moreover, in a state of severe alcohol intoxication, understanding a person with an unrelated speech and a brave language can only the same alcoholic, but not a wife, close, children or colleagues for work and bosses.
  2. Another myth is connected with the fact that alcohol makes a man bolder. It is not more correct here, but deprives him of self-preservation feelings, so serious accidents, crimes and suicide happen in the state of alcohol intoxication. Moreover, a person under the influence of alcohol inadequately perceives the world around him and cannot appreciate the real threat to his life.

  1. Alcohol treatment of the morning hangover is also not the right way out of the situation, since it contributes to the rope. It is better to improve the condition of the body with medicines and folk remedies than to stretch the liver and brain ethanol.

As you can see, all the reasons that are forced by a person to drink are related to the receipt of pleasure, imaginary confidence, the ability to drown problems, improve the mood or get a dose of courage. But in any case, alcohol gives only a temporary effect, after which it comes not only the cruel hangover, but also gradually develops the dependence, in no way contribute to the improvement of your life, solving problems and raising the mood.

Alcohol addiction - this trouble is not only for the family, but also for the whole society. Now we can observe how strong this problem is and how great its scale is. But what are the reasons for the uncontrolled reception of hot drinks and what consequences can it be involved? Let's consider in more detail.

What drives people who are in large quantities and often use alcohol? Why do they drink him at all? Perhaps this question is unlikely to answer even avid drunkards, unable to live and day without vodka. Most often, such vague explanations are given, which the truth is hardly unlikely. Heavy life, complex circumstances, the way to relax - all this is only excuses, as a rule, designed to hide the true cause. Let's try to figure out the reasons that may induce. And it stands with those people who can hardly stand on a slippery path from childhood.

Aspects of. How to recognize predisposition?

Often, people judge biased about children from families of disadvantaged singing. And unfortunately, such judgments often turn out to be true. According to statistics, a larger percentage of alcohol citizens have close relatives with alcohol addiction. Why do people drink him, knowing that such drinks carry so much negative? The psychological aspect and education and upbringing play a big role here, because from small years, a person still absorbs such a way of "relaxation" and care from problems.

It is also proved that addiction can be recognized already at school. If you say that more often than drunks become doubles, then you will be right, but not completely. Alcohol is also dangerous for excellent people who are usually engaged by a cramp and are little involved in everyday life with peers. Such people are not ready for the future life, because little deliberate in the knowledge that they are presented, but only memorize them. Why do people drink alcohol in this case? The main answer is disappointment in life. The world does not turn out how teachers are presented, and expectations are not justified.

But many two, who after school did not find their place in life, usually get up on such a slippery way, trying to relax, find friends and take themselves.

Main reasons

Why do people start drinking alcohol? Replies to this question can be found many. All of them are usually insane. Most often, it is exactly the following reasons become a springboard for the development of the dependence of this kind:

  • Deprivation of the possibility of doing a favorite thing. In many cases, it is precisely this cause. As an evidence, you can take an example of forgotten artists, since almost all of them begin to drink.
  • Idleness. It has been proven that no passionate people begins to drink alcohol much faster than any others.
  • No landmarks in life, desires, aspirations.
  • Environment. In fact, it plays one of the most important roles, since a person who constantly communicates with drinking people will soon gradually become "its" in their company.
  • Disappointment in life. This item can also be called the main one. Unnecessary hopes, excessive ambitions - it is capable of leading a person to a pit having a "alcohol addiction" name. It is unfortunately to get out of it, unfortunately, only the strongest.
  • Warming in the cold. Indeed, those who work in the premises of unheated, often drink alcohol to warm up. However, such a addiction can be addictive, because of what even in the warm time a person will drink it.
  • Losses. This can be attributed to both the losses of loved ones and the material - the house, business.
  • Congenital reduced tone. Some people have an endorphine generation is violated, because of which they are constantly in the depressed mood. Why drink alcohol such people are clear, because alcohol can replace the production of this hormone completely.

When alcohol has already taken its place in a person's life and suppressed all hobbies, the problem gradually develops into a disease. It is much more difficult to cope with it, but many will say, they say, there is nothing difficult about it, it is enough to finally drink. However, not everything can be so simple, as far as it seems. In a drinking person over time, the chemical processes of the body are adjusted so that the state of the euphoria and happiness is experiencing only at the moments of admission of alcohol. Independent mining of hormones responsible for this is gradually terminated, which causes long and strongest depression that a person experiences. Therefore, one of the reasons why people drink alcohol, it turns out to raise the mood, departure from a bad mental and physical condition. However, in the event of a complete abandonment of alcohol, the production system in the body gradually comes to normal.

Causes of adolescent alcoholism

Something strange, but it is the tradition that the most serious role is played in the formation of the idea that the celebration, which passes without alcohol, can not be a full-fledged holiday. Why does such an idea arise and, most importantly, where does it come from? The source of the problem lies in the habit of planting a child for a common festive table, where the juice is poured into his glass and he, who flies together with everyone, feels adults. Before adolescence, acquaintance with alcohol may be random, but the older the child becomes, the greater he is allowed. Alcohol can be attributed to this statement, because parents sometimes allow him to drink him in small quantities. Based on this, children form an idea of \u200b\u200balcohol, as something forbidden, but very important.

As a rule, drink strong drinks people start with adolescent age. What can cause? After all, neither disappointment, neither, as a rule, they still do not fully fully. And indeed, the motifs are somewhat different from adults. Most often it is:

  1. Reluctance to lag behind the peers, look "white crow" and be the object of ridicule;
  2. Means of combating shyness. Often, hot drinks teenagers are taken for courage, thus getting rid of inner fears;
  3. The need for new sensations, following the traditions;
  4. The desire to get rid of boredom, diversify life. This reason has the greatest impact on children who live in rural areas, since their leisure is usually not only not formed, but also is capable of absent at all;
  5. Self-affirmation. In an attempt to prove anything (including his adulter) to peers or parents, teenagers are also often starting to drink;
  6. Exemption from experiences, the way to survive the alienation during the period of difficult age, when the child considers himself abandoned.

Types of addiction

It is customary to divide the dependence on alcohol into several stages:

  • Alpha alcoholism. This is the initial stage of the disease and is expressed in psychological dependence on alcohol. Often it becomes a way to care from problems, a means of improving the mood.
  • This alcoholism. It is also a psychological type of dependence, but the drinking occurs already in companies. It often uses pretexts of tradition, holidays and any other reasons. Characteristic difference - any celebration and festival will definitely communicate with strong drinks.
  • Yota-alcoholism. In this case, the same motives are moving in this case - the desire to relax, move away from reality. But in this case, neurotic manifestations are already noticeable when alcohol is necessarily necessary to remove stress, fears.
  • Kappa-alcoholism. In this case, the alcohol acts as a means of getting rid of mental problems, or when experiences are psychotic.
  • Epsilon alcoholism. Strong drinks in this case are rarely accepted, however, they are intensive in nature, they can be long-term (s). In the usual state, people, as a rule, are not experiencing strong traction.
  • Gamma alcoholism. Alcohol acts as a catalyst "uncontrollable drunkenness", when, after the first reception, the memory is abruptly breaking down and the person does not remember the entire chain of events.
  • Dzeta-alcoholism. The form at which is characteristic of frequent, but a small amount of consumption of strong drinks. Losses control over themselves, as a rule, does not occur.
  • Delta alcoholism. At this stage, a person is needed to constantly be in a state of intoxication, physically depends on the admission of alcohol. At the same time, expressed signs of intoxication may not be. A characteristic feature is the possibility of concealed disease, when during the day a person gradually takes beer, wine and other low alcohol drinks.

Beer alcoholism

Usually, people do not consider beer with a harmful drink at all, believing that if the degree of alcohol is small in it, it can be used uncontrollably, as this will not entail serious consequences. However, many experts argue that beer is much more dangerous than even vodka. This is explained not only to the presence of alcohol in it, but also cobalt, which is able to destroy the esophagus, heart, stomach. Some of its ingredients also provoke brain cells. Along with this, the rapid development of the psychological dependence is characterized, which is why not only every day the need for alcohol is increasing, but also in increasing his dose.

The peculiarity of this type of alcoholism is that a person usually does not recognize the proper severity of the alcoholic beverage, considering it very weak and unable to influence strongly on health. At the same time, he gradually begins to influence not only personality, causing changes in its behavior, psychological deviations, but also affects women to the reproductive system, and in men in potency.

The consequences of excessive reception of beer can be a colon cancer, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis. Heart with time becomes loose, unable to pump blood.


Alcohol is not able to beneficially affect any organ. Even on appetite, contrary to the recommendations, it affects bad, gradually starting blocking normal digestion. With long-term intake of alcohol, even in small quantities, with time negative processes in the organs begin to appear, the identity degradation becomes more noticeable. Most often, alcohol is able to entail the following negative points:

  1. Loss of control, serious manifestations of aggressiveness;
  2. Development of liver cirrhosis;
  3. Disintegration of families, conflicts in it;
  4. Alcohol-provoked poisoning;
  5. Disability;
  6. Increasing the risk of developing tumors of malignant nature and vascular diseases;
  7. Increasing the risk of an accident;
  8. Reproduction of unhealthy offspring.

List, alas, incomplete and continue it can be infinite. It is only important to note that none of the consequences will be positive.

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Alcoholism - The global problem of modern society. Oddly enough, most people have a need for drinking to one way or that. Some try to eat alcohol only on holidays, others - do not be cut off at any convenient time.

So why do people drink alcohol?

In fact, the reasons for the many, for example, psychological, physiological, social ones. But as if, nor it should be remembered that alcoholic beverages adversely affect human health.

Hurt from alcohol

Many people think that alcohol will help them solve some problems. Try to get away from reality by drinking. But in the end it turns out that there are more problems. A hangover is added to unresolved difficulties.

In some cases, it is a hangover syndrome that leads to a winding drunkenness and ultimately - alcoholism. It is known that dependence on the alcohol is practically not amenable to treatment. An exception can be considered only 1 stage.

If a person has become dependent on alcoholic beverages, his life is changing, and not for the better. As a rule, it becomes not interesting to his work, family problems appear. He thinks only about where to take another portion of hot drinks.

Man drinks without thinking about anything. As a result, health suffers.

It should be said that alcohol affects all human bodies. First of all, the heart is suffering, the brain, liver, kidney, stomach. The mental state of alcoholic can not be called normal.

He constantly experiencing stress, becomes irritable, his memory worsens, the condition becomes oppressed. Communicate with such a person is very hard. He does not perceive critics and believes that at any time it can throw alcohol, so it does not agree to be treated.

Why do people drink alcohol if there are other ways to relax and solve problems?

There is no reason to consider in detail.

The reasons why people drink

The reasons for the use of alcoholic beverages can be divided into three categories:

  1. psychological;
  2. social;
  3. physiological.

Sometimes reasons can be combined with each other. For example, if a person spends time in the company of dependent people and has a genetic predisposition, in any case it takes much faster. But not always a person drinks due to several factors. Sometimes enough and one reason.

People start drinking, as this is the most common and affordable means of meeting their needs.

Psychological reasons for which a person uses alcohol

The psychological reasons for the development of alcohol dependence are more determined by the nature of a person, its type of personality, mental abilities. Often these are creative people who are not able to solve serious problems.

But at the same time, such a person drinks because he cannot tell anyone about his problems, and even more so trusting their decision to another. When such people drink, they disappear disappears, they become conversational, mining.

In other words, to psychological reasons for which a person drinks can be attributed: the desire to relax, get rid of loneliness, "stupid" depression, raise self-esteem. Many begin to drink for these reasons, not noticing that over time, they become alcoholics dependent on alcohol.

Social reasons for which a person uses alcohol

There are plenty of such reasons. Often society dictates a person to the tradition of drinking alcohol. Again, advertising on TV, peteed places located on every corner, friends, colleagues that drink.

Sometimes it is better to agree to another wineglass than inventing why you do not want to drink. Meanwhile, each dug portion of alcohol produces craving for alcoholic beverages.

The main reasons why a person drinks: lack of family, personal life, "for the company", problems at work, an unstable financial situation, problems with housing, in society.

Physiological reasons for which man uses alcohol

The physiological are the following: genetic predisposition, the presence of mental disorders, head injuries, features of intrauterine development, metabolism.

Hardwood plays an important role, since women are more located to alcoholism, and it is very difficult to cure it. It is necessary to note the age of a person if drinking from adolescent age, dependence will arise earlier.

It must be said about genetics. It is proved that children born in drinking parents are more susceptible to alcoholism. Therefore, when they become adults, they should be held away from alcohol.

Other reasons why people drink

In fact, the reasons are so much that it is not easy to list everything. But there are also such categories of alcoholism as: male, female, teenage. There are enough reasons for each category.

Male alcoholism mainly begins with the fact that a person has taken to drink with friends, or problems at work, loneliness and unpleasution in personal life. If a man does not cut down completely, he can help him if he expresses a desire.

Female, according to psychologists and narcologists. Therefore, it is necessary to strong motivation and the power of will, so that at least very rarely use alcohol. Few manage to abandon alcohol at all. Ladies drink for various reasons: a heavy divorce, the death of a loved one, the inability to give birth to a child, betrayal husband, depression and loneliness.

All these reasons make them drink them, despite the criticism of others.

No less terrible. If a person drank from the young age, then he has no chance of becoming a normal person. While the body is not faster and not matured, addictive to alcohol drinks is simply rapid.

As a rule, teenagers are driving due to problems with parents, misunderstandings of others, poor performance at school, as well as "for the company", because "so accepted" before the disco, for example.

Some want to seem cool, thinking that if they drink and smoke, they will rise their authority in the eyes of peers. In the later, when the teenager becomes an adult, he can no longer live without another dose of alcohol. It will interfere with his further study, work, family creation.

Let's sum up

To the question, "Why people drink", a lot of responses. Everyone uses alcohol due to their personal reasons. But it should be remembered that even a small amount of alcohol-containing drinks, drunk regularly, will lead to alcoholism. This is a cunning disease that is quickly used to get used to. But from which it is very difficult to get rid of.

In some cases, it is simply impossible. Drinking once again, you need to think: "Why and why I drank that I will be from it, and if I can do without it." If there is a possibility not to drink, it is better not to do.

Why do people drink alcohol? The question is, of course, interesting. Civilization is familiar with hot drinks about 6 thousand years, that is, people drank almost always. And today, many "friends" with alcohol. Everyone drinks alcohol in different ways, someone - every day a mug of beer, someone in the evening a glass of wine, and someone will start in the morning and finish at a party or just like that.

Why do people drink? No holiday costs without alcoholic beverages. Tradition to drink on holidays is since ancient. But someone can stop and say "stop", and someone does not have enough willpower. The second option includes weak people who wash their grief, alcohol problems. This habit is characterized by more men than women. Also alcohol can start taking to put their emptiness, for example, after the death of a loved one, or when a person cannot find a job, and it seems to him that everything is lost in life.

Why start drinking men?

Men can start drinking for various reasons, but none of them cannot be called excuse. There are many men using alcohol daily. Some of them may look healthy, but in fact they do not even suspect what makes applying to the bottle.

There are internal and external causes of man alcoholism. To external psychology relates the following:

  1. Egoism. Any man, going home after work, may think: "Do not drink a beer?" And immediately buys a bottle of beer, without suspecting that, subordinate to a minute weakness, he harm himself.
  2. Big team. Sometimes, thinking that in order to maintain friendly relationships with a team, it is impossible to give up a joint campaign to the bar, a man allows himself to have too much. But such friendships will not bring such friendly relations, and in the end the man will still remain alone.
  3. Figured circumstances. Sometimes men screw themselves and begin to drink due to lack of appearance or in the intimate sphere. Some due to the fact that he was not lucky with his wife, career. But it's just the reason to drink an extra bottle and regret yourself your loved one.
  4. Weakness. The weakness of a person in the abandonment of alcohol. At first, he drinks little, thinking that it would not hurt and that he could stop when he wants. But over time, he begins to abuse and stop can no longer. In such cases, you need to understand in time that you are sick, and contact a narcologist.


  1. Relaxation. Tense in work or other circumstances, a man begins to look for a way to remove tension. And the alcohol helps him.
  2. Jealousy. Jealousy to his wife strains a man even more. Just like in the first version, it begins to drink in order to relax and forget about care.
  3. Lack of happiness. Any man needs female attention. If there is no such attention from a man, then this emptiness it fills alcohol.
  4. Sadness Also, a man can drink from loneliness, boredom, problems.

Why start drinking women?

When a woman begins to drink, she is beginning to condemn more than a man. The cause of alcoholism can be an accident, problems with family, children and much more. Stress or tragedy can push a woman to alcohol. After all, this is the easiest way to get away from all problems. Of course, not all women can be drunk, the weak women are leaving alcohol to a greater extent than ladies with strong power.

Family and children suffer from female alcoholism. Children born from mother-alcoholic, in the future, can also become alcoholics. Also often, drinkers are born sick children. Of course, when the wife begins to drink, not every husband will help her cope with alcohol, someone can just throw and leave to live their lives.

Five main reasons why people start drinking

  1. Alcohol addiction is absent in people who drink for the first time or drink to the company in small doses and very rarely.
  2. Man driving several times a month. A person begins to drink a company, and in the following times trying to repeat these sensations. Alcoholism in such people is absent or expressed not so much.
  3. If a person drinks regularly on weekends, this is already a sign of alcoholism. This is the psychological dependence of a person in which a person is used to drinking every week at the weekend.
  4. In a person who is drinking every day, the body has already been poisoned, and it consumes alcohol to remove the unpleasant feeling. Thinking that he makes himself easier, he ruins himself even more.
  5. A person who is constantly in a drunken state is disturbed by the work of the whole organism.

The absence of spirituality, morality, any hobbies lead a person to alcohol.

Every question everyone will answer differently. Some will say: "To raise the mood," others will celebrate that "alcohol makes it possible to relax," the third will argue that spirits help them feel all the fullness of life, the fourths are trying to escape from their problems. How many people, so many opinions. And each of them to some extent truthfully.

The fact that alcohol is harmful will not tell. We will only analyze the most popular cases of consumption of strong drinks, trying to understand from a psychological point of view, why people drink alcohol.

The most interesting thing is that alcoholic beverages use not only the "man is stirred." In the animal world, it also happens that the four-panel find a special dope of the grass, bored fruits or dig "funny roots", eat it to the duck, lead themselves to a condition of drunk euphoria, sleep, beyond, fighting among themselves, that is, behave exactly the same , like a person who "went over."

There are several reasons why we start to use strong alcoholic beverages.

Reason first

It is not enough for us in the life of the holidays. So we are trying to make them artificially. After all, in a state of intoxication, life seems brighter, easier and more fun. Alcohol "beats" on those parts of the brain who are responsible for the pleasure gives a ghostly feeling of permissiveness and omnipotence, makes the mask that man is wearing in everyday life and gives an opportunity at least a little, but to stay himself, releaseing the whole negative and long-hidden desire.

While we are in such a state, we want to live, love, create and do something good. But the morning of the next day comes, and we understand that there is not enough that nothing has changed, so new to all existing problems has been added a new, called "Bodun". And here, people, weaker spirit, are sent to "hang out" to regain the feeling of the holiday, and the strongest take themselves in their hands and begin to solve pressing problems, rightly believing that with the help of alcohol they do not get rid of them.

Holiday in drink is an illusion. If you think so, then soon you can not be sincerely have fun without irritation of brain's nervous receptors, and life will become just a surrogate of life.

Reason for the second

We begin to drink alcohol to prove yourself that adults / independent / correspond to a certain environment. So, to "join" in a new team, we begin to visit the Pivbara or restaurants with colleagues. To prove that we are worthy of bohemian life, we visit nightclubs and lazily pull the cocktails there. To "become one wave" with friends, we drink vodka fishing and Portwine on a bench near the house. We cannot say "no" the fact that it is not at all no value for us, but maybe we think to increase our status in the eyes of others.

In this case, you need to separate yourself, your identity, from companies. To each his own. If they like to spend time behind a bottle of beer, discussing how the ring came up yesterday, then God with them. You do not have to listen to it, nor do the same. You must understand that such a pastime is not only "to plan" your health will reduce, but for several years to reduce the year of your life. But everyone wants to live. And live fully and joyfully. Do not try to become like others. You are different. Unique, special and unique. Decide for yourself what is important for you and make only what you really wonder.

The reason is the third

With the help of alcohol, we are trying to escape from life adversity, forget and distract. With the first drinking glass, the global problem begins to decrease in size, and this is exactly what we wait so much. In the intoxicated brain, dozens of solutions and outputs from the current situation are immediately accepted, or, which very often happens, we begin to believe that all this and the "left eggs" do not stand, convince yourself of this and rejoice that everything is so beautiful.

But this is in a state of intoxication. There is only a hops to disperse, as everything comes back to the "circles of its own", and we understand that there is no problem anywhere. They just hid and wait for a suitable moment to throw on us again.

But the very feeling of liberation from adversity is that a person is looking for when it starts to drink. And he likes this state, so it does not stop, but continues to use alcohol again and again.

So in alcoholics there were many people who simply did not find the strength to look straight into the eyes of the difficulties and find a solution to overcome them. After all, it is much easier to drink 150 grams of something strong, and life becomes beautiful than a few weeks hard to work so that life really has become beautiful.

The reason is the fourth

Thanks to the media, "steep" American militants and modern TV shows, in which we see, as the main characters and with grief, and with joy, we use alcohol, in our subconscious, the idea is clogged that alcohol is a faithful assistant in any life situation. . When the heart fell ill - you need to drink 50 grams of brandy when strongly products are vodka. If the holiday is a good champagne, on the girl well, you just need a sweet liquor. And so descending into our heads are hampered by the idea that with alcohol in life is easier.

And we used to believe everything that broadcasts "black box". And it is worth trying once, the brain has enjoyed, sent the signals to the body that "drink is a buzz" and everything, the chain closed. It becomes very difficult to break it, because in order to convince your subconsciousness that there are much more pleasant things than sitting with alcohol drinks, you need to do something. What about? But what about the desire to relax, and not? Another option is "I drink today, and tomorrow I throw."

We deceive ourselves, and continue to drink alcohol, enriching the liquor-vodka magnates. Maybe it's time for soberly look at your life and take the decision that will be swivel in your destiny?

Find your reason why you eat alcoholic beverages, do not look around at others. You should not be interested in why people drink alcohol, you should be wondering why you drink strong tinctures.

Understand yourself. I am sure that you will find the right decision and the most optimal way out of any situation, because you want to live a long, healthy and happy life surrounded by those who you are dear and whom you yourself love yourself.