Repairs Design Furniture

Design of shoes in the hallway. Loan in the hallway: rules of convenient and compact accommodation in the interior (75 photos). Shoes with Aliexpress.

Today, when each family member has many pairs of shoes, the shutty in the hallway is simply necessary. In addition, thanks to this subject of the interior, the shoes will be stored at acceptable conditions, which means it will last longer and will have a more presentable look. Agree: after the working day, it is very convenient to come home, sit down on the chair in the corridor, relax, and put your shoes in a place specifically designed for it. Today Dekorin will show you what comfortable and functional there are shoes in the hallway. 42 Photos from this article will clearly demonstrate.

Narrow junction in the hallway: a practical option

Narrow junction in the hallway is, no doubt, the best choice for a small corridor. Choosing a narrow shoe, you need to pay attention to it to be high enough, which means roomy. Usually in narrow stands for shoes fit quite a lot, because they are equipped with a large number of shelves. Agree that an additional regiment never hurts. The range of such furniture is wide enough, which means you will probably pick yourself the desired option. In addition, such models are quite budgetary, compared with large chests. Below you can see the collection of photos of narrow shoes in the hallway.

Loan with a seat in the hallway: convenience first of all

Perhaps the most convenient type is a shoe bowl with a seat in the hallway. Such furniture combines in itself and place for storing shoes, and the seat, which is very convenient for the owners. Agree that it is not always convenient to shift standing, especially when you tie the laces or exercise boots. In addition, the shovel with the seat can be a real decoration of the hallway design. So, you can make it an emphasis, choosing a bright color and adding a couple of interesting pillows on the seat. The photo below you can see how it looks in practice.

Jubber with a mirror in the hallway: two in one

The junction in the hallway equipped with a mirror is an interesting and functional option. It is worth only to take into account that often a mirror in such couches is not full of growth. But in the corridor it is very desirable to see my complete reflection in the mirror. In any case, if you already have a mirror in full growth in the corridor, then such a junkie does not hurt, but will only become an original decoration of the interior of the hallway.

Jewel with a hanger in the hallway: functional option

A wonderful choice for a small corridor, where every square centimeter on the account. Thus, with the help of hangers, you can find a place not only for shoes, but also for outerwear. Such shoes are often equipped with comfortable seats, which cannot but rejoice. Everything you need for comfort is, and most importantly this option will not take much space. As far as convenient, beautiful and practical shoes with a hanger can be seen from the following photos.

Metal junction in the hallway: stylish and strictly

Metal shoes in the hallway are quite popular today. First, these stands are most often open, which means the shoes are well ventilated in them and dries. Secondly, the metal practically does not absorb smells from shoes, compared with the same tree or plastic. In addition, there are many models with forged elements that remarkably fit into any interior and become a real highlight. Check out the photo of metal shoes and make sure that the solution is originality and ease.

Loan with a seat in a narrow hallway: small but spacious

For a narrow hallway, it is necessary to especially carefully select furniture. So, the narrow and deep courses for shoes will ideally fit into a narrow hallway, allowing to accommodate many shoes. There are models that are tightly pressed against the hallway wall, which means they do not occupy a lot of space. Such shoes are usually presented in a wide range and are easily integrated into any design hallway. And this type of junction can be equipped with a soft puff for the comfort of the hosts of the house, and hang the mirror on top of the couch.

Now that you have familiarized yourself with the main types of shoes in the hallway and watched photos of different solutions, it will be easier for you to choose the appropriate option. Think exactly what kind of cabinet the most harmonious fit into the interior of your hallway and embody dreams to reality.

No accommodation costs without additional furniture, with the help of which the balance between randomly placed household objects is installed, but also there are things on a specific purpose.

Having come to visit someone, we have seen a gross of various shoes at the entrance.

Many have for storage of shoes for every day it is customary to use the built-in cabinet shelf, however, this is not practical and not at all competent solution.

The shoes in the hallway is a rational alternative to various cabinets and chests. Thanks to such a subject of furniture, you can preserve the appearance of the shoe of a longer period of time.

Therefore, to release free space and its rational use, without thinking, take the IKEA junk in the hallway.

Specificity of the shoes and their correct choice

Since the shoes are one of the dusty and not always clean wardrobe items, therefore, it needs separate storage.

The functioning of such furniture is constantly being upgraded, equipped with new interior accessories (seats, mirrors, hangers).

Check out the photo of the shutdown to the hallway in the catalog on our resource to choose the most suitable option. From the proposed diversity you must select the most suitable option.

Choosing the necessary junction, focus on the interior style, the number of family members and the number of shoes. The style of acquired lockers should be harmonized with accommodation.

Manufacturers of such furniture took care of the variety of an assortment series, a variety of design types, so you certainly select a model that perfectly fit into the interior of the corridor. The classic option is a wall shout in the hallway with the doors.

Advantages and configuration

The widespread blasting was obtained thanks to their practicality and, of course, due to functional features. Let's talk about the main pluses of this type of accessories:

  • Resistance. Metal shutders in the hallway is not subject to deformation, and is also characterized by a high degree of stability of loads.
  • Long term. Furniture equipment is created from practical materials for long-term operation.
  • Compactness. An important plus for small housing.
  • AzerTant rate. The corridor is a business card of an apartment, at home, that is why a comfortable stand will successfully complement the overall interior, diluting an unfilled place in the room.

Now such furniture devices are proposed in the variety of configurations, but non-standard housing layout forces the creators of the accessories to invent innovative solutions, we will talk about some of some:

Cabinet-cabinet. The main purpose of shoes with the seat into the hallway is concentration mainly on seasonal shoes. Furniture is equipped with fluttering doors, shelves, puff with soft seat. The presence of decorative elements in the form of VAZ, photo, Ekibano is not excluded.

Rack. Suitable for a numerous family, as well as owners of a large number of shoes. The convenience of this device is the presence of racks that can be rotated.

Such supports can be high enough. The minus of this subject lies in the instability of the structure, as it can fall due to the slightest careless movement.

Galoshing. This is a supervisory in the hallway low standard design, but differing in external attractiveness. A similar sample will be a wonderful choice for small-sized housing.

If you live in wet climatic conditions, because of which it is encountered with constant floting of your shoes, then it is a galoshnya who can become a functional attribute of your corridor, as it is intended for external open storage of shoes. It is preferable to equip a similar composition on loggias or a balcony.

An important detail when purchasing a jacket is considered to be its shade. It is not difficult to choose the tone of the fittings, focusing on your own preferences.

And remember that thanks to the correctly chosen calper, you transform not only the exterior of the hallway, but also housing as a whole, because it starts from the corridor.

Photo of shoes in the hallway

The organization of the internal space of the apartment is impossible without the presence of the necessary furniture in it. It is thanks to these subjects of the interior there is a harmonious and proper placement of things, each of which has its own place and purpose. The function of storing and ordering boots, shoes, the shoe performs the shoes into the hallway, often representing a universal chest or a real design subject of the interior.

Dresser for shoes is often purchased when the repairs are completed when the main furniture for the corridor is bought. Many households, having lived a certain time in the apartment, stamped for chaotic shoes in the input zone, have a need to purchase a stand that could systematize outdoor wardrobe items.

To purchase one or another shoe furniture, it is worth determining for what purpose and what exactly will be stored there. Many wish to combine in one subject and dresser for shoes, and a bin for storing hats and trifles, and a stand with a seat. Today, the market for furniture offerings presents a wide variety of Tumb for shoes into the hallways, which differ in size, material, designer features, color scheme.

An important point is the choice of overall dimensions, which would suit the parameters to the hallway and where it will be placed. In addition, you should consider the number of residents. For a large family, a roomy dresser is needed for a small - a narrow tube for seasonal shoes in the hallway is suitable. But despite the number of families, the corridor itself can be quite small, because the overall furniture will be impossible to place. This situation will help buy a high and spacious cabinet, which has a built-in shoe box. If the area allows you to choose a chest of drawers with small sizes and a soft seat for rebuilding.


By its design, furniture for storing shoes is divided into several types:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • slim;
  • loan-cabinet;
  • jigsaw dryer;
  • rack.

Closed junction shoes Slim

Jubberry wardrobe
Open shoes.

Open type shoes

Open footwear stand is the most popular view for this segment of furniture. The main advantage of this type is the ventilation system when shoes without being in a closed space can be constantly ventilated and quickly dry, thereby minimizing the presence of an unpleasant odor, as well as the formation of fungus. In turn, the disadvantage of such a form is the accumulation of dust on the shoes, which for many is a decisive factor in order to refuse to buy a tumb for open-type shoes into the hallway.

Closed junction

A closed shoe box can have a cabinet design with shelves or the cabinets with the doors. In this constructive form, the shoes with the seat are popular, which replaces the ottoman or a stool for convenient dressing. Such a box perfectly protects shoes from dust, but also the closed container does not allow to dry well and get rid of the smell. Although modern closed-type models are equipped with built-in ventilation systems, which makes such furniture in demand and more expensive.

Closed junction will suit people with pets. It will help protect shoes from all sorts of damage from the favorites.

Recently, there were relevant shoes in the form "Slim". They are high, narrow or elongated furniture items that are optimally suitable for small vessels. The width of such cabinets is not more than 20 cm. The design is a box with a folding shelves, opening at an angle from 30 to 90 degrees. With a smaller coal of the opening, there is more space for laying the shoes, which, in turn, can only be posted vertically. In this and minus of this type, since the initial form of shoes is lost, it is especially true for long boots, boots, and suede shoes. The disadvantages also refers to the instability of the design of the design and lack of departments for footwear care products.

Jubberry wardrobe

Normal options include multifunctional models when the shoe box is combined with other modules - a mirror, a headwear storage table, hooks for outerwear, umbrella holder. Many photos on specialized furniture resources show how diverse such models can be.

Shoe dryer

Modern technologies made it possible to make an embedded dryer from such an interior item. Such a narrow stand not only places shoes on its shelves, but also allows you to dry and disinfect it. The disinfection function is performed by ultraviolet lamps that eliminate the unpleasant odor. But such a junky dryer requires certain conditions for its content - the source of the power supply should be near, and the shoes should be filtering, since not all sorts of boots can be dried forcibly.


For owners, or rather the owners of a large collection of shoes, shoe racks are suitable. As a rule, these are rotating high designs. Some models can reach a height to the ceiling. Depending on the type, such furniture can be closed or open. Weighing disadvantage of such a stand is the puzzle of the design. Careless movement can add a lot of work on collecting shoes. The narrow and high model of the rack has a dust collector function with an open string type.

Material of shoe cabinets

When making furniture for storing shoes, manufacturers take into account the needs of customers, the economic component and durability of the service. Among the most popular:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • plastic;
Jubberry from wood
Metal shoes
Plastic shoes
Blussia from MDF.
Material Properties Benefits disadvantages
Metal Models made of chromed fine metal pipes are presented in open types of shoes. Such a box can be like an independent design, which is a wardrobe with a seat and mounted on a rack. Such a shoe drawer has excellent ventilation, which allows you to dry well shoes. This is the best option for small-sized hallways when you need to place this item without cluttering the space. On such a design, you can not put shoes on the upper shelves, as dirt or water will flush on the niche below.

Open structures are another additional dust collector.

Wood Furniture for natural wood or rattan shoes requires placing it in the interiors of a classic style or baroque style. Such dressers always look representative and exquisitely in the hallway, creating comfort and harmony in it. Models made of wood is easy to make with their own hands, which saves a family budget.

Rattan furniture, despite its wood base, is lightweight. Also possesses good ventilation properties.

Wooden stands are quite impractical due to their material, which often comes into contact with moisture. To eliminate the rapid wear of furniture standing before installing shoes thoroughly dry.

The rattan will be ridiculous to look in the usual hallway, devoid of stylistic load. It is better to accommodate such a box in the hallway with a baroque or country design.

Plastic Plastic shoes are the most practical and cheap material. In the market of furniture materials such options are a large set. The main advantages of using such chests: practicality, ease of construction, price attractiveness.

This option is optimally suitable for cottages and simple hallways.

In view of the unreliability of the design, the plastic cabinet is a wireless. It is subject to cracks, breakdown and surface damage.
MDF. Today it is the most sought-after material in the furniture segment for shoes. MDF cabinets have three-component dignity: price, quality, attractiveness. The shoes from this material are not present in modern models, as can be seen in many photos.

Color selection

The choice of stand for shoes for the hallway must be performed with the style of the room and the total colors in it. A tree box made with her own hands is very easy to stain in any color and subsequent polishing. If the style "do it yourself" is not suitable for the design of the input zone, then a wide variety of products offered in the photo in catalogs or sold in specialized stores, can please everyone.

It is easier for the question of the color of the shovel, if there are no other furniture in the hallway, and the color of the wallpaper or the surface of the walls is neutral. Another thing is when there are already wardrobes or built-in wardrobe. Then it is better to pick up the color under the surface of the furniture. Extremely sophisticated narrow high shoe cabinets, having a contrast facade of white and brown. They are perfectly combined with dark inlets, floor tiles of coffee or black, dark frames in paintings and baguette on the mirror.

The shoes having the shades of the "oak" or "beech" are well harmonized with light walls and furniture with the shades of "Cherry" or "Alder". Such dressers will fit perfectly in any interior. The design of the chest can be with a dairy seat, the material of which is leatherette or textiles. In the hallway made in the style of modern or high-tech, it will be good to look for furniture with metal inserts and plastic monochrome facades.

Obuzhnitsa do it's hands

Furniture made with your own hands always distinguishes the interior from other apartments where typical chest and cabinets are. Filled with comfort and harmony, such an entrance hall is pleased with the eye and households, and guests. It is necessary to understand that not every interior will take into their arms juggling, made with their own hands. For example, modern or oriental style, high-tech or baroque will not suffer similar elements.

In turn, in country houses, country houses, hallways with the usual repair of the work of Hand-Made will look harmoniously. Here are some options:

  • the most simple model of homemade shoes is a drawer-rack. The shelves in the form of a crossbar are fixed to the side panels of such a cabinet. You can also take simple wooden boxes, make them up on each other, and then paint bright paint;
  • another version of the style "do-it-yourself" is a pallet, which is pre-lacquered, and after drying, the paints are vertically attached to the wall. Footwear is stored in slots;
  • there is a summer storage of shoes. It is represented by an organizer that can be sewn with your own hands. Such a bag has several pockets, where ballet shoes, slippers, sandals are placed. You can hang it on the wall with a nail.

The presence of even simple shoes makes a hall with a cozy room, a convenient zone, in which everything is harmoniously systematized and ordered.

Jubberry is a necessary piece of furniture for the hallway. First, ordering storage of shoes, it allows you to somewhat unload space - even a small family of shoes turns out a lot. Especially, if we consider that one part of the shoe is actively used, and the second is on storage in anticipation of the season. And secondly, the shoes creates acceptable storage conditions, which allows to extend the life of the shoes.

Loan: Design Features

The question of joint storage of shoes and clothing has been remained actively discussed for a long time. The main argument in favor of separate furniture for shoes is a special specific smell made by shoes. On the one hand, he can accumulate in clothes, on the other, it acts as a mix for moth. In addition, shoes are a sufficiently dirty and dusty part of the wardrobe, so it stands separately. In favor of special furniture - shoes, the fact that the storage of shoes in the "native" boxes occupies an excessive amount of space.

According to the Fort Factor, the shoes are divided into several basic types:

  • open - the most popular type of shoe furniture, the main advantage of which - the shoes installed on it are constantly ventilated, which means it will dry faster. What, in turn, minimizes the likelihood of an unpleasant smell in shoes. On the other hand, with such a design on shoes, which is stored on an open shelf, dust sits down more. In the conditions of the hallway, no doubt - the most polluted place in the apartment, an open shovel (with footwear standing in it) will turn into a dust collector
  • closed - made in the form locker, bedside tables or shops. A closed junction with a seat is very common, it's not always possible to put a separate ottoman to sit and comfortably go. At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of closed shoes are directly opposite to the open: the shoes are well protected from the accumulation of dust, but it does not dry well (insufficient ventilation), as a result - the appearance of unpleasant odor. That is why some closed jackets are equipped with compulsory ventilation systems, although more often do additional holes that support air circulation.

Tip! The closed newslet should choose domestic owners - in this case their shoes are guaranteed protected from acute teeth encroachment.

  • slim (derived from the English "Slim" is thin, thin) - a special kind of shoes into the hallway, narrow and high enough, they are optimal for small-sized hallways, in which designers have to take into account every square centimeter. Their width - approximately 20 cm. Blussia-Slim has a folding shelves - they opened at an angle from 30 to 90 degrees (the less the opening angle, the more places save, then less convenient to get it / lay shoes). Footsuch is stored in a vertical position What is not very favorable to preserve its original form. Slime can be performed both outdoor, as well as a wall junction in the hallway. It should be noted from the deficiencies of Slim-design that it is intended only for storing shoes, so you have to find a place for brushes and shoe "cosmetics". Another important point is stability. On the one hand, the bluntness is narrow, on the other - in a small entrance hall, the probability of carelessly hurt it is large enough. So you can provide additional mounting to the wall

In most countries, it is customary to go in the hallway. As a rule, in modern apartments, they do not differ in spacious sizes, so the problem of organizing the storage of shoes is familiar to each family.

Plants placed on the floor and shoes are not only not aesthetic, but not convenient: they can be stumbled about them. In addition, the constant contact of the shoes with the floor contributes to the accumulation of dust and dirt on its surface. And genuine leather products often attract pets and may be hopelessly spoiled in case of free access to them.

One of the best options to organize storage of shoes is the use of shoes.

Jubberry - Appointment and advantages

Jubberry is a special furniture design designed to store shoes and completed in the form of a stand, cabinet, chest or couch.

The benefits of the junction include:

  • organization of accurate and compact storage of shoes;
  • preservation of floors in purity;
  • preventing shoe strain;
  • convenience and ease of use.

Disadvantages of shoes depend on the type of design of the selected design. For example, dust can accumulate in open models, and closed shoes require an additional place to open the door.

Varieties of models of Chogrenitz

To choose the newsletter suitable for you, it is necessary to study and weigh the advantages of Ai disadvantages of all types of such furniture.

Modern furniture manufacturers offer the following varieties of shoes:

  • open racks;
  • stands for shoes;
  • cabinets;
  • tombs and dressers;
  • combined products.

Racks for shoes

The open-type rack is a stationary design consisting of several sections. In the people they are called haloshnitsa or shutters. The advantages of this type of shoes are cheaper, continuous ventilation of the shoes and the ability to use the upper tier as a stand for trifles or seats.

The main disadvantage of the plant is the fact that the shoes turn out to be in sight - it does not always look aesthetic.

Stands for shoes

Stand for shoes is a design consisting of several shelves (usually two or four). The distance between the shelves determines the type of shoes that can be stored on them. Low shelves are suitable only for summer and spring shoes, and high allow you to store winter boots, boots and other types of warm shoes.

Many stands are equipped with a seat. This allows you to shift sitting - a very convenient option of a rational organization of space in the hallway.

As a rule, coasters for shoes are made of metal or plastic and are open. The pluses of the support are compact sizes, practicality and durability. The main disadvantage - the shoes can dreamed and is in mind all the time.

If you have pets in the house, it is better to give preference to closed shoes, which will exclude pet access to shoes.

Wardrobe for shoes

The wardrobe for shoes is a closed shelf equipped with doors. It provides aesthetic storage of shoes: it will always be hidden from prying eyes. However, it should be borne in mind that wet shoes cannot be stored in the closet.

There are three main types of shoe cabinets:

  • the traditional cabinet is a design with several spacious compartments, characterized by increased capacity. This is an excellent option for a spacious hallway;
  • bone's cabinet is equipped with the doors of different widths that open up vertically. Shelves in such a product are quite narrow, but high - the perfect solution for storing boots, bags and even umbrellas;
  • slime wardrobe is a high, but narrow wardrobe. It is well suited in case of limited space.

Jubberry in the form of Tumb and Dresser

Dressers and cabinets are a shortened version of furniture for storing shoes. Therefore, they are well placed in rooms with low ceilings.

There are two types of shoes in the form of dresser and Tumb:

  • oven - with side walls or without them, but without doors;
  • closed - with doors.

According to the design, the chest of drawers and the bag for shoes are absolutely identical. The difference between them is only in size. The chest - more spacious, and the cabinet is compact. It is best suited for close vessels.

Combined shoes.

Combined shots include different types of shelves - closed or open. This allows you to store casual shoes at hand, and rarely used in the closed locker. From the point of view of functionality, this is the most convenient option for organizing the storage of shoes.

When choosing a type of shoes, focus on the size of your hallway. The furniture should allow to store shoes without prejudice to the useful area.

Types of buildings and materials

Depending on the installation capabilities, you can choose one of two types of shoes - built-in and case.

Built-in shutders is located inside the wall niche or is an integral part of another furniture. Such solutions allow you to save space in the hallway. As a rule, such furniture is made according to an individual order, taking into account the exact dimensions of the space, where the supervice will be located.

Built-in shoes also gives you the opportunity to hide the presence of flaws in the hallway: unnecessary niches, irregularities of walls, unused hatches.

Cabinet models are separately worthwheeling. They are distinguished by high mobility - if necessary, they can be transferred from one place to another.

By the method of placement of the shutty, they are divided into outdoor and suspended. The latter are attached to the wall and have greater stability than outdoor structures.

Pay attention to the material from which furniture is made. For the production of shoes use:

  • metal - applied in shelves and coasters for shoes. Different with durability, durability and reliability. Typically, shoes from metal are chromed or covered with powder paints. Well, if the furniture is with an anti-corrosion coating - it will significantly extend its service life. Metal coasters for shoes perfectly fit into the classic interior;
  • plastic - aesthetic, but rather fragile material. It is used to create hallways in the style of Hi-Tech;
  • Chipboard (wood-chip) is the most common material for the manufacture of shoes. It does not differ in high operational properties, but it is inexpensive;
  • natural tree - expensive material, products from it are durable and durable.

Please note that closed shoes must be made only from chipboard, wood or plywood are breathable materials. Products made of plastic and metal can be extremely open.

Varieties of door chogrenitz

Three types of doors are used in the wardrobes for shoes:

  • swing;
  • sliding (door coupe);
  • folding.

Swing doors are a classic option. Constructively, they are moving consoles opening "on themselves." This is the easiest option of the door opening mechanism. In addition, swing doors provide maximum access to the contents of closed shoes and are inexpensive.

But, to use such furniture, additional space is needed so that the door can open freely. In a close hallway, such doors will only interfere.

Sliding doors are two canvases firmly fixed on two guides - upper and lower. They allow you to preserve the useful space of the hallway even with an open shoe. In addition, the compartment doors look quite effectively and can fit into most modern interiors.

The disadvantages of sliding doors include a high cost and a bad shelf overview: you will not be able to see the entire contents of the cabinet immediately.

Keep in mind that the use of sliding doors significantly reduces the useful depth of the cabinet - at a minimum, by 10 cm.

Folding doors canvas are transformed on the principle of "accordion" or "books" and provide simple and quick access to the contents of the shutty. Unlike swing, they need quite a few space for opening. In addition, folding doors are very lungs and easy to use - even a child can cope with them.

The only disadvantage of the folding structure is that in the absence of the lower guides, the doors can "walk", that is, staggeringly in the process of operation.