Repairs Design Furniture

Crafts with epoxy resin. Beautiful epoxy products with their own hands. Stock Foto Crafts from epoxy resin

For work is necessary:

- epoxy resin;

- silicone molds (for epoxy resin);

- disposable gloves, syringes, cups, stirring wand;

- various natural materials (drieds, shells, pebbles IT.D.);

- Pottal, stained glass paints, powder Pereple.

I work on the usual file so as not to swing the table.

To create a coule from the hemisphere, I picked up two different dandelions so that you can compare how they look in the final version.

Before starting work, we carefully rinse all the molds that plan to use, wipe them dry. Owing gloves, pour the resin into one-time cups and hardener (it is more convenient to gain them with a syringe). We work in a well-ventilated room.

Measuring required amount Resins, pour into a clean dry cup, with another syringe, measure the required amount of hardener and add to the resin. Different producers have their own proportions, so carefully read what is written on the packaging and follow all recommendations for work. The final result depends on the accuracy, if the resin does not frozen, then the proportions were broken, or the mixture is not well mixed with each other.

If you take a syringe with rubber insert Inside, the hardener will not splash when they pour it into epoxy. Wooden stick (You can use skewers for kebabs) We thoroughly mix the resulting mixture. I set the time for 10 minutes, and interfere with the circular movements so as to prevent air from entering.

In Mold, we put carefully dandelion (lower parachutes I deleted tweezers)

After stirring, I leave the resin somewhere on half an hour so that the chemical reaction passes: to judge that the reaction can be on the heated cup with a resin. Experienced way I found that it is not necessary to work in very hot weather, the reaction will start very violently leaking and resin will freeze in half an hour. This applies to the resin that I use, different manufacturers - different criteria.

With a thin flowing gently pour a resin into Mold, on a dandelion.

Because After the frozen, it will fall a little, pour so that a small convex lenza turned out.

Now I will show how you can make beautiful rings made of glass, washes and polished by the sea.

We pour a little resin, put the pebbles, carefully fill on top, as when working with a hemisphere, to get a convex surface.

Affairs earrings with paracted dandelions. We pour a little resin, distribute a wand. At this stage, the resin begins to gradually thicken, it is just necessary, so that parachuts remain in the position in which they were put.

We put a bunch.

Top pour a resin with a small convexity. If you do it carefully, you will eventually need a minimum grinding.

Similarly, a truncated ball is also obtained. Pour a resin half of the Molda.

We put the required number of parachuts with toothpick or, like me, a big needle (it is good to wipe it away from the resin).

Take a resin in Mold with a dandelion.

And now we will make a bracelet with seashells from the Black and Azov seas. Similarly, in pure dry bracelet mold pour epoxy resin. By this time it became even more thick, so part of it remains on the walls, which I need. We add to the mold of seashells, pebbles, starfishes, all that is interesting) pour crushed seashells, which stick to the walls, creating an effect of suspended state.

For half an hour before that, I prepared a new portion of the resin, very carefully pour from above to avoid the appearance of unnecessary bubbles. If there are still bubbles, you can warm up the oven to 80 degrees, ventilate, put the Molds there with a resin (the temperatures are withstanding to + 204 c). Bubbles will come out.

It is important that Mold stands on smooth surfaceotherwise the resin will freeze in an inclined position. Than more accurately install epoxy, the less you will need to grind. I poured resin as much as possible to the top, with a small convexity.

Now we are waiting for a day to completely dry the resin. To the surface of the products did not hit the garbage / dust, it is necessary to cover them with something, a box, lid.

At this time we will make a pendant. Preparing the main background - we apply liquid plastic on the workpiece. Polymer clay rolled into a thin layer cover, distribute and baked in the oven. Let cool and you can start work.

We pour a few drops of resin so that you can distribute on the surface and with the help of tweezers and needles make up of the fully dried leaves - flowerfish composition. The resin acts as glue, which does not allow easy drunks to move. You should not use living or poorly dried flowers for pouring resin, over time they will ruin and turn them.

Because Behind the pendant there is a holder, I had to put it in Mold so that the surface was horizontal. I never think about it in advance what kind of composition should be, so I spread all the appropriate flowers and the grass and inspired to collect a small live picture.

As a result, it turns out in such a little world. We leave to dry, after the resin holes, you can pour out the second layer, forming a convex beautiful lens.

A day passed, the resin completely turned away and I got all the resulting blanks. This bracelet, the upper part of it.

By the same principle you can make a pendant, earrings, ring, etc.

This is a semisfer with a dandelion, next to the second, orange, for comparison.

These are the resulting truncated balls with parachutes:

I also poured small seeds:

Slashing from sea glass, for comparison, put those that did earlier.

If you add a drop in resin stained paint Or Pooge Pereple, you can get different shades of resin. When painting stained glass paint it is worth adding a completely droplet, because The proportions between the resin and the hardener can be violated by staining, as a result, the product may not be frozen or becomes sticky when touched.

You can add Patal and get interesting decorations.

And these are lenses with parachutics, as can be seen, lie beautifully. So, as it was intended.

The reverse side remained at one level with the edges of the lenses.

After complete frost, uneven and sharp edges must be stuck.

The epoxy composition is made of resin and hardener. They are mixed with each other in equal proportions. Then it is heated to a temperature of 30 degrees. In the process of heating, a chemical reaction occurs, after which the composition acquires a transparent, polymeric look. For the first time, epoxy resin was invented in France at the beginning of the 20th century and used in the construction of roads.

With the help of epoxy resin, you can make perfectly exclusive, unique decorations. The design of such jewelry will not be able to repeat no other other than you. Can be combined different techniques In the manufacture of decorations, for example, to do.

How to make decorations from epoxy resin

At the beginning you need to make the basis (shape) of the decoration in it and resin will be poured. As the basis, take a wire with a thickness of about 1.5 mm, but such that it is durable and could be easily stuffed. After all, the quality and durability of your decoration depends on it.

Bend the wire in the shape of the ring or other form that you like most. Flex so that there is a distance between the ends of the form. Make several forms at once, it's more convenient to make a lot of jewelry at a time.

Next, lay out your forms to the surface. The surface must be smooth and when you figure out the epoxy resin so that it does not spread and stick it. It is best for the cover of a glossy magazine or cross the scotch.

Inside the form, put some flat items, the main thing that they approached the form diameter. In this way, professionals make decorations from plants. And you can make a decoration from the fluff from the dandelion. Before pouring epoxy resin, it is recommended to dry the plant well. They can be dried in a couple of days or stroke the iron. If we put into the form of live plants, because of the small amount of moisture inside the resin, the rotation process can begin than it will be unpleasant to observe such "decorations".

When the form and objects were prepared, poured epoxy resin. Pulling should be in several layers. After the fill there should be no bubbles if you want to get a distinct picture. Get rid of them, you can stick with a needle. Or if you want to get an unusual image, with an unusual texture, then bubbles should be left. Color picture can be obtained by adding stained glass in the resin, and get frosted glass - Lubricate the shape before pouring petroleum.

Greetings brainotalants! How about making a picture ... 3D picture? This article will help you in creating such brainjetsconsisting of several painted epoxy resin layers.

Disclameer 🙂 Creating 3D crafts It will require a large number of 4 dimensions. All these spaces require patience, but the result is worth it.

Step 1: Materials

First of all, let's talk a little about security.

When working with epoxy resin, it is important to take appropriate precautions, namely, you should read the manufacturer's warnings. I will not retell them, but nevertheless I note that when working with epoxy, it is necessary to avoid getting mozgosmes On the skin and inhalation of its vapors during mixing and frozen.

I use the following protection measures:

  • eye protection
  • latex gloves
  • respirator
  • and an isolated room in which homemade is left during an epoxy resin curing.

Safety figured out, go to materials and tools:

  • epoxy resin (for example, as Parks Super Glaze)
  • disposable measuring cups for 230ml
  • wooden sticks for mixing
  • the reservoir that will serve as a restrictive contour.
  • construction Fen
  • brushes for drawing
  • acrylic paints

Step 2: Preparation of the mixture

If you are going to be accurate in the thickness of the layers, you first need to calculate the desired number of components of the mixture for one layer. To do this, we are determined with the number of layers that you plan to get, and divide the depth of your restrictive reservoir to this value, thereby get the required layer thickness. The thickness of my layers is usually about 3mm.

Then the calculated thickness of the layer is multiplied by the tank area, and we get the volume of one mozgosloy. One liquid oz is 29.6cm3.

We divide the amount of ounces in one layer by 2, and we obtain a finite number of ounces, which should be measured for each of the components of the resin, A and V.

Now we put on the means of protection. After that, we pour an equal amount of component A and a component to a measuring cup - for my epoxy resin, their ratio is 1: 1 - and mix at least two minutes. The mixture is rather viscous, so it is thoroughly "scraped" it from the parties and pay attention to the places in which she could not be mixed. As a result, the mixture should be homogeneous (although on this moment It will be in it a large number of Air bubbles). Now we are ready for the fill!

Step 3: Pouring resin and removing bubbles

The following actions must be carried out in space without dust and hair, although the dust will be present in your selfieBut we will stop on it later.

In the restrictive reservoir, we pour the prepared mixture, and we tilting it in different directions so that it is evenly spread over the bottom. If you want, you can swing it so that the resin covers the walls of the tank, and it will make it easier to scrape with them the pieces of paint, which could have been incidentally, without wetting the walls it will make it harder.

Removal of bubbles
We turn on the hairdryer at minimum power and heat the tank with the mixture, evenly leading it over it. In one place, they do not delay too long, so as not to overcome the resin and it did not crack. (Valuable Tip: Pull the hair dryer from dust, including it and brightening in any other place, not under the tree).

The bulk of large bubbles will come out pretty quickly (and at first glance it will be quite satisfactory), but it is worth paying more attention to "Krocham". We highlight the flooded layer and look at the presence of small bubbles, if present, then the shadows will discard.

Step 4: "Dusty" procedures

When we highlight the flooded layer and looking for bubbles, you can see the specks and fibers on the layer surface. During the embodiment of this brainjets, except for creating it in a kind of "laboratory environment", these dust, hair or fibers are so annoying, but it is almost impossible to completely get rid of them. However, with proper technique (and the fraction of good luck) dust in the 3D picture will be almost inconspicuous.

Notice: really amazes how much dust and hair everywhere. They "float" in the air and we breathe all the time ... I suppose working with epoxy resin, a lot will surprise you how much all around us is on the micro level.

Search for dusty and hair
So, the highlightening layer of resin look at highlights on its surface. Socks on this surface will be visible due to the "violating" leakage of the resin surface tension. We explore the entire surface mozgocartinsTo find these annoying particles. At the same time, we concentrate on the larger, as too small for the most part disappear after the fill of the next layer, but you should make sure that all the big hair and fibers are found, they will be visible.

Removing Syrin.
For "catching" debris, you can use the "bait" of scraps of paper. Corners of paper are especially good in this matter, as the fibers are nicely cling. Repeated these "bait" should not be applied, otherwise you can "pollute" a layer of previously caught garbage.

Covering layers
After the resin is cleaned from the sarility, then at the time of her curing it is worth covering it to secure from getting trash. For this I use mostly foil or skid, which covers the tank. Metal advantage bragulga In the fact that it can be tightly wrapped the entire reservoir, because the dust is such a "magic" substance that can leak through the smallest holes ...

Actions with "sleeves" sorts
And what to do if big dust, or even worse, hair, linked in the layer, and he has already frozen? You may have to change the picture concept to hide them. For example, for this, for this, more than once had to add elements to the pattern. But nevertheless, usually all these additions caused by initial defects, as a result I liked. The problem solving is one of the most attractive features of art and design. Do not cry over spilled milk, find better elegant mozgorcene! However, if you need something to really remove, you can clean the epoxy to remove this defect, the action is troublesome ... But we still consider it later.

Step 5: Resin Holding

During the frozen resin, it is necessary to keep the tank in such a place where you will not inhale her pairs. The process of hardening the resin is due to heat, and not the effects of air or evaporation, therefore it is not worth leaving the reservoir with a resin in a cold place, as it will significantly slow down the process. On the other hand you can warm mozgopodelkaTo speed up the hardening, but not too - follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Somehow I left the reservoir for too long with a resin in a preheated oven, and came out ... completely bad (see photo). For room temperature Drying the layer takes about 8 hours, after which it can be drawn!

Step 6: Drawing

The epoxy resin layer is prepared, the most interesting begins!

Drawing on the resin differs from drawing on the canvas, since the surface of the resin is so smooth that the paint does not "clinging" for it, which makes it difficult to apply opaque smears at a time, but at the same time it gives an excellent opportunity to draw translucent items!

The photo is shown to the brush stroke, and as you can see it is transparent, if you need to make it opaque, you will have to wait for drying mozgocracy And apply another layer on top. Another big plus drawing on the resin is the ability to wash the paint without any difficulties, if it does not surfacing, and if it still dried, it can be scraped. That is, you can create sketches and experiment with a brush, and in case of failure, just erase or paint. At the same time, even even considering you slightly scratched the surface, then when pouring a new layer, these minor scratches will disappear.

To obtain clear, smooth edges, I sometimes use a polenta, and this can be seen on the photos presented, on the last 4 of which are shown the first 4 layers.

Preparation for the fill of the next layer
After the drawing process is completed, it is necessary to clean the surface to mozgokartina It was "crystal" clean. For this, I use wet paper napkins, after which I still wipe the microfiber, and control the process using the entire same trick with the surface of the surface and observation of the reflections so that there is thereby find stains and disposable garbage. And again, you should not worry from small scratcheswhich can manifest after cleaning.

When finished with cleaning, we return to the previous step and repeat brainCurd. Fill layers, hardening and drawing, and so until the tank is full crafts!

Step 7: Elimination of large defects

With your homemade Various troubles that can be critical were happening. For example, on the above photo of the upper layer of epoxy resin, the material was touched by the material that I was covered with dust during hardening, and which left an unpleasant trace in the lower right corner on the layer. The disadvantage was essential, and I needed to fix it somehow ...

If the defect is critical and in any case, it is necessary to eliminate, then you can simply clean the defect completely and pour it again to be in ideally it is transparent again. In this case, be sure to wear the respirator, yes, and accept other precautions so that neither you nor anyone else breathing the scratched dust. You do not want to climb the lighter solid particles that are essentially very small pieces of plastic.

If the eliminated defect is too deep, then you can use the drenel to sweep it, or another similar tool to speed up the process. Next, it should be cleaned the place of emery paper of big graininess, and gradually increase it by bringing to the 600th grain, while the wet grinding will significantly reduce the number of sputtered solid particles.

After completing the grinding of the emery of the 600 grast, it will be possible to fill a new layer. mozgocartinsAnd he will again become transparent. My process of eliminating a defect on the above picture presented in full swing, but the manufacturer of the resin assured that everything should work out as it should.

Step 8: Final Strokes

To protect their own brainjets From the effects of UV radiation, as a result of which epoxy is yellowing, it is necessary to hide it with a special protective filter. The epoxy 3D picture is quite severe, therefore, for its finishes, materials that can withstand its weight should be used. The case of my first picture I cut with laser cutter from the White Acrylic, which holds the UV filter, but does not hold himself under the tree. Therefore, in order to suspend your three-dimensional picture, I screwed the hooks in a wooden restriction reservoir and tied a wire to them.

Step 9: Create!

Here are some more photos with my masterpieces, and I hope you like it ... :) I also began experimenting with glass containers, and such Selfieckers Pretty graceful, as you can see them through different sides. In addition, upper layer Reflects internal and looks cool - this can be seen in the second photo.

If you are interested, you can get acquainted with my other crafts And I myself can not wait to see what they have created others using this technique for creating 3D-paintings! And let all your bubbles come out, and dust will be invisible! Good luck to all!

Some jewelry lovers at least once, but wondered how and from what they produce such beautiful and original products. The secret of their production is quite simple and accessible to many, because to reproduce such masterpieces, it is enough to purchase epoxy resin and some auxiliary means.

And options for your future creations will easily prompt numerous photos Crafts from epoxy resin posted on sites or in magazines.

If you are a creative person, then make unique amazing earrings, bracelets or pendants with various internal fillings You can do it yourself.

The process of performing crafts

The process of manufacturing crafts from epoxy resin is quite simple, the main thing in right proportions Connect two components: resin and hardener. You can read the proportions in the annotation attached to them.

You can figure out the ideas of creating crafts yourself or high on the Internet, but in production it is necessary to comply with certain instructions.

To start implementing your idea, you need to prepare the following devices: a container for mixing the main components, a wand from wood and casting molds.

To make the product bright and original, inside the molds must be placed decorative elements In the form of sparkles, particles of dried vegetation, beads, beads, etc., can be cut down with a special dye.

To froze the crafts, the temperature regime is needed 25-60 degrees of heat in which it must be within 24 hours.


Crafts from epoxy can make anyone, the main thing to have a desire and necessary materials. And how to make crafts with your own hands, you can help the relevant master classes.

For example, you can make unique earrings from epoxy resin and small parts of hourly mechanisms. To do this, it is worth picking up the form desired size Silicone in the form of an oval, pour into it a resin solution, then put in the planned arrangement of the prepared details of the clock with a toothpick or tweezers, add a dye.

The gray-golden background can be obtained if a mixture of graphite and silver is used as a dye. The hardening of the resin can be accelerated if placing the product in the oven, but not hot, at a temperature of +50 degrees it will freeze perfectly and without the formation of bubbles.

After that, the product needs to be removed from the cabinet, and then from the mold and polish with a large (first) and shallow (at the end) of sandpaper.

At the end it is necessary to drill a hole under the clasp, cover everything with varnish and fix the fastener. The product is ready to use, wear on health.

DECOR DIY dried plants

For crafts using epoxy resin, dried elements of plants or inflorescence can be used as decorative filling.

But in this case, you will need defined sizes Forms and pre-prepared decor made of dry plants. The principle of manufacturing such crafts is similar to the previous one, however, it is worth considering some important nuances:

  • it is categorically not recommended inside the composition to lay raw plants or inflorescences, since the product will not be durable, as the natural process of rotting will soon begin, and the composition will be corrupted. Therefore, the entire decor must be dried well in advance.
  • the solidification process should be in a warm place to avoid the appearance of bubbles. To mix the resin and the hardener is needed for 5 minutes with constant stirring.

Decor from insects

Unusual I. interesting idea Registration decorative composition Inside, the crafts is the use of various insects: beetles, scorpions, dragonflies and other inhabitants. At the same time, insects retain their unique natural look.

However, to obtain such an effect you need to dry correctly, i.e. Separately in parts (wings, paws, torso), which in the process of work are glued with a resin to the necessary places. But such work is very painstaking and requires a large diligence and patience.

The preparation phase can be called the most significant. As a form of the product, a regular ball for tennis is suitable, which is pre-cut into two halves. If the insect is dried in a beautiful straightened form initially, it is possible to simply place it inside the resin, if in parts, they will have to be glued in the process of work, which is not easy to do.

The mold from the inside is better to lubricate the oil so that the frozen epoxy ball is easier to remove. The epoxy is poured into two halves, the insect is in one of them. Then the halves are tightly connected, and the docking seam is covered with a scotch, to make it imperceptible.

After pouring, the mold is removed, the product is grinning, polished and opened with varnish. Beautiful cauldron From epoxy resin is ready.

In addition, you can make with your own hands and other crafts using various elements and materials for internal decorative filling.

Stock Foto Crafts from epoxy resin

Designers and needlewomen learned how to maintain entire worlds frozen in glass. In fact, all these seashells, tiny buds, leaves and bugs forever froze not in glass or amber, but in a simple and accessible to each epoxy resin. And do not need to have a laboratory or separate roomTo create it yourself. Today we learn how to create an epoxy resin with your own hands, and after to do your own masterpiece with it.

Advantages of epoxy resin and its differences from epoxy glue

Despite the fact that the name "resin" is present in the title, in its composition you will not find natural ingredients, because this is a completely synthetic product created in laboratories for so many areas - from construction to needlework.

Epoxy resin - This is a mixture of two components: hardener and resin itself. Depending on the ratio of parts of the hardener and the resin, which are included in it, can be thick, liquid or even dense. Therefore, it is very important when mixing epoxy resin at home to follow the instructions shown on the labels.

Properties of epoxy resin

Epoxy Camol is great for creating jewelry, decorative elements, and even coatings of large surfaces. It has the following properties:

  • she is very durable
  • not subject to abrasive wear,
  • transparent
  • well waterproofed
  • absolutely non-toxic after frozen.

Do not forget that the epoxy glue can be met on the store shelves, which is completely fit for us. Let's start with the fact that the adhesive itself is a derivative product from the resin. It includes not only epoxy resin, but also a solvent, plasticizer, hardener and filler. Therefore, it is also durable, it is not susceptible to wear and tightly holds glued parts.

Differences between resin and glue

There are significant differences between the resin and glue, which reveal the shortcomings, unacceptable for our purposes:

  1. The glue has a certain frost time, which cannot be controlled, while the frozen resin can be accelerated.
  2. The resin retains transparency for a long time, while the glue quickly begins to yellow.
  3. Epoxy glue less elastic and fastest frozen, while resin is more than militia and allows you to work with it with greater accuracy.
  4. Adhesive can only be used to connect parts, and the resin is suitable for the manufacture of beads and other figures of the specified form.
  5. Depending on the proportion used by mixing the resin and the hardener, we can get the desired consistency suitable for our needs, glue is sold as a finished mixture.

Security Rules when working with a resin

In order not to make harm from vapors that are formed when mixing a hardener and resin (the polymerization process entails a significant allocation of heat), it is necessary to comply with some safety rules.

  1. Arm yourself with gloves.
  2. Put the protective mask or respirator to not harm yourself.
  3. Carry the room during operation.
  4. Warn the households so as not to enter the room while you are busy, or necessarily put on the mask.
  5. Before starting work, organize your workplace So that after not distracted.

If you do not have a special surface to work, you can use a film or simple file to not worry at the table and what can happen to it in the process.

How to prepare epoxy resin with your own hands

After familiarizing with the instructions, having prepared all the materials and workstations, as well as following the safety technique, you can start creating an epoxy resin for your ideas.

So, to create epoxy resin, we will need it:

  • resin and hardener
  • disposable syringes or measuring cups,
  • storage wand (toothpick, skewer or other suitable area).

Carefully read the instructions to the component of the epoxy resin

First mix the components in one small container.

Mix the components must be compliance temperature mode Not higher + 25 ° C.

The most convenient to measure the desired number of resin and hardener disposable syringesSo you will know the exact proportion and do not lose a drop when pouring them into a common vessel. Or take advantage of measuring cups, given that from now on any of them cannot be applied.

Do not try to make reserves, since polymerizing, the mixture becomes unsuitable for further use.

Gently mix the resulting composition in a circle to reduce the likelihood of bubbles, because they can spoil the appearance of the epoxy resin.

If the bubbles did not succeed, then you can cope with them. To do this, you must first give the mixture to stand out, and after heatting. Bubbles will definitely rise to the surface, which will allow us to carefully remove them. After that, the mixture can be used for your ideas.

Processing resin after frozen

After frozen resin, it may be necessary to process it, since the composition may seem muddy or uneven. Due to the elasticity of the composition, we can bring it to mind, and not disappointed to throw away into the urn, believing that we did not come out.

Resin after frozen became muddy

For grinding the product is suitable sandpaperAnd then the milling mill in the nail polishing.

Since dust during grinding will be much, it is worth putting a respirator, and the sandpaper is best wateted with water.

In this master class from DreamWorkshop you will find step-by-step photos process of creating a resin and several excellent tips how to make frozen resin Transparent and smooth with the easiest tools.

Crafts from epoxy resin do it yourself

So, how to get an epoxy resin on my own and we learned to you, talked about the precautionary measures and the organization of the workplace. It's time to try my strength on. After all, it is not so difficult to create crafts from epoxy resin, as it may seem at first glance.

First, it is worth noting that such a material as epoxy resin is quite universal, and can be used in needlework in different ways. It creates both separate decorations and accessories that complement the work performed in other techniques. It is great for figures, cabochons and even stained glass windows.

Creating crafts with the help of filling forms - Moldova

The most common form of use of the resin is to fill it with silicone forms - moldes. The resulting billets can further be used as pendants, beads, suspension on or, key rings, etc. The variety of moldes allows you to create rings and bracelets from epoxy resin.

Such moldes should be made of high-quality platinum silicone, which will be resistant to the fillive solution and make it easy to extract the frozen product from it.

The advantages of Moldova

The advantages of such filling forms are that:

  • currently, you can buy them in any needlework store.
  • they are plastic
  • do not react with a resin
  • don't glue her

What decor use when creating crafts

Molda is well suited to pour into them dry flowers, foliage, moss or shells - any bulk element. To do this, you will need only epoxy resin, a suitable silicone form, as well as pre-prepared decorative elements.

Be sure to pay attention to the preparation! Leafs, flowers and buds must be carefully dried so that over time they do not black, spoiling their appearance ready product. Shells, crystals and stones are best deguted with alcohol or solvent, and after too dry.

In the resin you can add not only dense decorative elements, but also potal, shine and even stained paint, but a bit (so as not to spoil the ratio of the main components and not disturb the specified consistency).

Crafts from epoxy resin can be decorate with plants ...

... sparkles ...

With this method of filling, decorative elements are most often unevenly distributed in the form of the product. This is clearly visible in the example with a bracelet:

In the case when the decorative elements are small, heavy and / or you just want to put them in the center of the form, first it is recommended to fill in the mold resin, and after immersing the necessary decor in it - leaves, small seashells dried by a berry - anything you like your soul!

Method 2.When the resin is dismissed, pour it into Mold with a thin weaving, evenly distribute across the form, and after immersing the selected decorative elements in it, helping your toothpick.

If you are limited in time or afraid of bubbles, you can send an outdoor in the oven, preheated to 80 ° C (disabled and ventilated) for 15-20 minutes. After that, give the workpiece to stand in a form of at least a day so as not to damage the surface of the resin. Gently remove the bracelet, pass it away from the top and finish with varnish for greater preservation.

To begin with, prepare clay - roll out or twisted the strips of the desired length using the paste machine, rolling or extruder. After wrapped the resulting workpiece, a fade with a frame, and send it to the oven, following the instructions shown on the clay pack.

When the rim for your future decoration will cool - free it from the mold and you can begin the pouring epoxy resin.

In more detail with the technology of framework from polymer clay Can be found in the master class by Rusalina.

Method 2: Wire Raming

If you are familiar with the basics of Wire Wrap, you will come to the rescue, which can be spinning into any framework or foundation to surprise the decorations around your copyright.

Method 3: Working with a tree

Working with homemade filthable forms allows you to go beyond the frames invented by manufacturers of fittings. But still, such a combination of technician requires greater amplification, accuracy and time, since now you yourself create the rims and frames, which is time consuming, but at the same time a very interesting process.

Natural Tree is natural ...


…and style

However, such products are not so easy to do, besides, they require a whole arsenal of special tools, since the tree in itself needs a full processing and stripping so that the result does not disappoint.

But if difficulties and painstaking work is your passion, and in the house there are already tools for working on a tree, then be sure to try yourself in a unique technique for creating crafts from epoxy resin different size and destination.

Jewelry is all that it is capable of epoxy resin?

And yet, despite the fact that in our days most often we meet epoxy resin only as decorations, it continues to be popular and in other directions. So it is used to fill the knives handle, to decorate flash drives, keyfobs and even pens.

BUT experienced masters Let's go even further using epoxy resin for filling large surfaces. Tables with incredible imitation of water in the middle or simple and smooth stroit, from under which the original image performs, more inflated fading is a reality, created by those who like to challenge their talent.

Wooden tabletop with transparent epoxy resin insert

The table top is completely filled with epoxy resin

The same who remains faithful to small forms, also found their own author's style:, pocket mirrors and even hinged dolls! It turns out that resin can realize any of our ideas.

As you can see, epoxy resin is capable of much and is limited only by the fantasy of those who are seriously interested in working with her. Try and you go through the way from your first cabochons and beads to masterpieces worthy of world museums from epoxy resin!