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Maundy Thursday folk signs customs of prayer conspiracies. Money rituals on Maundy Thursday. Conspiracy on Maundy Thursday for money

Signs and customs are on Maundy Thursday among the people were very strong. Many conspiracies and prayers have come down to this day. Holy week Great Lent. Moreover, each modern man tries to capture at least a little from each tradition. Someone prepares the Thursday salt, others count the money, and still others get up before sunrise to use holy water.

Maundy Thursday is one of last days Great Lent on the eve of Christ's Easter. For religious people who try to adhere to all church rules, traditions and recommendations, this is a rather difficult day. Even more difficult trials are ahead - Good Friday and Saturday, when you need to try to pacify the flesh as much as possible. Maundy Thursday in this regard is not so strict, even in lean menu certain indulgences are allowed (you can eat food cooked on fire, and also add a little vegetable oil when cooking).

Even children know that cleaning of the apartment ends on Maundy Thursday, it is imperative to wash, getting up early and early in the morning at sunrise. Be sure to wash with cool water, take a bubble bath. In the church, after the service, take communion, and in the evening start dyeing eggs and baking cakes. Although, first things first.

Christian essence of Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday always falls on the Passion week, which ends the debt of the fast on the eve of Easter. The Book of Life tells about the Last Supper, which took place on this very day. Jesus, breaking bread, distributed it to his disciples and said that it was My Body. He also poured wine into a cup and stretched it out to the apostles with the words that this is my blood, which is poured out for the remission of sins. This is how the sacrament of communion or communion was established more than two thousand years ago.

At the Last Supper, Jesus already knew about the betrayal of Judas and told everyone that one of the disciples had already betrayed him. But at the end of the evening, Jesus Christ washed the feet of each disciple, this is the ritual of Washing the feet, which also came exactly from. This action showed humility, deadening of emotions.

Interesting! The ritual of washing the feet among the people was transformed into swimming in an open reservoir at sunrise on Maundy Thursday.

So, the day of Maundy Thursday in all signs is a time of important cleansing not only of the body and space around, but, more importantly, cleansing own soul... This is a turning point in Great Lent, a day of repentance and humility of the flesh.

In Russia, the day of Great Thursday has long been considered magical, endowed with tremendous energy and mystical power. It was on this day that all debts were handed out, got rid of negative emotions, as well as with the help of ordinary water, they cleansed the body, spirit, and the space around them, ending general cleaning.

Common signs from the people on Maundy Thursday:
* On this day, in no case should you lend anything to anyone, including money. It was believed that giving a debt on this day is to transfer your luck and happiness to another person. Not to mention the fact that by lending money on this day, a person was giving away financial stability from his home for the whole year in advance.
* To always have money in the house, you need, hiding from everyone, to count them three times to a penny on Maundy Thursday.
* You can also throw a handful of coins into the bucket for cleaning the house with the words so that money and coins in the house are found and not transferred, grow and multiply, but the enemies do not get it. After finishing the cleaning, hide the coins for the whole year in a secluded dark corner.
* When cleaning on Maundy Thursday at home in the most unexpected place you can find a little thing that was dear to you, but has long been lost.
* You also need to be able to properly clean this day. Here, by tradition, they start from the far corners and go to the center of the dwelling, and then to the direction of the threshold. Dirty water pour outside the house, preferably in a place where no plants grow.
* If you clean up correctly on this day, you can competently clean the house of rubbish and unnecessary things. When it is a pity to throw out some things, because they are good, but you do not use them, then you should give such things to people who will benefit from them and will really need them.

Must-do on Maundy Thursday

First of all, you need to swim early in the morning. In the villages, traditionally, bathing was carried out exclusively in an open reservoir. It is clear that not every modern resident of the city has such an opportunity. So, you can just take a cool shower in the morning, but do it with prayer, with joy in your soul and directly feeling how not only dirt is washed from the body, but also sins from the soul.

It is imperative to go to church services in the morning or in the evening, and then confess and receive communion. The sacrament is only held in the early morning. From the temple, bring a candle home with you, which will become a talisman for the entire coming year. A general cleaning is carried out at home, what rituals are associated with cleaning is described in the middle of this article: you can find lost things, attract money to the house and simply clear the surrounding space of negativity.

Maundy Thursday is the day of the week preceding the holiday of the Bright Resurrection of Christ. In the ecclesiastical sense, this holiday is of little importance. Maundy Thursday: signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers are honored and observed by Christians in many countries.

Maundy Thursday is the day when a person must cleanse his soul of sinful thoughts, fears and hardships, prepare for Good Friday. Associated with this day a large number of rituals that help a person to mentally free themselves from all internal worries.

After waking up, all family members need to wash from silver spoon or any other utensils made of this metal. It is believed that in this way a person charges himself with health and external beauty. If there is a sick person in the house, then with him you will also need to spend this rite with hope and faith in his speedy recovery.

On this day, you need to take care of both spiritual cleanliness and putting in perfect order in your home. In the dwelling, you will need to look into every corner, wash all the dirt, remove the cobweb, sweep out the garbage. Particular attention should be paid to those areas of the premises that are hidden from view. Surely in them it will be possible to find many unnecessary things that the time has come to get rid of. It is generally accepted that if the item has not been used for a whole year, then it can be safely sent to the garbage chute. Unnecessary clothes and shoes can be distributed to people in need. Just before that, all things are put in order and washed.

Garbage collection will bring comfort to the house, charge its residents with positive energy. No wonder it was noticed that in a dirty dwelling in which long time garbage accumulates, a negative, negative atmosphere develops, and its inhabitants often get sick and quarrel.

An important and one of the mandatory procedures on Maundy Thursday is swimming with the sunrise. People believe that water in the early morning is the most fertile. After such a bath, a person is charged with happiness for a whole year, he is not afraid of diseases, and failures will bypass him. While bathing, you should think about the fact that all diseases and negative thoughts go away with water.

The most favorable time to prepare for the upcoming Easter holiday is Maundy Thursday. This is when you can cook and paint your eggs. It is important to start cooking with positive mood, in a good mood and only after reading the prayer. There is a sign among the people that says that if Easter cake turned out to be successful, then all next year will develop happily and without troubles.

Another sign on Maundy Thursday says that it is strictly forbidden to give any objects, things or food from your own home. Both a stranger and a familiar person and even a relative will have to refuse. Otherwise, the hostess risks giving away wealth and prosperity from the family.

According to another sign, church candle relieves a variety of bodily ailments.

On this day, otherworldly forces come into contact with a person, and give an answer to his questions. To do this, you had to take a candle bought in the church at the evening service, light it and go to the attic of your own house. It is generally accepted that it is in this place of the dwelling that the brownie lives. In the attic you need to stand and wait for a while. The brownie must necessarily appear to the household. If he is shaggy, then this only portends positive points in the life of the family for the next year. But if the brownie is bald, then you need to wait for poverty.

The most daring can go to the forest thicket in search of the goblin and try to ask him exciting questions. To do this, you need to find a fallen birch or aspen, sit on it, remove the Orthodox cross and call on the goblin. It is these trees that need to be chosen, since they have a connection with the otherworldly force. The owner of the forest, summoned on Maundy Thursday, must necessarily appear in front of the person calling him.

Many girls on Maundy Thursday resorted to using conspiracies for various purposes: some wanted to stay beautiful, young and attractive as long as possible, others dreamed of getting married as soon as possible. Someone, with the help of prayers, attracted good luck and happiness into their lives, and wives wanted to live happily ever after with their husbands. For the latter case, the following method was used.

They took two new unused skeins of thread, tore off a piece from each and tied it into one with a knot. The resulting thread was placed along the threshold and waited for the husband to take a step through it. Then they tied a knot in the center and hid it in a place inaccessible to prying eyes. The following words were spoken when tying the knot.

Our people respect this holiday very much - Great, Passionate, it is also Maundy Thursday (signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers for health are vivid proof of this). It falls on the 4th day of Holy Week (or Holy Week). It was on this day that the Last Supper once took place, at which Christ treated the apostles with bread and wine, washed their feet and said goodbye to them, knowing that for a cup was prepared for him. It is believed that on this holiday you can get rid of many sins and even improve your own life.

  • If you have lost something important to yourself, you can find it by doing general cleaning in the house that day.
  • If you throw rubbish out of the house on Maundy Thursday, a lot of negativity will leave it, and happiness will fly to the vacant place.
  • Rearrange furniture, you will live richly.
  • If you count three times all the money in the house (to the last coin), you will not feel a lack of funds until the end of the year. Important! This should be done early in the morning (before sunrise), exactly at noon, and also at sunset, and so that no eyes can see you (hide even from your family).
  • In order not to lose your luck, do not lend anything and do not give anything to anyone on this day. However, this rule has one exception: salt. If you borrow a little salt from neighbors whose family you consider exemplary, you can bring a little energy of their family into your house (you will not harm them, because people who share good power with someone receive it even more from above).
  • If you cut your hair on Maundy Thursday, you can “cut off” many sins from yourself.
  • Look out the window in the morning. Who will you see first? Grandpa: You're out of luck. Boy or dog: you'll be happy. Child: you have to learn something. Girl: a sign promises you family happiness.
  • From Thursday to Friday, you must not leave laundry soaked but not washed, as well as dirty dishes.
  • If you attended the liturgy, bring a candle from the church to your house and light it, it will cleanse your home of evil and heavy energy.

According to custom, on this day you need ...

  • Take a dip. Moreover, this must be done early in the morning, that is, before sunrise. Having thoroughly lathered (or at least ritually doused yourself with pure water), you can wash away both sins and diseases. And the latter - for a year ahead. If you have a sauna, it would be nice for the whole family to take a steam bath there. Important! With this "procedure" you only need to think about the good.
  • Confess and receive communion. Sin is a disease of the soul, and ordinary bathing cannot always wash it off. It would be better if Father let him go.
  • Clean up the house, wash all the windows. First, the custom says: after your home shines with cleanliness, a hundred joys will settle in it. And secondly, even more strict church holidays, during which cleaning in the house will be prohibited.
  • Wash yourself with silver. In the evening on Maundy Thursday, pour water into a small bowl, put something silver there (it can be a ring, earrings, spoon). In the morning Good friday wash the children with this water, and do not forget about yourself. So you will protect your family from the evil eye and the intrigues of evil spirits for a year.
  • Prepare quaternary salt, the strongest amulet against spoilage. Our great-grandmothers baked it in the oven, mixing it with salt. Today, knowledgeable women do this: they mix ordinary salt with rye flour, pour into a frying pan, fry until the mixture becomes pronounced brown tint(You don't need to leave the stove - stir the salt while reading Our Father). Salt is poured into a bag (not into a bag, the "packaging" must be natural). If someone gets sick, salt their food with this particular salt. If the bag is tied with a red ribbon (cord), you can wear it as a talisman.
  • Prepare Easter cakes, Easter cakes, dyes. Since this is the most "working" day before Easter, do your best! Important: you need to cook today with prayer and kind, bright thoughts.

Folk magic: conspiracies associated with this day

  1. Conspiracy for clean water. It is used by people who do not have the opportunity to swim completely. In such cases, they take a jug (or at least a cup) and whisper a conspiracy over it, and then wash their face with "magic water". They say this: “Pure water - to drink health, pure water - will heal the soul. Go away early sins - daytime, evening - nighttime, evil thoughts, sorrowful thoughts, hurtful words, invisible sins! Remain a bright, pure soul, washed by the sky, closed to evil and diseases! "
  2. A conspiracy for the wealth of this house, that is, for money. Pour into a bucket (bowl, basin) more water... Put a handful of coins in there. Say these words: "Money-coins, like leaves on a branch, grow for future use, in my wallet." It is with this water that you need to wash windows, as well as doors in your home. When the cleaning is completed, pour the water not into the trash, but under a living (not dry) tree, and carefully remove the coins and put them in a pile in a clean corner. Let them lie there for a week, luring wealth into the house, and then you can spend them.
  3. Conspiracy for marriage and love. You need soap self made... Wash them in the morning, without lending to anyone (you can only touch yourself with soap). When cleaning the house, use the same block. While working, you need to say: "(Name), stick to me like this soap." It is advisable to rinse it off without residue, but if a piece of soap still remains, place it near the church fence. Important: the action of the conspiracy is not instantaneous, you can expect the result no earlier than the 40th day after Easter.

Prayers for health on Maundy Thursday

Most often they are associated with cooking Thursday salt... For example, in some regions, when "frying" salt, there is a special ritual: three times "Our Father" is read, three times "Theotokos", three times "Dream blessed virgin", Followed by" Live Help "seven times.

This day is remembered The last supper, in which Jesus Christ told about his upcoming crucifixion and washed the feet of his apostles. As believers willing to follow Orthodox tradition have to spend this day?

Maundy Thursday: signs, customs, traditions

If you swim on Maundy Thursday before sunrise, you will be healthy all year round ... This sign is due to the fact that the water this morning acquires magical healing properties... She is able to wash away all the sins that have accumulated during the year. In addition, this water is soothing. Do not be lazy, but it is better to get up on Maundy Thursday early in the morning before dawn, and take a shower or a bath. If you don't believe in power Thursday water, then at least you will be clean on this day.

On Maundy Thursday you will clean the whole house - you will get a lot of joy ... If you do not do this on a given day, then according to religious concepts, you cannot do the cleaning for the next six days.

Friday is passionate, Saturday is full of their own affairs before Easter, Sunday and the next three days is a holy holiday, nothing can be done. In addition, there is a popular belief that if a person does general cleaning in the house, then the Lord gives him the opportunity to find long-lost necessary or favorite things. And many claim that during such cleaning, they really find things that they mentally said goodbye to long ago.

On Maundy Thursday, count all your money - they will be found. There is an old Russian custom, from which they later made a sign in order to pass on their knowledge to grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It was believed that if all the money in the house was counted three times during this day, then the money would not be transferred during this year. Money should be counted at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. None of the household should see this process, and even more so from outsiders. Otherwise, there will be no sense. Only the one who manages the finances of the family should recount the money. If there is such a need, then warn all your household members so that they do not bother you for some time. Even Small child enters at such a moment, then everything will go to dust, although the child is innocent. This is the very case when no one should bother you. Only you, Lord God, and what you want for your family for the next year. And do not worry that at this moment there is not enough money in the family. Even a penny can attract what you really want to you.

Wash windows and doors with the water in which the change lies - the money will multiply throughout the year ... Cleaning should start from windows and doors, and then everything else. Now, when you are going to wash windows and doors, do not forget to throw a handful of coins into the basin of water. You can read at the same time any other conspiracy or prayer that you know. And it will be according to your faith. After you wash all the windows and doors in your house or apartment, you need to take out the small change and put it in the farthest corner in your house for a week, but only after you clean it there. And the water must be poured under any tree that you like. After that, you can start cleaning the entire room.

On Maundy Thursday, wash yourself off with silver - devilry will not touch. It is believed that if you put any silver thing in a vessel with water at night, and wash yourself with this water in the morning, then no one can harm you during the whole year. It is especially necessary to wash in this way a child who has not yet turned one year old. Babies cannot protect themselves, so we need to make sure that we protect them.

Thursday salt collected from three yards - heals even deadly diseases ... In Russian witchcraft, there is a sign that if you collect salt from three yards, then by adding this salt to food and drink that a terminally ill person will take, he can be cured. What does it mean to collect salt from three different yards? This means that on Maundy Thursday you need to walk through your friends and acquaintances and ask for a small handful of salt. Then this salt must be mixed in any container, although the old people say that it is better to do this in earthenware. But again, it all depends on your faith.

There is one more sign about Thursday salt. You don't have to ask anyone for salt, but pour a pack of salt into the pan and fry it, stirring constantly. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly read the prayer "Our Father". When the salt is ready, you will feel it yourself. If the salt in the pan starts to crackle and shoot, it means that damage has been directed at you. In this case, the salt must be fried for so long until it “calms down”. And do not forget that all this time you need to read a prayer. .

Only after Maundy Thursday do they start baking cakes and painting Easter eggs. Those who do not follow the rules of Maundy Thursday, and the pasque will not rise. All the same, to begin with, you need to carry out a general cleaning, and only after that you can start cooking Easter dishes.

What I found in the kulich for Easter is your destiny ... In Russia, it was customary to bake one cake just for the family. In such a kulich, fortune-telling notes were baked. Someone has happiness in the family, others - happiness in money or in business. Well, everything else. So, whoever pulls out of the family - that will be it. Highly bad luck it was considered to cut such a family cake while other guests were present. Such a turn could save the family from happiness, and could only add problems. Strangers can envy, and after that you won't have to wait for happiness. Therefore, such cake was watched closely, and was carefully hidden from the guests.

If you move a lot of items from one place to another on Maundy Thursday, then there will be no problems with money. Many old people argue that this sign is more associated with lazy people than with working people. You can rearrange the house if you want your wishes to come true. But if at the same time you leave everything in the mud, then nothing good will happen. However, there is a sign that if you wanted to make a rearrangement in the house for a long time, then you cannot even think of a better case. With one blow, you will both realize your desire and attract good luck to yourself. There is only one condition - cleaning comes first.

If on Maundy Thursday I saw the old woman first, then wait for failures ... It is this omen that underlies the Thursday fortune-telling. If you want to know your future for the next three months, then in the morning, after washing, look out the window. If the first person you see is an old woman, then over the next three months you will have a series of failures. It's even worse if this old lady comes with an empty bucket or empty bag. In this case, all your failures will be associated with money problems. Rather, with their absence or even with the loss of a job. The same means if you see a cat.

But to see a man or a dog is to happiness and well-being. ... And if you are lucky enough to see a man with a dog through the window, it means that the fulfillment of your cherished desire... If you see a child, you have to learn. You may receive an offer about new job which will require you to obtain a certain education. If you see a young woman, happiness in the family awaits you.

Young people, and even more "old girls" who have sat in their daughters-in-law, do not lose hope of becoming a wife to the last. In order to attract a man and get married safely, it was customary to perform the appropriate ceremonies on important Orthodox dates, so to speak, "for marriage." Especially many such sacraments were performed on Maundy Thursday, because on this Orthodox holiday, I must say, in one of the few you can not only wash in the bath, but even work and bewitch, which simply "unties" the hands of young beauties!

What ceremony to carry out in order to get married as soon as possible?

Any ceremony performed for marriage on Maundy Thursday has a special mystical power and if everything is done correctly, you can completely marry, even an old maid!

On Thursday morning, shortly before sunrise, you need to rinse the face of a potential bride. cold water tap or washbasin and immediately wipe it off with a new, never unused towel. There is no need to throw away the towel, it is cherished until Easter, and after that they carry Easter pastries on it to consecrate to the nearest church. Some of what is brought will need to be given as alms, and there must be one egg among the given.

Some have successfully used conspiracies to attract weddings, which they read on different things and gave them to prospective future grooms, giving the thing by deception. Like a thing, they spoke alcoholic beverages and simply whispered to fire or water.

However, such traditions were not always considered traditions. Such options were mainly used by sorceress grandmothers and it was believed that such a Thursday rite could only guarantee the result by 50%. Often the wedding, of course, took place in the near future, only the groom was "caught" and the girl's life, as well as the groom himself, was irrevocably ruined.

  1. On Maundy Thursday, you can always find out if you will get married this year. To do this, you will need to approach the picket fence at any time of the day and wrap your hands around as many pickets as possible, while covering your eyes. If you embrace an even number, there will be a couple for you.
  2. It is believed that it is on Maundy Thursday that the gates of heaven are opened, and God hears in detail the prayers of each person. All a woman who dreams of marriage needs is from a pure heart, without malicious intent, to pray to the Lord in her own words and ask him not only for forgiveness, but also good husband... At the same time, ask healthy and smart children.
  3. In the church, you can ask the appropriate prayer in advance about getting married. Read it on Maundy Thursday. Feel the difference in prayer, not conspiracy.

You can, of course, find many more mysteries and rituals that can be performed unmarried girl to approach the wedding day. However, among them all, only harmless sacraments should be selected, which in any case will not become a sin from the Orthodox point of view! We must always remember that the rituals never had anything to do with divination and black fortune-telling! The warlock will not bring happiness to anyone, on the contrary, it will ruin the fate of both newlyweds, since each of them will find “not his” person and will begin to live with someone else's fate!