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What to say when you pick up the water for baptism. What time they begin to sanctify water. Epiphany and baptism

On the feast of the Baptism of the Lord on January 19, it is customary to illuminate water. This water is considered special, miraculous. Believers on this day are striving to gain illuminated water of the future. The special composition of the water in baptism is confirmed by scientists. They suggest that the composition of water is close to the composition of the Jordan River, in which Christ was baptized. Festive services in the temples begin already on Christmas Eve, January 18. Then begin to shit water. Therefore, many are asked about when typing Epiphany water from 18 or 19 January.

  • Consecration of water on January 18 and 19

Consecration of water on January 18 and 19

According to church canons, the sanctification of water on baptism begins on the evening of January 18 on the eve of the holiday. Evening service on this day is already festive and water after shine in compliance with all the rules of sanctification and with the same prayers, one and the same rank. So there is no difference in when you typing the baptic water in the evening 18 or all day January 19. It will have the same properties and quality.

Among the people there is an opinion that the water recruited on the night from 18 to January 19 will be more useful and healing. The night from 23-00 January 18 and until the morning of January 19 is considered to be among people a special time when all the water becomes baptic, healing. But the priests say that water illuminated in the evening 18 and during the day on January 19, is no different and is the baptic holy water endowed with the same properties.

But it is important to gain water only after the ceremony is conducted by the priest. Water scored after lighting 18 or 19 can be stored at home for quite a long time. It does not deteriorate. This is a time-tested fact. Such water is used for their own purposes believers all year, and the next holiday of baptism is gaining a new supply.

Features and Impact of Epiphany Water

Water, scored on 18 or 19 January after consecration, you can drink for a whole year. But it is important to have bright thoughts in the head, read the prayer before use. Believers argue that it is baptic water that is able to heal the soul and body, to put thoughts and feelings. She is drinking to heal, turn away from himself. It is said that the Holy Epiphany Water needs to drink every morning on an empty stomach. It is possible to add a gram of baptic water to a glass with usual water, so the whole ode will have useful and miraculous properties.

In addition, the dwelling is illuminated with water. According to the old custom epiphany water Pour the corners of each room, drawing a cross.

This water can be added to the bathing baths for babes. They advise sprinkling or wash her baby if he worries, worry, poorly falls asleep.

In minutes of sorrow or ailment of baptized water, you can wash your face and make a few sips. This will help return strength and health, the vigor of the Spirit.

What can not be done with bachership water

Water scored in baptism can be used throughout the year for special purposes. They are written above. But sometimes, by ignorance or with intent, this water, which has special properties, use for other purposes, which is not recommended at all. So, for example, baptic water cannot be used for rituals or fortunenesses. It is not poured, do not water the flowers, do not give animals.

Water, scored on 18 or 19, can be stored for quite a long time and does not deteriorate, so use it only for those goals that are allowed. Do not pour water, use it all until the end.

When and where to recruit baptic water

After the evening worship, January 18, the rank of sanctification of water begins. This happens in all temples. In the evening of January 18, you can recruit consecrated water in any temple, which is closer to the territorial or in the fact that you are used to walking.

You can dial water from the evening on January 18 and all day January 19. This water is considered to be Epiphany.

Interesting! It is said that water in water supply or any water on the night from 18 to 19 January becomes baptic, which has special properties. They advise at this time to take a bath or shower, swim by yourself or pay for children.

In any river or corruption, you can dip in this magic night. Believers argue that any water at that time has healing and cleansing properties.

In Russia, ancient times, the water, scored from the hole on the eve of baptism, was considered healing and miraculous. They advise on January 18 at 23 o'clock to gain water in a bucket. If possible, from the hole, the well, but you can also from the crane in the apartment. This water must be taken out into the courtyard or on open balcony.

Leave water there needed all night. On the morning of January 19, it is necessary to heat the water, pour 3 bucket on yourself and drink 3 throat. The same water sprinkle all the corners of the house and the remains of washing the floor. This ritual guarantees tide of strength and vigor, health, cleanliness and comfort in the house.

Important!In the Epiphany night from 18 to 19 January, it is important not only to gain holy water, but also to pray to God, thank for being and ask for the desired. Prayers facing the sky on this night will definitely be heard. And water will help the purification and acquisition of the power of the Spirit.

According to Christian teachings, water is a symbol of all living, pure, kind. Scientists suggest that water is a kind of information field of the Earth. She knows how to memorize, listen, absorb energy, information and transmit it.

In the baptismic night it is believed that water as if "reset", loses all the information that is absorbed in the year is cleared. Such water contributes to cleansing, healing, soothing.

Scientists confirm the special quality of water on the night from 18 to January 19, they suggest that water density in natural sources Above at this time than always. They explain this by special geomagnetic radiation of the Earth. Believers argue that this will be the will of the forces of heaven. But be that as it may, at this time they gain water in the temples, bathe in open sources, gain health, strength, grace.

In contact with


Water baptism from the Old Testament times was a symbol of not only physical, however, and moral cleansing. The baptism of Christ in the Jordan River became the first phenomenon of the world of the Trinity - the Epiphany. During the baptism, the man becomes the son of the Lord, satisfies with himself a dilapidated person and is taught in a new, repressed by Christ, becomes a particle of the Unified Body of Christ, a member of the Mother of the Church.

The Baptism of the Lord in 2018 is celebrated on January 19. In the morning of this number, everyone goes to church and gain consecrated water. Some noted that water from the church must be brought first, although in reality, it is nothing more than a stupid sign. It is very unpleasant to see when people want to dial the water most likely and pushed right in the church. Consecrated water in the church is enough for everyone.

You can choose the sanctified water, including January 18, this day is called Epiphany Christmas tree. This day is also a service in the church.

Many ask a question, in the baptism of the Lord in 2018 when to gain water, 18 or 19 numbers is better? The priests tell that without a difference, this water is consecrated equally.

Such water is used to consecrate their homes, and the remnants are stored in the house for a whole year in a dark place.

If you do not have the opportunity to go to church, you can dial water from under the tap. In this case, it is necessary to know when to baptize the Lord in 2018 to gain water from under the crane. You need to do it at night in a period of time from 00.10 to 01.30. In principle, many are confident that it is possible and later, but this time is still considered the best.

Most often, liturgy in churches is held on January 19, after it is performed by the rite of bathing. However, in certain temples there are night worships, the holes are sanctified and in the night of January 18-24 people bathe in these worm.

The church itself notes that bathing is not a canonical installation, but it has already become a tradition. Accordingly, the baptism of 2018 is not so important when the swimming will be, from 18 to 19 or in the morning of the 19th.
Also, many ask where to swim on the baptism of the Lord in 2018. In each city there are places where they carry such rites. In advance, divide where you have a bathing with you, you can also ask about it in the church.

The Savior was consecrated by water baptism, adopting it in the waters of Jordan. It is water that reveals the meaning of baptism in Orthodoxy, being a very ancient religious symbol. The basis of life on earth and destructive strength, the basis of death - in the Christian theology, water has a dual image. And, of course, water is a symbol of purification, rebirth and updates.

The word "baptism" itself indicates a dive through dive, pouring. The first Christians were baptized in open reservoirs. In later times, baptism was carried out in the fonts and baptics. Orthodox baptismcarried out in the font - prerequisite Liberation of man from demonic forces and subordination of fallen sinfulness.

In the process of sanctifying water, its primary purpose is returned: to be the source of the life of the eternal, the world of God, the demons into the demons. In the baptism, the plump soul acquires a revelation of the Triton of God and unites with him.

The shints continue to the candles, as noted in the old days, because after the great consecration of water on the eve of the Epiphany to the vessel with consecrated water, candles were placed with colored threads or ribbons. This custom has already demonstrated the importance and solemnity of the Water Engineering. All this day, in fact, spend in a very strict post (even children are trying not to the "first star"), and during the evening temples they will not always hold all praying.

Great Agiasma (Epiphany Holy Water) has a special grace, they are gaining it and bring to every house. First, the whole family opens up with awe's reverence, and then - according to custom - you need to take a sacred guide from the icon and sprinkle with holy water all the dwelling to protect yourself from troubles and misfortunes. In certain villages, over the holy water in the wells, so that evil spirits There were not penetrated and did not spoil the water.

Upon completion of all these and other rites, holy water most often became to images. So that the baptic water has enough for the whole year, it did not have to have to be much: she sanctifies one drop any other.

Approximately the same force is attributed not only to water consecrated in the church, however, and simple water from the rivers, in which, according to popular belief, on the night of January 19, the ablution of Jesus Christ himself performs. The water that was taken into the hole on the eve of the Epiphany, consider healing and helping those who are sick.

On the day of the baptism, as soon as the first ringing sounds, some pious parishioners lit the sheep straws in front of the houses (in order for Jesus Christ after baptism in the river could warm up near this fire). Others, having argued by the blessings from the father, were on the river, arranging "Jordan" - a cruciform wormwood, which is close to the service and young.

When the Holy Cross was immersed in the water, everyone united prayer, as well as the desire to eat the Epiphany Womb and wash it. There were always cough, which, despite bachership frosts, bathe in ice water. For many centuries, there is no information so that someone fell ill or drowned.

The celebration of the Baptism of the Lord and the Epiphany, which combines 2 great events in one holiday, are suitable for their conclusion in the sickness days and evenings.

Reading time: 6 min.

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians all over the world celebrate one of the most distortions of their holidays - the Baptism of the Lord, also called the Holy Epiphany. Epiphany waterwhich is brought to the house on the eve of baptism and for baptism, is considered special.

It does not spoil for several years, keeping its structure. This water is treated and sprinkled by it. Helps Epiphany water also in many other cases.
According to the priests, it is considered Epiphany from January 18 to January 19. It so developed historically that two liturgies are being conducted, after which water is being consecrated. One evening, the second in the morning. Therefore, it can be gained over two days.
Details about the festival Baptism of the Lord, which is possible and what can not be done on this day ,.
When to gain water?
Water, recruited on the night from 18th to January 19, from 0 hours 10 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes or a little later, time immemorial was considered a miraculous. At this time, the sky "opens" and the prayer facing God will be heard.
Our grandparents used it for treatment, purification, expulsion of evil spirits and bad thoughts, splashed into the face of a person or at the corners of the house.
Want to check it out? It is not hard. Just try to accurately make according to the rules, carefully stored in folk memory.

After the first star
On Christmas Eve, January 18, there is nothing before the emergence of the first stars in the sky. Drink only clean water, Try to spend all day quietly and calmly, not irritating without entering conflicts, make cleanliness and order in the house. In the evening, after the first star, you can dine. Prepare glass dishes with covers, such as 3-liter banks or bottles. Carefully sterify them.
After 0 hours of 10 minutes, fill this dishes with water from the well, spring or other clean source. You can simply from under the tap. It is advisable to skip it through the cleansing filter, but it is not required condition. Dial at least 3 liters and close the canes with covers.
Keep baptized water better in a dark cool place. And if in the future for some reason you want to pour this water, then in no case do not pour in the toilet or in the sink.
Dilute with a simple water and then pour or sprinkle the plants (by the way, it is noticed that the undiluted baptismic water affects the plants in different ways: some flourish, others, on the contrary, die therefore, it is better not to risk and acting caution).
How to apply baptic water
Those who managed to stock up the most active baptic water, and it does not matter where you were typing it - from the water pipe, from an open source or brought from the church, the scientists remind you that it is necessary to drink it regularly, preferably every day and on an empty stomach.
It makes great immunity and makes a person sustainable to many infections. Epiphany water is a psychotherapeutic agent for removing increased anxiety, irritability, so after a heavy, nervous day, drink half a cup of holy water - and you will feel how the tension leaves, come peace and peace for example, if the child regularly take such water, it will be less likely to stick.
It is useful not only to drink baptized water, but also wash her face in the morning and at night.
Also it will not be superfluous to poison the caschen water with animals and water the plants. Using baptic water for washing, irrigation and drink.
How to take a bath?
On this night, you will break three times with baptized water or take a bath. From 0 hours 10 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes, fill the bath with cold water from under the tap. Cross the water and three times, read the prayer and knock the fist right hand On the chest three times to cause body vibration, harmonizing with water vibrations.
Then sit down without screaming and noise in the bath and plunge the head three times, hitting the chest every time.
Silently leave the bath (if you want to swim in the baptismic water, someone from your households will want to type new water in the bath).
Do not get out immediately, let the water absorbed into the skin. At this time, spend self-making or vigorously tapping your fingers all over the body from the top to the heels. Then put on warm clothes, underwear, socks, all new and already removed and ironed. Drink herbal tea with honey.
Olion and irrigation
Bathing is not a mandatory rule, priests consider. This is a blessed, but not mandatory. After all, people are different, someone can swim in ice water in winter, and someone is not, it is not useful to someone - the state of health is that non-forces. The church does not require a person with an over his strength.
In order to get the most bioactive baptismic effect, without leaving the house and does not swim in the frost in the hole, then you need to wait for half the second night and for the next half an hour was washed, take a shower or bath from the tap bacheboy water, a little drinking this unusual driver from the crane.
During swimming, read prayer or simply say such words: "Water takes all the sorrow and sorrow, my heart and soul clean."
The results of research by the method of biolocation show that it immediately affects the body, lifts in tens and hundreds of times the dimensions of the human biofield, charges energetically and has a wellness effect.
And it does not matter where you have bathed, in the corner or in the bathroom, the gracious power of baptisma water is one. And it does not depend on the temperature of the water, not from its quantity and quality, but from the human faith.
The most favorable time for water procedures - from 0 to 2 o'clock in January 19th.
At this time, the energy charge of water, even the usual of any spring or well, is at the maximum.
Holy Water (consecrated in the church) is applied to sick places. Moreover, it is not necessary to pour it plentifully - it's enough just crucifically to anxious sick place. The essence of the procedure is not in the duration of exposure, but in the most coming with miraculous water.
In the old days, the women were collected from the stacks of Epitrian snow - it was believed that the washing of melting bass waters gives beauty and prolongs youth. Rinse her face, chest. Watching a towel is not needed - let the water absorbed into the skin.
How much to store water?
Epiphany water stored in glassware can be used throughout the year. This is very strong energy water, so it is constantly recommended to drink it. But take a medicine, if you are unhealthy, add to the bath (from one teaspoon to one glass on the bath), rinse your mouth, wash, sprinkle a face, eyes, the whole body is very useful.
No need to wipe. To purify the housing, they splashes with baptic water at the corners of the rooms, and then a small part of the water is poured into glass vesselwithout closing the lid, and leave indoors.

Many people claim that sanctified water, which is gained in the great orthodox holiday Baptism has magic properties: able to heal from many diseases and protect against evil people, trouble I. unclean power. Therefore, every year many people, and not necessarily believers, are collected from the temples with bottles and the other tara to gain water from the font.
Those people who are going to go to the church for water for the first time, for sure, will give questions: How is the Epiphany Water use, the time of activity comes from 18 or 19 January?

Consecration of water

The rite of consecration of water every year runs at about the same time. January 18 comes the Epiphany Christmas Eve. All believers abdicate the post during the day, then go to church service, then pray and put candles in the temple.
After the last evening service ends, the priests are sent to the water bodies that are located near the temple, and the consecration of water begins. This rite is also conducted in all church rules.

First cut out the hole. Most often, the ice is chicken in the form of the cross. In the old days, the carved ice cross was installed next to the hole and watered with a red juice, for example, tomato or beetral. Now this tradition is not always respected. After the hole is ready, the priest begins to read prayer, then dip in the water silver cross. Then the white dove is produced into the sky, which symbolizes the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit. There is also a consecration of water in church fonts. After all these rituals, water is considered sacred and acquires magical properties.

Epiphany water can be recruited immediately after consecration when a person has already defended the service in the temple. However, some believers are confident that the healing itself is water, recruited ten minutes after midnight, that is, January 19. Although the ministers of the church claim that it does not matter when water is scored. This can be done on Christmas Eve, and on the day of baptism, most importantly, that a person prepared for this, it cleared spiritually and did not have any bad thoughts.

Many people believe that water in pure sources, streams and rivers January 19 becomes holy just so, so they gain it there. But the water that flows from the crane does not become holy. However, if you add a little baptized holy water to normal water, it will also acquire unusual properties.

Application of Holy Epiphany Water

It is worth remembering that water that is brought from the church is sacred. So, it cannot be used in vain and for everyday affairs. It is impossible in holy water, for example, washing, or wash dirty items in it.
A person who has just brought holy water from the church should take a little liquid, sprinkle her house, and then in a closed cap, to remove the rest of the water in a dark place.
Holy water brings people a lot of benefit. Every morning, praying, you can drink some water to breakfast. You should drink holy water to people who get sick. You can apply a compress with holy water to patient body areas. The priests also say that a person must wash the holy water after someone wishes his evil.

In addition to this holy water, you can sprinkle places where conflicts occurred. In the villages, people had previously watered holy water to poorly growing trees so that they brought the fruits.
The unusual property of the Holy Water is also stored for a very long time and does not deteriorate. However, a year later, that is, when baptism comes again, it is better to pour it out. Do not send holy water into the sewer. It is better to pour her flowers in the house, or trees on the plot. You can also pour water into a clean source.

In Christianity, this is one of the most important and revered holidays. It begins on January 18 in the evening and ends on January 19. He is preceded by Christmas shints. Especially healing power in this holiday has the Epiphany water. When to recruit it, we will learn a little later.

Baptism is also called the feast of the Epiphany. This is due to the fact that during the prophet the rite was revealed by the people of the miracle - the Holy Trinity.

What is remarkable Epiphany water?

He is holy, as it is consecrated by the highest rank. This religious tradition honors and remembers the baptism committed by Jesus Christ in the waters baptized the Lord Prophet John Forerunner. Also kicked up and easy people to wash off their sins. The rite of sanctification of water occurs either on January 18 (in the evening), or on January 19 (in the morning, after the liturgy).

An important point is that water after consecration acquires healing and healing properties. Therefore, if you are worried about any illness, I will help you bass.

When to gain water and dip in the corner and do it at all? If you believe that this rite It will help you to get rid of the disease, of course, it is worth plunge. But always look at the state of your health. Not always bathing in cold water It will be useful for the body. If you feel bad, then you should stay at home.

In baptism when you gain water and where? You can do this at any time and you can score both from consecrated corrosive and from holy sources.

Water scored on this day from sanctified sources does not deteriorate very for a long time. If you remember the gospel, then when Jesus got in touch with water, he was consecrated by himself this river. Therefore, when celebrating the Epiphany on the Old Church Style, the water acquires the same properties as they were with the baptism of the Savior. Other versions of water noness have not yet been shown or proved. But be that as it may, in when you gain water you will, it is worth remembering that only one drop is capable of making an unlimited amount of water space. it amazing fact in modern world.

In baptism when to gain water?

Is there any specific time to dial water? It should be noted that many are wondering: "When to gain water to baptism?" Different sources They give absolutely non-coinciding data with each other. But most of the clergymen report that it does not matter, in which days and hours you will take holy water. If you can't do it during the holidays, visiting the temple later, you can always gain yourself holy water.

Do not dial too much water. Just one bottle is enough. And for proper use You will be enough for a long time. In baptism when you gain water, it does not matter, as does not matter its volumes.

Jordan and swimming in it

Jordan is a cross-shaped hole in a reservoir, which is consecrated by the highest rank, it is in it that such a hole is performed that is an element of ancient, revered in Christianity tradition. However, you should not believe the stories that only so you can cleanse the sins. Any form will have the same effect. An important element of healing from disease is faith.

How to hold baptism

But not only bathing in the hole should symbolize this holiday. Hike to church and post before the holiday is an integral part of the Christian tradition. In baptism when you gain water you will, do not forget to pour a few bottles. If someone from your loved ones are seriously sick, so you can help him in healing, presenting a bottle of holy bachership water. Also, if you or some of the loved ones are not baptized, then January 18 is the very day that the church approves to commit this sacrament. Do not also forget about the great holiday of the Epiphany.

How to handle holy water

  1. Drink an empty stomach in the morning, in the evening before bedtime. Be sure to read the prayer after taking a request to heal the ailments and send true.
  2. It is necessary to store water next to icons.
  3. Storing refrigerated chamber And next to the products does not follow the bottle. Keep it separately and be sure to sign so that none of your loved ones does not confuse with ordinary water.
  4. If necessary, you can independently sprinkle yourself, your loved ones, animals and your home. This will bring peace to the house and peace in the soul.
  5. Do not drink from the general packaging. For the adoption of such water should be separate dishes for everyone.
  6. You can not mix water with unclean. Pill only in place where neither people nor animals go.

How does silver affect baptic water?

There is an assumption that water becomes a healing and imperishable due to the fact that the priest lowers in the cross. But it is not. For rites of consecration of water in the hole and churches, crosses from other metals - tin, gold, aluminum were often used. There are also wooden, and ceramic. Water quality will always be the same. When you gain water to baptism, you will notice this fact. All sources will be equally useful.

Facts about consecrated water

In addition to its properties of the net, the water has another property of healing. Moreover, it is effective as water taking inside and external impact. When bumps, you can apply a compress moistened in consecrated water. The same way can be applied with wounds and scratches. Everything will heal faster. But do not forget that it does not matter, from which source is baptic water. When you recruit it from under the crane in your home, on the holiday of baptism, she will acquire healing properties.