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Water is the most important fluid in our lives. The unique role of water in a person's life. Water has a memory

None of the living beings on earth can live without water. Such an important and direct role is due to its physical and chemical properties. It is difficult to overestimate the value of water and in a person's life.

Approximately 2/3, the human body consists of water. As part of a living cell - a structural and functional unit of the body - it also ranks first in quantitative terms. Cell saturation with water is directly related to the intensity of metabolism in it.

The larger in the water cell, the higher the intensity of metabolism.

In what form water can be in cells

This chemical compound may be in cells in free and related form. Free water, partially filling intercellular spaces, vessels, cavities of organs and cell vacuoles, serves for vehicles of substances between the cell and the environment. In the bound form, water is between protein molecules, fibers, membranes and is part of some cellular structures.

Properties of water and its function in the body

Without water it would be impossible to preserve the volume and elasticity of the living cell. In addition, the overwhelming part of chemical reactions in the body flows in aqueous solutions. The selective ability to dissolve and dissolve certain substances, high heat capacity and thermal conductivity, incompressibility and other properties make water indispensable for life.

Water well dissolves ionic compounds - acids, bases and salts. This is explained by the polarity of molecules and the ability of water to form hydrogen bonds. Some non-ionic, but polar compounds, such as sugars, amino acids, simple alcohols, are also easily dissolved. All these substances are called hydrophilic (from Greek. Hydros - wet, Philia is a tendency).

In the transition of a substance into solution, its reactivity is significantly increased. For this reason, water is the main medium for the flow of biochemical reactions. With direct participation of H2O, many oxidative and reduction reactions and hydrolysis reactions are coming.

The solubility in gases - oxygen, carbon dioxide and others plays an extremely important role.

No less important for living organisms and water ability to dissolve certain substances called hydrophobic (from Greek. Phobos - fear), for example, fats, nucleic acids, some polysaccharides and proteins. Many chemical reactions proceed on the surface of the section.

High heat capacity and thermal conductivity provide the thermoregulation of the body and protect against sudden body temperature drops. Almost complete incompressibility determines the volume and elasticity of cells and tissues. The optimal value of the strength of the surface tension makes capillar closets possible.

The role of water in the daily life of a person

A person deals with water daily throughout life. It uses it for drinking and cooking, washing, bathing and many other things.

If without food you can live up to 50 days, then without water - no more than 5. Strong dehydration can cause a fainting and the emergence of hallucinations. In the end, such a condition without the provision of medical care ends fadingly.

Thirst is often disguised under appetite. If you pull a snack, it often happens just to drink water.

Water is necessary for normal thinking and physical activity. With sufficient fluid flow, the person is hardy and energetic. Dehydration leads to fatigue, poor concentration of attention, head and articular pains, increase pressure, disorders in the work of the kidneys. The lack of moisture in the body affects and in the state of the skin: it becomes dry and more prone to the emergence of wrinkles.

You should not limit yourself in drink, it is useful to drink little and often. If you use a lot of water at once, excess fluid, absorbed into the blood, gives an excessive load on the heart, until the kidneys are removed. The organization of the right drinking mode helps to preserve health and is the pledge of longevity.

The role of water in a person's life is extremely large. Our body consists of 80% of this giving moisture. It is a source of energy and a conductor of nutrients, improves the work of the heart and stimulates brain activity, affects our well-being and mood for the better. Water is life. Without it, there would be no plants, nor animals, nor the person himself.

Water and health

The reasons for which it is worth preferred to other drinks can be called a lot. But let's get acquainted with some of them:

  • Removes harmful substances from the body. The more water we drink, the more toxins will leave our body. They are displayed with the urine and then.
  • There are no calories in the water. Unlike other drinks, such as coffee, sweet carbonated water, cocoa, water does not have calorie. Therefore, if you strive to reset extra kilograms, it is worth drinking more water.
  • Improves skin condition, hair and nails. Dry skin, brittle nails, weak thin hair are the causes of lack of water in the body, or rather the nutrients contained only in it. Drink more water per day and these problems will be solved by themselves, without the use of chemical cosmetology products.
  • Removes pain in the head. If you often have a headache, then the body is not enough in the body. In this case, the blood is thick and begins to circulate much slowly along the vessels. As a result, it starts to clone into sleep, put the whiskey. Therefore, in order not to bring your body to the state of dehydration, it is worth drinking at least two liters of water per day.
  • And even water relieves swelling well, and not only external, but also internal. This comes from the fact that water is rich in useful minerals and microelements. Therefore, especially in the heat, it is necessary to reduce the use of fried and salty food, and more drinking simple waterproof water.

Spring water in the well

As mentioned above, it is important to drink only clean water, it is it that brings a favorable effect of human health. Alas, that water that runs through our pipes does not always happen harmless (pipes with time rust, and water brings particles of this rust to our house). In this case, lucky to those who live in a private house.

Modern technologies allow you to make a small well on our site and enjoy clean "living" water that has passed a thick layer of ecological filters. Such water is rich in oxygen and useful mineral salts, which are not in water from the water pipeline. Also, the groundwater is in the well all year round.

Water in the well is the most pure on the planet. It has no chemical impurities, such as chlorine, it is transparent, has a pleasant fresh aroma. Such water is a hostage of circumstances. Lifting to the surface, it risks to be "caught" by specialists and used for the needs of a person.

Many of us who are just starting their journey to the world of "iron" () and want to improve their results, ask one question: "Hey, and what is the best anabolic in the world?". Believe or not, but this magic substance is called water. You can hardly train and follow the correct diet, but if you forget about the role of water in a person's life, you will simply harm yourself.

In today's article, you will learn what role water plays in a person life and how much water to drink water per day.

The muscular cell consists of a protein, and its size depends on the amount of glycogen (warehousled carbohydrates) and small intramuscular fat, which it contains. But the most important element affecting the size of the muscular cell and anabolism is water, since most of the cells consist of it from it. You will not consume a sufficient amount of water and you not only have a negative impact on the process of muscle growth and burning fat, but you can also not get the volume of muscles.

Water in human life plays an important role. Therefore, you need to drink water every day. Bodybuilders and other athletes need water even more to maintain proper hydration. The human body by 80% consists of water. Therefore, the longer and more intense you perform, the more important to consume enough water.

What is the role of water in a person's life?

  1. Water cleans the body from toxins and pollutants
  2. Water is necessary for all complex chemical reactions that the body needs to be performed daily. Processes such as energy production, muscle extensions and fat burning require water. Lack of water can interrupt all these processes
  3. Water helps to lubric the joints
  4. When the air temperature rises, water serves as a cooler to reduce body temperature to the required level. Cold weather also increases the need for water, as the body uses water to maintain heat
  5. Water helps control appetite. If you feel hunger after a dense meal, it indicates a lack of water
  6. Cold water increases metabolism

The role of water during training

Proper hydration during bodybuilding training is of particular importance. Studies have shown that athletes who lose only two percent of body weight through sweating, decrease blood volume, which causes the heart to work more intensively to circulate blood. Such a decrease in blood volume leads to problems such as dizziness, weak heat resistance, fatigue and muscle cramps.

The most common causes of dehydration for bodybuilders

There are several reasons why the athletes get dehydration, but the most obvious of them is a lack of water. Add to this more training in hot weather or a stuffy room and the end result, of course, will be dehydration. Bodybuilders, like other athletes, should provide themselves with water not only before, during and after training, but also throughout the day.

How much water is necessary to maintain optimal workout performance? There is no accurate water volume that will work for each bodybuilder. The reason for this physical features:

  • Dry muscular weight - the more you have a dry mass, the more water you need
  • The percentage of fat in the body - than it is less, the more water you need, because it is easier to get dehydration
  • Potion levels - the more you sweat, the more water needs to be consumed
  • Activity - than you are more active, the more water is necessary to fulfill your activities. The preservers for bodybuilding requires more water than in the offseason, due to the increase in cardorals.

However, there is a couple of receptions that will definitely show you in which volume of water needs your body.

There is a very simple formula: weight * 0.04 \u003d liters of water per day. For most sedentary people, drink 6-8 glasses of water per day will be quite enough. However, for active people who are engaged in sports, much more water is needed. Follow the above formula and you will ensure a good start. Remember that the thirst is not a good indicator of the level of hydration. Always keep a bottle of water with you and do not forget to drink before, during and after training on bodybuilding.

Before training
2 hours before: 500 ml of water
15 minutes to: 200-250 ml of water

During training
Every 15 minutes: 250-300 ml of water

After workout
About 500 ml, depending on the work done

During long training for hardy athletes
Every 15 minutes: 250-300 ml of water. After the 90s of the workout, drink 250-300 ml of sports additives on water, containing no more than 8% of carbohydrates

After training for hardy athletes
Resistant and hardy athletes (more than 90 minutes of workout) must be weighted before and after training and compensate the loss of fluid. Drink 1200 ml per lost kilogram of weight (for example, lost 200 grams of weight, it means you need to drink 240 ml of water)

Athletes who train for a long time must drink a lot of water a day, as well as complement their diet with special drinking additives. The American College of Sports Medicine claims that the use of sports drinks containing electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) and carbohydrates can help in maintaining liquid-electrolyte balance and training efficiency.

Is there such a thing as "too much water"?

This concept really exists. In addition, there is a condition called hyponatremia. This aqueous intoxication is a condition that occurs with a large water consumption, which leads to a low sodium concentration in the blood. This actually can lead to a fatal outcome. My advice is to use the methods above to determine the daily volume of water.

The most familiar and most incredible substance on the ground is water. The value of water cannot be overestimated in the life of everything alive on the planet, it is present in every moment of our existence. Being a predominant element in the composition of any body, water leads and its livelihood.

Water in nature

Humanity throughout the existence is trying to solve the secret of this amazing and controversial element. How did she arise how he got to our planet? Probably, no one can answer this question, but everyone knows that the value of water in the nature and life of a person is unimaginable. One thing is absolutely true - today the stocks of water on Earth as much as it was at the birth of the universe.

The unique properties of water shrink when heated and expand during freezing - another reason is surprised. No other substance has similar properties. And its ability to move from one state to another, so familiar and at the same time, an amazing, playing exceptional role, makes it possible to exist all living organisms on Earth. The highest reasonable water is assigned the main party in maintaining life and participation in constantly occurring natural processes.

The water cycle

This process is called a hydrological cycle, which is a continuous circulation of water falling from the hydrosphere and the surface of the Earth to the atmosphere, and then back. Four process participate in the cycle:

  • evaporation;
  • condensation;
  • precipitation;
  • water flow.

Once on the ground, a piece of precipitation, evaporating, condensed, the other part thanks to the drain fills the reservoirs, the third appeals to the land. So, constantly moving, handing water artery, plants and animals and keeping their own reserves, cavoching, protecting the earth, water. The value of water is obvious and undoubtedly.

Mechanism of the cycle and its types

In nature there is a large cycle (the so-called world), as well as two small - continental and oceanic. The precipitate-going over the oceans is transferred to winds and fall on the continents, and then return to the ocean again. The process when oceanic water is continuously evaporated, condensing and falling into the ocean again to the ocean called the small oceanic cycle. And all similar processes occurring over land are combined into a small continental cycle, the main acting person in which is water. Its value in natural processes of continuous circulation, maintaining the water balance of the Earth and ensuring the existence of living organisms, is undoubtedly.

Water and man

Not having nutritional value in the usual concept, water is the main component of any living organism, including a person. No one can exist without water. Two thirds in the composition of any body occupies water. The value of water is extremely important for the proper functioning of all systems and organs.

Throughout life, a person comes into contact with water daily using it for drinking and food, hygienic procedures, recreation and heating. There is no
more valuable natural material, such a vital and indispensable, like water. After without food, quite large periods of time, a person will not live without water and 8 days, since when 8% of body weight, the person starts fainting, 10% cause hallucinations, and 20% inevitably cause fatal outcome.

Why is the meaning of water for a person? It turns out that water regulates all major life processes:

  • normalizes the moisture of oxygen, increasing its suction;
  • performs thermoregulation of the body;
  • dissolves nutrients, helping the body in their assimilation;
  • moisturizes and creates protection with vital organs;
  • forms a protective lubricant for joints;
  • improves metabolic processes in the activities of the body systems;
  • promotes the evacuation of waste from the body.

How to maintain water balance

On average, a person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. In more extreme conditions, for example, in the heat, with high humidity and physical exertion, water loss increase. To preserve the normal physiological water balance of the body, the water flow should be equalized with its elimination by competent

We will produce some counts. Given that the daily need of a person in water - 30-40 grams per 1 kg of body weight and about 40% of the overall need comes with food, the rest should be taken as drinks. In summer, the daily water consumption corresponds to 2-2.5 liters. The hot regions of the planet dictate their requirements - 3.5-5.0 liters, and in extremely hot conditions up to 6.0-6.5 liters of water. It is impossible to dehydrate the body. The alarming symptoms of this misfortune are dry skin, accompanied by itching, fatigue, a sharp decline in the concentration of attention, blood pressure, headaches and overall malaise.

Useful effect

Interestingly, taking direct participation in metabolic processes, water helps reduce weight. There is a randaking that wishing to lose weight people need less drinking water, as the body keeps water, causes tangible harm. You can not drive your own body to even greater stress, knocking it out of the usual water exchange. In addition, moisture, being a natural diuretic, tones the work of the kidneys, provoking weight loss.

Getting the optimal amount of water, a person adds forces, energy and endurance. It is easier for him to control the weight, since even psychological inconvenience from forced changes with a decrease in the usual ration is carried out easier. Scientific studies have been proven that the daily use of a sufficient amount of clean water helps to fight heavy illness - contributes to the weakening of pain in the back, manifestations of migraine, reduce the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood and blood pressure. In addition, toning the work of the kidneys, water slows downstream processes. It is proved that people with the creative principle are prone to drink a lot, and the great artists pushed the value of water to create masterpieces, it is important and in art.

Water exchange of plants

Just like a person, water is needed to any plant. In different plants, it ranges from 70 to 95% of the mass, controlling all the processes occurring. The metabolism in the plant is possible only with a large amount of moisture, so the value of water for plants is undoubtedly large. Dissolving mineral substances in the soil, water delivers them into a plant, providing their continuous influx. Seeds will not sprout without water, the process of photosynthesis does not work in green leaves. Water filling provides him with viability and storing a certain form.

The most important condition for the life support of the plant organism is the ability to absorb water from outside. The plant, getting water, mainly from the soil using the roots, supplies it into ground parts of the plant, where the leaves evaporate. Such a water exchange exists in each organic system - water, falling into it, gives evaporates or stand out, and then again, enriched with useful substances, falls into the body.

Another amazing way to penetrate water into living cells is its osmotic absorption, i.e. water ability to accumulate from outside to cellular solutions, increasing the volume of fluid in the cell.

Art of water consumption

The constant use of pure water significantly improves the mental activity of the brain and coordination of movement, and therefore, the value of water for the vital activity of the brain cells is especially valuable. Therefore, a healthy person should not limit himself in drink, but follow some rules follows:

  • drink little, but often;
  • it is not necessary to drink a lot of water at once, since the overabundance of fluid in the blood will deliver the heart and kidney an unnecessary load.

So, the value of water for living organisms is huge. Therefore, the creation of conditions for preserving its own water balance is necessary to each person.

Water is a source of life on Earth, a great natural value that covers 71% of the surface of our planet, the most common chemical compound and the necessary basis for the existence of everything alive on the planet. High content in plants (up to 90%) and in the human body (about 70%) only confirms the importance of this component that does not have taste, odor and colors.

Water is life!

The role of water in the life of a person is invaluable: it is used for drinking, food, washing, various economic and industrial needs. Water is life!

The role of water in a person's life can be determined by the propeller in the body and organs, each cell of which is rich in an aqueous solution from the necessary nutrients. Water is one of the effective physical education tools, widely used for personal hygiene, healthy physical education, hardening, water sports.

Biochemical properties of water

The preservation of elasticity and the volume of living cell would be impossible without water, as well as a significant part of the chemical reactions of the body flowing in aqueous solutions. An indispensable so valuable fluid makes its thermal conductivity and heat capacity, providing thermoregulation and protecting on temperature differences.

Water in human life is able to dissolve some acids, bases and salts representing ionic compounds and some polar non-ionic formations (simple alcohols, amino acids, sugar), called hydrophilic (with Greek. Literally - a tendency to moisture). Non-fluid nucleic acids, fats, proteins and some polysaccharides are hydrophobic substances (from Greek. - Fear of moisture).

The biological value of water is quite large, since this priceless liquid is the main medium with internal processes occurring in the body. In percentage ratio, the presence of water in the body is as follows:

Organism systems

Fat fabrics

Interestingly, on this occasion, the statement of Fantist V. Savchenko, one phrase discontinued the value of water: a person has significantly more motives to consider itself a liquid in contrast, for example, from 40% sodium solution. And among the biologists, a joke is popular that the water "invented" a person, the main component of the organism of which it is, as a means of its own movement. 2/3 of its total number is contained inside the cells and is referred to as "intracellular", or "structured" liquid, which is able to provide the body's stability to the influence of negative environmental factors. The third part of the water is beyond the cells, and the 20% of this amount is the intercellular fluid itself, 2% and 8% - respectively, water lymph and blood plasma.

Water value in man's life

The value of the natural component in life and everyday life is simply invaluable, since it is impossible to exist in principle without it.

Water is necessary for life because:

  • moisturizes inhaled oxygen;
  • helps the body in the qualitative absorption of nutrients;
  • contributes to the transformation of food into energy and normal digestion;
  • participates in undergoing metabolism and chemical reactions;
  • displays surplus salts, slags and toxins;
  • loads the body temperature;
  • ensures skin elasticity;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • prevents the occurrence of kidney stones;
  • is a kind of "lubricant" for the joints and the shock absorber for the spinal cord;
  • wanings of vital organs.

Cycle of water in the body

One of the conditions for the existence of the entire living is the constant water content, the amount of admission of which to the body depends on the lifestyle of a person, its age, physical health, the factors of the external environment. During the day, up to 6% of the water existing in the body is exchanged; For 10 days, half of its total quantity is updated. So, a day, the body loses the water about 150 ml with a fell, about 500 ml with exhaled air and as much with then then 1.5 liters are output with urine. Approximately the same amount of water (about 3 liters per day) a person gets back. Of these, a third of the liter is formed in the very organism during biochemical processes, and about 2 liters are consumed with food and drinks, and the daily need for exclusively drinking water is somewhere 1.5 liters.

Recently, experts estimate that a person still had to drink water in its pure form about 2 liters a day to prevent even the slightest dehydration of the body. The same amount is recommended to consume yoga, which know the true meaning of air and water. Absolutely healthy human body ideally should have a condition of water equilibrium, called otherwise water balance.

By the way, German scientists after a number of experiments conducted on students found out that there are more of them who are more drinking water and drinks to the creativity. Water in human life plays an incentive role, filling with energy and life forces.

According to some calculations for 60 years of life, a person on average drinks about 50 tons of water, which is commensurate with almost the entire tank. It is interesting to know that ordinary food half consists of water: in her meat - up to 67%, in porridge - 80%, vegetables and fruits contain up to 90%, bread - about 50%.

Situations of increased water consumption

Usually a person per day receives about 2-3 liters of water, but there are situations in which the need for it increases. It:

  • Increased body temperature (more than 37 ° C). With each increasing degree of water takes 10% more of the total .
  • Heavy physical work in the fresh air, in which fluids need to drink 5 - 6 liters.
  • Work in hot shops - up to 15 liters.

The deficiency of a valuable fluid is the cause of many diseases: allergies, asthma, overweight, increased blood pressure, emotional problems (depressed), and its absence leads to a violation of all functions of the body, undermining health and making vulnerable to disease.

Water loss up to 2% of the total body weight (1 - 1.5 liters) will cause a feeling of thirst for a person; Loss of 6 - 8% will lead to a seven consignment; 10% determine the appearance of hallucinations and violating a swallowing function. Delay 12% of water from the total body body will lead to death. If no food is able to exist about 50 days, subject to the consumption of drinking water, then without it - a maximum of 5 days.

In fact, most people drink water less than the recommended quantity: just a third part, and emerging ailments are not at all binds to a disadvantage of fluid.

Signs of lack of water in the body

The first signs of dehydration:

The stable flow of water into the body in the required quantity contributes to the provision of life tone, deliverance from the ailments and many serious diseases, improving the thinking and coordination actions of the brain. Therefore, the emerging thirst always needs to try to quench. Better to drink often and gradually, since a large amount of fluid in order to one-time replenishment of the daily norm is completely absorbed into the blood, which will give a tangible heart load until the water from the body is removed.

Water balance of the body - a direct way to health

In other words, water in a person's life with properly organized drinking mode can create acceptable conditions for preserving the necessary water balance. It is important that the fluid at the same time is high quality, with the presence of the necessary mineral substances. Paradoxical is the situation of the modern world: water, the source of life on Earth, can be dangerous for the lifetime itself, carrying almost every drop of various infections. That is, only clean water can be useful for the body, the quality problem of which is very relevant in the modern world.

Water deficit - terrible future of the planet

Rather, the problem of the presence of drinking water becomes vital, with each day turning into an increasingly deficient product. Moreover, the value of water on Earth and its disadvantage in international relations are discussed at the highest level and often conflict.

Now more than 40 countries are lack of water due to aridness of many regions. After 15 - 20 years, even the most optimistic forecasts, the value of water on Earth will understand each person, since the problem of its lack will affect 60 - 70% of the world's population. In developing countries, water deficit will grow by 50%, in developed - by 18%. As a result, international tensions around the topic of lack of water resources will increase.

Polluted water as a result of human activity

This is due to the geophysical conditions, the economic activity of a person, often unproprome and irresponsible, which significantly increases the load on water resources and leads to their pollution. A huge amount of water goes to the needs of cities and industry, which not only consumes, but also pollute water, throwing about 2 million tons of waste in the reservoirs every day. The same applies to agriculture, in which millions of tons of livelihoods and fertilizers flow into reservoirs with farms and fields. In Europe, out of 55 rivers only 5 are considered clean, while in Asia, all rivers are extremely clogged by the waste of agricultural production and metals. In China, the lack of water is experiencing 550 cities out of 600; Due to severe pollution in reservoirs, fish does not survive, and some rivers flowing into the ocean simply do not reach it.

What flows from cranes

Yes, and why go far, if the quality of water, leaving much to be desired, concerns almost every person. The value of water in the life of a person is great, it is especially important in consumption when sanitary norms are contrary to the quality of the fluid consumed, in which pesticides are harmful to health, nitrites, petroleum products, salts of heavy metals. Half of the population gets dangerous to health water causing about 80% of all known diseases.

Chlorine is dangerous!

To avoid possible infection with any infection, water is chlorized, which does not diminish the danger. On the contrary, chlorine, destroying many dangerous microbes, forms harmful chemical compounds and provokes diseases such as gastritis, pneumonia, oncology. When boiling, it does not have time to dissolve completely and is connected with always those present in water organic substances. At the same time, dioxins are formed - very dangerous poisons, superior in their strength even potassium cyanide.

Water poisoning is much worse than the food, because the water in a person's life, unlike food, takes part in all biochemical processes of the body. Dioxins accumulated in the body are decomposed very slowly, almost dozens of years. Causeing disorders of the endocrine system, reproductive functions, they destroy immunity, determine cancer and genetic anomalies. Chlorine is the most dangerous killer of modernity: killing one disease, it creates another, even worse. After the global water chlorination began in 1944, the heart disease epidemics, dementia and cancer began to manifest. The risk of cancer is 93% more than those who drink the water is non-chloride. Output One: water from under the crane in no case can be drunk. The ecological value of water is the problem number 1 in the world, since there will be no water - there will be no life on earth. Therefore, its purification and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards is an indispensable condition for preserving health.