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Albin Name Name. Hobbies and hobbies. Catholic named after Albina celebrates

Linguists claim that the Albin name comes from the Roman generic name Albinus, and in turn from the word Albus. Translated this means "white" or "clean". Following this logic name of Albina "White" or "Clean". Most popular in countries with large traditions in the Catholic faith. These are countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, etc.

More from birth nicknames such women's names As Camilla (Camillus), Claudius, Sabina (Sabinus) and Emilius (AEMILIUS). You can find their meaning by clicking on the links.

Albina's name has several related names. This is the male names of Albin and Albinus. The first name is characteristic of Scandinavia countries, and the second was relatively popular in 16-19 centuries of our era in France and Germany.

Value name Albina for girl

Albina, cheerful and active girl. It has a burden to all new, which often splashes in the form of curiosity and restlessness. For Albina you need to closely monitor and most importantly - it is necessary to teach it safety rules. She is a loving daughter and with pleasure helps parents. Girl sociable and she always has a lot of friends. Every time she tries to talk longer, because without communication does not find himself. The girl is very kind and responsive.

Albina is learning well, and besides studies there are still in many circles. She is interested in everything new, but also there is a long love for some one subject. Very often, love for learning will depend on the personality of the teacher. If the teacher can ignite the love of his subject in Albina, then such a flame fan of the subject will find it difficult to find.

For the most part, the health of girls named Albina is good. The weak point of Albina can be called its nervous system. It is quite emotional especially and may be unnecessarily susceptible. It is advisable to follow her own emotional background and avoid nervous shocks in every way.

Abbreviated name Albin

Bina, Bink, Alina, Ala, Lyalya.

Reductantly mascara names

Albinka, Alchik, Albishka, Albinushka.

Albín name in English

IN english language Albina's name has this kind of bella and albella.

Name Albina for passport - Albina.

Translation name Albina to other languages

in Belorussky - Albіna
In Ukrainian - Albіna
in Polish - Albina
on Hungarian - Albina
on Czech - Albína
in Spanish - Albina
In Italian - Albina
in German - Albina
In French - Albi and Albine
in Portuguese - Albina
on Danish - Albina
in Swedish - Albina
on Norwegian - Albina

Albina name for church (in the Orthodox faith) is missing. Is not orthodox name. The name Albina is worshiped in the Catholic faith.

Characteristic named Albin

For adult Albina Become characteristic features such as reasonableness and calm. However, it happens that education does not cope with the tendency of Albina to emotional flashes. In this case, the albina becomes unnecessary with temperamental and arrogant. Albina can be completely different person. If virtues will be born in Albin, then the surrounding will be much more pleasant to communicate with her.

At work Albina is usually a zealous employee. She sincerely tries to help the cause and succeed. At the same time, there is no careerism in Albina and it relates to promotion by career stairs. Special characteristic feature Albina can be called peace of mind in case of conflict situations. It remains completely calm and does not lose his head, which allows it to solve the problem most rationally. For this feature of Albina, colleagues and bosses respect.

Albina's family builds with special care. She is ready for a long time to choose the only one who will decide to create a family. There is no insignificant criteria for it in a man. She draws attention to his universal and men's qualities. Equally important is the material wealth of one. Albin is not enough only love for a man, although she will most likely not love a financially untenable man.

Albin is a good mistress at home and can be thrifty, although it does not love it. She knows how to keep himself in good physical form and after marriage. Even after the birth of children, Albina usually retains a good figure. Another Albina is a wonderful mother. She loves her children and pays a lot of time.

The mystery of Albin

Mystery albina can be called a leaning to arrogance. She often negligently refers to others, which in turn always leads to a large number of enemies. If Albina cannot cope with this vice, then there will be a lot of trouble. It must be remembered that the arrogance (pride) is one of the eight sinful passions in Orthodoxy, one of the mortal sins in the Catholic faith and the main sin in Islam.

Planet - Proserpina.

Zodiac sign - Virgo.

Totem animal - Stork.

Color name - White.

Wood - Silver Iva.

Plant - White Astra.

A rock - White agate.

Albina's female name Many researchers are considered a diminutive or apparent option on behalf of Alba. It was formed from the Roman personal or generic nickname of Albinus, originating from the word "albus". Translated from the Latin language takes the value "white". So originally called girls with light skin. The name has common roots with the name of the country of Albania, which was part of the Roman Empire.

Astrology named

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Planet Patron: Moon
  • Stone Talisman: Moonstone
  • Orange color
  • Tree: Pihta
  • Plant: Jasmine
  • Animal: Squirrel
  • Favorable day: Wednesday


The mystery named Albina hides an active, emotional, hot-tempered and secretive personality. This girl is too self-confident and impressionable. She likes public work, but she fighters it quickly if the responsibilities are narrowed by the fulfillment of specific instructions. A woman understands such an activity to simplify: "see others and yourself."

In school, Albina is studying mediocre, but it is able to organize a positive assessment of the helpful character, the ability to be useful in time. She has excellent memory, fantasy well developed. She adapts to the change of residence, everyday life and living conditions. The mood is changing often. Sometimes it is enough to look at her in order to cause a storm of anger and loud accusations.

In the family she is a favorite child. Albina corresponds to reciprocity and is ready to do everything possible to protect relatives and close people. In adulthood, such a feature is rooted in its character. She enjoys with pleasure household, care for children, their upbringing, creating comfort in the house, receiving guests, and also helps her husband "make a career"

Hobbies and hobby

In the house of Albina, you can find collections unique colorswhose cultivation brings pleasure and pride. She prepares great food, knows a lot about healthy food, fond of fitness. In addition, she loves shopping, buying outfits for family and children pays a lot of free time.

Profession and business

The profession chooses practical, monetary, but not always copes with it due to complex and conflict nature. To work, a woman named Albina applies to cool, even dislike. For her, it is a hard and unpleasant burden, if there is no material interest. She finds satisfaction with people, where you need to communicate, make decisions, feel power. It is suitable for professions in police, school, children's correctional institutions, catering system, as well as business activities, sociology, floristry.


Albin is prone to completeness. Her passionate cooking too the best way Reflected on health. But the most dangerous is its secretiveness that provokes nervous diseases.

Sex and love

Albina pays a lot of attention to make a makeup and wardrobe, but scares fans with a larger modesty. The most important thing is that such a woman is confident in herself, and this is already a victory. The greatest sexuality has a winter representative named.

Family and marriage

Failure is a reason for the fact that Albina is married early. This romantic feeling she is trying to store for a long time. She does not have sexual experience, but the girl does everything possible to develop it. In this she helps not only the physication of meditation, but also an attractive appearance.

The fate of the albina becomes an inseparable part of her husband's life. It can be guided by his interests, adapt to the habits of the spouse. It is imperceptible to everyone becomes in the house by professional butler (by the ruler of the property and family economy). She is very jealous, should be aware of her husband, know everything that happens at his work. Such a wife does not allow the spouse to be addicted to alcohol or be a member of "doubtful" male company, dispose of personal wages.

Albin's children raises strictly, checks every step. But also protects family members, especially kids, like a real lioness.

Some scientists talk about Albina Latin origin. Origin and value The name Albina is translated from Latin as "light", "clean". Most likely the origin of the albin has Italian roots. Pretty long period was often called newborn boys albanes. This name went from the Roman cognim, which is translated as Albanians. A little later, a similar name, I will make girls and girls, slightly changing its phonetic features. Another version of the name Albina is belonging to the German group of Catholic names. It was formed from the similar name of Alba, gained widespread in Muslim, european countries and USA.


Little Albina is a very emotional and quick-tempered girl. The meaning of Albina affects the formation of a child's character from a small year. Like all Italians, it is characterized by its sensuality and impulsiveness. The girl never sits on the spot, she is all the time anything busy, somewhere runs and strives, jumps, sings, dancing. The baby becomes the maximum concentration of emotions that do not have rest to parents and others. For parents, it is important to constantly be alert. And even better - to keep fides in the mittens.
The child of nature does not have enough equilibrium and stability. If it does not instart the girl in time, then in the future it will reflect on school academic performance.

The value of Albina is always waiting for praise from adults. Even if it makes small dirty, then in the soul he believes that it should be rewarded for it. It is noticed for her certain albitol. Albina sincerely believes that its dignity should notice everything. Parents must pay a lot of attention to such a child and seriously treat the girl's upbringing. A positiveness on the character will be affected by democratic reprimands and punishments for educational purposes.

"White", which means the name Albina, is a cute girl with a strong male character. In childhood, she likes to spend time in the company of boys, she adores fun, noisy moving games. Her interests are similar to the boyish. Therefore, in companies since childhood, she becomes "his boyfriend", demonstrating their fearlessness and courage. It helps her to conquer authority in the company of other children. Returned after a walk to the parents home, she gladly performs the girls' duties: helps mom, wash the dishes, makes cleaning.

Usually girls are more like the Father and are bright representatives of the father's daughters. Father is very difficult to exercise excessive rigor to a daughter in which he does not have a soul. This girl simply loves his non-standard name, feels a certain superiority over other children, at the expense of him tries to stand out among the same year. If for a period of some period they do not notice and do not pay attention to it, then it can be closed in yourself and separate from all companies. It is perfectly frustrated by a dustful nature with practicality.

Business and Career

Albina Dzhanabaeva (singer)

The meaning of the albin character and the fate of the girl is associated with the balance and ability to maintain peace of mind in the most complex and aggravated conflict situations. Such ability turns out to be very relevant in the professional affairs of women. The purposeful and active albina becomes the informal leader in the team first, and then a full-fledged leader who perfectly copes with his authority. It is not difficult to turn into a business woman, since she is endowed with nature. This punchy girl will be able to successfully manage any business that she got or was created from scratch.

The girl since childhood is seen for art. The meaning of Albina made the girl a creative person who is interested in many spheres. She can successfully realize himself, becoming an artist or writer, the head of the musical circle or producer. It is important for her to choose a profession in the soul, and not in prestige. The material side of the question is also for her in second place. It always relies when choosing activities for your own taste, ability and talents.

Often Albina can become a good journalist, an excellent psychologist and an excellent employee of the social sphere. It is important for it that the profession is associated with constant lively communication, she likes to work for the public. In carrying out such activities, it feels truly happy. Therefore, in affairs it is accompanied by luck and financial success is ensured. Its ability to tie useful links with influential people Help take a high position in society. In their affairs, she often relies on their intuition, which is very well developed.

Personal life

In the character of Albin, there is some duality in love affairs. At one point, she may seem a cold and impregnable girl with an Iron Will and solid characterBut the next day it is soft, downtry, charming and cheerful young lady. Men are sometimes difficult to understand such girls. Albina has weakness - excessive pride. She considers himself completely unique special, so the surrounding often behaves a little arrogant. She absolutely does not like obsession, so the fast love from men is more angry and annoying than happy. With this respect, it feels humiliation of their own dignity. For it, everything should be measured, slowly, and most importantly, on time.

When choosing a partner Albina very arrogant, it places overestimated chosen requirements. It is very difficult for her to find his own ideal. The meaning of Albina says that the girl will be happy only if the lack of men and their own. Albina knows about his natural charm and uses it correctly. And if she finds a man with whom she is truly comfortable, then she gives him an incredible tenderness, caress and care.

Albin Name Name and Fate allows it to turn into a loyal and reliable spouse. It can even be said that from this woman will be a perfect wife, who always has a welcome reception to guests, loves to do the economy. It is important for it to create an interior of home sockets.

Albina's emotional in nature can often arrange hysterics and scandals. Its loved ones know about such a feature, so try to smooth out the corners in order not to run into the storm of emotions. Your children, such a mother is ready to give everything that she has without a residue. But her children may suffer from such a character and the will of the mother.

If Albina decesses a calm, understanding, reserved person, then the spouses will be very familiar. Usually, she has a rather flat relationship with her husband. But the sexuality of Albina is not deprived. She is a liberated mistress who loves experiments. It is important for it to always like the spouse, so it is ready to expose yourself to complex diets and physical exertion until the end of life. Despite her stubborn character, Albin is happy in marriage. Perhaps because she seeks to marry in more meaningful at age, closer to 30 years, walking down.


"Not like that" - that's what Albina names for those surrounding people. The unusual sound of the name in combination with an outstanding person will always highlight such a girl from the crowd. The character of the name Albina gives the girl a rich spiritual world. Despite its emotionality, it is sensitive and thin nature. In any society, such a woman becomes a decoration. Sometimes she is ready to restrain his quick temper and show tenderness, but only in relation to the closest. When Albina rejoices or angry, it makes it also without holding back and without hiding emotions. It is difficult for her to keep himself in hand and control.

In general, the fate of the albine is quite successful and happily, but it all depends on the girl itself, which can easily spoil their lives. The meaning of Albina gives the Girl Gordney, which prevents her to converge with necessary people. And helllessness does not allow us to always forgive close and expensive people. The Girl's Iron Will does not give her to fall in spirit when problems and trouble happens in life. She tries to always adapt under the existing circumstances.

Relations with friends add up of this girl is difficult, but it can be a great friend if he wants. Sometimes she is alien to a feeling of compassion or pity for loved ones. It is difficult for her to take people as they are. It is often disappointed in people without good reason. Therefore, there is a frequent change of friends and loved ones. If she sees ridicule to their address, it will be very easy to turn from a friend to the enemy and revenge with all the cunning, which is capable of.

But at the same time Albina is a very kind and charming girl who will defend himself and his pride only in the event of threats. The rest of the time she is always calm, Mila.

The mystery of Albin

Albina's fate is associated with such astrological compatibility:

  • zodiac constellation - Virgo;
  • planet Patron - Proserpina;
  • favorable color - white;
  • happy Plant - White Astra, from trees - silver willow;
  • stone-talisman - white agate;
  • totem animal - stork.

Name compatibility

Favorable compatibility name Albina for marriage with Artyom, Boris, Valery, Dmitry, Gleb, Kirill, Makar, Nikolai, Robert, Trofim, Rostislav.

Albina can experience the whole spectrum positive emotions And warm feelings in relation to men named Alexander, Vladlen, Igor, Leonid, Nikita, Taras, Fedor, Trofim.

Failed compatibility named Albina with Artur, Vladimir, Vladislav, George, Herman, Oleg, Stanislav, Yaroslav, Yuri, Philip, Stepan. With such men, she will be able to conclude a solid marriage.

Name Albina: This name for the girl means "white", "snowy".

Origin of the name Albina: Latin.

Reduce form name: Alya, Alechka, Bina, Binchka, Albubochka.

What does albin mean: This girl is calm. She does not enter conflict, clearly enjoying his own composure. In friends to Ale, it's not easy, she is waiting for a job delicacy. The marriage for the girl in the first place, and the quarry on the second, Alya creates a cozy atmosphere for her husband and children.

Angel Day and Holy Patrons: Albina's name does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox sacratrans.


  • Zodiac - Deva.
  • Planet - Proserpina
  • Albina color - white
  • Favorable tree - silver will
  • Covenate Plant - White Astra
  • Patron - Aist
  • Stone Talisman - White Agat

Characteristic named Albin

Positive features: It combines softness and charm with determination. Albina's name gives the ability to show coldness. She is sweet and calm, but it is worth the hurt her pride, as in her eyes there will be arrogance.

Negative features: Pride often accompanies excessive pride. The girl with this name does not spend emotions on a cry, but his contempt often beats through the patient himself. It can turn into an extremely arrogant person.

Character name Albina: What traits of character determines the meaning of Albina? She has rich spiritual world, thin, sensitive nature. With one presence, this woman can decorate any society. Girl hospitable, sociable, gentle. Alya quickly converges with people, but quickly and part with them. The fervor of her nature is perfectly combined with practicality: it is a beautiful mistress and a loving wife.

By the nature of Albina is hot-tempered, emotional. Her since childhood needs to be kept in his hands. This girl cannot stop in place, constantly moving, dancing and sings. She lacks equilibrium and stability. Often, she herself burns anger to give yourself courage and impress the surrounding. A woman who is called Albina, strives for intensive participation in public Life. Necessary self-confident. The girl with this name has a strong will. Her excitability is increased, and this leads to irritability. Hence the stormy manifestation of joy, most often unreasonable, after which there is a long depression in Ali.

She is extremely active, especially when we are talking About the family, which she is ready to protect any ways. However, in public life, not without pleasure. However, Albina is more passionate about its inner world than the work. A pleasant occupation for her is the improvement of her house. From early childhood, the girl likes to help his mother or grandmother, early learns to cook and perform homework. Labor activity Ali requires widespread contact with people: in service, catering, trade, educational institutions.

Her intuition is connected with impression. The woman is charming and charming, it perfectly uses these qualities with benefits for yourself. She has a synthetic warehouse of the mind. Albina has a living, well-developed fantasy, excellent visual memory, for a long time, I remember that it struck or alarmed. Too sensitive and susceptible to failures and troubles of various kinds. This girl tries to hide her feelings that it is extremely harmful to her, as it can lead to disorder nervous system. For her, they have a special meaning equally both their own and other people's successes. Falling other wounds and annoys it.

Albina loves noisy companies, with pleasure takes guests. She is an ideal mistress. Well adapts to life, everywhere feels perfectly, and it sparkles the joy of being. This is a very interesting woman, in the family - the rod, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

"Winter" Albina is hot-tempered, hurricane, if you get angry.

"Autumn" - more restrained. It can work as a chief accountant, economist.

Albina and her personal life

Compatibility S. male name: The name of the name with Albert, Artur, Martin is favorable. Albina's name is also combined with Edward. Complex relations The name is likely with Vissarion, Gennady, Gerasim, David, Dragomir, Zinovie, Izyaslav, Kasyan, Lavrentation, Mitrofan, Timur.

The name comes to pattty: Nikitichna, Gordeevna, Lubomirovna, Mikhailovna, Isaevna, Grigorievna.

"Summer" is active, emotional, susceptible.

Spring is sensitive, rasament, arrogant. A girl with this name can work as a teacher, a shopping worker. The meaning of Albina comes to the patrons: Ruslanovna, Kazimirovna, Voldemarovna, Igorevna, Innokentievna, Arkadyevna, Afanasyevna.

Love and marriage: Does the happiness promise in love the meaning of Albina? If she wishes not success, but of true happiness, you should not forget that happiness is impossible without the ability to compassion and love people as they are.

Ali's sexuality is great and early manifest. But she is more correct and sentimental than he wants to seem. Family and public tabs can lead to a sexual complex.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: She attaches a great importance to the ability to maintain balance in conflict situation. It is capable of going albin to benefit the career or business and make it the leader, the degree of new directions in the literature, fine art. It is probably in the family, and in affairs will try to take a leading role on herself, and most likely it will work out.

Business and Career: This girl is able to achieve high position in society, tie relations with rich and powerful people. It may be art. The owner of the name is waiting for luck in financial affairs or in any business related to the public, if it follows its own intuition.

Health and energy

Albina Health and Talents: When a child is brought from the hospital, she can not get used to home for a long time. After birth, the child is sometimes sick of crop, so they are discharged from the hospital late. The child develops normally, eats and drinks well. Young possesses a calm girl. He loves to swim in the bath. Much girl is inherited, so it is located to many diseases.

Her health is originally good, but Albina is prone to completeness. In adulthood, problems with the urogenital system may arise. She should be kept healthy image Life, play sports, especially water species. It can not be abused by medicines, especially tranquilizers, which is inclined to.

If the girl was born in May - "May" - located to the ichthyosis of the skin, so it must be broken in water, infused on various herbs: Oak Kore, chamomile, cleanliness. In infancy, the child sleeps badly, but the weight gains normally. The girl loves when she is worn on her hands. At a biennium, it becomes a mobile, curious, and leave it one undesirable. It is located and to different infectious diseases, so it must be constantly hardening.

Such a girl very often suffers from respiratory diseases and angina, which was passed from her mother. She is undesirable to give in kindergartenTo school, she is better to be at home so that she is less sick and strengthened his immunity. In general, the "May" Ala is well developing, her teeth appear early, it bends to walk, but it is necessary to observe the regime.

If Albina "September" - born at seven months, develops well, is not often ill, but still located to tonsillitis and other diseases. Most of all it torments bronchitis, so attention should be paid attention to this and strengthen the immune system. From three years of age, the album is overpowered by infectious diseases, and it suffers very bad temperature. Therefore, mom needs to ensure that it does not slip. You need to walk more often on fresh air, in winter it is better to sleep with an open window - it strengthens the child's health. The girl is predisposed to the diseases of the kidneys, so in fifteen years it is worth checking it from the urologist.

If she was born in February - "February" - very often sick in school years. She is a very troubled child. She has nervous breakdowns. In the transitional period, sometimes it cannot find mutual language With my mother, can tear her. In the class, the girl sometimes makes inadequate actions, and guys laugh above it. Perhaps her troubled temper is connected with the transferred to early childhood diseases.

It is from childhood that the caprises are observed behind it, when applying, she can spit it out, bite someone. But parents do not pay for due attention, which leads to various problems in school. In such cases, contact the neuropathologist. With difficult children need to be very attentive.

She is Albina of South Origin, and all the girls have a very complex character with a strong male beginning. When the girl becomes an adult, the power is manifested in her character. From twelve years it is recommended to give it to the sports sections.

Fate Albina in history

What does albin name for women's fate mean?

  1. "Albina" is so called one of the books of Alexander Duma, written in the traditions of the so-called Gothic novel.
  2. Albina Derjugina ((Row.1932) Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics coach)
  3. Albina Akhatova (Ry.1976) - Russian biathlonist, honored master of sports of Russia (1998).
  4. Albina Dzhanabayeva (Ry.1979) is the Russian-Ukrainian singer of Kazakh origin, the soloist of the Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra" ("Nu Virgos").
  5. Albina Schulgin (Mikhailova) (1937 - 2009) - screenwriter, poetess, playwright.
  6. Albina Shishov (Ry.1966) - Soviet gymnast, master of sports international class. World champion in the team championship (1983). Bronze medalist of the European Championship in all-around (1983). Champion of the USSR in the exercises on the log (1982), the silver medalist in all-around (1982).
  7. Albina Lucy Charlotte Wang Eyken (1911 - 1964 - American Blowcih, two-time Olympic champion in 1928.
  8. Albina Osterman (1856 - 1936) - Moldavian ethnographer.
  9. Albina Apanaeva (Ry.1981) is a popular Tatar pop singer.

Albina - not widely popular, but pretty famous name. The modern world knows him mainly thanks to talented artists and athletes. But before calling so child, it will not prevent full value This name, as well as the nuances of the combination with other factors affecting the name - for example, with the sign of the zodiac or over time, when the girl was born.

Origin, Forms and distribution name Albina

Albin's name comes from the Latin word "Albus" - "white". In the epoch Ancient Rome A generic nickname appeared (analogue of the modern last name) Albinus or even Albinianus, and from him, in turn, take the beginning of the male and female form named Albin and Albina. This name is popular with Catholics, but is rarely found in the Orthodox environment. Since the name Albina is absent in the sacraticles, they will surround the girl in some similar name. Most often for baptism choose the name of the alevtina.

For some reason, Albina's name is very common among Turkic peoples. Tatars are often called so daughters, considering that they give her a Muslim name.

Table: Name in other languages

In the Russian foreign passport, Albina will be recorded as Albin. Little Albina will be affectionately called Alubo, Aleu, albuch, alosy, allen.

Combination with patronymic

Calling albina daughter, think about how this name will be combined with patronymic. Of course, this question ceases to be relevant if you live in a Russian-speaking environment. Such combinations of the name and patronymic are well:

  • Albina Alekseevna;
  • Albina Aleksandrovna (though, somewhat long);
  • Albina Borisovna;
  • Albina Anatolevna.

Niknyov options

The name Albina can act as an independent nickname entirely, or you can use part of the name - Alba, Bina, Albia. The second option is to show fantasy and use the name of the name when creating a pseudonym. Since Albina means "bright, white", then for nicknames you can take the basis of the same words in other languages, for example, White, Light and so on.

Dates name and holy patrons

IN catholic tradition There are several saints named Albina. For example, in Italy, the Martyr Albina formyan, who lived in the III century AD. During the reign of the emperor, the Department. It is traditionally depicted with a palm branch against the background of the sea: according to the legend, the power of the albina and other martyrs after execution were launched on the water in the boat and left for the mercy of fate. But the water knocked the boat to the shores of the Italian city of formy, where the remains of the martyrs were franticly buried. The memory of the Holy Albina and, accordingly, the name day is celebrated on December 16.

Holy Albin is often depicted on the background of the sea or a ship with a palm branch in hand

Characteristics and influence of the name

Any Albina since childhood is characterized by an independent temper and its own opinion. At the same time, for relatives and friends, she is charming and mila. But if someone dares her to hurt, then Albina will react instantly and verbally "horrid" in the most painful point.

Any girl with the original or rarely encountered name will have high self-conceit. It is important since childhood to vaccinate a little albine not only the feeling of its own uniqueness, but also attentiveness to others.

Professions, Business and Career

Since Albina is distinguished by high ambitions and willingness to make efforts to implement their desires, career is well suited, where you need to compete for a place under the sun. Albin like to fight for his progress - healthy competition is well motivated. Therefore, among the albin there are many athletes. Even if Albina does not choose a sports career, she often chooses fitness as a major leisure.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Albina always seeks to find a partner with the same interests. If the passion of its elect relate to completely different life spheres, Albina will always find time to penetrate them. After the appearance of children, the focus of albina focus switches to them. Often the family goes to the fore, and the rest of life seems to cease to exist.

Table: Compatibility with other names

Table: Covers matching name

Interpretation of albin letters

Each letter in itself carries any meaning for the character of a person:

  • A - the key name for this, because it stands at the beginning and is repeated twice. Determines leadership skills In man.
  • L - is responsible for softness, sophistication and artistry.
  • B - softens the effect of the remaining letters, makes a person less conflicting.
  • B - indicates hard work and desire for wealth.
  • And - testifies to the insightful mind and lively imagination.
  • N - indicates strong personalitywhich clearly understands what he wants from life.

Name and season

The time of year, when Albina was born, also affects its character:

  • Winter Albina is less sociable, but she has more strength and time to career;
  • In the spring albine, the character is not so severe - it is often fond of creativity;
  • Summer Albina - energetic and restless person, always attracting a lot of attention to himself;
  • Autumn Albina is more calm, but also does not like to stay unnoticed.

Table: The influence of the sign of the zodiac in the name of Albina

Zodiac sign Description
AriesStubborn, often possesses more male character
calfMuch time devotes to the improvement of the house.
TwinsArtist and a bit arrogant.
CancerThe first place puts my family, and then - own interests.
a lionAlways in the center of male attention.
VirgoResponsible, but often quarrels with loved ones.
LibraImpressed and romantic, knows how to charm any interlocutor.
ScorpioFascinated by immersion in his inner world no less than work
SagittariusAs a rule, knows what he wants and quickly achieves it.
CapricornVery purposeful and vigorous woman who has a considerable stock.
AquariusHas a well-developed imagination and very pleased with these friends
FishSensitive and susceptible features.

Famous women named Albina

Albina's name is more common on the expanses of the CIS than abroad, therefore, in the list of famous carriers of this name, our compatriots are mostly:

  • Albina de Montolon is considered to be the last mistress of Napoleon in exile on the island of Saint Helena.
  • Albina Baeva - Soviet choreographer, soloist of the Ossetian ensemble "Alan".
  • Albina Dzhabanaeva - the Russian singer, known in participation in the group "VIA Gra".
  • Albina Akhatova - Russian athlete-biathlete;
  • Albina Apaneaeva - Tatar pop singer;
  • Albina Nazimova - designer, the last wife of Vlad Listeyev;
  • Albina Yevtushevskaya - actress, Master episode, debuting in 65 years.