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What does albin mean? Character of adult woman. Name of Albina in character

Linguists claim that the Albin name comes from the Roman generic name Albinus, and in turn from the word Albus. Translated this means "white" or "clean". Following this logic name of Albina "White" or "Clean". Most popular in countries with large traditions in the Catholic faith. These are countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, etc.

More from birth nicknames such women's names As Camilla (Camillus), Claudius, Sabina (Sabinus) and Emilius (AEMILIUS). You can find their meaning by clicking on the links.

Albina's name has several related names. This is the male names of Albin and Albinus. The first name is characteristic of Scandinavia countries, and the second was relatively popular in 16-19 centuries of our era in France and Germany.

Value name Albina for girl

Albina, cheerful and active girl. It has a burden to all new, which often splashes in the form of curiosity and restlessness. For Albina you need to closely monitor and most importantly - it is necessary to teach it safety rules. She is a loving daughter and with pleasure helps parents. Girl sociable and she always has a lot of friends. Every time she tries to talk longer, because without communication does not find himself. The girl is very kind and responsive.

Albina is learning well, and besides studies there are still in many circles. She is interested in everything new, but also there is a long love for some one subject. Very often, love for learning will depend on the personality of the teacher. If the teacher can ignite the love of his subject in Albina, then such a flame fan of the subject will find it difficult to find.

For the most part, the health of girls named Albina is good. Weak place Albina can be called her nervous system. It is quite emotional especially and may be unnecessarily susceptible. It is advisable to follow her own emotional background and avoid nervous shocks in every way.

Abbreviated name Albin

Bina, Bink, Alina, Ala, Lyalya.

Reductantly mascara names

Albinka, Alchik, Albishka, Albinushka.

Albín name in English

IN english language Albina's name has this kind of bella and albella.

Name Albina for passport - Albina.

Translation name Albina to other languages

in Belorussky - Albіna
In Ukrainian - Albіna
in Polish - Albina
on Hungarian - Albina
on Czech - Albína
in Spanish - Albina
In Italian - Albina
in German - Albina
In French - Albi and Albine
in Portuguese - Albina
on Danish - Albina
in Swedish - Albina
on Norwegian - Albina

Albina name for church (in the Orthodox faith) is missing. Is not orthodox name. The name Albina is worshiped in the Catholic faith.

Characteristic named Albin

For an adult Albina become characteristic of such features, as reasonableness and calm. However, it happens that education does not cope with the tendency of Albina to emotional flashes. In this case, the albina becomes unnecessary with temperamental and arrogant. Albina can be completely different person. If virtues will be born in Albin, then the surrounding will be much more pleasant to communicate with her.

At work Albina is usually a zealous employee. She sincerely tries to help the cause and succeed. At the same time, there is no careerism in Albina and it relates to promotion by career stairs. Special characteristic feature Albina can be called peace of mind in case of conflict situations. It remains completely calm and does not lose his head, which allows it to solve the problem most rationally. For this feature of Albina, colleagues and bosses respect.

Albina's family builds with special care. She is ready for a long time to choose the only one who will decide to create a family. There is no insignificant criteria for it in a man. She draws attention to his universal and men's qualities. Equally important is the material wealth of one. Albin is not enough only love for a man, although she will most likely not love a financially untenable man.

Albin is a good mistress at home and can be thrifty, although it does not love it. She knows how to keep himself in good physical form and after marriage. Even after the birth of children, Albina usually retains a good figure. Another Albina is a wonderful mother. She loves her children and pays a lot of time.

The mystery of Albin

Mystery albina can be called a leaning to arrogance. She often negligently refers to others, which in turn always leads to a large number of enemies. If Albina cannot cope with this vice, then there will be a lot of trouble. It must be remembered that the arrogance (pride) is one of the eight sinful passions in Orthodoxy, one of the mortal sins in the Catholic faith and the main sin in Islam.

Planet - Proserpina.

Zodiac sign - Virgo.

Totem animal - Stork.

Color name - White.

Wood - Silver Iva.

Plant - White Astra.

A rock - White agate.

What does albin mean:
Translators argue that this name means white or blonde.

Origin of the name Albina:
This is the Roman name, it is based on Latin roots, the name comes from the word alb, which is translated as white.

Character transmitted by the name Albina:Albina can be easily called the eternal engine, it is constantly in motion, it is practically not held in place. It is quick-tempered, emotional, very easy-to-carry and often irritable. Its scarce characteristic character is at least a small balance or stability. Albina often can cheat herself to give themselves some courage, and though even sometimes make the right impression on the people around him. She has strong enough will, it is incredibly self-confident, even more than it is permissible. Sometimes after the manifestation of stormy joyful emotions, she may have a certain depressive period.

Social life for Albina is not indifferent, while it always seeks to take an active part in it. Her professional activities will always be sufficiently successful especially in those sectors where constant and close contact with people will be needed, for example, in service sector, or in pedagogy, or even in trade.

Externally, albins are always very charming and charming, and they, of course, cannot be aware of this and naturally often use their qualities for personal purposes. Albina is smart, often possesses synthetic thinking, as a rule, she has excellent memory and incredibly developed fantasy. Always always albin emotionally and sensitive, and all possible troubles or failures are too painted. Because of some weakness of her nervous system Albina is not at all worth hiding all its emotions, because it is usually fraught with the development of certain diseases and heavy nervous disorders. Various successes and achievements, and both their own and foreign people make it insanely, and of course tune into a positive way.

Albina is always sociable and hospitable, it, of course, loves noisy and cheerful companies, Madly likes to take guests. She has wonderful adaptive abilities, and at the same time Albina perfectly adapts to any living conditions and almost everywhere in any condition will feel good.

In marriage Albina, often, very happy, she is able to adapt to any character of her husband to his personal interests, she can easily donate to watching her favorite TV shows so that the husband can see the broadcast of his husband's husband, but not a decisive football match. She, of course, is an excellent hostess, an unusually caring mother and really faithful wife. She simply loves to make order in his house, makes it madly delicious. But the alcohol has a sharply negative attitude with alcohol, she will not use it itself and even in the Spirit does not endure the smell of alcohol from their friends or friends.


According to the main version, the albin name comes from the Latin word "Albus", which is translated from the Latin language as "white", "bright" or "clean." In ancient Roman culture, this name was not popular, and was found only in families who were awarded high social statuses.

Albina's female name has interesting story Origin and has a good importance, which is a lot of good, called the girl, like many names. It is popular and in demand throughout Europe, and below we will discuss it as detailed as possible ...

Conversational options: There is none

Modern English analogs: There is none

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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By giving, the girl the meaning of Albina promises a huge amount of contradictory qualities. This is usually effective girlwho does not know how to sit still. She needs to develop, improve, travel, eat adrenaline and unpredictability energy. It is active, trying to always be the center of attention, does not ignore social events. Each day should be routine, not boring. If boredom gets into the life of this girl, then she can turn an aggressive and irritable predator - it is better not to get involved.

An ideal mistress, a wife, can become a good mother, but in no hurry to be married, because he strongly values \u200b\u200bfreedom and independence.

Advantages I. positive features: Energetic, active, positive and optimistic, mobile, talkative, sociable and sociable, never sits on the spot, hardworking and purposeful.

Albina do not belong to secretly, incredulous, silent, boring and tedious people, and also do not like traitors, krussov, mercenary and too intrusive people.

The name Albina is absent in the nameslo in the Orthodox Russian names and is Catholic. During the baptism, it can be replaced by the names of Alla or Alevtina, similar to the sound.

Character name Albin

The character named Albin is such that it gives the carrier of this names-forming very difficult nature. Her inner world It is colorful, she is a faner and has a great imagination, but it is so complicated and conflicted that it will be able to accept it from every person. Albina has the character of the leader, the features of the future chief and businessman is good. But on the other hand, Albina is too conflict and principled, and this can lead to disagreements with people from the environment, to their dissatisfaction with it and its behavior, to their renunciation from communicating with her. The character of her is such that it does not allow her to deceive people, to use the weaknesses of loved ones and sell on someone's grief, and in trouble she will not leave anyone, even a few familiar person, and all this is good, but there is a counterweight in the form of unwillingness to go On the compromise and inability to trust. The incredulous, is hidden, independent and independent - to earn her trust is not easy, she keeps all their experiences and feelings in the depths of herself, does not trust even close. It will be able to earn her trust only one who actually sacrifies something personal for her and her good. Although, despite its secrecy and infancy, she has many comrades and goodwires.

On the other hand, it is impossible not to note that all of the above is only the theory. The character may be completely different, and moreover, it may depend on a variety of side factors. For example, the character may be modified depending on the influence of the sign of the zodiac, the year according to the Chinese calendar, and even the impact of energy of the Name Talisman's energy.

Early childhood

Early childhood named after Albin baby is usually filled with good emotions and movement. This girl has a difficult nature, but it is full of good features in childhood. Among their huge list, fanstiner, excellent imagination, efficiency and energy, foulness, cheerful temper, kindness and good nature, friendliness and eloquence, honesty and justice. This girl has the ability to easily raise friends, the value gates it in incredible friendliness, but it is too demanding that sometimes it can lead to conflicts with potential friends. But it is true to their principles and even in such early age Demonstrates incredible leads to leadership - the meaning of Albina is capable of becoming a carrier in the leader, a person who will always be listening to the leader. But there is one "but" - parents should pay attention to its upbringing, because the thirst for leadership and power can turn it into too narcing and self-sufficient personality. And the very meaning of this girl can give the character of this girl and such a feature as an uncompromising thing that may in the future bring a lot of problems in communicating with people - it is worth paying attention to mitigating this feature. But Albina, this is a person with a great fantasy, who does not know how to sit still and always having a whole list of ideas that will definitely or later return to reality ...


The girl has a teenager who received the name Albina, a character may be very difficult with improper upbringing and if parents fail to pay off the dust of overpriced self-sufficiency in it. In the girl, which parents in childhood decided to choose rare name Albina can be quite complex - she is ambitious, principled, uncompromising, straightforward, always expresses people the truth in the eyes and is never inferior to anyone. But this applies not to all cases - the value may cause another nature, to the edge differing from the described above. And plus to everything, this girl can be born and a bunch of good, important adolescent qualities for the girl - the meaning of this halo can give honesty, diligence, responsibility, bonding and consignment, hardworking and sympathy, erectivity and desire to help everyone around. Truth. There is one "but" - the fact is that it will only help those who, in her opinion, deserves this, and it is not easy to earn it, in all, Albina always finds something, with which he will not be able to put up. But in school, such solid successes are usually, its leadership deposits and ease of teaching allow it to achieve good results, moreover, both in the study of the exact sciences and in the study of humanitarian items. The relationship with teachers, of course, is unlikely to be perfect, I am very interested in the importance of Albina's names, but they will definitely be respected.

Adult woman

Adult Albina, as a person, and as a woman, is very complex. The value of this name can give it a bunch good characteristicsBut although there is a bunch of flaws. Its very bad drawback, perhaps, this is a arrogance - it is this feature and repels her potential friends, but on the other hand, there is one dignity that overlaps this feature, this ability to maintain peace of mind and to be judged at the moments when the conflict is brewing. And in general, Albina, this is a person who knows how to settle conflicts where it seems unreal. Well, plus to all the meaning can give the ability to prove the rightness without conflict and insults, and a bunch of leader's deposits, and excellent fantasy, and creative thinking, and the ability to find solutions where they would seem to have no, and erectness, and sociability, and benevolence, and honesty, and loyalty, and reliability, and hardworking. In fact, the value turns the girl called the name Albina, to a woman with whom you can be friends and deal. But there is also a big "but" - it is principled and most of these principles simply do not come, if he decided, it does not change it, even if it will understand that this decision may be a detrimental or fatal. Albina can become a boss and leader. People listen to her opinion, but here are real friends, and even more like-minded people, she has a very and very little - wine lies on her week to trust people and get close to them ...

Albina's character interaction with time

Winter - this scenario-frosty period brings albin hot-tempered, aggressive, but passionate and decisive in our world. It can be done with such a thing - it is responsible, but it is required to be controlled, because it strongly depends on emotions and mood. But passionate - the strong floor from such a crazy, it attracts simplicity of character and then manipulates.

Spring - and the mysterious spring time with its meaning, on the contrary, believes the girl named this names-forming a strange, secretive, sensitive, wounded and at the same time arrogant character. It is nice to communicate with her if it wants it, it is also obligatory, but it is not enough hard work and decisiveness. She rarely brings things to the end, tries to avoid responsibility.

Summer - Hot Summer Days Thanks to a combination with origin, the name generates nature as emotional, sensitive, cheerful, vane and capricious, but also gives the decisiveness, which is not enough spring lady. With such an all nice to be nearby - it attracts people with positive and optimism. It is ready to overcome obstacles in achieving the goals, but not ready to lose independence for the sake of creating a family.

Autumn - the capricious autumn months give a serious and moderate character. She does not know how to have fun. It is guided by common sense and logic, reasonable and calculated, focuses on achieving its own goals, a little selfish. Demanding, especially to representatives of a strong half. To choose a satellite will be treated. It is unlikely that it will become a housewife - it is a lot of career growth and material benefits.

Fate named Albin

The fate of the name is the most complicated and mysterious factor, but as for the case of the case with the name Albina, so it's still more difficult due to lack of information. Nevertheless, something is still known to us. So, the researchers who studied the situation with such a factor as the fate of the Albina came to the conclusion that in the future carrier of this name can wait for too many difficulties, in particular in terms of relationships with the opposite sex.

The main problem of the relationship of the girl, named after Albina, with representatives male half mankind is that it does not know how to find a compromise. The fate of Albina suggests it the presence of such a shortage of both uncompromising and principle, which in turn adversely affects relations with men. Her destiny can spend it on the road of parting - it will be a long time to look for a person, ready to give it to everyone, compliant, stopped, calm. But on the other hand, the fate suggests and the possibility of adapting her behavior - for example, she may begin to give way to a man who is ready to give her, and this is already a plus, isn't it?

In general, fate, it is one of the most complex factors, and with an accuracy one hundred percent to predict how it becomes almost unrealistic. And plus the fate depends on the set of additional factors, and not only on the characteristics of the names-forming, but also from parent education, and even on year of birth.

Love and marriage

A love and desire to quickly escape from under parental care can push Albina to early marriage. Moreover, being in love with unconsciousness, Albina can marry a man who will not answer its standards and criteria. The result is one - the first marriage is unsuccessful.

But on the second marriage Albina, probably reacted with maximum responsibility. Moreover, the husband will have to match the whole bunch of criteria: he must respect her opinion, not to be a snob, to be promising in terms of material well-being and career growth, refer to it as gently and gently. This is definitely difficult to find this, but Albina is not from those who give up ahead of time.

In marriage with her husband who meets all its criteria, it can become an ideal wife and housekeeping site. She will succeed not only by the household, but also in household matters in general. Always leads order and preparates food, will make sure that the family member will take care, everyone will support and give up his attention, everyone dedicates a part of himself.

Albina as a mother

Unfortunately, not so much knows about what mothers are Albins become. But if you rely on the statistics and previously named features inherent in albinam, it is possible to say with confidence for one hundred percent that there are excellent mothers from such women. Yes, it is not surprising. Can such features as a dedication, responsibility, punctuality, sociability and sociability, belong a bad mother? Ruled out…

As for love and proximity, there may be problems here. The fact is that most albin, it is too narcissistic women. She can give a child regrettably little attention, forget about the upbringing and in general, to behave as if her child is already an adult and independent person who does not need anything. Pape is worth all the parental responsibilities to take over, for the child would otherwise grow compound and insecure.

Compatibility C. male name

It's time to touch on the topic of Albina's compatibility with names for boys. Although there is nothing to touch here, because the topic has long been solved by researchers this area ...

It turns out best combination In terms of passion and love can be achieved with Akim, proud, Nikolai, Ostap, Pankratom and Spartak.

The strength of the marriage is guaranteed in relations with Dmitry, Ruslana, Miron, Semen, Ernest, Nathan and Mark.

Albina - not widely popular, but pretty famous name. The modern world knows him mainly thanks to talented artists and athletes. But before calling so child, it will not prevent full value This name, as well as the nuances of the combination with other factors affecting the name - for example, with the sign of the zodiac or over time, when the girl was born.

Origin, Forms and distribution name Albina

Albin's name comes from the Latin word "Albus" - "white". In the epoch Ancient Rome A generic nickname appeared (analogue of the modern last name) Albinus or even Albinianus, and from him, in turn, take the beginning of the male and female form named Albin and Albina. This name is popular with Catholics, but is rarely found in the Orthodox environment. Since the name Albina is absent in the sacraticles, they will surround the girl in some similar name. Most often for baptism choose the name of the alevtina.

For some reason, Albina's name is very common among Turkic peoples. Tatars are often called so daughters, considering that they give her a Muslim name.

Table: Name in other languages

In the Russian foreign passport, Albina will be recorded as Albin. Little Albina will be affectionately called Alubo, Aleu, albuch, alosy, allen.

Combination with patronymic

Calling albina daughter, think about how this name will be combined with patronymic. Of course, this question ceases to be relevant if you live in a Russian-speaking environment. Such combinations of the name and patronymic are well:

  • Albina Alekseevna;
  • Albina Aleksandrovna (though, somewhat long);
  • Albina Borisovna;
  • Albina Anatolevna.

Niknyov options

The name Albina can act as an independent nickname entirely, or you can use part of the name - Alba, Bina, Albia. The second option is to show fantasy and use the name of the name when creating a pseudonym. Since Albina means "bright, white", then for nicknames you can take the basis of the same words in other languages, for example, White, Light and so on.

Dates name and holy patrons

IN catholic tradition There are several saints named Albina. For example, in Italy, the Martyr Albina formyan, who lived in the III century AD. During the reign of the emperor, the Department. It is traditionally depicted with a palm branch against the background of the sea: according to the legend, the power of the albina and other martyrs after execution were launched on the water in the boat and left for the mercy of fate. But the water knocked the boat to the shores of the Italian city of formy, where the remains of the martyrs were franticly buried. The memory of the Holy Albina and, accordingly, the name day is celebrated on December 16.

Holy Albin is often depicted on the background of the sea or a ship with a palm branch in hand

Characteristics and influence of the name

Any Albina since childhood is characterized by an independent temper and its own opinion. At the same time, for relatives and friends, she is charming and mila. But if someone dares her to hurt, then Albina will react instantly and verbally "horrid" in the most painful point.

Any girl with the original or rarely encountered name will have high self-conceit. It is important since childhood to vaccinate a little albine not only the feeling of its own uniqueness, but also attentiveness to others.

Professions, Business and Career

Since Albina is distinguished by high ambitions and willingness to make efforts to implement their desires, career is well suited, where you need to compete for a place under the sun. Albin like to fight for his progress - healthy competition is well motivated. Therefore, among the albin there are many athletes. Even if Albina does not choose a sports career, she often chooses fitness as a major leisure.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Albina always seeks to find a partner with the same interests. If the passion of its elect relate to completely different life spheres, Albina will always find time to penetrate them. After the appearance of children, the focus of albina focus switches to them. Often the family goes to the fore, and the rest of life seems to cease to exist.

Table: Compatibility with other names

Table: Covers matching name

Interpretation of albin letters

Each letter in itself carries any meaning for the character of a person:

  • A - the key name for this, because it stands at the beginning and is repeated twice. Determines leadership skills In man.
  • L - is responsible for softness, sophistication and artistry.
  • B - softens the effect of the remaining letters, makes a person less conflicting.
  • B - indicates hard work and desire for wealth.
  • And - testifies to the insightful mind and lively imagination.
  • N - indicates strong personalitywhich clearly understands what he wants from life.

Name and season

The time of year, when Albina was born, also affects its character:

  • Winter Albina is less sociable, but she has more strength and time to career;
  • In the spring albine, the character is not so severe - it is often fond of creativity;
  • Summer Albina - energetic and restless person, always attracting a lot of attention to himself;
  • Autumn Albina is more calm, but also does not like to stay unnoticed.

Table: The influence of the sign of the zodiac in the name of Albina

Zodiac sign Description
AriesStubborn, often possesses more male character
calfMuch time devotes to the improvement of the house.
TwinsArtist and a bit arrogant.
CancerThe first place puts my family, and then - own interests.
a lionAlways in the center of male attention.
VirgoResponsible, but often quarrels with loved ones.
LibraImpressed and romantic, knows how to charm any interlocutor.
ScorpioFascinated by immersion in his inner world no less than work
SagittariusAs a rule, knows what he wants and quickly achieves it.
CapricornVery purposeful and vigorous woman who has a considerable stock.
AquariusHas a well-developed imagination and very pleased with these friends
FishSensitive and susceptible features.

Famous women named Albina

Albina's name is more common on the expanses of the CIS than abroad, therefore, in the list of famous carriers of this name, our compatriots are mostly:

  • Albina de Montolon is considered to be the last mistress of Napoleon in exile on the island of Saint Helena.
  • Albina Baeva - Soviet choreographer, soloist of the Ossetian ensemble "Alan".
  • Albina Dzhabanaeva - the Russian singer, known in participation in the group "VIA Gra".
  • Albina Akhatova - Russian athlete-biathlete;
  • Albina Apaneaeva - Tatar pop singer;
  • Albina Nazimova - designer, the last wife of Vlad Listeyev;
  • Albina Yevtushevskaya - actress, Master episode, debuting in 65 years.
  • Female name
  • The value and origin of the albin name:Translated from Latvian name means "white", "light", "clean".
  • Energy named Albina:Equilibrium, energy, pride

Albin's name is strangely combined softness and charm with hardness and the ability to show coldness. Usually it is manifested in the nature of the albina as follows: in the company and with close people, it is sweet and balanced, but it is worth the hurt of her pride, as the ice, bordering the arrogance in her eyes. It is possible that Alya will be proud of its beautiful name, the rarity of which even more can increase such an impact. Well, where pride, there is often an excessive pride. A beautiful and rare name is able to captivate a person, awaken ambitious dreams, cause the illusion of their own uniqueness. If these inconsistencies receive their development from Albina, it can turn into an extremely arrogant person.

The name completely does not inclined Alya to conflict, which, on the one hand, is good, but on the other, it can strengthen it in its superiority. In fact, the arrogance often provokes conflict situations, however, if a person reacts to a quarrel actively, then there is no trace of a trace, the scandal disrupts the mask, tires him or her and, however, still produces a copied couple. Albina usually in conflict prefers simply to express his contempt for his contempt and indifferently turn away - so negative emotions Always stay with her, people such contempt incitement even more, and Albina gets the opportunity to feel its own "elevation" over the "Khamsky" surroundings. I am afraid that nothing good, besides unreasonable self-talkative, it will not work here, and therefore it is very important that with the upbringing of Ali's pride of Ali was uncertain with a respectful attitude towards people regardless of their mental qualities. In the end, most of the "Khamsky" character traits are just an illusion that arises due to the inability to understand a person.

Of course, arrogance is not the best feature of a person, but the ability to maintain balance in conflict situation Can go albin to benefit the career or business plan. In controversial situations, it is equilibrium ensures a person most profitable positionAnd he becomes the leader. Given the albin's pride, there is every reason to believe that it is in the family, and in matters will try to take a leading role on yourself and, most likely, it will work out. At least because she does not spend emotions on a cry, but his contempt often beats through the patient. In short, she has many chances to succeed, however, if she wishes not success, and true happiness, you should not forget that happiness is impossible without the ability to compassion and love people like that they are. Without this, the soul sooner or later becomes cold.

How do you feel about Albina?