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Why sport is important for health. How sports is influenced by our productivity real benefits. Sport \u003d lack of hangover

We all know that regular physical exertion is useful for our body. But why sports exercises are so important from a medical point of view? Ten reasons for sports, details in our article ...

Top 10 Advantages you will get while doing sports

1. The likelihood that you will live a long and healthy life will increase tens of times

Regular exercise reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. During the study, 20,000 mature men, who lasted eight years, scientists came to the conclusion: mortality among those who were built, but neglected the sport, turned out to be twice as high as among those who are used to giving them regular physical exertion.

2. You will be slim

If you are trying to lose weight, sitting on diets, you lose more water and muscle mass than fat. If regular exercises will become an integral part of your weight reduction program, you will begin to lose weight intensively primarily precisely fat deposits. Having achieved the desired weight, you can maintain (or strengthen) your muscle mass. While it is known that after the end of hard diets, when you begin to absorb everything, overweight is often returned with double speed.

3. You will have more energy for life, you will become stronger and rustier

Many people complain that they lack energy to carry out life goals, for an active lifestyle. Not even too intense, but regular sports will give you vitality and energy.

In one of the studies, it was proved that middle-aged women who began to engage in force training and did it during the year, began to feel at least 30% more active in everyday life than before they began to raise gravity.

Regular exercise also increase strength and endurance, which makes it possible to better cope with everyday worries, such as work in the garden and in the garden, wearing heavy bags with products or a banal climb on the stairs.

4. Your bones will remain strong

Both men and women irreversibly begin to lose bone mass since 35 years old. Lifting weights can not only stop the process of loss of bone mass, but in some cases even run the reverse process. This significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Classes in the gym, as well as walking or run, help keep bones strong.

5. You will prevent or reduce the likelihood of lower back pain

Strengthening the press and the lower muscles of the back can prevent lower back pain, often appearing with age, as well as reduce discomfort if you already suffer from it. Sometimes it even helps to avoid operational intervention. In one of the studies of 35 out of 38 people who were recommended by the back operation, it was possible to avoid it, following a specially developed enhanced program of strengthening spine muscles.

6. You will be less likely to hurt

And aerobic exercises (running, walking, swimming), and anaerobic (lifting weights) well strengthens the immune system.

The natural desire of a person to remain healthy and young encouraged him to look for a variety of recovery methods. Most often we resort to physical exertion, engaged in various sports, exhausting themselves with exercises in the fitness room or multi-kilometer jogs. Are long loads for the body?

Scientists of the American Cardiology Center concluded that rhythmic daily jogging on long distances do not strengthen health, but increase blood pressure and give complications on the heart. The basis for such conclusions was the study of the state of the health of several hundred Marathonians, accustomed to high distances.

Cardiologists believe that many endurance exercises do not affect the heart aorte too well. This belief was confirmed on ordinary people who are engaged in sports from time to time and attend the gym. In this case, the effect on the heart muscle is even more affected.

The cardiologist from the Athenian school Despina Kardar noted that the protective function for the heart is performed by physical exercises only when they have a periodic character. But if classes are too stubborn, especially associated with cardio-training, the effect may be reverse.

In the American study, professionals and lovers were involved, who have worked hard for 10-19 hours a week over 2-20 years. The data obtained allowed us to conclude that the greatest danger for our heart is a pulse wave, when the heart begins to increase the revolutions and the body must increasingly overtake blood to the muscles and cells.

Also, the right ventricle of the heart can suffer from long and intensive workouts. Recently, the group of Canadian and Spanish researchers has published the results of experiments on laboratory mice, during which they found that many years of intense physical exertion lead to changes in the structure of the heart not only in people, but also in animals.

Australian scientists from the University of Melbourne also conducted a study and argue that in reality, heart problems do not arise absolutely all athletes around the world. Their work indicate that some athletes have an innate predisposition to heart diseases that may be provoked by intense and long workouts.

Australian experts in Cardiology investigated the condition of the heart from a group of professional athletes in two or three weeks before the competition, immediately immediately after the competition and 6-11 days after them. These studies have shown that immediately after the competitions in the heart of athletes appeared changes: it increased in volume, and the functions of the right ventricle decreased. True, these changes soon were restored, but those athletes who more intensely trained and more often participated in competitions, marked scarring on the heart muscle. Magnetic-resonance tomography (MRI) was used to diagnose blood test, Ultrasoundhearts.

Interestingly, for many years the negative impact of professional sports on athletes was a forbidden topic. Both doctors and athletes did not want and could not believe that the sport could have a negative impact on health. After all, exercise, charging has always been recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

But be that as it may, in the past, modern medicine has a lot of evidence that excessive physical exertion adversely affect the body. Doctors and fitness instructors see the way out of this problem in adequate evaluation of their capabilities, the optimal number of loads in each case.

Summarizing the latest studies of scientists in the field of terrorism of the body, we can say that sports that require high physical activity increase the risk of developing arrhythmias. For this reason, athletes should conduct timely and regular diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.

It is known that regular physical exertion is useful for our body. But why sports exercises are so important from a medical point of view?
So consider the advantages that we get, engaged in sports:

The likelihood that you will live a long and healthy life will increase ten times.

Regular exercise reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. During the study of 20 thousand mature men, the last 8 years, scientists came to the conclusion: mortality among those who were built, but neglected the sport, was 2 times higher than among those who were accustomed to give them regular physical exertion.

You will be slim

If you are trying to lose weight, sitting on diets, you lose more water and muscle mass than fat. If regular exercises will be an integral part of your weight reduction program, you will start to lose intensively first precisely fat deposits. Having achieved the desired weight, you will be able to support (or strengthen) your muscle mass. While it is known that after the end of hard diets, when you begin to absorb everything, overweight is very often returned with double speed.

You will have more energy for life, you will become stronger and rustier

Many people complain that they lack energy to carry out life goals, for an active lifestyle. Not even intense, but regular sports will give you vitality and energy.

In one of the studies, it was proved that middle-aged women who began to engage in force training and did it during the year, began to feel at least 30% more active in everyday life than before they began to raise gravity.

Regular exercise also increase strength and endurance, which makes it possible to better cope with everyday worries, such as work in the garden and in the garden, wearing heavy bags with products or a banal climb on the stairs.

Your bones will remain strong

Both men and women irreversibly begin to lose bone mass since 35 years old. Lifting weights can not only stop the process of loss of bone mass, but in some cases even run the reverse process. This significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Classes in the gym, just like walking or running, help keep bones strong.

You will prevent or reduce the likelihood of lower back pain

The strengthening of the press and the lower muscles of the back can prevent lower back pain, often appearing with age, as well as reduce discomfort if you already suffer from it. Sometimes it even helps to avoid operational intervention. In one of the studies of 35 out of 38 people who were recommended by the back operation, it was possible to avoid it, following a specially developed enhanced program of strengthening spine muscles.

Will you get sick

And aerobic exercises (running, walking, swimming), and anaerobic (lifting weights) well strengthens the immune system.

You will sleep better

It is proved that people who regularly engage in sports are falling asleep faster, sleep hard and much less often wake up at night than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

You will be able to preserve the clarity and sharpness of the mind until old age

Numerous studies confirmed that regular exercise is the best thing you can do for your brain. Sports improves his work, which, in turn, helps prevent senile dementia, sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

Your mood will improve

A large number of research proves that people feel in a literal sense happier after regular training. Thanks to the chemicals released in the brain during exercise (in particular, the hormone of joy - endorphine), feelings of anxiety, depression, wrath and stress disappear far and for a long time.

You will get more pleasure from life

Life becomes much more pleasant when you are in good shape and healthy. You will look good and feel, and therefore you will become more productive in everything you do in life.

Remember - most of the problems usually associated with aging is the result of a low-lifestyle. That is why their appearance can be minimized or prevented by regular sports.

The content of the article:

Most often a question, it is possible to play sports every day, novice athletes are set. Their desire in a short time to achieve the highest possible result is quite understandable. At the same time, they are often completely laid out in classes, leaving all the forces in the hall. Quite quickly, their enthusiasm replaces surprise, as pro-athletes can do daily. The answer is quite simple, because they train for many years, and their organism has learned to perceive the load well. Beginners are not typical and today we will tell you whether it is possible to play sports every day.

Scientific rationale for restrictions in the frequency of training

First, it is worth finding out the reasons why a person decides to start visiting the hall. Most often, this happens in those moments when people want to get rid of excess weight or restore the former slim figure. If you started playing sports with the purpose of weight loss, then we can talk about whether you can do sports every day, you don't even stand.

It should be understood that if you have overweight, it leads to a sharp increase in the load on heart muscle and joints. By and large in such a situation, all organism systems work at the limit of their capabilities. It is quite obvious that excessive physical exertion in such a situation may lead to serious negative consequences.

If you have previously played sports and now after a long break, we decided to resume training, it is important to understand that the body as a whole and muscles in particular, managed to fall from physical exertion. Thus, you again have to experience sharp sharp pain in muscles after training, which in the sport is called crepara.

It is a consequence of the production of a large amount of lactic acid, which is a metabolite of energy reactions. You should not underestimate this body signal, since otherwise you may be forced to stop classes no longer according to your own will.

If you are already engaged in a couple of months and the body has been able to adapt to a certain load, it is not necessary to immediately increase the number of classes over the week. The body needs time for recovery and it is at that time the muscles grow, and fat tissues are actively burned.

If you do not provide the body enough time to restore after physical exertion, you will find yourself in a state that is called overtraining. The most unpleasant here is not the fact that this condition negatively affects not only the muscles, but also on the nervous system. It is the CNS that is restored after physical exertion, the only time for a long time and you will have at least a week or even two, stop classes.

Of course, each person's body is a unique mechanism. Someone is able to recover before, and others can delay this process. However, there is a general recommendation, which states that there is a minimum of 24 hours between classes. In most cases, this segment of time is enough for the body to restore the work of all systems.

Even if you use cardio loads, and not power, resting is at least a day. It should also be remembered that with increasing load increases and the body is necessary for recovery time. First of all, it concerns large muscular groups: legs and backs. For their recovery, it may be necessary about 72 hours.

Beginners are quite difficult to properly organize their training process. We recommend contacting the experienced trainer, which will make you an optimal schedule of classes and create an effective training program. If you for any reason you can not do this and decided to independently engage in your training process, follow the following rules:

  1. Do not do more than three times over the week.
  2. After classes, it is necessary to rest at least 24 hours, and after working on the muscles of the legs and the back - 48 hours.
  3. If you have problems with blood pressure or cardiac muscle, then control their indicators and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
  4. If you wish to increase the frequency of workouts, you should turn to a good massession, which will help get rid of overpressure.
  5. Distribute for different days of training muscular groups, remembering that small muscles are restored faster.

Is it possible to play sports every day to girls?

Most girls attend the loss room and also want to get quick results. It is no less interesting to know the answer to the question whether it is possible to play sports every day, in comparison with the guys. If you loved fitness that you are ready to visit the hall every day, then it is good, but with frequent classes it should be extremely careful. When a girl wants to know whether it is possible to play sports every day, in order to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible, it is ready to exhaust its body for this, the answer will definitely be negative.

Several factors affect the number of classes per week. First of all, this is the intensity of classes and their appearance. In addition, the level of preparation of the girl and the goals set in front of it are important. Let's look at a few examples to answer this question.

The average girl is engaged in sports to get rid of excess weight to make his figure slim and tightened. If the experience of classes does not exceed three or four months, and during the training there are not used high weights, the body will be able to recover approximately per day.

In this situation, it is worth training three times a week, using a power training, and in pauses between anaerobic loads you can conduct a cardio session. In such a situation, the body will be able to fully recover, and you will be able to achieve the goal.

If the girl is trained for more than a year, it uses serious weights and to restore it will need at least two days. If you directly answer the question of whether you can play sports every day, the answer can be positive. However, there is one nuance that should always be remembered.

We already talked about this, namely the rate of restoration of large muscular groups. If you yesterday worked on the muscles of the legs or back, today you can spend a lesson, paying all the attention of the attention of small muscles on it. Also in such a situation, the Cardio session is allowed, a duration of about half an hour. However, at least one or better two days a week must be completely free from training.

If you do not use strength training and prefer to study in a group under the supervision of an experienced mentor, then again the answer to the question - it is possible to play sports every day, will be positive. But here there is one condition, the observance of which is necessarily - your daily workouts must be different.

Let's say yesterday you were dancing, and today you can go to yoga. After that, you can spend interval classes, and another day to visit Pilates. This schedule of classes can be ideal for lovers in fitness girls who follow their figure.

If you have the opportunity to visit various sections, you can do it. When this possibility is absent, then choose the type of fitness that you like more. You can try to do it daily, and if you do not have a sense of discomfort or excessive fatigue, then continue to train.

How to play sports?

Now we will give recommendations on the organization of training, which can be useful to those people who decided to start playing sports, but they do not know anything about it. First of all, you must be sure that you do not have contraindications. For this it is worth passing a complete medical examination. If chronic diseases were diagnosed, the doctor will help you choose the type of sport that will be most useful for you.

Now there are a large number of sports, and you will definitely choose something for yourself. It is very important to remember that your training should bring physical and emotional satisfaction. If this is not, it is definitely worth changing the sports discipline.

Food is half success in training. All people who have decided to join the Sport, we recommend revising our nutrition program. Most of us eat not correctly and if you continue in the same vein, then you will have to wait for a very long time.

First of all, you should go to fractional food and eat at least five times a day. At the same time, your diet depends on the targets that you were set in front. Power supply for a set of mass and weight loss is significantly different and this is a very extensive topic. We can now say that you should refuse alcohol and tobacco, as well as harmful products that do not have a nutrient value for the body.

Most people, deciding to start playing sports, do not pursue the goal of achieving high results. They are enough to get rid of excess weight or pump muscles. Contrary to popular belief, training at home can also be effective, but you must have a minimal set of sports shells and inventory.

To workout at home were effective, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • Eat right.
  • Do not overload the body.
  • There are many effective exercises and you do not need to invent new ones. Lighten the technique of classical movements.
That's all that we wanted to tell you whether you can play sports every day. And more information on this issue in the video below:

Man is designed for movement. Our body is the most direct proof of this. Beterally fraught with negative consequences. Foreign beauty is lost, health worsens, weakness appears and the mood is spoiled. Often it leads to depression. Undoubtedly, the lack of movement is and the consequence of disproportionateness.

In antiquity, people were not happy long to sit still. They moved constantly. It was necessary to get food, build huts, fight enemies. Do not forget our ancestors and about active games and entertainment. They competed in running, throwing spears, dance.

Today, to ensure your family, many are not required to even get up due to the table. Often, the employees of mental labor are sitting in the workplaces, practically not moving. However, exercise is extremely important for each person. " I need to work, there is no time to nonsense like fitness or running"- We usually hear in response. Below we will tell why it is so important to play sports and how it affects human productivity.

Why is sport so important in our lives?

Immediately want to clarify that today we will not talk about professional sports. Let us leave great achievements champions. We will talk about the physical activity of ordinary people, that is, about people like you and we. We will also raise questions about its benefits and how to maintain your body in shape, even if there is no time.

So, what good can bring sports in our everyday life?

  1. Health, Health and Health again. Training the body with physical exercises, we strengthen the heart, normalize blood circulation and pressure. There are complexes that improve the metabolism, removing stress and muscle pain, soothing nerves. Do not rush to drink tablets. It is often enough just to perform a small charge, and the pain will retreat. For people with chronic diseases, physical exertion is a mandatory paragraph in the treatment scheme.
  2. Good mood and positive attitude to life. Whatever happens: stress, quarrel, anger, fright, etc. - Exercise. Are you upset and no mood? Shake the press, play volleyball, make a stretch. At work a difficult situation? Sit down 20 times and the answers to complex questions will appear immediately. Try to start your day with morning jogging, yoga or charging. The result will be visible from the first attempt! A vigor will appear, the activity will increase, and everything will be happy. Sport charges energy!
  3. Excellent appearance. Believe me, not a single celebrity, model, actress or just a familiar friend did not get her gorgeous figure as a gift from nature. This is a daily painstaking work. Sport classes affect appearance. At the same time, it doesn't even look like in the hall or attend the clockspur. In addition to ideal forms, fond of physical exertion, you will get a beautiful smooth complexion. Do not hide the side of change and hair, nails, skin.
  4. Sport is a holiday. What could be better at the end of the working day than to go, for example, on yoga? In training all problems and stress are forgotten. The head is completely cleaned by negative thoughts. For those who have most of the working time spend from a computer, it's just a find. Resty eyes relaxed back, muscle clips disappear. To increase productivity, rest is very important, relaxing more often.
  5. Confidence appears and self-esteem. Many employers pay attention, whether their employees and candidates are engaged in sports. Realizing that you are responsible and fashionable (especially lately) the case, you will enjoy self-esteem. Even when the results are not yet, you will be proud of yourself. And you can boast friends and familiar what you know .
  6. Creativity increases. If you are a man of a creative profession, you should know how important "muse". It happens that it disappears. But you should not hand and dive into depression. Sport will also help here. Scientists have proven that during training, the brain actively absorbs oxygen. Accordingly, you will immediately have a lot of fresh ideas and thoughts.
  7. Moves to "no" fatigue. Chargeing energy, physical classes increase our productivity and reserves. You will forget what "falls from the legs" after work.
  8. Promotes deep, calm and restoring sleep. Sport classes provoke endorphins. They remove nervous tension. The emission of adrenaline and hormones during training warns stress and prevents insomnia.
  9. Sport makes us purposeful. Do you want to know, ? Take care of exercise. To make and motivate yourself to run, go to the hall, swing press, etc. very difficult. However, with each, even a small achievement, you will take a step towards your goal. Sport will help to defeat laziness, overcome themselves and, definitely, will increase your productivity.
  10. Expands a circle of dating. Visiting a gym or group classes, easy to find new acquaintances. They can become not only future like-minded friends, but also on work partners.

We listed only some of the advantages of active pastime. Everyone is their own and, having started training, you will surely want to add a few more of your items.

Exercise: species and purpose

Many people understand that sporting is not only fascinating, but also useful. However, not everyone understands the difference between the types of training, and do not know what they are intended for. Briefly discuss it.

Power exercises

This type of training is necessary if you want to strengthen the muscles and form a beautiful body relief. He is especially popular among men. Weak floor representatives prefer them for fat burning. Power exercises are performed using additional inventory. Used dumbbells, rods, weights. This includes classes on simulators.

Aerobic or cardiotry

This is a simpler exercise type. Thanks to them, it is easy to strengthen the heart muscle, to train breathing and endurance. Especially popular with such workouts among women. This group includes dancing, aerobics, shaping, swimming. If you decide to play sports with friends, then a great decision will be the game - football, volleyball, tennis, etc. This refers and run. It is best to deal with cardiovascular on the outdoor.


The lightest view of training. It is suitable even to people of old age or with some injuries. Stretching can be dynamic and static. The first is designed to warm up muscles in front of other types of exercises. The second is the final stage after power or cardiography. Stretching gives muscle tone, makes them more elastic and increases resistance to injuries. Stretching is the morning charging.

You can stay on one of the types of exercise, but most effectively perform them in the complex. Alternate and combine workouts and you will win a chic body and excellent health.

What kind of sport choose?

It often happens that setting the goal to start sports, the question appears: What kind of choose? Of course, it all depends on individual preferences and hobbies. We picked up the ten most popular sports:

  1. Training in the gym Suitable for people aimed at the result. It is better to deal with a professional trainer. He will select an individual training program, given your personal features.
  2. Aerobics, shaping, gymnastics, etc.perfectly strengthen the cardiosystem. They choose many women for intensity and rhythm. When doing funny dance music, you can not only strengthen health, but also raise the mood.
  3. Swimming and aqua aerobicadoes not require special skills and training. Visiting the pool, you strengthen absolutely all the muscles of the body and improve the cardio system. Being in the water, you will relax and rest after a hard day. This sport is perfectly suitable for people with a large body weight.
  4. Dancing He will be charged with positive, improve the coordination of movements and will provide a beautiful figure. Species of dance directions mass. You can choose anything, starting with classic choreography, ending with incendiary oriental dances.
  5. Group sports games. This includes football, volleyball, basketball, tennis and others. In addition to the power and cardio-training of the game, they temper the spirit of rivalry, thrust to victory and leadership. Want to know - take part in group games.
  6. Bicycling It became very popular lately. Twist the pedals. So the muscles are swinging, the heart is harvested, and the mood is improved. We advise ride a bike in parks and other beautiful places.
  7. Run.You can run in the stadium, in the park, on the treadmill at home, anywhere. Running is beyond and fills the energy.
  8. Yoga and Pilates.- Training for those who prefer calm, slow, but productive exercises. These practices help to gain spiritual equilibrium and strengthen the body.
  9. Meditation.Yes, this is not a mistake, not very familiar, but still. It helps to relax, has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure. In the morning, this is the charge of positive energy, in the evening - the way to relax and calm down.
  10. Walking -an excellent way of training even for the elderly. If strong loads are contraindicated, feel free to go to a sports walk!

Modern assistants to those who decide to play sports

Today, new technologies are surprised by their capabilities. Various gadgets that make life easier for people are already in all areas. Sport is no exception. As an example, we will tell about several of them.

  1. Mobile applications. There are a lot of services that help to play sports, follow the achievements and seek the goals. One of the most popular and high-quality programs is Runtastic. We also advise you to pay attention to All-Infitness, Runkeeper, Pedometer, NiketrainingClub, Teemo.
  2. Sport gadgets. These are mainly the so-called "smart" bracelets. They control the pulse, measure distances, follow the workouts, motivate. Gadgets from Fitbit Force, Jawbone, Nike, Bodybugg Link are famous for good features.

Of course, helpers in sports are important. However, do not forget that it all depends on your mood, willpower and the desire to achieve results.

Remember that phrases "I don't have time", "I'm tired / a", "no money" and the like are only excuses. The time spent on the sport will return to you with interest. Exercising physically, you increase your productivity in all spheres. Try. We are sure, later you will not be able to live without sports. Share your success in the comments. We will be happy with your victories over themselves and answer all the questions.