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Meat-making parent Saturday, a special mission of the departed before the great post. Ecumenical parent Saturday. What can and what can not be done on this day

First, per year, universal parent Saturday Associate on the meat suite. On this day, the church remembers the departed and commemorates all the dead from the time of Adam. Service this Saturday is called:

"Memory committed by everyone from the century of the deceased Orthodox Christians, father and our brethren."

Hardware to the Ecumenical Parent Saturday (and in other memorial days) reminds us of the need to save all people - alive pray for deceased brethren and sisters. We serve our concern about them to save their souls, we help with the same commemoration and yourself. After all, we are all - brothers and sisters, we live in the same world, in one church, we have one father.

The people who have prayed for whom we pray are dead, but only their bodies are dead, not the souls. Souls are alive, and therefore, they still have time for repentance.
And all of us, living and dead, there is still time to a terrible court, but nobody knows if it is enough for repentance. We can help your diligent prayers to help you wake yourself and have time to repent. Miracles happen to us, because the prayers are slowly acting on us, we ourselves are imperceptibly cleaned from evil and begin to love people.

There is one mandatory dish on the memorial meal.
Kum or coloyo is a welded wheat, mixed with honey. This dish symbolizes the resurrection of the deceased.
In order for grain to give a spacing, it must first exist. Also, the human body first elapses to rebel to Of the future life. (1 Cor. 15, 36-38; in. 12, 24). Honey means the sweetness of goods in the future life.

Cooking Kuti: You need to soak wheat grain (you can rice or not crushed pearl cereals), and then cook porridge from it so that each grain is separately. Filler should be added to porridge, usually honey and raisins. You can also add dried fruits, but first they must be unpiring and crushed, and still nuts, seeds, poppy, fruit, it all depends on your taste. Instead of honey, you can add sugar syrup. All ingredients should be mixed, put in a bowl and attributed to the church on the package and there is kepture.

Meat suite week

The week is the old name of the Resurrection. It happened from the connection of the words "not" and "do", on this day people rested and did nothing.
The last day of meat suite is a meat sundement (Sunday). On this day, before, you can still use meat products by the charter. We are the last time we eat meat and "let go" it. Hence the name - "meat".
But the next day, the strict post does not begin yet, the whole of the next saddimet can be eaten cheeses and dairy products - the Syropus Sedmian, Maslenitsa begins.

Thus, a gradual preparation of a person is being carried out to the most strict great post, even in the meat suite, on Wednesdays and Fridays, it is already impossible to eat, so this saddemice in the people used to be called "motley".
According to the signs, the wedding could not be played in the "Pestruse" sadmits, at this time begin to prepare for Maslenitsa, make cleaning in homes, invite guests.

Week about the terrible court

A terrible court is remembered in meat sunday (Sunday) (MF. 25: 31-46). The church reminds people about their sins that it is impossible to be careless to save our souls, we must not forget that in the save, it is necessary to hope for the mercy of God. The inevitability of the onset of a terrible court confirmed the Savior himself:

"The time will come, in which all those in the coffins will hear the voice of the Son of God and will be seen by the welcome to the resurrection of life, and making evil on the resurrection of condemnation" (Ying 5: 28-29).

All the dead people will come to life, everyone will face the Lord, and will surely answer their affairs he committed during his earthly life.
If good deeds will be more - the soul of this man is waiting for Glory and the life of blissful, and if evil - eternal condemnation.

The first coming of the Lord on the ground was very modest. He showed us with his example what people should be - humble, Crescents and Good. That is why, the Savior allowed himself to crucify that no one during the second coming, in the terrible court, could not blame the Lord in injustice and biased to him.
For each of the people, this day and in fact terrible, there are no people without sins. All secret, invisible deeds and desires will be obvious, and we will not hope for us, everyone will get their own.

During a terrible court, no one will ask about how we prayed, how fastening, what kind of spiritual books read, as often and sincerely confessed, etc. All this will be completely unimportant, compared to what we were people towards people around us.

Gospel from Matthew, Ch. 25, 31-46.

When the Son of Human in the glory of his own and all the holy angels with him, then sit down on the throne of His Glory, and all nations will be gather before him; and separate some of others like a shepherd separates sheep from goats; and put sheep on the right side, and goats - on the left.
Then the king will tell those who, on the right side of him: take, blessed my father, inherit the kingdom prepared by you from creating peace: For Alcals, I, and you gave me; Easted, and you drove me; was a wanderer, and you accepted me; there was nag, and you dressed me; was sick and you visited me; In the dungeon was, and you came to me.
Then the righteous will tell him in response: Lord! When did we see you sharpening, and fed? Or thirsty, and drove? When did we see you a wanderer, and accepted? Or nagim, and dressed? When did we see you sick, or in the dungeon, and came to you? And the king will tell them in response: True I tell you: since you made it one of the sizes of my smaller, they made me. Then he will say and those who are on the left: go from me, damned, into the fire eternal, prepared by the devil and his angels: for Alkal I, and you did not give me eating; Easted and you did not drink me; was a wanderer, and did not accept me; there was nag, and did not dandate me; sick and in the dungeon, and did not visit me.
Then they will tell him in response: Lord! When we saw you by the sharpening, or thirsty, or a wanderer, or nagim, or sick, or in the dungeon, and did not serve you? Then tells them in response: True I tell you: since you did not make it one of the little smaller, they did not do to me. And these will go in the eternal flour, and the righteous to the eternal life.

February 18, 2017 Universal Parent Saturdaywhich is named Meat support Since it takes place before starting meat support (oil or cheese) sadmits.

Love for deceased relatives imposes on the holy duty living, praying to save their souls. After all, the prayer about them is the only benefit that you can give them. Days of special overall commemoration of the departed, established by the Church, are called parent Saturdays. These days are commemorated from the century dead Christians. Orthodox serve "Notes" Behind the rest for the commemoration at christmas. Do not forget to write only the dead, that is, the names given to them in baptism.

Candles "For the rest" put in a special location - for this a large walnut table with candlesticks, over which crucifixion rises. Usually eve located in the corner of the saline (elevation in front of the altar), however, the location depends on internal device The temple, the mandatory place cannonically not established.

If there is no possibility to visit the temple, at home you can read the prayer about the departed: "Once, Lord, the souls of the deceased slave: my parents, the affinities, benefactors ... and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the warm and unwitting sins, and give them the kingdom of heaven .

During the commemoration on the Divine Liturgy, in the temple, the dismounts of the living and dead particles are immersed in the bowl with words that in Russian sound like this: "Omoy, Lord, sins who were sacred here with his own honestly, the prayers of his saints".

The basis for establishing this day of the commemoration was that in the following Sunday day the Holy Church performs the memoir of the Second Coming of Christ and the terrible court of him.

Therefore, approaching the festival of the Great West, believers should "enter the Union of Love with all members of the Kingdom of Christ - and the Holy, and the living, and the dead, from Adam and until the current days of the deceased in the piety and the right faith of the forefans, fathers and our brethings from all kind: from the kind of kings, princes, monastishes, laity, boys and elders, and all whom the water covered, the war destroyed, the earthquakes swallowed, from the hands of the killer dead, in the fire burnt, formerly eaten beasts, birds and gadars who died from lightning and dead in frost; Which killed the sword, the horse took away, whom the stone or the land fell asleep, whom was selected, poisoned, bone was fed, - suddenly the dead and left without legal burial, is presented, begging the righteous judgment to rejection to them. "

At this time of year, it is not just not easy to visit the grave of a relative, so it is better to try to come to the temple.

Early Christians after the commemoration committed general memorial meals and therefore brought food with them. Now there is no such tradition, but the custom applying products "on the eve" remained. These offering are used for the meal of clergy and workers of the temple. In addition, the church helps the needy, arranged meals for the poor. Thus, the Milms are going on "on the eve".


A week:


Holy Memory Day:

Apostolic and gospel reading of the day:

Sedmian: Church Slavonic name of the week, seven-day calendar cycle, and the countdown begins on Sunday.
Week: In the Church Slavonic language, which is the liturgical language of the Russian Orthodox Church, the name of the Sunday: the first (and not the last!) Day of the sadmits.
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Parent Saturdays (Greek. ψυχοσάββατο Saturday Shower) - nine days of the daughty commemoration of the deceased Orthodox Christians. They are called parents because parents are the closest people close to us, but they pray these days not only for relatives. Parental Saturday is a generalized name of the day of special accomplishment of the departed. Special is not in terms of some other, but in terms of reinforced. On this day, the whole full of church prays about the rest of the souls of the dead Orthodox Christians. For us - alive - this day of memory of our loved ones and loved ones should, if possible, spend in prayer. The leitmotif of all prayers about the rest - the forgiveness of sins. There is no time to repent and ask for forgiveness, but we can attach all the strength and ask God for mercy to them. And the Lord, seeing our zeal, taking into account our feats of prayers and alms (and for the deceased can be served alms) can forgive all the sins of the deceased person.

More details about the commemoration of the dead can also be found on the page. Pomping

Canonical consciousness ancient Church Top did not allow prayer communication from hehetics, jews and pagans. Such a ban on prayer communication both alive and deceased. As Vladislav Tsypin fairly noted rightly, "The deceased Christians remain members of the Church, and therefore the church assumes their prayers for them as about the living members", so "The church can, of course, tale only on those who belong only to her".
It can be clearly showed by comparing the above quotes from the stop canon Martyr Uru with the church canon from the service of the Troitskaya Parental Saturday, placed in color triodes. In this litrogenous selection, literally in every song canon is noted that the church only baptized Orthodox people comes in faith and piety graduated from their earthly life.

"VSI pray Christ, the memory of the dead is creative, yes, I will save the fire, in the faith of you, and the hope of life is eternal" (Song 1).
"You see, you see, Yako Az Yesh God, the righteous court, the watersive limits of life, and intense from Tly, accept all, drowning in the hope of the resurrection permanent" (Song 2).
"The presence of a presence of the Sea of \u200b\u200bBlowing the Sea, in an imperisure of your life, the referee of the TRACK, Orthodox Life omitted" (Song 3).
"Fathers and forefathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, from the first and even to the latter, in the rejunition of deceased and blegse, all the obstacles of our spas" (Song 4).
"Fire is confusedly, and the TMA is lacking, the grinding of the toothago, and Chervia is endlessly tormented by me, and there is nothing to get rid of our deasses, the whole is true." (Song 5).
"From the century Yazh, the benefits of the right God, the genus is every human, the exhibitions in the eyelids with the employees of Ty Slaviti" (Song 6).
"In a terrible coming, generous, the owned sheep of your post, the rusticity of the rusty of Christ, and with you," (Song 7).
"The crushing the first of the Senage of the mortal, having threw the Sun from the coffin, the Sons of the Resurrection of Your Society, the Lord of Glory, all deceased in faith, forever" (Song 8).
"Any age, elder, and young babies, and children, and lousy malem, the masculine nature and female, God, God, Yazh Esi Vernaya" (Song 9).
In the Virgin Paths of this service, in contrast to the University of Martyr Warru, the church asks the petition from Major Virgin Mary. Only for faithful:
"The jet of the living source is sealed, Jews were aware of the Virgin Devo, without her husband of the Lord Bowls, the immediatelessness of the faithful water from the eyelids" (Song 8).
Parent and deployed petitions about the dead are read by the charter at the evening under Day of the Holy Spirit - especially in the third cranked prayer placed in color triodes. But even in this comprehensive prayer is mentioned exclusively Orthodox Christians:
"We hear us praying for you, and the soul of our slaves, before the deceased father and the brothering of our, and other affinity on the flesh, and all of their own in faith, about fucking and the memory, we are doing now, I can have all the powers in you, and in the mouth of your contents Ends of the Earth. "
According to the service, commemoration is performed "About everyone in the hope of resurrection of life eternal and your communication of the deceased Orthodox".

In the cyan survey of the Eucharistic Canon of the Holy Liturgy John Zlatousta The following words are contained:
"I also bring the verbal service of the service about Izh in faith who have already revealed ... and about every dust righteentious in faith who died",
as well as petition:
"And the obstacles of all the departed about the hope of resurrection of life eternal".

Naturgy of St. Vasily Great The final is praying in a similar way:
"Yes, the mercy and grace with all the saints from the century with all the holy century ... and with all sorts of spirits righteous in faith who died",
And in conclusion:
"And the obstacles of all before the deceased about the hope of resurrection of life eternal".

On unbelievers neither John Zlatoust nor St. Vasily Great Prayers did not attend, remembering the words of Evangelskiy:
"I feel the faith and be baptized, it will be saved, but it does not have faith, it will be convicted" (MK. 16, 16)

Holy Fathers came in full accordance With the teachings of the apostolic:

"Come to conscuration of truth and lawlessness, or some communication to TMA, the same consent of Christ with Veloar, or Kai of the part to return with the wrong, or some addition to the Church of God from the idol?" (2 Cor. 6, 14-16)
Metropolitan Macarium (Bulgakov) wrote:
"Our prayers can act directly to the souls who died, unless they died in the right faith and with true repentance, i.e. In communicating with the church and with the Lord Jesus: Because in sees, despite the visible removal from us, they continue to belong to the same body of Christ together with us. "
It leads an excerpt out of 5 rule VII Universal Cathedral:
"Sin to death is, when some, sinful, in the faults are in trouble, and ... cruelly argue on piety and truth ... In such a thing, the gentlemen of God, not to humble and do not assert their falls."
In this regard, Vladyka Macarius notices:
"Died in mortal sins, in the unrecognizance and out of communication with the Church, the HIM prayers are not honored, on this commandment of the apostolic"
Decisions Laodician Local Cathedral Definitely prohibit prayer for living heretics:
"It does not fit praying with a heretic or renegone" (Rule 33).
"There should be no festive gifts sent from Jews or heretics below to celebrate with them" (Rule 37).
The same Laodician Cathedral prohibits members of the Church prayerful to the dead, buried on non-relocated cemeteries:
"On the cemetery of all sorts of heretics, or in so here, they have a martyrdom of places, will not be allowed church to prayer for prayer, or for healing. And walking, the essence of the right, life devoid of church communication for some time " (Rule 9)

In the interpretation of this rule, Bishop Nicodems (Milash) noted:
"This rule of the Laodican Cathedral is revealed by the Orthodox or, as stated in the text" church ", every belonging to the church, to visit such heretic places for prayers and worship, since otherwise it can be suspected in the inclination to one or another heresy and not consider Orthodox By conviction "
In the light of this, it becomes clear ancient and ubiquitous tradition separating Orthodox cemeteries from others - German, Tatar, Jewish, Armenian. After all, the fancy prayer in the cemetery temples and chapels are committed, according to the service. "Zea lying and everywhere Orthodox". Per "Zea Lying Inovers" The church does not pray.
Similarly, the church does not pray for suicides. Saint rule Timothy Alexandriagiven in the book of the Rules prohibits the church commemoration of those who "The hands on yourself or will defeat yourself from the height": "This does not apply to life and offer, because there is a suicide" (Answer 14). St. Timofey is even warned by the presbyter, which such cases "I certainly have to experience with all thoroughness, but does not fall condemnation".
It is noteworthy that while the holy fathers prohibit pray for living and dead heretics, they positively decide the question of the possibility of church prayer for apostate, by gentlemency and unlikely, uncomfortable tests during persecution: "Or suffered in the dungeon and defeated by glad and thirst, or outside the dungeon, exhausted, planing and beating and finally overcome the flesh unlatenitated".

"For those, - Saint decides Peter Alexandria, - when some of the faith are asking for the offering of prayers and stars - it's righteous to agree with him " (See: Book of Rules, Rule 11). This is motivated by the fact that "Consolidate and condole to crying and staining about overcome in a feat ... Nimalo is not harmful to anyone" [Ibid].
Church canonical rules do not allow to pray for yeretikov and pagansBut declare anaphrame and thereby deprive both in life and after the death of prayer communication with the Cathedral Apostolic Church.
Only The case of a liturgical representation for unresolved - prayers and objects for announced. But this exception only confirms the rule, since the announced is just those people whom the church does not consider others by faithbecause they expressed conscious The desire to become Orthodox Christians and are preparing for the Holy Baptism. At the same time, the content of prayers on announced, obviously applies only to alive. Prayer ranks about dead announcements are not found.

Blessed Augustine wrote:
"Nimalo should not doubt that the prayers of St. Churches, saving sacrifice and alms benefit deceased - but only those who first lived in death so that all this could be useful for them. For for those who have deposited love without faith, and without communication in the sacraments are in vain are made in the near cases of that pious, which pledged they did not have in themselves when they were here, not accepting or not accepting the grace of God and treasurely not mercy, but anger. So, not new merit acquire for the dead, when they make any kind known anything for them, but only extract the consequences of them before
IN Russian Orthodox Church His Holiness Synod for the first time allowed 1797 The year by Orthodox priests, when accompanied in certain cases of the body of the deceased uninosty, limited only by the singing of the trishy. In the "Desktop Book of Sacred Churchmen" indicates:
"The burial of the innerians on the rite of the Orthodox Church is prohibited; But if the innerian Christian confession will die and not, "there will be a priest or pastor whoever confessing, to which the deceased belonged to nor otherwise, the priest of Orthodox confession is obliged to carry out the cemetery to the cemetery, in the arch of church laws," according to which the priest should The deceased "to place from the place to the cemetery in the riza and the Epitrohili and omit in the land in the singing of a verse: Holy God" (Decree of the Holy Synod of August 24, 1797)
Saint Filaret Moscow In this regard, notes:
"According to the rules of church, it would be fair if sind and this was not allowed. Allowing this, he used condescension And provided respect soulhaving a stamp of baptism in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. No need to demand
The desk book also explains the following:
"The obligation for the Orthodox priest of the burial of the Inoverts of Christian confession is due to the lack of a spiritual part of other Christian confessions, in which the Orthodox priest must be convinced before the request for the burial of the Inovertsa" (Church Bulletin. 1906, 20)
Holy Synod in determining from March 10-15 1847 The year was resolved:
1) when buried military ranks Roman Catholic, Lutheranskago and Reformatskago confessions of the Orthodox clergy may, at the invitation, execute only what is said in the decree of St. Synod 24 Aug. 1797 (Conduct to the cemetery with the singing of the TRICE. - Holy. K.B.);
2) The Orthodox clergy has no right to avoid those who died in the publicity of the Orthodox Church;
3) the body of the diecery of the Inoverts of Christiancago confession cannot be made before the burial in the Orthodox Church;
4) The regimental Orthodox clergy according to such ranks cannot be made by house pack and include them in church mismatter "
(The case of the archive of St. Synod 1847)
Such a veneality of piety, which prohibits sagging offensive, was observed everywhere in all Local Orthodox churches. However, in the middle of the XIX century, this provision was broken. Konstantinople Patriarch Gregory VI In 1869, he set a special rank of deceased uninforceed, accepted and Elelin Synod. This chin consists of the TRIsWhy, the 17th caffesma with ordinary chisels, the apostle, the Gospel and the Small Even.
In the adoption of this rank, it is impossible not to see the deviations from the patristic tradition. This innovation was carried out at the Greeks in parallel with the adoption of the so-called "Tipicon of the Great Constantinople Church, published in Athens in 1864, the essence of which was reduced to reform and reduce the statutory worship service. The spirit of modernism, loosening the foundations of Orthodoxy, was lifted to make such chinusement and in the Russian Orthodox Church. As the Archpriest Gennady Nefedov noted, "Before the revolution itself in the Petrograd synodal printing house, a special brochure of the Slavic font" Chinocutioner over the departed uninosty "was printed. This rank is indicated and instead of Panhid, with the omitting of the prisoner, the apostle and the gospel.".
This "cyanocution over the departed uninosty" appeared in our church as a manifestation of revolutionary-democratic and renewed minds, captured at the beginning of the 20th century the minds of other theologians and clergymen. Its text can not be justified from the position of church-canonical. The text of this "cyanocution" in the demandman contains a number of absurdities.
So, for example, at the beginning of the "Chinocution" said: "Thick of the sake of blessing guilt will suffer to the priest Orthodox committing the burial of the body of Usopsago uninosty". Above, we have already shown that church canons no "blessing guilt" do not admit here.
After the usual prayer began, the "Chinocution" leads the Psalm 87, which contains, in particular, such words:
"Food a story who in the coffin is your mercy, and your truth in the death; the food is vigorous in the darkness of the wonders of your wonders, and the truth is yours in the earth forces" (Ps. 87, 12-13)
If we clarify that the church-Slavic word "food" means "Is it really", Psalm will be the penalty of his reading over the uninosty deceased.
After that, it is given by Psalm 118, chanting the walking in Law of the Lord (Ps. 118, 1). Saint FEOFAN SCLASHNIK In the interpretation of this psalm, the sole estimation leads:
"There are not those blessed who stifted themselves to sin in corruption of the century, but those that are indisputable in the way and go to the law of the Lord"
For the sake of justice, it should be noted that in the editions of the last ten-fifteen editions, this "Chinocution" is no longer printed.
Proper from the point of view of the Orthodox traditional attitude to the question under consideration should be considered the position of the monk Mitrofan, which issued a book "Afterwarding Life" in 1897. We give some quotes from it.
"Our St. The church about the departed praying like this:
"Once, Lord, the souls of the slaves of yours, who were presumpting in the faith and hope of the Resurrection. God, Lord, all Orthodox Christians. "
That comes the church and with whom she is in an inseparable union and communication. Therefore, there is no union and communicating with the dead non-Christians and with non-erect ...
For a true Christian, in addition to suicide, no sense is terminated by the Union and communicating with alive - with the Church ...
Saints pray about him, pray and lively, as a living dick of a single living body. "
"We will ask, whether all those in hell can get liberation through our prayers? The church prays about all the dead, but only the dead in True faith will certainly receive liberation from hellish torment. The soul, staying in the body, is obliged to take care of the future of his life in advance, should earn that the petition of living could take her relief and salvation on the transition to the afterlife. "
"The sins of Hulu on the Holy Spirit, that is, disbelief, the fierce, apostasy, incarnation and their like, make a man everly dead, and such deceased petitions of the church and living will not help themselves because they lived and died out of communication with the church. Yes, the church already does not pray "
Here the author obviously has in mind the words of the Gospel:
"It's more likely to count the word on the Son of Humanchkago, let him go; and it is ilie to the spirit of the Holy Spirit, he will not let him go to this century, in no future" (Matt 12, 32)
From these words of the Savior, many naturally concluded that, in principle, the release of sins is possible in the death of a sinner. Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov) in this regard notes:
"On the saint, or that the same, in mortal sin, and not repentable, the church does not pray, and that's why he told the Savior, Hula in the Spirit of the Holy in future"
Rev. Feodor Studit did not allow openly amendment on the liturgy of the deceased heretic iconoborets.
We give a number of statements of the Holy Fathers, in which they, calling for a prayer for the dead, did not allow her church commitment for those who died out of church communication - heretics and unresolved.
Blessed Augustine:
"The whole Church observes this, as a devotee from the FTS, in order to pray for the body and blood to the body and blood when they are remembered in due time with the very sacrifice"
Saint Grigory Nissky:
"It is a matter of very godly and useful - with the Divine and Preslav mystery to make fun of the dead in the right faith"
Rev. John Damaskin:
"Mysteries and self-love words who conquered the circle of earthly, students and the Divine Apostles of the Savior not without reason, not in vain and not without use established with terrible, preching and life-giving secrets to make fun of the faithful deceased."
Saint John Zlatoust:
"When all the people and the sacred cathedral are standing with their hands with hands, and when a terrible victim comes: how don't we lose God, praying for them (dead)? But this is about those only who died in faith "

archpriest Konstantin Buffes; Based on the materials of

In the report at the Diocesan Meeting of Moscow 2003 Holy Patriarch Alexy II Noted:
"IN lately All more gets the spread of the worship of the Holy Martyr Uara. In honor of his chapel, icons are written. From his lives it follows that he had a special grace from God pray for unresolved dead people. At the time of militant atheism in our country, many people grew up and died unresolved, and their believers relatives want to pray for their rest. Such private prayer has never been prohibited. BUT B. church prayer, for worship, we remember only Chad of the Church, who joined it through The sacrament of holy baptism.
Some rebels, guided by mercantile considerations, make the church mismatch of people unreparably, taking a lot of notes and donations to such remembrance and assure people that such a lot is equivalent Saint baptism. There are impressed by people of low-co-care, it is not necessary to take holy baptism or be a member of the Church, it is enough to pray only to martyr Uru. Such an attitude to the worship of the Holy Martyr Uara unacceptable and contradicts our church creed

In the given words His Holiness Patriarch Alexy It is noted that only private, home prayer is allowed and always allowed for unresolved, but "For the divine service, we only remember Chad of the Church, who joined it through The sacrament of holy baptism» . This division by church and private Prayer significant.
The capital labor "On the commemoration of the departed according to the Charter of the Orthodox Church" was the novice of Athanasius (Sakharov), Bishop Kovrovsky. In the section "Canon Martyr Waru on getting rid of flour in the death of the dead" he writes:
"Ancient Russia for all the rigor of his attitude towards the dead, found it possible to pray not only about the treatment of the truth faith, but also to get rid of MUK in the died of the dead. At the same time, she resorted to the presence of Holy Martyr Uara. In the vintage canons there is a special canon on this case, quite different from the canon placed in the October Major under the 19th day "
However, this section, as well as the sections of the "prayer about unreleased and stillborn infants" and "prayer for suicides", the Lord of Athanasius places in Chapter IV - "Massage of the deceased on home Prayer. He fairly writes:
"At home prayer for the blessing of the Father of the Spiritual, the commemoration of even those who cannot commemorate in church service" can be committed
"The mismatch of the departed, for humility and for obedience to the Holy Church, transferred to our homely celon prayer, will be more valuable in the eyes of God and is more valuable for the deceased than committed in the temple, but with a violation and neglect of church charters"
At the same time about the statutory public He notices worship:
"All condemble submissions are accurately defined in its composition, accurately appointed and time when they may or cannot be committed. And these mounted sacred church limits no one It does not have the right to crime "
So, in the Church Assembly, headed by a priest or bishop, there is no opportunity to legally pray for non-unrecognized (as well as uninusitious and suicide). Note that in the Treatise of Bishop, Afanasia dismantled as authorized worship, so I. services in demand (Chanication reference, paniri). At the same time, in the first three chapters, no mention of the service of Martyr Uuru is not. It is noteworthy that the Lord himself writes at the beginning of the IV chapter:
"We touched all the diverse cases when the Holy Church permits or herself calls on, sometimes she strongly calls for prayer about the departed. But all accommodated listed cases of mercy of the deceased are performed with the yehome "
Thus, considered by us, the chinost of the beads of the non-statutory service of the martyr Uru can not be recognized as an Orthodox liturgical text, nor the Orthodox Church.

O possibility private commemoration in home prayer The dead who cannot be remembered in the Church Assembly, many holy fathers were expressed.

Rev. Feodor Studit found it possible for such a mumage only secret:
"Unless each in his soul prays for such such and creates alms for them"

Rev. Old Man Lev Optina, not allowing church prayer For those who died outside the church (suicides, unresolved, heretics), Keelyno prayed for them:
"Letters, Lord, the deceased soul of My Father: Is it possible to eat, humbly. Thieves are invariating. Do not put me in the sin of this prayer for mine, but yes there will be a holy will of yours "

Rev. old man Amvrosy Optina wrote one nun:
"For the church rules, it is not necessary to remember the suicide in the church, and the sister and relatives can pray for him to Cemely, as the old man Leonid allowed Paul Tambovtsev to pray for his parents. Drink this prayer ... And give her native unfortunate. We know many examples that the prayer passed by the Older Leonid, many calmed many and comforted and turned out to be in front of the Lord "

The evidence of the holy fathers given by us are forced, in complete agreement with the word His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, put in our church the question of abolition from the annual liturgical circle not provided for by typicon of the stop-in-law of the Martyr Uru, as contrary to canonical church standards.
In all likelihood, only canon martyr Waru (but, of course, not the submission of "Vigil Vigil") can be in particular "Nija for the sake of blessing guilt" Recommend home Clame Prayer for dead non-eracted affinities with mandatory prohibition Read this canon in Orthodox churches and chapels in public services and tremors.

These days are committed by clock services:

Parastas or Great Panhida - (Greek. "Petition") - Surprise Vigrosive - the submission of the Great Panhid on all the departed Orthodox Christians, accomplished on the Vigil Division of the Parent Saturday (served in the evening on Friday).
It differs from usually performed by the Panhid (which is abbreviated Parastas) by the fact that it is not possible to disappoint 17 kafizma and the full canon "Water Past" (placed in Okeykh, glow 8., on Saturday).
There is a pious tradition of making parastas at home worldly china In the memorial days (3rd, 9th, 40th and so on.).

"The success of Parastas, the sir of the Great of Panhid, on the deceased father and the brethren of our and all orthodox Christian Pretty "
    - Start Parastas is the same as ordinary memorization (which is abbreviated Parastas).
- After alliluia and the Tropar "Depth of Wisdom" are not possible. Immaculate divided into 2 hundred.
    - First Station: "Blazhenia in disassemble way."
   - Chorus: "Remember, Lord, the soul of your slave" (or "Solve's soul", or "Slave your soul").
- after the first stage - small clock object And the exclosed: "God of the spirits ...".
    - Second Station: "Your AM AZ, save me."
   - Chorus: "Once, Lord, the soul of your slave" (or "Slava's soul", or "Slave your soul").
- immediately after that come path in defable:
- "Blessed Esi, Lord ...
- Holy Lick gain the source of life ... ".
- After the Troparians and the Small Sandy Secto region, there is a seame room: "Peace, our spas", is read by 50 psalm and canon "Water Past" - Eagle Krastortoche: "Dying faithful is an axes of singing" (placed in Okomyhe, vlas 8, on Saturday) .
   - Chorus to canon: "Divine God in his saints, the God of Israel" and "Peace, Lord, the soul of the deceased servant."
- According to the 3rd songs of Katavasiya - IRMOS: "Circle's Heaven", and saddalen: "truly all sorts."
- on the 6th song Katavasiya IRSMOS: "Cleaning me, Savior".
- After a small clock design - Kondak and Ikos: "With the saints of the rest" and "himself one of the sneakers."
- By the 8th song, the priest creates an exclusion: "The Mother of God and the Mother of Light ...".
    - Khor.: "Dusi and souls of righteous ..." and IRSMOS: "Froy all the rumors."
- After the canon, the tris-and-currency will be read on the Father and the lithium's Paths: "From the spirits of the righteous died soul (or soul), the slave of yours (for your servant), savage, rest ..." and so on.
- Further, followed as in the usual pack.

Panhida (Greek. Vigil) - Surprise worship, on which the deceased and in harness on the mercy of God are praised by their forgiveness of sorry and blissful immortal life. Panhides are performed both before the burial of the deceased and after - in the 3rd, 9th, the 40th day by death, in the days of his birth, theso-estate, on the anniversary of death. In addition to the Panichide, the so-called are committed by a separate departed church. Ecumenical or parental memories (parastasi). They serve in special days called Parent Saturdays. The final part of the Panhid is called Lithium. This worship is a very short prayer and can be performed on the grave or at home not only by the clergyman, but also layman. "Civilian Panir" - meaningless expression, originally from goggleless times. Such an event is logical to call a secular farewell ceremony with the late.
The charter of the commission is in Tipikon, ch. 14. All Panir's prayers are in special books: "Subscribe for the deceased" and "Submission of Parastas". Panir's prayers are also located:
a) in Okeyhe - before the subsection of the Sabbath of the 1st Glass (sometimes before Saturday of the 5th Glass) without Sedalna in the 3rd song;
b) in the psaltiri in the "follower of the outcome of the soul" without the Great. On the memorialist, the canon of the current version of the current version is often used, the canon of the 6th Glass is most often used: "Yako on Sukhu is trying to Israel" or the Canon of the 8th Water "Water Past".

Lithium (church.-Slav. Lygen, Greek. Λιτανία from Greek. Λιήή - "Request, Molver, Prayer") - Literally means reinforced prayer:
- part of the all-bedic vigil, following the flooding object on great Eveningor at a daily novillary on great vortexes;
- the clock service, which is shorter than a memorial service;
- Procession and prayers during public disasters.
Main composite parts Lithium:
- The priest in the Epitrohili, Skuchery or Kamilas and Deacon with the cube, bowing to the Holy See, leave the altar of the North Door in the aircraft and become facing the altar
- Deacon at this time makes each temple and praying
- Choir sings the poem of Lithium from Lithium Mini or Lithium Triodi
(With the Cathedral ministry, all employees in the epithilles overlook the North and South doors).
Poems On lithium come in the following order:
- Poems Temple
- Saint Poems
- Lithium "Glory, and now"
- Virgin.
(The Motherod's Ceing is contained at the end of each Litia Mini along with dogmakers. Only festive stimites (lithium, without a church)) come across all the two-month holidays; their progenities and denials that happened on Sunday; on Sunday, which coincided with the festival Nativity of Christcalled Weekly Holy Father; Weeks (Sunday) Apostle Thomas, Mironositz and holy fathers of the first universal cathedral (325) - 7th week for Easter.)
- Next goes about the needs of the needs of praying with singing chorus "Lord, Pomemui"
(On the all-sleeping occasion, when there is lithium, the blessing of breads, wheat, wine and gathering is performed. The rank is made in the middle of the temple, at the table with five breads, wheat, wine and bare, which come here before singing the poem on the notch.)
The Chin of the Great Panhid is quite lengthy, so it is quite difficult to perform it in addition to the mandatory circle of daily services. Church charter, conducive to human weakness, appoints panhid's commission only once a week, on Friday evening, and then not at all the weeks of the church year. So on holidays dedicated to the memory of the saints, which are given by the sall climb, rave or a vigil vigil, if it happens on Saturday, on Friday evening, the memo does not happen. The same happens in the pretabilities of these holidays. These days, instead of the Panhid, a special brief request is performed - chin Lithia\u003e, which can be served daily after evening and uterus. This follow-up is set out in the 9th chapter of the Tipic and at the end of the service. Ordinary clock lithium, as in general, any lithium, must be performed in the focus.

Cost of the prayers of the clock lithium

    Deputy Priest: "God blessed our ...".
Choir: "Amen". True.
Reader: "The Most Holy Trinity ...", "Our Father ...".
Choir: - Troparies, voice 4th: "From the spirits of the righteous died, the soul of the slave of yours, deas, rest, keeping Yu in the blissful life, you have a human humanity.
In the rest of yours, Lord, the idea of \u200b\u200bVSI of Svyatiy, your desires, and the soul of your slave, Yako is one of the people of people. "
"Glory" - "You are the God, conceded into hell, and the bonds of the permitted permit, and the soul of your slave."
"And now" - "one is a clean and immanent girl, God without seeding, the moths are escaping his soul."
A priest - shabby Ektenna: "Have mercy, God, in the greatness of your grace, molim, hear and hindle."
Chorus: "Lord, Homes" (three times).
The priest: "I am still praying for the rest of the souls of the deceased slaves of God (names), and about the hedgehog for shall be for them anyone of the larger and unwitting."
Chorus: "Lord, Homes" (three times).
Priest: "Yako yes the Lord God will learn the souls of them, the ideal of the righteous is focusing.
Chorus: Lord, Homes "(three times).
The priest: "The grace of God, the kingdom of heaven, and leaving the sins of the sins of Christ without-seeing king and our God, please."
Chorus: "Feed, Lord."
The priest: "Lord is prayed."
Choir: "Lord, Homes".
Priest: "God of spirits ...".
    Deputy Priest: "Yako you are resurrection ...".
Chorus: "With the Holy People, Christ, the soul of your slave, I am a sickness, neither sadness, no frustration, but the life is infinite."
Priest: "Wisdom. The Most Holy Mother of God, save us.
Chorus: "A honestly cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim, without a nonsense of God, the word rising, sowing the Virgin Mary."
Priest: "Glory to you, Christ God, your hope, glory to you."
Chorus: "Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and is also confident and forever. Amen. Lord, hindle (three times). Bless. "
And the priest creates:
"Live and dead possess, Christ is our true God, the prayers of the prechistant Mother, the Rev. and the governorate Father of our, and all the saints, soul from us with a slave of his own (name), in the villages of the saints, and with righteous sirly, and it raises us, Yako Good and humans. "
After that, the priest he heads eternal memory: "In the blissful audience, eternal peace ...".
Chorus: "Eternal memory" (three times).

If for any reason to invite a priest to the cemetery for committing a clock lithium is impossible, prayers can be read and the layman. In this case, some changes will be made in the Chin of Lithium. Below, we give the quince of Lithium about the mustache, which can make the laity in the absence of a priest.

Glory to you, God, glory to you.

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (three times)

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Lord, hindle (three times)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Purchase, bow to the prince of our God.

Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God.

Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our.

Psalm 90.

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward.
The responsiveness of the Lord: My Esno, and my refuge, my God, and I hope for him.
Yako that will save you from the network of catching and from the word of rebellious,
The shoulders will be signed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him.
Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in days,
From the thing in the darkness of transient, from shaking and demon half-one.
It falls from the country of the Thousand, and the TMA is weared to you, I will not approach you:
Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the rewarding sinners of the prurishes.
Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge.
Does not get to you evil, and the wound will not approach your telescope.
IKOK Angel to me to me about you, keep your in all ways to you.
In your hands will be honored, but not when you are pushing about your foot.
On aspid and Vasilisk, coming, and emery of Leo and Zmia.
Yako on my Upov, and get rid and; Covered and, eating my name my name.
Call to me and hear him; With him, I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him;
I will fulfill his longtitude, and I will declare my salvation.

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Aliluia, Allilouia, Allilouia, glory to you, God. (three times)

Tropar, voice 4th:

From the spirits of the righteous who died, the soul of the slave of yours, deasses, rest, keeping Yu in the blissful life, you have a human humanity.

In the rest of yours, the Lord, the idea of \u200b\u200bWSI of the Svyatiya, your desires, and the soul of your slave, Yako is one of the person.

Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit.

You are the God, conceded into hell, and the bonds of the permitted permitted, and the soul of your slave. And now and confessed and forever. Amen.

One clean and impermanent devo, God without seeding, the moths are escape to his soul.

Saddle, voice 5th:

OUR SPACE, OUR SPAS, WITH ROOM WELL OWN, AND THIS ISSODED TO YOUR YOUR YOURSHIP, IS IS IS Pisano, despised, Jaco, the pregnursions of His free and unwitting, and everything is in juris.

Kondak, voice 8th:

With the Holy People, Christ, the soul of your slave, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is completely ill.


Itself one of the unfinished, coordinate and creative man, the land of the land from the earth creating, and in the land of Tpyuzde I will go, I am overlooking the enemy, creating Mi and the rivers: Yako Earth Esi, and in the Earth Departure, DSI people will go, gravestone Creative Song : Alliluia, Aliluia, Alliluia.

It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Lord, humbly (three times), bless.

The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ, God, have mercy. Amen.

In the blissful audience, the eternal conquest, the Lord, the depletion of your slave (name), and coordinate the eternal memory.

Everlasting memory. (three times)

His soul in good waters, and his memory in the genus and genus.

It must be borne in mind that public worships can start on the eve of the evening (i.e. on Friday), because Life-worker day begins in the evening.

In parent Saturdays orthodox Christian, if possible, you need to visit Liturgy and Panhid, praying during worship not only for our loved ones, but also for all the dead Orthodox Christians (for church Slavic - "From the century of the dead"), After that, visit the cemetery and there is already a private prayer - Paniocha, lithium or, if time allows you to read the 17 Cafe Psaltiri. It is most important. And about the meal - the church rules, this side of life is not regulated. The rule is one - moderation. In everything. And do not forget: main on this day - Prayer.

Saturday date Description
Ecumenical parent Saturdays
Trinity Saturday On Saturday before the holiday Holy Trinity The universal memorial service is performed.
Meat Saturday For sadmitsa To the Great Post The universal memorial service is performed. Meat supporting it is called because it is preceded Meat support week (Sunday in front of Maslenitsa).
parent Saturdays of the Great Post
Saturday of the Great Post 2, 3, 4th weeks Great post During the weekdays of the Great Post, ordinary liturgy is not performed if there is no big holiday. Consequently, the main liturgical remembrance of the deceased is also less common. In order not to deprive the dead prayer representation about them, the church established these three special days For prayer about them.
private parent Saturdays
Radonitsa 9th day After Easter, Tuesday Radonitsa - from the word joy, because This day always falls on the Easter period. Usually on this day, a memorial move is made, which includes Easter chants. After serving, the believers visit the cemetery - pray for the departed.
Memorial Day of Orthodox Warriors 11 September Pomping was established during the Russian-Turkish War (1768-1774)
Dimitriev Parent Saturday Saturday preceding Day of the memory of the Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky (November 8.) Installed by faithful prince Dimitri Donsky After returning to Moscow from the battle on the Kulikov field (September 8, 1380). Upon returning from the field of Brahi, Dimitri John visited the Supil worship in the Trinity-Sergius Resident. Over time, the tradition has developed every year.
The day of commemoration of all those killed during the Great Patriotic War 9th May After the liturgy serves a pahi. Special mismatch of all those killed in the years of persecution for faith in Christ is accomplished on the day of memory new Martyrs and Russian confessors (first Sunday after January 25)

Of the nine days of the daughty accumulation of the departed, two stand out Universal intricate Sabbath: Meat and Troitskaya. The main meaning of these "universal" (common to the whole Orthodox church) Surveral worship services - in prayer FOR EVERYONE Having reached Orthodox Christians, regardless of their personal intimacy to us.

Cause of establishment Parent Saturday It is the feat, in which Christians are then abide. If, according to the teachings of the Holy Apostle Paul, without love anyone, that means the very feat of the post, if it will not be accompanied by true mutual lovewill lose its value, and the tasks have not reached the goal, virtue will lose its strength. Because the church cares for the world and love between all its members.

The entry into the feat of the post, the church invited truly all of its members who stay on Earth, to show actually that they are in an inseparable union of love and communicating with members of it, staying in the afterlife - with saints and with imperfect worry. So accurately and now, with the continuation of the post's post, and for the indication that we do not depart any at all from the commandment of the founder of our Church of Jesus Christ.: "to love each other"The church invites their members to universal moles about the dead, by choosing Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week.

Another reason for the base of Saturday is the one that these days in addition to Saturday and Sundays, no liturgium, And the dead, as it were, lose those benefits that give them a loturgy. Therefore, in the replacement of liturgy, the church established a special dishellion of the died on Sabbath 2nd, 3rd, and the 4th week. Other Saturdays of the Great Post dedicated to special memories do not have the names of the parents and the dies of the dead are made according to ordinary order.

It is in these three great Saturdays pious peopleWhen coming to the temple, with special zeal, they pray for their dead, put candles for their rest, serve Panhides, serve alms for his vacation of their sins, thereby showing love for their neighbors.

Each of us needs to be understood by the importance of the commemoration of the dead. A sinful man, falling into the afterlife, and not worthy of paradise, no longer can pray to the Lord for himself and for others. Such an opportunity is obtained only by holy worships and especially pious people. If here, on earth, he can confess his sins and get their forgiveness, then he is deprived of this opportunity.

And think, whether all people move into the world of other fully spoken, do they profess their sins to the priest, everyone does everyone have the opportunity to confess to death? And if someone who sinned in Malom, forgot it and did not repent of confession? Or, from false shame, hung his sin? And then died sudden death? It turns out that there is no guarantee that a person will find peace on that light. After all even the smallest pregnancy may not allow him to paradise and tries to eternal flour.

Therefore, the memorial and home prayer about the departed is helpful, like good deeds, creative in their memories of alms or donation to the church. But it is especially useful for them to remeite on Divine Liturgy. There were many phenomena of the dead and other events confirming how it is useful to remember the deceased. Many who are dead in repentance, but failed to reveal him during life, were liberated from torment and got better.

Every wishes to show your love for the dead and submit them real helpmaybe the best way To make it a prayer for them and in particular the commemoration on liturgy, when the particles seized by living and the dead are immersed in the Blood of the Lord with the words:

"Omoe, Lord, sins who remembered the blood of the blood is honest, the prayers of the saints of yours"

If we are in business and not in words love their relatives; If we are really Christians, the law of which is the love of neighbor, we must pray for the souls of our relatives and loved ones, to serve alms to save them. Only in our power to wash off the remaining sins and open the way to heaven. And their remembrance is our direct and immediate duty.

Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)

(Born 08.09.1919 - One of the most revered Orthodox elders of the mid-XX - early XXI century, the spiritual father of three Russian patriarchs - Alexy I, Pimen and Alexy II)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
"God is not a god of the dead, but living, for him is all alive" (Luke 20:38), - said Christ the Savior Unbelievable on the resurrection of the dead Saddukeam.
Beloved in Christ's brethren and sisters! Holy Orthodox Christian Church, firmly believe in these difficult words of the Savior, always confidentially confesses the truth, that his life does not stop his life. What do we see dying? Only the body that is taken from the ground and returns to the ground again. The flesh decomposes and drawn in the dust, and in itself a person, with all his feelings and with his immortal soul, continues to live, turning only from this world to another, ground. Consequently, communication between alive and dead death is not destroyed, but continues to exist.
Based on this truth, the Church is always, starting with the time of Old Testament, and especially in the New Time - the Time Apostolic, has committed and continues to make fun and create prayers on the departed one-terrain brethren. Holy Church, bringing daily prayers For the deceased Chad, it imposes to this and all believers, so that they are with one mouth and a single heart to the throne of God's flame prayers asking for the rest of the deceased affixes in the places of bliss. Christian love encourages us to prayer for the deceased, which connects us mutually in Jesus Christ in a single fraternity. The deceased units are our neighbor, whom God orders us to love how themselves. For God did not say: love the neighbor, while they live on Earth. Therefore, the Lord does not limit the love of the near borders of the earthly existence, and stretches it in the eternal afterlime world. But than, as not to a commemoration than, if not a prayer, can we prove our love for the pass-in charge? Each of us is desirable that our neighbor is not forgotten by our neighbor and prayed for us. So that it turns out, it is necessary and for us to remember the deceased. "Some measure to take, so that you will be measured" (Matt. 7: 2), "Savior says. Therefore, those who commemorate the departed will remember the Lord, they will remember the people from the existence of them from this world. Veliko consolation and a great reward to the one who neighbors temporary misfortune, but a much big award and more consolation expects who with his prayers will help you so much to get the forgiveness of sins and move from the gloomy hellish dungeons into bright blissful abode.
Are our prayers for the deceased? Yes, necessary, because they have very great benefits. The fact is that after death there are two eternity: or the eternal bliss of righteous, or the eternal torment of sinners. It is also known that no on the earth of a person who would live and did not sin. So it is true that we are born in sins, we spend our life in sins, in sins and ends our earthly existence. But are all the sinners bring full and sincere repentance before death? After all, sometimes death overtakes a person who is in a state of such a rigorous illness, when he is lost and the memory is lost, and spiritual forces come to complete exhaustion. And it is clear that in such a state, a person cannot recall his misconduct and repent of them - and he dies with sins. Often death is striking a man suddenly, and he, without bringing any repentance, also departs with sins. He himself can no longer help himself any means. A person can change their fate only when he is alive, doing good things and praying for his salvation to the Lord. Here, in such cases, the prayer for the deceased is very necessary and delivers them the greatest benefits. Many of our attached has long been not on earth, however loving heart Can not forget them, rushes to them, even perhaps, more than to alive. Similarly, the deceased look out of the other world in our direction, burning love for those who here here to heart were especially close. If someone of the dead reached an excuse before God, he, answering our love with mutual love, over heavenly help us; and to someone who has not yet achieved justification, in facilitating his postal fate Our prayer can help to help. The time will come when we see them. How joyfully will hear from them the word thanks for prayer! They will say: "So you remembered me, I did not forget me and helped me during the needs of mine. Thank you." And on the contrary: how bitter will hear the reproach to the one who did not pray for the dead! "So you did not remember me, I didn't pray for me, I did not help me for an hour of the needs of mine, I reproach you."
The condition of the deceased is similar to the position of a person floating on a very dangerous river. Prayer for the deceased is like a life ropewho throws a man to a drowning neighbor. If any of the gates of eternity were opened in front of us and we would see these hundreds, thousands of millions of people taking into peace, which would not be amazed and disgusted at the sight of their one-in-art and only lovers, without words that appear Prayer help!

As far as the prayers are needed for the deceased, and that there is communication with the afterlime world, I will bring you now a wonderful, but the true story from the life of one temple of our Russian church. Batyushka died in the village of Lyogorka. Another priest was sent to his place - the young who, at the first service, unexpectedly died - right in the altar. Sent another priest, but also the same thing happened to him: on the first day of his ministry, after the "Father" and involved, the father did not go to the holy gifts for a very long time, and when the headman entered the altar, then I saw the priest lying in all the pleasures of Holy See Dead. Everyone was horrified, having learned about this mysterious death, and, not knowing her reasons, they said that some serious sin was over the arrival, if the victim for him was two young innocent lives. Rumor about it passed throughout the district, and none of the priests decided to go to that parish. Consent expressed only one old man ink. "I still soon die. I'll go shop there the first and last liturgy, my death will not masrease anyone." During the service, when I was betrayed before "Father Our", the sense of self-preservation was still declared its rights, and the old man ordered to operate the side doors, and the royal gates. During the acquisition verse, he saw some silhouette for the mining place. This silhouette performed everything sharply and sharply, and suddenly, a gloomy image of a priest was shared behind the throne, which was excanted by hand and legs with chains. A trembling from fear, ink confused words of prayer. But after a while still gathered with the forces, he strengthened with the Spirit and went out to approach believers. Everyone understood that something was wrong with him happened. And the ghost was all stood, clanging chains, and signed hands pointing to the box standing in the altar. At the end of the Liturgy, Hieromonas called for an old age, and they opened the box in which they were ... memorial notes. The fact is that when the late priest filed memorial notes, he, without reading, was postponing for the future. Now the elder understood the reason for the vision and began to serve a duel of the memorial and read the accumulated notes. On the next resurrection, he already served as a funeral Liturgy to the soul of the deceased father. When the sniped snap-off, the silhouette of the deceased priest appeared again. But he was no longer tragic, Grozny, how was the first time, but with a bright, fun face and without chains on his hands and legs. After the Staitar Hieromon served, the Holy Taine joined the Holy Taine, the ghost moved, bowed to him to the earth and disappeared. We see with you on this example, how prayers for the deceased bring them benefit and facilitate their fate.

And it's not by chance that we are talking about it today. Because today, the Holy Church celebrates a special day, called meat-minded parent Saturday, and collects Orthodox to joint prayer Throne of God. On the one-in-law of our brethren who departed eternal. And tomorrow the Holy Church is remembered by terrible The second coming of the Lord. and the death of the world. Encouraging his members to be ready for the terrible court, the Holy Church asks us to pray Righteous proud About the deceased our affinations, let them eat all the sins and can be clear the way of the transition from the gloomy dungeon into the bright monastery of the Heavenly Father. Ascension, dear brethren and sisters, prayer to Christ and from the bottom of my heart I will beolate:

With the Holy People, Christ, the soul of your slave, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is completely ill.


Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) On the prayer commemoration of the departed. Preaching in meat-minded parent Saturday

The Universal Parental Meat Saturday is one of the main days when Orthodox Christians commemorate their deceased relatives. This day is extremely important for all believers.

Parent meat Saturday is noted shortly before the beginning of the Great Post.

Maslenitsa weekDespite a ramped and happy pastime, requires compliance with some rules, including preparation for abstinence and repentance. Back in antiquity, they said that if you would remember the death hour, you will not be sinner. Therefore, we are holy honorable covenants of our ancestors and Universal Saturday We give a tribute to the mind of the departed.

The meaning of the parent Saturday

Universal, that is, universal, Saturday - the time of a single panechid service for all those who left this world. The parent Saturday is named because the mother and father are closest relatives, and first of all it is customary to pray for the rest of their loved ones. On this day, the church permits to pray and for people whose life cut off in his own will, and for those who have disappeared and not devoted to the Earth. Also, the Church commetes all Christ those who lived during the terrible court and those who defended him from attacks unbelievers.

Meat supporting Saturday is ancient holiday of the commemoration of all the dead Orthodox, which were innocently killed and tortured for the true faith in Christ. February 18 - a day that reminds about the Grand Court, meeting time with God. Church believers give every chance to cleansing and salvation of the soul from terrible sins to be honest and clean in front of them and the Lord our. The covenant of the apostle James pray for each other in the name of healing applies not so much to the body as to the soul. After all, it is that it is the focus of all human benefactors and reflects their emotional and physical condition. It is we can help our close prayers, gathering together and ascending a single prayer to the highest forces. The parent Saturday is also accepted generously distribute alms.

Prayer in meat subrid

"Lord Savior! You redeemed all people with your blood, chose us with weapons for your death from revenge bitter and envious. Resurrection to your wonderful give us eternal life. God, Lord, the soul of our relatives who left the Breen World and asleep in the kingdom of heaven. We pray for all who left their body, gaining eternal peace. For a simple person, for kings, chickens, suicides and military, righteous and lost. Save, Lord, the souls are bright and ascend to themselves in the kingdom of heaven. We assume the prayer together and for the souls now living. Relive them from fears and defects of spiritual, to mention the righteous way and do not leave your concern to the death of the sickness. Amen"

Prayers of all praying merges with a single stream and hears in heaven. On this great day, the soul of all the dead acquire a chance to chance to Lord God. Souls of sinners, free and involuntary, are also cleaned. We pray for the drowned, and for those killed from an accident, and those killed, for the entire human race, because there are no differences between people - we are all one before our father.

Parental Saturday Tradition

On this day, they traditionally prepare kun - a special dish to commemorate the dead. Susta - a symbol of the world of living person. The grain for bread is put in the ground, it elapses, giving the fruits that we reap for cooking. So the person must be devoted to the earth so that the body is thinned, and the immortal soul ascended to the kingdom of heaven. Cage also serves as a symbol of the burial of all who different reasons It was not devoted to the earth, and whose spirit is torn, without having the opportunity to leave this world.

Consumption is prepared from grain, mainly of wheat, which is soaked for several hours. It is also used a pearl cereal and rice. Porridge should be turned out not digestible, crumbly, so that the grains were separately and not crushed. Place porridge by dried fruits, nuts, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, marmalade - who prefers what. The dish is watered with honey or sugar syrup. Kucytia is necessarily sanctified in the church on a memorialist on all the departed.

The Ecumenical Parent Meat Saturday serves not only the day of memory on all the departed, but also the day of the solarness of sins and sincere repentance. Remember that honest you need to be primarily in front of yourself and your conscience. Live in peace and freak with each other.

The first parental Saturday of 2017 is determined by the date of February 18th. On this day, the church charter provides for the commission ecumenical meat subriety. The name of this memorial day indicates to the time of commemoration - the last Saturday to the Holy Grand post, which is allowed by the use of food of animal origin. After a week, the meat suite begins the cheese saddemic, and then believers enter the Holy Fourteen.

Great post in 2017, the deceased comes three times. The charter allows for this Saturday of the middle of the Federation (in particular, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th). Strict orthodox post It implies a prayer not only about the personal salvation of the soul, but also the mismatch of dead people. Parent Saturdays perfected, 2017 falls out on the 11th, 18th and 25th of March, respectively.

One of the most famous memorial days is considered Troitskaya Parental Saturday.On this day, in the Orthodox churches, the Orthodox Christians who died from the century are committed, and cemeteries as ever are full of people. In 2017, the Tricky Parent Saturday falls on the 3rd of June (the next day on Sunday the Church is triumphant in honor of the Holy Life Trinity Holiday).

In the fall of 2017 a service is committed Dimitriev Parent Saturday. This memorial day falls on the last Saturday before honored by the Great Christian Great Martyr Dimitria, named Solunsky. In 2017, Dimitrievskaya Saturday was determined by the calendar on the 4th of November.

Especially worth saying about other significant parental days 2017, which are not falling out on Saturdays. First of all, this is the mismatch of the departed in the postpaskal period. April 25th for the ninth day after Easter in 2017 marks Radonitsa - Time when after Easter joy orthodox people They pray for the dead (always falls on Tuesday).

Other posant date is an 9th of May. The date itself indicates the prayerful mumage of warriors and a special honor that the heroes are the participants of the Great Patriotic War. The Gospel clearly suggests that the highest feat of love is the sacrificial mortgage of his life for the sake of near.

The Russian state determined another significant day to commemorate the warriors, which entered the church-host practice. February 15th remembered warriors. This day in 1989 was marked by the withdrawal of Russian troops from Afghanistan. Orthodox Church In Russia, performs special memorial services on February 15 in memory of those who have repaired. Despite the fact that this day of the calendar is marked by the great two-month holiday of the reference of the Lord, in many orthodox parishes At the end of the liturgy, memorial deposits are committed, where special petitions about the dead warriors of internationalists are inserted on the funeral Ectins.