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What number will be the parent c. The origins and meaning of Radonitsy. Ecumenical parent Saturdays

The canons of the Christian faith are prescribed to make dead relatives and loved ones in the church. Mountedness in Orthodox believers are accomplished into the parent Saturdays, which in Orthodox Christianity there are 7, of which - 2 are called universal when prayers are taking place for all those who died on Earth. Single day special commemorationThat does not happen on Saturday, but on the 9th day after the bright holiday Easter - on Tuesday, is Radonitsa (Radunitsa). Radonitsa 2019 will be celebrated 7 May,and the rest of the dates that parent Saturdays fall out in 2019, you can look at the Orthodox Calendar 2019.

History of the holiday and his name

Historical holiday roots go to paganism. There are several assumptions why this parent day is called Radonitsa. One of them is based on an old legend that such a name happened from names pagan govwho were keepers dead souls. Measuring days In those days, they called Radavanian, tries or navia day.

Before the adoption of Christianity in Russia, our ancestors were taken in the spring to arrange weekly feasts on the funeral cougars. There they burned fire, sang, danced and trapes. The pagans believed that they were so honored, treat and chew the souls of the ancestors who come from the heavenly kingdom to the ground these days. After all, if you find them bad, always imprisoned can get angry and send hunger and illness to Earth. It was believed that we had to meet the souls of the departed with joy, so the spring commemoration began to call Radonitsa.

According to another version, the name went from the words "Rod" and "Rodality", as they remembered on this day of the deceased relatives. Most researchers lean towards the fact that Radonitsa means joy and associate it with the fact that on Sunday, the Savior came to hell on the church writings and won the death over death. Therefore, Radonitsa carries the joy caused by faith in Sunday and eternal life.

Orthodox christian church, taking the essence of the Spring Addiction as a basis, gave him its content and features. The date of the Celebration of Radonitsa was established on the basis that in the temples on weekdays, following the second Sunday after the Easter holiday, the singing of Lithium on the deceased, which was not conducted from the most magnificent Thursday, was resumed. Therefore, the remembrance of the dead falls on Tuesday or in some settlements - on Monday.

Traditions and rites Radonitsy: history and modernity

Visiting the graves of relatives - home Tradition Radonians. In the old days, Easter food and Easter eggs were brought to Radonitsa, as in our days. If now easter egg Just put on the grave, it was used to be taken from a cross or, breaking about the cross, purify and begging on the "soul member". Such a rite was called "Christ with relatives". Then it was customary to arrange abundant meals with alcohol, after which some even fell asleep near the graves. Nowadays, the church does not welcome the separation of the graves of alcoholic beverages.

In some localities, it was not customary to go to the cemetery. There it was believed that on this day, the departed come to the houses of their relatives. In order to meet them well, from the morning they melted the bathhouse in which they put for them for the whole day and night clean linen. At this time, to the bathhouse to go to everyone. With the onset of the morning, all households went there and searched for traces, testifying to the arrival of the deceased. It was possible to wash in the bath only after the end of Radonitsa.

In the traditions of Radonitsa, it was necessary to put water and pieces of bread on the windowsill. In the evening they satisfied the memorial dinner, where there were three extra plates on the table: for breakfast, lunch and dinner of the dead. The food remaining after a festive meal was made to hand out by the poor and homeless. After dinner, youth gathered on the street and satisfied the funny walking.

The most ancient tradition of Radonitsy is considered a rite of rain causing. Now this tradition is forgotten, and earlier our great-grandfathers told that on the day of Radonitsy the sky should send at least a few drops of rain to earth. Therefore, they were forced to look at the sky and shout at the whole voice: "Fall rain to Babin Rye, on the grandfather wheat." Calling the rain, it was necessary to wash the water from heaven for happiness. If thunder was heard in Radonitsa, the girls were in a hurry to wash off rainwater, so much to keep their youth. For this, the heavenly water had to be skipped through a silver or gold ring.

Children who live separately from their parents should visit the father and mother on this day, otherwise Radonitsa will pass for them not joyful, but sadly, and if parents get angry, they can unknowingly bring some trouble to the unknown children.

The church advises to start Radonitsa 2019 with a visit to the temple, where he should be prayed for relatives who left the Earth and order a panocide. The church on this day the service is held, and any parishioner can ask the priest about the prayer for the dead close person. In Radonitsa, it is customary to make donations for the Church, bring there Easter dishes and products, distribute alms to those in need. It is believed that our good deeds bring joy to dead relatives. Only after visiting the church should go to the cemetery.

How to behave in the cemetery in Radonitz

The church does not allow to visit the graveyard for Easter, and it follows to Radonitsa. Also, Orthodoxy is not welcome when the grave leaves food. The church considers this tradition to the pagan rite. You do not need to put a glass of vodka with bread on the grave, which today has become an undeclared tradition. Such commemoration is unacceptable for Orthodox Christians and are considered to be sin. You can drink alcohol only on a festive dinner or dinner at home, but in no case to get involved. Family holiday should take place without explicit fun, but without tears and bitter sadness.

It is recommended that the food you were going to leave on the grave to distribute the needy. The church claims that so you give the opportunity to help people to help people after death, and only burning on the grave should remain on the grave church candle. According to Orthodox canons, having come to the cemetery, there you need to get out and recall the relatives, what they were during life, remember them good word and pray for them.

Signs on Radonitz

  • When a new moon comes to Radonitz, we should expect a rich harvest.
  • The greater the alms and treats to hand out, the more they will give on that light.
  • If a person will forget on Radonitz to throw his parents, then after death will not be remembered and in the kingdom heaven will not care.
  • The first person who came to the cemetery on the day of Radonitsy will receive a special favor from the deceased.
  • Pregnant women can not come to the cemetery in Radonitz.
  • If you disturb the Earth on this day: to jump, sow or plant - there will be a bad harvest.
  • When rain pours rain to dinner on Radonitsa, a strong wind blows in the afternoon, then the dead relatives are worried, why they do not come to the cemetery. If the rain goes without wind - to a generous harvest.

Fortune telling on Radonitsa

In Starin on Radonitsa, the unmarried girlfriend gathered together and wondered. Of particular ghosts, characteristic only by the Radunitz are unknown, but fortune-orders conducted on other shields were used:

  • recognition of fate on the book. The number of the page and the line, which was read by a response, predicting fate;
  • fortune telling with a wreath. The girls gled a wreath of birch branches and allowed him to sail along the river. Where the wreath goes, from there and wait for the groom, if the wreath takes - to wait for death;
  • fortune telling on a birch branch. To do this, the girl broke the twig with birch and before bedtime put her under the pillow. Having dreameded on this night, the man will become sulky;
  • prophetic sleep. In the old days, the sacred believed that he was attending the Earth to Radonitz and tried to resort to their help to see a prophetic dream. To this end, people walked in the cemetery in the evening and asked relatives near their grave, send a prophetic dream at night.

Correcting the Orthodox canons of the Celebration of Radonitsa, the parental day 2017 will be a holiday for you, where you will feel an invisible spiritual connection with my own people who left our land. Recall that Radonitsa is not the only day when the memorial days in 2017 are installed. Pay for several days a year to the parent Saturdays of 2017 for several days to remember their kind words, put a candle in the church and pray for their souls.

Radonitsa in 2019 falls on May 7th.
A visit to the graves of loved ones is the main tradition of remembered days.
In Radonitsa, it is customary to make donations and give alms.
Dates of the parent Saturday can be found in the Orthodox calendar 2019.

The Orthodox calendar is a mandatory and integral part of the life of believers.

Looking into it, you can find out the dates of great posts and holidays, as well as plan your schedule for the next year - workers, weekends, landing, lean and memorial days.

Parent Saturdays in 2017 have clearly established dates. If there is no time goes to church and put a candle, then it is necessary to go to the graves of the deceased. Take the flowers, to take and shoot tribute to the reverence. Parent Saturdays for a year not much, but they allow you to stay in everyday bustle and remember, at least for a minute, about those people who were and remain very expensive for us. It is important to have the whole meaning of the Great Post in the heart, and limit yourself in weaknesses.

Parent Saturdays in 2017

Parent days are called special days in which it is customary to remember the departed people.

. May 9, 2017, Tuesday - the day of memory for those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

The June Parent Saturday is preceded by the great holiday of Trinity and falls on June 3.

1September 1, 2017, Monday - the day of commemoration of the departed Orthodox soldiers

What to do in the parent day

Pretty a large number of The people visits relatives and relatives in the cemetery in the holiday of Easter. Many, unfortunately, adhere to the Koshchensky custom to accompany visits to the dead drunk wild rag. And those who do not do so, very often do not even know when it is possible to remember the dead in Easter days.

The first after Easter remembrance has been being performed on the second Easter bed (week), after Fomina Sunday, on the Second Day. And the extended tradition to go to the cemetery to the Easter feast itself, it is acutely contrary to the establishments of the Church: before the ninth day from Easter, the recovery of the dead can not do. If a person goes into the world of others at Easter, then he is buried on a special Easter rank.

Like many orthodox priests, priest Valery numbers, abbot of the temple in honor of the Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary At the Assumption Cemetery of Chelyabinsk, warns from rampant deeds and from other actions committed on ignorance to the Radonitsa Holiday:

"It should be remembered that the cemetery is a place where you should behave with reverence, sadly see how some people drink vodka there and sing worldly songs. Someone crumbs bread and eggs on the grave hill, pouring alcohol. Sometimes the real rampage is sometimes. All this resembles more pagan Trenches and is unacceptable for Christians. If we took food on the cemetery, it is better to distribute it to it. Let them pray for our departed, and then the Lord may send any consolation to our native "

Having come to the cemetery on the holiday of Radonitsy, you need to light the candle and make a lithium (pray hard). To commit LIATII, during the commemoration of the dead, the priest should be invited. You can also read the accumulator about the rest of the deceased. Then you need to take away the grave, silent a little, remembering that I have done.

No need to drink, and there is a cemetery, it is unacceptable to pour alcohol to the grave hill - these actions insult the memory of the dead. Tradition to leave on the grave a glass of vodka with bread is a remnant of pagan culture and should not be observed in Christian orthodox families. Food is better to give a poor or hungry.

Days of special mercy of the departed in 2017 According to the canons of the Orthodox Church, they are shifted relative to Easter. An exception is one day characteristic of Russia only.

Days when the church especially remembers the dead, in Russia traditionally called parent Saturdays. Saturday's Day is considered to be a peace of rest, so we pray for the rest of our loved ones and all of the centuries of the dead Orthodox Christians with Holy. Parent Saturdays are called because we remember most often our dead parents and direct ancestors. Almost all days of commemoration decided on church calendar Back in the days of the first Christians.

The Ecumenical Parent Saturday (meat support) in 2017 falls on 18th of Febuary. The basis for establishing an universal compensation on this day was that the next Sunday recalls a terrible court and the second coming of Christ. In addition, during the preparations for the Great Post on this day, Christians are designed to love all the rebounds and remember that we are in the united body of Christ.

2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays of the Great Post, come in 2017, respectively, March 11, March 18 and March 25.

In addition to the universal commemoration of the dead, committed in some parents Saturdays, the church makes the universal memorial panels on Saturday's days of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week of the Great Post. These days, the church prays about the leaving Christians of "free and involuntary contingents ... and eternal rest of them with saints."

Radonitsa occupies a special place in an annual circle church holidays, this day is immediately after Light SadmitsyWhat creates Christians not to suffer about the death of loved ones, but to rejoice in their birth in eternal life.

On this day, the same clock service is performed, as in the universal parent Saturday. Rates these days of commemoration and the fact that they are placed in the church circle a week before the post. Troitskaya Parental Saturday precedes apostolic or Petrovsky post.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday in 2017 falls on November 4th And the same year coincides with the holiday in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday was installed by Dmitry Donskoy after the Kulikov battle, on this day the church historically recalls all Orthodox soldiers.

IN last years got the distribution of another day to commemoration of warriors - 9th MayIn memory of those who suffered in the distance years of the Great Patriotic War. This day is not approved by the church, the tradition is only formed.

Eastern Christians have a tradition of the dispensation of another commemorating Saturday - before the day of the Intercession. In 2017, she falls on October 7th.

All dates are given on a new style.

All days can be made to remember the baptized in Orthodox church The deceased behind the liturgy. For this, special notes are sent in advance, called "Lunch about rest."

About resting can be ordered in monasteries Unfortunate psaltirthat has long been considered a great alms for the deceased soul.

There is also a custom order paniriwhich can be served not only in the temples, but also in cemeteries.

There is another kind of commemoration, outfit lithiumMay be done by layman in a cemetery or at home.

Exists ancient tradition consecration of Kuti. - Special memorial meal, which, after consecration, fell at home with a prayer.

In addition, the Orthodox Christians are widespread the mismatch of the deceased by filing almighty. Especially in this row is the feed "On canon", that is, the preinsions of the Mijans in the Temple of products on the meal of clergy, the distribution of products by workers in the temple and in need.

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What makes the soul of the deceased for 9 and 40 days, as should be prayed for health and for peace of loved ones, what did the holy fathers talk about such a prayer and how to help those who are not thinking about their salvation?

In response to the accumulated questions of readers, we give deployed information about the future days of special commemoration of the deceased - parental submissions, a selection of relevant quotes of the Holy Father from Inkini Libya and information about how to pray for those who can only be called Orthodox people.

Sincere prayer is able to melt even the coldest ice ...

Pomping mercy - A special tradition in prudent by Orthodoxy, and distinguishing it from many other religious flows, including Christian. For example, declaring the formal follow of its version of the Bible, completely reject the reciprocating of the dead and all the rituals associated with it.

On Saturday March 2 - a week before the beginning of the Great Post - before the meat suite week ( carnival week) For the Orthodox, the day of special reading of the memory of the departed is installed.

On Friday's service under the universal parent Saturday and in the Sabbath itself, only dark scarves are worn in the temple.

Of the seven days a year, intended to accumulate ancestors, there are two mansion Universal measuring Sabbaths : Meat support and.

The main meaning of the universal (common for the entire Orthodox Church) of the Official Services is in prayer for the salvation of the souls of all who have revealed Orthodox Christians, regardless of their personal proximity to us. Remember the parents, Roughters: Do not miss the service and Pomin!

On Rogozhsky during the parent Saturday and prayer is always lively

"And we were the same as you, and you will be the same as we"

So they tell their visitors a quiet fraternal tomb in a separate monochable state on Mount Athos. For monks, this is especially sensitive, in the appropriate lifestyle, this inextricable connection of the visible and invisible world, when all the inner spiritual aspiration towards the sunrise in that future invisible and the unknown world, which will inevitably meet each of us and determine its place on endless eyelids.

"... On this day we are creating a memory of all the person who died from the century in faith and piety, that for the sake of the sake of the sake of that, many of the immense death: in the sea, and impassable mountains, swrapers and the abuses, from glad and treat, from Brass and Students, and In other way death underwent. Therefore, the sake of human lithuage, the holy fathers, the memory of SIM to create from the Cathedral Church, we were concluded, the apostolic tradition is suspended.

On Saturday, we create souls with souls, because Saturday - the day is restricted, the deceased on the rest of everyday temptations. The holy fathers were commanded for the deceased to create remember, the verb that the alms and the services of the Great Top are served the oslab and benefit.

The commemorative cross in the village of Slobodishi established by the forces of Rogozhsky Cossacks

The story of the Saint Makaria of the Great.

He asked the Holy Makarius, had a dry skull of wicked elin on his way: whether they have some oslab in hell.

The same answered him we have a lot of oslaboy, when Christians are creating prayers for the deceased.And Grigory Multi-Prayer Prayer Tsar Trajan from Hell delivered. And the guomier of the Feofil Feodorus Queen of the Saints for the sake of her husband's confessor from flour acted.

The height of the great Athanasius, the thrill and holy life, a person skies, do not deny the alms and the candles on the coffin, the God of God calling, fuse, pleasantly, that is God and much brings a lot of rejection. If a person is sin - the forelegations are allowed, if it is righteous - a great MZDA receive.

Memorial prayerposted by Rogozhny Cossacks on one of his worship crosses

They say the holy fathers that they know in the place of the bright soul of each other, everyone knows, and those who have never seen before, as teaches that SVT. John Zlatoust, representing the parable of rich and Lazar. But they are not selected by bodily, but some other way and one have all age.

The verbolete about the great Athanasius:

And until the general resurrection, the saint is given to know each other and have fun. Sinners are deprived of this. The local one has it, that in places of excellent souls of righteous and sinners are. The righteous hope is rejoiced, the sinful aspirations are evil to suffer and write. But this is just more in part, and not perfectly, until the general resurrection.

The cross installed on the Rogozhsky cemetery on the project of Ataman Rogozhsky Cossack Stanitsa in memory of all the buried in the cemetery of the Old Believers

Approaching and something to know that baptized babies are so present, eternal foods will fit, unresolved and pagans, nor in the kingdom, nor in Genu will not go, but there is a special place. How the soul is moving away from the body, not a single earth care no longer remembers, but only about the local stuffing.

Teratin By the departed, we create, for the sake of the sake of the sake of the third day the man of the type is changing.

Ninettes Because in the ninth day the whole body spreads, the heart is stored only.

Fortieth day - When the heart is already dying.

Do not be afraid of death, you need to prepare your life for the court of terrible

In conception, it is a baby: the heart is painted on the third day. The ninth is the flesh. IN fortiethperfect view Imaginable. God our glory, now and is dreaming, and in eyelids of the century, Amen. " (Last triode, Sinoksar on meat-supersonal Saturday).

Testing us to spiritual jurisdiction, the holy fathers are reminded that the single last death hour, as it comes, will also determine the entire value of the lived human life. To be ready to meet that hour a light mind, faith and hope. The Great Rings Then Bran, on the Border of Eternity.

Knife perfume know that the first court about the soul of human and with terrible power They attack the soul to keep her. No, then there is no time for repentance with a heavy unskilled sinner, but they clearly discover them, others for fear and in the edification, all internally their inadequate, from the evil thoughts and cases that they stored in this life in the caches of hypocritical hearts.

The memorial cross established by Rogozhsky Cossacks, made on the author's project Dimitri Vlasov

Many earthly despots and blasphemers died in terrible torments and the mind of the mind, as, for example, Ulyanov-Lenin, who, according to eyewitness, in last hours No one did not recognize and asked for forgiveness in his room from cabinets and chairs for crimes committed.

About one famous American actress is a story that, dying, she ordered her favorite dress, and she died, clinging to him even with the teeth insurmountable by iron grip.

Rogozhsky cemetery. Photo of the diacon of Alexander Govalov

Another - a Jewish banker, in front of the inspired heirs, managed, with an incredible for the last minutes of life a dexterity and speed, extract from the cache under his own mattress and to block the precious laying with diamonds ...

When they understood what was the case and tried to take opposite measures, the last diamond was already buried in his womb. So died.

Talk holy fathers that all this life is like long road, it carries a man what collects it. If sins and passions - in their place, virtue and the desire for perfection are in their own. How many to whom and where to go, all come to one of their grave hilly.

Ancient grant houses, which prudent Old Believers tried to make themselves still in lifetime

You can never forget about it, but, in pious thinking, remember and think about the impermanence of the current century, in which the most famous person cannot know for itself for himself - what prepares him of this day or night, and whether it is not waiting for him today . Therefore, the church memorial Saturday for us was also weakened for us, so that we look at them with soul, as on the mirror, which reflects our eternal spiritual essence and, remembering it, retreated from every sin.

Ural. Poklonnaya Cross in the city of dirway on the site of the Old Believer Cemetery

How to pray for health and rest?

Some time ago at Rogozh, a regulatory pair of Great was held on Rogozhsky. Worship headed the Primate of the RPSC High Eminence Metropolitan Cornelius.

On the eve of the next parent Saturday, we decided to bring some important thoughts on the rules and practice of praying in the RPSC for those who are in the church and outside its fence.

Prayer all head

Piecely tradition to order prayers on one or another occasion of the centuries inherent in Orthodox Christians, however lately At Rogozhsk, such additional services occur not as often as before.

Despite the fact that worship adds about one another hour and a half to the already long Sunday service, always there are many people who wish to join and write notes about health (no prayer for rest).

He heads the prayers to the Lord of Cornelius himself, and often their organizer. For example, during posts, especially the Great, he announces the prayers to almost every Sunday.

Under-graded, organized on the initiative of Metropolitan Cornelius

In addition to the worldly concerns, the largest shortcoming practice in Moscow is the lack of information about such prayers in advance. The most active parishioners hear about the plans through the sarafined radio in the morning, and some are already after the preaching of the Lord. What kind of holy and what about worship will be held - usually immediately turns mutually exclusive versions ... As a result, not all those present on the liturgy know that immediately after the service will be presented with a good opportunity to pray for their relatives, which means you should not hurry to leave the temple.

The preaching of Metropolitan Cornelius after a prayer wheel with a wish to cherish the world on earth

Rev. Father Paisier Great, God's moths about us!

In this case, the reason to linger was very serious: was ordered prayer for the pretext Paired Greatwho has a grace from God to facilitate the passage of the fate of Orthodox Christians who died without repentance. It is especially prayed for those who were baptized in the Orthodox faith, but for one reason or another is removed from visiting worship and confession.

The big image of the St. Paisius of the Great decorates the northern facade

Pray for the Experience Walking

An intelligence survey of those present in the temple showed that people know about all sorts of prohibitions and restrictions on the persons we have the right to point out in the notes on health and for the rest, but not everyone remembers their "rights". We now remind readers of the "Old Believer Thought": in the church there is a legitimate way of prayer and for those who do not go to the temple.

Council of Metropolis of RPSC, held on February 4-5, 2015, reminded in his ruling About the ancient patristic practice, according to which the Old Believers are not allowed to make prayers for health, including nonsense and weakened. In addition to home prayer, custom prayers are intended for this.

ABOUT church prayer for nonsense and serving

8.1. Do not allow the priests to make prayers about the health of nonsense and week, guided by the instruction of the Apostle Paul: "I ask you to make prayers, petitions, praying, thanksgiving for all people, for the kings and for all the supervisors, in order to give us life quiet and serene in every piety and clean, For it is good and pleasing to the Savior to our God, who wants all people to save and achieve the knowledge of truth "(1 Tim. 2, 1-4); as well as the interpretation of the Saint John Zlatoustago: "Do not be afraid to pray for the pagans; And he (God) wants it. Fear only to curse others. Because he does not want this. And if you need to pray for pagans, it is obvious about heretics, because all people need to pray, and not to pursue them "(the creation of St. John of Zlatoust. Interpretation by 1 Message to Timothy the Apostle Paul. Talk 6, Vol. 11, p. 659).

Material on the topic

In this article we will talk about the parent day in 2017 and what is the number of Radunitsa. This year it falls on April 25th. In general, if we consider in a series of years, you need to just look for the date of the second Tuesday from the onset of Orthodox Easter.

Of course, it is not the only day during the year, when Orthodox believers commemorate their parents. Despite the fact that commemoration days are called "Parental" at all, it is not necessary to go to the cemetery only to honor the memory of the parents. You can visit the person who loved and bored regardless of the degree of kinship.

It is advised to rejoice in Radunitsa

Day April 25 - exact dateWhen there is a parent day in 2017, what date (on Tuesday). This is the second on Tuesday after Easter, which comes from Fomin. Interestingly, "Fomina" is called a week because it is dedicated to the apostle Fome (it was because of him in the people that such a saying as "Fomuless) was entitled.
On this Tuesday the Radunitsa falls for several reasons. First, if you contact folk traditions And by the times of paganism, about this day it was customary to go to the cemetery. Supporters of this theory even argue that the name of the day happened from the word "kind." Then, when Christianity was accepted, this day was taken by the Day of Metting the departed after Easter as an important festive day.

As for modern church traditions, it is indeed a holiday. People are interested when parental day begins in 2017, what is the number, because from the occurrence of Easter is the first day when you can go to the cemetery. If you are accustomed to do it in the Easter itself or during satar week, then you need to change the wrong habit. On the day of the radius, we enjoy the offensive of Easter along with our departed ancestors and close people. The second part of historians believes that the name of the holiday happened precisely from the word "rejoice."

Other memories after Easter

With Radunitsa, of course, the remembered days during the Orthodox Church Year do not end. There will be more days when it is necessary to go to the church to the church in the morning and pray for their ancestors, and then go to the cemetery to send them a tribute to them.

We offer a calendar parental days In 2017 (what is the number after Easter):
On the Victory Day, the Church celebrates the day of remembering the departed. In churches, services are held in honor of people who died in the period of wars. Especially, of course, in the period of the Great Patriotic War. This year, this day of remembering the departed is on Saturday.
Before the trinity, on Saturday, there is a parent period. This day is called: the Trinity Parent Saturday. The service has paid special attention to prayers. In general, this parent day in the spring-summer period is considered the basic.
Then, only in the fall, on September 11, the cemetery is visited on the eve of the holiday of the Pokrov. The services in the temples on this day are remembered by John the Forerun and about his painful death for their faith.
The last parental day for a year is always Dmitrievskaya Saturday. It falls on November 4th, and this name received in honor of Dmitry Donskoy. These days during the service, special attention as well as on Victory Day is given to fallen soldiers.

So, during the Orthodox Year, there is not one parent day, which you need to remember. But, if you are in search of the date of the parent Tuesday, the Radunitsa, then in this 2017 it falls on April 25th. Can be cooked on this day