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What to read on Radonitsa Prayer. What can not be done on the cemetery. Remembered prayers to Radonitz

Prayer for the deceased is the biggest and most important thing that we can do for those who have departed into the world of others. By big account, the dead man does not need a coffin, nor in the monument - all this is a tribute to tradition, albeit pious.

Eternal alive soul The great need for our constant prayer is experiencing a great need, because she herself cannot do good deeds that would be able to die God. That is why home prayer for loved ones, prayer in the cemetery at the grave of the deceased - the debt of every Orthodox Christian.

Special assistance to improper has compounds in the church.

Before visiting the cemetery, some of the relatives should come to the temple to the beginning of the service, to submit a note with the name of the deceased to the altar in the altar (best, if it is a commemoration on the ambassading, when the depletion is taken out of a special fragment, and then In the ablution of his sins will be empty in the bowl with the holy gifts).

After liturgy, you need to serve a memorial.

Prayer will be more effective if the bodies and blood of Christ himself comes up on this day.

Prayer about the mustache Christian

Romani, Lord God, in the faith and hope of the belly of the eternity of the Pretavlshagosya, the servant of yours, our brother (name), and this is good and people who let go of sins, and consume untrue, weave, leave and forgive all his free sins and unwitting, save him forever Flour and fire of Geenskago, and give him the sacrament and enjoyment of the eternal yours, prepared by loving Tu: Thickest Bo and sigrish, but not retreat from you, and unhappy in the Father and Son and Sainpongor of the Spirit, God in Trinity Slavimago, Verova, and Unit In the Trinity and Trinity in unity, it is even plain, even to the end of his emitting of the confession. The darkness graciously, Budi, and faith, Like in the draw, instead of affairs, and with the saints, I will be generous to the saints .: Bear a man, and will live and will not sin. But you are the same in except for some sin, and the truth is yours, though forever, and you are the same God of mercies and generous, and human-minded, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer Widders

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In the crushing and donentification of my heart, I pray for you: God, the Lord, the soul of the soul, the slaves of yours (name), in the heavenly kingdom of yours. Vladyko Almighty! You have been blessed by the married union of the husband and wife ,, EEN RELCH ECA: not good to be a single person, we will create an assistant assistant. You have consecrated the Union of this to the image of the Turkown Union of Christ with Church. I believe, Lord, and confessing, Yako, you blessed with the combination and me by Shen Saint Union with one of the slaves of yours. Your good and wise will be extracted to lean away from me by this slave, the southell made me, I, IKO assistant and the sockup of life is mine. I bow to it, and I pose from the whole heart of my, and my prayer was taken about your servant (name), and forgive her, she harsh in a word, a matter, thinking, leading and ignorance; It is an earthly famous for the sake of celestial; It's about the clothes and the decoration of the body of their patching, gently about the enlightenment of the soul robe; or it is not careful about their children; Through the supernger who is word or case; Incain in his heart in his heart on his mother or consensus anyone or that it was from those evil. All this sorry forgive her, Jaco, good and humans: I can't bear a person, it will be alive and will not sin. Do not take into court with the work of yours, Yako creating yours, not contemporary by sin by the eternal flour, but tall and have mercy on the greatness of your mercy. I pray and begone, Lord, the forces to give them all the days of life of life without fulfilling praying about the deceased servant of your boyfriend, and even before the death of my abdomen of my ascend to her, the proud of the whole world, leaving the sinchings of Heri. Yes, Yako you, God, put an echo on the head of her crown from Kamen honest, wedding Yu Zea on the earth; Taco Proversu Yu Eternally I will be glorious in the heavenly kingdom of your kingdom, with all the saints, Tamo to those who are joining, and there is always mad with them all your name With Father and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer widow

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are crying consolation, siery and widows a concession. You are the reclonance of Esi: A prizes on the day of the tribe, and Izmay. In the days of the sorrow, there is a breath of Az and pray: do not turn your face from me and hear my prayer, brought to you with tears. You, Lord Vladyko, all sorts, favored the combination of my one with one of your slaves, in everyday life to us one body and one of the spirit; You gave me this slave, Sno-cohabitant and defender. Your blessing and wise will be extracted to learn from the one of this slave and leaving me one. I bow to it, I breathe Your Will and resort to you in the days of the sorrow, the sorrow: the sorrow is sorrowfully about healing with your servant, my friend. Incidentally, they led him from me, who did not make his mercy from me. Jaco once the daily widows have two lepts, taco and this mission mine. Roman, Lord, the soul of the deceased servant of yours (name), forgive him all the sins of him, free and involuntary, whether in the word, whether the case, whether he was entitled and the ignorance, not to take him with the lawlessness of him and not betraying the eternal flour, but in the greatness of your grace And on the many generaristics of your weakens and forgive the entire sealing of it and, too, with his saints, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is completely ill. I pray and ask you, Lord, Darui Mi in all the days of life, Moyya did not pretavati praying about the depletion of your servant, and even before the outcome of my prosperity, the progress of all of the world, leaving all the sins of His and the Institution of His Heavenly Residents, Yazz, took Have Yako is thicker bo and sigrish, but not retreating from you, and a bad father and son and the saint spirit of the Spirit of Orthodoxy even in advance of his sickness of the confession; The same faith of his, Like in the Tie, instead of affairs to him, it is impossible to be a man, it will be alive and will not sin, you are one except sin, and the truth is true. I believe, Lord, and confession, I can hear my prayer and do not turn your face from me. Seeing the widow, Zelnid, soaring, the son of Her, for the burial of Nesoma, was resurrected to ESI: Tako, dying, wrath and sorrow. Jaco also rejected the slave to your faeophila, who went to you, the doors of the mercy of yours and forgave him with his pretty prayers in the prayers of the church, His prayers and alms to his prayers: Sita and Az I pray to you, and I introduce my prayer about your servant and enter it Eternal life. Yako you want our hope. You are God, hedgehogs and rescati, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Prayer parents about who have spent children

    Lord Jesus Christ, God, Vladyko of the abdomen and death, the comforter of grieving! With a crushed and disabled heart, I resort to you and pray: a rumor. Lord, in the kingdom of your deceased slave of yours (a slave you), Chado my (name), and coordinate to him (her) eternal memory. You, Vladyko's abdomen and death, gave me a child of this. Your good and wise will be elected and leaving me. Budi blessed your name, Lord. I pray, the judge of the sky and the earth, I will have an endless love for us, sinful, I am forgotten by the breath of my whole sinning of him, free and unwitting, like a word, like a matter of law, iance and ignorance. I'm sorry, merciful, and our parent sins, and they will not be in the children of our: Wem, Yako Multiple the sorry before you, there is no observance, not with the coordinate, I commanded us. Outstanding the deceased Chado, our friend or the sake of guilt, the Beach in Zhiuti Sez, working the world and the flesh, and do not fall to you, the Lord and God to His: Throwing to love the charms of this world, and not the Word Your Word and your commandments Siems of everyday life, and not a patch of His gresh, and in the confusion of a vigion, post and prayer for the oblivion of betrayal - I pray hard, I'm sorry, there is a lot of money, forgiveness to my . Christ Jesus! You resurrect to Jaira's dashing on faith and prayer of the father of Heria. You have healed the dashing of the wife-Cananeyanki for the faith and the last mother of Heria: I hear and my prayer, do not form and pray for my child's prayer. Sorry, Lord, forgive all the souls of His and, asking and clearing his soul, from the flour eternal and unbearable with all the saints, from the century, we have been in progressive, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is illegible: It will be alive and will not be sinned, but you are the same in except for some sin: yes, Imashi suffer from Mirov, hear the child's exceeded voice: take your blessed my father, and inherit your kingdom from the addition of peace. Yako you are a father of vile and generous. You are the stomach and resurrection of our, and you are asked to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and died and forever. Amen.

    Prayer children about the departed parents

    Lord, Jesus Christ, God! You are siery keeper, which is confusing refuge and crying comforter. I resort to you az, siregy, wall and crying, and praying for you: I hear my prayer and not turn your face from my heart's heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to you, the merciful Lord, the sorrow of my sorrow about the separation with the born and the elapsed (born and eagitating) My parent (I am mine), (name) (or: with my parents and erased my parents, the names of them) -, his soul (or: Heria, or: They), who has departed (or: departed) to you with the true faith in the way and with a hard hope for your philanthropy and mercy, and your heavenly in the kingdom. I bow to your sacred will, the Eyuzh is departed (or: leaving, or: leaving) to be in me, and I ask you, not by the sharpening from it (or: from it, or: from them) mercy and your blessings. Wem, Lord, Yako, you judge the world of this, sins and the wickedness of the fathers of Fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren even to the third and fourth kind: But the Miluleshi Fents for prayers and virtues of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With a crushing and moutigation of the heart, I pray to the merciful judgment, do not punish the eternal punishment of Usopsago foregoing (the depleting unforgettable one) for me a slave of yours (slave yours), my parent (Mother Mother) (name), but let him go (her) her) free and unwilling, word and case, leading and ignorance created by him (her) in the life of his (HEA) on Earth, and by mercy and humanity, prayers for the sake of the Mother of God and all the saints, humbly (s) and eternal Flour get rid. You, the merciful father of Fents and Chad! Give me, in all the days of life, Moyya, to the end of my scene, not to press my mind about the deceased parent of my (the deceased mother of Moja) in my prayers, and be pleaded, the righteous judge, yes, it's limp, in the place of Cool And in the place of the late, with all the saints, henced away from the sickness, sadness and frustration. Gracious Lord! We will accept you about your servant (yours) (your name) with a warm prayer for my siema and give him (her) to giveover yours for the works and the care of the upbringing of mine in the faith and Christian piety, who has learned (who has learned), the most of all leading to his Lord, in Avenue to pray to you, you can only be in trouble, grief and diseases and keep your commandments; For the prosperity of his (Sia) about my spiritual prosperity, for the warmth, bringing them (her) about me for the prayer before you and for all the gifts, they (her), they appreciated from you, give him (her) with his ownness. With its heavenly benefits and joys in the eternal kingdom of yours. You boasts the God of mercies and generous and humanity, you are peace and the joy of your faithful slaves, and you are asked to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and now and in the eyelids. Amen.

    Chin Lithium, made by the layman at home and in the cemetery

    The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy with us. Amen.
    Glory to you, God, glory to you.
    The king of Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere else and all of the executive. The treasure of good and life to the submitter, coming and noted in both, and clean from everyone is bad, and save, so much, our souls.
    Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Read three times, with a congestion and waist bow.)
    Most Holy Trinity, hind us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.
    Lord have mercy. (Three times.)
    Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.
    Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.
    Lord have mercy. (12 times)
    Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. (Bow.)
    Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (Bow.)
    Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (Bow.)

    Psalm 90.

    Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Essen's Intercession and my refuge. My God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TMA transient, from shaking, and demonstigo. It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation.
    Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.
    Allilouia, Allylouia, Allilouia, thank you, God (three times).
    From the spirits of the righteous who died, the soul of the slave of yours, deasses, rest, keeping Yu in the blissful life, you have a human humanity.
    In the rest of yours, the Lord, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe DSI of the Svyati, your desires, and the soul of your slave, Yako is one of the human man.
    Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit: You are God who came across the hell and bonds permitted. Himself and the soul of the slave of yours.
    And now and confessed and forever. Amen: One clean and immaterial girl, God without seeding, the moths are escape to his soul.

    Kondak, voice 8:

    With the Holy People, Christ, the soul of your slave, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is completely ill.


    One of the unmeasured, coordinate and creative man: the land of the land from the earth created and in the ground Tpyuzde will go, and I have commanded the enemy, creating me, and the rivers: Yako Earth and in the land. Allylujia, Aliluia, Alliluia.
    Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.
    Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.
    Lord, humbly (three times), bless.
    The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy. Amen.
    In blissful awaits, eternal conquest. Lord, the depletion of your slave (name) and coordinate to him eternal memory.
    Eternal memory (three times).
    His soul in good waters, and his memory in the genus and genus.

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Prayers on Radonitz

For the ninth day after Easter, on Tuesday, after the resurrection of Christ the week (in 2018, this day falls on April 17) Orthodox Christians commemorate their relatives and loved ones who have moved into another world. How to pray to Radonitz?

On this day, a memorial service is committed in the temples, on which the clergymen are taking prayers for the dead. Going to the Outdoor Liturgy, believers prepare notes with the names of the deceased relatives or friends. These notes are lowered into prepared urns or transfer the priest.

What prayers to read on Radonitz?

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the temple and visit the cemetery, you can pray for the rest of the reached houses. Such a prayer for loved ones is the debt of every Orthodox Christian. We give her text:

"Once, the Lord, the souls of the deceased slave of yours: my parents, the affinities, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the sins free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven."

How to pray to Radonitz?

The church calls on this day believers not to indulge in the cracked. After all, the victory over the death ranged by the Resurrection of Christ, displaces sadness about separation from relatives. Appeal to God will be particularly effective if the praying took place.

"Remember, Lord God, in the faith and hope of the belly of the belly of yours, the brother of our (name), and this is good and a humans, let go of sins, and consume untrue, weave, leave and forgive all his free sins and unwitting, save him Pervious flour and fire of GEENSKAGO, and give him the sacrament and enjoyment of the everlasting of your good, prepared by Lyubovaya Ta: Thickest Bo and Sogreach, but not retreat from you, and unhappy in the Father and Son and the Sainry Spirit, God in the Trinity Slavimago, Verova, and Unit in the Trinity and Trinity in unity, it is relatively even to the end of his emissions. The darkness graciously, Budi, and faith, Like in the draw, instead of affairs, and with the saints, I will be generous to the saints .: Bear a man, and will live and will not sin. But you are the same in except for some sin, and the truth is yours, though forever, and you are the same God of mercies and generous, and human-minded, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now, and in the eyelids. Amen".

Prayers for the deceased on Radonitz

Read Chin Lithium (brief pominate worshipwhose name means "reinforced prayer) at home and in the cemetery. You can invite a priest to serve on the grave of lithium.

"The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord, Jesus Christ, God, have mercy. Amen. Glory to you, God, glory to you. The king of Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere else and all of the executive. The treasure of good and life to the submitter, coming and noted in both, and clean from everyone is bad, and save, so much, our souls. Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Read three times, with a congestion and waist bow.)

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times.)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. (Bow.)

Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (Bow.)

Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (Bow.)".

Usually, the trail of Easter "Christ Risen" is also read three times. Then you can read the 90th psalm. Instead of the usual Official Kondaka "With the Holy Relations", the Kondak Easter "Insteach and in the coffin led themselves to seeless." It can also be read the funeral trails from the submission of Panhid and Lithium "from the spirits of the righteous died."

Radonitsa 2017: Signs, rites, prayers and conspiracies

Orthodox Church On Tuesday for Easter the second week, which is called a fomine week, Radonitsa celebrates. Radonitsa - the day of the commemoration of a special deceased, after the holiday of Easter first.

Since Easter in 2017 falls on April 16, therefore, the parent Tuesday, that is, radonitsa in 2017 will be April 25th.

Radonitsa 2017 is a day when people remember their deceased relatives and pray for them. Of particular importance is that the graves are cleared on this day, people are decorated with flowers, herbs, if necessary, paint paint. After graduating from Radonitsa, all the cemetery acquires the new kind, it becomes clean and beautiful. Also the holiday is aimed at ensuring that people seek their relatives whom they have not seen each time. Such meetings are very important to maintain relationships with loved ones and friends.

Signs on Radonitz in 2017

As we have already written, in some regions in Russia, it was not accepted in the cemetery. However, this is rarely found, and more and more often it was possible to hear from the old people that if on this day not to attend the rogues of relatives, then after death, no one would remember a person.

Sow, dig or sit on this day bad sign, because then there will be a bad and meager harvest.

Our ancestors also believed that if in the morning, it was raining to dinner to Radonitsa, and in the afternoon a strong wind blows, then the deceased worry that they were not visited in the cemetery. However, when the rain comes on this day, but the weather is not windy, then it is for happiness. Moreover, in this case there will be a good harvest.

Previously spoke: "Passage to Radonitsa in the morning, we cry in the afternoon, and in the evening they jump." That is, in the morning everyone worked, in the afternoon we went to the cemetery, and in the evening the walk was arranged until the morning.

Traditions on Radonitsa 2017

Initially, this holiday was celebrated on any elevation, because the name of the red hill. To do this, before dawn, the whole village was collected to honor the main deity - Yarilo. At the same place and arranged funny walking with a rich table and many different entertainment and games. And as soon as the sun appeared, they shouted all the villages: "Glory Yaril! Hello, Red Sun! "

It was also accepted to call the spring before. In different villages, it was possible to hear: "Come to us Spring! With joy, with mercy! With rye grainy, with oats Kucherovy, with a barley tight ... ". Many believed that if this was not done, then the crop will be scarce and poor.

We found time and in order to go to the cemetery to the departed relatives. As today, the people carried a lot of dishes and boiled chicken eggs. However, our ancestors did not just put them under the grave. To begin with, they beat him about the grave, after which they were purified and the shell was buried to the ground, and the egg itself was dug down.

It is worth noting that before Radonitsa noted not one day, therefore walked to all the village, inviting other villages to visit themselves. Be sure to be all sophisticated traditional dishes for this day - scrambled eggs, pancakes, punishing, various cakes, in general, which was in the form of a circle. Mandatory entertainment on this day was riding eggs from the mountain. Whoever rolled the egg longer and does not break, he will be all happy to the village.

The red slide was still a holiday of love, and all because this is the holiday when a lot of young people gathered and not only from one village, sometimes even with several villages. Young people looked at each other, got acquainted, and some in gaming and jokingly admitted in love or sympathy. Therefore, Radonitsa has always been a feast of the birth of love and strong family. The girls for this holiday were preparing especially - dressed in new beautiful clothes, spit colleges and colors in them or even wreaths with ribbons. But staying at home in Radonitz was considered bad admissionIn addition, young people, in this case, did not miss the opportunity to brazen over such a person and come up with various funny nicknames. Many believed that the one who would stay on this day at home is definitely unhappy in the coming year.

Married and adult women tried on this day to prepare as much food as possible, so that the part to postpone for the temples, and the other part to give the rest. Many believed that it could bring good luck in the coming year.

Another red hill was always considered the most successful day for the wedding and not at all because of the signs or superstitions, but because weddings depended on the sowing season. Therefore, they were noted or in early spring Or late fall until harvest. Perhaps because of this, you can often hear that Radonitsa is a girlish day.

And for those who put on this holiday, there was a separate custom. For this, all young people in the village were collected together and sent a crowd to the house where the woven was celebrated. Under the house they sang songs, and sometimes even showed ideas, for which they were treated delicious dishes from the table. And the girl and the guy who were saushed, called the "Blizzard" and "Vinnets".

Since the rain on Radonitsa was a good admission, he tried to call him. For this, children on the street turned around: "Fall, rain, on the bottom of Rye, on the grandfather of wheat, I wipe the bucket on Devichy Lyon." Or: "Rain, rain, sweeping rings, quickly, us, guys, heating!".

If it still started raining, then all the people went out on the street and washed off with this water for happiness, and the maiden necessarily took with them silver rings And through them was also washed.

Rites on Radonitsa - Parent Day

On Tuesday, the second week of the postgraduate of Christ, every believer certainly goes to the cemetery to inform his late relatives that Christ is resurrected and treating the red Easter eggs, a piece of fellow Easter and other dishes.

Several pains necessarily put on the grave or burned into it. In some areas it was believed that the Easter egg should be reckoned. Also on Radonitz necessarily treated beggars and whiskers, they filed alms so that the unfortunate was also remembered. And, of course, the relatives themselves themselves were necessarily drank for the kingdom of heavenly winery-other. However, it must be remembered that it is necessary to get drunk in the cemetery - a great sin and the dead may not forgive such a rampant.

Of all memorial days Radonitsa is most distinguished by the fact that this day the mood is not a mournful, but a joyful. This is explained by the faith of people in what the time will come when all the dead will resurrect, as well as the fact of the resurrection of Christ.

Also Radonitsa is associated with a red slide - the holiday of spring, awakening nature and weddings. All this allows you to forget this day about death, and think about life that will bring happiness and joy.

The origins of Radonitsa need to be sought in the Doharistian Rus - the pagans it was a spring holiday of the dead. There is a word of Radonitsa or the Radunitsa means in Slavic beliefs the keeper of the souls of deceased people. On this day, our ancestors brought rainpers and deceased special sacrifices on the funeral mounds, so that the soul of the dead man could enjoy the spectacle of the respect for her alive.

Some researchers the word "Radonitsa" did not come closer with the words "Rod", "ancestor", others saw in it the same root as in the word "joy", because in Radonitsa the dead are calling out of their graves to the joy of the Resurrection of Christ.

After the baptism of Rus Radonitsa gained in Christianity new meaning. The church suggests that not only the Orthodox worship of God, but all believers do not die, but live in the Lord. Jesus Christ his resurrection won the death and now every believer Christian will be granted by the Lord eternal life.

Prayer for Radonitsa 2017

Prayer for the deceased is the biggest and most important thing that we can do for those who have departed into the world of others. By and large, the dead man does not need a coffin, nor in the monument - all this is a tribute to tradition, albeit pious. But the ever-lived soul of improper is experiencing a great need for our constant prayer, because she herself cannot create good deeds, which would be able to die God. That is why home prayer for loved ones, prayer in the cemetery at the grave of the deceased - the debt of every Orthodox Christian.

Prayer about Usopsy

Romani, Lord God, in the faith and hope of the belly of the eternity of the Pretavlshagosya, the servant of yours, our brother (name), and this is good and people who let go of sins, and consume untrue, weave, leave and forgive all his free sins and unwitting, save him forever Flour and fire of Geenskago, and give him the sacrament and enjoyment of the eternal yours, prepared by loving Tu: Thickest Bo and sigrish, but not retreat from you, and unhappy in the Father and Son and Sainpongor of the Spirit, God in Trinity Slavimago, Verova, and Unit In the Trinity and Trinity in unity, it is even plain, even to the end of his emitting of the confession. The darkness graciously, Budi, and faith, Like in the draw, instead of affairs, and with the saints, I will be generous to the saints .: Bear a man, and will live and will not sin. But you are the same in except for some sin, and the truth is yours, though forever, and you are the same God of mercies and generous, and human-minded, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracies on Radonitsa

In the parent day, there are many rites of white magic. In attracting wealth, well-being, family happiness on this day, the deceased souls allegedly help. Conspuses to Radonitz have long been used by our ancestors. If people could not change any whims of fate, then magic words have always provided the necessary help.

So this can be tried by using simple conspiractions.

Plot for health

In order for Radonitz to strengthen his health, you will need any thing that previously belonged to the deceased. It is best to take some kind of valuable thing, decoration, clock or clothing. Put the selected thing on the tableted table and tell 3 times the special words of the conspiracy on Radonitsa:

"(The name of the deceased) come, what left (the name of the deceased), find, the healing force was put on and back. Let the birth with your help leaving, let the disease retreat, disappear. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

When he sweems, saying this thing with a whisper conspiracy, touch first to forehead, then to the navel, and then to the knees. After that, remove the thing on your place.

Attracting good luck to Radonitz

If you defeated you in life, and the black stripe began you, then try to do so. On the eve of Radonitsa on the landscape sheet of paper red ink write such words:

"Slave (a) of God (Ya) (the name of the deceased), I remember you, I don't forget about you, I wish you peace and bright life, with the worldly deeds your soul broke up, the trouble was left on earth, so this trouble fell on me, Claws and teeth clung to me, I won't let me go, my soul dies, help me, (the name of the deceased) with a misfortune to say goodbye to do not meet with her. Amen".

Leave a note on the table, and next to the photograph of the deceased to which you treated. The next day burn the paper with a plot, and remove the snapshot to the previous place.

Plot to Radonitsa for family well-being

This conspiracy needs to read four times a year, to Radonitsa and three parent Saturdays: before the great post, before the Trinity and in the Dmitrov Saturday, celebrated in early November, then the spirits of your kind will help you in cash round year. On the eve of a conspiracy to help the dead, scrap a sweet treat: pies, gingerbread, sweets, and on Saturday morning, before the service starts, bring them to church. Put it all in a basket for the fairness (it is usually next to the eve, where they put candles for rest). Put on the eve of twelve candles for twelve your deceased relatives. By putting every candle, say: "Once, Lord, the soul of the deceased servant of yours (name)". Then read the funeral prayer:

God of spirits and all kinds of flesh, death corrected and the devil is abolish, and the stomach of the world is given to yours! Himself, Lord, and the soul of the deceased slave of yours: Holy Patriarchs, Pretty Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, in the Sacred Church and Monastic, who served you; the creators of the saint church of this, Orthodox plazid, father, brethren and sisters, provisions and everywhere lying; The leaders and warriors, behind the faith and the fatherland of the belly of their positive, loyal killed in the Intercobal Brass, drowning, burnt, on the scum of frozen, confused by beasts, without repentance, suddenly died and did not have time to reconcile with the church and with their enemies; The impertness of the mind of the suiced, those who were drove and asked us to pray, about which to pray to whom to pray and loyal, the burials of Christianskago deprived (name) in place are brighter, in a scene, in the place of the deceased, from the place of touching the disease, sadness and reeble. Any breeding, who has been deemed by the word or affair or a thinking, Yako, good man-friendly people forgive me, I can also carry a person, it will be alive and will not sin. You are the same in addition to sin, the truth is true, and your word is truth. Yako, you are the resurrection, and the belly and peace of the drowning slave of yours (name), Christ, God, and you weeping with the original father, and the Most Holy, and good, and the life-giving spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen.

Take notes with the names of those you commemorate, for lunch. Usually on a great memorial service, people keep burning candles in their hands. Buy the biggest candle so that it does not boost to the end. Bring her home. Houses burn this candle and put it in front of any icon that is in your home.

Remove for a conspiracy to help the dead photograph of any of the dead relatives, which you prayed, and read the conspiracy:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Body in the ground, soul to heaven. Body on earth, money in the crust. The servant of God (the name of the relative), I prayed for you to God, so that he stopped you in the villages of the Paradise, and he set off every good, and you pray for me to make me here, on earth, stayed and confused me. All my relatives, I pray for you: VSI Self-Sprinkle Ours, from the years of the ancient raising and in the last days of the days of being, revealed and immoving, Vedonia and Nevskyomia! Remember our disigma and humiliation and prayers from our God of our God from Christ, and we also have a dreamily preparing the life of the Puchin and is increasingly owned by the treasure of faith, in the shelter of the everlasting salvation and in the blissful abdomen of the Mountain of the Fatherland and Holy Waving , the gratefulness and humans of the Savior of our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesh with a narrow father and the Most Holy Spirit, inequate, and the worship of all creatures forever in the eyelids. Amen.

This conspiracy is enough to ensure that all relatives are remembered by the deceased and well-being. Therefore, if you want your children to be rich, do this rite every year on the specified days.

Radonitsa and Prayer

9th day from Easter

day special commemoration Iceded, parental day

To visit the cemetery, the church appoints a special day - Radonitsa (from the word joy - after all, the Easter holiday continues) and this holiday is committed on Tuesday after easter week. Usually on this day after the evening worship or after the liturgy, a complete dihid is performed, which includes Easter chants. Believers attend the cemetery - pray for the departed.

Tradition leave food, easter eggs At the graves, it is a paganism that was revived in the Soviet Union, when the state pursued the right faith. When they pursue faith - severe superstitions arise. Souls of our deceased loved ones need prayer. Inappropriate from the church point of view of the rite, when the grave put vodka and black bread, and next - a photograph of the deceased: it says modern tongue - Novodel, because, for example, photography appeared more than a hundred years ago: it means that this new tradition.

Recommend the deceased alcohol: in sacred Scripture The use of wine is allowed: "Human heart fun" (Psalm 103: 15), but warns from the excess: "Do not drink wine, in it there is a fornage" (Eph. 5:18). You can drink, but you can not get drunk. And again I repeat, the deceased need our diligent prayer, our clean heart and a sober mind, alms, submitted for them, but not vodka, "Alexander Ilyashenko's priest resembles.

According to the testimony of St. John Zlatoust (IV century), this holiday was celebrated on Christian cemeteries in antiquity. Special place Radonitsy in an annual circle church holidays - Immediately after the bright Easter week - as if christians do not delve into experiences about the death of loved ones, but, on the contrary, rejoice in their birth into another life - the eternal life. The victory over the death, defeated by death and the resurrection of Christ, displaces the sadness of the temporary separation with relatives, and therefore we, according to the word Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky, "with faith, hope and Easter confidence that the coffin of the deceased." "On the Radonitsa in the morning, they plow, in the afternoon they cry, and in the evening they will jump," that is, they begin to agricultural workers, attend the graves and then having fun in the evening. This day has long been a secular day of memory or obedience, in contrast to the Trinity Parental Saturday.

How to remember the deceased

"We will try how much it is possible to help the departed, instead of tears, instead of sobbing, instead of the magnificent tombs - our prayers, alms and offering about them, so that they are, and we get promised benefits," writes St. John Zlatoust.

Prayer for the deceased is the biggest and most importantly,

what we can do for those who have departed into the world of others.

The deadman does not need a coffin, nor in the monument - all this is a tribute to tradition.

But the ever-lived soul of improper is experiencing a great need for our constant prayer, because she herself cannot create good deeds, which would be able to die God.

Home prayer for loved ones, prayer in the cemetery at the grave of the deceased - the duty of every Orthodox Christian. Special assistance to improper has compounds in the church.

Before you visit the cemetery, someone from relatives should come to the temple by the beginning of the service, submit a note with the name of the deceased to the altar in the altar (best, if this is a commemoration on the ambassading, when the depletion is taken out of a special fragment, and then in The sign of the ablution of his sins will be empty in the bowl with the holy gifts).

After liturgy, you need to serve a memorial.

Prayer will be more effective if the bodies and blood of Christ himself comes up on this day.

How to treat the grave of the Orthodox Christian

Cemeteries are sacred places where the bodies of the dead before the future resurrection. According to the laws of the pagan states, the tomb was considered sacred and inviolable.

Of the deep pre-Christian antiquity there is a custom to mark the place for the hill with the device above it. Having taken this custom christian church Decorate the grave hill to the victorious sign of our salvation - the Holy Life-friendly Cross, drawn on the tombstone or put on the tombstone.

The grave is the place of the future resurrection, and therefore it is necessary to abide by it clean and order. The cross on the grave of the Orthodox Christian is the silent preacher of the Blessed Immortality and Resurrection.

Water to the ground and towering towards the sky, he marks faith Christians in the fact that the body of the deceased is here, in the ground, and the soul - in the sky, that under the cross the seed is hidden, which grows up for the life of the eternal in the kingdom of God.

The cross on the grave put at the feet of the late so that the crucifixion was drawn to the face of the deceased. It is necessary to ensure that the cross on the grave does not glance, it was always painted, clean and well-groomed. A simple modest cross from a metal or tree will more affilit the grave of an Orthodox Christian, rather than expensive monuments and gravestones from granite and marble.

Prayer about the mustache Christian

Romani, Lord God, in the faith and hope of the belly of the eternity of the Pretavlshagosya, the servant of yours, our brother (name), and this is good and people who let go of sins, and consume untrue, weave, leave and forgive all his free sins and unwitting, save him forever Flour and fire of Geenskago, and give him the sacrament and enjoyment of the eternal yours, prepared by loving Tu: Thickest Bo and sigrish, but not retreat from you, and unhappy in the Father and Son and Sainpongor of the Spirit, God in Trinity Slavimago, Verova, and Unit In the Trinity and Trinity in unity, it is even plain, even to the end of his emitting of the confession. The same gracious Budi, and faith, I'm in the draw instead of affairs, and with our holy yako generous to him: Bust a man, I will also live and sin. But you are the same, except for some sin, and the truth is yours, though we are forever, and you are the same God of mercies and generous, and human-minded, and you wearing the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now, and in the eyelids.

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In the crushing and donentification of my heart, I pray for you: God, the Lord, the soul of the soul, the slaves of yours (name), in the heavenly kingdom of yours. Vladyko Almighty! You have been blessed by the married union of the husband and wife ,, EEN RELCH ECA: not good to be a single person, we will create an assistant assistant. You have consecrated the Union of this to the image of the Turkown Union of Christ with Church. I believe, Lord, and confessing, Yako, you blessed with the combination and me by Shen Saint Union with one of the slaves of yours. Your good and wise will be extracted to lean away from me by this slave, the southell made me, I, IKO assistant and the sockup of life is mine. I bow to it, and I pose from the whole heart of my, and my prayer was taken about your servant (name), and forgive her, she harsh in a word, a matter, thinking, leading and ignorance; It is an earthly famous for the sake of celestial; It's about the clothes and the decoration of the body of their patching, gently about the enlightenment of the soul robe; or it is not careful about their children; Through the supernger who is word or case; Incain in his heart in his heart on his mother or consensus anyone or that it was from those evil.

All this sorry forgive her, Jaco, good and humans: I can't bear a person, it will be alive and will not sin. Do not take into court with the work of yours, Yako creating yours, not contemporary by sin by the eternal flour, but tall and have mercy on the greatness of your mercy. I pray and begone, Lord, the forces to give them all the days of life of life without fulfilling praying about the deceased servant of your boyfriend, and even before the death of my abdomen of my ascend to her, the proud of the whole world, leaving the sinchings of Heri. Yes, Yako you, God, put an echo on the head of her crown from Kamen honest, wedding Yu Zea on the earth; Taco Wentchioru Yu Eternally, I will be glorious in the Heavenly Kingdom of yours, with all the holy, Tamo to those who are joining, and there is always the full name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are crying consolation, siery and widows a concession. You are the reclonance of Esi: A prizes on the day of the tribe, and Izmay. In the days of the sorrow, there is a breath of Az and pray: do not turn your face from me and hear my prayer, brought to you with tears. You, Lord Vladyko, all sorts, favored the combination of my one with one of your slaves, in everyday life to us one body and one of the spirit; You gave me this slave, Sno-cohabitant and defender. Your blessing and wise will be extracted to learn from the one of this slave and leaving me one. I bow to it, I breathe Your Will and resort to you in the days of the sorrow, the sorrow: the sorrow is sorrowfully about healing with your servant, my friend. Incidentally, they led him from me, who did not make his mercy from me. Jaco once the daily widows have two lepts, taco and this mission mine. Roman, Lord, the soul of the deceased servant of yours (name), forgive him all the sins of him, free and involuntary, whether in the word, whether the case, whether he was entitled and the ignorance, not to take him with the lawlessness of him and not betraying the eternal flour, but in the greatness of your grace And on the many generaristics of your weakens and forgive the entire sealing of it and, too, with his saints, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is completely ill. I pray and ask you, Lord, Darui Mi in all the days of life, Moyya did not pretavati praying about the depletion of your servant, and even before the outcome of my prosperity, the progress of all of the world, leaving all the sins of His and the instill in Heavenly Residents, Have Yako is thicker bo and sigrish, but not retreating from you, and a bad father and son and the saint spirit of the Spirit of Orthodoxy even in advance of his sickness of the confession; The same faith of his, Like in the Tie, instead of affairs to him, it is impossible to be a man, it will be alive and will not sin, you are one except sin, and the truth is true. I believe, Lord, and confession, I can hear my prayer and do not turn your face from me. Seeing the widow, Zelnid, soaring, the son of Her, for the burial of Nesoma, was resurrected to ESI: Tako, dying, wrath and sorrow. Jaco also rejected the slave to your faeophila, who went to you, the doors of the mercy of yours and forgave him with his pretty prayers in the prayers of the church, His prayers and alms to his prayers: Sita and Az I pray to you, and I introduce my prayer about your servant and enter it Eternal life. Yako you want our hope. You are God, hedgehogs and rescati, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Prayer parents about who have spent children

Lord Jesus Christ, God, Vladyko of the abdomen and death, the comforter of grieving! With a crushed and disabled heart, I resort to you and pray: a rumor. Lord, in the kingdom of your deceased slave of yours (a slave you), Chado my (name), and coordinate to him (her) eternal memory. You, Vladyko's abdomen and death, gave me a child of this. Your good and wise will be elected and leaving me. Budi blessed your name, Lord. I pray, the judge of the sky and the earth, I will have an endless love for us, sinful, I am forgotten by the breath of my whole sinning of him, free and unwitting, like a word, like a matter of law, iance and ignorance. I'm sorry, merciful, and our parent sins, and they will not be in the children of our: Wem, Yako Multiple the sorry before you, there is no observance, not with the coordinate, I commanded us. Outstanding the deceased Chado, our friend or the sake of guilt, the Beach in Zhiuti Sez, working the world and the flesh, and do not fall to you, the Lord and God to His: Throwing to love the charms of this world, and not the Word Your Word and your commandments Siems of everyday life, and not a patch of His gresh, and in the confusion of a vigion, post and prayer for the oblivion of betrayal - I pray hard, I'm sorry, there is a lot of money, forgiveness to my . Christ Jesus! You resurrect to Jaira's dashing on faith and prayer of the father of Heria. You have healed the dashing of the wife-Cananeyanki for the faith and the last mother of Heria: I hear and my prayer, do not form and pray for my child's prayer. Sorry, Lord, forgive all the souls of His and, asking and clearing his soul, from the flour eternal and unbearable with all the saints, from the century, we have been in progressive, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is illegible: It will be alive and will not be sinned, but you are the same in except for some sin: yes, Imashi suffer from Mirov, hear the child's exceeded voice: take your blessed my father, and inherit your kingdom from the addition of peace. Yako you are a father of vile and generous. You are the stomach and resurrection of our, and you are asked to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and died and forever. Amen

Prayer children about the departed parents

Prayer on Radonitz on the departed is the most important responsibility of the Orthodox Christian. And at the same time, it remains a great joy, given to us the possibility of throwing a thin weightless bridge through the abyss separating material world From the world of otherworldly, reach mentally until now we have revealed relatives and let it be small, but the influence on their fate. Of course, reading the funeral prayers will not hurt and on other days, but Radonitsa is suitable for this action in the best possible way.

The church teaches that the departed our prayers bring great benefits ...

Matching in church

Why prayer in the church - to Radonitsa, during any other big holiday and even on a weekday - is considered preferably home prayers?

First of all, the temple is the house of God, "the sky on earth", where every believer should strive. You will not get around the house loving friendWhere are you always waiting, and on holidays especially? So with the temple: the more often the Christian is in him, the better for his soul.

Joint prayers in the temple have greater weight

Another reason is a mood. We noticed how sometimes thoughts are confused during an attempt to pray at home? In the temple, among the parishioners, occupied by a single grandiose case, focus a lot easier.

Finally programmed in the prayer church acquires special strengthSince in it our weak voice is connected to the voices of dozens (and sometimes hundreds) praying and reinforced by the Holy Spirit itself.

In a word, even if you are not the most exemplary parishioner, there are good reasons to make an effort and hurry into the parent day to the temple. Just do not forget before:

  • find out what prayers read on Radonitz;
  • to come to the church before serving, in order to give a note with the names of the departed, about the souls of which you want to pray - later the priest will read them during the memorialist.

Especially good to submit a note with the name of the expensive person before the prosomide, on which the preparation of prosphorated and wine for the sacrament of Euraths and the joint commemoration of both alive and deceased. It is even better to accept after the liturgy communion that gives a prayer greater force.

Submitting a note, do not forget and pray for myself

Radonitsa in the cemetery

If a church service It assumes the unity of praying, and not only in a separate temple in a separately taken - no wonder on Radonitsa Panhida, the name of the universal is the case of the business in the cemetery. Believers come here with two goals.

The first, less significant, is to remove the garbage accumulated from the grave, ghost old grass And clean the tombstone. IN last years Many prefer to restore order on Sunday, and there is nothing reprehensible in this, simply such a decision comes against the traditions: to Radonitsa is considered to be wrong to indanguible classes, one way or another associated with death, because this is Easter time, that is, the celebrations of life.

The second and fundamental lies in committing over the graves of expensive lithium people. Perhaps you had to hear sounding on Radonitz on the cemeteries of prayers, which sometimes read the invited priest, and sometimes one of the relatives? This is lithium. The laitys make it on a brief rank, and the Batyushka is full. But permissible and just sit in silence, with gratitude remembering the deceased, and mentally talk to him.

If you came to the cemetery not alone, even better. Talk about the deceased, tell each other some cute family stories characterizing it with best sideTogether, remember the deceased, overlooking a piece of heriga or dividing the other broach to each other. It is not necessary to arrange a feast, a slightly snack and make a couple of thighs of some drink, preferably non-alcoholic.

Well, after it remains to be able to disassemble at the entrance, the food brought with himself consecrated in the church, having completed another good deed on behalf of the deceased. But do not put out the treats on the graves, likening the ancestors of pagans! If you have left relatives and are waiting for help from us, then it is clearly not an egg or a hunk of herrock.

Video: Lithium for laity

The text of Lithium - Merryanin on Radonitsa Prayer at the Cemetery - you will find the Orthodox video for the newcomers in the roller from the channel. This is the so-called brief chin, which can read any believer layman. In addition, Lithium is permissible to read at home.

Homemade prayer

It happens that the Radonitsy Day, always falling on Tuesday, a person cannot visit the temple or in the cemetery. If the involuntary "program" is caused by objective reasons: work, illness or obligations, from the execution of which not to evaporate, there is no terrible thing. But that the solemn holiday does not pass by, pick up a few minutes and read the traditional prayer for Radonitsa on the departed house - for the first time I have enough. But do not turn the meeting parental day At home in tradition, such a measure is permissible only in exceptional cases.

Texts of prayer

It is not rebored to pray for the departed and in your own words: if we are talking from the depths of the soul and with a sincere feeling, she is pleasing to God. On the other hand, written long before us by the holy church figures of the memorial prayers on Radonitz, perhaps will be more appropriate: they are weighted, recovered in each word and managed to serve many generations of Christians.

Therefore, the knowledge of traditional texts that the long century ask God for their loved ones and friends, you will definitely not hurt. They may be general concerning all the departed, or intended to commemorate one particular person. Below you will find prayers and in order for another option.

Even ordinary prayer from daily morning rule It may be enough

Simple words of prayer strengthen the souls and soothe heart

Prayers may be general and for special occasions.

Prayers benefit the deceased and calmly praying

Cooking in the mountain People called to God

Just in case there will be its own prayer

What Radonian is, what to read prayers for the deceased in the parent day and where to find them, as well as a lot of different look at the video from Pavel Ilinsky:

Video: About Radonice, Her Prayers and Traditions

Finally, we note that the care of the gone should not be limited to one day. You can not read the prayer about the parents, a spouse, relative, and to calculate the debt to them performed. Christians are praying for the departed daily: during the morning rule - at home, in the universal memo - in the church and when they wish - in the soul.

April 22, 2017

On the ninth day after Easter, on Tuesday of Fomina of the week, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of the Easter Metting of the Depotion - Radonitsa.

On Radonitsa is performed the first paneir after Easter. It is customary to visit the cemeteries, distribute alms and ask to pray for the dead.

It should be noted that the tradition to leave Easter eggs and cakes on the graves is the pagan religion of the ancient intricacies - TRISN.

Need to remember that tradition Leave food, Easter eggs on the graves - is a paganism that was revived in the Soviet UnionWhen the state pursued the right faith. When they pursue faith - severe superstitions arise. Souls of our deceased loved ones need prayer. Unacceptable from the church point of view of the rite when the grave put vodka and black bread, and next to the photograph of the deceased: this, saying the modern language - Novodel, because, for example, the photograph appeared more than a hundred years ago: it means that this tradition New.

As for the commemoration of the deceased alcohol: any drunk is unacceptable. In the Holy Scripture, the use of wine is allowed: "Human heart fun" (Psalter 103: 15), but warns from the excess: "Do not drink wine, in it there is a forbid" (Eph. 5:18). You can drink, but you can not get drunk. And again I repeat, the deceased need our diligent prayer, our clean heart and a sober mind, alms, submitted for them, but not vodka, "Alexander Ilyashenko's priest resembles.

According to the testimony of St. John Zlatoust (IV century), this holiday was celebrated on Christian cemeteries in antiquity. The special place of Radonitsa in a one-year round of church holidays - immediately after the bright Easter week - as if obliges Christians not to delve into the experiences about the death of loved ones, but, on the contrary, to rejoice in their birth into another life - the eternal life. The victory over the death, defeated by death and the resurrection of Christ, displaces the sadness of the temporary separation with relatives, and therefore we, according to the word Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky, "with faith, hope and Easter confidence that the coffin of the deceased."

How to treat the grave of the Orthodox Christian

Cemeteries are sacred places where the bodies of the dead before the future resurrection.
Even under the laws of the pagan states, the tomb was considered sacred and inviolable.
Of the deep pre-Christian antiquity there is a custom to mark the place for the hill with the device above it.
Having adopted this custom, the Christian church decorates the grave hill to the victorious sign of our salvation - the Holy Life-giving Cross, drawn on the tombstone or assigned to the tombstone.
We call our deceased deceased, and not dead, because at certain times they will stand out of the coffin.
The grave is the place of the future resurrection, and therefore it is necessary to abide by it clean and order.
The cross on the grave of the Orthodox Christian is the silent preacher of the Blessed Immortality and Resurrection. Water to the ground and towering towards the sky, he marks faith Christians in the fact that the body of the deceased is here, in the ground, and the soul - in the sky, that under the cross the seed is hidden, which grows up for the life of the eternal in the kingdom of God.
The cross on the grave put at the feet of the late so that the crucifixion was drawn to the face of the deceased.
We must especially follow that the cross on the grave does not glance, it was always painted, clean and well maintained.
A simple modest cross from a metal or tree will more affilit the grave of an Orthodox Christian, rather than expensive monuments and gravestones from granite and marble.

How to behave in the cemetery

Having come to the cemetery, it is necessary to light the candle, commit a lithium (this word literally means enhanced prayer. To make a quirger, a priest, a more brief rank, who can make a layman, is given below "Chin of Lyatia who committed by the layman houses and in the cemetery ").
Optionally, you can read the Akathist about the rest of the deceased.
Then take the grave or simply silend, remember the late.
No need to eat or drink in the cemetery, especially unacceptably pouring vodka into the grave hill - this is offended by the memory of the deceased. The custom to leave on the grave a glass of vodka and a piece of bread "For the deceased" is a remnant of paganism and should not be respected in Orthodox families.
You do not need to leave food on the grave, it is better to give it to the thorough or hungry.

How to remember the deceased

"We will try how much it is possible to help the departed, instead of tears, instead of sobbing, instead of the magnificent tombs - our prayers, alms and offering about them, so that they are, and we get promised benefits," writes St. John Zlatoust.
Prayer for the deceased is the biggest and most important thing that we can do for those who have departed into the world of others.
By and large, the dead man does not need a coffin, nor in the monument - all this is a tribute to tradition, albeit pious.
But the ever-lived soul of improper is experiencing a great need for our constant prayer, because she herself cannot create good deeds, which would be able to die God.
That is why home prayer for loved ones, prayer in the cemetery at the grave of the deceased - the debt of every Orthodox Christian.
Special assistance to improper has compounds in the church.
Before you visit the cemetery, someone from relatives should come to the temple by the beginning of the service, submit a note with the name of the deceased to the altar in the altar (best, if this is a commemoration on the ambassading, when the depletion is taken out of a special fragment, and then in The sign of the ablution of his sins will be empty in the bowl with the holy gifts).
After liturgy, you need to serve a memorial.
Prayer will be more effective if the bodies and blood of Christ himself comes up on this day.
IN certain days The church is created by the commemoration of all from the century of the prefabricated fathers and brotherhoods in the faith, who had a fair Christian death, equal to those who were overtaken by a sudden death, was not observed in the afterlife of the prayers of the Church.
Panhides, who are committed on such days, are referred to as universal, and the days themselves are universal parent Saturdays. All of them do not have a permanent number, but are associated with a transit to the Easter cycle.
These are days:
1. Saturday meat suite - eight days before the beginning of the Great Post, on the eve of the week about the terrible court.
2. Parent Saturdays - in the second, third and fourth weeks of the Great Post.
3. Troitskaya parent Saturday - On the eve of the Day of the Holy Trinity, for the ninth day after the Ascension.
On the eve of each of these days in the temples serve special funeral all-part vigils - Parastasi, and after liturgy there are universal memoirs.
In addition to these common days, the Russian Orthodox Church has established some more, namely:
4. Radonitsa (Radunitsa) - Easter Mastering of the Ice, it happens in the second week after Easter, on Tuesday.
5. Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday - the day of a special commemoration of the killed warriors, originally established in memory of the Kulikov battle, and later became the day of prayer for all Orthodox soldiers and commander. It happens on Saturday preceding the eighth November - the day of the memory of the Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky.
6. Mom to the departed warriors - April 26 (on May 9 of the new style).
Besides these days of general workers, each deceased orthodox Christian Must commemorate annually in the days of his birth, death, on the day of the name. It is very useful in commemorative days to sacrifice to the church, to file alms with a request to pray for the departed.

Prayer about the mustache Christian

Romani, Lord God, in the faith and hope of the belly of the eternity of the Pretavlshagosya, the servant of yours, our brother (name), and this is good and people who let go of sins, and consume untrue, weave, leave and forgive all his free sins and unwitting, save him forever Flour and fire of Geenskago, and give him the sacrament and enjoyment of the eternal yours, prepared by loving Tu: Thickest Bo and sigrish, but not retreat from you, and unhappy in the Father and Son and Sainpongor of the Spirit, God in Trinity Slavimago, Verova, and Unit In the Trinity and Trinity in unity, it is even plain, even to the end of his emitting of the confession. The darkness graciously, Budi, and faith, Like in the draw, instead of affairs, and with the saints, I will be generous to the saints .: Bear a man, and will live and will not sin. But you are the same in except for some sin, and the truth is yours, though forever, and you are the same God of mercies and generous, and human-minded, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer Widders

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In the crushing and donentification of my heart, I pray for you: God, the Lord, the soul of the soul, the slaves of yours (name), in the heavenly kingdom of yours. Vladyko Almighty! You have been blessed by the married union of the husband and wife ,, EEN RELCH ECA: not good to be a single person, we will create an assistant assistant. You have consecrated the Union of this to the image of the Turkown Union of Christ with Church. I believe, Lord, and confessing, Yako, you blessed with the combination and me by Shen Saint Union with one of the slaves of yours. Your good and wise will be extracted to lean away from me by this slave, the southell made me, I, IKO assistant and the sockup of life is mine. I bow to it, and I pose from the whole heart of my, and my prayer was taken about your servant (name), and forgive her, she harsh in a word, a matter, thinking, leading and ignorance; It is an earthly famous for the sake of celestial; It's about the clothes and the decoration of the body of their patching, gently about the enlightenment of the soul robe; or it is not careful about their children; Through the supernger who is word or case; Incain in his heart in his heart on his mother or consensus anyone or that it was from those evil. All this sorry forgive her, Jaco, good and humans: I can't bear a person, it will be alive and will not sin. Do not take into court with the work of yours, Yako creating yours, not contemporary by sin by the eternal flour, but tall and have mercy on the greatness of your mercy. I pray and begone, Lord, the forces to give them all the days of life of life without fulfilling praying about the deceased servant of your boyfriend, and even before the death of my abdomen of my ascend to her, the proud of the whole world, leaving the sinchings of Heri. Yes, Yako you, God, put an echo on the head of her crown from Kamen honest, wedding Yu Zea on the earth; Taco Wentchioru Yu Eternally, I will be glorious in the Heavenly Kingdom of yours, with all the holy, Tamo to those who are joining, and there is always the full name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer widow

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are crying consolation, siery and widows a concession. You are the reclonance of Esi: A prizes on the day of the tribe, and Izmay. In the days of the sorrow, there is a breath of Az and pray: do not turn your face from me and hear my prayer, brought to you with tears. You, Lord Vladyko, all sorts, favored the combination of my one with one of your slaves, in everyday life to us one body and one of the spirit; You gave me this slave, Sno-cohabitant and defender. Your blessing and wise will be extracted to learn from the one of this slave and leaving me one. I bow to it, I breathe Your Will and resort to you in the days of the sorrow, the sorrow: the sorrow is sorrowfully about healing with your servant, my friend. Incidentally, they led him from me, who did not make his mercy from me. Jaco once the daily widows have two lepts, taco and this mission mine. Roman, Lord, the soul of the deceased servant of yours (name), forgive him all the sins of him, free and involuntary, whether in the word, whether the case, whether he was entitled and the ignorance, not to take him with the lawlessness of him and not betraying the eternal flour, but in the greatness of your grace And on the many generaristics of your weakens and forgive the entire sealing of it and, too, with his saints, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is completely ill. I pray and ask you, Lord, Darui Mi in all the days of life, Moyya did not pretavati praying about the depletion of your servant, and even before the outcome of my prosperity, the progress of all of the world, leaving all the sins of His and the instill in Heavenly Residents, Have Yako is thicker bo and sigrish, but not retreating from you, and a bad father and son and the saint spirit of the Spirit of Orthodoxy even in advance of his sickness of the confession; The same faith of his, Like in the Tie, instead of affairs to him, it is impossible to be a man, it will be alive and will not sin, you are one except sin, and the truth is true. I believe, Lord, and confession, I can hear my prayer and do not turn your face from me. Seeing the widow, Zelnid, soaring, the son of Her, for the burial of Nesoma, was resurrected to ESI: Tako, dying, wrath and sorrow. Jaco also rejected the slave to your faeophila, who went to you, the doors of the mercy of yours and forgave him with his pretty prayers in the prayers of the church, His prayers and alms to his prayers: Sita and Az I pray to you, and I introduce my prayer about your servant and enter it Eternal life. Yako you want our hope. You are God, hedgehogs and rescati, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer parents about who have spent children

Lord Jesus Christ, God, Vladyko of the abdomen and death, the comforter of grieving! With a crushed and disabled heart, I resort to you and pray: a rumor. Lord, in the kingdom of your deceased slave of yours (a slave you), Chado my (name), and coordinate to him (her) eternal memory. You, Vladyko's abdomen and death, gave me a child of this. Your good and wise will be elected and leaving me. Budi blessed your name, Lord. I pray, the judge of the sky and the earth, I will have an endless love for us, sinful, I am forgotten by the breath of my whole sinning of him, free and unwitting, like a word, like a matter of law, iance and ignorance. I'm sorry, merciful, and our parent sins, and they will not be in the children of our: Wem, Yako Multiple the sorry before you, there is no observance, not with the coordinate, I commanded us. Outstanding the deceased Chado, our friend or the sake of guilt, the Beach in Zhiuti Sez, working the world and the flesh, and do not fall to you, the Lord and God to His: Throwing to love the charms of this world, and not the Word Your Word and your commandments Siems of everyday life, and not a patch of His gresh, and in the confusion of a vigion, post and prayer for the oblivion of betrayal - I pray hard, I'm sorry, there is a lot of money, forgiveness to my . Christ Jesus! You resurrect to Jaira's dashing on faith and prayer of the father of Heria. You have healed the dashing of the wife-Cananeyanki for the faith and the last mother of Heria: I hear and my prayer, do not form and pray for my child's prayer. Sorry, Lord, forgive all the souls of His and, asking and clearing his soul, from the flour eternal and unbearable with all the saints, from the century, we have been in progressive, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is illegible: It will be alive and will not be sinned, but you are the same in except for some sin: yes, Imashi suffer from Mirov, hear the child's exceeded voice: take your blessed my father, and inherit your kingdom from the addition of peace. Yako you are a father of vile and generous. You are the stomach and resurrection of our, and you are asked to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and died and forever. Amen.

Prayer children about the departed parents

Lord, Jesus Christ, God! You are siery keeper, which is confusing refuge and crying comforter. I resort to you az, siregy, wall and crying, and praying for you: I hear my prayer and not turn your face from my heart's heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to you, the merciful Lord, the sorrow of my sorrow about the separation with the born and the elapsed (born and eagitating) My parent (I am mine), (name) (or: with my parents and erased my parents, the names of them) -, his soul (or: Heria, or: They), who has departed (or: departed) to you with the true faith in the way and with a hard hope for your philanthropy and mercy, and your heavenly in the kingdom. I bow to your sacred will, the Eyuzh is departed (or: leaving, or: leaving) to be in me, and I ask you, not by the sharpening from it (or: from it, or: from them) mercy and your blessings. Wem, Lord, Yako, you judge the world of this, sins and the wickedness of the fathers of Fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren even to the third and fourth kind: But the Miluleshi Fents for prayers and virtues of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With a crushing and moutigation of the heart, I pray to the merciful judgment, do not punish the eternal punishment of Usopsago foregoing (the depleting unforgettable one) for me a slave of yours (slave yours), my parent (Mother Mother) (name), but let him go (her) her) free and unwilling, word and case, leading and ignorance created by him (her) in the life of his (HEA) on Earth, and by mercy and humanity, prayers for the sake of the Mother of God and all the saints, humbly (s) and eternal Flour get rid. You, the merciful father of Fents and Chad! Give me, in all the days of life, Moyya, to the end of my scene, not to press my mind about the deceased parent of my (the deceased mother of Moja) in my prayers, and be pleaded, the righteous judge, yes, it's limp, in the place of Cool And in the place of the late, with all the saints, henced away from the sickness, sadness and frustration. Gracious Lord! We will accept you about your servant (yours) (your name) with a warm prayer for my siema and give him (her) to giveover yours for the works and the care of the upbringing of mine in the faith and Christian piety, who has learned (who has learned), the most of all leading to his Lord, in Avenue to pray to you, you can only be in trouble, grief and diseases and keep your commandments; For the prosperity of his (Sia) about my spiritual prosperity, for the warmth, bringing them (her) about me for the prayer before you and for all the gifts, they (her), they appreciated from you, give him (her) with his ownness. With its heavenly benefits and joys in the eternal kingdom of yours. You boasts the God of mercies and generous and humanity, you are peace and the joy of your faithful slaves, and you are asked to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Taking into account the fact that Radonitsa has a binding for Easter Day, then each the date of Radonitsy is different. B2015 Easter will be celebrated on April 12, therefore, Radonitsa falls on April 21.

"To visit the cemetery, the church appoints a special day - Radonitsa (from the word joy - after all, the Easter holiday continues) and this holiday is committed on Tuesday after the Easter week. Usually on this day after the evening worship or after the liturgy, a complete dihid is performed, which includes Easter chants. Believers attend the cemetery - pray for the departed.

It should be remembered that the tradition to leave food, Easter eggs on the graves - is a paganism that was revived in the Soviet Union, when the state pursued the right faith. When they pursue faith - severe superstitions arise. Souls of our deceased loved ones need prayer. Unacceptable from the church point of view of the rite when the grave put vodka and black bread, and next to the photograph of the deceased: this, saying the modern language - Novodel, because, for example, the photograph appeared more than a hundred years ago: it means that this tradition New.

As for the commemoration of the deceased alcohol: any drunk is unacceptable. In the Holy Scripture, the use of wine is allowed: "Human heart fun" (Psalter 103: 15), but warns from the excess: "Do not drink wine, in it there is a forbid" (Eph. 5:18). You can drink, but you can not get drunk.

According to the testimony of St. John Zlatoust (IV century), this holiday was celebrated on Christian cemeteries in antiquity. The special place of Radonitsa in a one-year round of church holidays - immediately after the bright Easter week - as if obliges Christians not to delve into the experiences about the death of loved ones, but, on the contrary, to rejoice in their birth into another life - the eternal life. The victory over the death, defeated by death and the resurrection of Christ, displaces the sadness of the temporary separation with relatives, and therefore we, according to the word Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky, "with faith, hope and Easter confidence that the coffin of the deceased."

How to treat the grave of the Orthodox Christian

Cemeteries are sacred places where the bodies of the dead before the future resurrection.
Even under the laws of the pagan states, the tomb was considered sacred and inviolable.
Of the deep pre-Christian antiquity there is a custom to mark the place for the hill with the device above it.
Having adopted this custom, the Christian church decorates the grave hill to the victorious sign of our salvation - the Holy Life-giving Cross, drawn on the tombstone or assigned to the tombstone.
We call our deceased deceased, and not dead, because at certain times they will stand out of the coffin.
The grave is the place of the future resurrection, and therefore it is necessary to abide by it clean and order.
The cross on the grave of the Orthodox Christian is the silent preacher of the Blessed Immortality and Resurrection. Water to the ground and towering towards the sky, he marks faith Christians in the fact that the body of the deceased is here, in the ground, and the soul - in the sky, that under the cross the seed is hidden, which grows up for the life of the eternal in the kingdom of God.
The cross on the grave put at the feet of the late so that the crucifixion was drawn to the face of the deceased.
We must especially follow that the cross on the grave does not glance, it was always painted, clean and well maintained.
A simple modest cross from a metal or tree will more affilit the grave of an Orthodox Christian, rather than expensive monuments and gravestones from granite and marble.

How to behave in the cemetery

Having come to the cemetery, it is necessary to light the candle, commit a lithium (this word literally means enhanced prayer. To make a quirger, a priest, a more brief rank, who can make a layman, is given below "Chin of Lyatia who committed by the layman houses and in the cemetery ").
Optionally, you can read the Akathist about the rest of the deceased.
Then take the grave or simply silend, remember the late.
No need to eat or drink in the cemetery, especially unacceptably pouring vodka into the grave hill - this is offended by the memory of the deceased. The custom to leave on the grave a glass of vodka and a piece of bread "For the deceased" is a remnant of paganism and should not be respected in Orthodox families.
You do not need to leave food on the grave, it is better to give it to the thorough or hungry.

How to remember the deceased

"We will try how much it is possible to help the departed, instead of tears, instead of sobbing, instead of the magnificent tombs - our prayers, alms and offering about them, so that they are, and we get promised benefits," writes St. John Zlatoust.
Prayer for the deceased is the biggest and most important thing that we can do for those who have departed into the world of others.
By and large, the dead man does not need a coffin, nor in the monument - all this is a tribute to tradition, albeit pious.
But the ever-lived soul of improper is experiencing a great need for our constant prayer, because she herself cannot create good deeds, which would be able to die God.
That is why home prayer for loved ones, prayer in the cemetery at the grave of the deceased - the debt of every Orthodox Christian.
Special assistance to improper has compounds in the church.
Before you visit the cemetery, someone from relatives should come to the temple by the beginning of the service, submit a note with the name of the deceased to the altar in the altar (best, if this is a commemoration on the ambassading, when the depletion is taken out of a special fragment, and then in The sign of the ablution of his sins will be empty in the bowl with the holy gifts).
After liturgy, you need to serve a memorial.
Prayer will be more effective if the bodies and blood of Christ himself comes up on this day.
During certain days of the year, the church creates the mumage of all from the century of the prefigured fathers and brotherhoods in the faith, who had a fair Christian death, equal to those who were overtaken by a sudden death, was not informed in the afterlife of the prayers of the Church.

Panhides, who are committed on such days, are referred to as universal, and the days themselves are universal parent Saturdays. All of them do not have a permanent number, but are associated with a transit to the Easter cycle.

These are days:
1. Saturday meat support - Eight days before the start of the Great Post, on the eve of the week about the terrible court.
2. Parent Saturdays - In the second, third and fourth weeks of the Great Post.
3. Troitskaya Parental Saturday - On the eve of the Day of the Holy Trinity, for the ninth day after the Ascension.
On the eve of each of these days in the temples serve special funeral all-part vigils - Parastasi, and after liturgy there are universal memoirs.
In addition to these common days, the Russian Orthodox Church has established some more, namely:
4. Radonitsa (Radunitsa) - Easter remembrance of the departed, it happens in the second week after Easter, on Tuesday.
5. Dimitriev Parent Saturday - The day of the special commemoration of the killed warriors, originally established in memory of the Kulikovsky battle, and later became the afternoon of prayer for all Orthodox soldiers and military leaders. It happens on Saturday preceding the eighth November - the day of the memory of the Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky.
6. Massage of deceased warriors - April 26 (on May 9, a new style).

In addition to these days of general collecting commemoration, each deceased Orthodox Christian should commemorate annually in his birthdays, death, on day of birthday. It is very useful in commemorative days to sacrifice to the church, to file alms with a request to pray for the departed.

Prayer about the mustache Christian

Romani, Lord God, in the faith and hope of the belly of the eternity of the Pretavlshagosya, the servant of yours, our brother (name), and this is good and people who let go of sins, and consume untrue, weave, leave and forgive all his free sins and unwitting, save him forever Flour and fire of Geenskago, and give him the sacrament and enjoyment of the eternal yours, prepared by loving Tu: Thickest Bo and sigrish, but not retreat from you, and unhappy in the Father and Son and Sainpongor of the Spirit, God in Trinity Slavimago, Verova, and Unit In the Trinity and Trinity in unity, it is even plain, even to the end of his emitting of the confession. The darkness graciously, Budi, and faith, Like in the draw, instead of affairs, and with the saints, I will be generous to the saints .: Bear a man, and will live and will not sin. But you are the same in except for some sin, and the truth is yours, though forever, and you are the same God of mercies and generous, and human-minded, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer Widders

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In the crushing and donentification of my heart, I pray for you: God, the Lord, the soul of the soul, the slaves of yours (name), in the heavenly kingdom of yours. Vladyko Almighty! You have been blessed by the married union of the husband and wife ,, EEN RELCH ECA: not good to be a single person, we will create an assistant assistant. You have consecrated the Union of this to the image of the Turkown Union of Christ with Church. I believe, Lord, and confessing, Yako, you blessed with the combination and me by Shen Saint Union with one of the slaves of yours. Your good and wise will be extracted to lean away from me by this slave, the southell made me, I, IKO assistant and the sockup of life is mine. I bow to it, and I pose from the whole heart of my, and my prayer was taken about your servant (name), and forgive her, she harsh in a word, a matter, thinking, leading and ignorance; It is an earthly famous for the sake of celestial; It's about the clothes and the decoration of the body of their patching, gently about the enlightenment of the soul robe; or it is not careful about their children; Through the supernger who is word or case; Incain in his heart in his heart on his mother or consensus anyone or that it was from those evil. All this sorry forgive her, Jaco, good and humans: I can't bear a person, it will be alive and will not sin. Do not take into court with the work of yours, Yako creating yours, not contemporary by sin by the eternal flour, but tall and have mercy on the greatness of your mercy. I pray and begone, Lord, the forces to give them all the days of life of life without fulfilling praying about the deceased servant of your boyfriend, and even before the death of my abdomen of my ascend to her, the proud of the whole world, leaving the sinchings of Heri. Yes, Yako you, God, put an echo on the head of her crown from Kamen honest, wedding Yu Zea on the earth; Taco Wentchioru Yu Eternally, I will be glorious in the Heavenly Kingdom of yours, with all the holy, Tamo to those who are joining, and there is always the full name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer widow

Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are crying consolation, siery and widows a concession. You are the reclonance of Esi: A prizes on the day of the tribe, and Izmay. In the days of the sorrow, there is a breath of Az and pray: do not turn your face from me and hear my prayer, brought to you with tears. You, Lord Vladyko, all sorts, favored the combination of my one with one of your slaves, in everyday life to us one body and one of the spirit; You gave me this slave, Sno-cohabitant and defender. Your blessing and wise will be extracted to learn from the one of this slave and leaving me one. I bow to it, I breathe Your Will and resort to you in the days of the sorrow, the sorrow: the sorrow is sorrowfully about healing with your servant, my friend. Incidentally, they led him from me, who did not make his mercy from me. Jaco once the daily widows have two lepts, taco and this mission mine. Roman, Lord, the soul of the deceased servant of yours (name), forgive him all the sins of him, free and involuntary, whether in the word, whether the case, whether he was entitled and the ignorance, not to take him with the lawlessness of him and not betraying the eternal flour, but in the greatness of your grace And on the many generaristics of your weakens and forgive the entire sealing of it and, too, with his saints, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is completely ill. I pray and ask you, Lord, Darui Mi in all the days of life, Moyya did not pretavati praying about the depletion of your servant, and even before the outcome of my prosperity, the progress of all of the world, leaving all the sins of His and the instill in Heavenly Residents, Have Yako is thicker bo and sigrish, but not retreating from you, and a bad father and son and the saint spirit of the Spirit of Orthodoxy even in advance of his sickness of the confession; The same faith of his, Like in the Tie, instead of affairs to him, it is impossible to be a man, it will be alive and will not sin, you are one except sin, and the truth is true. I believe, Lord, and confession, I can hear my prayer and do not turn your face from me. Seeing the widow, Zelnid, soaring, the son of Her, for the burial of Nesoma, was resurrected to ESI: Tako, dying, wrath and sorrow. Jaco also rejected the slave to your faeophila, who went to you, the doors of the mercy of yours and forgave him with his pretty prayers in the prayers of the church, His prayers and alms to his prayers: Sita and Az I pray to you, and I introduce my prayer about your servant and enter it Eternal life. Yako you want our hope. You are God, hedgehogs and rescati, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer parents about who have spent children

Lord Jesus Christ, God, Vladyko of the abdomen and death, the comforter of grieving! With a crushed and disabled heart, I resort to you and pray: a rumor. Lord, in the kingdom of your deceased slave of yours (a slave you), Chado my (name), and coordinate to him (her) eternal memory. You, Vladyko's abdomen and death, gave me a child of this. Your good and wise will be elected and leaving me. Budi blessed your name, Lord. I pray, the judge of the sky and the earth, I will have an endless love for us, sinful, I am forgotten by the breath of my whole sinning of him, free and unwitting, like a word, like a matter of law, iance and ignorance. I'm sorry, merciful, and our parent sins, and they will not be in the children of our: Wem, Yako Multiple the sorry before you, there is no observance, not with the coordinate, I commanded us. Outstanding the deceased Chado, our friend or the sake of guilt, the Beach in Zhiuti Sez, working the world and the flesh, and do not fall to you, the Lord and God to His: Throwing to love the charms of this world, and not the Word Your Word and your commandments Siems of everyday life, and not a patch of His gresh, and in the confusion of a vigion, post and prayer for the oblivion of betrayal - I pray hard, I'm sorry, there is a lot of money, forgiveness to my . Christ Jesus! You resurrect to Jaira's dashing on faith and prayer of the father of Heria. You have healed the dashing of the wife-Cananeyanki for the faith and the last mother of Heria: I hear and my prayer, do not form and pray for my child's prayer. Sorry, Lord, forgive all the souls of His and, asking and clearing his soul, from the flour eternal and unbearable with all the saints, from the century, we have been in progressive, the appearance of the disease, neither sadness, no frustration, but life is illegible: It will be alive and will not be sinned, but you are the same in except for some sin: yes, Imashi suffer from Mirov, hear the child's exceeded voice: take your blessed my father, and inherit your kingdom from the addition of peace. Yako you are a father of vile and generous. You are the stomach and resurrection of our, and you are asked to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and died and forever. Amen.

Prayer children about the departed parents

Lord, Jesus Christ, God! You are siery keeper, which is confusing refuge and crying comforter. I resort to you az, siregy, wall and crying, and praying for you: I hear my prayer and not turn your face from my heart's heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to you, the merciful Lord, the sorrow of my sorrow about the separation with the born and the elapsed (born and eagitating) My parent (I am mine), (name) (or: with my parents and erased my parents, the names of them) -, his soul (or: Heria, or: They), who has departed (or: departed) to you with the true faith in the way and with a hard hope for your philanthropy and mercy, and your heavenly in the kingdom. I bow to your sacred will, the Eyuzh is departed (or: leaving, or: leaving) to be in me, and I ask you, not by the sharpening from it (or: from it, or: from them) mercy and your blessings. Wem, Lord, Yako, you judge the world of this, sins and the wickedness of the fathers of Fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren even to the third and fourth kind: But the Miluleshi Fents for prayers and virtues of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With a crushing and moutigation of the heart, I pray to the merciful judgment, do not punish the eternal punishment of Usopsago foregoing (the depleting unforgettable one) for me a slave of yours (slave yours), my parent (Mother Mother) (name), but let him go (her) her) free and unwilling, word and case, leading and ignorance created by him (her) in the life of his (HEA) on Earth, and by mercy and humanity, prayers for the sake of the Mother of God and all the saints, humbly (s) and eternal Flour get rid. You, the merciful father of Fents and Chad! Give me, in all the days of life, Moyya, to the end of my scene, not to press my mind about the deceased parent of my (the deceased mother of Moja) in my prayers, and be pleaded, the righteous judge, yes, it's limp, in the place of Cool And in the place of the late, with all the saints, henced away from the sickness, sadness and frustration. Gracious Lord! We will accept you about your servant (yours) (your name) with a warm prayer for my siema and give him (her) to giveover yours for the works and the care of the upbringing of mine in the faith and Christian piety, who has learned (who has learned), the most of all leading to his Lord, in Avenue to pray to you, you can only be in trouble, grief and diseases and keep your commandments; For the prosperity of his (Sia) about my spiritual prosperity, for the warmth, bringing them (her) about me for the prayer before you and for all the gifts, they (her), they appreciated from you, give him (her) with his ownness. With its heavenly benefits and joys in the eternal kingdom of yours. You boasts the God of mercies and generous and humanity, you are peace and the joy of your faithful slaves, and you are asked to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Chin Lithium, made by the layman at home and in the cemetery

The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy with us. Amen.
Glory to you, God, glory to you.
The king of Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere else and all of the executive. The treasure of good and life to the submitter, coming and noted in both, and clean from everyone is bad, and save, so much, our souls.
Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Read three times, with a congestion and waist bow.)

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.
Lord have mercy. (Three times.)
Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.
Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.
Lord have mercy. (12 times)
Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. (Bow.)
Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (Bow.)
Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (Bow.)