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Prayers of optical elders for every day. Prayers of optical elders, texts, how to listen, read the morning, at the beginning of the day, rules

The main assistants of believers are prayers who help to contact the highest forces with different requests, for example, to get rid of diseases, protect against enemies and find peaceful peace. Huge energy has prayer texts proposed by famous healers.

What is the prayer of the optical elders?

Optina Desert is an ancient monastery, which is located near the Kaluga province. It is known thanks to his healers who are called optical elders. They are considered competent "conductors" who helped believers to find the path to God. They found important words for any person, regardless of status. It is believed that the Prayers of Elder Optic Desert are capable of much, helping people to cope with problems and not lose faith. Already after reading it will be possible to feel calm and ease in the soul.

They considered monks the best predictors of future events, as they knew everything that would have to happen and what was. Many believers believed that the healers are God's sons, and some called them magicians and raising darkness. During Boris Godunov, the monastery attracted a huge number of pilgrims from different parts of the country, which came to heal not only bodily diseases, but also a soul. The monks were considered healers, and their capabilities could not be compared with anything. The most famous were three monks:

  1. Lev Danilovich. He possessed a valuable gift to heal people, using oil from the lamp, which was constantly burning.
  2. Seraphim Monk. Known by his righteous behavior and to him for the sermon dreamed of getting a huge number of believers.
  3. Makar.. He is a student of Leo Danilovich, and he had the ability to predict the events of the future.

Prayer of optty elders - for what is needed?

Prayer appeals have a huge force, helping to cope with numerous problems. With regular reading, you can find calm and restore. The prayer of the Saints of the Optina Elders contains a request to God for instructions and support in affairs. Pets cover numerous areas of life faced by a person. Reading them in the morning, it is possible to psychologically tune in to a positive wave, and with regular repetition you can see how stress resistance increased, and the internal mood has improved.

Prayer of optical elders should be read with understanding of all words. The desired desire is important to correctly formulate and do not need to list all the problems, and you should simply ask for support and opportunities to achieve the desired one. It is necessary to start reading, configuring the desired wave, for example, using meditation. To give God to hear requests, it is important to have an unshakable faith that is a guide.

Prayer of optical elders for every day

There are several sacred past events, but there is the most famous and strong prayer, which can be pronounced every day. It will give protection, thanks to which a person will feel confident and support. The prayer of the last optuclei elders is big and not everyone can learn it, so you can burn it on a sheet of paper and repeat if necessary.

Prayer of optical elders at the beginning of the day

Morning is considered the most suitable time to appeal to God. To go well the day, you need to wake up, tune in to a positive way. This will provide a chance to achieve harmony between soul and body. The morning prayer of the optical elders will help to forget what it is, will save from spiritual torments and bodily ailments. With daily reading, a person is filled with life-giving energy. This appeal is a reduced version of the above text.

Prayer of optical elders at the end of the day

There is a special prayer appeal, designed specifically for reading in the evening. If there is no opportunity to pronounce the words yourself, then you can listen to them in the record, because when listening to the prayer of the optical elders, the shower is filled with heat and special energy. People who regularly read the sacred petitions at the end of the day, noted that their worldview and life as a whole have changed significantly. The evening prayer of the optical elders gives a person self-confidence to combat daily difficulties.

If possible, before praying, it is recommended to visit the temple to ask the clergyman to let go of sins and get a blessing. After returning home it is not recommended to listen to music and watch TV, and the remaining time remains to sleep in a quiet setting. The prayer of the opttaic elders should be pronounced in silence, so it is important to take care that no one bothers. Talking text you need three times in a row.

Prayer of the optical elders for children

One of the most powerful is the parental petition, which can create wonders. Parents turn to the highest forces to enjoy their children and instruct them on the right way, save them from diseases and help in other situations. The priests claim that parental duty is in daily scenario for his child. The prayer of the opttaic elders about children is aimed at saving the soul and protection, and it sounds like this:

Prayer for optical elders from various ailments

Many people seek help to God when faced with diseases. Sincere and prolonged appeals to the Almighty help a person to find faith in recovery, and they also give strength to overcome the disease. There is no separate prayer text for this case, but with the task of healing perfectly copes the daily prayer of the opttaic elders, which was previously said. It can pronounce it, both sick and relatives, asking for a loved one.

Prayer from the resentment and anger of optical elders

In the modern world, a person often faces unpleasant situations: envy, hatred, offend and with other problems that leave the soul. Numerous insults and anger act on a person poisonously, worsening his health and life in general. There is a special prayer for the spiritual peace of the Optina elders, which you need to read if there are bad thoughts on the soul. You can contact the Almighty at any time when such a need arises.

"Lord Jesus Christ, an allege from me, all kinds of thoughts! Someone, Lord, Yako is disgraced Esno ... You are why my God is my mind, so you will not overcome his thoughts of unclean, but in you, and my Creator, (he) is delighted, Yako is great. "

Prayer of the optical elders about suiced

It is believed that people who left lives on their own will will be punished, and their souls will be launched on Earth. To help your loved ones, live relatives must pray for their salvation tirelessly. The spiritual son of Pavel was the spiritual son of Pavel, whom the father committed suicide. The happening introduced him into a difficult fortune and to calm her son, the Rev. said that in his power to hope for the mercy of the Most High, so that he forgave the suicide.

To refer to the Almighty, the prayer of the Optina elder of Leo on suicides, which can be read at any time. Another healer talked about its fruits. In addition, it is recommended to submit alms to those in need of people for a suicide. The sacred petition below can be read for unreleased and deceased relatives without repentance.

"Clauses, Lord, the deceased soul of your slave (name): It is possible to eat, humbly. Thieves are invariating. Do not put me in the sin of the prayer of this, but yes there will be a holy will of yours. "

The prayer words of elders from optics help in curable of the soul and reaching inner harmony.

Read the sacred text is recommended in the morning, not for a tick, and without a rush, aware of each word. Difficult and poorly memorable fragments are allowed to be replaced in their own words. It is possible therefore there are several options for optical prayer. The most complete of them is given in the work "Reverend elders of the optical desert. Life. Wonders. Teaching. ":

"Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that will bring me the coming day. Lord, let me quite go to your holy will.
Lord, for every hour of this day, to mention and support me.
Lord, whatever I received news during this day, teach them to take them with the calm soul and firm conviction that everything is your holy will.
Lord, Discover to me will your holy for me and those around me.

Lord, in all my words and thoughts of my thoughts and feelings.
Lord, in all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everyone is sent to you.
Lord, teaching the right thing, just, reasonably handle with all the home and others surrounding me, older, equal and younger, so that I do not disappear anyone, but all contribute to good.

Lord, give me the power to transfer the fatigue of the coming day and all events during the day.
Lord, you yourself will manage to be willy and teach me to pray, hope, believe, love, tolerate and forgive.
Lord, do not let me in the enemy of my enemy, but for the sake of your saint itself and manage me.

Lord, enlighten my mind and my heart to understand your eternal and unchanging laws manageing the world so that I, the sinful slave, could correctly serve you and my neighbor.
Lord, thank you for everything that it will be with me, for it is firmly believe that everything is promoting you for good.

Lord, bless all my worshiooting and entry, acts of affairs, words and thinking, acknowledged me to always glorify me, sing and bless you, for you are blessed by Esi forever. Amen."

Athos Afona Sorosist Panix Afona Detention Prayer 1848

Creating a prayer read before the arrest icon is attributed to the Afonovsky Start of Pansfia, who received the blessing of God to this work.

Reading sacred words is allowed only after the preliminary permission of the spiritual mentor.

The sacrament can be used as protection against onion and unwanted human influences:

"The merciful Lord, you once are the mouth of the minister of Moses, Jesus Navina, detained the whole day the movement of the sun and the moon, the people of Israel revenge on the enemies.

The prayer Elisha of the Prophet once struck Syrian, delaying them, and again healed them. You once broadcast the prophet Isaiah: here, I will return to ten steps of the solar shadow, which went through the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned to ten steps along the steps that it went. (one)

You once had the mouth of the Prophet Ezekiel gave the abyss, stopped the river, detained the water. (2)

And you once the post and the prayer of the Prophet of your Daniel screamed the mouth of Lviv in the rock. (3)

And now all the plans around the standing about my movement, dismissal, displacement, exile, are delayed and slowed to parlegalization. So now, destroy evil wants and the demands of all condemning me, the magnitude of the mouth and the heart of all slandering, ineffining and growing on me, and all the hula and degrading.

So now, in front of the spiritual blindness to the eyes of all the enemies of my enemies. Weren't you dodged the apostle Paul: Speak and do not silent, for I am with you, and no one will make you evil. (four)

Soften the hearts of all opposing good and the dignity of the Church of Christ. Therefore, do not smell my mouth to indemnify the wicked and glorification of the righteous and all the wonderful affairs of yours. And yes, all the benefit of our and desires will be fulfilled.

To you, the righteousness and prayer of God, our dazened conventions, once the power of their prayers holding back the invasion of the innings, the approach of hated, destroyed evil intentions of people, who laughed Lviv's mouth, now I appeal to my prayer, with my past. "

Athos Prayer by agreement

The text of the prayer by agreement by the monastic brothers of the Holy Mountain Athos is read daily at 21.00 Athos (Greece).

Those who wish to join the prayer, begin to chanting the sacred words in the hour later - at 22.00.

For children and grandchildren

Optina elders have once said that a praying person is not alone - there is an army of the heavenly forces, who protect the believer from the offense and a birth. Hot prayer can alieve even mosted in the sins of a person, having witnessed him on the path of truth.

Find the instruction to pray to the mother about their children, and the children of her children can be found in the works of the Rev. Amvrosy Optina.

Text of prayer:
"God! The creator of all creatures, accompanying grace for grace, you have done me worthy to be the mother of the family; The grace of yours gave me children, and I dare to say: they are your children! Because you gave them being, revived by the soul of immortality, revived them with baptism for life, according to your will, adopted them and took his church in the bowels, Lord!

Save them in the gracious state until the end of life; There is someone to be parties to the sacraments of your covenant; consecrate your truth; Yes, it will be holy in them and through them the holy name is yours!

Nissed me your graceful help in their upbringing for the glory of your name and the benefit of Middle Summer! Gone to me for this purpose ways, patience and power!

Teach me to put in their heart the root of true wisdom - your fear! Ozari with their light controlling the universe of your wisdom!

Yes, you will be in our breath and your thinking; And you will flip to you with all my heart and in all my life your words will tremble!

Give me a mind to convince them that the true life is in compliance with your commandments; That work, strengthened by piety, delivers serene contents in this life, and in eternity - inenected bliss. Discover them the mind of your law!

Yes, by the end of the days, they contribute to your sense of all-acting; Nasadi in their heart Fear and disgust from every lawlessness: yes will be immaculate in their ways; Yes, they always remember that you, all-god God, Jesetter of the law and the truth of yours!

Observe them in chastity and reverence to your name! Yes, you do not spoil your behavior of your behavior, but yes live according to her prescriptions.

Forew their hunt for useful doctrine and prevent any kind of good deed!
May they acquire a true concept of those subjects that are necessary in their state; Let they enlighten the knowledge of benefactor for humanity.

Lord! Umudri to finish me indelible in mind and the heart of children of my fear of the Commonwealth with the not knowledgeable fear of yours, inspire them with all the removal from every union with lawlessly; Yes, they do not hit rotten conversations; Yes, they do not listen to people frivolous; Yes, they will not be seduced with your bad examples; Yes, they will not be seduced by the fact that sometimes the way of lawless landscape in the world.

Heavenly! Give me grace in every very much to serve for children of my temptation with my actions, but, constantly having in mind their behavior, distract them from delusion, correct their errors, to curb the perseverance and the incidence of them, to bring them to the desire for fussy and frightness; Yes, they are not fond of insane thoughts; Yes, do not go after his heart; You will not forget you and your law.

Does not destroy the lawlessness of the mind and health of them, but they will not relax the sins of the spiritual and bodily forces of them.

Suddei righteous, punishing children for the sins of parents to the third and fourth kind, turn off such a kara from my children, do not punish them for my sins, but their sprouts of your dear grace; Yes, succeed in virtue and holiness; Yes, they grow in favor of your favor and in love of people of pious. Father generous and all of mercy!
By the feeling of the parent, I would like to children with my every abundance of the lot of earthly, wanted them blessings from the dew heaven and from Tuka earthly, but will be with them the Holy Will of yours!

Code of their fate in your favor, do not lish them in the life of urgent bread, their missions are all the time to acquire blessed eternity; Be merciful to them when they sin in front of you; Do not impurge the sins of youth and ignorance; Bring into the crushing of their hearts, when will oppose the leadership of your goodness; Karai and Millui, directing to the path, well-beneficial, but do not reject them from your face!

Take them with the favor of their prayer; give them success in every good matter; Do not turn your face from them in the days of sorrow of them, and they will not comprehend their temptations above their forces. Autumn your mercy; Yes, your angel is going with them and will keep them from any misfortune and an evil way. Allbody God!

Having become my mother, having fun about his children, let them grow out and wing in the days of my life and I support my old age. Acknowledged me, with a hope for your mercy, to appear with them on the terrible court of your trial and with unworthy daring to say: here I am my children who gave me, Lord!

Yes, it is cumulatively with them, glorifying inexpressible goodness and your eternal love, exceeding the Most Holy Name, the Father, the Son and the soul of the Holy, forever. Amen.

On the gift of the prayer of Jesus

In the sacred words of the opttaic elders, the son of God and his acts are glorified about the prayer of Jesus. Prayers ask Lord to drive the spiritual ignorance, learn how to humility and repentance.

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Angeli and human names are kicked by his name, your name trees are trembling, your name is true weapons for a sacrup drive, your name falls sins and passions, your name gives strength in the exploits, collects together a scattered mind and, in the fulfillment of your commandments, enriches virtues, yours The name works wonders and connects us with you, gives the world and the joy about the Holy Spirit, and in the life of the future - the kingdom of heaven.

This, for the sake of my unworthy slave, praying for you: the spiritual love from us, enlighten the knowledge of the Divine Truth and teach us unemployed, in humility, carefully, with a feeling of Pickyannagnago, tired, with the mind and heart, to create uncessly prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ , The Son of God, a lot of me, sinning.

You Bo Relk Esi, Lord, with your final mouths: "Thus, ask my name, Az Colder." CE, the prayers of Mother's Mother's Mother, St. Joasafa Belgradskago, St. Nicholas Mirlykgago, Pretender Seraphim Sarovskago and all St. Father's Father about the Given, I ask for the prayers of Jesus, Prayer of the Most Highness and Almighty Name. I hear me, promising to hear all calling the things in truth. Your bole is Milizaty and Savat, and to bestow your assistant to glory your father and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

About spiritual peace

The text of the prayer of the optical elders about spiritual peace:

"Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that will bring me the coming day.
Give me all the wilts of your saint.
In every hour of this day, they will mention and support me.
Whatever I received news during the day, teach me to take them with a calm soul and firm conviction that everything is your holy will.
In all words and my affairs - they are led by my thoughts and feelings.

The fame of the optical desert from the 19th century to today's days has spread far beyond the limits of the male monastery. And all thanks to her inhabitants - the reverend Optina elders.

This quiet abode is located near Kozelsk Kaluga region. And there is not almost a single temple of the Russian Orthodox Church, where the icon of the saints of elders would not lie on the analogue with parties of their non-relics. It can be attached to everyone.

Feat of optical older

It should be understood that these elders were not simple people. Each of them has made a certain gift from the Lord. They were all turns, worked miracles and healed the patients, constituted the rules and monastic charters, and also wrote one prayer, in front of which Orthodox believers are particularly reverent. This is the prayer of the opttaic elders "at the beginning of the working day."

Such reverence of the people has its own history. For one nineteenth century, this monastery presented the world fourteen monks of holy life, or, as they are called, elders. The concept of "elder" in monastic is not connected with age. They may be young, and an elderly monk. If you hold the parallel, then the great teachers, teachers, gods and even parents are so called in the world.

But, unlike worldly people, the elders are baked about the souls of their wards (novices), and if there is a blessing, help all the Bogomolians who appeal to them. Fortunately, the Orthodox faith and the ROC are currently not being subjected to persecution, and everyone who is at least a little interested in faith will find literature about Optio deserts and about the elders.


The prayer "At the beginning of the day" of the optical elders acquired popularity also for what was written in a clear Russian language. This is a rarity in the Orthodox tradition, usually services (Vigil Vigil, Liturgy, and so on) are conducted in Church Slavonic language.

But in Russian, written prayer ("at the beginning of the day") of the optical elders, if it is read daily in the morning, gives a charge of optimism and love not only to all believers to one, but also to other people who are looking for faith and reverence relate to the Church .

Creating an optical desert

The exact time of the founding of the Optina Monastery is unknown. According to one legend, the prince of Vladimir Brave was built him, and on another version - in this place built a monastery repentant of the robber wholesale. Most likely, this place was chosen who did not want to open their own names to carry her own names. The land there was unsuitable for earthlings, no one belonged to anyone and no one was needed.

It is known that in 1625, Igumen the monastery was the father of Sergius, and in 1630 the wooden church was standing there from the Nativity of Christ, there were six koles and twelve brotherhood, the rector of which was Hieromona Theodore.

The breakdown of the abode occurred at the beginning of the 19th century under the igumen of Moses. And Schimoni Lion (Leonid) became the source of older in the optical desert. Father Lion (Napebin) in Optio arrived at the age of 61 along with six students. Before that, he had to pass through "fire, water and copper pipes".

Abbot of the monastery, Reverend Moses, seeing the elder, admitted spiritual leadership for him and instructed him to bother (helping in spiritual business) to the brotherhood and mantis, and he himself began to engage in the economy of the monastery. The prayer, which everyone knows how the prayer "at the beginning of the day" of the Optina elders is written (mostly) by Rev. Lv. It is also known that the people who are in the people of the Rev. Amvrosiy became the prototype of the Hero of Dostoevsky - Father Zosima.


In Optina, there were many monks, but only fourteen elders acquired love and reverence of the people. Here are the names of these lamps faith Hieroschemamonk Leo, hieromonk Macarius, Schema-archimandrite Moses, abbot Antony, Hieroschemamonk Hilarion Hieroschemamonk Ambrose Hieroschemamonk Anatoly, Schema-archimandrite Isaac Hieroschemamonk Joseph Schema-archimandrite Varsanofy, Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Potapov) Hieroschemamonk Nectarios, Hieromonk Nikon, Archimandrite Isaac . The prayer of the optical elders "at the beginning of the day" (full version) is considered one of the favorite prayers of believers.

These overwhelming elders still long before the Great October Revolution predicted about that terrible destructive strength, which will occur in the consciousness of a person, and their prediction came true. Reverend fathers for their humble ministry in the twentieth century were canonized and ranked saints.

What gives the prayer "at the beginning of the day" of the optical elders

Each believer adheres to a certain charter. Every day in the morning and in the evening they are read in the morning and evening rule. These are collected into a single whole prayer, which give the day a certain meaning. The monastic charter is much striking and longer, the monks are on prayer and during the day, and at night.

And the prayer of the opttaic elders "at the beginning of the day" complements and enriches the morning rule. To read it, the believer man needs to take the blessing from the confessor or the priest, which he confesses. In addition to the above grateful properties, the prayer is designed so that it helps a person to organize his thoughts correctly and adequately meet all the troubles of the day.


The prayer of the optical elders "at the beginning of the day" survived its creators for many years, and although it is not included in the collection of prayers, the words of this prayer believers know either by heart, or the leaflet with her words hangs around the icons in the Holy Corner.

Latest reverend Optina elders Anatoly, Jeroshimon Netary, Hieromona Nikon, Archimandrite Isaac survived the revolution, NEP, Stalinsky Terror, were expelled, sitting in prisons, and Rev. Isaac, who had undergone a prison sentence four times, was shot by the Commissioners.

The prayer of the last Optina elders "at the beginning of the day" is somewhat shortened, but it does not make it less strong. She helps and gives grace to everyone who reads her words with faith.

Morning is the time of day, which charges the vigor and energy for the whole day. After a dream, awakened after sleep, you need to configure yourself to a positive way, in order to spend the coming day in the harmonious combination of the soul and body. If you are haunted with a sad mood, the souls are tormented by desperate thoughts, and the body is ailment, dumbfounding rainbow paints of life, you need to read after awakening prayer Optina Startsev.

"Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that will bring me the coming day. Give me all the wilts of your saint. For this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Whatever I will receive news during the day, teach me to take them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire Holy Will is yours. In all words and the affairs of my led by my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is not overwhelming. Teach me straight and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is confusing and not upgrown. Lord, give me the power to postpone the fatigue of the coming day and all events during the day. I will manage my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, tolerate, forgive and love. Amen"

The person who reads the text of the prayer every day fills the soul to the life-giving elixir, consisting of hot love for the Lord, inexhaustible faith in the power of God, iridescent hope for salvation and healing.

Reading the text of the opttaic elders, a person envelops the invisible gentle shawl whose threads are woven from cheerfulness, energetic, peace and idyll.

People appeal to the Lord when life is darling difficulties, sorrow and sadness. But as soon as the life road is illuminated by the Divine Light and fills the grace, a person forgets to ragged words to God. Therefore, when the troubles again rush again, the Lord is unlikely to hear the next cry of the soul.

The daily prayer of the optical elders gives heavenly protection that will make sure confidence, support, care. Every person who reads a prayer before leaving the house, soon notes how much life has changed, as far as it is beautiful and amazing.

Send text written by elders every day. Rewrite the prayer on the leaflet and wear with you, as there are situations where the morning proceeds so insanely that it is not enough time for reading. Therefore, on the way to work or directly in the office, pay a minute and say the morning mantra, which will protect against stress, depression, stupidity, fussiness, hasty, adding wisdom, concentration, dimension.

Optina elders: wisdom passed through the century

Time rushes into the future, replacing one century after another, but the gracious source of the Great Wisdom of the Optina Elders is still saving and healing people in need of Christ.

The elders were competent "conductors", helping to find the right path to the Lord on Earth.The monks found the right words for all: from a noble person to the peasant. Wisdom, prudacity, foresight, prophecy, loyalty and love they gave thousands of people salvation, freedom, righteous life. Therefore, the deserts are optics - this is a treasury, filled with an invaluable richness consisting of spiritual knowledge.

Optina deserts - a monastery with a rich history. It was founded in the XIV century by a person whose name is the wholesale. He was a malicious robber, but repenting, decided to create a good deed. At first, only 2 monks died in the monastery at the honor. But when they staged a sketeer, people stayed in the monastery, for many years staying in privacy. The spiritual life in the monastery was heading the wise "old man." Over time, from all sides of the Russian land, there were terrible people in the monastery.

Optina deserts are known:

  • Sincere concern for beggars, unhappy people;
  • Pure, limitless love for orphans;
  • Reception of pilgrims;
  • Hospitals;
  • Schools;
  • Publishing house of spiritual books.

In 1918, the abode was closed. Instead, a holiday home was opened. Then the building was turned into a concentration camp. In a military period, the former monastery served for a soldier hospital. Then they organized a camp for soldiers who returned from captivity. After the end of the fighting in the building was located military unit. And only in 1987, the construction was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church, and Optina's desert survived the second revival. And in 1988, in the walls of the monastery, worst struck in the hearts of people a miraculous balm, healing the souls wounded.

The deserts during the years of its existence "saw" and fall, and a raven flower. Despite the difficulties and tests, the abode survived. Today, Glory is famous to the whole world.

Every day the monastery is visited tens of thousands of pilgrims. Human shower people are looking for referees, councils, healing.

If in the life of your dusk and chaos, "talk" with elders through numerous literature: instructions, letters, tips. Try the daily prayer of the optical elders. Soon you will feel calm and ease, and life will be lit by wisdom.

An example of disinterested ministry, the Lord are the optical elders who lived in the optical desert. The monks possessed the gift of foresight and helped everyone who appealed to them for help. Optina elders left the subsequent generations a lot of useful tips filled with their wisdom and patience. Those who seek to gain peace of mind need to listen to monastic advice and instructions.

Prayer of optical elders for the day coming (for every day)

Optina elders taught believers that the prayer rule should be created consciously. It is important before reading prayers for the day coming to consult with your own spiritual mentor. While reading the prayers, it is necessary to fully dismiss the events of the outside world, you need to learn to open the soul to God. Prayer for the day coming has a spiritual feat and instills confidence.

Morning prayer for optical elders at the beginning of the day

Each respectful Christian should read prayers every morning, the sequence of which was recommended by the optucleus elders. Morning prayer cleansing spiritually and allows you to protect against unforeseen life circumstances and come correctly in difficult situations.

The morning prayer of the optical elders sounds as follows:

"Lord, the globularly graduate peace of mind in order to adequately meet everything that this day will present me. I believe sincerely by virtue of yours and take your will. Lord, I ask you not to leave me on the day coming, instruct me and support me. Discover I will be your will and protect from the devilish temptations. Give me the strength to take everything that happens to me on this day so that any news accepted I am with peace of mind and solid conviction that all the will of your holy. I manage me, Lord, and direct me. Tell me, as it is reasonable to act in order not to bring to other people's upset. Give me a power of bodily so that I did not know fatigue. Teach me to believe, tolerate, hope, forgive and love. Amen".

Be sure to include the evening prayer of optical elders in the evening rule.

Prayer sounds like this:

"Lord, Most High and Allbiz! Acceptance of gratitude to the slave of God (own name) for the last day. I apologize for my free and involuntary proges. I forgive myself and my soul is filled with love. I forgive everyone close. And you, Lord forgive all of us. Lord, Most High and Allbiz! Homes, save and save my soul and body. Take all bad thoughts from my head, get rid of bad feelings and emotions. Let me in me and in my neighbors at the end of this day, the grace of God, cleansing and healing. Bless, Lord, my coming dream. Amen".

Prayer Optina Master for the Day

The full holy text of the prayer of the optical elders for the day coming helps to cure the soul, grants wisdom and promotes the harmonization of the inner world. You can read it at any time, but it is better to do it in the morning. This will make sure for a good, fruitful work. This prayer contributes to the positive confusion, which will allow you to successfully implement all the planned affairs.

The full text of prayer sounds like this:

"Lord, fill me in the inner strength and give me a peace of mind to accept everything that I intended for the coming day. God, let me completely reach the holy will. For any hour of the coming day, I, Slave God (own name) I hope for your support and instruction. Lord, so that I don't have to learn, help me to take me any news calmly and with confidence that your decision and your will of Saints. Help me with the mind and heart to understand and take your holy will. In all your actions and actions, I trusted you all. The leadership of my feelings and thoughts, do not allow to succumb to sinful temptations. Control my behavior, Lord, in all unforeseen situations, I do not allow me to forget that all that happened to you. I ask you, the Most High, teach me a reasonable communication with all people surrounding me, tell me how to behave in order to disappoint anyone. In order to come from me only positive and benefit. Lord, give me the strength to postpone fatigue from the working day. God, teach me sincere forgiveness and love. Help me save in the soul hope and faith in the best, not let me appear in my heart disappointment and disbelief. Save me, the Most High, from the tracks of my enemies, who seek to harm me, but do not punish the lost, but by the emissions of them. Arrange me on the path of life, Lord and manage me, enlightened my mind and fill with his understanding of your eternal and unchanging laws, not let me get away from God's commandments. Lord, thank you for everything you give me in my life. I believe that your will to me, sincerely loving you, will promote my good. I ask you to bless your deeds, thinking and words. God, I wish me a great honor to glorify your holy name in prayers. Amen".

Full version of the prayer of the last Optina Elders

Over time, the prayers of the optical elders were modified. They were filled with new meaning, but sincerity and faith remain unchanged. They are imbued with all phrases of prayer texts.

Text prayer

The full version of the prayer of the last Optina elders sounds as follows:

"Lord, I ask you to give me peace of mind that everything that will not happen around me in the coming day, did not find me surprise and any life circumstances were accepted by me with dignity. Fill, Lord, I was holy faith, so that I could take your will and not go across it. In every moment of this day, let me feel your support and follow your instructions. Any events and news I want to take balanced and ask for your help. Teach me hardness and equilibrium. Help me understand that everything is your will. Allegation of my soul, the Most High, the fact that I could understand your will holy. I trust you yourself completely, I ask you to lead my thoughts and matters, make sure that I do not make mistakes. If you have to face troubles and problems, I remind me that all the tests in my life are sent to you to strengthen me. Please, Lord, teach me to communicate with other people, so that I do not cause conflicts and quarrels, tell me compromise ways to resolve complex situations. Do not let me, God to upset people close to me. Help me to behave so much to all the actions and my words were only good. Give me, Lord, sincere and bodily health, so that I can work hard and move fatigue from the working day. Give me, Lord, wisdom and patience, to learn to believe, love and forgive. Become, God, my assistant is in my endeavors. Protect and save me, Lord from enemies. Enlighten my heart and fill it with faith so that I could sincerely glorify you in my prayers. Support me in my sincere desire to live on the commandments of God and not let me roll out of the right way. Take, Lord, my gratitude, for everything you do for me in my life. I accept your good, as you sincerely loving you and glorify your name in your prayers. Amen".

Listen online prayer Optina desert

The famous old man Ambrose Optina was drawn up Orthodox mother prayer for children. It has a huge protective force and can be used every day.

The prayer text sounds like this:

"Lord Almighty and globo! You are the Creator in total in our world. You grace gave me and maternal happiness allowed to experience, but I tend to declare, the slave of God (own name): they are and your children. For you created the creator to them being, revived their souls of immortality, gave them her baptism and took His Holy Church. Lord! I ask you to give you grace to my children until the end of their days, intersect them to the sacraments of your covenant, consecrate their minds with their sacred thought. I ask you to send your holy help for me so that I can raise your children for the glory of your and the help of your neighbor. Give me spiritual forces for this, everyday wisdom and patience. Help me raise your children in fear of God. Ozari, Lord, the soul of my children with fertile light, so that they love you with all my heart. Help me convince my children that the truth is to follow your commandments that only honest work can deliver the real vital pleasure and opens the doors of eternity for unnecessary bliss. Open for my children, the power of your law was covered in the hearts of their fear of Kari for lawlessness and do not let them succumb to sinful temptations. Indicate my children a true way and let their life be immaculate and they became real jeques of your truth. Help them, Lord, in the ways of their life and save them in chastity and reverence in front of your name, so that you do not fade your behavior your name. Fill their souls by desire to learn and create good, let their acts be useful for everyone. Lord! Give me wisdom to teach children to live in society and find a common language with other people, so as not to cause conflicts and quarrels. Help me teach my children to move away from lawlessness and not to participate in rotten conversations and not listen to frivolous people. Darue the power to my children to resist bad examples and lawlessness. Heavenly! Help me become an example for your children to be able to give them wise advice and correct their errors. Help me to curb their perseverance in a timely manner, smoothing their fussiness and frivolity. Yes, they will not destroy their lawlessness of faith, but her soul will not fill with sins. I do not allow, Lord, to pay for my sins to my children, for I repent of my pregnursions, free or involuntary. Father merciful! Hear my Molub and give the abundance of life benefits to my children, bless them on the work of righteous and not listened to their urgent bread. My children left, Lord, everything is necessary to obtain blissful eternity. If they sin, then be merciful to them. Aims them on the path of the beige and forgive them of their ingredients of youth, for they did not know that they were going on the youth and inexperience. Do not reject them, Lord, from Himself, so that they do not do, but by the verges and direct the right path. Take their prayers and support the sincere faith in their soul. Let the guardian angel appointed by you at birth is always next to my children and retain from any misfortunes on their life path. Allbody God! May my children become ridestly and support in old age. Superimals your name, Lord Most High, in his prayers and thank you for your deeds. Amen".

Who are elders from the optical desert

Optina Desert is the oldest male monastery in Central Russia. He is famous for monks-healers, who are referred to as optical elders. In the time of Boris Godunov, a lot of pilgrims for sincere and bodily healing was sought to the monastery.

The flourishing of the monastery began in 1826, when Archimandrite Moses became his rector. The elders of the optical desert were famous for which each of them owned some special gift. They had sincere faith in the shower and the desire to assist all those who suffer.

The main church figures of those times in the optical desert were considered:

  • Old man Lev Danilovich. This man possessed the gift of healing, for the treatment of people, he used oil from a restless lamp, which was near the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.
  • Stretch Seraphim Rev., who was famous for the gift of righteousness and could easily determine whether the righteous man came to the monastery.
  • Lion's assistant Danilovich, Macarius with a gift of the predictor.

In general, all the opttaic elders of all time is a symbol of Russian Orthodox spirituality, sincere faith and merciful compassion. The elder for any believer is a mentor and a teacher who can fully open the soul and tell about everything. He can console and give a good advice, as well as get a blessing in a difficult situation. Many older desert elders could predict the future, they possessed a huge life experience. It is believed that the main purpose of the elder is the direction of the souls believers to the salvation and hearing of sinful passions.

You need to read the prayers of the ancient elders every day, it will ensure a general success and will support the sincere faith in the soul of man. Morning prayer should be read in solitude, fully focused on pronouncing words. It will give the charge of cheerfulness, which will persist throughout the day. Prayer allows you to accumulate internal energy, which will easily solve any problems that will occur during the day.

Prayers of elder-desert elders are read before the icon of the Savior. Such prayers are read alone, they allow you to communicate directly with God. This means that the prayer appeal must be filled with sincerity. Reading the prayer of the optical elders is a personal matter. It is impossible to do it on or mentally distracted while praying for other matters.

The main rules for reading prayers can be combined and allocate the following main items:

  • It is important to discard all the extra thoughts from the head and focuses only on your desire to communicate with God.
  • In the shower you need to awaken the sincere faith in the fact that the Lord at the moment you hears you.

Video: Prayer song of optical elders