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How many memorial Saturdays per year. The main memorial day. Worship in church

During parental days orthodox world Remembers the departed people close to relatives (because of the name - "Parental"), as well as the fallen on the battlefield. Parental Saturdays in 2018 (Orthodox calendar) also include dates that are famous for the martyrs of faith. Not accurate dat. The days of mind of the departed, because they all depend on the time when Easter passes in every year. On Saturday, we gain peace of mind from the work week, and we can remember our loved ones, distant relatives, and everyone who was dear to us.

The Orthodox Parental Saturday Calendar in 2018 to commemorate the departed.

The first memorial day. It is a Saturday meat, or universal. Remember relatives, close people, usually sustainingly dead. It meets shortly before the carnival, so pancakes also bake on the universal Saturday. One pancake is brought to the grave, it is intended for a relative. The next pancake is given as a small gift to children and poor people.

Three Parent Saturdays In March 2018, the Orthodox world recalls those people who died, observing self-limiting. At this time, the reading of the forty stores is not allowed. Parent Saturdays 2018 before Easter are days during the post, when you can remember your relatives.

This day wears the name of Radonitsa. It is the main memorial Saturday. Great Parent Saturday in 2018 what date is April 17.

Remember not only about family members, but also about those killed during the war.

Saturday is a semit. A semic is not an Orthodox day of mind of the departed, but his roots go from folk tradition. Purge suicides and naked children.

Called Trinity Saturday. It is noted before the Holy Holiday Trinity. Prayers are read about relatives, with the purpose of their souls to be calm on that light, as well as eternal life who have gone expensive people.

The day of memory of Orthodox warriors - originates from the period of war with Turkey. Memorial Day of John the Forerunner, who died, defending his faith.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday is a day, when, in addition to the departed family members, they indulge in the memory of the warriors who died during the Kulikov battle.

Why are the memorial Saturdays called "parents"?

There are two explanations:

  • The first - by the meaning of the name. At this time, they remember their parents, senior relatives that are not with us.
  • The second - according to Christian beliefs, after death, a person goes to his ancestors, i.e. parents (according to folk legends).

What is the main memorial day?

The main memorial day is the 9th day after Easter. At this time, in a number of Orthodox countries, they remember the dead, are also held. traditional ceremonieswho have a connection with these events. It is predominantly Russian measuring days, since the dates of the Orthodox calendar also contain the names of Russian saints, victorious warriors.

In many cities and regions of Russia, the main memorial Saturday is called, namely:

  • Radan man;
  • Easter dead;
  • Graves.

In general, in every place of Russia, Radonitsa may be called differently - but the essence of this day remains the same, reverence and memory of the heavenly glory.

Orthodox parent Saturdays are devoted to the commemoration of the departed.

Radonitsa - Great Parent Saturday

Why is Radonitsa called this way? the main idea - congratulate the departed with the Easter holiday, which, according to beliefs, also applies to them. On one day, all the dead will be resurrected, and the kingdom of Christ will come, and everyone will come true - so officially explains the soul of the meaning of the name "Radonitsa" or "Radunitsa".

The main memorial day is associated with a number of rites, or traditions. So, with the dead accepted "Christ" easter eggs "After all, it is believed that the deceased will also hear and understand the holiday, they wish him to celebrate. Eggs are painted in red. In a number of cities and villages of Russia, it is customary to leave Easter treats - the testicles, as well as kits in the cemetery, or to dig them at the house where the deceased once lived.

What you need to cook

We mentioned that the Radonitsa eat Bute - this is a cereal dish, which is complemented by various dried fruits, raisins, nuts or poppies, consists of wheat and rice cereals. First of all proceed to this treat if we are talking About the memorial meal.

  • In other areas of Russia, the pancakes are accepted, including Radonitz, to treat a satisfying dish of relatives;
  • It is not so important whether pancakes from a thin dough will be abundantly decorated and saturated with stuffing - it is only important how well they are oily;
  • According to believers, the dead understand that they are remembered by the number of oil on the pancakes. Such a pancake must be put in the basket and attributed to the cemetery.
  • Considered treats are served with special respect.

Commemoration on Saturday Days are held at home. If in the course of Radonitsy people drink alcohol, then this is not choking - ancient times is considered at least bad admission To do so. It is not allowed to use knives and forks. All that was not eaten, in no case is not cleaned, does not throw out - because the remains of food can be fed to birds, which can symbolize gratitude, respect, universal communication with the world.

How to remember the deceased correctly

  • Check the rogle relative, repair, if necessary, or paint, plant flowers;
  • When a person comes to the grave, you need to light the candle and read the words of prayer;
  • Relatives remember S. best side, in a valid tone;
  • At the end of the holiday, you need to be treated with a traditional Easter treat, and congratulate all expensive crashes with the Easter holiday.

Of course, in addition to small rites and traditions, the semantic center of Radonitsy becomes a visit to the departed. Relatives are going together, or attend the graves of the dead aimed one (depending on the connections that the living and deceased people supported). So, the wife can visit her husband separately, or go to the grave with the whole family. The main thing is to show due attention and respect for the person you remember.

Radonitsa is a bright day, so you need to make it so that at the end of the commemoration everyone has a good mood.


The history of the parent Saturday as a holiday is not the simplest. Until Soviet times (namely, the revolution of the 17th year) was considered an absolutely normal visit to the cemetery as a tribute to the mind of the departed. In the Soviet period, of course, the attitude towards the memorial dates has changed. However, and then citizens managed to remember the deceased, observing the main Orthodox traditions, and simply to once again recall the parents and simply expensive people who were not with them.

The Orthodox tradition pays great attention to the memory of the deceased. Dead Christians in the temples commemorate several times a year on Saturdays. But there is a special, parental Saturday, when funeral services are served in the church, paying attention to the deceased relatives, and people satisfy the commemoration and visit the cemeteries. Because of the many years of negative attitude of the Soviet power to religion, when traditions and rites were banned and some customs were forgotten, now many are lost in guesses, how to hold parental Saturday.

In particular, people are worried about what is needed, and what can not be done on this day that it is necessary to carry with you to the cemetery and to church. Our ancestors tried to hold parental Saturday worthy, as filled with events as filled as possible, since, according to tradition, it was necessary to have time to perform a lot of affairs and rituals. We figure it out more detailed how to remember the deceased in the parent Saturday, and how it differs from other days.

IN orthodox calendar There are several points of commemoration of the year. But the most revered among the people are those preceded by major religious holidays, as before the Trinity, Carnival, cover. Despite the name "Parental", this does not mean that this Saturday is intended to commemorate exclusively its deceased fathers and mothers. This name is happening, rather, from the root "Rod", since traditionally people first commemorate their closest relatives, but it follows - all the dead acquaintances.

These key memorial days are allocated:

  • Meat supine saturday;
  • Radonitsa;
  • Troitskaya;
  • Dimitrovskaya.

On the eve of the celebration maslenic week, Before the great post, the universal, or a large parent Saturday, the day of the ancestors, occurs in all Orthodox churches. This Parent Saturday Before Easter is still called meat. This name is due to the fact that this Saturday comes before meat-minded day - the last in a year before the great post, when believers can afford to eat meat.

Also separately allocated the date that is not in front, but after the Great Christian holiday. This is the parent Saturday after Easter, called another radonian. She is celebrated on the ninth day after a bright Sunday, and he always has to Tuesday, but according to the folk tradition in the cemetery they want on Saturday. As a rule, this day is celebrated in April, if only Easter is not late (then Radonitsa falls in May). The concrete number of Radonitsa can be found in the calendar, as it is directly tied to Easter, which, as is known, every year it happens in different dates.

The next large Saturday is celebrated on the eve of the trinity celebration. This parental memorial day differs from the rest of the fact that traditionally people used in rituals a large number of Green and colors. Major people also attach to the Dmitry Parental Saturday, which is celebrated in early November. This is the last special Saturday A year, and therefore, people were preparing especially carefully.

Dmitrievsky Parental Remembrance Day is also traditionally intended for a special issue of the soldiers who fallen over the homeland.

Important moments of the parent Saturday

The key event of any parent Saturday is a campaign to church and then in the cemetery. In the temples served the Supreme Divine Liturgy, the priests commit memories on the grave, and people in the church and at home read special prayers for peace of the souls of the dead. To spend the parent Saturday correctly, you need to go to the church a little earlier service. It is necessary in order to have time to apply in the church. In this note, specify the names given by the deceased family and close when baptized (sometimes they do not coincide with the worldly names of people).

In addition, it is not customary to go to the parent Saturday to the Church empty hands. Upon long tradition, a special table for offering is installed in the temple. To this end, the church is made to carry food, as a rule, lean, as well as red wine korger, which is then used to make a liturgy. Note that other types of alcohol, somehow vodka or brandy, it is impossible to carry in the house of God. It is interesting that earlier was the custom to collect products and wine to collect all the world, and after the service in the courtyard of the temple was covered with one big tableBehind which the parishioners then remembered their relatives. Now this tradition can still be found in small towns or villages, but mainly it has already disappeared from modern life. Nowadays, products that were brought by parishioners to the parent Saturday are used for the needs of the arrival and to help the poor.

According to the Orthodox church rules, it should be correctly remembered in this way. You need to arrive in the church twice - first on the eve of the parent Saturday and then in the morning in a memorial day. On Friday, go to the evening worship, during which the Great Panhid and Parastas is committed. Then go to the church in the morning to attend the Divine Liturgy and the General Panhide. According to the priests, it is very important to pray for the dead, since only a prayer can help them find a rest. Few people predicted their care from life and managed to communicate with the priest who let them go. And therefore, only live relatives can remove the cargo of sins from them, which their hot prayers scratch from the Most High forgiveness for the deceased.

After serving in the parent Saturday, it is customary to immediately go to the cemetery. There you need to put in order the grave and territory next to it, change the colors on the grave. Permissible to remember the dead on the cemetery, having a little alcohol and biting. But official church It is categorically against the large feasts in the cemetery. The main memorial lunch into the parent Saturday must be arranged after returning home. There you can get together relatives and be remembered behind the table good word His deceased relatives and close friends.

Do not forget on the way to the cemetery and suck with it and treat the food of the beggars who can often be found at the gate of the disease. This gesture of mercy corresponds to one of the key dogmas of Orthodoxy - help your neighbor.

Controversial questions

Many people are experiencing about whether it is permissible in the parent Saturday to engage in their familiar household matters - to wash or work on the household. At this expense, the priests have no prohibitions. Moreover, a special Saturday initially assumes that a person must certainly go to the cemetery to:

  • remove the territory there;
  • if necessary, correct the cross;
  • repair the fence;
  • touch the tombstone.

Women need to cover the commemorative table, which is also a type of work. And it is necessary to treat the cake of the beggars so that they pray for the deceased. Therefore, you can safely do everything planned and not worry about prohibitions on physical labor in the parent day. On the other hand, the priests point at the time that no work should be a barrier to visit the Church and listen to it on the parent Saturday.

There are also a number of issues relating to other worldly affairs falling on the parent Saturday. In particular, there are such situations where newlyweds prescribe a wedding date without referring to church calendarAnd as a result, their marriage falls on the parent Saturday. When they find out about it, they begin to worry and score their head unpleasant superstitions to this expense. Although the priests on this question are a loyal look, which could be imagined. The priests say that on Saturday, the wedding in the church is not carried out, and it is possible to sign in the registry office. Another thing is that it is not entirely convenient to play the wedding on the eve of large religious holidays, such as in the Trinity Parent Saturday. The first days of summer are considered the beginning of the pores of weddings, and therefore many newlyweds turn out to be in a double situation in the Trinity Parental Day. According to the priests, believers on this day should be absorbed by the preparation for the celebration of the Trinity - one of the largest religious holidays. So, people need to go on the eve of the evening and confess. Therefore, the wedding in this parent Saturday may be unacceptable.

If the date of the wedding on the Trinity Parent Saturday has already been appointed, and it is not possible to change it, the folk wisdom seized several rituals who will help to reconcile with it. It was believed that in the morning the eve of the celebration of the newlyweds each should visit the cemetery to put fresh flowers on the graves of the nearest relatives. In the event that someone from the parents of the newlyweds did not live to this solemn day, it is important to come to the grave to come to the grave in order to collapse from the late blessing.

How do you prepare the graves in the cemetery to the parent day?

Ancient traditions of parent Saturday

Up to this day, a huge reservoir reservoir is preserved related to the holding of parental Sabbath. There is also a lot of admission to which people still pay attention. For example, rain has been waiting for Radonitz. A rain or a small rain meant that a rich harvest would be collected on the autumn. People even tried to call rain, looking at the clouds. If the heavens have walked over their requests, and the first drops fell, they all hurried to dial in the palm rainwaterTo wash it. It was believed that this ritual brings happiness and good luck. And young girls and women used rainwater even more intricate. They gained it in the container intended for this and then put gold or silver rings - Who has any prosperity. Our ancestors believed that this ritual retained the girls youth and Milosity.

Even more unusual traditions have been preserved on the Trinity Parent Saturday. Our ancestors were confident that their deceased native Saturdays could go to the world of living to chat with their loved ones. It was believed that on the eve of the Trinity of their spirits were burned in greenery - flowers, bushes, herbs and trees. Therefore, people were in a hurry on this day to visit the cemetery to decorate the graves of the deceased fresh green herbs and bright colors.

Like on Radonitz, the Trinity's memorial Saturday was divided into three parts.

If everything is clear with the first two points, then what happened in the evening of the parent day? The elderly people stayed at home and spent the evening for prayer, but the youth was going for fun. It should be noted that the parent Saturdays represented not only the days of the mercy of the departed, but also a kind of holiday, praising life. In the Trinity Parent Saturday, young people gathered together near the reservoir. On the shore of the lakes or rivers, they lit up large bonfires and having fun.

And here Dmitrievskaya Saturday It was famous for feasts. If in the parent Saturday after Easter, the commemorated table should be touched by Easter dishes, then a variety of cakes was a variety of cakes. By tradition, cooking on this day began from Friday. Friday night the hostess after the completion of the dinner completely removed the table and stood up with a fresh tablecloth. Then the table was covered with a new snack. This symbolic gesture of the soul of the deceased was invited to the table. After that, all family members had to thoroughly wash in the bath. The last of the parigue parigue left the water and broom in the tub, so that the late relatives could refresh.

For the parent Saturday, after the traditional visit to the Church and the cemeteries, people proceeded to a great memorial meal. On this day, the hostess covered a rich table. The main dishes were the favorite food of the deceased relatives. Also, certainly put on the table;

  • pancakes;
  • uzbar (compote, cooked from dried fruits);
  • bucket;
  • jelly;
  • roast;
  • pies.

By tradition, the pies on this day were to be certainly oblong. Also, another tradition related to cakes concerned people recently entered into marriage. Those who had thought in October were to prepare a special memorial cake and take it with themselves in the cemetery.

There was still a special ritual to this parent Saturday. The table with a memorial lunch was put a clean plate, intended for the deceased. Each of the participants in the commemorative meal put on this dish on a spoonful of food from its plates. This plate was not cleaned overnight. It was believed that the souls of the dead at night were treated with dinner.

Modern people partially continue to follow the traditions of their ancestors. Bright example It can be what an empty plate and a glass is always standing on the memorial meal, covered with a piece of bread. From the point of view of clergy, it is nothing more than a relic of pagan traditions, since there is no such rite in the Christian faith. But many priests condescertainly refer to such actions of members of their arrival. But the fact that, in their opinion, must be done in the parent Saturday, it is to visit the temple.

In the event that a person cannot come to church due to illness or on this day, he is on the road, then you just need to pray for the souls of the dead. Prayer is key, and come to the cemetery to remove the grave of the deceased relatives, it will be possible on any other convenient day.

Special mismatch of the perceived canons of the Orthodox Church in 2018, parent Saturdays, and not only, by day. Features of every day of the commemoration, what to do in the parent Saturday.

Most of the days of particular commemoration of the dead are shifted relative to Easter, there are memorial days, are not tied to the celebration of Easter Christ - all the numbers for 2018, their features and traditions.

Parent Saturday is the traditional name of the day, when the church praises the dead. Saturday ancient times is considered to be afraid of peace, so we pray that day about the rest of our loved ones and all from the century of dead Orthodox Christians. Almost all days of special commemoration of the deceased relatives and loved ones are installed in the church calendar in early Christian times. All dates in the article are given on a new style.

First, pay attention to the days attached in a one-year circle of worships to the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection.

The Ecumenical Parent Saturday (meat support) in 2018 falls on February 10. Universal commemoration on this day is established on the basis of the fact that the last Sunday is remembered by a terrible court and the second coming of Christ. In addition, the meat-minded parent Saturday passes during the preparation for the Great Post, on this day, Christians are designed to remember that we are deceased in the Unified Body of Christ, since God is alive.

The memorial 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays of the Great Post, fall in 2018, respectively, on March 3, March 10 and March 17.

All Parent Saturdays, Metting Days of Ice in 2018

In addition to the universal commemoration of the departed, passing in special days Parental Saturdays, the church makes universal memo in the second, third and fourth weeks of the Great Post. On this Saturday's days, the Church prays about leaving Orthodox Christians of "free and involuntary gentlemen ... and eternal rest of them with saints."

In the minutes of remembering that fall on cold period years, Orthodox try to visit the temple, remember the deceased at home. With the onset of heat, people go to the cemeteries - to put the place of rest. The first large flow of remembering happens shortly after the bright holiday of Easter Christ, on Radonitsa.

All Parent Saturdays, Metting Days of Ice in 2018

Radonitsa occupies a special place in an annual circle church holidays - This day is located immediately after Light Sadmitsy. The church calls on Christians not to suffer about the death of loved ones, and rejoice in their birth in eternal life.

On this day, the same requiem worship is performed, as in the universal parent Saturday on meat-suite sadmice. The similarity of these days of commemoration is also in the fact that they are located in the church circle a week before the posts. Troitskaya Parental Saturday is placed in the calendar a week before the beginning of the apostolic (Petrovsky) post, while meat-seeming a week before the Great Post.

A few days of particular commemoration do not correlate with Easter Christ.

All Parent Saturdays, Metting Days of Ice in 2018

This Dimitrievskaya Saturday, which in 2018 falls on November 3. This day commemoration is established by Russian Orthodox Church On Saturday, the preceding day of memory of Dimitri Solunsky.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday was introduced into the church range of worships at the request of Dmitry Donskoy after the Kulikovsky battle. On this day, the church traditionally recalls all the deceased Orthodox soldiers.

All Parent Saturdays, Metting Days of Ice in 2018

IN last years Received another day of commemoration, which is of particular importance. This is May 9 - remembering the memory of those who suffered in dashing years of the Great Patriotic War. This day is not approved by the church, the tradition is only formed.

Part of the Eastern Christians has a tradition of another commemoration Saturday - before the day of the Intercession Blessed Virgin Mary - Pokrovskaya Saturday. In 2018, it falls on October 13th.

All days church commemoration It is advisable to remember the Divine Liturgy of baptized during the life of the deceased. For this, special notes are in advance, called the surprise "Listening to Kreism".

All Parent Saturdays, Metting Days of Ice in 2018

Great alms for the deceased soul, the reading of a nonpressible psaltyr is considered. This requirement can be ordered in many Orthodox monasteries.

There is also a custom to order a memo, which can be served not only in the temples, but also in cemeteries.

Perhaps the commission of Panhid by worldly, without inviting a priest. This is the so-called clock lithium, can be made by a layman in a cemetery or at home.

Exists ancient tradition Consecration of the Kuti - specially prepared cereals with dried fruits and honey. This is a memorial dish after consecration in the temple you fell at home with a prayer.

All Parent Saturdays, Metting Days of Ice in 2018

In addition, the Orthodox Christians are widespread to remember the departed, submitting alms for them. Special place is occupied by the supply of products "on canon" - offering with laity in the temple of products. Brought to the mass of the closure, in support of families of clergy, as well as workers in the temple and all needing.

When will be the nearest parent Saturday /

On the eve of the Great Holiday, in a simple - Pokrov-2018, believers honor the memory of those who have revealed relatives and loved ones - to the Pokrovsk Parent Saturday - 2018.

Later - November 3, 2018 - the Dimitrieval Parent Saturday is still waiting for us. It is no less significant than.

By the way, the universal is called Saturdays when they remember all the Christians in general (the main thing is to baptize). There are only two of them: said Trinity and meat support (a week before the Great Post). In the rest of the parent Saturdays, people commemorate only close to them.

What is the parent Saturday

In Orthodoxy, these are special days to commemorate the departed. Translated from the Greek Saturday means "petition", so then on such days and it is customary to remember the deceased.

In Ukraine (as well as in Belarus), such days to remember the deceased are called "grandfathers". These are days when on family remembered meal, popular belief, invisibly gather all the dead relatives.

Parent Saturday: how to remember

They remember those who have gone into the world with a different prayer and mankid.

Prayer about Usophest

God, the Lord, the souls of the deceased slave: my parents, the affinities, benefactors (the names of them) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the sins free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven. During church service, orthodox people Many generations of their dead ancestors commemorate.

Parent Saturday: what to do

Believers walk to church, ordering services for rest. Best on the eve of the liturgy to submit notes with the names of relatives to the registered fortiest. At the same time, notes are served only on baptized Orthodox.

If possible, visit the cemetery to hold the graves of relatives and acquaintances.

But in no case should you attend the cemetery instead of a memorial service - priests insist that the campaign in the cemetery is rather desirable than the obligatory, but a visit to the service or at least reading memorial prayers Houses are mandatory.

After all, according to them, the deceased people are much more important than prayer than visiting the grave.

In the Orthodox calendar, many dates and memorable events, which by the holidays do not attract, but, nevertheless, believers, giving tribute to tradition, strictly observe them.

Such dates include the parent Saturdays - the days when it is necessary to visit the graves of the dead relatives, pray at home or in the temple and put a candle for their soul. Moreover, the term "Parental" does not always mean that it is necessary to read only parents. It can be any relatives, members of the genus, and even, alas, children who have left untimely.

Almost all the parent Saturdays are not tied to a particular date, because everything except Dmitrievskaya and Victory Day depend on Easter, and Easter is a passing holiday. Therefore, all remembered days must be treated with the church calendar, for they are different every year. And only on May 9 - the only day of commemoration with a solid non-administration date. Of course, this is not always Saturday, but in the temples on this day there are always memorial services in honor of the fallen soldiers, officers and civilians.

Dates of the parent Saturday and the Days of Returning

2018 year

Three times during the Great Post commemorate the dead. So in 2018 it was

  • February 10 - Meat Top Parent Saturday

Saturday of the Great Post

  • March, 3rd
  • 10th of March
  • March 17

Other days commemoration

  • May 9 (set date)
  • April 17 (also not Saturday, but commemoration day to Radonitsa)
  • May 26 - Trinity Saturday
  • November 3 - Dimitreyvskaya Saturday

2019 year

  • March 4 (Ecumenical meat suite)

Saturday of the Great Post

  • March 23.
  • 30th of March
  • April 6.

Other days commemoration

  • May 7 - Radonitsa
  • May 9 - non-transmitting date
  • June 15 - Trinity Saturday (Universal Saturday)
  • November 2 - Dimitriev Saturday

2020 year

  • February 24 - Universal Meat Saturday

Recommendments to the Great Post

  • March 14th
  • 21 March
  • March 28.

Other parent Saturdays

  • April 28 - Radonitsa (Universal Saturday)
  • May 9 - Traditional commemoration day with a specific date
  • June 6 - Trinity Saturday
  • October 31 - Dimitriev Parent Saturday

Why do it commemorate on Saturdays

By Old Testament Saturday was a day of festive rest, in the New Testament - from the day of earthly rest Saturday began to personify the day of joy in the kingdom of heaven. This is the day, when sins are forgiven and released and therefore, it was Saturday that became the most appropriate to commemorate the deceased. Of course, this is not all Saturdays in a row, but only those related to some historical eventshaving occurred in the chronicles.

Characteristics of all Parent Saturdays

The tradition of "Saturday" addresses was in centuries. Each of them has a historical basis. Meat support and Troitskaya are called universe, and the rest are the days of the commemoration. Their difference is a historic basis. In the Universal Saturdays, not only relatives, but also all the departed Christians who died in different epochs.

Meat Saturday

It falls for the 1st century of the Christian era, when still persecuted Christians remembered their brothers affected by faith - tortured, executed and not buried as it should be. Myasopus Saturday comes before Sunday, when the Orthodox is a reminder of Orthodox and falls a week before the beginning of the Great Post. According to legends on the terrible court, each Christian will be rewarded for the acts of his earthly, both now the living and the deceased, and the church on this day patronate with everyone and pray for the salvation of their souls.

Trinity Saturday

Also a rather ancient custom, which arose in the era of completely early Christianity - in the apostolic age. I remembered all the drowning chad of God. Trinity Saturday accounts for on the eve of the descent on the Earth of the Holy Spirit. It is believed that the coupling of a person in which the deceased, ended. This is perhaps the most revered Saturday in the whole orthodox history. There are many legends and superstitions associated with it, and they all converge in one - we pray for peace of the shower of the deceased, and they help us, send and guard.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday

This is the last day of commemoration of the year and installed in the middle of the 16th century. People's Molossry tied this day with a victory in the Kulikovsky battle, to see the merit of the memorial day to the faithful prince Dmitry Donskoy, as if he had requested Sergia Radonezh about the holding of the Panhid on the fallen soldiers.

So it or not - the question is controversial, but on this day they remember all the warriors, ever ranging on the battlefields, all those killed for other reasons. In addition, it was installed on the eve of the Day of the Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky, which became an excess reason to call the autumn parent Saturday Dimitrievskaya.


This is not Saturday, and Tuesday and notes after Easter week. It turns out that on the 9th day. Easter is a holiday of living, and it is not necessary to walk in the cemetery, but it was necessary to report on the resurrection of the Son of God and deceased. Therefore, on the 9th day, people went to the cemetery with joyful news - hence the name - Radonitsa. The clock service on Radonitsa is not held.

May 9 Victory Day

This is already the newest story And the day of the commemoration of the fallen warriors became quite recently, in 1994. The only day with a solid non-transmitting date regardless of which day of the week it has to. In the temples necessarily conduct funeral lithium.

Parent Saturdays of the Great Post

These memorial days are not universe. Ordinary daily commemorations are not accomplished, but the dead will be saved to the second, third and fourth Saturday of the Great Post.

This time is not only abstaining from frown foodBut also the cleansing of the soul, thoughts, time when it is necessary to pray more diligently, the time of repentance and the benefits. It is now that, during the spiritual feat, it is very important to be filled with love not only to the now Healthy, but also to those who left this world.

So gradually folded certain daysIn which the dead prayer should be remembered.

The deep meaning of the parent Saturday

Worthy to remember other people who have gone into the world is an expression of love and respect for loved ones. After all, we do not cease to love them even after death, this is the whole essence of Christian teaching - love for neighbor - and first of all - to parents.

Respect for the Father and Mother formed from the Small years, and an understanding and awareness of the fifth commandment comes to a mature and mature person - "read the Father and Mother of His."

In other words - respect, read and love parents, and you will also respect and love your children. Therefore, first of all, the deceased parents should be remembered, and then all their relatives and close people who went to the kingdom of heaven.

In the Universal Saturdays, they commemorate all the dead - acquaintances, strangers who died on the battlefields or as a result of the element or accident killed and even missing.

What you need to do into parent Saturdays

It is believed that first of all you need to visit the cemetery - it's not entirely right. First of all, you need to visit the church, to defend the service, read the prayer, put a candle.

And for the soul of the deceased, it is much more important than to visit their last earthly religious. But to completely exclude a visit to the cemetery, of course, it is impossible - put in order a grave, suitable or riding, clean the fence and remember the good word of your beloved person.

The meal must be very modest, lean, and from alcohol it is better to refuse. In the temples, it is impossible to arrange snacks and even more so to use any alcohol. The temple is a place of prayer and reunion with God.

If you can't visit the church or a cemetery, then you need to pray at home before the icon and photograph of the deceased, but then the main thing is not an entourage, but sincerity of prayer.

How to visit the Temple on Parent Saturdays

If you want to remember the dead relatives, then before the service it is necessary to priest a note with the names of the departed. The names are written those that were given with baptism, be sure to complete and in the parental case. If you first came to such a service, then just ask how and what to do, and you will definitely help or parishioners, or ministers.

According to church traditions, the day begins on the eve of the day before, so there is a memorial service before the parent Saturday evening, and in the morning - Liturgy for rest. It is considered to be right to bring any lean products to the temple - bread, cereals, wine. Of course, they should not be spoiled or consistent.

Products are a kind of bloodless victim, which should be presented. After the service, consecrated products are distributed to everyone who needs them. When leaving the service, you can file alms or donate money for the needs of the temple. You can and useful to give unnecessary clothing and shoes with a beggar. And this is useful not only for them, but also for you, your soul and your well-being.