Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a candle with your own hands. Candles from wax do it yourself: master class with video. Candles for traditional ceremonies, rituals and rituals

Today it became fashionable to spend romantic evenings for candles. This sets up on a positive and makes our lives much more beautiful. However, prices for such a claimed goods in the shops "bite", and sometimes you want to make your evening unusual and give it a close person. Do not get upset! You can simply make candles with your own hands.

What will required?

People will always buy candles to decorate their life. Their warm burning makes the surrounding atmosphere romantic. To create candles does not require special training.Perhaps someone will need information about their manufacturing for personal purposes, and someone will turn an easy hobby into a business. Start preparing for the manufacture of a candle should be with the protection of clothing with a special apron, so that the wax drops do not spoil it.

Then you need to start organizing the desktop. It should also be protected from pollution, so it is better to store it. To begin with, you can take a newspaper. If this occupation hobble you further, then buy a silicone rug (bold drops are easily separated from it). Next, we will study the materials that you will need:

  • wax or paraffin;
  • special thread for phytyl;
  • water tank;
  • musk for melting wax;
  • any shapes for fill (glass, plastic, etc.);
  • chopsticks to hold on the weight of the wick.


Candles are made from helium, paraffin and wax (this kind of most acceptable). Wax is different.

One of the most famous - wax from soybeans. This is a natural product, so environmentally friendly.

When burning, the wax of this species does not give soot. And emissions into the air are non-toxic for children and adults.

It melts when the temperature reaches over 75 degrees. It is not worth lifting it above, otherwise you will spoil the product.

The second option of wax is palm. It melts at temperatures over 60 degrees.

In the process of frosting, this product is crystallized and forms a pattern similar to the winter windows.

Therefore, take a solid container for making candles. In a soft container, this effect will not work. Moreover, "Palm" candles have their own uniqueness. Therefore, they can not be decorating.

The most famous are candles from beeswax. This product is useful for the human body, as it has for special properties and odor. Such a substance must be cleaned of impurities, and then just start working. Beeswax can be melted and cast different shapes of candles from it.


For its manufacture, artificial materials will not fit. The basis should be cotton or other natural material, otherwise your candles will crack and smoke. For better burning, the phytyl must be equipped with a reinforced wire.

It should be borne in mind that the thickness of the candle should be proportional to the thickness of the phytile.

A very thin thread in a thick candle will immediately burn, and you will not see the fire. Thick thread in a thin candle will burn it very quickly. To properly pick up the thickness of the wick, you need to follow the following parameters.

  • If the candle diameter begins from 8 cm, then take the thick thread. In this case, more than 22 yarns should be included in the weaving.
  • If the diameter is less, then the wick should consist of 13 or even 20 threads.
  • The remaining thin candles can burn with a wick, which consists of 8-10 yarns.

However, note that all knowledge come during practice and compare the thickness of the thread and the diameter of the candle will not succeed. For this you need troubled experience. For a wax candle, a rather thick thread is taken with loose, as if absorbing the surface.Wax - viscous substance. So that the candle does not smoke, he must absorb a little in the wick.

Those who want to seriously do the manufacture of candles, you need to choose a method of obtaining material. For example, fitil can be bought in bulk in the store for needlewomen, but you can find suppliers via the Internet. They will sell wick, which has already been processed in advance with wax or paraffin. It is necessary to consider that the phytoli is twisted, just wicker and woven mopic.

However, if you buy all the components, it will not give great profits. If you wish to establish a small business, you should learn how to do it yourself. There are no borders of fantasies. The easiest way is to take a thin cotton thread and twist it yourself. Fitil will get the thickness you need. Some are used for the manufacture of phytyl ordinary bandage. In it, all the threads are twisted in advance. It will only be left to choose a thickness and adapt to it.

Ready wick is necessary to dip in hot wax (paraffin) and squeeze your fingers. Put the base on a flat surface until the wax is completely frozen in it (about 10 minutes). Such a maneuver will allow to impregnate the thread almost to the very foundation, and you get rid of the air that can remain inside.

Note: The thread must be impregnated, and not to miss from above. Otherwise, your candles will burn very quickly.


There are no restrictions on this issue. It all depends on your desires. You can, at first, you can do the molds-packages remaining from drunk yogurts, and you can use jars from under cottonies in the form of a heart or a round (oval) form. Use everything that comes at hand.Well, those who have already begun seriously making candles are always in search of original solutions.

The best way out here is the purchase of ready-made molds.

All options have their advantages and disadvantages. Take, for example, form from polycarbonate. They are transparent and comfortable, but not too durable. Their service life is about 5 years. There are plastic forms. Of these, ready-made candles are difficult, as well as they do not have the necessary transparency. Forms of soft plastic (it is used for the manufacture of soap) will rise to the manufacture of mini-candles.

There are forms of plastic imported manufacturing (as a rule, they are very large). Such molds are most durable and adapted for temperatures above 200 degrees. Molds of metal are considered the most optimal option: aluminum, steel. Candles are obtained smooth and smooth. However, this option is not suitable for the simplicity of forms. In addition, the metal is very heated and difficult to work with it.

Many manufacturers use silicone dough forms. They are comfortable, well withstand temperatures. The minus is the briefness.

Make a silicone shape itself is not difficult.You can buy material in specialized stores or via the Internet. This substance consists of the foundation and hardener. They are mixed, relying on the instructions for use. In this case, a component is obtained from which you can make your own original form under the future candle in the form of a toy, an orphanage branch, etc.

Another material that will allow you to show originality is plaster.From it you can cut out any shape under the candle. However, some craftsmen still easier to use the forms that are always at hand. Take, for example, ordinary tea cups. In them, candles are very attractive. Suitable for work and simple egg shell.

Conclusion One: In the matter of choice, it is necessary to show a mixture, and then everything will turn out.

Platter for melting

It should be well carried out warmly and easily cleaned from melting residues. For beginner candles, the easiest way is to take a cans. Even if something goes wrong, you are without regretful throw it into scrap. Moreover, this container is easy to put in a boiling water saucepan.

But in this version there is a minus.

When the tin is heated, it is difficult to get it from boiling pans.

In addition, this process becomes dangerous due to the threat to burn. To solve the problem, use a little trick. Give a boiling bank with ordinary forceps or make a handle from aluminum wire to it. For melting, you can use an old casserole or narrow bucket with a nose (It is convenient to overflow the substance).

To find a convenient option of dishes, follow the following recommendations:

  • the dishes should be sufficiently voluminous, since the wax during heating is significantly increased in the mass;
  • it is better to take a container from aluminum, it does not react and does not affect the color of the future product.

  1. In no case cannot melt the wax on the open fire, otherwise it will ignore. It is impossible to melted this product and in the microwave. It will surely light up in it.
  2. When the wax melts, it must be stamped with a spatula of silicone.
  3. The smaller the waxes will be, the faster it melts.
  4. The remains of wax on the dishes are easy to launder, if you pour some water into it, add a means for washing dishes and put on a steam bath. It is even easier to hold the container above the spout of a boiling kettle. Remains will also easily go away from the walls.

Aroma oils

In order for your candles to give the surrounding atmosphere to even greater romanticism and even had therapeutic and sedative effect, add some aromatic oil to them, which is extracted from plants. The healing properties of colors and herbs people use for a long time.

The aromas have a beneficial effect on the human body: help relax, restore forces, etc.

To take advantage of the beneficial properties of plants, buy aromatic oils in the pharmacy and add them to candles that the fragrance will be eliminated.

Consider what properties have separate vegetable components:

  • geranium has a positive effect on the nervous system, soothes;
  • grapefruit helps restore the harmony of the soul and body;
  • ilang-Ilang eliminates anger and sadness;
  • bergamot soothes;
  • cedar is able to restore human strength;
  • cinnamon eliminates insecurity;
  • zvethoy will protect against enemies and unclean strength;
  • wormwood will clean your home from negativity;
  • rose attracts love;
  • sandal will help avoid making suspicious solutions;
  • sage will increase the energy level;
  • vetiver will create inner peace and pacification within you;
  • eucalyptus will double health.

Some tips:

  • add aromatic oil into the wax when its temperature reaches 60 degrees, otherwise the fragrance "burns" and will be very weak;
  • to get the original fragrance, mix several oils at once, just do not overdo it;
  • use approximately 20 ml of oil at 450 g of wax.

Additional accessories

In order for your product to be finished, it must be supplemented with a stand and decoration. It can be made from the usual canning can. Cut patterns, remove excess edging and paint in the desired color. By the way, stand can be made in the form of a round shape house.. Fake a roof with a hole at the top (for the exit of combustion products) and insert the candle inside the design. When the candle is lit, it will be very romantic and beautiful.

Housewives can be recommended to bake a stand in the form of a gingerbread. It turns out romantic, interesting and edible. In a small pumpkin, you can also cut the hole and insert a candle there. It will be good if the peel is decorated with a carved pattern.

And what will be a beautiful candlestick made of orange peel! Carved coasters from tropical fruits always look at the place of Christmas and for the New Year.Candlestick or stand made of wood bark will become the best decoration for the candle. If you decide to go the most original way, then make an edging from cinnamon sticks.

How is the fill?

When you are going to make a candle with your own hands, it is better to know about this process all the details in advance. At home, the wax is recommended to melt in a jar on a steam bath. Before the wax reaches the desired condition, prepare the form for a future candle. Lubricate it with water or vegetable oil. Then a small part of the molten wax pour on the very bottom of the form. I correlate the wick and fill again. It is better to do this in stages. So you will get smooth and without flaws. When the candle is filled completely, we cool it at room temperature.

It is not recommended to place a homemade candle in the freezer. After about 24 hours, the candle will be ready and can be removed.

If the extraction of the candle causes difficulty, then put the form in the refrigerator for a few minutes, and then put under the jet of hot water. The candle will easily leave. After recess, part of the wick need to trim and leave only 1 cm.

Staining technology

Natural and synthetic dyes are used for staining. Natural manufactures from natural components and herbs. For this, they are treated and obtained by the desired product. Synthetic are made from chemical elements and paint the candle evenly and quickly.

However, synthetic has its drawbacks - this is the absence of ecology and unpleasant odor.

Also, dyes are covered with a candle with a bold layer. If it does not scare you, add them during melting. But if you want to get an uneven color and give coloritis, add a dye to wax before the fill.

Remember that while the candle has not cooled, its color will seem more saturated. The wax is endowed with its natural tint, so when adding a dye you will not get exactly the same color that expected.

Even for staining, some use painting pencils. Do not do this. The impurity contained in them will interfere with the burning of the candle.

Recipes manufacturing

Beginners of candle manufacturers, as well as professional masters, are often resorted to the help of various master classes. It helps to follow the novelties and not miss anything interesting. Consider several popular candle manufacturer recipes that will not cause difficulties even at the novice.

Special aroma and presentable views have candles made of coffee.

Coffee candle makes a beautiful fragrance.You can decorate it with whole grains. To make a candle, a little ground coffee is added to the wax. Coffee candles are considered decorative and make them for special occasions. They are "tasty" and pleasant to the eyes.

Beautiful fragrance has a candle with the addition of fragrant soap.Favorite smell will accompany you not only in the bathroom, but also during the rest. To make such a candle, soda a little beloved soap on the grater and add it to liquid wax or paraffin. So it turns out a candle from soap.

Massage candles enjoy special demand.

They possess a special aroma, as they are made with the addition of different useful components. Massage candle can be with herbs and with drieds inside. When burning, it spreads special flavors that help relax during massage.

Soy candles are ideal for adding essential oils. They burn very slowly and long exuded various flavors.

By the way, the soy-honey candle will be the perfect option if you decide to create a unique and relaxing atmosphere at home.

Openwork candles are very original. For their manufacture, paper bags are taken from under milk. They are cut in half and receive square cups. Candle will be poured in them. Then a few molten wax poured onto the bottom and the wick is fixed. Next, it is necessary to put in the form of a piece of ice (to the top should not be enough about 2 cm). Then pour the remaining wax on top. When frozen the ice will make its own business and leave carved secure. After readiness, we get an openwork candle from the shape, which turned out to be due to the monstering ice.

Decoration of finished products

Decorative candles are a wonderful gift for relatives and loved ones. They will emphasize your love and devotion. Especially since you invest our spiritual heat in them. If you are going to present homemade candles as an additional gift to your friend's wedding or mom's birthday, then you need to decorate your unusual present. And here the choice depends on individual preferences. Decor will give a gift individuality and sophistication. For example, candles decorated with multi-colored ribbons look strictly and solemnly.

You can make carved samples. To do this, you will need a special tool for wood thread and a little skill. Candles can be made in the form of a Christmas tree cone or toys.

A very fashionable idea will decorate a gift with burlap.To do this, cut off the piece of the fabric and turn the candle. We supplement the decoration with a bright ribbon. Burlakov is suitable for use in the autumn composition. Fabric "season" dried autumn leaves or flowers.

And there are beautiful openwork decorations. They are made of thin napkins for decoupage. As soon as you stick to the base of the candle the pattern in the form of a lace and it will dry, cover the openwork decoupage with varnish.

Decoration can be different.For example, a candle attached to shells is well suitable for relaxing near the sea. The sea breeze will complement the candles decorated with white beads in the form of pearls of different magnitude.

Hendmade is gaining more and more popularity. Extravagant decorations, paintings, toys, decor elements, gifts are only a small part of the fact that enthusiastic masters and lovers create their own hands. Today we will talk about how to make a candle at home.

This process does not require special skills and devices. After reading our recommendations and detailed master classes, even newcomers can start this fascinating process.

Creating a candle: where to start

Candles do with your own hands much easier than it would be possible to think. And the main plus of such classes is the necessary materials are easily accessible. If you are preparing, you will find them even in your home.

Materials for homemade candle

Wax, stearin or paraffin are suitable for work. Moreover, the beginners are better to start familiarizing from the latter, it is least whimsical to use. You can purchase paraffin in the store or use the remnants of old white candles.


As a phytylka, it is best to use natural threads, ideally - thick cotton. Do not attempt to use the synthetics: such a wick will quickly burn and leave behind the unpleasant smell. To check the thread on naturalness, just burn her tip. If it is melted, forming a solid ball at the end - in front of you synthetics.

If you have thought of an unusual candle and think how to make an original wick for her, then use the Moulin colored threads. This is excellent and natural material.

Remember the important rule: the thickness of the candle, the thicker should be the wick.

It is easy to make him own. To do this, prepare the solution: in a glass of water dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of boric acid. Soak in it hb thread or Moulin for 12 hours. Then dry them and twist them harness or braid a pigtail.

If this process seems to you tedious, carefully remove the wick from the finished economic candle and use it.

Form for candle

First, decide on the configuration of the desired candle, and then try to find the hollow object of the same form. You may be useful:

Cardboard packages from milk and juice;
. Plastic cups from yogurts and desserts;
. Egg shell;
. silicone baking molds;
. Glass glasses, wine glasses, glasses and glasses;
. children's oak;
. Figure forms for ice cream;
. tin and glass jars from coffee;
. Empty tin cans.

The only requirement is the form material must withstand heating up to 100 ° C.

Another interesting option is to pour candles into beautiful transparent glasses. They can not be reached, but they will look very stylish and unusual.

Sometimes aromatic candles are made in a mandarin or orange leather. Fruit is pre-cut in half and carefully remove the flesh. You can also use large seashells or coconut shells.


White candle is elegant, but boring. Naturally, the question arises than to paint the paraffin to get bright interior decorations.

Fans of the Summer Education are better and cheaper to take wax crayons for children's creativity. Want to get a special candle? Looking pearl chalk - your creation will be unique.

Do not attempt to use water-soluble gouache or watercolor - fiasco is waiting for you. The dye will inevitably fall on the bottom or falls in flakes. The finished product will look very unprepared.

Paraffin melting dishes

In order to melt the paraffin, you will need a small saucepan for steam bath and an iron bowl. Experienced masters recommend to stir paraffin on the steam bath, considering the remaining methods, including microwave, fire hazardous.

We recommend that you also use this, proven years, in the way: Paraffine bowl put in boiling water container. If the candle is planned color, add chalk immediately and move the cleaned mass several times to obtain a uniform color.

Flavors and decor

For decorating candles, any blowing materials will be suitable. First decide on the theme of your work. Pebbles and shells effectively complement candles in the marine style. For New Year's themes, use beads, small bumps, small decorative balls, ribbons and bows. Candles of lovers loving decorate with hearts, glitter bows, dried flower, coffee beans, etc.

Aromatize home candles is best essential oils, which can be purchased in the nearest pharmacy. Another option is to find cinnamon with vanilla in your kitchen. Adding flavors in the melted paraffin is at the very end, after staining.

Step-by-step master classes

We bring to your attention a selection of available master classes that will help newcomers to learn the main techniques and techniques of work. If you already know how to create candles with your own hands, you can learn from them interesting ideas for incarnation in your work.

We offer you to create candles in the shape of a heart that will become an unforgettable gift for your second half for Valentine's Day or Birthday.

Watch a detailed video of creating fragrant coffee candle and you make sure everything is even easier than it seems at first glance.

Rainbow Candles

Want to add bright paints to your home? In this you will be helped by the interior rainbow candles of handmade.

For their manufacture, you will need such ingredients:
. paraffin;
. stearin;
. wick;
. cylindrical shape;
. Dyes corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

More information you get from a detailed video tutorial. For beginner masters, it shows all stages of preparation of the candlestone and creating a gradient transition of colors.

Multicolored candles layers

Spectacular multi-colored candles in a transparent glass will be a highlight of your interior. How to do them, look in our master class, illustrated by phased photos.


Before making colored candles with your own hands, prepare:

Transparent wax;
wax pencils;
Disposable paper cups;
Glass cups;
Ice cream sticks;
aroma oils;

Step 1. Conventional transparent wax Stodit on the grater and fill the paper cups with the resulting material. You need to fill in them with this material only to a quarter.

Step 2. Send a cup into a microwave for 45 seconds. Get it. Wax mix with a wooden wand. It must be melted completely, if this did not happen, send a cup to the oven for another 30 seconds.

Step 3. Lower the wick in the empty glass cup. You can finish it to attach it to the ice cream chopstick and put it on the top of the cup. So it will be easier for you to work further. Pour a little wax into the cup and wait until it grab. Thus, the wick should be fixed in the center of the cup.

Step 4. With wax pencils, remove the paper wrapping. Stit them on the grater and add the desired color of the shallow into separate cups with wax. Add one pencil with a third cup with wax to get enough saturated color.

Step 5. Glass with colored wax Send to a microwave for 2.5 minutes. Remove it and, stirring, add a few drops of the selected aromatic oil. You can not do this, but with oil your candles will have a pleasant fragrance.

Step 6. Holding the wick, pour the first layer of colored wax into the cup. To get an interesting pattern, tilt the cup at an angle and hold it in such a position until the wax grabs.

Step 7. Similarly, melts the cups with the wax of another color and also, but at the opposite angle, pour them alternately into the glass cup. Each time you fix the container in different positions until the wax is grabbed.

Step 8. Forming a multi-colored candle, allow the wax to cool completely.

Bright and unusual candles are ready. You can use them for a direct purpose or give familiar as souvenirs.


Another interesting idea is a square multicolor candle. Wax pencils are also used for its staining. If you are new, be sure to read the clear video lesson, with it you can easily make such a cool cradle for a gift to friends and loved ones.

Openwork candles

Decorative candles can be the most diverse design, because talented masters do not get tired to affect their fantasy and creative experiments. In support of these words, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the method of making an unusual openwork candle.

To work, you will need:
. paraffin;
. At the request, the dye and flavor;
. Fitil and holder for him;
. cylindrical shape;
. Small ice cubes.

Melt paraffin on a water bath. If the candle is assumed to be colored, paint the candle mass, you can also flavor it as desired.

Install the phytyl form so that it takes it to its bottom. Do not forget to fasten it on an improvised holder. Put the root ice, not reaching a couple of centimeters to the edges.

Fill the melted candlestone. Leave the workpiece to the complete cooling of the paraffin. At the same time, naturally, the ice melts, and cavities are formed inside the candle.

Gently drain the water and remove the product, pulling the wick.

Be careful, this beauty is rather fragile and requires careful circulation. Such an unusual openwork candle will become a wonderful gift to your family and relatives. If you use paraffin from old candles to work, get such beauty completely free.

Visual instructions for action you will receive from detailed video creation of openwork candles. After watching them, you can independently make such beauty at home.

Video number 1:

Video number 2:

Option number 3: And if you think about how to give friends for the New Year, then you will surprise them with a red openwork candle of handmade. She will be an unforgettable gift and bring a festival feeling together with Christmas mood. See the work of the Master and inspire your own masterpieces.

Massage candles

The main ingredient to create a massage candle - soy wax. By adding useful components to it, you can get a product with healing properties. It already appears not to the decor, but a homely cosmetic agent that makes the skin soft and well-groomed.

Healing properties of essential oils:

Mind the skin and clean the pores will help the essential oil of lemon.
. Orange oil has an anti-cellulite action.
. Rose oil stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and contributes to skin elasticity.
. Clean the skin from pigment stains and make it smoothly capable rosemary oil.
. Patchouli oil copes with moisture.
. Lavender oil will delight with its healing effect.

Even in massage candles add solid vegetable oils. For example, cocoa oil is used to moisturize and tonizing the skin. And with its regular use, cosmetologists promise you smooth and gentle skin.

Saving dry skin from peeling is capable of exotic butter oil. Smooth the skin can coconut oil rich in natural antioxidants.

General Algorithm for creating a massage candle:

1. Melt the wax with solid oils in the water bath;
2. Give a lot to cool a bit and add liquid oils;
3. Slightly cool the mass and add essential oils, extracts and vitamins;
4. Fill the resulting candlestone in the form, after inserting the wick into it;
5. Wait for the complete hardening of the candle and remove it from the form;
6. Hushed candle is ready to use.

We offer you the most common recipes for efficient massage candles.

Recipe number 1.

Soy wax - 85%;
. Avocado oils and shi (it can carite oil) - 5%;
. Patchouli essential oil - 2.8%;
. Ilang-Ilanga essential oil - 2%;
. Vitamin E - 0.2% (a few drops).
Light the finished candle and give her a little to easily. Take it. Type a little warm wax on your hand and you can arrange yourself a rejuvenating massage session. Do not be afraid to burn the melting point of such a candle much lower than paraffin.

Recipe # 2 "Massage Candle with Soothing Effect"

Soy wax - 80g;
. Shea oil - 40g;
. Almond oil - 40g;
. cocoa butter - 20g;
. Essential oils of sage and lavender - for 2 g.
Session of massage such candles is best arranged before bedtime. The soothing effect of essential oils will help you relax and sleep hard.

Recipe # 3 "Massage Candle with Anti-cellulite Effect"

Bee wax - 100g;
. cocoa oil - 60g;
. chili pepper ground - 5-10g;
. Essential oils of orange and grapefruit - for 3 g
Make sure you have no allergy to any of the candle components. After massage, you can feel the burning or tingling, which is associated with the presence of chile in the composition.

Regular massage will help get rid of the hated "orange peel", make the skin soft and elastic.

Decorating candles in the technique of decoupage

If you do not have a dye, but I want to create something bright and memorable, do not be discouraged. The most simple candle made of firewood can be turned into a work of art. To do this, you need to gain a little patience and decorate the product to your taste.

Candle decorated with dried

The dried leaves, stalks and flowers will help you create an exclusive candle, which will be almost impossible to repeat. The use of natural materials is limited only by local flora and your fantasy. That's when the ability to collect herbarium will come in handy to you in full.

* Photo Lyudmila Klimova

For work it will be necessary:
. any drywests;
. 2 candles - for decorating and ordinary;
. tea spoon;
. tweezers;
. nail scissors;
. Paraffin for final coating.

Of your available dryers, make the composition that you want to implement.

Above the usual burning candle, heat the teaspoon (inner side over the fire, because the spoon will be a little black, and so as not to swing the candle - then all the manipulations will be carried out with a different side of the spoon).

Attach the dry flower to the decorated candle and gently wrap its petals of the outside of the spoon, so that they are sent out to the paraffin and are not sticking out. Thick stalks may need to swallow several times, heating with a spoon.

Unnecessary stems that go beyond the candle limit, gently cut down the scissors.

Similarly, glue the rest of the items, choosing the desired location. Watch the edge of leaves and petals not sticking out.

It remains to consolidate the result. Melt the paraffin on the water bath, recover it into the container in which you can fully dip the decorated candle.

Holding a candle for wick, immerse it in a melted paraffin, install on a flat surface and let it cool. If the petals were united poorly and the protruding tips were visible, repeat this procedure again.

Such an elegant candle will conquer any heart and will not be ignored. Complete it with a beautiful candlestick and it will become a unique decoration of your home.

Decoupage with paper napkins

The desire to decorate the candle could come rapidly, and there are no dryers at hand. In this case, you can do with paper napkins. With their help, you can easily decorate the candle to any holiday.

Select the napkin with the pattern you need. Cut the desired elements from the napkin. Carefully remove the two lower layers of paper from the obtained billets. Further, the principle of work is similar to the decoration of drieds.

Apply the prepared element to the candle and mark it with a hotspoon. The cooled surface is sanding with a rough side of a conventional kitchen sponge. Immerse the candle in the melted paraffin in this method is not necessary.

Your masterpiece is ready. Make a beautiful composition of candles in the New Year style, fir branches and colored balls. It will bring a good mood and atmosphere of the holiday to your home.

Photo ideas design

You want even more ideas for inspiration. Browse our selection of decorative candles. You will definitely find the one that he wants to repeat immediately.

We were able to convince you that creating unique masterpieces can be even from the girlfriend? That is why the sparkling has become a favorite activity for many, beginners and not only, the masters.

Original form templates:

Now you know what candles do and how they make, you can proceed to work. Do not attempt to use your favorite photos as a template and unconditional ideal. Inspire ready-made work to create your own unique candles. A little effort and perseverance - and already your masterpieces will be an imitation reference.

The modern making of candles is not only the production of the necessary items of life. This is a real art that affects the flight of thoughts and unlimited fantasy. Modern candles are real elements of decor and interior, which easily replace artwork. Today, the manufacture of candles has become a favorite hobby among many people. The thing is that candles are made easily, do not require a lot of costly material, but the field for fantasy is provided with limitless.

What will be needed for making a candle with their own hands

To cook a candle, we will need paraffin. It can be bought in specialized stores for needlework, as well as in housekeeping stores. Paraffin can be taken from old, short-lived or broken candles. Instead of paraffin, you can take beeswax. This is a natural material that cleans and disinfect air. However, it is not amenable to staining and aromatization. Recently, soy wax is gaining popularity. It quickly freezes, it burns for a long time and easily cleaned.

Pay attention to where you will work. Prepare the workspace and shutting it with an old oilcloth or newspaper. We will need a saucepan for water bath, old bowl, wick and thermometer. As a phytyla, you can use a thin rope or paper harness. You can decorate the candle with decorative elements - christmas twigs, seashells and beautiful stones. Do not forget about dyes - it is better to use oil-based dyes, food will not fit. By adding aromatic oils at a certain stage, you give the candles a special charm - when burning, a pleasant smell will come from them.

How to make a candle

  1. Type in a saucepan of water and put on fire. It will be needed for water bath. Heat the wax on open fire is impossible - it burns and evaporated.
  2. Grind the paraffin into the chips and put in the old aluminum bowl. Keep in mind that paraffin is practically no washed, so it is advisable to have a separate vessel to make candles.
  3. Paraffin needs to be preside, do not put the wax in a whole piece - it will melt for a very long time. Place a small container in a saucepan with boiling water and wait for the wax to start melting.
  4. Just in case, have warm soap water and a wet cloth at hand. If the wax falls on the table or stove, it will need to rub it right away.
  5. When heated wax, use the thermometer. In handling stores sell a special thermometer for the manufacture of decorative candles. If you have not found such a thermometer, you can use the usual confectionery analogue.
  6. The wax is usually melted at a temperature of 85-90 degrees. It is very important to monitor the temperature so as not to overlay the wax. If you allow him to warm up more laid, he can start boiled, and then just flames.
  7. Warm melting is a fire-hazard process. Carefully follow the melting of paraffin and do not trust the process to children without adult supervision. If the wax caught fire, it is impossible to extinguish with water, use a rag for this.
  8. If you top the wax from the old used candles, you need to pay attention to the fact that there are old wicks in the mass. If necessary, remove them with forceps.
  9. When the wax becomes liquid, it is necessary to add flavoring and dye into it. You can add multiple colors and do not mix hard to get a candle with multicolor divorces.
  10. Prepare the shape for the candle. Usually the form is a glass cup with transparent or patterned walls. It needs to be consolidated with wick so that it is in the lively strictly in the center. To this end, one end of the wick need to be fixed on a round tin plane with a penny size. The second end of the phytile is tied to a stick, which holds it in a vertical position.
  11. If you want to dilute the candle with the decor, it's time to fill with them. It is best to place them as close as possible to the walls of the shape, so that after the wax soak it is seen.
  12. Waxed mass is gently poured into a form for the candle. In this case, you need to follow that the wick does not shift.
  13. Wax and paraffin are frozen depending on the density of raw materials. Usually homemade candles are frozen 10-12 hours. But it is best to withstand the day, the longer the candle is hardening, the better it will burn. You do not need to put a candle in the refrigerator.

After pouring the candle, you can use. Before that, do not forget to trim the wick, leaving a small tilt for burning. Candle can be pulled out from the form or leave to use directly in it. Candles of their own manufacture can be a pleasant and original gift.

It is interesting! If, when cooking a candle, add to the wax flavored zitronella oil, the candle will drive the mosquito during combustion. This is a safe, simple and effective method of protection against annoying insects.

Gel candles are gaining popularity due to its ease and original design. Decorating gel candles is a pleasure, because the transparent structure allows all decorating items to be in sight. Consider how to make a gel candle.

  1. In the shop for crafts and needlework you need to buy a special gel for the manufacture of candles. It can be transparent or color. You can mix multiple colors to get the desired shade.
  2. Top gel just like paraffin. The gel becomes liquid at 100 degrees.
  3. In the prepared form, I lower the wick in the same way as in the previous description. To bottom to lower the decorative elements - butchers, pieces of dried citrus fruits, toys, beads - anything. Please note that the elements for the decoration should not be igniting.
  4. Pre-wash the decorative elements and dry them dry. Some decorations can be put on the bottom, and others add to the candle as the molten gel is poured. They will remain floating in space.
  5. Set the decor items so that they are not located close to the fit. Hold the distance from the wick of at least one centimeter.
  6. Sometimes after frozen the candle inside the gel, bubbles are formed. That this is not, the form must be heated. This can be done by lowering it in hot water or with a hair dryer. If you lowered the shape into the water, do not forget it after that carefully dry. In case you are the opposite, you want to decorate a candle with a lot of bubbles and make an emphasis on this, you need to cool the form in the freezer.

After frozen, the gel candle cannot be used earlier than in a day.

  1. As an interesting idea, you can use a gel of several colorful shades. To do this, pour a little gel on the bottom of the form and wait a few minutes until it grab. After that, pour into the tank of the gel of another shade. So you can combine colors and make a bright striped candle. If you want the colors to have a smooth transition, you do not need to wait for a long time. In this case, they will be mixed on the border of the color. If you want to get clear boundaries, you should wait longer. However, do not distinguate the composition, otherwise, after complete frosting on the surface, a whiten film can form - it will spoil the appearance of the candle.
  2. You can prepare a natural candle from the lemon zest. To do this, cut the lemon in half, carefully cut the flesh. Add cloves, lavender essential oil and rosemary sprout in the gel. The melted gel must be pouring into the form and give it to cool. It turns out a beautiful and fragrant fruit candle.
  3. To make a pleasant fragrance from the finished candle with a burning, you need to add coffee beans to molten wax. After you fill the wax in the form, decorate the top of the candle with the original pattern of the grains.
  4. You can make a candle with your own photos. To do this, print a photo on the tank and cut the image. After that, attach a picture to the candle and heat it with a hairdryer. After some time, the drawing will begin to translate into the candle. So you can make candles with any pattern or picture.

Exquisite decorative candles are able to change the atmosphere in the house. Candles made with your own hands make interior warm and cozy.

Video: how to make transparent gel candles

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Hendmade is gaining more and more popularity. Extravagant decorations, paintings, toys, decor elements, gifts are only a small part of the fact that enthusiastic masters and lovers create their own hands. Today we will talk about how to make a candle at home.

This process does not require special skills and devices. After reading our recommendations and detailed master classes, even newcomers can start this fascinating process.

Creating a candle: where to start

Candles do with your own hands much easier than it would be possible to think. And the main plus of such classes is the necessary materials are easily accessible. If you are preparing, you will find them even in your home.

Materials for homemade candle

Wax, stearin or paraffin are suitable for work. Moreover, the beginners are better to start familiarizing from the latter, it is least whimsical to use. You can purchase paraffin in the store or use the remnants of old white candles.


As a phytylka, it is best to use natural threads, ideally - thick cotton. Do not attempt to use the synthetics: such a wick will quickly burn and leave behind the unpleasant smell. To check the thread on naturalness, just burn her tip. If it is melted, forming a solid ball at the end - in front of you synthetics.

If you have conceived an unusual candle and think how to make the original wick for her, then use color threads Moulin. This is excellent and natural material.

Remember the important rule: the thickness of the candle, the thicker should be the wick.

It is easy to make him own. To do this, prepare the solution: in a glass of water dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of boric acid. Soak in it hb thread or Moulin for 12 hours. Then dry them and twist them harness or braid a pigtail.

If this process seems to you tedious, neatly Remove the wick from the finished shopping candle And use it.

Form for candle

First, decide on the configuration of the desired candle, and then try to find the hollow object of the same form. You may be useful:
  • cardboard packages from milk and juice;
  • plastic cups from yogurts and desserts;
  • egg shell;
  • silicone baking molds;
  • glass glasses, wine glasses, glasses and glasses;
  • children's oak;
  • figure forms for ice cream;
  • tin and glass jars from coffee;
  • empty tin cans.
The only requirement is the form material must withstand heating up to 100 ° C.

Another interesting option is to pour candles into beautiful transparent glasses. They can not be reached, but they will look very stylish and unusual.

Sometimes aromatic candles are made in a mandarin or orange leather. Fruit is pre-cut in half and carefully remove the flesh. You can also use large seashells or coconut shells.


White candle is elegant, but boring. Naturally, the question arises than to paint the paraffin to get bright interior decorations.

Fans of the Summer Education are better and cheaper to take wax crayons for children's creativity. Want to get a special candle? Looking pearl chalk - your creation will be unique.

Do not attempt to use water-soluble gouache or watercolor - fiasco is waiting for you. The dye will inevitably fall on the bottom or falls in flakes. The finished product will look very unprepared.

Paraffin melting dishes

In order to melt the paraffin, you will need a small saucepan for steam bath and an iron bowl. Experienced masters recommend to stir paraffin on the steam bath, considering the remaining methods, including microwave, fire hazardous.

We recommend that you also use this, proven years, in the way: Paraffine bowl put in boiling water container. If the candle is planned color, add chalk immediately and move the cleaned mass several times to obtain a uniform color.

Flavors and decor

For decorating candles, any blowing materials will be suitable. First decide on the theme of your work. Pebbles and shells effectively complement candles in the marine style. For New Year's themes, use beads, small bumps, small decorative balls, ribbons and bows. Candles of lovers loving decorate with hearts, glitter bows, dried flower, coffee beans, etc.

Aromatize home candles is best essential oils, which can be purchased in the nearest pharmacy. Another option is to find cinnamon with vanilla in your kitchen. Adding flavors in the melted paraffin is at the very end, after staining.

Step-by-step master classes

We bring to your attention a selection of available master classes that will help newcomers to learn the main techniques and techniques of work. If you already know how to create candles with your own hands, you can learn from them interesting ideas for incarnation in your work.

Coffee candle

Want to create a romantic mood? Light a coffee candle - her divine fragrance will take away all the alarms, leaving only good mood and peace. Especially nice is rainy autumn or cold winter. And this is an excellent gift for any reason and even without.

To work, you will need:

  • paraffin;
  • solid coffee beans;
  • two plastic cups or boxes of different sizes;
  • fitle holder - teaspoon, wooden wand or plastic coffee mixer.

If you have not found paraffin, take household candles, you can also get wip.

Relieve the paraffin with a knife into small pieces to speed up the melting process. If you took the store candles, neatly crush them blunt side of the knifeSo as not to damage the wick.

Place paraffin into a glass jar and lower it in a saucepan with warm water. Heat water on slow heat until the paraffin is completely mounted in the bank - it should become transparent.

At this time, prepare the shape for the fill. In a larger plastic cup (or any form that you have) Place a smaller, after completing it with water. Between the walls of the cups should be quite wide space. Push the coffee beans to half a height between the walls.

Fill the melted paraffin into the shape to the level of grains, wait 10 minutes. Then pour the paraffin to the edge of the form and let it fully harden. It will take about it for about an hour.

Carefully pour water from the inner glass and get it out of the paraffin rings. Lower the wick to the workpiece so that it takes to the bottom of the glass. The upper end is attached to the holder and place it on top on the glass, centered by fitting.

Fill the mounted paraffin of the middle of the candle. Put the top of several grains for the decor. Now it will have to wait 4-6 hours before completely frozen the candle.

The frozen candle is carefully removed from the cup. In this case, it can be cut to scissors to facilitate manipulation.

If you want the grain to be better visible, blow the sides of the product with hot air from the hair dryer. Paraffin fell and the surface will be relief.

Excellent aromasvea turned out, isn't it? Do you want to make it even more romantic? We offer you along the same technology to create candles in the shape of a heart that will become an unforgettable gift for your second half for Valentine's Day or for a birthday.

Have questions? Watch a detailed video of creating fragrant coffee candle and you make sure everything is even easier than it seems at first glance.

Rainbow Candles

Want to add bright paints to your home? In this you will be helped by the interior rainbow candles of handmade.

For their manufacture, you will need such ingredients:

  • paraffin;
  • stearin;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • dyes corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.
More information you get from a detailed video tutorial. For beginner masters, it shows all stages of preparation of the candlestone and creating a gradient transition of colors.

Multicolored candles layers

Spectacular multi-colored candles in a transparent glass will be a highlight of your interior. How to do them, look in our master class, illustrated by phased photos.

Another interesting idea is a square multicolor candle. Wax pencils are also used for its staining. If you are new, be sure to read the clear video lesson, with it you can easily make such a cool cradle for a gift to friends and loved ones.

Openwork candles

Decorative candles can be the most diverse design, because talented masters do not get tired to affect their fantasy and creative experiments. In support of these words, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the method of making an unusual openwork candle.

To work, you will need:

  • paraffin;
  • at the request, the dye and flavor;
  • fitil and holder for him;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • small ice cubes.
Melt paraffin on a water bath. If the candle is assumed to be colored, paint the candle mass, you can also flavor it as desired.

Install the phytyl form so that it takes it to its bottom. Do not forget to fasten it on an improvised holder. Put the root ice, not reaching a couple of centimeters to the edges.

Fill the melted candlestone. Leave the workpiece to the complete cooling of the paraffin. At the same time, naturally, the ice melts, and cavities are formed inside the candle.

Gently drain the water and remove the product, pulling the wick.

Be careful, this beauty is rather fragile and requires careful circulation. Such an unusual openwork candle will become a wonderful gift to your family and relatives. If you use paraffin from old candles to work, get such beauty completely free.

Visual instructions for action you will receive from detailed video creation of openwork candles. After watching them, you can independently make such beauty at home.

Video number 1:

Video number 2:

Option number 3:And if you think about it, you will surprise them with a red openwork candle of handmade. She will be an unforgettable gift and bring a festival feeling together with Christmas mood. See the work of the Master and inspire your own masterpieces.

Massage candles

The main ingredient to create a massage candle - soy wax. By adding useful components to it, you can get a product with healing properties. It already appears not to the decor, but a homely cosmetic agent that makes the skin soft and well-groomed.

Healing properties of essential oils:

  • Mind the skin and clean the pores will help the essential oil lemon..
  • Orange Oil has an anti-cellulite effect.
  • Rose oil stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and contributes to skin elasticity.
  • Clean the skin from pigment stains and make it smoothly capable rosemary butter.
  • Oil perfectly copes with moisture patchouli.
  • Lavender Oil will delight with its healing effect.

Even in massage candles add solid vegetable oils. For example, cacao butterused to moisturize and tonizing the skin. And with its regular use, cosmetologists promise you smooth and gentle skin.

Save dry skin from peeling capable exotic shea Butter. Smooth the skin can coconut oil rich in natural antioxidants.

General Algorithm for creating a massage candle:
  1. melt the wax with solid oils in a water bath;
  2. give the mass to cool a little and add liquid oils;
  3. slightly cool the mass and add essential oils, extracts and vitamins;
  4. fill the obtained candlestone in the form, after inserting the wick into it;
  5. wait for the complete hardening of the candle and remove it from the form;
  6. hushed candle is ready to use.
We offer you the most common recipes for efficient massage candles.

Recipe number 1.

  • soy wax - 85%;
  • avocado oils and shi (it can carite oil) - 5%;
  • patchouli essential oil - 2.8%;
  • ilang-Ilanga essential oil - 2%;
  • vitamin E - 0.2% (a few drops).
Light the finished candle and give her a little to easily. Take it. Type a little warm wax on your hand and you can arrange yourself a rejuvenating massage session. Do not be afraid to burn the melting point of such a candle much lower than paraffin.

Recipe # 2 "Massage Candle with Soothing Effect"

  • soy wax - 80g;
  • shea oil - 40g;
  • almond oil - 40g;
  • cocoa butter - 20g;
  • essential oils of sage and lavender - for 2 g.
Session of massage such candles is best arranged before bedtime. The soothing effect of essential oils will help you relax and sleep hard.

Recipe # 3 "Massage Candle with Anti-cellulite Effect"

  • bee wax - 100g;
  • cocoa oil - 60g;
  • chili pepper ground - 5-10g;
  • essential oils of orange and grapefruit - for 3 g
Make sure you have no allergy to any of the candle components. After massage, you can feel the burning or tingling, which is associated with the presence of chile in the composition.

Regular massage will help get rid of the hated "orange peel", make the skin soft and elastic.

Decorating candles in the technique of decoupage

If you do not have a dye, but I want to create something bright and memorable, do not be discouraged. The most simple candle made of firewood can be turned into a work of art. To do this, you need to gain a little patience and decorate the product to your taste.

Candle decorated with dried

The dried leaves, stalks and flowers will help you create an exclusive candle, which will be almost impossible to repeat. The use of natural materials is limited only by local flora and your fantasy. That's when the skill comes in hand in full.

For work it will be necessary:

  • any drywests;
  • 2 candles - for decorating and ordinary;
  • tea spoon;
  • tweezers;
  • nail scissors;
  • paraffin for final coating.
Of your available dryers, make the composition that you want to implement.

Over the ordinary burning candle, heat a teaspoon ( internal side over fire, because A spoon will be a little black, and in order not to dye the candle - then all the manipulations will carry out the other side of the spoon).

Attach to the decorated candle dry flower and gently swinging his petals exterior Side a spoon, so that they will be sent to paraffin and not sticking out. Thick stalks may need to swallow several times, heating with a spoon.

Unnecessary stems that go beyond the candle limit, gently cut down the scissors.

Similarly, glue the rest of the items, choosing the desired location. Watch the edge of leaves and petals not sticking out.

It remains to consolidate the result. Melt the paraffin on the water bath, recover it into the container in which you can fully dip the decorated candle.

Holding a candle for wick, immerse it in a melted paraffin, install on a flat surface and let it cool. If the petals were united poorly and the protruding tips were visible, repeat this procedure again.

Such an elegant candle will conquer any heart and will not be ignored. Complete it with a beautiful candlestick and it will become a unique decoration of your home.

Decoupage with paper napkins

The desire to decorate the candle could come rapidly, and there are no dryers at hand. In this case, you can do with paper napkins. With their help, you can easily decorate the candle to any holiday.

Select the napkin with the pattern you need. Cut the desired elements from the napkin. Carefully remove the two lower layers of paper from the obtained billets. Further, the principle of work is similar to the decoration of drieds.

Apply the prepared element to the candle and mark it with a hotspoon. The cooled surface is sanding with a rough side of a conventional kitchen sponge. Immerse the candle in the melted paraffin in this method is not necessary.

Your masterpiece is ready. Make a beautiful composition of candles in the New Year style, fir branches and colored balls. It will bring a good mood and atmosphere of the holiday to your home.

Photo ideas design

You want even more ideas for inspiration. Browse our selection of decorative candles. You will definitely find the one that he wants to repeat immediately.

We were able to convince you that creating unique masterpieces can be even from the girlfriend? That is why the sparkling has become a favorite activity for many, beginners and not only, the masters.

Original form templates:

Now you know what candles do and how they make, you can proceed to work. Do not attempt to use your favorite photos as a template and unconditional ideal. Inspire ready-made work to create your own unique candles. A little effort and perseverance - and already your masterpieces will be an imitation reference.

Candles people began to use a long time.

Previously, they served to illuminate the premises, and now they are an element of decor and the way to create a romantic, festive or cozy atmosphere.

In stores you can find many different types of candles, starting with simple, to bizarre. Similar decorations can be made independently of simple materials. The manufacture of decorative candles will not require financial costs and does not take much time, but by manifesting the fantasy and putting a part of the soul in his product, you can create a unique thing that will bring joy to you and your relatives.

How to make decorative candles with your own hands

What you need

Candle material. Wax, paraffin or stearin. For people who first engaged in the manufacture of candles, it is better to start with paraffin because it is easier to work with it. Paraffin can be bought or obtain from white shopping candles or their residues.

Steamer is easily obtained from the economic soap. Sutitate soap on a large grater or set it up with a knife. Chips Place in a metal container, fill with water so that its liquid is covered and send to mold onto a water bath. When soap is dissolved, remove it from the fire and add vinegar. The thick mass that needs to be collected by a spoon after cooling to the surface. This mass is stearin, it is necessary to rinse it several times under water and wrap in a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.

Wick. For the phytyl, thick x / b thread will need, for example, a woven with a pigtail or twisted into the rope Muline. Synthetic materials for candles are unsuitable because they are quickly lit and smell it unpleasantly. It's easier to get wick from ordinary candles.

The form. As a form for the manufacture of candles, you can use different containers: jars from coffee, durable packaging, molds for sand and plastic balls. If you decide to make a fierce or a round candle, the container you will use for this, for example, a plastic ball, you should cut along and put a hole with a diameter of at least 1 cm so that it can be freely pouring the composition.

Dyes. You can take dry food dyes, wax chalk or natural components, such as cocoa. But the paints on an alcohol or water basis for the manufacture of candles are not suitable.

Dishes for melting. A small saucepan or bowl is suitable, which is conveniently placed on the steam bath.

Additional materials. They will need to decorate and give the aroma product. Since the candles with their own hands is a big scope for fantasies, you can use everything you like, for example, coffee, dried flowers, shells, beads and sparkles. Fragravase candles can be beloved essential oils, vanilla or cinnamon.


  1. Grind the selected raw materials and place it on a water bath. If you use household candles, do not forget to extract wick. Candle residues need to be cleaned from black soot. Stirring, wait until the mass is melted. Lower the wick in it several times so that it is soaked and put it aside.
  2. Add flavoring and dye to the mass. If you use wax chalk, they need to grind with a shallow grater. When using two or more colors, one can achieve marble coloring. And dividing the mass into several parts and painting them into different colors, you can make a multi-colored candle.
  3. Match, selected for the candle, lubricate vegetable oil or dishwashing agent. The wick tip fasten on a stick, toothpick or pencil and install it on the mold so that the free end of the phytile passed by its middle and reached the bottom. For the reliability of the free part of the wick, you can attach a ship, for example, a nut.
  4. Fill the shape of a melted mass, wait for her full of frozen, then pull the candle by pulling the wick. If the candle is poorly removed, immerse the mold in hot water.
  5. You can decorate candles in different ways, for example, decompose at the edges of the molds of drunks, blades and seeds and then pour the molten mass after that. For the manufacture of coffee candles, you need to pour on the bottom of the form of a layer of coffee beans, pour them with a liquid material for the candle and from above to put grains again. The decoration of the product with beads, rhinestones and shells it is better to do after frozen and withdrawing it from the form. Decorative elements are inserted into the boosted surface of the candle or fasten with glue.

For the first time you may have problems, but after a small workout, the manufacture of candles of the house will not cause difficulties.

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