Repairs Design Furniture

How to remove old lawn grass. How to get rid of weeds in front of the lawn device

Good afternoon, dear gardeners. July the month is almost over, but the grass has not grown in the lawn in some places. On our site, the same thing happened, and even worse, the grass burned near the central path, or it was finally flooded. Today I will tell you how we restored the lawn, the size of parking for 2 cars. How to sow grass on a growing lawn: personal experience. In general, during the summer, the lawn requires care. In May, when young herbs began to grow, and the weather was hot and sunny, we wrapped the lawn every day with various sprinklers on peak or so starting after dinner until the evening. And only after that the grass began to green and grow. Also, we walked the aerator to break the tight soil, remove the dry grass, moss. Then he worked with fan grabs, the ashes were plucked, filled with fertilizers that dissolve in water. Lawn grass grew, Green, became more dense. In June, feeding, aeration was repeated. All events with lawn are better to do in the evening. Despite many of our efforts, properly appeared.

However, by July still appeared open places On the lawn. What did we do?

  1. Used the aerator on this site in different directions. First, with a bag for collecting herbs, then it was removed and turned the soil in different directions. Lined the pits, hillocks with the help of aerator, crowded the soil by fan rake after aeration.
  2. Then they filled the landing site.
  3. When the fertilizer was absorbed into the soil, scattered the seeds of lawn grass.
  4. On top of the seeds with a large sieta, they sat the earth to cut off lumps, branches and other trash. The thickness of such a layer is approximately 0.5-1 cm. Then he tried it. They did it all in the evening so that the seeds and the earth did not hurt in the sun.
  5. Unfortunately, the next day began the shower, and some water flows were formed on a newly sown lawn. When the grass rose, it became noticeable. In some places, the seeds knocked in a bunch. It was not afraid of us. Now we know how to adjust the lawn.
  6. Daily watering is obligatory, but not from the hose, but with the help of small sprinkles, so as not to wash upper layer Soil, which we sieved through a sieve.
  7. After a couple of weeks and a younger lawn, you can arrange the first haircut.

In the photo you can see a) a plot with oscillates on the lawn, b) after aeration, c) watering fertilizer, d) sowing the seeds of lawn grass.

But what happened as a result. In the photo "After" last year's lawn after a haircut. The new lawn has not been cut. As you can see, there are small lumets due to water flows.

  1. Sweep the lawn in warm time without rains. When it was cold (June +15), then the seeds were lying in the ground and did not boil). In July, at +25, they rose for 3 days.
  2. Frequent, but not abundant watering with water temperature + 20-25c.

Dear gardes, flowerflowers and builders. Send your stories to grow vegetables, colors and other plants. We are waiting for photos from you with you, family on the background of landings. Photos will be posted on the site in the heading gallery or in the thematic article.

The lawn brings satisfaction to the owners of the site only when it is the perfect green lawn. But how do not try, and over time, the lawn loses its attractiveness: yellowes, they appear propellets, or the grass is amazed by various diseases, from which it is not so easy to get rid of. So sooner or later the moment will come when the old lawn has to be replaced completely. In this article, let's talk about how to get rid of the old lawn, which technology exist, and also give a couple important tips.

    • Mechanical method
    • Herbicides.
  • How to remove the old lawn sown in open ground

    There are two options for the arrangement of a green lawn - sowing grass in open sad and rolled lawns. Sowing lawn enjoys greater popularity among summer residents and many country inhabitants. It is more durable, requires less attention to himself, as it feeds on moisture from deep layers of soil, but it is much more complicated to remove such a lawn than the rolled one. After all, the roots of grassmes are deeply penetrated into the soil layers and form a strong strong turf saturated with soil and moisture.

    To remove the old lawn, you will have to be worn hard. Below we describe the three common ways to remove the old lawn from the site.

    Mechanical method

    To the question of how to remove the lawn, sown in the open ground, the first thing that comes to the head is to cut the turbulent to the head with a sharp gardening inventory. It may be a bayonet shovel, a cocked shovel with a pointed edge or a cultivator.

    • First of all, it is necessary to undermine the edge of the lawn closest to the border or another obstacle.
    • Then, at a depth of 10 - 15 cm, we drive a sharp shovel.
    • We translate the shovel into a horizontal position, making as if cutting the movements.

    • For convenience, this procedure can be performed together: one person pushes a shovel from himself, the second pulls the stalk over himself, holding the thick rope, tied by the turn of the shovel.
    • Thus, cutting part of the lawn, all the turnes must be packaged into hermetic bags and take out the site.

    Important! If you leave the turf of the lawn grass on the plot, there is a possibility of germination of old seeds, which are probably preserved in the turf.

    Dern can be taken out into the forest, landing and pouring, but also a wonderful compost can be made of it. To do this, cut the turf along with the soil must be pissed in compost pit or a bunch. To accelerate the transformation plant residues In the humus you can handle a bunch of biopreparations.

    The site that remained after cutting and removing the old turf, it turns out below the old level by 10 - 12 cm. To return to the former height, it is necessary to pour fresh soil or black soil. From above, you can sing a new lawn or use a plot for other purposes.

    Treatment of the area of \u200b\u200bbiological preparations

    It is not always possible to completely remove the turf from the site, and it is not always necessary. Therefore, there is another way to remove an old lawn combining mechanical method and the use of biological products.

    First option:

    • remove the turf can be exactly the same way as described above. Using acute bnyon shovel Cuts a layer 10 - 15 cm thick. In this case, the surface of the soil remains smooth. Cutted turnt can not be deleted from the site, but simply turn up roots.
    • Then, on top of the derm, we water the solution of biological products accelerating the decomposition of organic residues. For example, "Baikal 1", "Emoki", "EM-1" and other drugs with microorganisms. It is possible to produce such a procedure in the warm season when the air temperature rose above +16 ° C.
    • Solution of biological preparations can be sprinkled by a turf, the bay solution in garden sprayer. So small drops will cover the maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe organic. And you can simply pour Dern from the watering can.
    • After processing the turf, it is desirable to cover it with mulch. It can be a black film, it is easier to remove it from the site.

    Important! Remember that for best recycling Organiques with microorganisms, the soil should be wet. Also unwanted straight lines sun rays, For this, you need a mulch.

    • After just a week you can already sow new lawn grass. After removing the mulching material, a loose humus remains under it. This means that microorganisms have successfully recycled the organic.

    Please note that biopreparations with microorganisms process any damaged organic. For example, cut by sap, shovel. No matter how hard you tried, but in the depths of the soil will remain small roots of herbs. Biopreparations successfully process the remains of the roots in the ground and cutted turf, leaving only the nutrient humus. At the same time, notice, without damaging the soil nor environmentHow do herbicides do. The fact is that the biopreparations include soil microorganisms, the main task of which in the natural area of \u200b\u200bhabitat is the processing of organicities in the compound available for plants. That is why the use of biopreparations on a cut-off turne is the most organic and environmentally friendly Removal of an old lawn.

    Second option:

    • Significantly less laborious will be overpassing the area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn with the help of a cultivator.
    • Although the surface of the Earth and will not be smooth and smooth, as in the case of cutting the turf, but this method requires less time and strength.

    • After the site is treated with a cultivator, it is shedding with a solution of biological products in the same way as described in the first method.

    The site is desirable to cover mulch, and a week later you can sing a new lawn.

    Important! Please note that the processing of the organications in humus takes more than one week. But a week after processing by biological products, it is safe to sow seeds, as they are no longer subjected to decomposition.


    Herbicides cause irreparable harm to soil inhabitants and other micro and macroorganisms on your site. Moreover, they accumulate in the soil and then fall to you on the table with food. Do not think that here I have a lawn, and there is a vegetable garden and between them as much as 15 m, herbicides will not harm harvest. You are mistaken, the remnants of herbicides and their decomposition products can travel on your site along with rain and groundwater.

    Nevertheless, many are not frightened, and they continue to use herbicides to destroy green plantings. Well, we will tell for them the technology of these substances on the site.

    First, the processing of herbicides should be carried out in the means of protection: in the respirator and gloves. In the process of processing the site, it is necessary to ensure that the drug does not hit open areas Skin. After processing, you must take a shower.

    Herbicides on the skin can cause burns, poisoning and allergic reactions.

    Herbicides are sold in a liquid and dry powdered form. They also differ in the type of exposure:

    • Non-selective (solid action). These herbicides are not able to distinguish different kinds Plants and destroy absolutely everything in a row. They can only be used after harvest. Because no matter how hard you tried, and drops of the drug during processing will fly away throughout the plot.
    • Selective (selective action). Herbicides of this type are able to destroy only certain types of plants. Such drugs can be used throughout the season to destroy weeds.

    Also, herbicides differ in the way of exposure:

    • Contact action. Drops of the drug fall on the leaves and the stalk of the plant, it dries and dies. In this way, you can delete annual plants.
    • Solid action or systemic herbicides. After entering the drug on the plants, it is absorbed into the structure, not only the above-ground part (leaves and stem), but also the roots. Such drugs can be used to eliminate perennial plants.

    So, to remove the old lawn, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn is necessary to treat the universal herbicide of the system action. If this is powder, then it is necessary to scatter it evenly throughout the area, according to the instructions.

    After processing with herbicides, the plot must be covered polyethylene filmTo improve the reaction of the interaction of the drug and grass. Remove the old lawn with herbicides better in hot summer daysWhen direct sunlight can smear the grass through the film.

    Sawning a new lawn is not earlier than in a month, but better for the next season.

    How to remove an old rolled lawn

    A completely separate category of lawn - rolled lawns. They are a canvas of green grass, the basis for which is a dense derm - the weave of the roots of grass. It is spread to a smooth prepared area. Sometimes under the rolled lawn, they make a subfolder from rubble and sand, and the film or agrofibling spread from above, so that other plants could not be exhausted from the soil. This is the main difference between rolled lawns - their base is separated from the general soil, so it is easy to remove it.

    Dismantling of the lawn can be done at any time of the year. For several years, which rolled lawn lay on the plot, his roots twisted, forming a solid canvas. No more clearly distinguished rolls, there is a solid carpet of grass.

    That is why before removing the lawn, it is necessary to cut it again to smooth rolls. This will greatly simplify the task of dismantling.

    • First, place the site.

    • Via acute knife Cut the old rolled lawn again to rolls.
    • We subscribe the cloth on one side adjacent to the curb or another obstacle.
    • Then carefully refress or cut the bottom from the bottom.
    • Even taking into account the fact that under the rolled lawn there is a substrate that does not allow to cling to the roots for the main ground, still during the years of the use of the lawn, the turne as it was glued to the base.
    • To pose a turne, you will need a sharp tool.
    • Then roll the lawn to rolls and remove from the site.

    Delete the old lawn from the site is necessary only when you are going to lay a new rolled lawn. If you no longer intend to use rolled lawns, then after dismantling the old lawn, you must remove the substrate film and completely remove the submission. The site falls asleep with fertile soil, after which it is possible to sow sowing lawn or use a plot for other purposes - break the garden or garden.

    If you are going to start a construction site on the site of an old lawn, then fall asleep fertile soil No need to remove all the subfiction.

    The dismantling of the old lawn is always troublesome, as it is necessary to gently remove the large area of \u200b\u200bgreen plantings. In order for the case to argue faster, it is better to invite a couple of friends or relatives to help.

    Lawn is a decorative grass that pleases the eye and soul. But sooner or later, the lawn begins to fade, covered by zhukhli weeds and rain, which, in general, spoils the appearance of the courtyard. At such moments it's time to start thinking about how to remove the hated eye of an old lawn. To do this, you can use in two ways. Arm yourself with a shovel or purchase herbicides that can be found at any gardener store.

    The cost is quite affordable, so you will not incur big financial losses for sure. The first way is the most economical. It is necessary to cut the shovel Dern. The depth of the layer is enough to choose at a mark of 10-15 cm. The work is physical, dusty and a little dirty, therefore it will be quite good if you buy gloves in advance and robe for saddy work. She is sure to come in handy in the future.

    So how to get rid of the lawn? To begin with, the cut DRD should be packaged in hermetic bags and it is desirable to remove from itself to as much distance as possible. The fact is that even after drying the lawn in the soil will remain enough a large number of Seeds who again next season will give greasings of fresh grass.

    The second method - treatment with herbicides. In this case, in addition to the robes and purchased chemicals, you will need a special respiratory mask and hermetic rubber gloves. Do not risk your health, since herbicides can cause poisoning, burns or allergic reactions.

    Treat a fully intended area with a lawn with herbicide. Rapid substance without spare, according to the instructions. Do not miss a single square centimeter, because there should be no dispute of this "harmful lawn grass" from a detrimental influence of chemistry, which aggressively grows every year.

    After processing with herbicide, cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn with a polyethylene transparent film. How to remove the lawn faster? To do this, it is best to carry out the processing in the sunny months (in the late spring, in the summer or until the middle of the autumn), when the direct sunlight can effectively dry and smear all the remaining plants under the ferry. The herbicide at an elevated level of humidity under the film will finish the case - destroy the seeds and disputes that have time to fall.

    Usually by the next year, under the film, the lawn turns into a ground ground with a saturated minerals Soil. This happens after the grass is overloaded under the influence of natural process and herbicides. If you intend to change the lawn every year, and you have a question how to do it quickly, then in this case it is worth upset. Buy a cultivator.

    It will allow you to quickly process the old layer of the turf with the old lawn. After cleaning, you can immediately sow new seeds. Cleaning lawn - painstaking work. But if you have time and patience, you can completely do with elementary objects: a shovel and rake. The most important thing during cleaning, tear the grass with the root. It is preliminarily ruined the land or pour it to clean up easier.

    Who will challenge the statement that the neat emerald lawn is a true decoration of the household. Lawn like an element decorative Garden, It has a mass of indisputable advantages. He plays the role of an ideal canvas, on which an intricate picture of the garden is drawn with bright strokes. Well-kept parter lawn is indispensable in the front zone of the manor, where it serves as an expressive background for decorative landing, sculptural groups or exquisite flower beds. Lawn is relevant with any principles aRTISTIVE SOLUTION Garden. In a regular style, a lawn can act as a central element of symmetry, whereas in the landscaped garden it combines different areas of the site, visually tying them into a single whole.

    Green carpet of lawn is an excellent cure for overwork and fatigue, a generally accepted means for solving recreational tasks: organization of recreation area, creating a convenient and safe coating For the playground. At the same time, the Lawn has a beneficial effect on the microclumatic conditions of the garden: significantly enriches the surface layer of air with oxygen, increases its humidity and helps reduce temperature in hot summer days. On undeveloped and unfaded sites, the creation of lawns leads to the accelerated formation of phytosredes that prevent soil erosion and contributing to a favorable vegetation and increase the winter hardiness of wood and shrub plants.

    Everything would be just wonderful if it were not for the reverse side of the coin. The lawn is one of the most problematic and complex in the care of the garden components, especially in our northern latitudes. Winter freezing, sparing, shocking, attacks of moles, mushroom diseases, but you never even have a fear of the lawn. The need for permanent care: frequent mowing, periodic watering, regular fertilizer's introduction, sinking, land, aeration, desperate wrestling of weeds and many other necessary operations to maintain the quality of lawn are also significantly darling the joy of possession of a cut-off lawn. To the greatest extent, this concerns significant areas in the area where the exemplary content of the lawn turns into a durability. In cases where the lawn is arranged in forest areas, under the shady canopy of trees, should be especially persistent in the struggle for its survival.

    What to do, if there is not enough time, forces and means to care for a lawn, is it really not possible to refuse it? In no case! The advantages of lawn are so obvious that they outweigh all the difficulties that will have to overcome on the way of creating a lawn and constantly feel during the care of it. However, even at the stage of garden design, it is necessary to seriously think about where, what and how big sizes can afford to have a lawn. And how can it be replaced by the remaining area of \u200b\u200bthe site.

    It is not necessary to take the entire space of a plot with a luxurious, but time-consuming and capricious frame lawn. It will be quite relevant in the solemn entrance area, and in other corners of the garden, in accordance with their functional accessory, it can be replaced by a much easier in terms of the care of a garden lawn or even a meadow, which is impossible better suitable For a plot solved in the popular style "Naturgarten".

    An irresistible impression is made by the sections of a meadow lawn, composed of the Dernin of the spectacular species of cereals, harmoniously combined in height, color hues, texture of leaves and inflorescences and other features. To create such original fragments, the prairies can use species and varieties of benikov, moths, buoquarters, oatmeal, miscounts, as well as colosnyakov (elimus). In a natural garden, occupying his peripheral parts, a motley Mauritan lawn fit perfectly with an abundance of bright wildflowers (poppies, daisies, flax, cornflowers, calendulas, estras, daisies).

    Listed Types of lawns require minimal maintenance. Mow ordinary meadow lawn We will have only a few times per season, and Moorish - in general only once, at the end of the summer, after ripening the seeds of blooming annuals. The overwhelming majority of herbs used to create lawns is quite demanding to light. Even the most striking species, such as wildflower and some varieties of redness red, will not be able to grow in a thick shadow. Therefore, in those places of the site where lighting is clearly not enough (under the canopy of trees and shrubs, from the northern side of the buildings), the herbal tier should be formed from shadowish plant. Depending on the design solutionsit can be either a dense, closed carpet from Barwinka, Undercloth, Liver, Tiallla, Bowls, Hob, Lily of Lily and many other soil species, or a more decorative shadow flower bed using a number of a number decorative plants, such as Ostrichnik and other ferns, anemone, Badan, types and varieties of host, Astilb, geranium. Shaded places will look bright and attractive from the earliest spring, if directly in a flower garden or among the soil grasses to plant the curtains of bulbous and molacukovic plants.

    The use of soil plants is definitely not limited to shadow places. On open spaces, first of all, sites occupied by landings, not quite suitable for the growth of lawn herbs: the slopes, the stamina and sandy soils, the moistened places. The choice of soil plants for these purposes is extremely large, it is only necessary to take into account the environmental conditions for plant growth, their size and comparisibility with each other.

    On dry, elevated areas, when designing stony GoronsRocariums are planted with spectacular sharpening light-loving shrubs: DameMamers and horizontal kizylniki, Barbaris Tunberg "Green Carpet", Laptop shrub "Goldstar", Low closed pillows of which can occupy a significant space. In addition, there are many herbatous perennialssuitable for dry and bright places. The soil of the bush of the Yasakolok, gripped carnations, numerous semisers, a sealing phlox, fluster of a woolly, thyme smoke, of some stamps, will close the soil of the bush.

    In low places, on wet soils and near the water bodies, an alternative to the lawn can be to plant moisture-loving spreader perennials, like a widespread white, nine-sided, simplocarpus and large host, supplemented with a dense bottom tier from the coycale, treasure closette or Sanguinearia. Canadian.

    It should be especially important to mention the important role of soil coniferous plants In decorating the site. Modern nurseries offer big choice species and varieties of sparse juniper, pines, fir trees and other conifers, extremely diverse on the shape of a bush, texture and shades of needles. It can be widespread juniper Cossack "TamarisciFolia", Juniper scaly "Blue Carpet", Pine Mountain "GNOM" or more rare, such as pressed to the ground Juniper horizontal "Wiltonii" or openwork microbiot crossing. All of them also help reduce the area of \u200b\u200blanding area, significantly increasing its attractiveness.

    In addition to using them as independent design elements - single or repeated decorative groups (which can be called coniferous modules), soil conifers can be widely used in a "picking" of soliter plants, bases of retaining walls and buildings, to secure slopes, corners of tracks and edges of lawns. In the same capacity can be used and soil roses, as a rule, are famous abundant and long blossom, as well as very unpretentious and frost-resistant. Among others, the variety "Lavender Dream" has proven well. Bushes of roses of this variety are low, spread with rather small, but numerous semi-world pink flowers with a strong aroma.

    A perest garden can become a kind of replacement for the lawn and, at the same time, one of the most stylish corners of the site. Carpets of hereski should enrich interesting low conifers and rhododendons that present similar requirements for the conditions of habitat. To enhance the coloristic attractiveness in the heather garden, Ericiki, which, unlike heather, bloom in the spring, paint the entire composition in bright tones. The stains of the landings are combined with original stones, mulch the gravel or crushed dump, small pebbles, bark, walnut shell and chip, forming, thus, low rocarium or the likeness of the heather empty. In addition to purely ornamental, mulching of landings on the site pursues other objects: protects the ground from the drain, draining and blurring with precipitates, improves its physical characteristics, prevents the growth of weeds, enriches the soil with organic compounds and ... reduces the area occupied by lawn grass.

    IN lately Moss and lichen gardens, decorated with boulders, spins and other inert materials are becoming increasingly popular. Such elements garden designAlong with artificial swamp, gravel gardens and rocky fuses - Kurumami also become an unexpected alternative to the lawn coating.

    It is impossible not to mention and such traditional way Reducing lawns area like paving. It can be a platform for parking, original summer kitchencombined with the dining room (barbecue area), or patio - open-air room, green living room, where it is pleasant to relax on fresh air. Examples of devices are increasingly found in the plots wooden coatings: Nastilov in playgrounds, garden parquet in recreation areas, Dec in reservoirs and swimming pools. Modern materials, such as high quality natural stone, tile, decorative concrete or tree S. antiseptic impregnation Allow you to create a convenient, beautiful and durable coating that requires minimal care, and it can become a real "highlight" of the site - it all depends on taste, desire and, of course, the capabilities of the owners.

    In conclusion, I would like to once again note that the lawn is undoubtedly the wonderful invention of the master of the garden of a distant past. However, in relation to the terms of our northern latitudes, and due to the absence, with rare exceptions, the state of thrown gardeners on panstones, total area Parterial lawns, in our opinion, should be no more than a quarter of the area. The same, or a slightly large area it is advisable to occupy other types of lawns. The use of the rest of the space free of buildings and tracks depends solely on the views of the owners and the designs of the garden designer. It is reserved for group landings of trees and shrubs, decorated with soil coniferous and deciduous plants, are given under the gardens, peers and moss, flower beds, rokaria, reservoirs and others decorative elements, Paving and flooring, as well as dropped by rubble, pebbles and other mulching materials.

    The lawn brings satisfaction to the owners of the site only when it is the perfect green lawn. But how do not try, and over time, the lawn loses its attractiveness: yellowes, they appear propellets, or the grass is amazed by various diseases, from which it is not so easy to get rid of. So sooner or later the moment will come when the old lawn has to be replaced completely. In this article, let's talk about how to get rid of the old lawn, which technology exist, as well as give a couple of important advice.

    How to remove the old lawn sown in open ground

    There are two options for the arrangement of the green lawn - sowing grass mixes in open ground and rolled lawns. Sowing lawn enjoys greater popularity among summer residents and many country inhabitants. It is more durable, requires less attention to himself, as it feeds on moisture from deep layers of soil, but it is much more complicated to remove such a lawn than the rolled one. After all, the roots of grassmes are deeply penetrated into the soil layers and form a strong strong turf saturated with soil and moisture.

    To remove the old lawn, you will have to be worn hard. Below we describe the three common ways to remove the old lawn from the site.

    Mechanical method

    To the question of how to remove the lawn, sown in the open ground, the first thing that comes to the head is to cut the turbulent to the head with a sharp gardening inventory. It may be a bayonet shovel, a cocked shovel with a pointed edge or a cultivator.

    • First of all, it is necessary to undermine the edge of the lawn closest to the border or another obstacle.
    • Then, at a depth of 10 - 15 cm, we drive a sharp shovel.
    • We translate the shovel into a horizontal position, making as if cutting the movements.

    • For convenience, this procedure can be performed together: one person pushes a shovel from himself, the second pulls the stalk over himself, holding the thick rope, tied by the turn of the shovel.
    • Thus, cutting part of the lawn, all the turnes must be packaged into hermetic bags and take out the site.

    Important! If you leave the turf of the lawn grass on the plot, there is a possibility of germination of old seeds, which are probably preserved in the turf.

    Dern can be taken out into the forest, landing and pouring, but also a wonderful compost can be made of it. For this, the cutted turf along with the soil must be pissed into a compost pit or a bunch. To accelerate the transformation of plant residues in the humus, you can handle a bunch of biopreparations.

    The site that remained after cutting and removing the old turf, it turns out below the old level by 10 - 12 cm. To return to the former height, it is necessary to pour fresh soil or black soil. From above, you can sing a new lawn or use a plot for other purposes.

    Treatment of the area of \u200b\u200bbiological preparations

    It is not always possible to completely remove the turf from the site, and it is not always necessary. Therefore, there is another way to remove an old lawn that combines the mechanical method and the use of biological products.

    First option:

    • remove the turf can be exactly the same way as described above. Using an acute bayonet shovel, a layer 10 - 15 cm thick is cut. In this case, the surface of the soil remains smooth. Cutted turnt can not be deleted from the site, but simply turn up roots.
    • Then, on top of the derm, we water the solution of biological products accelerating the decomposition of organic residues. For example, "Baikal 1", "Emoki", "EM-1" and other drugs with microorganisms. It is possible to produce such a procedure in the warm season when the air temperature rose above +16 ° C.
    • A solution of biological products can be sprinkled by a turf, the bay solution into the garden sprayer. So small drops will cover the maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe organic. And you can simply pour Dern from the watering can.
    • After processing the turf, it is desirable to cover it with mulch. It can be a black film, it is easier to remove it from the site.

    Important! Remember that for better processing of organics by microorganisms, the soil must be wet. Also unwanted straight sun rays, for this you need a mulch.

    • After just a week, you can already sow new lawn grass. After removing the mulching material, a loose humus remains under it. This means that microorganisms have successfully recycled the organic.

    Please note that biopreparations with microorganisms process any damaged organic. For example, cut by sap, shovel. No matter how hard you tried, but in the depths of the soil will remain small roots of herbs. Biopreparations successfully process the remains of the roots in the ground and cutted turf, leaving only the nutrient humus. At the same time, notice, without harming the soil or the environment, as herbicides do. The fact is that the biopreparations include soil microorganisms, the main task of which in the natural area of \u200b\u200bhabitat is the processing of organicities in the compound available for plants. That is why the use of biological preparations on a cut-down turf is the most organic and eco-friendly removal of the old lawn.

    Second option:

    • Significantly less laborious will be overpassing the area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn with the help of a cultivator.
    • Although the surface of the Earth and will not be smooth and smooth, as in the case of cutting the turf, but this method requires less time and strength.

    • After the site is treated with a cultivator, it is shedding with a solution of biological products in the same way as described in the first method.

    The site is desirable to cover mulch, and a week later you can sing a new lawn.

    Important! Please note that the processing of the organications in humus takes more than one week. But a week after processing by biological products, it is safe to sow seeds, as they are no longer subjected to decomposition.


    Herbicides cause irreparable harm to soil inhabitants and other micro and macroorganisms on your site. Moreover, they accumulate in the soil and then fall to you on the table with food. Do not think that here I have a lawn, and there is a vegetable garden and between them as much as 15 m, herbicides will not harm harvest. You are mistaken, the remnants of herbicides and their decomposition products can travel along your site together with rain and groundwater.

    Nevertheless, many are not frightened, and they continue to use herbicides to destroy green plantings. Well, we will tell for them the technology of these substances on the site.

    First, the processing of herbicides should be carried out in the means of protection: in the respirator and gloves. In the process of processing the site, it is necessary to ensure that the drug does not hit the open areas of the skin. After processing, you must take a shower.

    Herbicides on the skin can cause burns, poisoning and allergic reactions.

    Herbicides are sold in a liquid and dry powdered form. They also differ by type of exposure:

    • Non-selective (solid action). These herbicides are not able to distinguish between different types of plants and destroy absolutely everything. They can only be used after harvest. Because no matter how hard you tried, and drops of the drug during processing will fly away throughout the plot.
    • Selective (selective action). Herbicides of this type are able to destroy only certain types of plants. Such drugs can be used throughout the season to destroy weeds.

    Also, herbicides are distinguished by way of exposure:

    • Contact action. Drops of the drug fall on the leaves and the stalk of the plant, it dries and dies. In this way, one we can delete annual plants.
    • Solid actionor systemic herbicides. After entering the drug on the plants, it is absorbed into the structure, not only the above-ground part (leaves and stem), but also the roots. Such drugs can be used to eliminate perennial plants.

    So, to remove the old lawn, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn is necessary to treat the universal herbicide of the system action. If this is powder, then it is necessary to scatter it evenly throughout the area, according to the instructions.

    After herbicide treatment, the area must be covered with a polyethylene film to improve the reaction of the interaction of the drug and grass. Clean the old lawn with herbicides is better in hot summer days when straight sunlight can smear the grass through the film.

    Sawning a new lawn is not earlier than in a month, but better for the next season.

    How to remove an old rolled lawn

    A completely separate category of lawn - rolled lawns. They are a canvas of green grass, the basis for which is a dense derm - the weave of the roots of grass. It is spread to a smooth prepared area. Sometimes under the rolled lawn, they make a subfolder from rubble and sand, and the film or agrofibling spread from above, so that other plants could not be exhausted from the soil. This is the main difference between rolled lawns - their base is separated from the general soil, so it is easy to remove it.

    Dismantling of the lawn can be done at any time of the year. For several years, which rolled lawn lay on the plot, his roots twisted, forming a solid canvas. No more clearly distinguished rolls, there is a solid carpet of grass.

    That is why before removing the lawn, it is necessary to cut it again to smooth rolls. This will greatly simplify the task of dismantling.

    • First, place the site.

    • With the help of a sharp knife, we cut the old rolled lawn again to rolls.
    • We subscribe the cloth on one side adjacent to the curb or another obstacle.
    • Then carefully refress or cut the bottom from the bottom.
    • Even taking into account the fact that under the rolled lawn there is a substrate that does not allow to cling to the roots for the main ground, still during the years of the use of the lawn, the turne as it was glued to the base.
    • To pose a turne, you will need a sharp tool.
    • Then roll the lawn to rolls and remove from the site.

    Delete the old lawn from the site is necessary only when you are going to lay a new rolled lawn. If you no longer intend to use rolled lawns, then after dismantling the old lawn, you must remove the substrate film and completely remove the submission. The site falls asleep with fertile soil, after which it is possible to sow sowing lawn or use a plot for other purposes - break the garden or garden.

    If you are going to start a construction site on the site of an old lawn, then you don't need to fall asleep the fertile soil, it is enough to remove all the subfins.

    The dismantling of the old lawn is always troublesome, as it is necessary to gently remove the large area of \u200b\u200bgreen plantings. In order for the case to argue faster, it is better to invite a couple of friends or relatives to help.