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How to plant lawn in the country. How to put a lawn grass: step-by-step technology of the lawn. What to choose: Seeds or Rolled Lawn

Landing a lawn is a fairly simple process, but will require considerable patience to achieve an optimal result. Works should be performed in stages.

We plan to lawn

Before proceeding with the performance of work, the territory should be placed for the future lawn. It is important at the initial stage to consider the presence of other plants on the site, since in the future it can lead to difficulties with haircut of grass. If there is on the territory, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the grass and. The distance should reach 1 meter, for convenient operation of the lawn mower.

Cooking the plot

Preparation The base is one of the important stages that will provide a clean and beautiful herbal coating without weeds. Before you begin to lay the lawn, you must prepare the soil.

The main stages of land preparation:

  • remove the garbage from the territory of the future lawn - it concerns stones, residues of building materials, twigs and other foreign objects;
  • if there are remnants of the root system or whole unnecessary trees, they should emerge and remove from the site;
  • herbicides are one of the options that the issue of how to make a lawn by hand without weeds;
  • pull up the prepared area, Features the Earth;
  • create a drainage layer - rubble or broken brick will perfectly cope with this feature;
  • form a flat surface, without tubercles and ravines, compact the soil by means of a rink;
  • it is necessary to enrich the soil with oxygen - to break the ground with robbles;
  • leave the area for a while under the pair.

Perform the processing of the Earth by herbicides. Do not save on the quality of the drug.

Selection of seeds for lawn

When choosing a gas mixture, it is important to take into account the following factors:

  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • the features of the soil;
  • the presence of sunlight;
  • functional purpose of the site.
  • experts recommend the optimal composition for your site.

Singing lawn

For high-quality coating the surface of the grass, you should carefully read the information on the package. The manufacturer indicates the required amount of seeds per meter square. On average per 1 square. m. It will take about 30-40 grams. seed.

Do not save on the amount of grass. Empty places will very quickly take weeds.

Conditionally distribute the material for sowing on equal parts, this will ensure a uniform consumption. Moisten slightly soil, evenly spraying water.

Hardwood weather is the perfect day for sowing lawn.

For uniform distribution, scatter the lawn grass first along, then across. Take care of the seeds with neat, light movements and compact the ground roller or go through the territory. Watering the site using a small spray.

Caring for lawn

The plot, sown by grass, must be systematically watering at least once a day, and more. Especially carefully follow the soil moisture in the first month after sewage. In the future, it should depend on the amount of precipitation.

After the lawn is beveled, experienced gardeners are recommended to perform watering herbal cover.

Thanks to compliance with uncomplicated tips, you will become the owner of a saturated and dense lawn, which will decorate the country area or territory near the house.

The video about landing lawn

Polyana, which is distinguished by velvet grass, can create a certain atmosphere on the entire site. Emerald shades can determine the design by combining colors, tracks and alpine slides. How to make a lawn in the country with your own hands? This is for everyone. To form a lawn on its own forces, it is necessary to understand how to prepare the site on which the Polyana will be. It is important to prevent standard errors during sowing and care.

What should be done first?

Start the preparation of the place under the lawn a few months before sowing. Especially if there is a large number of perennial plants on the site. How to make a lawn in the country with your own hands? For him, solar and slightly shaded places are well suited for him. If the shadow of trees is too big, then to create a lawn will need to carefully pick up herbs. You can purchase special grassmes.

If you think about the formation of the lawn on your site, the place should be sandy or loose. If there is an elevated humidity, arrange a plot with a drainage system. Negative on the crops will affect the lack of moisture. To prevent this problem, remove the top layer of the soil and make a pillow using clay. The thickness of the layer should be 10 cm. How to make a lawn in the country with your own hands? Take care to be a good irrigation system.

Having equipped the site with her own hands, dig up the top layer of the soil. You will need to remove all the garbage. The thickness of the fertile layer should not be less than 30 cm. Did you decide to use the brought vegetable soil? Miss it thoroughly so that the soil compacted.

Need to get rid of weeds

Remove the weeds from the future lawn. An ordinary weeding will not help this. Consequently, it will be necessary to use herbicides. For applying drugs, it will take advantage of special devices that will spray funds on the surface of the weeds. The result of such actions will be the fact that all unnecessary plants will die in a week. Several procedures may be required. For re-processing, it is necessary to wait for new shoots. How to make a lawn in the country with your own hands? It is necessary to return to this just 3 weeks after the last soil processing.

If the quality of the soil is not good enough, you can use fertilizers or special means.

What kind of lawn can be created on its site?

Before making a beautiful lawn in the country with your own hands, you need to decide what sizes and form is necessary. You should also represent what kind of site will be the design. What can be used in dachas?

  1. Parterial. The most prestigious and beautiful lawn. Know that the grass is recommended to plant on an even plot. Selects sowing thoroughly. It is necessary for a lawn a solid care, without which it will not last long.
  2. Ordinary. The most common variety of glade, which enters the lawn of this type is unpretentious or in the creation or in care. In addition, it is characterized by high resistance to pulling out. The ordinary lawn is optimal options for family holidays.
  3. Mauritanian. This lawn is also known as herbal-floral. This type should be chosen only if the site is large enough in area. It includes several dozen variety of grasses of herbs and colors. In addition, the appearance of the lawn will change throughout the summer.
  4. You can use a rolled lawn. With your own hands, at the cottage, such a glade is quite easy to create. Yes, and high-quality herbal covers will be obtained for the shortest possible time with minimal costs.

The shape of lawn may differ. Polyana is capable of being smooth and solid, representing narrow strips located between different flower beds and buildings. The form may be an unusual, curved or figured. Such a lawn is able to fit perfect in the design of the site. The choice to do to each owner of the cottage or his own home, guided by preferences.

Required tools

As soon as absolutely all the nuances are taken into account, you can start creating a lawn in the country with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions do not imply any complex actions. First of all, you need to collect some tools. You will need:

  1. Shovel.
  2. Rake.
  3. Boards. They should be long. Instead, you can take advantage of a light rink in order to catch the soil.
  4. Seeds of those herbs from which the lawn should be.
  5. Seeder.
  6. Hose for watering.

All tools are collected? We start creating a lawn in the country with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions will be described further.

The surface must be smooth

The first actions have already been described above. You will need to choose the right area, collect trash, remove weeds and fade it. If there is a need for this, you will need to make a drainage and irrigation system. After that, proceed to align the place. The playground should not have holes or elevations. If all this is in stock, then reap the soil several times. For its leveling it is worth using rakes. Before embarking, sowing the earth using boards or rink. It is not difficult to make it using pipe cutting for these purposes.

It is necessary to approach the choice of grass

Landing using rake with small cloths. It is necessary to sow perpendicularly, first along, and then across the site. Divide all seeds into two parts. Each of them mix with sand. After that, start sowing. If the plot is huge, take advantage of special seeders. Sowing depth should not be big - no more centimeter. Due to this, you can enhance the germination of seeds. There is a huge number of different varieties of grass. They differ in colorful, appearance and care of care. It is recommended to carefully approach the selection of mixes, guided by the site. You can use the help of consultants of specialized stores.

Watering and lawn care

Using a rake, mix the seeds with the top layer of the soil. After sowing, the soil should be tamped using the rink. Due to this, conditions for germination of grass will be improved. In addition, the seeds will be able to protect against attacks from birds and wind. After sowing, the area should be pouring. It is recommended to do it carefully and carefully. As soon as the first inputs appear, it is necessary to water the platform regularly.

Be sure to end the lawn. This is the main condition for it. Cut the haircut is recommended regularly, starting from the moment when the grass reaches 8 cm in height.

Simple option for lazy

Musks the question of how to make a lawn in the country with their own hands? For lazy, there is a variant that is characterized by minimal costs. It is necessary to simply take advantage of the rolled coating. This is a special grid that has a narrow 5 cm thick. It is rolled into a roll. In this form, it is necessary to transfer it to the place of laying. Pre-site must be prepared described in the methods. It is necessary to get rid of weeds, fertilize the soil, align the place. These operations will help prevent air from the emergence between the Earth and the coating. Spread the lawn on the site, point it with a roller and thoroughly. After all the actions done, you will receive a flat, stable coating with a rich green color. Such lawns differ in that the grass is growing on them much faster than sowing. You can use this Polyana formation method if the coating is required to get over the shortest time.

It is necessary to decorate the lawn. What do feedback say?

The lawn occupies a rather important position in for this reason it is necessary to ensure that he harmoniously fit into the design. Take into account this moment if you want to answer the question of how to make a lawn in the country with your own hands. Feedback from people who have already created Poland on their sites showed that additional design is needed. And best for these purposes to use bulk materials. Color pebbles are highest popularity, granite crushed stone shallow fraction and which may differ in different shades.

Do you need to make a lawn in the country with your own hands? In the spring, coniferous shrubs and a variety of flowers can be planted. As the reviews showed, by the middle of summer you will have very beautiful glade. You can also set greenhouse plants in pots. Against the background of green grass, they will look worthy. An excellent addition will be benches, a variety of figures of gnomes or other heroes from fairy tales. Why not make a lawn with the help of flower? This is also a good idea. European design can be obtained using rural attributes. For example, you can use wooden benches, cars with flowers, a variety of garden sculptures. Remember that only a neat and well-kept lawn can demonstrate the presence of a good taste of the site owner.

Fascinating process of creating a lawn

In this review, the answer was granted to the question of how to make a lawn in the country with their own hands. The photo of how this process looks like and what result can be obtained, you have seen along the reading of the review. They are able to better show any words to demonstrate the beauty that the site will receive. But difficulties in the process of creating a lawn are not available. Everything will depend on how much you want to decorate your site. It is worth wishing you good luck in this creative and fascinating process.

It seems to many that there can be no difficulties in growing grass. But this concerns only weed plants, they really grow on themselves. And in order to get a beautiful herbal lawn, you have to work, in this case there are certain subtleties. We will understand how to plant the lawn grass with your own hands, and what care to provide it.

When to plant lawn grass

Landing lawn grass can be made in spring, summer and autumn. Consider the positive and negative sides of each of these periods. Spring the spring grass is recommended in the last decade of April - early May. Such deadlines have their advantages:

  1. The soil by this time is quite wet and no longer murdered.
  2. We manage to climb the first weeds, and it will be possible to get rid of them before sowing lawn grass, applying herbicidal drugs.
  3. By the end of the season, the grass will be strengthened, even survives several missions. You will be able to detect errors, and if somewhere left properly, then put the seeds.
  4. In the spring, it is already quite warm, and with a good germination of seeds, you can admire the young green lawn in a month after sowing.
  5. By the winter period, such a lawn will be strengthened and well-rooted, easily suffer frosts.

The disadvantage of the spring plant is that the prepared soil may not have time to stand out. That is why experts recommend to prepare the plot under the winter, and sow seeds in the spring.

Some believe that planting lawn grass is better in June, as the soil is already very warm. In addition, if the preparation of the site was carried out in the spring, the soil will have time to settle, detecting errors in alignment.

You can sow the lawn and in the second half of the summer (July - the beginning of August), but in this case it all depends on the region. In areas where cold comes early, there is a risk that the grass will not have time to grow. In addition, the insufficient amount of miseivans will not give to form a homogeneous surface. Part of the plants can freeze and do not rise in the spring, and then you will have to sow a lawn.

As for the autumn period, there are two options for planting lawn grass. A good time for regions with moderate winters is the beginning of September, it is necessary to carefully prepare a plot carefully. The lawn grass in the fall time does not only be ascertained, but also grow to the height of the first haircut (about 10 cm). Thanks to the mocking, the lawn will strengthen and at such a stage perfectly pumps under the snow in the regions with moderate winter.

The second option is to sing a plot of seeds under the winter (at the end of October), after making fertilizer soil. The grass will no longer have time to grow, but the seeds will pass stratification, it is harnessed and extended in the spring. But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of the region. If the second half of the autumn is warm, the plants will begin to break through (at temperatures above + 5 ° C), and the sharp attack of the colds will destroy them.

Where to begin

The arrangement of the lawn starts from planning a suitable place in the country and markup, while it is necessary to take into account the general plan of the site and landscape style (if it is already formed). Then, on the designated territory, we begin to remove weeds. If there are too many of them, the site must be treated with herbicides. As soon as weighing plants ship and dried, proceed to the general cleaning of the territory. Everything is removed - dried grass, stumps and roots of solid trees, branches, stones, construction trash and unnecessary shrubs.

Preparation of the site

Now the purified site must be switched. This is one of the most difficult stages. Do not neglect the rescope, if you want to get a really healthy and beautiful lawn. Depending on the soil structure there are two options: simple (or single-tier) peroxide. Only the top layer of the soil on the bayonet shovels is affected (if it is heavy, you can take advantage of too). This method is suitable when you know exactly that in the area normal drainage and earlier the Earth was cultivated.

For example, one-tier resistance is enough if the lawn is divided on the site of the old flower beds or the garden. Bunk Pumping. It will be required on sites that have not been plowing for a long time. With this method, the upper layer of the soil is removed and disappeared to the side, and the bottom explodes with the help of Kirk or Vil. With such a peopling, it would be good to add manure either a surge compost.

Soil on the plot needs feeding. If it has increased acidity, add chalk or haired lime. Heavy and clay soil are loosened with a humorier or compost. And, of course, mineral fertilizers: spring nitrogen, summer and autumn - potash and phosphate.

The prepared area is given 1-2 weeks to stand up to soil donkey. After that, carefully inspect from all sides the territory of the future lawn for irregularities, otherwise, when the grass grows, it will be seen that the lawn is uneven. It is necessary to crush the bumps, fall asleep with the soil of the depressions and go well through the entire area of \u200b\u200brobbles. The finally prepared territory is rocked by a garden rink.

We need drainage

If the lawn is divided into a wetland or clay prevails in the soil, without drainage it is not necessary. In this case, when preparing the site, three layers must be made. At first, a broken brick (saman or ceramic), tile, gravel, stones are covered with a thickness of 10 to 15 cm.

Silicate brick for the improvement of drainage is unsuitable - under the action of moisture, it quickly destroys and changes the chemical composition of the soil.

Then form the same in the thickness of the layer of small dropping of rubble or sand. And only after that the fertile soil is placed.

How to choose grassmes

What to choose the grass for planting lawn depends on its functional purpose, the illumination of the site, climatic conditions:

  • the sports field should be well transferred mechanical damage and pulling out (the red and meadow fester will be suitable, meadow mint, long-term riches);
  • the lawn for children's games should be soft, so it is better to search for his teams, different types of clover, meadow Timofeevka;
  • the decorative coating should look exquisitely, for its arrangement, sheep is used with sheep oatmeal, a random fire, a closing pool.

A good option for creating a background with other landscaped elements is a Canadian lawn grass. When evounced, it is unpretentious, grows on any basis, care for it is simple. "Canada Green" retains its greens even under snow cover and does not give to germinate by weed plants. If you want to form a bright flowering lawn, choose Moorish lawn grass. Beautiful low-spirited lawn create from white clover, Corsican mint, anise and crawling thyme (chablie).

Technology Sowing

The technology of planting the lawn is no difference. The main rule - there must be windless weather to ensure a uniform distribution of seeds around the site.

Most of the seeds of lawn grass is no special preparation for sowing required. Only in some plants (bonfireless, high rags, meadow mint) seeds have thin hairs, which they are connected to each other, form lumps and lose ramp - to restore properties they are treated at home on a grater.

Two days before sowing, the area is watered to land seeds in a slightly moistened land.

If the territory of the future lawn is large, then without a special seeder can not do. In small areas you can sow manually. Herzhane is shrinking in the sand (there are equal proportions), stirred carefully and scattered throughout the area. Such mixing allows you to achieve the uniformity of the distribution.

Sow in two directions: along the plot, then across. Then the soil is loose and rolled with a roller so that the seeds are not separated by the wind gusts, and preferably sprinkle with peat (layer in 1 cm will be enough). The final stage is watering a plot from the hose with a small spray.

Care rules

And now a small instruction on how to care for the planted lawn: the main thing is to ensure the correct and timely irrigation - it is necessary to use a small sprayer to use a powerful water jet to wash herbal roots while they are still weak. Water daily early in the morning and in the evening, but not only in the dining scammer. The lawn, sown "under the winter," do not watered - the seeds should take the spring. When growing grass up to 6-10 cm, they produce the first haircut, the exception is the Mauritan (blooming) lawn.

Subsequently coars every 2-3 weeks (the frequency depends on the type of lawn and the varieties of planted plants). Twice the soil season needs aeration. The upper layer is pierced by special devices, due to which the normal exchange of atmospheric and soil air is ensured.

Three times during the season, the lawn must be filing. The first time in the late spring makes drugs containing nitrogen and phosphorus - they contribute to the rapid growth of green mass, as well as strengthening and developing roots. To improve the color and growth of grass, in summer feed with nitric fertilizers (you can not do this if the season is not too dry, with moderate temperature). Inventing the fall of potash fertilizers will give the grass resistance to winter cold.

Possible problems

It happens that the young grass is badly growing and loses a bright color. Most likely, in the soil there is not enough nutrients, and therefore, it is necessary to feed nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Perhaps the appearance of weeds if the site was not carefully cleaned at the preparatory stage, that is, they will have to dig them manually.

The appearance of cracks on the lawn speaks of a scarce watering. To eliminate them, it is necessary to hide a damaged area and inspired by adding a few grassmes to the mulch. The yellowing and dying of grass testifies to fungal or viral diseases - the entire lawn may die. It is necessary to immediately treat the focus with special drugs, such as Fundazole.

We hope that you will succeed in sowing the lawn with your own hands. He will take it, will not hurt and for many years will delight the eyes with a beautiful bright view and nice to tick the heels.

To get a high-quality green lawn at the cottage, you will need to stock up some knowledge of knowledge and preparing preparatory work before sowing. In a complex of collected information on how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is necessary to include information about the composition and preparation of the soil, the tools and seed choices, about when it is better to plant grass - in spring, summer or autumn.

It is very important to acquire the right seeds. Not only the decorativeness of herbal cover, but also its winter hardiness and durability depends on the composition of the gas mixture. Seeding and subsequent shoots of shoots have their own rules, performing which you can get a high-quality sowing lawn.

Selection and preparation of the place

The best time for sowing lawn

The place where the lawn grass can be planted must match a number of conditions:

  1. Sufficient illumination - One of the main conditions for successful growth. The best lawns are obtained on the plots, most of the day open by the sunshine. In the deep shadow of buildings or under large trees, lawn cereals do not create dense turf and gradually die. The optimal option for shadow areas is the replacement of cereals by teothelubivy soils (Barwinka, hooven, etc.).
  2. The territory of the site must be aligned. Horizontal surface without bugs and pit or a small uniform slope - a guarantee of high-quality herbal cover. Before sowing the lawn grass, spend thorough cleaning: remove the construction garbage, stones, pencit, align the bugs and pits. On large areas for soil planning, you can use the help of special equipment with a horizontal knife-loader. When the plot is small, with irregularities are fighting sharp shovels.
  3. Selection of favorable landing. Already in the middle of spring, when snow melts and excessive water leaves, you can proceed to the preparation of soil and landing the lawn. Grass, sowned in May, like everything that is planted in the spring, grows and develops much better and for autumn forms a durable turny. You can engage in the sowing green lawn you can almost all the warm season. The last term is the first numbers of September. Later crops, although they will go up, will not have time to work out the referee to the coming frosts.

Selection of seeds for sowing lawn

Let's talk about the varieties of lawn blends so as not to be lost from the variety of colorful packages with grass seeds. Perennial selection works allowed to select varieties and grade of cereals to obtain different qualities of herbal coating:

  1. Mix for sports lawn Compiled, most often, from the endless grades of oatmeal of red, mint and a long-term ricon. They withstand a short haircut, resistant to pulling out.
  2. Mix for Parter Lawn Includes the most decorative grade of cereals. Bright emerald color, silky gentle leaves - such a lawn is customized to decorate the front entrance to the house. It is not used for walking. As part of the grade of the oat and wilderness of the red and wilderness.
  3. Universal lawn - The mixture under this title is suitable for the country area. It turns out beautiful, but practical herbal coating that can not only admire, but also use for recreation, games with children and animals. Herbs included in its composition are durable, devoid of hard shoots, form a dense emerald carpet.

Do not purchase seeds without labels with a manufacturer and variety composition. This can be purchased from the unscrupulous seller comic cereals, not adapted for lawns. When choosing a mixture for the middle band and more northern areas, it is impossible to allow a railing content of more than 10-15%, as it does not have the necessary winter hardiness.

Creating a soil layer under the lawn

To create the right ground for growing lawn grass, you must work seriously. After painting work on clearing and leveling the site, it is worth digging the land and look at its quality. Well, if a fertile garden soil is under the spade. It is enough to plug in the bayonet and choose the roots of many years of weeds. In this case, you will have to improve the soil layer.

Alignment of the plot of robbles

In lowland hydrofin, it is necessary to add a body (compost, humid, peat, stored in the fall of sheet ODEAD). For better permeability, coarse sand is made. By adding components and stirring the soil, at the same time continue to level the surface. With the help of the cord and pegs, the horizontal is exhibited, not neglecting the construction level or level. A clean surface alignment is convenient to do, stretching a long smooth rack or using the back side of the rake.

Garden rink trambes soil under sowing

When the soil is rustled and leveled, it is trambed by a special hand roller. Water filled, it weighs about 100 kg. The small territory can be sealed with a piece of thick plywood and your own weight. After tamping, the site is highly moisturized so that the whole thickness of the plowed layer is soaked with water. Watering will reveal the remaining irregularities that need to be eliminated.

Prepared the soil - you can plant seeds

There is a simple method, how to put the lawn grass in an inexperienced person:

It is necessary on the domestic scales to measure the number of seeds that is required for sowing 1 square meter. The norm is 35-50 g per 1 m². Having measured the desired volume, it is picking up a suitable cup of measure for it to take the same amount of seed every time.

Weighing seeds for sowing 1m²

From thin wooden plates make a square frame with a side of 1 m. It will be a template for sowing seeds. The frame is put on the ground and seeds are scattered inside it. Sowing is performed by the "impressive" movement of the brush hand. Half the norm is low along, half across the template for greater uniformity.

How to plant lawn grass seeds by template

The square falls asleep with a thin layer of sifted peat or finelystructural soil and rolling with a lightweight roller. The frame move and repeat all operations until the entire area falls.

The first shoots begin to appear on the 4th day.

Young lawn care

It is necessary to clearly represent, not only where and how to plant lawn grass correctly, but also how to provide it with the necessary care, so that young lawn fastened, survived the first winter and pleased for many years.


In the first month of life, young grass shoots require particularly close attention to maintaining humidity in the soil. It is impossible to dry up the surface, some grades of lawn grass are delayed with germination, and they can be ruined in dry soil their rapid sprouts.

Suitable for young shoots of water spraying torch

The overvailing is no less harmful for gentle young leaves, it is possible to provoke the appearance of mold, rot, the formation of moss. On average, when there is no strong heat and drought, watering is required once every 3-4 days. Water the lawn with a soft jet of water with small spraying.


Considerable dacket disorder can cause the type of lawn grass shortcomings to the same having fun green leaves of weeds. You can proceed to combat them, only waiting for the rustling of the lawn when it can be advisable to the grass. Waiting for the ridge follows at least a month.

To reduce the pressure of the feet on the sprouts, the weeding is leading, laying a piece of thick plywood under the feet, trying to stand for a long time in one place. Painted lawn, as a rule, is quickly restored.

Even if before planting the grass, the site was treated with herbicides, weed from time to time will appear. Healthy lawn grass, sown with the right density, will outset the main mass of weighing plants. Systematic mowing will not give to scatter the seeds of the Swan and other one-year weeds.


The first hide is done when the leaves of cereals will grow by 12-15 cm, and they are cut for the first time no more than 5 cm. Be sure to check the sharpness of the mower knives so that they do not pull out the undeveloped roots of young cereals from the soil. The following cats are carried out every 7-10 days, in spring and summer - more often, in the fall - less often.

Lawn after the first hide

For the new lawn to survive the first winter, some preparation will be required in the fall. Under the snow, the lawn should leave the combed and trimmed, without waving leaves from the trees. The snow cover in winter will protect from the freezing, will save from large hassle to repair herbal cover of future spring.

For those who wish to have a beautiful and well-groomed territory near the country house, the useful will be information on how to sow lawn grass with their own hands. A competently planted and beautiful lawn will be a great place to relax the whole family and an integral detail of the landscape.

  • 1 Selection of seeds
  • 2 landing
  • 3 Lawn Care
  • 4 Useful advice
  • 5 Photo Gallery

Selection of seeds

How to grow a beautiful green lawn? First you need to choose a suitable sowing material. Manufacturers offer a wide range of ready-made compositions for sowing lawns. For example, it may be a lawn sports or for family holidays.

Deciding, how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the lawn mixture. Seeds should be adapted for the local climate, otherwise you can expect an unpleasant surprise in the form of a pennate after winter. It is wiser to select frost-resistant graces of herbs, which differ not only in durability, but also the thickness of the cover. Such herbs include the hairdryer Red and Mattik meadow. The optimal version of the lawn mixture is an association in an equal proportion of 2 of these types of herbs.

An important criterion for getting a thick landing is an accurate measure of seeds to evry. After the choice is made, you should adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations on the consumption of material.

Another criterion is the choice of suitable time for landing. In any season, it is necessary to clearly comply with the recommendations on the number of seeds for planting lawn grass. If sowing is carried out in summer or in spring, it is worth adding half of the norm to the specified parameter. This is due to the fact that spring floods and autumn rains take part of seeds with water flow.

In the summer, for the landing, the grass also take a few more seeds than is indicated by the manufacturer. The hot sun is detrimental for young shoots, so it is desirable to increase the number of shoots so that some of them are guaranteed to grow further.

The most tight in the thickness of the lawn in the country will grow on a flat land. Lawnies that go under the slope or are irregularity, it is worth falling by seeds more tightly than the manufacturer requires.


After the landing time is defined, the perfect seed grade is selected, you can begin sowing lawn grass. Lawn planting technology is as follows:

  1. The removal of weeds on the household plot is carried out. Those who want to know how to plant lawn grass correctly, it should be remembered that the site should be thoroughly cleaned from weeds. To achieve the goal, you can use all known methods: cultivation, mulching, watering the stretch by herbicides, manual canopy. Most effective can be considered irrigated by herbicides. These solutions remove the smallest weeds of any kind. Two weeks after processing, there is a complete destruction of all weeds.
  2. It is necessary to damage the soil so that the lawn landing is more successful. Before falling down the lawn, the land must open, remove the stones and dried roots. Large earth kids should be broken by a shovel. Prepared soil should be homogeneous, sufficiently loose and saturated oxygen. At the same time, the land plot also align. The pits are plundered by the earth, and the soil is crushed from the bugs.
  3. Without fertilizers, a thick lawn will not grow. If the type of soil is alkaline, then it is fertile to peat, and if sour - lime. Before planting lawn grass on the plot, the soil must be fertilized by mineral or organic additives. The optimal option will be compost or biohumus. If the soil is very poor, it will help to improve its composition to replace the upper layer of soil. For this, the area where the landing of lawn grass is planned, is drunk, the top layer of the soil is removed with a depth of up to 40 cm. Exhausted ground is taken out, and fertile soil is laid in its place.
  4. Alignment and sealing plot is a responsible stage of work. Before sowing the lawn grass with your own hands, the soil must be aligned with robbles and compact. High-quality seal is carried out using a garden rink or a small barrel with water. The plot prepared for landing should be compacted to such an extent that the person passing on it is not drowning in the ground.
  5. How to sneeze the lawn grass on the plot? To begin with, you will have to make shallow grooves on the rammed surface of the earth. The depth of the seeding site should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise small seeds will not go. Lawn landing lines first make horizontally, and then the vertical site. It is necessary to remember the seed flow rate recommended by the manufacturer. After the seeds are planted, all the grooves must be carefully filled with the ground and roll with a roller or barrel.

Caring for lawn

It is not enough to know how to sing a lawn with your own hands, - you need to understand how to care for it after disembarking. For friendly shoots, it is important to organize the correct first watering. The optimal option is to use special sprayers with the function of small irrigation, then puddles will not be formed on the surface, and the seeds will not pop up. If the seeds are planted on rainy days, then the first watering can not be done.

How to care for sowing? If everyone is competent, then the first sprouts can be seen two weeks after disembarking. The grass rides and develops unevenly, so it is not necessary to panic, if at first the lawn looks somewhat bald. The real picture of the future lawn can be seen only four weeks after planting lawn grass.

In the hot season, the lawn should water every day.

Massacing the collapsing blades are necessary if their length reached 10 cm. Haircut is needed for aestheticism, and to stimulate the growth of new grass.

  1. The soil must have a prepared minimum of 10-14 days before the seeds fall into the ground. During this time, the soil can settle down.
  2. In the spring, the grass is boiled for 20 days, and in the summer this period is reduced to 7 days.
  3. To minimize the number of weeds that spare together with the grass, it is better to carry out the fall.
  4. Fertile land is not worth digging deep, so you can avoid excessive shrinkage of the site.
  5. In order for the site to be even uniform, it is distributed in advance to squares.
  6. The first 7 days after seva watered a lawn with watering can or autonomous spray. So you can save the access of the air to the eldest ends yet through the thickness of the earth.
  7. Purchase seed material with a reserve, because with a weak germination will have to fill empty places.
  8. If there is very hot weather on the street (over + 30 ° C), it is not recommended to fertilize, otherwise the root system will burn.

Only when complying with all the rules, it turns out to grow a beautiful lawn without weeds and properins.

Photo Gallery

Here you can see in the photo, how can you decorate the landscaped design of any site using the lawn.