Repairs Design Furniture

Ways to eliminate the water entering the basement. I flooded the basement - what to do step by step. Eco-friendly ways to destroy fungus in the basement - video

All owners of private houses are familiar with such a problem like a flooded basement. And with this, not only the owners of the cottages are facing, but also the townspeople. The time of flooding of basements is spring. It happens during the period of intense melting of snow. The groundwater level rises, the Earth absorbs this water and holds it for a long time.

Many owners of the basements seeing that water is worthwhile in the basement, throw their storages and do not even try to dry and restore it. They believe that it will be easier to acquire a new cellar. But some more thoroughly approach this issue and prepare their repository for possible natural impacts.

First of all, careful sealing of walls and gender is needed. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the construction of water removal. If, in spite of everything, water in the basement of a private house, what to do, it is necessary to take all measures to keep it there as little as possible. Further in this article we will look at the basic methods of combating flooding in the basement.

Causes of water appearance

The normal functioning of all life support systems provides optimal conditions for the lives of all family members. But the violation of technologies in construction leads to the emergence of various unpleasant situations during operation. As a rule, they happen in spring. So such situations include the presence of groundwater in the basement, what to do?

Among the main reasons for the appearance of water in the basement of the garage, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Cracks soles foundation.
  2. Abundant seasonal precipitation.
  3. High groundwater level.

Errors in the technological process or incorrect interventions when laying can lead to cracks. There are also cases when the moisture falls into the basement of the house capillary. All this leads to the spread of fungus and mold. This happens if the ventilation and waterproofing of the country basement of the house are ineffective.

At the construction stage, it is necessary to take into account the features of relief and pressure leaks. One of the main parameters that determine the location of the future foundation is the presence and depth of groundwater and moisture accumulation site in the soil. At the same time, the project needs to lay the possibility of enhancing them and ways to protect. With abundant flooding from concrete, calcium is washed away, while the reliability and strength of the structure as a whole decreases.

Complete protection of the basement from moisture

"Miser pays twice". This famous truth is valid and when equipped with her house with a cellar. Much cheaper will manage to immediately build a basement, observing all the technologies than to wonder how to get rid of the water in the cellar.

It is always easier to prevent the problem than to solve it. Therefore, the prudent owner, first of all, think about the organization of waterproofing the cellar and the drainage system of the basement of his house. With the presence of a drainage system of moisture, bypassing the underground, it will go deep into the soil.

But you should not be upset if you thought about the safety of my basements after the groundwater in the basement began to host. Specialists will help you develop an action plan for water protection, taking into account the configuration, sizes and location of your construction. For example, drainage channels can be erected around the perimeter of the building after the construction is completed. Also, they can be installed inside the basement if it allows configuration. In such cases, false floor is used.

In this article, drainage systems were mentioned many times, let's focus in more detail on their properties and designs. As already mentioned, the main task of internal drainage is a drainage and drainage of land. Therefore, the design of the groundwater removal system contains the following components: well, trench and pipes. The most correct option will be the system drainage system at the layout stage in the basement. In compliance with the technical process and the rules of construction, drainage once and will decide the problem of drainage in your home.

The main element of the drainage design is a pipe of at least 10 centimeters in diameter. It should also have throughout the surface of the specialty hole, through which groundwater causes flooding and accumulate in the collector. Efficient flow and water collection should provide a trench with a bias below the floor level. Filter materials are used to protect against infusion, for example, crushed stone or geotextiles. Usually, drainage is carried out to the central sewage, there will be a significant amount of groundwater.

Installation of drainage systems includes the following steps:

  1. A trench around the foundation. You can also build a deep well in ten and fifteen meters from the construction. The bias of the trench should provide an opportunity for the unimpeded passage of water.
  2. Next, geotextiles can fit directly on the ground, and all this falls asleep with a decade-catering layer of rubble. On this primary, filtering groundwater, the layer is completed.
  3. The next step will be laying on the crushed stone of the drainage pipe. At the same time, leave the bias on the control throughout the trench. The withdrawing pipe through the tee must come to the well.
  4. After laying the pipe fall asleep with rubble, leaving about 30 centimeters to the edges. Top of a chicted litter fold the free edges of geotextiles. Thanks to these actions, it is possible to completely isolate the soil and drainage. In completion, the trench is covered with sand.

The result of the work done will be reliable drainage. At the same time, crushed stone and geotextiles will act as a filter for the perforated tube. And the transportation of moisture from the soil into the drainage will provide sand and gravel.

Thus, the drainage channels installed around the basement will be able to eliminate the main cause of flooding - an excessive level of groundwater. However, such systems have flaws - not every basement design will allow you to install a drainage system.

However, under certain conditions, it is possible to build drainage and indoors. The process of arrangement is not very different from the traditional, with the exception of the floor screed. It is also necessary to consider that the drainage system eats a 0.3 meter of the cellar height.

Automatic water pumping system

Not every basement configuration makes it possible to create a slope for water removal. In this case, the system of automatic pumping of water is applied.

Consider in more detail the steps of creating a system of automatic pumping of water:

  1. Putting water collection in the basement. The pit is equipped with a half-meter half meter and 50 cm deep into the depth. It should also be reinforced with brick masonry or concrete. Next to the pit is placed about 0.1 meters of gravel.
  2. At the next stage, the possessor of the cellar will have to purchase an automatic drainage pump that is working on a certain water level.

The main rules for the installation of such structures are quite simple. The pump, with special hoses connected to it, is placed in the dug hole. Hoses are outpass as far as possible from the room. In the event of an increase in the level of groundwater, its excess first rush in the harvested pit. It should be resorted to the assistance of the pump, which will pump water until the level of flooding water decreases to a minimum.

The advantages of the system in its relative simplicity and low cost of drainage. In addition, all these nodes are simply customized. However, without flaws, and here it did not cost. One of the vulnerable links of the system is the pump. When it fails, it will have to change the whole knot. And do not forget that by pumping out the excess moisture, you do not get rid of the problem as a whole!

Waterproofing of the basement

A high-quality water barrier will help ensure the waterproofing of the floor and walls. Usually, the layers of waterproofing contain three layers: waterproofing penetrating, mastic, as well as plaster. All three layers are applied with a margin in height, since it is quite difficult to predict the height of flooding.

What is useful to us for high-quality waterproofing:

  1. To begin with, binding materials for waterproofing (for example, penetron or hydrotect).
  2. You need bitumen mastic, waterproof cement, sand and mesh for plaster.
  3. From the tools we take a spatula, a rigid brush and a container for the preparation of the solution.
  4. Well, finally, we will need a clean prepared premises, from which, if necessary, you need to roll out water.

Installation of waterproofing:

  1. First handle the walls and concrete floor with waterproofing. This composition has the property to be absorbed into greater depth and close the cracks.
  2. Bituminous mastic hobs joints and seams of concrete structures. In the end, apply a uniform layer in a couple of centimeters mastic on the remaining surfaces.
  3. For better mounting plaster on the wall, a grid must be installed. The plaster itself should be applied with a uniform layer, 3 cm thick.
  4. In completion, the cement mortar poured a mesh on the floor. And when all the plaster is dry, we can assume that the waterproofing process is completed!

How to dry the cellar after flooding

In addition to groundwater, dampness in the subfield of a wooden house can appear and because of poorly organized ventilation. The first thing to be done to eliminate the flood is to check the purity of the ventilation channels and, if necessary, clean them. In case the ventilation is clean, and the dampness does not leave anyway, it means that the exhaust and air flow is designed or constructed incorrectly. All this happens when the air in the basement is colder than outside. As you know, the heavy cold air itself is up on a special pipe will not go, which means that forced ventilation is needed.

The main option of how to dry the basement, in which case is the installation of a powerful fan for extracting and ensuring the most comfortable conditions for the air cellar. With this organization of circulation of the air masses, your cellar can completely dry over the week.

There is also a "folk" way, how to dry the cellar is to stimulate air movement using the candle. If you cannot use electrical devices, you will have to change the configuration of the exhaust pipe (such that is located under the ceiling). It must be increasing to the floor, so that about fifteen centimeters remained before it. A candle is set to the resulting space, which is designed to heat the air in various diameters of the pipe, thereby creating a craving. It happens that for good thrust there is not enough candles, in which case the burner is used.

In any case, be careful, take care that all this design does not fit nearby items!


Waterproofing not only prevents interaction with groundwater through cracks, but also will prolong the service life of your cellar. In addition, waterproofing has the opportunity to accommodate in any basement, unlike the drainage analog.

After reading this article, you should not have questions, how to remove water from the basement.

The problem of groundwater and possible flooding of the basement - Two complex questions that should be addressed on the construction stage of the country house. Ignoring these moments can lead to such undesirable consequences as the destruction of the foundation, its sedimentation, flooding of the basement and the damage of all its contents, as well as floors of the first floor. How should the protective measures be taken to warn trouble? If still the problem failed to avoid what to do? Perhaps the following information will be useful for you.

What leads to increasing groundwater?

For example, it may be the spills of closely located rivers or an increase in water level provoked by abundant precipitation. Can we influence the first factor? We personally, like dackets, is unlikely. But to provide for the fastest removal of precipitation - we can.

How to remove groundwater?

So that the soil waters in the basement of the country house did not create problems, there should be no simplicity there. To do this, perform protective events. What to attribute to them? Well, firstly, this is the designed drainage and secondly, - waterproofing.

Waterproofing is necessary from moisture contained in the soil in any case, and when the groundwater proceeds significantly below the basement level, without affecting the underground part of the structure. All concrete surfaces can be treated with special water repellent compositions, conduct sealing of the Wall-Wall seams, "wall-floor". So we will be able to sealed ...

There is also injection waterproofing. Its essence is that all cracks are filled with multicomponent materials in composition. Thanks to the special properties, the substance administered under pressure from special equipment, the rapid fills all existing external and internal voids, hardens, thereby reliably overlapping access to water.

You can forget about the flooding of basements, if in addition to the waterproofing to take care of the drainage system on the site.

Option 1.

With the help of a bora, we will make several wells with a diameter of at least 10-15 cm, and a length of 3-5 meters on average. As a rule, this length is enough to provide fluids access to the water permeable layers through dense clay, which delay water, forcing it to accumulate. We lower the special pipe or fall asleep it with rubble to the upper boundary of the hole, cover the lid and fall asleep the earth. The wells, of course, should be done in the low-door parts of the site and build underwater paths to them on which flowing water will be sent. As a result, water is not accumulated in the upper soil layers, for example, during the rain or melting of snow, and through the waterproof layers of the soil. While very fast! Such wells are recommended to be done throughout the perimeter of the basement and in its surroundings.

Option 2.

You can also build a drainage system as follows. First of all, it is necessary to estimate the character of the slope in the country area, which in turn will determine the degree of liner. In addition, the greater the diameter of the pipe, the greater the bias. Thus, the independent flow of water to the side opposite is provided. On the perimeter of the house, dump the trenches and one more or two in the direction of the house for removing the liquid. They must be incurious about 1.5 meters, sewn 0.4 m, and the outlet bias must be below the basement level. Bottom with waterproofing terton, then geotextile (the material width should be sufficient to bite the subsequent elements of the entire system). The following layers are crushed 5 cm thick and directly pipes (under the required slope!). We fall asleep pipes with rubble, whose layer should be approximately 40 cm, close everything with geotextiles, smelling on top of sand and ground. For smooth plots, the drainage well is additionally digging, where rainwater will be gathered. From time to time they are pumped out with the help of a pump.

If the basement has already flooded.

If we did not go about the organization of waterproofing during construction, and the basement was flooded, then it is necessary to drain it urgently, and then think about the drainage system. The correctly laid network of drainage pipes will collect and distinguish not only soil, but also thal, rainwater, constantly protecting the foundation, basements from excess moisture.

Drain the flooded room with a drainage or fecal type submersible pump. There is nothing complicated in their design, as well as operation that does not interfere with devices effectively solve their tasks. The choice of the model is entirely depends on the composition of the liquid on your site, the number and sizes of foreign particles in it. The drainage pump will perfectly cope with clean or highly contaminated water. However, the fecal rolls the whole fluid if it is not simply contaminated, but it contains trash, for example, particles in size of 50 mm.

The next paragraph should be the organization of the drainage network on the site with one of the two above methods.

According to the site:

The flooding of the basement happens quite often. With this problem, not only summer residents are facing, but also urban residents. As a rule, water in the basement or cellar appears in the spring during the melting of snow. Despite the opportunity to dry the basement and make it newly suitable for storage of products, many people after one-time flood simply throw their storage facilities, preferring to acquire or build a new cellar.

In order for the problem of flooding the basement to you, it is necessary to thoroughly seal the floor and walls of the room, as well as organize an effective removal of water from the construction. If despite all the efforts, the soil waters are still penetrated into the cellar, then it is necessary to get rid of them very quickly, so that the basement is not under the action of moisture for a long time.

It is much easier to prevent the problem of the penetration of water into the repository in advance than to deal with its consequences. You can get rid of groundwater by equipping the cellar of the drainage system. It is necessary to make a system of drainage at the construction stage. Properly arranged drainage will make rid of water on the site and protect the basement designs.

If the drainage system was not equipped at the construction stage, then you should not worry about this, because there is a way out of this situation, it's next.

Accumulation of moisture in the soil

In order to quickly cope with the emerging problem of the basement flooding, it is necessary to understand what is moisture affecting the structure. Soil and groundwater are the greatest danger.

High level of groundwater on the site.

When digging a deep pit, it can be noted that gradually sandy soil and loams begin to replace a more dense clay rock. This is the so-called waterproof layer. After falling out of precipitation over such floors, huge volumes of water accumulate.

On the way of the movement of the soil moisture, walls and overlaps of the repository are often. In this case, a small underground lake is formed near the wall, which begins to negatively affect the designs.

The basement can be easily protected from exposure to water coming from the soil surface. To do this, you need to arrange special mini-channels that will divert water from building. But the groundwater, which hold on the same level underground throughout the year, are of great danger, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of them.

In particular, it is precisely from the depth of groundwater that depends the type of foundation on which the building is erected. If the building is supposed to be a basement (this is our case), then the optimal solution will be a monolithic reinforced concrete plate. This is financially reasonable and in many ways is really the best foundation.

There is another way to protect the room from moisture. If you want to make a basement absolutely sealed, you can use a littered container - caisson. However, the caissons are quite expensive and do not always have the desired size. Therefore, such a variant of the storage device is not considered by the majority of daches and country households.


In order not to think about how to remove water from the basement, it should be immediately borrowed by the device of the correct drainage.

Water removal scheme from basement.

By and large, a good stretch drainage is a deep trench located below the base of the basement. The width of the trench, as a rule, does not exceed 10-15 cm. The trench is usually covered with large-scale rubble, a perforated tube or a chute is mounted. In addition, waterproofing is necessarily located (for example, using geotextiles or thick agry). From above, the trench is covered with soil.

Drainage pipes.

Such drainage must be located under a slight bias from the construction. Such a water removal system will flow, collecting and removing any moisture with a fairly large area. Of course, among other things, it is required to organize the output of the assembled water beyond the site.

If your house with the basement is located on the slope, then the drainage trench must be made from the side of the elevation so that it goes the building. And the outputs need to be made below the lower part of the site. When there is no slope, it is necessary to make a drainage well, in which all water assembled from the site will be collected.

One of the best methods for removing melt water from the building is to compile the drain and tap tube. The second pipe must have a maximum bias away from the site. Experts recommend to operate in this case a pipe with a diameter of at least 12-14 cm. Even when accumulating the soil and dry leaves in the groove the throughput of the pipe will not decrease.

The process of the device of the drainage system.

In addition, it is very important to prevent perpendicular fibes of the pipe (which, for example, come around the garage), because they are very often clogged with leaves and garbage. With the length of the gutter, more than 500 cm it is necessary to provide two outlet channels. In addition, it is strictly not recommended to connect the tap tubes to the foundation drainage system. In this case, if a tanning tube is born, the whole drainage system will be blocked soon. Then water in the basement, the cellar or the garage observation pit will be the usual phenomenon.

Complete protection of the basement from moisture

Ground and melting water systematically feed the soil around the foundation, so after some time the hydrostatic pressure increases, and the moisture begins to leak through the cracks at home. In order to stay dry during the whole service life, and that the water in the cellar does not accumulate, it is necessary to make high-quality waterproofing at home. In most cases, bitumen mastic and special mixtures are applied for this. Waterproofing of the coating type is applied to the surface outside.

The modern market offers all sorts of masts, the basis of which is low molecular weight polyethylene or petrochetum. Before applying, these mixtures must necessarily warm up (otherwise due to the proper insulation). The performance characteristics of such insulators are much higher than that of ordinary bitumen mastics.

You can select three main components of high-quality moisture protection:

  • Insulating layer under the stove (cellar, garage, at home) and good waterproofing of the walls.
  • The presence of an internal drainage contour (it is responsible for harvesting moisture).
  • Effective and stable pumping pump.

Waterproofing basement with bitumen mastic.

The monolithic plate in the cellar or basement is placed on a layer of gravel at 20-30 cm. This backfill must be done in order to provide a good gravel and sand pillow for concrete. This pillow will be responsible for draining the soil under the stove. Parosolation materials are stacked on a crusched layer (as a rule, many use polyethylene). Steam barrier rolls need to be laid must be laid (by 40-60 cm), all visible joints need to be sealed with construction tape.

Such isolation, according to many builders, is incorrect because it will not allow to go into the ground that will necessarily stand out from the cement mortar. That is why the pouring of the concrete will be long. The problem partially can be solved by laying a small sandy layer on a vapor insulation material. You can also consider the variant of the device layer of vapor barrier under gravel.

Pump - part of the drainage system

Pump for pumping water is one of the most important elements of the drainage. If you use high-quality equipment, you can completely eliminate the likelihood of moisture in the cellar or basement. It is important that the pump housing is cast-iron. In addition, the drainage pump should be able to pump water in the presence of solid inclusions.

As a rule, pumps are mounted inside the waterborns collecting and filtering water. In turn, the water collector is arranged in the aggregate layer below the floor level in the cellar. The moisture container penetrates through the drainage system through the sidewalls of the watershed.

But hope for using the pump is dangerous. If, for example, the house will be de-energized, the basement will be quickly flooded. And to do something in this case will be too late. To progress, experts recommend making a drainage system with two pumps. Moreover, the second will work on the battery. An additional pump can be installed in the same water collection capacity as the main one.

Highly efficient drainage systems have whole pumping stations that are equipped with backup batteries, which allows not to break the usual mode of operation even when the electricity is disconnected for a long time. But is there any need to make such a drainage system on its site? Most likely, a simpler option is suitable for solving your tasks.

Water in the basement of the private house appears in summer and spring. It can happen with any building, even if it has never been flooded before.

Causes of flooding

Floods occur during large rains in the summer or rapid melting of snow in the spring, also water is drowning underground in dry weather. The reason why such a phenomenon occurs is a seeping or flowing through the walls or foundation from surface waters and storm sewage.

It is important to remember several factors.

  • The basements are subject to floods.This is the lowest level of the building, built partially or completely below the ground level.
  • Underground waters are located below the surface of the Earth. The level of groundwater may be above the floor level of the basement.
  • The sewage is located in the ground.This includes all varieties - storm, sanitary and combined. In most cases, sewage is below the foundation, the water level in the sewage systems is above the floor level of the basement.

If the levels of groundwater or sewage around the house above the floor level, the liquid will automatically flow into the basement. For example, a crack in the foundation floor provides the perfect way to water in underground.

Sewer pipes always have a way to home and back from it. Under normal conditions, water flows from the house into the sewer. If the system is violated, there is a probability of the reverse process - the liquid will go to the house.

Main problems:

  • the slope of the earth promotes the flow of water to the house;
  • destroyed foundation - arising cracks that allow water to flow down;
  • problems with pipes.

Flood during dry weather

Most of the flood cases occur during wet weather, but it is possible that flooding will occur in dry weather. There are three common reasons:

  • Blocked or disturbed sanitary unit.Sewerage over time comes out of the working condition. For example, roots of trees can penetrate the pipe and expose it to deformation. In this case, the normal release of the fluid is blocked, and the accumulation and braking of drain processes occurs. This is usually the wastewater of your own house that floods the basement. Liquid leak from shower, toilet, sinks. The disturbed design needs maintenance, and eventually need to replace it or rehabilitate.

  • Pump of sanitary node. Another reason for blocking sanitary sewage is something that is reset to the toilet. There is a list of things that can not be thrown into the toilet.

In the case of a cloth, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Toilets are designed to waste people and toilet paper.

  • Foundation drainage failure.Sections in basements are sometimes built in the lower regions, which are usually more wet than others. In such cases, the Drainage system of the foundation, for example, the pump, should work continuously to maintain the level of groundwater around the foundation below the basement floor. If the system fails, the fluid fills the basement.

Flood during wet weather

Flooding basements during wet weather is distributed more than flooding in dry weather. Rain, thawing water upload drainage systems, sewer pipes found underground. With such a load on the surface there are reasons, which is why the water flowed into the basement.

Surface flow or flooding on the ground surface. In periods of heavy rain or melting snow, surface waters merge around the house or accumulate in hard-to-reach places, such as driveways or roads adjacent to the house.

Waterproofing is considered part of the drainage system of the foundation. In this category, there are three main causes of flooding foundation, all of them are generally the result of excessive underground water around the foundation.

  • Separation.If the groundwater level rises, the liquid can get into the basement through cracks, holes and other paths. It is usually an old house or fragile materials, especially wooden structures that have a porous structure.

In disruption of drainage materials and pipes around the foundation, water can also get on the foundation floor or walls through cracks and holes. This will happen during pouring rains, periods of snowing snow, when there is a lot of water in the ground.

  • Pump failed. If the pump is installed in the basement, it will be necessary to customize the item so that it works efficiently. Pumps with proper functioning and good service patch excess water over the base of the house and from it. This water should be directed to lawn or storm sewer. If the pumps cannot support work, it is possible because of the power failure or malfunction, the level of groundwater around the foundation rises to such an extent that it follows from the sump to the floor in the basement.
  • Stuffed sewage.This means that the pipes are filled, and the water level in the hatches can rise above the top of the pipe. The main reason for this is an excess water in the sewer system, which ultimately overloads the sewage with a large amount of water.

How to get rid of?

In the flooded basement you need to eliminate the liquid. An important thing is to preserve the integrity of the underground and, if necessary, remove things that water floods.

Such a basement not only has an unpleasant odor, but also represents a big risk to keep the house. The moisture in the underground destroys the floors and walls, contributes to the appearance of mold, even capable of damaging the roof.

It is necessary to fight with humidity at once, because the fungus will bring harm to property and health of residents.

Some cellars are easy to dry, clean the gutter and make a removal of water from the foundation. But if the problem comes from other sources - the liquid flows to the house on the surface, leaking out from under the ground, you need to take more active actions.

Methods of getting rid of fluid in the basement are several:

  • Add gutter extension. If the drain pipes drop water in less than 1.5 kilometers from the house, you need to direct water further by adding plastic or metal gutters. The constant underground drainage pipe is invisible and is able to move a large amount of wastewater into the sewer far further from the house.

  • Tarve the surface of the pipe. If the fluid flows into the basement through cracks or gaps around the water pipes, you can block the holes manually using a hydraulic cement or polyurethane composition.

If the fluid rises across the floor, the problem is groundwater, and the layer blocking does not help.

  • Restoration of the earth surface near the house.Over time, the soil around the foundation settles. To restore this area, it will take a clay and sublinous mixture.
  • Restoration of waste pipe. If water flows in the subfield low on the walls or in the seams, where the walls are transmitted to the floor, the problem is hydrostatic pressure pushing water from under the ground. You need to check where underground pipes are installed to remove water from the foundation. It will take to look for a hatch or drainage in the basement.

If the drains are clogged, make cleaning and rinse the tubes with a garden hose. If it does not work, you should call a plumber, plumbing.

  • Pump.To create an internal drain system, you need to make a channel around the perimeter of the floor, pour concrete and pave the perforated pipe into the hole. The detail goes to the tank at a low basement.

Such a system is the best and least destructive option for the basement. This is a good choice if the yard is filled with flowers and greens, which destroy the external drainage system.

  • Waterproof wall.The installation of an internal drainage system displays water, but does not make it waterproof. To do this, you need an external system - drain, which will reduce hydrostatic pressure and external waterproofing to protect the foundation.

This is a big job that requires excavation around the house. The disadvantage is the removal of the well, if so is in the yard.

How to prevent the occurrence?

There are several methods for preserving dryness and avoid flooding basement:

  • Focus on prophylaxis. Before the situation appears, you need to examine your property from the inside and outside, and determine what methods there are ways to exit rainwater from home.
  • Remove the leaves in the spring and autumn from the drain gutter. Blocked channels force all the water on the roof to flow onto the foundation, increasing the probability of flooding basement.
  • To stretch the rain gutter outside the house, it can be hidden in the pit. For fixing, parts are made by mortar using a small concrete plant, which is located on the site. Do not connect drainage pipes to underground dry wells. This will lead to the fact that the water on the roof will nourish the earth and in the future the fluid does not stop, it will get to the basement.

  • During a strong shower, it is observed as water accumulates around the house, and see the main flow of fluid. If the surface water is sent to the built dwelling, consult a local contractor for tips on how to protect the courtyard so that water goes from housing.
  • Emergency electricity. Install an automatic generator to provide electrical maintenance of important equipment, such as a furnace or electric heating, a borehole pump, a refrigerator, a septic destination pump, in the case of electricity loss. It is important to choose a place where full isolation from the liquid will be. Without emergency backups, you can return home to the flooded basement, frozen water pipes and a disturbed septic.
  • Insure property from flooding.

The drainage pipes have the property constantly clogging, holes appear on the surface of the items. Water flows down on them along the perimeter of the house, and not to the corners and from home.

The level of groundwater can stand high in the ground. The layer of the Earth becomes wet, and puddles are formed on the surface, if there are cracks on the foundation of the house, the liquid lens to the basement.

Many people know that their home has this problem, and they have chosen the setting of the sump to correct the situation.

Peter Kravets

Reading time: 3 minutes


The appearance of water in the cellar becomes a real disaster for the owner, since it has a significant destructive impact on the stability of the house and its reliability. Mold and fungus, as a result of dampness in the basement, destroy the base material and carry the danger of harm to the health of the owner.

The moisture that fell into the foundation in the spring, in winter expands and breaks the base, forming cracks and surface defects. If water appears in the garage cellar, what to do and where it appears - the priority questions of any owner of the house.

Podputing may occur due to a number of reasons. Most often it is a poor-quality made waterproofing of the cellar when the moisture penetrates through the joints or overlap of insulating materials. Remove defects, so that the layer was impenetrable.

It is also possible to appear water due to prolonged abundant precipitation or flood water. There is a chance that the groundwater in the soil exceeded its normal level.

Regardless of which reason, water in the cellar appeared or costs, it needs to be removed from the room, along the way, finding the cause of penetration. Methods, how to dry the cellar in the garage, as well as in any other structure, there may be many.

For the effectiveness of such work, methods can be used comprehensively. There is a lot of video outdoor access, how to properly and quickly perform similar prevention.

Of all the methods, 4 most basic and most common ways can be distinguished how to dry the cellar (in the garage, for example) with preventive measures:

  • Arrangement of high-quality drainage;
  • Construction of a well with a pump for pumping water;
  • Waterproofing of the cellar with gel or resin capable of reduce humidity in the cellar;
  • Waterproofing of liquid rubber of the entire underground room.

Exterior drainage

If it is necessary to decide how to get rid of damp in the cellar, it should be understood that the water cannot be defeated, but you can send to the other side. The most efficient way is the drainage of the external location. The basis of the work of such a system is in the redirection of water flows from the soil to the lower layers of continental sands.

The optimal option would be to arrange drainage before building a cellar in the garage or under a different structure, then most problems could be avoided in advance. But even if it was not done initially, you can always make drainage in the cellar already used.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • Digging the trench 40 centimeters depth and the same in width;
  • Make wells to the level of sand. The holes themselves are located at a distance of a pair of meters from each other. Given the depth of the basement, such a well can be several meters deep. To prevent sweating of the soil inside the pit, the edges are put in its edges;
  • Perform the installation of plastic pipes with a diameter of 40 centimeters. Every drain is wrapped with geotextile against the formation of condensate and insulation. The bottom of the ditch is also covered with these materials on which gravel is embanked. Pipes put so that the top played over the edge of the foundation walls;
  • Make a snowing soil, and not immediately, but in several techniques. Each layer is thoroughly compacted. Get rid at the same time from the surplus of the Earth, which was taken out during the dig of a kittle.

Inner drainage

When the underground room hits the question, how to remove water from the cellar, arises before each owner of a residential country house. If the basement is large enough, it is worth equipping internal drainage. Before starting work, determine the scale of possible flooding.

And then to buy pipes for drainage, since the price depends on the pipe diameter. Installation is done after the floor is laid in the cellar.

Installation of inner drainage

  • Dig a trench of a depth of 50 centimeters around the perimeter of the room;
  • Pull with the bottom of the gravel layer or crushed stone on 20 centimeters and thoroughly tamper;
  • Located drainage pipes, falling asleep with their rubble fraction to 20 millimeters. This is due to the need for a rapid water drain through the drainage system;
  • Each pipe is turned into a layer of geotextile to protect against moisture;
  • Pull with a ditch to sand to the surface of the soil.

Water in the cellar, how to get rid of flooding and prophylactic measures - problems are solved easily if there is a drainage system. Drainage pipes collect all the water and merge it into wells for collecting water, which are digging at the lowest point of the cellar.

Walls concrete or buy well already ready. The production containers, as a rule, have a diameter of up to 32 cm and is height from one and a half to three meters.

The pump is placed in the well, which pumps water through hoses or pipes. Such an aggregate is equipped with a float with a sensor. Once water reaches its level, the pumping mechanism is turned on. All fluid from the well flows outside the site or to the nearby reservoir.

The cost of equipment can be high enough, because the internal drainage of this type is made in rooms with a large metro or complex configuration.

If the water in the cellar occurs on a regular basis, due to which the basement is too wet and raw, it is necessary to make waterproofing penetrating compositions. The most effective was the method of injection waterproofing, although insulation with such solutions worth more than similar, will require significant financial spending.

The quality of such protection depends on the experience and professionalism of the master, therefore, with their own hands, without a proper level of knowledge, such work is impossible.

The injection method of protection consists of creating an anti-filtration curtain and a polymer membrane, which serves as a reliable barrier, which can remove moisture and solve the question of how to remove dampness in the garage cellar.

The use of this type of isolation does not require the elimination of the finishing layer and cladding, it is also not necessary to open the foundation from the outside of the building.

Waterproofing substances are made on an acrylate basis, with polymer impurities and resins produced in foamy form. To install special packers in the desired order on the surfaces, the holes are drilled up to 2 centimeters, between which it is withstanding up to 80 centimeters of the gap.

The installation order and parameters of the opening of the packers are calculated based on the characteristics of the soil and base materials.

Drying is one of the most important measures to ensure good ventilation. After the water from the cellar is removed, the drainage is used.

There are different methods like drying the room, each of which is very effective and can be applied immediately before the package of the supplies, as well as preventive in the summer.

If the underground space has dug, all racks and tanks for drying are carried out from it, all products. The reinforced boxes are dried under the rays of the sun, as ultraviolet is able to remove water and condensate, and to displaced mold and fungus. All dampers, hatches and doors open the manner, you can run the fan if desired. So the cellar is withstanding for 5 days.

Gigroscopic Boxes

The cellar includes a container filled with an next lime or salt. These substances are inexpensive, but absorb actively moisture from the air. In addition, they help protect the air from dampness, and help struggle with fungal lesions of walls and floor, to which mold can be attributed.


A common way of drainage using a candle at the exhaust. If you install it, then the thrust becomes more intense, due to which the air circulation will be made more active.

Alcohol lamps operating on dry fuel can be applied. Drainage lasts a couple of days, a candle and alcohol is replaced as needed.

Metal brazier

Reliable and effective is a method with the use of brazier made of old metal bucket. It drilled holes, load several dried birch woods, which, when burning, not only helps to get rid of moisture in the cellar, but also disinfected the room. While the firewood is lit, the grille is split, the cooling occurs long, which is good to get rid of moisture.

The fire should burn continuously 12-14 hours, after which it is necessary to remove the open flame. We remove around sawdust and other garbage that can light up, you can build a temporary fence.

Electric heater

In some cases, an electric heater is used, from all existing models the best - convector. It is put in the middle of the room so that the waves of warm air spread evenly. This is an expensive way, but very effective even after flooding basements.

Home fan

Alternatively, you can use a household fan that you can dry the underground room for 5 days, while it is put in the center and open all the hatches and doors.