Repairs Design Furniture

Cool bench. From simple solutions to artistic sings - how to paint a bench or bench. Cooking clay mortar

According to the classic, everything in man should be fine. This also applies to all that surrounds us. Creation of comfort in his country house, do not forget about the household plot. Smooth lawn or flower beds serve the decoration for your garden absolutely no matter, the main thing is that there is a place where to sit down and relax from the city bustle and homely trouble. Sadden bench with their own hands is a great opportunity to bring individuality to your country area. Consider some interesting options for man-made benches and will figure it out how to do some of them.

The simplicity of the design and availability of materials makes it possible to decide on the creation of such an element of the interior even a beginner craft. The best material for creating a garden bench will serve a tree or stone. They will perfectly fit into the design of the household site and create a feeling of unity with nature. It is possible to create a bench and from the girlfriend. Surely the maple owner there will be a pair of sprinkled wooden chairs that can be used in the case.

From whatever you decide to make a bench, the first thing you need in any case is a design project, but to it the necessary drawings and the assembly scheme. Drawings of garden benches for every taste can be found on the Internet, but if you wish, you can develop them yourself, in the end, the primary skills of their creation we all got even at school, and the design of the bench is not so complicated.

  1. height - about 40-50 cm;
  2. seat width - an average of 55 cm;
  3. the height of the back - 30-50 cm;
  4. the height of the armrests from the seat is 15-20 cm.

It is precisely such dimensions that will be comfortable to stay on the bench.

Woodwall with her own hands

Consider the option of a simple tree bench.

Below is an exemplary drawing of a similar bench for giving with your own hands. The most complex element is the seat slightly concave form. The dimensions of the elements depend on the finite dimensions of the shops. We offer the following sizes of individual elements:

  • seat boards - 25x100x1200 mm (4 pcs.);
  • legs - 100x100x440 mm (4 pcs.);
  • tsargi front top - 25x100x1200 mm (2 pcs.);
  • tsargi front bottom - 25x100x1200 mm (2 pcs.);
  • supports of seat board - 25x100x400 mm (6 pcs.).

Prepare all the necessary tools and materials and can be started. You will need:

  • suitable boards and timber for the manufacture of the seat and legs of the bench;
  • electrolovik;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • screwdriver;
  • antiseptic tool for wood processing;
  • morilka;

Operating procedure:

  1. First of all, drink all the necessary details on the list of the electrolovka.

Special attention is paid to the preparation of the seat support. Before drinking, perform the appropriate markup to simplify the task.

  1. Sections need to be treated with sandpaper to protect against the head.
  2. When the items are ready, carefully treat them with an antiseptic to protect the tree from destruction and insects. It will extend the life of the product.
  3. Build the assembly from attaching the seat support to the upper targam according to the scheme.

Tip! All connections perform self-stakes. The connection with nails is short-lived, quickly looses, such a bench will lose stability.

  1. Attach the seatboards to the resulting frame, deepening hats of self-tapping screws.

  1. Last Yes, attach the legs, fixing them for the strength of the lower kings.
  1. Already assembled shop can be covered with a verse. This tool will help to give the tree a noble view of a more expensive material and emphasizes its structure.

Such a bench with your own hands from a natural material will decorate any garden and will not create a barrack in your wallet.

Tree backing bench

The bench with the back option is undoubtedly more comfortable than the bench. And do not think that it's more complicated to do it. You can, for example, create a bench with your own hands in style ethno from a solid log.

For the seat of such a bench, you just need to cut the log. The second part of the log can be used to make a bench leg. These parts are connected with metal pins.

At first, the holes are made in fasteners, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the pin diameter. At first, the pin is driven by a sledgehammer in one part about half a height, then the second part is planted from above.

Tip! Before applying the sledgehafts on the material to lay on top of the unnecessary cut of the board, this will prevent the surface damage.

The back of such a bench can be made of a smaller diameter log. For mounting the back, you can use metal elements or for the absence of wooden.

Do not forget to treat wood with a protective antiseptic agent.

Bench - Swing

Garden bench can be made in the form of a swing. This option is especially relevant if you have children, he will obviously have to do with them.

Decided to make a swing with their own hands? In addition to conventional materials for the manufacture of shop and benches, you will need a robust fastener, such as a rope or chain, as well as metal chains and carbines. It will be possible to decorate the swing using multicolored pillows made as possible from moisture-resistant materials.

Shop - Sandbox

Another option bench, which accurately reaps your children, is a sandbox with a lid.

A very convenient option that will fit into the country landscape design, will not take a lot of space, you will enjoy the children and adults. Approximate dimensions: 1.20x1.45x0.3 m.

Making such a bench - sandbox can be calm, summer cottages will not get to sand, and the omnipresent Soroki will not complete small toys.

Bench - Klumba

Lovers of violent blossoms surround themselves with flowers everywhere. It can be recommended for them to make a bench - flowerbed.

Even a novice master can do this bench. It is necessary to build wooden flooring between two boxes. Simply - just not where. Boxes are filled with land and the favorite plants are planted there. Made in this way the green corner will decorate any summer cottage.

Benches made of girlfriend

To create a designer bench, it is not necessary to acquire the material even inexpensive. Make an excellent bench can be made of girlfriend. For example, old wooden chairs.

To create such a simple, but very elegant benches, collect a frame of a bar of 50x30 mm of such a length, which one should be at the seat of your bench. For two people, it is enough 120 mm. Attach the backs of the chairs as in the picture. Use long screws for fasteners.

Color the design created in this way to the color you need.

For the manufacture of the seat, you can use a sheet of plywood, fiberboard or wooden furniture shield. Drink the seat slightly wider frames. If desired, it can be covered with a vatin or foam rubber and an upholstery cloth or a substitute for the skin. For tightness, the material is very useful to the furniture stapler.

Bench is ready! It will remain to find her suitable place and enjoy the result.

Another grain material for the rapid creation of a bench can be made by building pallets.

If you have suitable devices, you will not make difficulty with the bench of any design. The main thing is to carefully treat the pallet boards with emery paper and an antiseptic protective agent (this rule works for all wooden products planned for use in the open air). In addition, such a bench can be painted in favorite color or to cover the wooden elements by the mourn. It is possible to decorate it with a simple jute rope and metal rivets, as well as various colors and texture with pillows.

As you can see a garden bench made with your own hands, this is not only a seat for seating. It is enough to show a little fantasy and a seating area with the whole family ready. You made yourself independently, it will save money and time in search of a suitable option, which can sometimes just find. If you do not have sufficient joinery skills, create a bench from the girlfriend, it does not require large labor costs, but it looks no less aesthetic.

How to make a garden bench with your own trees. Video instruction.

Time in the country assumes not only classes on the site, but also relaxing among trees and flowering greenery. Garden benches become the best choice for creating relax zone. They perform not only furniture functions, but can be simultaneously an element of the decoration of the territory. The choice of style depends on the architecture of the main structure on the site, while the general design will look sophisticated and harmoniously.

Comfort and security

In pursuit of unusual options for garden furniture, do not forget about the requirements for this subject. They are directly related to the purpose of the garden benches.

  1. Convenience. The seat and back shape must correspond to the structure of the human body. This will allow resting comfortable.
  2. Safety. The reliability of the assembly, the ability to withstand a considerable load will provide high quality materials. This requirement concerns accessories and fasteners.
  3. Resistance to the effects of atmospheric factors. Based on the fact that garden benches are installed in the open air, they must be resistant to bad weather and carry any changes to external conditions.
  4. Mobility. This property will allow without difficulty changing the place of rest. For example: in the summer it is preferable to hide in the shade, and in the fall and in the spring it pulls to soak under the affectionate rays of the sun.

Choosing a place

Place the bench on the site - the task is not easy. Several factors affect this solution. If there is a pond on the site, then you should stop the choice on this picturesque place. Contemplation of water stroit soothes, the proximity of the water will give the desired coolness on a hot day. A good option may be a corner in the shade of powerful trees or near a lively hedge.

When placing a bench, it is important to represent what kind of a person sitting on it will be opened. It is not interesting to consider the bitch and holes in the neighboring fence. Aesthetic pleasure after a labor day will give a view of the flowering flower bed, alpine slide, fountain or other landscape design elements. Or maybe from the site a picturesque panorama of the river, the sea, mountains or other beauty of natural origin opens? This gift is worth using, planning a place to stay.


There are several options for garden furniture, differing in design.


The easiest view of the bench. Has legs and seat. It will not work comfortably on it - just sit down and move the spirit a little.

Bench with back

This option is much more pleasant for time. It allows you to conveniently set up for a long time.

Garden group

Bench garden, supplemented with a table - an excellent place to suit the whole family or friends.

Furniture for any weather

If you equip the design with a light canopy, then you will get a distant relative of the arbor. Of course, he will not save from the shower with the wind, but the minimum protection can be obtained. If there are no trees on the site, give a shadow, then this kind will hide on the sun.

Works of art

Garden benches may look like artistic objects. They want to submit to everyone's review. Carved sidewalls made of wood or stone, openwork patterns of metal parts and other techniques make from ordinary furniture the subject causing admiration.

Also distinguish stationary and folding benches. For the first view, massive structural elements are used, which are not afraid of the effects of temperature and humidity drops. The second type requires ease. Usually they are made of plastic or wood.


In the manufacture of furniture for the street, different materials are used: wood, metal, stone, plastic. The product can be made of one type or combine a combination of several components.


Bench gardening from wood loved owners of country sites. Most. The fact is that natural heat, cleanliness and ease of processing allows you to create products for any garden design. Most often we use wood resistant to rotting. For example: oak, larch, hazel, cherry, tick, etc. The cost of furniture directly depends on the price of the material.

A rock

The main advantage of stone benches is a long service life. But sitting on such furniture is not very convenient. In the warm season, improved comfort can soft pillows, and in the cold period nothing will help. Use them more often in decorative purposes. Marble, quartzite and granite look unusually beautiful. Another minus is a high cost.


Openwork structures look better, which look easily and air. They will decorate any plot. For easy holiday, a mattress or a pillow in the size of the seat and backs is required.


Garden shop from such a material does not shine special beauty. Under the action of sunlight, bright color quickly loses its initial species, and the material is destroyed. But at the same time, for such furniture it is easy to care and just move from place to place. The price of such products pleases democratic.

Combined options

In this case, the scope for fantasy is not restrained by a strict framework. Materials are perfectly combined with each other. As a result, the garden bench acquires more advantages and gets rid of some drawbacks. For the seats, the tree or rattan is chosen, metal is used for the back, and the supports are made of stone, metal, concrete. An interesting solution is the use of gabions. Blocks made of metal mesh filled with fragments of stones, glass, large pebbles, etc. Such furniture looks unusual and beautiful.

How to make a bench do it yourself

Create a bench for the garden with your own hands, you can having some skills of work. You need to start with the drawing to decide on the design and materials. If this is the first experience in making furniture, then it is worth using a tree. The easiest option is a garden bench with a back. Detailed drawing can be found on the Internet, decide on the size and calculate the number of materials:

  • bars for support;
  • backrest and seatboards;
  • elements for fasteners.

It is important to perform installation, observing the accuracy of the connection of parts to avoid distortions and breakdowns of furniture. Wooden parts are treated with a special impregnation or operate with a layer of protective varnish.

If there is extensive experience with wood, you can build a set of furniture. It consists of a table and two benches. Each item is assembled separately, and then the elements are connected to one product using bars for two on each side. The countertop is fixed on cruciform legs. In order for the design to acquire stability, the first to fix benches, and then exactly in the middle - the table. And so, you are already the owner of a comfortable corner for a total meal in the fresh air.

Garden bench gives a wonderful reason to realize creative ideas. For the manufacture of an unusual type of products, it is suitable, for example, cropping plastic pipes. Fixing them with the help of connecting elements and liquid nails, you can create unique things. An interesting solution that the children and adults will delight and adults will be a wooden bench in the form of a swing. Flight Flight can also suggest other solutions, but, first of all, you need to remember the preservation of convenience and security.

If you think to build a bench at the cottage and want to go beyond the framework of everydayness and create something really unique, then you are in the right place. We have collected for you a selection of the most original and unusual designs of benches and benches that you can make with your own hands. Moreover, we will show you how the benches in the photo are made.

The most common benches are wooden. And it is not amazing! The tree is the most affordable material for the construction of the bench. The design of the designs here is truly huge! We will give you some examples.

To create such benches, you can use the remains of cropped garden trees. The trunks and thick branches will go into business.

Stayed in small pieces of construction forest? Having made the benches from it, you will get a beautiful and reliable option.

Even short trimming of a wooden bar will be able to become in skillful hands a unique garden bench.

Easy to do from high-quality material, even if it is a bit. But also from the girlfriend, such as, also get good garden benches as on this photo.

Looks like a bench can be made from any wooden design. These are made of wooden coils from the cable.

It is difficult to imagine that you have unnecessary wooden barrels in good condition. If yes, then here is the option of garden benches for you.

Funny garden bench from one log.

If you do not buy a ready-made bench, but make a bench do it yourself, then you have a chance to give her a unique kind of very little effort.

Not necessarily your bench must be completely wooden. Here is a popular simple design bench from building blocks and wooden bars.

Probably, most of us just threw the old unnecessary boat, but there are among us and people with the ability to see beautiful literally in the rubble. The bench from the boat in the photo is just wonderful. It can sit in it not very convenient, but you can sit in Turkish. But even look at this bench is nice.

Bench for the most brave.

Often beautiful benches do not differ in complex design. In this case, individuality and personal attitude towards the garden are rather important.

We offer you four basic bench designs, on the basis of which you can create your amazing and unique benches, which there are still no photo.

Little wooden bench: photo and instructions.

This simple bench in the photo is made of just a few boards. Such used to be often made in villages for everyday use. It is stable, and most importantly - it is easy to transfer it from place to place. Such a bench will serve both in the house and in the kitchen, and in the courtyard. At the same time, it does not require high material costs, and it is very easy to make it. The most difficult thing is to make neat cuts in the boards at an angle to get the legs.

It may seem that sterns in front and rear - a purely decorative element, but it is not so! It is they who give this bench rigidity and stability.

Therefore, in one or another, they are present in the design of each such bench.

Sometimes, although such a rigidity is only one thing. Then it passes in the middle under the seat.

Big wooden bench do it yourself

If you need a big bench, and you do not plan to translate it from place to place, then this option is for you. This spacious shop is equally perfect for use both indoors and on the street. It is made of a thick bar, so it can easily withstand three or four adult saddles.

It is also not difficult to build it. First you need to make such legs.

Then the legs are bonded by longitudinal bars (two above and one below), and it turns out a durable massive frame.

Using such a device, you can drill holes and hide fasteners on the inner surfaces of the bench parts so that the hats of the screws do not spoil the type of product. But if you do not have it, you can still make such a bench, stresting the details in the usual way.

It remains only to collect the top and attach it to the frame.

Wooden bench without a single nail

But an example is a very beautiful and original bench, in which there is not a single nail or self-drawing.

It is done very simply, although this requires some special devices. First cut all the elements.

And then with the help of clamps and templates, parts are thrown into a chess order.

Clamps will need a lot, including several large, so this project is only suitable for those who have an impressive set of joinery tools.

Among the small architectural forms are the most common shops and benches. You can make from any materials or their combinations: wood, metal, stone, concrete, plastic, glass.

They are everywhere: streets and squares of cities, parks and squares, sports and educational institutions, public institutions and residential premises. Practically mandatory element of landscape design, site of a private house or cottage.

The easiest in the processing and the cost-added material is a tree. Wood benches with their own hands make it possible to save money, demonstrate homemade masterness and to visit the Creator.

Wooden benches: economy option

Make wooden benches using already existing "blanks". It is enough to process a bit, collect a strong and functional design - with a seat, back and legs.

Moreover, such "modules" are inexpensive, sometimes acquired for "kopecks". We are talking about pallets, or pallets.

But not any suitable for the device of garden furniture. It is not necessary to use products from a low or unedged board. In the first case, large swirls can fall, in the second, they suffer "aesthetic" qualities.

There are cases, the mounting step is clearly not suitable for a bench.

Pallet wonderful donor for shop

Pallet is better suitable as in the photo. With the contour of the corner chamfer.

Width pallets are large for the seating of the bench. It must be trimmed, the residue can go to the backing device.

If there is not enough back for the width, then the bench will have to do from two pallets.

Seats and backs are part of the structure. We need legs. Let's make the pallet itself from the board.

  • shop can not be stable

the rigidity is ensured by the seating, and the fastening area of \u200b\u200bthe legs is quite small. Usually, the lower bunch is added so as not to be "drove." An easier option is to use the pallet as a base (more precisely part of it)

or two. Benches, benches made of wood with their own hands in detail and understandable.

Fixation of the back, as can be seen from examples, can pass with a pair of rails, boards, rope or rope. The assembled shop, its surface is cleaned, grind, covered with varnish or paint.

You can do pallets not to trim the width and make a garden sofa.

There are examples of using a pallet board for the manufacture and other products from the class of small architectural forms. Vasons are made in the photo.

It is not necessary to spend time on the disassembly of the pallets, and it is better to buy standard lumber.

Simple bellows: board and timber

There are designs and versions - from the simplest to instances with a carving on a tree, worthy of referring to real works of applied art.

The easiest option for the manufacture is a wooden bench without a back.

The drawing shows a wooden bench with their own hands, fully made from the board with a thickness of 75 mm.

A bench from the board and timber

Each element consists of two parts.

The seat with beveled ends is going out of two boards. If the shop will stand in the open area or outside the heated room, then it is better to provide a gap. He will give the opportunity to drain water and compensates for the swelling of the tree.

The leg is two glued items. For the reliability of the end connection, pin (wanned) is inserted. Two short beams of stop and fastening of seats are fixed to the leg. The legs and beams are connected with grooves, fixed with glue and self-drawing. In the collected form, the leg and the beam are fixed to the seat board with two pairs of self-tapping and ducts, the holes drill in advance.

Order assembly

1. Cut out the workpiece;

2. Process the ends and cleaned the surfaces for gluing;

3. glue legs;

4. They are attached to the beams;

5. Collect a bench;

6. Grind and covered with varnish (or paint).

Images and drawings shops from a 30 mm board with a support beam.

A bench from a 30 mm board with a support beam

Here are curly elements in the form of legs with radius cuts. It is possible to facilitate the work and make them rectangular. The drawing is not a dogma - it can be taken as the basis and change towards simplification and in the direction of complication. Also come with dimensions - make a shop wider, in short, etc.

What is the difference between this option from the previous one?

One long supporting beam is used instead of four short, it still performs the function of the rigidity ribs for the base - legs and the whole design is more stable. The connection of the legs and the beams passes on the spike-groove, and the thorns can be cut down much easier. That is, this form is a bit simpler in the manufacture, more stable and gives more features for experimentation.

Below are several options for such a design, but in another version.

For example, in the style of minimalism - there are no protruding edges. Splicing on the principle of spike-grooves is used to connect legs and seats.

In this model, the task has simplified as much as possible - they refused to leave the pump and spikes. The connection between the legs and the beam in this case is better to carry out with the help of confirmates, and not self-tapping screws (they have more contact area). For strength, a couple of wrenches planted on glue are usually added on each side. The hidden fastening of the seating makes the wanks, open - on the self-tapping screw.

If the shop is not very long, then the beam can be put at the bottom. In such a design, it performs the role of rigidity ribs exclusively.

In the photo below, you can see an unusual case of use of the sewage - it creparates the beam to the legs not broken installation, but open.

In this bench for "help" the board attracted a bar.

From it made legs with crossings and two oblique stops for seating. All attachments are made on the confirmates, and the connection of the bar of the legs between themselves is carried out using grooves.

Here also for the founding used bar. Thanks to the large thickness of the seat board, it does not require an additional support. Lower beam serves as the ribbiness.

Make a small shop with the back of a slightly harder. The principle of installation and fasteners is similar to simple bezs: grooves, spikes, seats, glue, screws and confirmates.

You can basically take the design with the "solid" legs from the board. Disintegrates a little from the center to the edge so that the ends of the seating and legs are in the same plane. Attach vertical beams to the legs and fasten the back to them.

Bench with a carved back

For a model, the basis of which is made from the bar, make the back even easier. Two pairs of legs: front - for a seat support, rear (high) - for fastening the carrier beam, seats and backs.

These were the lungs and "mobile" designs of the bench and wood shops, which with the same success can be used in the open area, under a canopy or indoors. There are more massive forms focused on "stationary" accommodation.

Benches: large format

Making a tree bench with their own hands for the cottage implies the use of any forms of material. Including those used in the construction of wooden houses.

For example, a bar. For reference: Bar is classified as such if the aspect ratio is not greater than 1: 2, and the smaller side has a size of 100 mm. The decrease in size translates such lumber to the category "Bar".

Such a shop, like on this photo, it is not easy to assemble, but you can.

The assembly of the legs in principle is not complicated. The only difference from the board and bar is more powerful fasteners. For example, such self-consuming bolts on wood.

Under their head will have to expand the hole (but the confirmates also require this) and put the puck.

Much more complex installation and installation of seats.

For a "bundle" of a bar between themselves, three metal studs are needed, with a length of almost on the width of the seating, and two on the width of the shop taking into account the legs. Finding such on sale is difficult - you will have to do them from round fittings (stainless steel). The gap between the timber can be kept using wooden plates from the board strung on the studs. The thickness of the plates should be the same as in three support vertical beams, which support the seat in the center of the shop.

And this instance is made of an even more powerful bar (150 × 100). His assembly is much easier. Two seats are fixed from below through short transverse beams, which are then mounted to T-shaped legs.

Another simple example using a large format board. The carrying capacity of the material is such that it does not require the use of strengthening beams - the seat is attached to the ends of the short legs. The project author knows that the most rigid geometric figure is a triangle. Therefore, the configuration of the lower part of the supports, and their connection between themselves is the shape of an equilateral triangle.

If you can order two non-standard wooden bars, you will not make such a bench with your own hands will not be a lot of work: it will be necessary to "add" four short timber (100 × 100) for legs and two bars (100 × 50) for the back.

Bench bench.

But if there is no such possibility, then instead of a non-standard bar, you can use a pair of standard.

Such a garden shop from a tree with their own hands uses logs.

The most difficult thing in this embodiment is made with an ax (or Tesl) longitudinal grooves and spikes for connecting logs. For reliable fixation, another pair of coppins will be required on each side (this is the same wanking, but only thicker and longer). Seat and back can be from the board (as in the photo) or timber. Benches, wood shops with their own hands - ideas and solutions.

And this option benches is already harder.

But not very. The main difficulty is to make a back, more precisely with a recess on it. All fastenings of the structures of each other pass through brazing.

In principle, such a wooden fastener is quite durable - log cabins in a couple of floors (including wooden churches) used to be built without a single nail.

And a very simple option: two decks with a groove and half of the log, painted along.

Bevel ease of perfection

Wood bench

At the conclusion of a pair of examples of how a tree bench can be made, but not purchased, and found in the nearest landing or forest. Benches, wooden shop benches with their own hands from the utility material.

In this example, only the seat is made from the board, everything else from the natural material, which it was necessary to pick up in thickness and fit into size.

To make the seat of such a shop, you need a professional tool, so you have to or order a longitudinal sawing of a log, or (which is easier) to take an unedged board as a workpiece.

Information on the note : , .

The bench is characterized by functionality and allows you to supplement the garden. It is usually not used for classic types of gardens, because there is no need for it.

On this site, you can only see the beds and growing potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and other useful cultures. And when it comes to the garden, let them and not particularly extensive, then it becomes clear that it is difficult to organize it with high quality without the use of benches.

Since the garden is created for other purposes, it is necessary for rest and draining with a natural atmosphere.

Modern designers learned how to create different versions of structures for such purposes. However, wooden and benches collected from metal are considered the most popular.

Types of benches for garden use

Any selected design option for a bench or its size should serve as one goal - the formation of a person's rest space. Its form assumes the possibility of convenient placement for a long time.

The classification of similar products may occur based on a number of features. Usually they are associated with the type of material used to assemble a bench.

What materials are most often used?

In fact, their mass, however, can be dwelling on the most popular of them. Most often use:

Plastic, since the benches created on its basis differ resistant to environmental impacts. They offer a reduced mass and an attractive price. Folding structures formed by materials formed by these materials are offered on the market, they are very convenient for the moments of staying in the country;

The tree is most often used to create homemade species of benches. It is perfectly poured into the interior of any garden plot. Designers belong to this material to the classic types remaining in fashion;

Important: Wood is characterized by reduced resistance to exposure from humidity, insects in comparison with plastic, stone products or metal modifications. Because of this, the life of a wooden bench will be the smallest among other options.

Metal allows you to create benches with your own hands based on the use of profile pipelines. However, forged versions based on this material are more often applied.

An independent creation of such variations is virtually impossible, since for this you need to have blacksmith skills. Because of this, there is the possibility of using only purchased forged parts of the sidewall for self-assembly bench;

The stone is distinguished by the level of durability. Other materials cannot be compared with them by duration of use. The bench can be formed from several large boulders or purchased marble and side parts. In this case, it is necessary to repel from the price of the product and its combination with the common style of the country area.

How to create a long-term bench?

To do this, you can use a combination of various elements or fundamental material. There are several options to achieve this goal:

Concrete will help to pour durable side parts, and for the seat you can apply a slab formed on it;

The combination of materials is considered a successful option, and it is often used to create a bench in the garden. It is created using a combination of metal frame and wood planks, respectively, to create a back and seat. And also permissible combining options for benches from stone and wooden elements.

Application of copyright design for creating bench

Usually, only this direction gives rise to true works of art, they are already difficult to consider a classic place to relax. For the most part, it is used wood. You can select well-known variations of copyrights:

  • An annular version of the form is created as a conventional design, however, framing a living tree;
  • Bench created in the distance between two flower beds;
  • A bench decorated on the basis of a large animal grazing space;
  • With the addition of stone statues on both sides of the bench;
  • Bamboat based on a bamboo connection with a seating area in its central part.

It is worth recalling that the process of creating a garden bench will allow you to go into the creative flight of fantasy. It should not be prevented by existing designs, because you can still come up with something original.

The information received using this article helps to familiarize yourself with various options and will present several non-standard approaches.

Photo of garden benches