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Dmitrievskaya memorial Saturday a year. Traditions and customs of Maslenitsa. Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday: Traditions

In Orthodoxy, there are specially designated days to visit the cemetery and commemoration of the departed. There are few them, so they need to closely and not miss.

Several parent Saturday falls on Great post. Dmitrievskaya Saturday is devoted to the memory of St. Dmitry Solunsky and the Holiday of Kazan God's Mother. It often happens that the parent Saturdays coincide with the respective holidays, therefore pominal Saturday can be transferred.

Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday in 2017

In 2017, Dmitrievskaya Saturday falls on November 4, but due to the fact that this date is celebrated the Day of the Kazan Mother of God, Saturday will be transferred to 28 of October. This year the rules will not change - in churches throughout Russia will remember those who killed for their country. This is the day of remembering the deceased heroes, warriors. Inseparably this parent Saturday Related to Dmitry Donskoy and Kulikovsky battle.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday requires love to neighbor. This is the day when people who left us remember only with love. Someone mistakenly believes that the parent Saturdays are devoted only to the commemoration of their relatives, but it is not. Specifically, on October 28, all those who are supremely moved to the world of others will be commemorated.

Traditions of Dmitrievskaya Saturday

Go to the temple to pray. Be sure to visit the church to confess and put a candle for rest close man. If you have the opportunity, visit the cemetery to take the grave of the deceased relatives.

Read houses of prayers about the departed if you do not have the opportunity to visit the temple. Here is one of best prayers: "Our father, accept to the kingdom of your servant of God (name), forgive sins and all evil, perfect in life, because everything is your holy will. Discover the gates of the kingdom of your own for everyone who is worthy of your forgiveness of yours. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The Orthodox calendar is a mandatory and integral part of the life of believers.
Looking into it, you can find out the dates of great posts and holidays, the days of the parent Saturday, as well as plan their schedule for the next year - workers, weekends, landing, lean and remembered days.

Parent Saturdays in 2017 have clearly established dates. If there is no time goes to church and put a candle, then it is necessary to go to the graves of the deceased. Take the flowers, to take and shoot tribute to the reverence.

Parent Saturdays for a year not much, but they allow you to stay in everyday bustle and remember, at least for a minute, about those people who were and remain very expensive for us. It is important to have the whole meaning of the Great Post in the heart, and limit yourself in weaknesses.

Dmitriev Parent Saturday in 2017 what date

October 28 - Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday. The holiday is named after Dmitry Solunsky, the Holy Martyr. This day was initially assigned to the mismatch of the deceased warriors who fought in the Kulikov battle. Now Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday is the day of the commemoration of all the dead Orthodox Christians.

Everyone orthodox Christian Holy Chtit church holidays And spends time in prayers. They open the soul to the Lord, purify consciousness and help to enter the righteous path. Words emanating from the heart always find a response in heaven, so the place for prayer words does not play a huge role. You can pray at home in front of saints, with candles or just at the time of weakness and doubt.

What to do in the parent day

Pretty a large number of The people visits relatives and relatives in the cemetery in the holiday of Easter. Many, unfortunately, adhere to the Koshchensky custom to accompany visits to the dead drunk wild rag. And those who do not do so, very often do not even know when it is possible to remember the dead in Easter days.

The first after Easter remembrance has been being performed on the second Easter bed (week), after Fomina Sunday, on the Second Day. And the extended tradition to go to the cemetery to the Easter feast itself, it is acutely contrary to the establishments of the Church: before the ninth day from Easter, the recovery of the dead can not do. If a person goes into the world of others at Easter, then he is buried on a special Easter rank.

Like many orthodox priests, priest Valery numbers, abbot of the temple in honor of the Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary At the Assumption Cemetery of Chelyabinsk, warns from rampant deeds and from other actions committed on ignorance to the Radonitsa Holiday:

"It should be remembered that the cemetery is a place where you should behave with reverence, sadly see how some people drink vodka there and sing worldly songs. Someone crumbs bread and eggs on the grave hill, pouring alcohol. Sometimes the real rampage is sometimes. All this resembles more pagan Trenches and is unacceptable for Christians. If we took food on the cemetery, it is better to distribute it to it. Let them pray for our departed, and then the Lord may send any consolation to our native "

Having come to the cemetery on the holiday of Radonitsy, you need to light the candle and make a lithium (pray hard). To commit LIATII, during the commemoration of the dead, the priest should be invited. You can also read the accumulator about the rest of the deceased. Then you need to take away the grave, silent a little, remembering that I have done.

No need to drink, and there is a cemetery, it is unacceptable to pour alcohol to the grave hill - these actions insult the memory of the dead. Tradition to leave on the grave a glass of vodka with bread is a remnant of pagan culture and should not be observed in Christian orthodox families. Food is better to give a poor or hungry.

In the last Saturday, before November 8, in the afternoon of memory of the Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky, - the Orthodox it is customary to remember the deceased relatives. In 2017, the parent Saturday was postponed to October 28 due to the coincidence with the holiday (November 4).Dmitrievskaya Saturday is the last memorial day in a year, when I remembered the dead ancestors.

history of the holiday


The tradition of the mismatch of the deceased on Saturday before the day of the memory of the Great Martyr Dimitré Solunsky was installed by the prince Dmitry Donskoy after the battle on the Kuliki field. The Kulikovsky battle ended on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 8, 1380, after which Prince Dimitri Ioannovich visited Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. In Trinity, the monastery committed a lot of Orthodox soldiers who fell in the Kulikovsky battle, a clock service and a common meal.


Archbishop Dimitri believed that the Dimitrieval Parent Saturday was replaced by the pagan triants that existed earlier from the Slavs. Triction is part of the pagan funeral rite in the Eastern Slavs, which consisted of songs, dancing, feasts and military competitions in honor of the deceased. Triscuits were held next to the burial place after the burning of the dead man. Later, this term was used as a synonym for "compensation".

Traditions, or what should be done on this day

From the beginning of the 20th century, Dmitrov Saturday was celebrated quite solemnly: they went to the graves of their deceased relatives and served here a memorial service, organized the rich sentences to chickens. Women were due on the graves of parents and the closest relatives.

On Saturday, in front of Dmitriev Day in Russia, "Farewell commemorations" were made on the departed. Like any memorial day, the Dmitrov Saturday is noted by the commission of the Panichid, the funeral prayers, visiting cemeteries and special memories.

IN folk tradition Dmitrovskaya Saturday imprinted the former preachristian customs of Slavs associated with the cult of ancestors. So, for example, in addition to church funeral prayers, on the eve of Saturday, it was customary to leave in the bath clean water And new brooms for the shower of the deceased. Similarly, on the night on the table, they left a specially prepared dinner so that the ancestors could be satisfied. A treat for the deceased was attributed to the cemetery. In general, the scope and scale of the celebration on this day in Russia testifies to the merger of two traditions - the pagan holiday of the ancestors and christian day Recommend the dead.

IN modern tradition On this day, Orthodox first attend the service in the church, and then depart on the graves of the dead, where they remember the dead.

On the eve, on Friday evening, the so-called parastas serves in the temples - the memorial evening service. And in the Saturday itself, a clock liturgy with a dihid occurs. As donations on this day, it is customary to attribute products to the temple, with the exception of strong alcoholic beverages and meat.

Note, Dimitrievskaya Saturday - the last parent Saturday in 2017. Next Parent Saturday - February 10, 2018.

What is Dmitriev Parent Saturday

Parental Saturday is the day of remembering the departed. There are several more similar days, the Orthodox Church establishes them. Some of them have fixed dates, and some are counted in connection with turning ongoing Orthodox holidays. In order not to get confused in the dates for the next year and do not miss the parent Saturdays, follow all posts and important Christian dates on the Orthodox calendar for 2017. Dmitrievskaya Saturday is especially the fact that it is actually the last day of the commemoration of the deceased in the year. As always, in 2016 it will be November 5th. At the same time, the name and date itself is not chosen by chance.

Why the parent Saturday is called Dmitriev

It is more correct to call Dmitrovskaya, and it is connected with the events of the distant XIV century. These were the times of the reign of Dmitry Donskoy and Kulikovsky battle. Returning after the battle and victory, the prince visited the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, in which for the dead warriors served the funeral service and honored their memory with universal meal. It is these events that became the beginning of the commemoration of the departed on November 8 or the Saturday nearest to this day. But, Dmitrievskaya Saturday This day is named after the memory of St. Dmitry Solunsky, and not in honor of the Great Russian Prince.

Saint Dmitry Solunsky

IN orthodox church On November 5, the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Dmitry Solownsky, who, like many other saints, adopted death for faith to Christ. He was the son of a rich and noble man who secretly confessed Christianity and baptized her son. Having received a significant post in the state after the death of his father, he began to openly preach Christianity and drew to the faith of many citizens. On this day it is very important to pray for the salvation of your soul. For example, a strong action will have a prayer for "believe", which can be read on a par with others.

The emperor reported this and he concluded Dmitry Solunsky in custody. Christians were also arrested and forced to fight in the arena with the gladiator-favorite emperor. Holy Dmitry strengthened the spirit of one of Christians and he was able to defeat the strong fighter, which was very angry with the emperor. He executed Christian on the same day, and on the next she sent his warriors to the Tokyton to St. Dmitry. They caught him in prayer and immediately pierced him with spears.

Traditions of the Dmitrov Parent Saturday

Believers on this day visit the cemeteries and ordered prayers on the departed relatives. The church reveals on this day of warriors who fell in war for the Fatherland. But it is possible to remember and you need all the dried relatives on this day. After all, Dmitrovskaya Saturday is the last memorial day of the year, as opposed to the spring parental subatal.

Dmitry Solunsky pray for help in many ailments and diseases. As it is believed, this saint returns vision. He adds courage and patience, which are simply necessary for many affairs in life. Also to Dmitry Solunsky treated warriors before the battle, asking for victory.

The people stopped the autumn marriage season and people began to prepare for the Christmas post. Tradition to remember the departed in early November is characterized not only eastern Slavanymbut also many other peoples. IN catholic church A few days before the parent Saturday also passes. Macedonians and Serbs left during this period for dead bread and water during this period, and in the beginning of November, the Croatians had a "soul day".

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03.11.2016 02:13

Parent Saturdays are widely known in the people. These days it is customary to go to the cemetery and remember ...

In Orthodox epiphany Christmas tree Christians traditionally observe the post and do not eat to the first star, they attire ...

How much will the closing ceremony of the Universiade 2019 begin, where to see:

The beginning of the Universiade 2019 Closing Ceremony - 20:00 local time, or 16:00 in Moscow .

Live show will show federal TV channel "Match!" . The beginning of a television live broadcast - 15:55 Moscow time.

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International Women's Day March 8 is a memorable office of the UN, and the organization includes 193 states. Memorial datesAnnounced by Genasamblee, are designed to encourage UN members to show an increased interest in the specified events. However, on this moment Not all United Nations Member States approved the celebration of a female day in their territories at the specified date.

Below you cite a list of countries in which the International Women's Day is celebrated. Countries are grouped into groups: in a number of states, the holiday is an official non-working day (weekend) for all citizens, somewhere on March 8, there are only women, and there are states where they work on March 8.

In which countries the holiday is March 8 - a day off (for all):

* In Russia - March 8 is one of the most beloved holidays when men congratulate everyone without exception.

* In Ukraine - International Women's Day continues to remain an additional weekend, despite regular proposals to exclude an event from among non-working days and replace it, for example, on the Shevchenkovsky day, which will be celebrated on March 9.
* In Abkhazia.
* In Azerbaijan.
* In Algeria.
* In Angola..
* In Armenia.
* In Afghanistan.
* In Belarus.
* In Burkina Faso.
* In Vietnam.
* In Guinea-Bissau.
* In Georgia.
* In Zambia.
* In Kazakhstan.
* In Cambodia.
* In Kenya.
* In Kyrgyzstan.
* In the DPRK.
* In Cuba.
* In Laos..
* In Latvia.
* In Madagascar.
* In Moldova.
* In Mongolia.
* In Nepal.
* In Tajikistan - From 2009, the holiday was renamed the mother's day.
* In Turkmenistan.
* In Uganda.
* In Uzbekistan.
* In Eritree.
* In South Ossetia.

Countries in which March 8 - day off only for women:

There are countries in which only women are released on International Women's Day. This rule Approved:

* In China.
* On Madagascar.

Which countries celebrate March 8, but this is a working day:

In some countries, International Women's Day is widely noted, however, is a working day. It:

* Austria.
* Bulgaria.
* Bosnia and Herzegovina.
* Germany - In Berlin, from 2019th of March, March 8 is a day off, as a whole, a working country.
* Denmark.
* Italy.
* Cameroon.
* Romania.
* Croatia.
* Chile.
* Switzerland.

In which countries 8 March do not celebrate:

* In Brazil, most of the inhabitants of which about the "international" holiday on March 8 did not even hear. The main event of the end of February - the beginning of March for Brazilians and Brazilians is not at all a female day, but the world's largest Book of Records Guinness Brazilian festival, also called the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. In honor of the festival, the inhabitants of Brazil rest several days in a row, from Friday to noon of the Catholic ash, which marks the beginning of a great post (which Catholics has a mobile date and starts 40 days before Catholic Easter).

* In the US, a holiday is not an official holiday. In 1994, an attempt of activists to approve the celebration in Congress was not crowned with success.

* In the Czech Republic (Czech Republic), most of the country's population is considering a holiday as a surler of the Communist Past and the main symbol of the old regime.

Traditions and customs of Maslenitsa:

The essence of the village of Carnival in a Christian understanding is as follows:

Forgiveness for offenders, restoration good relationship with near, spiritual and friendly communication with loved ones and native people, as well as charity - That's what is the main thing in this cheese week.

There is no longer meat dishes on the carnival, and this is also the first step to post. But pancakes bake and eat with great pleasure. They bake fresh and quas, on eggs and milk, served with caviar, sour cream, butter or honey.

In general, during the passenger week you should have fun and attend festive events (skating, skiing, snowoutiles, from the slides, on horseback). Also, it is necessary to pay time to the family - have fun together with relatives and loved ones: to go somewhere together, "young" should visit their parents, and parents, in turn, come to visit children.

Date of Carnival (Orthodox and Pagan):

In church tradition Maslenitsa celebrate for 7 days (weeks) from Monday to Sunday, before the most important orthodox postTherefore, the event is also called the "carnival week."

The time of the passenger week depends on the beginning of a great post, implementing Easter, and every year shifts in accordance with the church Orthodox calendar.

So, in 2019, the Orthodox Maslenitsa passes from March 4, 2019 to March 10, 2019, and in 2020 - from February 24, 2020 to March 1, 2020.

As for the pagan dates of the carnival, then D. the awnings of Slavs celebrated a holiday by sunny calendar - at the time of the onset of astronomical spring, which occurs in . The ancient Russian celebration lasted for 14 days: it began a week before the spring of equinox, and the week was completed later.

Description Celebration of Carnival:

Tradition to celebrate the carnival to the cheerful walking is still preserved.

In most Russian cities, activities are held entitled "Wide Maslenitsa". In the capital of Russia, the central playground of the festive festivities traditionally is the Vasilyevsky descent of Red Square. Abroad also spend "Russian carnival", To popularize Russian traditions.
Accepted, especially in the last Sunday, when working and students can relax, arrange mass holidays As in the old days, with songs, games, wires and burning stuffed carnival. Scenes are organized in the passenger towns for speeches, food sales sites (pancakes are required), and souvenir products, attractions for children. Masquerades are carried out with rides and carnival processions.

What are the days of the passenger week, as they are called (name and description):

Every day the carnival carries its name and has its own traditions. Below are the name and description for each day.

On Monday - meeting. Since the first day is a worker, in the evening beetor with mother-in-law come to visit the parents of daughter-in-law. Baked the first pancakes that can be given to the poor to pominus. On Monday, straw stuffed and put on the hill at the venue of the festivities. In dancing and playing, stylized fistboats "Wall on the wall" are held. Baked and solemnly eaten the "first pancake" on the pink of the soul.

On Tuesday - a ray. The second day is traditionally the day of young. Walking youth, riding from the mountains ("pokatushki"), waldness are the signs of this day. It should be noted that the church is prohibited by weddings on Maslenitsa, as in the post. Therefore, on Tuesday, Maslenitsa wove the bride to play a wedding after Easter on a red hill.

Wednesday - Gourmet. On the third day, son-in-law comes to the picker.

On Thursday - rampat, ragble. On the fourth day festivities acquire a massive character. Wide Maslenitsa - So the days are called from Thursday until the end of the week, and the day of generous treats is called "Breaking Fourth".

On Friday - Teschina Evening. On the fifth day maslenic week mother-in-law with girlfriends or relatives comes to visit the son-in-law. Pancakes, of course, should let her daughter, and son-in-law show hospitality. In addition to the mother-in-law, the guest is invited to visit.

Saturday - Zolakina Sowing. On the sixth day sisters husband come to visit (You can also invite other relatives of the husband). Good tone It is considered not only abundantly and tasty to feed the guests, but also to give gifts.

Sunday - Wires, Forgiveness Sunday . In the extreme (seventh) day, before the Great Post, you should repent and show mercy. All relatives and relatives are asking for forgiveness from each other. In places of public celebrations are satisfied with carnival processions. The stuffed carnival solemnly burns, turning into a beautiful spring. With the onset of darkness launch a festive firework.

In the temples, there is also a sorry on Sunday at the evening service, when the priest asks for forgiveness from church servants and parishioners. All believers in turn are asking for forgiveness and bow to each other. In response to a request for forgiveness, "God will forgive" say.

What happens at the end of the Cellular Celebration:

And at the end of the village of Carnival, Orthodox believers begins one of the most important posts. We all remember saying: " Not all Kota Maslenitsa - there will be a great post ".