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Dmitrov Parental in. Orthodox noted by Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday

In the last Saturday, before November 8, in the afternoon of memory of the Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky, - the Orthodox it is customary to remember the deceased relatives. In 2017. parent Saturday postponed on October 28 due to coincidence with the holiday (November 4).Dmitrievskaya Saturday is the last memorial day in a year, when I remembered the dead ancestors.

history of the holiday


The tradition of the mismatch of the deceased on Saturday before the day of the memory of the Great Martyr Dimitré Solunsky was installed by the prince Dmitry Donskoy after the battle on the Kuliki field. Kulikovskaya battle ended on christmas day Blessed Virgin Mary September 8, 1380, after which Prince Dimitri Joannovich visited Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. In Trinity, the monastery committed a lot of Orthodox soldiers who fell in the Kulikovsky battle, a clock service and a common meal.


Archbishop Dimitri believed that the Dimitrieval Parent Saturday was replaced by the pagan triants that existed earlier from the Slavs. Triction is part of the pagan funeral rite eastern Slavs.which consisted of songs, dancing, feasts and military competitions in honor of the deceased. Triscuits were held next to the burial place after the burning of the dead man. Later, this term was used as a synonym for "compensation".

Traditions, or what should be done on this day

From the beginning of the 20th century, Dmitrov Saturday was celebrated quite solemnly: they went to the graves of their deceased relatives and served here a memorial service, organized the rich sentences to chickens. Women were due on the graves of parents and the closest relatives.

On Saturday, in front of Dmitriev Day in Russia, "Farewell commemorations" were made on the departed. Like any memorial day, the Dmitrov Saturday is noted by the commission of the Panichid, the funeral prayers, visiting cemeteries and special memories.

IN folk tradition Dmitrovskaya Saturday imprinted the former preachristian customs of Slavs associated with the cult of ancestors. So, for example, in addition to church funeral prayers, on the eve of Saturday, it was customary to leave in the bath clean water And new brooms for the shower of the deceased. Similarly, on the night on the table, they left a specially prepared dinner so that the ancestors could be satisfied. A treat for the deceased was attributed to the cemetery. In general, the scope and scale of the celebration on this day in Russia testifies to the merger of two traditions - the pagan holiday of the ancestors and christian day Recommend the dead.

IN modern tradition On this day, Orthodox first attend the service in the church, and then depart on the graves of the dead, where they remember the dead.

On the eve, on Friday evening, the so-called parastas serves in the temples - the memorial evening service. And in the Saturday itself, a clock liturgy with a dihid occurs. As donations on this day, it is customary to attribute products to the temple, with the exception of strong alcoholic beverages and meat.

Note, Dimitrievskaya Saturday - the last parent Saturday in 2017. Next Parent Saturday - February 10, 2018.

Christians have several special days a year when they remember the departed - this is a memorial parent Saturday. The largest three is the universal, Trinity and Dmitrievskaya. Dmitrievskaya Saturday falls on the eve of a big holiday - Dmitrieva Day, which was established in honor of Dmitry Solunsky. This day has been considered special for all Christians for quite a long time.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday: Day History

The history of this day is ambiguous: some Christians say that this day has only Orthodox roots, but stories indicate that Dmitrievskaya Saturday is connected with paganism.

According to official data, it was established that Dmitrievskaya Saturday is established in honor of the warriors who fell by the death of brave on the sticker field. After the victory, the prince Dmitry Donskoy offered the church every year to remember the victims in this battle. The priests agreed, motivating this by the fact that in this battle killed Christians about which the ancestors should be remembered. After years, Dmitrievskaya Saturday became the parent and this day commemorate all the dead.

Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday: When is it falling in 2019 and how to understand?

Every year, Dmitrievsky Saturday falls on a new day, the countdown comes from Easter and in 2019 this day falls on October 28. On this day, all Christians should go to the church, to defend the service, order a prayer about the departed, put a candle for rest, and after going to the grave to parents and relatives and attribute to them on the grave a hotel and a candle.

After the cemetery, everyone go home, going to parental House And commemorate the ancestors. The table is covered, candles brought from the church are lit. There is a belief that on this day the souls of the dead go down to Earth and are watching alive as they store customs and manage inheritance.

On the table on this day there are dishes that loved to eat parents, which are no longer there. At the table remembered good word Everyone who went into the world is different. There is a belief that at least 12 dishes should be present on the memorial table and the main one was considered to be a pork head.

On this day, you should also not forget about prayers. After all, the deceased should see from heaven that on earth ancestors go to church, honor the usuals of the ancestors and the Lord.

Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday: Prayers

This day read a lot of prayers, here is one of them:

"Holy Great Martyr Dimitre! It comes to the daring to the heavenly king, as soon as possible, the forgiveness of the sins of our sins and herself to get rid of us, the muffled (names) from the gentle of the ulcers, fire and the eternal execution. Moli goodness of him, hedgehog the arrival (or house) this and our temple. We succeed as a fertile strengthening on the affairs of the good, and the landscaped by the Vladyce our Christ is a creative woman, will be a creative prayer to your inheriting the kingdom of heaven and Tamo to glorify him, with the Father and Holy Spirit, forever. Amen"

Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday: Traditions

All believing people on this day should attend the church, honor the memory of the dead ancestors. The church comes on the eve on Friday to the evening. At this time, the Great Panhid is performed - paratastas. All chants, the trails and prayers are dedicated to the dead. In the morning in Dmitrievskaya Saturday, a funerally liturgy is committed in the church.

All Christians come to the church with small paper, where the names of all the deceased relatives are written and transmit them to the priest who will mention them during the service. Also, the church bring donations in the form of vegetables, bread, sweets and fruits, but it is impossible to sacrifice meat and wine.

Dmitriev Parental Saturday: Signs

Olders still in ancient times for all Christian holidays noticed many features, and after all these signs were transferred to the ancestors. Many signs have reached the present day and Dmitrievskaya Saturday is no exception:

  • Dmitriev Day - Winter climbs on a wicker;
  • Before Dmitrievsky Saturday, winter does not become;
  • At Dmitry River freeze;
  • If this day is cold and snow fell - spring will be late, and if the thaw - spring warm;
  • Dmitrov Saturday - Cuterymen work;
  • If Dmitriev is a day in the snow, Easter is also in the snow, and Dmitriev in his goal, and the holy on that.

On Dmitriev, the girl's day cunning want to jump out faster married, and all because after that day weddings are rare.

It is also believed that the generous, alive in the church, the better he feels the soul of the deceased on that light.

November 4 - the Day of People's Unity. The holiday is officially celebrated since 2005. On this day, in 1612, the warriors of the national militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharski took the Chinese city and liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders. They demonstrated a sample of heroism and cohesion of the entire people.
Orthodox Christians on November 4 celebrate the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
Solemn services will be held in the temples.

Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday in 2017 is not on November, as it happens usually, but at the very end of October. In 2017, the parent Saturday was postponed to October 28 due to coincidence with the holiday of the Kazan Icon God's Mother (November 4).
Dimitrievskaya Saturday is established by the Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy. Having won the famous victory on the Kulikov field over Mama, on September 8, 1380, Dimitri Joannovich visited Troit-Sergiyev, Dimitri Ioannovich on returning from the field of Brahi. Rev. Sergiy. Radonezh, Igumen Resident, previously blessed him on the battle with the wrong and gave him from among the brethren of his two Inok - Alexander Perevota and Andrei Osh. Both Inoca fell in battle and were buried at the walls of the christmas temple of the Blessed Virgin in the old Simonov Monastery.
In Trinity, the monastery committed a lot of Orthodox soldiers who fell in the Kulikovsky battle, a clock service and a common meal. Over time, the tradition has developed every year. With Kulikova, the fields did not return more than 250 thousand soldiers who fought for the Fatherland. Their family came together with the joy of victory and bitterness of the loss, and this private parental day became in Russia, in essence, the universal day of commemoration.
Since then, on Saturday, before October 26 / November 8, the Day of the memory of St. Dimitria Solunsky (the day of the aso-estate of Dimitri Donskoy) - in Russia, universal worships were committed everywhere. Subsequently, on this day, not only soldiers began to make, for faith and the fatherland's life on the field of Brahi put on, but also all the deceased Orthodox Christians.
In the Dimitrieval Parent Saturday, the graves of the well-honored relatives, in churches and in cemeteries, serve Panhides and Suffoon Lithium in cemeteries, arrange memorial meals.
On this day, as in other parental days (on the meat support and trinity Saturday, on Saturday 2nd, 3rd and 4th week of the Great Post), Orthodox Christians pray to the rest of the souls of who have revealed Christians, mostly parents. But Dimitrievskaya Saturday carries a special meaning: installed after the Kulikov battle, she reminds us of all those who died, suffered for the Orthodox faith.
If there is no opportunity to visit the temple or cemetery these days, you can pray for the rest of those who have revealed in home prayer. In general, the Church commands us not only in special days Recommendation, but every day pray for the departed parents, affinations, known and benefactors. For this, the number of daily morning prayer Included is as follows brief prayer:
Prayer about the departed.
"Once, the Lord, the souls of the deceased slave of yours: my parents, the affinities, benefactors (names of them) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the sinners free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven. Amen."
Names are more convenient to read by a snangle - a small little book, where the names of living and deceased amplifiers are recorded. There is a pious custom of conducting family dyfulness, reading which in home prayer, and during church service, orthodox people Many generations of their dead ancestors commemorate.
Church remembrance to the parent Saturday.
To remember their whoathe relatives of the churchly, it is necessary to come to the temple on a worship service on Friday on the eve of the parent Saturday. At this time, a great memorial service is performed, or Parastas. Translation of this word from Greek - "the upcoming", "petition" - reflects the meaning and importance of the parent Saturday for believers. All the paths, stimites, chants and reading Parastas are devoted to prayer for the dead. In the morning in Samu pominal Saturday Commune Divine Liturgy is performed, after which the general memorial service serve.
For church commemoration At Parastas, separately on the liturgy, the parishioners are preparing notes with the commemoration of the departed. In the note, the names are written in the parental handwriting, the names of "whom") are written in the note (answer the question of "who?"), And the first to be mentioned by the priests and monastications indicating the sanitary and degree of monastics (for example, the Metropolitan John, Shiigumen Savva, Archiri, Andrei, Nina). All names must be given in church spelling (for example, Tatiana, Alexy) and completely (Mikhail, Love, not Misha, Luba).
In addition, the products are used as a donation to the temple. As a rule, bread, sweets, fruits, vegetables, etc. are put on the canon (dihovid table). You can bring flour for prosphorated, korger for liting, candles and oil for lampad. Not allowed to bring meat products or strong alcoholic beverages.
It must be remembered.
Prayer for the deceased is our main and invaluable assistance to the other one. The dead man does not need big accountNor in the coffin, nor in the gravestone, nor the more in the memorial table - all this is only tribute to tradition, albeit very pious. But forever alive soul The deceased is experiencing a great need for permanent prayer, for it does not have to create good deeds who would be able to lose the Lord.
People whose earthly path ended, can no longer fix their mistakes and repent of their sins, but alive can ask the Lord mercy for them. Daily Christians pray for dead loved ones, and 7 times a year the whole Russian Orthodox Church Appeals to God, prefeeding all his dead Chad.
Dimitrievskaya Saturday is the last parent Saturday in 2017. Next Parent Saturday - February 10, 2018.

In 2017, the parent Saturday was postponed to October 28 due to the coincidence with the celebration of the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God (November 4).

We decided to find out what traditions should be observed on this day.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday is the last memorial day in a year, when I remembered the dead ancestors.

History History - Dmitriev Parent Saturday

The tradition of the mismatch of the deceased on Saturday before the day of the memory of the Great Martyr Dimitré Solunsky was installed by the prince Dmitry Donskoy after the battle on the Kuliki field. The Kulikovsky battle ended on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 8, 1380, after which Prince Dimitri Ioannovich visited Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. In Trinity, the monastery committed a lot of Orthodox soldiers who fell in the Kulikovsky battle, a clock service and a common meal.

Archbishop Dimitri believed that the Dimitrieval Parent Saturday was replaced by the pagan triants that existed earlier from the Slavs. Triction is part of the pagan funeral rite in the Eastern Slavs, which consisted of songs, dancing, feasts and military competitions in honor of the deceased. Triscuits were held next to the burial place after the burning of the dead man. Later, this term was used as a synonym for "compensation".

Traditions, or what should be done on this day

From the beginning of the 20th century, Dmitrov Saturday was celebrated quite solemnly: they went to the graves of their deceased relatives and served here a memorial service, organized the rich sentences to chickens. Women were due on the graves of parents and the closest relatives.

On Saturday, in front of Dmitriev Day in Russia, "Farewell commemorations" were made on the departed. In the Central Poland, the avenue was visible on Friday and were called "grandfathers", and on Saturday, they were called "Baba". The Dmitrovsk week is called the parent, grandparents. In Lithuania and Belarus, this day was called a "goat's bell", where Kozryar, Husar, priest, and Prysnopyvets married.

On Dmitrievskaya Saturday, ritual cakes were accepted, to attach them to graves and leave the deceased for the shower.

On the night of Saturday, Serbs, Chernogorstsev and Macedonians put bread, consecrated water and wine on the table, because they believed that at midnight the souls of the dead would come. The neighbors of Catholics (Croats and Slovenians), it was customary to go to the graves of the ancestors and to light the candles on them, brings drinking and food for the dead. In Serbia and Montenegro, small loafs were baked for dead mans, and various in shape for men and women.

Like any memorial day, the Dmitrov Saturday is noted by the commission of the Panichid, the funeral prayers, visiting cemeteries and special memories. In the folk tradition of the Dmitrov Saturday, the former pre-Christian customs of Slavs associated with the cult of ancestors were imprinted. So, for example, in addition to church funeral prayers, on the eve of Saturday, it was customary to leave in the bath clean water and new brooms for the shower of the deceased. Similarly, on the night on the table, they left a specially prepared dinner so that the ancestors could be satisfied. A treat for the deceased was attributed to the cemetery. In general, the scope and scale of the celebration on this day in Russia testifies to the merger of two traditions - the pagan holiday of the ancestors and the Christian day to remember the deceased.

In modern tradition, on this day, Orthodox first attend the service in the church, and then go to the graves of the dead, where they remember the dead.

On the eve, on Friday evening, the so-called parastas serves in the temples - the memorial evening service. And in the Saturday itself, a clock liturgy with a dihid occurs. As donations on this day, it is customary to attribute products to the temple, with the exception of strong alcoholic beverages and meat.

Note, Dimitrievskaya Saturday - the last parent Saturday in 2017. Next Parent Saturday - February 10, 2018.

Since many religious holidays and important days in orthodox calendar Have flow dates, people who profess Orthodoxy, should be aware of what date Dmitrievskaya Saturday in 2017, as this is a very important day - the day of the mind of the departed.
In total, for some year, in the Orthodox calendar, 7 Saturdays are allocated, when it is customary to remember those who are no longer with us in this light, pray for them, and also to spend the day modestly, in other times the memory days are called the parent Saturday. By the end of the year, these seven Saturdays pass, and the ending becomes just Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday, which according to custom is celebrated in the last month of autumn. In 2017, Dmitrievskaya Saturday will be held on November 4th.

Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday: What to do

What is the number of Dmitriev Parent Saturday in 2017 already known, it is November 4th. But what should be done in this important day of memory?

The first thing from which the day of each believer begins at Dmitrievsky Parental Saturday is from a visit to church. In the temples on this day, special memorial services are carried out, which are devoted to all the dead. At the end of the service, parishioners go to the cemetery to visit the graves of their loved ones, acquaintances or friends who moved into the world of others. It is customary not only to visit the graves, but also to get there, to clean up. Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday is important because she carries one simple truth - the souls of the departed alive and rest until the hearts have a memory in the hearts of living people.

Previously, the tradition existed to bring with them to the church are produced and put one big tableBehind which all the parishioners could remember the departed. Now it is no longer practiced, but in the church you can still take with you products, which then the servants of the temple are distributed to the poor and in need, to remember those who are expensive in Dmitrievsky Saturday, but who are no longer in this world .

What can not be done on Dmitrievsky Parental Saturday

November 5, 2017, the Orthodox date for which Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday is accounted for. On this day, it is not recommended to engage in such matters as cleaning, washing, and go to work. But, the servants of the Church note that if these worldly affairs do not interfere with the believer to visit the church on this day, they can be engaged.

Despite the fact that Dmitrievskaya Saturday is devoted to the memory of those who have moved into the world of others, it is impossible to be too seriously given to sorrow. After all, the memory of their departed loved ones does not imply sadness and pain in connection with this event. In Christianity, it is written that the soul of man does not die, and that even if the body died, the soul continues to live, just in another world. Therefore, so that the souls in the world arrived in harmony and joy, it is necessary to pray for them and remember them, and this is how it has already been said, there is no sorrow.

What to do on the eve of Dmitrievskaya Saturday

In the Slavic peoples there are a lot of tale on Dmitrievskaya Saturday, and these believers take their beginning before the commencement of the day of remember, on the eve.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday 2017 The Orthodox will be held on November 4, but what needs to be done on the eve, you mean November 3:

Wash and boil the whole house, it is also recommended to pick up the graves exactly on the eve of the parent Saturday;
Prepare a table for remembered meals. The mistress on this day bake pies, prepare, make different salat. The table is covered in the evening, that is, on Friday. A clean plate is necessarily installed on the table, for which you need to put a part of the cooked, it is believed that in the night of the souls of loved ones come to a snack. And in order to quench them thirst, you need to put a glass of pure water next to the plate.

Dmitrievsky Parental Saturday is done modestly, on this day you can not be fun. Best to hold Dmitriev Saturday in the circle of relatives, and everyone together to pray for the dead, remember all happy and good momentscarried out next to them. If you failed to visit the temple on Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday, then you can pray at home, in a quiet place.