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We were born in September. September which zodiac sign and what kind of number, its description. Health of people born in September

Born in September correspond to the sign of the Zodiac Virgo (on September 23) or scales (from September 24). Planets ruling during this period - Mercury and Venus. The main thing is that characterizes these people - the inability to perceive the holistic picture of things and the world as a whole, they in a peculiar way will crush everything into parts, focusing on understandable details. That is, in the process of knowledge, they have difficulty synthesis, generalization, the connection of the set in unity. Therefore, sometimes in the search for details, details, small forms they lose the main thing, switching to something completely different, even the opposite. However, precisely through born in September, as a rule, the highest human tasks are materialized. These people are moving, quickly change the spheres of activity, they love order in everything, but tend to overly looping at some one moment. They should learn how to teach, systematization, sequences, get rid of skepticism, expand their horizons, then their work will be more fruitful. As a rule, children born in September do not require coercion to deal with something useful, helping, studying, they are disciplined and executive, which is literally laid in them from the moment of appearance. The main thing that allows these people to achieve peaceful peace- This is solid confidence in their future, they are capable of catching and absorbing everything that they can come in handy in the future, pay a lot of time to formation and gaining skills.

Born in September smart and witty!

People who were born in September (Virgin and Scales on the sign of the zodiac) have good intuition, but not always at first glance can "take a man". As a rule, when meeting, they have a completely different idea of \u200b\u200ba person, the opposite of what is formed with them with a closer examination, long-term communication. Most of the born this month never sit back, they try to use every minute, work with benefit and rest also with benefit. They love reading, but not just foul, not massive literature. As already mentioned, they love order, but some of these people are overly pedantic, and also love to periodically conduct an "inventory" of their things, thoughts, desires and even a circle of communication, sifting unnecessary and obsolete. Passionate about their health, as a rule, avoid harmful habits and lead a healthy way of life, love sports. Many of these people are shy, but it does not prevent them from exercising their wonderful sense of humor and a sharp mind, as well as criticize others (sometimes perfect trifles). Born in September is polite and welcoming, become reliable friends. They do not like noise, be in a crowd, but also a long loneliness for them is unacceptable. They are annoyed by such qualities in others like wastefulness, rudeness, vulgarity, falsehood, slope. They do not tolerate those who behave defiantly. As a rule, these people win in any disputes due to their observation.

In love born in September, quiet relationships appreciate!

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Those who were born in September, as a rule, do not need rapid passion, preferring calm, measured romantic relationship. They do not like to show their feelings in public, which is completely incorrectly perceived by the second half as indifference. These people are somewhat practical about the creation of a marriage, trying to choose a partner with whom they are easy, convenient and cozy will be in a family circle, to engage in household issues, which are given a practically paramount role. These people tend to indicate the shortcomings of their life satellite, to show demanding, while not noticing their flaws. They "are" soldered "to their half, but, ultimately, they get so accustomed that they simply do not represent their existence without this person. They do not like change, and passion will not be able to bind them, but only affection, habit, stable lifestyle. Sometimes, seduced at the "external wrapper" of a person who is capable of taking his head slightly slightly, they begin to realize that it knocks them out of the habitual track, and they break the connection capable of overcome feelings. They love children immensely, but brief in some rigor, based on the rules, trying to inspire their life sets, which can cause conflicts.

Born in September - honest workers!

Born in September - economons!

Born in September, virgin or scales on the sign of the zodiac, are valuable shots in any labor sphere. These people can most effectively show their abilities in the field of science and technology. They are responsible, disciplined, punctual, executive, these people can be called real workers. It is suitable for any business, pre-laying everything around the shelves. At the same time, they are enjoyed by new technologies, deliver new achievements, constantly replenish their knowledge luggage. These people inspire the results of their activities, they love to sum up for a long time, "admire" their achievement, while planning further actions. Possess these people and organizational abilities, requiring clarity, execution and diligence, i.e., all that invested when working for themselves and feeding visual example colleagues. In general, they prefer solitary work with collective work, but they can also be perfectly trading with teammate partners. For those born in September, only those money they earned their work are present. Material independence is important for them, they rarely allow themselves to accept any benefits for free, they do not like to be in someone in debt. Born in September should not be given too expensive gifts, trying to make them pleasant in this way, it will only fall a stone on their soul, will impose the difficult commitments. They are economical, can refuse themselves in something, but they always have everything vital.

Before answering the question of what kind of zodiac sign in September patronizes people born this month, it is worth remembering that astrology is one of the oldest sciences known modern people. Eastern Scriptures They argue that astrology originated simultaneously with the advent of a person on Earth. Nowadays, astrological knowledge has become even richer and continue to be replenished with new techniques and techniques that transform this science in powerful tool Forecasting.

Most of us, one way or another, have already faced with the traditional characteristics of their solar signs. Let's pay special attention to those who were born in September. Do you know which sign of the zodiac in September only begins his way through the sky, and what is already looking for his position?

From August 21 comes into force zodiacal sign The Virgin, which for seven days after the onset of this period retains the influence of the sign standing in front of him. This means that in its complete power it only enters by August 28. From this day and until September 20, the sign of the Virgin remains at the peak of his power, after which again during the week gradually loses its strength, yielding to the increasing influence of the scale of the scales.

What sign of the zodiac can boast of such an incredible meeting of positive qualities, how does the wise of Virgo possess? In the mythology of Deev, it seems like a goddess - not only fertility, but also love, and beauty. According to the Slavic horoscope, the people, the birthday of which fall on September 2, are friendly and stacks, they can easily smooth conflicts, possess a surprisingly soft sense of humor, with them very easy to work. In the future, they look concern, conservative, incredulously relate to people.

What sign of the zodiac, like no other, has such incredible hardworking, practicality and thoroughness? True, it's Virgo. As an earthly sign, it is modest, can be content with small, always welcoming, has a sense of measure and a huge reserve of patience. She is not only a "salt of land", but also a beautiful friend, sensitive to someone else's trouble.

Celebrities, born on September 9: Lion Tolstoy, Michelle Williams, Hugh Grant, Nadezhda Allilueva, Boris Sadded.

In general, the life of people born in the period from August 21 to September 20 is happily. Knowing what zodiac sign in September patronizes you or your loved ones, you can safely be taken for the most exciting and incredible plans and incarnate them. After all, it is Verva who can bring even those projects to the logical completion, from which others refuse to various causes.

The one who does not believe in horoscopes, but now knows which sign of the zodiac in September comes into its rights, maybe there may be no doubt to try his forces in different areas Human activity, since due to their strength of the will and perseverance of Virgo, in any case, everywhere will achieve great success.

Mercury is a patron of all people born in September. His characteristics are largely characteristic of the birthdays of this month. In addition, according to the horoscope, September is a month of virgins and weights. Born at this time try to always bring things to the end and draw conclusions from each specific situation.

  • Born in September under the sign of the Virgin Akchachacy. They love accuracy, certainty and order in everything. In addition, the Virgas have a well-developed sense of responsibility and in the measure of witty.
  • Scales, as it should be, before doing anything, weigh all the "for" and "against", so as not to spend time and energy into the back. Very hardworking.

Character features and personal qualities

People who were born at the beginning of autumn are quite straightforward and emotional. They are not accustomed to hiding emotions and their pride. About the September Birthdays They say: they know how to put a goal in front of them and confidently follow it to achieve it, planning their actions step by step.

With such friends you will probably be comfortable. Despite the emotionality, the birthday women know how to listen and do not like conflicts.

By the way, it is believed that September is inherent and "their" names. So, girls are recommended to call Natalia, Elizabeth, veras, hopes, loving, Sofias, and boys - Timofey, Andrei, Gleb, Maxim, Nikitami.


If we talk about health, it is believed that September people are healthier than those who were born at another time. People who were born early autumn, always need fresh air, sunlight And healthy, strong sleep.

They are passionate about health care, as a rule, avoid bad habits and adhere to healthy image Life.

They are irritable and therefore often there are nervous. Because of this, psychological discomfort may occur and, as a result, anxiety and anxiety.

Love and relations

Those born in September, astrologists advise you to choose a half of this period. You are perfectly suitable for those who were born in August-September. In addition, you entails people who were born 5, 14 and 23 of any month.

If you have chosen as a husband born in September - your choice is good, you know how to share with your half the joy of life. Your family hearth is full of Fire Love, and you are comfortable together.

If you are a girl and born in September - you will be an excellent wife. The husband will appreciate your ability to be attentive, to finely notice the details. Your presence is always pleasant for your spouse.

Work and finance

September - favorable month From the point of view of finance. He gives born in September such character traits such as economy, the ability to conduct business, to do business and be careful in affairs. Stars promise you success if your financial influences will be in real estate.

Scales and virgins are valuable staff in any field. "SUPPLY" disciplined, responsible, punctual and executive. Inspired by the results of their works, you will definitely make a conclusion and go to the planning of further actions and the development of business projects.

Organizational abilities - also one of characteristic featuresinherent in born in September. You will be good with colleagues and able to keep in any team.

Favorable days and colors

It is best to make your affairs and make important solutions on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. These days are the most successful for born in September.

In the color palette, give preference worth white and green shades. These colors will be favorable both in the wardrobe and in the design of the surroundings of you.

People born in September possess good intuition, they achieve good results in sports game, They love to invent something constantly, are not indifferent to nature, animals and scientific books. They can best realize themselves in art, service, science, jurisprudence and medicine.

Character of people born in September

People born in September differ in their active vital position and the sharpness of the mind. They are wonderful speakers who know how to express their thoughts perfectly. September people are inherent in the following main features of character:

  • energy;
  • irritability;
  • jealousy;
  • generosity;
  • hot temper;
  • communicability;
  • dedication;
  • honesty;
  • kindness;
  • hardworking;
  • responsiveness.

September people immediately come to help those who fall into trouble by force of the circumstances. But if the difficulties arose on someone's nonsense, they will not help. These people strive for order in everything, do not like to go on a justified risk, appreciate stability and strive for it.

Peace of September is an absolutely non-conflict person, it is seriously tolerated quarrels and squabbles, not participating in the gossip. These people are difficult to call the generators of ideas, but they are perfectly implemented by all that they could pass through, concentrating on the ultimate goal. People born in September - fighters for justice and the truth that will defend, do not regret neither forces or time. They strive for material benefits, do not have problems with money due to their diligence and economy.

September people are in all beautiful, they love to read, fond of art and theater, attend exhibitions. They have an amazing flaw and logical thinking, always strive for self-improvement and knowledge of the world.

Health of people born in September

People born this month have strong health, but, nevertheless, they always complain about various ailments that are attributed to themselves. They are very sensitive to conflict situations And easily come out of themselves, which adversely affects the digestive system. Often nervous breakdowns Call the following problems:

  • colic;
  • constipation;
  • dysentery;
  • indigestion;
  • stuttering;
  • speech interference;
  • problems with light.

September people should be well filled, often to be on fresh air and play sports. All this will help save peace of mind And avoid disease.

Love and friendship

September People tolerate cannot endure jealousy if they rush such scenes, it does not raise influence and, most likely, they will do everything. They love big and fun friendly companies, but if for the sake of their personal interests to someone from friends will have to cross the road, they will make it easily. If the problems of friends do not affect the interests of September of September, he will always come to the rescue and will help them solve them.

September people often fall in love, but at the same time very carefully and carefully choose spouses. They appreciate the family, attentive and kind to their halves, care and love children. Peace of September loves comfort and comfort in the house. Women are excellent hostesses, caring and passionate wives driving their family nest. Men try to choose their wife's wife, they love the family and their home.

People born in September are not prone to frequent change of partners, despite their in love, which quickly passes, they remain alone. They are often happy in family life, And if the family is destroyed, it is very hard and painfully tolerated.

And although in some sources, Augustus is indicated, the palm of the world championship still receives September. According to data published in the Edition Reader's Digest, nine of the ten Americans were born between the ninth and twentieth of September. For comparison in Russia, about 5-8% of children appears in the first month of autumn.

Successes at school

Scientists believe that September children are developing faster than those born in the summer. According to observations, 20% of them have real chances to get into elite educational institutions.

Weight in normal

People who appeared in September often have a thin body. At the same time, kids do not have a lack of weight at birth. Their body weight ranges from 2.8 to 4 kg, which is recognized as an absolute norm.

Happy New Year!

Children, born in September, were conceived in December or January. And this is not surprising - long winter evenings and long New Year holidays have to love.

Calmness, only calm

According to, people who celebrate their birthday in September are less likely to develop depression and bipolar disorders.

Rising indicators

Children, born in late summer or early autumn, are ahead of the growth of those who appeared in the winter or spring. It is possible that this is due to the enhanced production of vitamin D in the body of a pregnant woman under the influence of sunlight.

Sports achivments

According to research center research physical culture And Sports at the University of Essec University "Autumn" Children are physically stronger and hardy. But within the limits of this group there is competition - children born in October and November are recognized by the most athletics.

Good sign

In the period from August 23 to September 22, people are born under the sign of the Virgin. They are devoted, carefully for details and love order in everything. The scales born from September 23 to October 22, are sociable and friendly. This sign of the zodiac is inherent in the innate sense of justice and inner harmony.

Strong bones

Studies of British scientists have shown that the September kids have a bone tissue for 12.75 kV cm thicker than in children born in other months.

September "Stars"

Number famous peopleBorn in the beginning of autumn, the talented actor Alexey Chadov, charming singers Larisa Dolina and Ani Lorak. Who knows, maybe in this September in the sky will hear a new star?

Flower horoscope

According to Cosmo.Ru, the Astra patronizes in the first half of September. Such people are distinguished by life and charismatic. In the second half of September, heather appears - erudite personalities, intellectuals who love to keep everything under control.

Law abiding citizen

Good news: Scientists from Canada and the United States concluded that the September children are less at risk to get to jail for minors.

Early childbirth

According to the research conducted by the US National Sciences Academy, women who fall out on autumn and winter, give birth to children on average a week earlier.

Allergy and asthma

Life up to one hundred years

Leonid and Natalia Gavrilov, scientists from the University of Chicago, gathered a focus group from one and a half thousand elderly, whose age was a hundred and more years. It turned out that most of the participants were born in September. According to scientists, familiarity with infections in early age contributed to the rapid formation of immunity and increased the duration of their lives. It seems that September children have every chance to celebrate a hundredth birthday.