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Eating phraseologism in literary works Examples. Frameological turns in the literature. Need help to study what language themes

Phraseology comes from two Greek words: "phrase" - the expression and "logos" is a teaching. Separate expressions are called phraseological circulation or phraseologism. "Frameological turnoves," N.M.Shansky writes, "consist of certain, always alone and the same words, closely related between themselves as part of the whole and one behind each other in a strictly established manner." In phraseology, it is impossible to arbitrarily replace words, because in it they lose their semantic independence. This can be confirmed by the fact that there are words that are not understood as part of such expressions. They say, for example, to get to come. What is as soon as possible? The word faith has happened from words in and promoted, the name of the rope is so called. Hence the meaning of the expression: getting hair into such a camp was very unpleasant.

Much attention, scientists pay classifications of phraseological units. They classly classify them differently:

  • on the source of origin (etymological surveys, profession, literary source);
  • by origin (borrowed and original Russians);
  • in existence (in books or colloquial speech).

Phraseologisms can be divided into five groups: 1) individual words of the Russian language; 2) free phrases of Russian speech; 3) Russian proverbs; 4) phraseological units of the Russian language; 5) foreign language phraseologisms.

Of the combinations of individual words phraseologism arise quite often. You can learn them in the unusual combination of words, for example: brains are scaper, a man in a case, a shower of a lap. In combinations of the shower of the Naraspa (cf. the door of the lady), the brains are racing (Wed. Hat croupier) The portable character of the words of the words by the ladle, the crop is well realized. The expression of the soul by the Narasbashka determines the character of a person who does not hide his thoughts, "opening the soul" to people.

The largest number of phraseologisov is formed on the basis of free phrases often encountered in speech. For example, the head is often compared with the kittelet, hence the transfer to the free combination of the pot cooks a new value - "The head consists of anyone."

Many phraseological units arose on the basis of proverbs. Typically, part of the proverb becomes a phraseologist, for example, from the proverb "I ate a dog, and the tail was suppressed," the phraseological general was arose - the dog ate. This saying is used in relation to a person who did something very and very difficult and stumbled on a trifling. A phraseological dog ate - in relation to a person who acquired a big skill in anything, knowledge.

The phraseological units of the Russian language are also often the base for the formation of new phraseologism. They have two varieties: phraseological units with the same values: feed with breakfasts, → feed promises, and phraseological units with a new meaning: to remove the eyes - "Translate a view to the side", → to remove your eyes → "Distracting anyone, trying to hide something" .

Based on the phraseologisoms of other languages, borrowed phraseologisms are formed. For example, a phraseology is borrowed from the French language: to have a tooth on someone - to be dissatisfied with anyone, offended by anyone; Bold offense, malice, hatred. From the English language - the blue stocking - "a woman who has lost femininity, dealing only by scientists."

An important feature of phraseological units is the presence of at least two major stresses to crush the soul - to be insincere, hypocrite; To act, act against conscience, contrary to my beliefs. N.M.Shansky writes: "The phraseological turnover is a reproducible language unit of two or more shock words, holistic according to its value and stable in its composition and structure."

Frameologists, like some words, form synonymic, antonymic, homonymic, paronimic series.

At the heart of synonymous phraseologisoms lies the same image, although the options may differ in some words. For example, "diligently, diligently" - not to twist the hands, having a sleeve, without sorry forces, to the seventh sweat, in the sweat of the face.

Antonym phraseological units characterize the phenomenon on the one hand, but opposite. So, a person can be determined by his growth: with the Raster Kolomenskaya ("very high") - not to see the Earth ("very low"). According to his appearance, reflecting the state of health: blood with milk ("healthy appearance") - they are painted in the coffin ("painful, bad look").

If there is no connection between different values \u200b\u200bof phraseological units consisting of the same words, then these phraseological units are recognized as homonyms. For example: to put the rooster - "fake singing" and put the rooster - "set fire."

Among the phraseologisoms of the Russian language, along with phraseological synonyms, antonyms, and phraseological paronyms are also occurred. Frameological paronyms are characterized by the fact that they do not coincide (like synonyms), are not opposed to (like antonyms), their appearance (shell) is not superimposed on another (like Omonimov). In the language, this is manifested in the form of the impossibility of matches of values. For example: the language is swallowed - "silence, stop talking", the language swallow - "very tasty".

The phraseologisms used in modern Russian have different origins. One of them arose in the distant past. For example: how with the goose water - nothing worries, does not touch, nothing works.

The origin of this expression is known not to everyone. This is not a simple saying, but a part of an ancient spell.

It happened, the evacor, pouring a patient with "extras", sentenced: "As with a goose water, from our (child name) - thin" (that is, the disease). And they believed that all sorts of attack "run away" with the patient just as, without lingering, water rolled down with goose feathers.

Each craft in Russia left a mark in Russian phraseology, so appeared phraseologisms associated with the profession. From carpenters, the phraseological work is maintained - coarse (as if an ax did) work.

Previously, the top-end work was called a simple product made by an ax. The ax is a chopping tool. Worked carpenters. And since our country is rich in forests, the carpenters have always had a lot of work. You can judge the "Top" work "of Russian carpenters, which were" without a single nail ", which are no longer the first hundred years. Allbody and God's temples put in Russian North (in the quiz).

Other phraseological turnover are associated with mythology. For example: Achilles Fifth is a weak side, the most vulnerable space of someone.

In Greek mythology, Achille is one of the strongest and brave heroes.

The myth about him says that the mother of Achilla, the sea goddess of the Fedita, wanting to make the son invulnerable, dipped the boy in the water of the sacred river Scheme. She kept him for the heel (heel), and the heel turned out to be his only vulnerable place. It was there that he was mortally wounded by an arrow of Paris.

Also satisfying the characteristic, the classification gave an academician of grapes. This classification was based on the principle of the degree of spanning of components. He divided according to this sign all the phraseological revs into three groups:

  • phraseological battles; Its components are inextricably linked and the value of phraseologicalism is not taken out of the semantics of the components of his words: a red maiden (too timid, shy, young man); Golden company (bosias, declassified elements of society);
  • phraseological unity; The components of unity are also closely merged, but there is some motivation of values: a greenhouse plant (weak, fused man); Free bird (free, independent person).
  • phraseological combinations; These are the most free phraseological units that are not free only one word (has limited compatibility). The blowing feast [shelma] is a cunning, deft man, a swarm, pass. Snake Podkodnaya, Suma Purchase - a person who is easily changing place of residence.

N.M.Shansky allocates another fourth group - phraseological expressions (they are semantically cladimy and consist of words with a free meaning).

Phraseologists are bright and expressive instruments of the language. They give the speech of the ability, imagery. They help expose enemies, open the true meaning of events. The bulk has an estimated value, that is, expresses a positive or negative characteristic of a person or subject.

For example, antonym phraseologisms, after the sleeves - carelessly, bad, somehow; Drinking the sleeves - I do not regret the strength, much and diligently. This expression originated in those distant times, when the Russians wore clothes with very long sleeves: they achieved 95 cm for men, and women had even longer-130-140 cm.

With lowered sleeves, it was inconvenient to work, as they hinder very much. Hence the expression after the sleeves. And vice versa, so that it was convenient to work, the sleeves had to roll.

There are also many phraseological units characterizing both diligence and tacity: not to twist the hands, bending the back, from dawn to dawn; Beat the bumps, point to the lasies, consider raven, etc.

There are phraseological units expressing an emotional assessment of individual qualities of a person or its position in society: the phraseology of milk on the lips does not operate, for example, an assessment of human life experience, and the turnover of his own shadow is afraid - an assessment of an individual psychological appearance, certain character traits (timidity, fearing alertness) .

The appearance of a person's external appearance is opposed to health status. The skin is yes, the painful in the coffin lay, lively power, barely soul in the body, in which only the soul keeps - the face like poppies color, across itself wider, blood with milk; Kolomenskaya versta, fire calane, getting a groove - not to see the Earth, two tops from the pot. Council in phraseological units and internal identity qualities. Yourself on the mind - the soul of a car Seven spans in the forehead, a light head - neither fish neither meat, leaking the ball; The word in the pocket does not climb - how the water in the mouth scored; Fire and water, and copper pipes are a greenhouse plant.

It is possible to oppose the attractiveness (as a picture, your fingers are losing) and unattractiveness (neither the skin is neither faces; the cat is dranny, wet chicken).

Evaluation of the internal appearance of a person covers a very wide and diverse scope of conceptual content, which includes an assessment of the intellectual development of a person, its life experience, moral qualities and forms of behavior. So an intellectual development assessment is divided into a high level of intellectual development, the mental abilities of the face and the low level of intellectual development: seven spans in the forehead, head cooks, head on his shoulders, a bright head, for the word in his pocket does not climb - without a king in the head, brains racing, Head of the garden, two words can not connect, there are not enough stars from the sky, not all at home, etc.

Estimation of life experience: "big life experience" - a grated Kalach, an old sparrow, an old etched wolf, knows all the moves and exits, knows the pound of likha; "Little life experience": the christmas christmas church, young-green, the milk on the lips did not dry, I didn't snuff powder.

Assessment of the relationship between the individual and the surrounding team is also very diverse and selective. Who is such a white crow, the scapegoat, the fifth wheel in the cart, the side of the pan? The basis for such an assessment is both social factors and individual personality features: "Low social status" - smallly floats, small bumps; "High social situation" - a high flight bird, an important bird, highly flies, raise above, you will not get your hand. The reason for the assessment may also be wealth: row a shovel, how (as if, like) cheese in oil ride, a gold bag - and poverty: goal as a falcon, nor a penny behind the soul, the wind whistles in his pockets, bare ends with ends.

Estimates of the individual qualities of the personality formally associated with the ideas about certain qualities of animals of some one particular species. So, the hare is a symbol of cowardiness, wolf - greed, a bear - clumsy, fox - tricks, snake - cruelty, cunning, elephant - cumbersome. That is why the composition of the phraseological units entered the animal components, which are the names of animals of a specific type: a snake Podkodnaya, Ladybug, a dranny cat, a shooting sparrow, a wolf in a sheep skull, an elephant in a dishwasher, a bear service.

Wolf in sheep skins - a hypocrite, hiding his bad intentions under the mask of virtue.

The wolf is one of the most noticeable figures among animals. How many fairy tales, stories, proverbs and sayings are folded about him! "About the Wolf is speech, but he will order," "With the wolves live - a wolf to pull", "Wolf appetite", "Wolf's feet feed." The meaning of these expressions is clear.

The expression of the wolf "In Sheep Shkura" originated from the Gospel: "Bear to false prophets that come to us in sheep's clothes, and inside the essence of wolves are predatory." You can contrast this expression proverb: "Wolves of sheep tears will be detached."

In phraseologists, characterizing a person, also introduced "color" vocabulary. Many phraseological units are used in artistic literature and journalism.

For example, the expression of a white crow belongs to the ancient Roman poet Juvenal. White Vorona is called a man sharply different from others. Most often, these are talented, gifted, incomprehensible, and therefore not fit into the general philistine lifestyle.

White raven, as you know, does not happen, and therefore people who are called white corners look at least strange; They are not like everyone else:

Frameological turns occupy a significant place in the literature. Especially enriched our speech with waters in the words Russian writers of Griboedov and Wings. Rows from the comedy "Mount from the mind" and the Krylovskaya Basen became covered and entered our conversational and literary speech on par with folk proverbs and sayings, and phrases of them are resistant phrases - phraseologism. There are among them and such that characterize a person or his feelings and sensations, relationship with the surrounding world and people. Here are some of them who have become proverbs and sayings. MOUNT US WOMAN ALL SUBSTELLS AND BARSKY ANGVE AND BARSKY LOVE; The custom of my such: signed, so with the shoulders of one; Sin does not matter, Solva is not good; Blessed, who believes warm to him in the world; and the smoke of the Fatherland to us sweet and pleasant; read not as a pearler, but with a sense, with a sense, with the arrangement; It would be glad to serve nauseous; Fresh legend, but hard to believe, and the judges who?; familiar all persons; moderation and accuracy; hero is not my novel; Milong torment; Improving contrary to the elements of the elements.

The greatest connoisseurs of the Russian word, I. Krylov enriched our literary language by many figurative expressions, became proverbs and sayings, which characterize a person, its quality, emphasize its advantages and disadvantages, much easier than any evidence, explanations, comparisons, conclusions.

Who does not know the Basen Krylov? But perhaps the most famous - bass about dragonfly and ant:

She comes to ant-worker to ask him to feed her to spring and warmed. What the ant answers:

They say, it is impossible to live today. And the people about the same: "Prepare Sani in the summer, and in the winter." Dragonflies are called people of carefree, frivolous, careless, day-and-night butterflies.

Now let's talk about the expression helpful bear. It originated from the Basinie Krylov "Dressman and Bear":

For this centance, a story about the friendship of the bear with the wilderness. They spent whole days together. Once the wilderness went to rest and fell asleep. The bear distilled from him flies. I drove my flies from the cheek, she sat down on the nose, then on the forehead. Bear, taking a weighty cobblestone, podkraulyl flush and

From the Bassen, Krylova came to us and the expression of Martushkin labor in meaning - perfectly useless work. The expression of Martushkin work quickly became a winged, got the spread and oral speech, and in magazine journalism. In a modern literary language, the journey-ironic expression of Martishkin labor almost lost its connection with its fastened source and is used by us as the designation of in vain, useless, deliberately troubled labor, any fruitless and aimless activity.

We often use a winged expression: "Stay at the broken trough," and rightly consider it taken from the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin. In the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" there are such words:

Phraseologisms are often used as a means of expressiveness on the pages of newspapers. They give the newspaper text certain strength, help create imagery. Phraseologisms are capable not only to express the appropriate thought more excitation, but also transfer the attitude, evaluation. For example, the saying to the crowd with water in the stage transmits greater expressiveness, the evaluation than the free phrase "to do a blank business" corresponding to it.

Language is a living connection of times. With the help of the language, a person aware of the role of his people in the past and present. This is how I. Bunin wrote about it:

A peculiar covenant of all generations sounds the words of I.Turgenev: "Take care of our tongue, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this is the domain, transmitted to us by our predecessors .... Contact respectfully with this powerful weapon: in the hands of the skillful it is able to make miracles! "

Phraseologisms - live witnesses of the past, knowledge enriches our mind, makes it possible to better comprehend the language, more consciously use it. The richer the vocabulary of a person, the more interesting, brighter he expresses his thoughts. Mastering phraseology is the necessary condition for deep mastering by the language, its secrets and wealth.

Time comes when schoolchildren begin to learn what phraseological units are. Their study was an integral part of the school program. Knowledge about what phraseological units and how they are used, will be useful not only in the lessons of Russian language and literature, but also lives. The figurative speech is a sign of at least a well-read person.

What is phraseologism?

Phraseologism - with a certain content of words, which in this combination have a different meaning than when using these words separately. That is, phraseologism can be called a steady expression.

Frameological turns in Russian language wide use. The study of phrases was engaged in the linguist of grapes, to a greater extent, thanks to him, they began to be widely used. In foreign languages, there are also phraseologisms, only call them idioms. Linguists are still arguing, there is a distinction between phraseological and idiom, but the exact answer has not yet been found.

The most popular are spoken phraseologisms. Examples of their use can be found below.

Signs of phraseologism

In phraseological units there are several important features and signs:

  1. Phraseology is a ready-made language unit. This means that a person who eats it in his speech or on the letter will extract this expression from memory, and not inventing on the go.
  2. They have a permanent structure.
  3. You can always choose a synonymal word (sometimes antony) to phraseologism.
  4. Phraseologism is an expression that cannot be less than two words.
  5. Almost all phraseological units are expressive, encourage the interlocutor or reader to manifest bright emotions.

Functions of phraseologisomes in Russian

Each phraseology is the main function one - to give speech brightness, liveliness, expressiveness and, of course, express the copyright to something. In order to imagine how much it becomes brighter with the use of phraseologism, imagine how a humorist or a writer makes fun of someone with the use of phraseologism. It becomes more interesting.

Styles phraseologism

The classification of phrases in style is a very important feature. In total, 4 main styles of sustainable expressions are distinguished: interstile, book, conversational and spurated. Each phraseologist refers to some of these groups, depending on its value.

Spoken phraseological units are the largest group of expressions. Some believe that interstile and spaticrous phraseologists should enter into one group with conversational. Then there are only two groups of sustainable expressions: conversational and books.

Differences between books and colloquial phraseologists

Each style of phraseologism is distinguished by each other, and the bright difference is demonstrated by book and spoken phraseological units. Examples: not worth a copper penny and fool fool. The first sustainable expression is a book, because it can be used in any artistic work, in a scientific and journalistic article, an official-business conversation, etc. whereas the expression " fool fool " It is widely used in conversations, but not in books.

Book phraseologisms

Book phraseologisms are stable expressions that are much more often used in the letter than in conversations. They are not characteristic of pronounced aggression and negativity. Book phrases have been widely used in journalism, scientific articles, artistic literature.

  1. During it - So something that happened for a very long time. The expression is Older Slavonic, often used in literary works.
  2. Pull one - The value of the long process. In ancient, the risen was called a long metallic thread, it was pulled out with nippers from metal wire. Ankitel was embroidered on the velvet, it was a long and very painstaking job. So, pull one - It is a long and extremely boring work.
  3. Play with fire - do something extremely dangerous, "be on the edge".
  4. Stay with nose - To stay without something that I really wanted.
  5. Kazan Sirota - This is a phraseologist about a person who gives itself behind the beggar or a patient, while having a goal benefit.
  6. On the goat you will not come up - So a long time ago, they talked about girls who were in the holidays jesters and crumbs could not cheer.
  7. Scrape - Expose to commit something unlucky.

Book phrases are extremely many.

Interstime phraseological revs

Interstime are sometimes called neutral conversational, because both with a style, and from an emotional point of view they are neutral. Neutral spoken and book phrase units are confused, because the interstile is also not particularly emotionally painted. An important feature of interstile revolutions is that they do not express human emotions.

  1. Not a bit - So the complete absence of something.
  2. Play the role - somehow influence this or that event, to cause anything.

Interstime phraseological revolutions are not very much in Russian, but they are consumed in speech more often than others.

Conversational phraseological revs

The most popular expressions are spoken phraseologism. Examples of their use can be the most varied, from the expression of emotions before the description of the person. Spoken phraseological turns are perhaps the most expressive among all. They are so many that it is possible to bring examples to infinity. Conversation phraseologisms (examples) are listed below. Some of them may sound differently, but at the same time have a similar value (that is, being synonyms). And other expressions, on the contrary, have the same word as part, but are vivid antonyms.

Synonymous spoken phraseological units, examples:

  1. All without exception, the value of the converance: all like one; and old, and young; from small to large.
  2. Very quickly: in an instant; did not have time to look back; in a moment; I did not have time to blink.
  3. To work hard and diligently: not to give up hands; to seventh sweat; having sleeves; In the sweat of the face.
  4. The value of proximity: two steps; be under sideways hand to file.
  5. Run quickly: laying his head; what is forces; in full jump; What is urine; in all the blades; from all legs; Only heels sparkle.
  6. The value is similar: all like one; all as on the selection; one to one; Well done to a young man.

Antonymic spoken phraseologism, examples:

  1. Cat weave (few) - Chickens do not peck (lot).
  2. Nor zgi is not visible (dark, badly visible) - Although the needles collect (light, clearly seen).
  3. Lose head (bad to figure out) - Head on shoulders (reasonable man).
  4. Like a cat with a dog (Arguing people) - Do not break water, Siamese twins; Soul in Soul (Close, very friendly or
  5. In two steps (nearby) - For thirty lands (long away).
  6. Turn in the clouds (Pensive, dreaming and non-submitted person) - Look in both, keep your ear eld (attentive person).
  7. Scratching language (to accelerate, dissolve gossip) - Swallow language (silence).
  8. Uma Castle (smart man) - Without a king in my head, live someone else's mind (stupid or reckless person).

Frameological examples Examples:

  1. American Uncle - A person who very unexpectedly cuts out of a materially difficult situation.
  2. Beat like fish - Do unnecessary, useless actions that do not lead to any result.
  3. Beat eggs - idle.
  4. Throw a glove - Join the dispute with someone, challenge.

The phraseology of the Russian language is the treasury of folk wisdom, in it, as in the mirror, reflects the Russian national character, features of the national worldview.

Phraseologisms are very often used in prose and in poetry, create uniqueness, creative personality of the style of writers. The phraseological generals transmit the thinnest semantic and emotional shades, characterize the person and its actions, briefly and exercise different life situations, form a picture of the writer's world, reveal the ideological and moral features of the work.

The section "phraseologisms in Russian literature" is devoted to the use of phraseologism in the works of Russian writers, whose creativity is studied on average and senior school level. Cycles of textbooks on literature publishing houses "Enlightenment", "Balam", "Drop", "Mnemozina", "Russian Word" are chosen.

The target audience

The material will be interesting to a wide range of readers, including students of medium and higher educational institutions, teachers, teachers of philological faculties.

Building a vocabulary article

In the vocabulary article, phraseological in its original form is given, stylistic litters and instructions for emotional and expressive characteristics are given: ironic, dismissive, solemn, elevated, disapproving, contemptuous, outdated, joking, book, spacious.

The following is a context - a fragment of the text in which the phraseology is used allocated in italics. It is indicated by the author and the name of the work. The artistic and journalistic texts of modern authors are the artistic and journalistic texts of modern authors (the period from the end of the twentieth century. To the present), showing the use of phraseological units in a living Russian speech.

The structure of the vocabulary article

Adopted abbreviations


We draw your attention to the fact that large works in middle textbooks are often published in reducing. In this case, the comments are offered only to the volume of the text, which is presented in the textbook. Works studied in the senior link are commented in full.

Many phraseologism came to England from USA. They relate to internalized borrowings. Some of these phraseologism were at one time created by American writers and were widespread in modern English speech.

The creators of many revolutions are known.

V. Irving: The Almighty Dollar - "Almighty Dollar" (usually used ironically); A Rip Van Winkle - Rip Van Wincon, a backward person (by the hero of the story of the same name who slept twenty years old).

E. O "Connor: The Last Hurrah -" Last Hurray "; ~ Swan song (usually about the last election campaign, or about a political figure, completing its stormy political career. By the name of the novel).

F. Cooper: The Last of the Mohicans is the last of the Mogican (by the name of the novel). Mogican is an extinct tribe of North American Indians. The popularity of the works of Cooper contributed to the introduction of phraseological phrases related to the life of the Indians in English: Bury The Hatchet - to conclude the world, to make up, stop the hostility (the Indians at the conclusion of the world burned Tomahawk in the land); Dig Up the Hatchet - Start War (Indians have existed a custom before starting host Tomahawk burned to the ground); Go On The War-Path - to enter the path of war, to be in a militant mood.

Longfello: SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT - PASSIDE INN) ("TALES OF WAYSIDE INN") (comparison: Divided as ships in the sea). The popularity of expression is also associated with using it as the name of one of the novels of the writer Beatrix Harreden (1893).

J. London: The Call of the Wild - "Call of the ancestors", "Call of Nature" (by the name of the novel); THE IRON HEEL "Iron Fifth", imperialism (by the name of the novel).

M. Mitchell: Gone With the Wind - the disappeared disappeared who had rushing into the past (the expression was popular after the publication of the novel M. Mitchell "Gone by the Wind" ("Gone With The Wind") and the film shot on this novel was created by the English poet . Dawson (1867 - 1900).

J. Hou: The Grapes of Wrath - Breaks Wratve (The turnover for the first time is found in the work of J. Khou "Battle Hymn of the Republic" (1862), is obliged to Roman J. Steinbeck with the same name).

The number of phraseological units borrowed from American fiction is not as large as the number of phraseologisoms created by English writers. But it should be noted that the Americans given above possess the most vivid image and increased expressiveness compared to the statements of English writers.

French fiction It made a considerable contribution to the phraseological fund of modern English. Many works of French writers have been translated into English and still enjoy wide popularity in England. In this regard, such French writers should be highlighted as: Francois Rabl, Jean Batist Moliere, Jerome D "Angers, Lafonten, etc.

Examples of phraseologisoms created by French writers and most used in modern English (all the following phraseological units borrowed from French fiction are translated and are presented in English - in their original form, these phraseologists are not used in modern English speech):

Appetite Comes with Eating - Appetite comes during a meal (the expression first meets in the composition "On the reasons" (1515) of Zheroma d "Angers, the bishop of the city of Le Mans; popularized by Francois Rabl in Gargantua and Pantagruel);

Buridan "S Ass - Zhuridanov Donkey (about a person who is not decisive to make a choice between two equivalent objects, equivalent solutions, etc.) (French philosopher XIV century. Buridan is attributed to the story about the donkey, dead from hunger, since he did not dare to make The choice between two identical siene oachas. This story was supposedly given by Buridan as an example in the reasoning about the freedom of will. To the same story, the phraseology of An ASS (or a donkey) Between Two Bundles of Hay); Castles in Spain - Air Castles (expression associated with the medieval heroic epic, whose heroes, knights, received in the personal ownership of not yet conquered castles in Spain);

For SMB. "S Fair Eyes (or for The Fair Eyes of SMB.) - For the sake of someone's beautiful eyes, not for his merit, but for a personal location, for nothing, for nothing (the expression from the comedy J. B. Moliere "Zhemunnitsa");

Let US Return to Our Muttons - Let's go back to the topic of our conversation (an expression from a medieval farce Blancher about a lawyer Plinlen, later the infinitive to return to one "s muttons) arose by reverse education;

To Pull SMB. "S (or The) Chestnuts Out of the Fire (for SMB.) - To carry chestnuts from fire for anyone; meaningless, with a risk to work for yourself to benefit another (in the bass Lafontaine" Monkey and Cat "- Monkey Bertran makes the cat Raton to carry chestnuts from fire). With the same Basney, an expression to make a cat "S PAW OF SMB is connected. - Make someone your obedient tool - the fever of others).

It should be noted that the number of phraseological units borrowed from French fiction in English is not great, but despite this, they are often used by English writers to enhance images and are widespread in modern English speech.

Frameological borrowing from german and Danish fiction Little. Only a few writers of Germany and Denmark replenished the English phraseological foundation "Cirelets" expressions. We provide examples of these phraseological units:

Speech IS Silvern, Silence Is Golden - "Word - Silver, Silence - Gold"; The proverb is first found at the German writer Thomas Carlaila: AS The Swiss Inscription Says: Schweigen Ist Silbern, Schweigen Ist Golden (Sartor Resartus);

Storm and Stress - "Storm and Natisk" (the current in the German literature of the 70-80 years of the XVIII century); anxiety period, excitement; Voltage (in public or personal life), rapid natisk (it. Sturm und Drang - by the name of the play F. Clinger);

Between Hammer and Anvil - between the hammer and anvil (by the name of the novel (1868) of the German writer F. Spielhagen);

The Emperor Has (or Wears) No Clothes - the king is naked (expression from the fairy tale of the Danish writer G.H. Andersen "New Dress of the king", 1837);

An Ugly Duckling - "Ugly Duckling" (a person unfairly estimated below his advantages, manifesting unexpectedly for others; The title of fairy tales Andersen about Nadko Duckling, who grew up and became a wonderful swan).

In modern English there are only a few phraseological units borrowed from spanish fiction. In this regard, one of the most famous Spanish writers of Miguel de Cervantes Saoveoventes, famous for the whole world by the work of Don Quixote, should be allocated. Miguel de Cervantes Saovenova is the author of the following phraseological units:

The Knight of the Rueful Countenance - (book.) Knight of the sad image, Don Quixote (Sp. El Caballero De La Triste Figura. So called Don Quixote his squire Sancho Pansa);

Tilt At Windmills - fight with windmills, "Donette" (ACC. ACOMETER MOLINOS DE VIENTO. Battle with windmills is one of the episodes in the novel "Don Quixote").

Currently, there are many phraseological units of Spanish origin in English, but only those phraseological units that are given above have literary roots.

Also in English there are phraseologisms associated with arab artliterature. From the fairy tales "Thousand and One Night" in English has come several expressions:

Aladdin "S Lamp (book.) - The Magic Lamp of Aladdin (Talisman, performing all the desires of its owner). With the same fairy tale, phraseologism to RUB The Lamp is connected. - Easy to fulfill their desire;

Alnascharn "S Dream (book) - empty dreams, fantasy (in one of the fairy tales" Thousand and One Night "speaks about Alnashar, who bought all his glass products and put them in the basket, but, marking how He will become a rich, and angry with his future wife, hit the basket and broke all the glass);

The Old Man of The Sea is a person who is difficult to get rid of, to get rid, an obsessive person (a hint of an episode in one of the fairy tales, in which it tells how Sinbad-Sea is not able to get rid of the old man who sat down on his shoulders);

An Open Sesame - "Sesame, Open!" - A quick and easy way to achieve anything (magic words, with the help of which the door to the cave of robbers in the fairy tale "Ali-Baba and forty robbers").

The fact that some expressions borrowed from the Arab folklore became the phraseological units of modern English, testifies to the metaphoricity and expressiveness of these phraseologism. Similar concepts exist in other languages \u200b\u200bof the world, in this case, we can talk about the international phraseological units borrowed from Arabic literature.

Writers turn to the phraseological wealth of the native language as an inexhaustible source of speech expression. In the artistic and journalistic speech, phraseologisms are often used in their usual phraseological form with the value inherent in it. Introduction to the text of phraseologism is due to the desire of the authors to strengthen the expressive color of speech. For example: "" "" Volga "", together with her lichen drivers, as if it fell through the ground ". (From the newspaper). The picture inherent in phraseologists revitalizes the story, gives it a joking, ironic color.

Especially love to use the phraseologisms of humorists, satirics; They appreciate the spoken, stylisticly reduced phraseology, resorting often to mixing styles to create a comic effect: "" ... settled and let's poke your nose into every gap. Oh, and the master he build a goat ... "" (from the newspaper).

The bright stylistic effect creates the parody use of book phrases used often in combination with stylistic vocabulary-phraseological means: "" ... Calling to give black gold miners, Green hotels broke out ... "" (from the newspaper).

It is important to emphasize that in all these cases, phraseological units are used in their traditional linguistic form with their inherent, well all known meaning.

The nature of the phraseological units, which have an explicit pattern, stylist, creates prerequisites for their use in expressive and primarily in an artistic and journalistic speech. At the same time, nothing fundamentally new in the use of phraseologism does not contribute, it draws expression from the finished national source.

The aesthetic role of phraseological means is determined by the formation and emotion, as well as the ability of the author to select the desired material and enter it into the text. Such use of phraseological generals enriches speech, serves as "antifreeze" against speech stamps.

However, the possibilities of using phrase units are much wider than simple reproduction of them in speech.

The phraseological wealth of the tongue comes to life under the pen of talented writers, publicists and become a source of new artistic images, jokes, unexpected Kalasburov. Artists of the Words can handle phrases and both with "Raw Material", which is subject to "creative processing". "

As a result of the phraseological innovation of writers, publicists arise original verbal images, which are based on "Found" "Sustainable expressions. Creative treatment of phraseologism gives them a new expressive color, strengthening their expressiveness. Most often, writers convert phraseological units that have a high degree of stability of the lexical composition and perform expressive function in speech. At the same time, the modified phraseological units retain the artistic advantages of nationwide - imagery, aphoristic, rhythmic melodic orderliness.

Often phraseological units are entered into text without changing their value and form. In this case, the authors use absolute expressive means of Russian phraseology - imagery, expressiveness, emotionality.

Journalists often use phraseological units in different synonymic rows. A favorite reception - gradation - stylist. The figure component in this arrangement of words and phrases, in which each subsequent encompaces an increasing meaning or emotional and expressive importance, due to which the growing impression produced by word or phrase is created. For example: slander, carries nonsense, mixed up with noby. (Ryabchikov).

An effective admission to the introduction of phraseology into text - antithesis, that is, the use of them in an antonymic row, for example: "" The point is not on which side to go, and in where to go and what is in the laid-down carriage of the past or the locomotive of the future ". Formed on the basis of: "" In the carriage of the past, you will not go anywhere "." Gorky "" "at the bottom". The opposition is built on the antonymity of the words "" Past "" and "" Future ".

The brightest and actual use of antonym-opposition. Two antonymic stable phrases, that is, phraseology with the opposite value. For example: "" Such a rigid budget is necessary to put England on your knees, "says Jackinson.

When introduced into the text of stylistically contrasting phraseologisams, there are cases:

Stylistic contrast of two or more phrases;

Stylistic contrast of phraseologist and phrasalized environment;

The stylistic contrast of the phraseologist and the word introduced into its composition;

Stylistic contrast when replacing a word, as part of a phraseological unit.

For example: "" But exposing the secrets of the Madrid yard, Obolensky looked through what was happening under his nose "". Here is the use of book phraseological phrases: "" Mystery of the Madrid Yard "" and a conversational phraseological word: "" under the very nose ".

One of the comic techniques is a stylistic contrast created by a combination in a narrow context of book winged expressions and officially business stationery words. One of the vision of the stylistic contrast is a combination of obsolete words and spoken phraseologism. For example: "" After a year, the auditors were surprised to find that the new field of Matar managed to block more than firewood than before. The description of his new acts is barely fit for 20 pages of the act ". (Prokhorov).

An even better means of creating a comic, is the style of antonym, built on opposition to the integral and gentle painting of phraseological units included in the context.

For example: "" America found out that her hero jumped out of the window what mother gave birth to his armored person. " (Bolshakov).

The sharpest stylist contrast occurs when combined in the narrow context of the jargon phraseology and words of purely book vocabulary. Such a reception is widely used in international feuethmon, allowing the authors to sharply express their attitude to negative characters. For example: "" For Ruth, the father's trip could have pleasant consequences if Tarvi stops pulling the rubber. " (Tents).

Phraseologists have potential expressive qualities, which allows writers creatively processing different directions of phraseological units: value, form (lexical condition, morphological and syntactic structures), a combination with other words and the like. Most often, phraseological units are subjected to individually stylistic processing, which is easily due to their metaphorical nature. With such a treatment, a punishment alignment of phraseologism and the corresponding free phrase; For example: "" She makes an elephant from fly and after selling elephant bone. " (Malenovsky).

The context is very important for creating a calabura, and for his perception by the reader. Sometimes the authors create detailed paintings based on the simultaneous perception of the associated and free combination of words, as part of the phraseological turnover.

Very often, writers resort to changing the structure of phraseological turnover, spreading its proposal relating to a particular word of sustainable phrases. For example: "" Suggested individualists you gradually saturate energy and cannot be said that one grave will fix socially rich. " (M.Gorky). This allows us to specify the generalized, widespread value of phraseologism, apply it to a certain situation. For example: Mark led to break the class of class gold, yes, the bull was a good calf. (Mayakovsky).

The opposite reception is a reduction in the phraseological turnover. But since refer to the number of common, the reader easily fills its missing part. For example: "Your Sobesevich in the Maid Maid and Lacey Mittens". (Chekhov).

One of the ways of individual-style processing of phraseological units is to replace one of the words that are part of a sustainable phrase, another word. For example, Saltykov - Shchedrin in satirical purposes creates in satirical purposes creating bloodsmiths master: "" ... Your tormenting, about the Muricians and Bloodstorms of the Master, there is a murder of an universal, not knowing the face. "

Interesting an antonymic replacement of words in the structure of a phraseological combination, for example, "" In the unkind old time in this structure, the bombarded nobled race "". (Ryabchikov).

The most radical technique of processing phraseology is its change, which leads to creating essentially, the new phrase on the basis of the existing, for example, on the basis of the phraseology "" shoulder to the shoulder "," was created "" wing to wing. This author's neologism is motivated by the context.

The author can express his attitude towards the fact with the help of replacement as part of the phraseologist of the neutral word of its emotionally painted synonym, for example, "" to impose hands "," Zorin replaced the neutral words "" hand "" spaticral, emotionally saturated "paw" with this strengthening evaluation Frameological turnover.

Sometimes writers use more complex techniques for processing phraseological units; For example: "" We are too early to drag in cheap laurels, we still live on the advances of readers who have worked out ". (M. Gorky). Here changed the phraseological "" "Lights on the laurels" "(satisfied with the success achieved). The introduction of the word "cheap" leads to the perception of this phraseologist in a concrete alphabetic sense. And the introduction of "" Dry "" (instead of a high "" sweep ") gives a bright negative emotional expressive color.

One of the techniques for creating a comic effect is a collision in the text of words and a phraseological combination, which has the same word in its composition, for example: often the throne occupy the kings "" Without the king in the head ". (Ryabchikov).

The actual reception of the creation of comic is the reception when the word extracted from the sustainable turnover is then used to create copyright neologisms. Humorous sound is based on a collision of a word having a phraseologically associated value, with its synonym for free use, for example: "" Indeed, if you think about it, then with a cute paradise and in a halary ... But with a cute paradise in a hood, comrades, it is possible if cute in a halary Prescribed and listed in the slaughtered book ... "" (Ilf and Petrov). Here the fechelonists form the neologism "" Shalany book "" by analogy with the word "" house book "."

Effective pun is based on the use of two phraseological units that have a common word in their composition. The rapprochement of the same words included in different phraseological circulation is a bright means of creating a comic, for example: "" ... and in Chicago and in Atlantic City, youth was cleared of falsehood, burned bridges behind me and refused to worship what was burning "." Here, the use of sustainable phrase "" "burn the bridges" "and the winged expression" "and I burned everything worshiped, worshiped what I buried". (From the poem of Turgenev, the investment in the mouth of Mikhalevich - the acting person "of the noble nest").