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Dead fox in a dream. Collection of prompts obtained in a dream. Vintage french dream book

by Dream Loffa

Lisa is a tricky beast. Therefore, if you see in a dream fox, then either you yourself possess characteristic qualities for it, or become a victim of those. How do you feel about this symbol - with caution or with pleasant feelings? No matter, you like this image or not, it defines your idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and your relationship with him. If the Lisa appears in front of you as a rival, then the object that she is trying to pick up with you can be determining for interpretation. The appearance of the fox in a dream signals that somewhere in your life there are qualities that are inextricably associated with this animal, and either these qualities come from you, or you experience their action. Is there anyone with similar qualities surrounded by fox? Is there anyone else in a dream, who belongs to you with caution?

What dreams of fox

in the dream of flowers

secret enemy, enmity; kill fox - victory; stroke - danger; In the house - an evil woman or evil from a woman; Cheating.

Dreamed Lisa

by dream of Miller

To see a hunt for foxes - means that you will take care of dubious affairs and risky love stakes. If in your dream, the fox will penetrate your yard - this is a warning: beware envious people. Your reputation is under threat. Kill the fox - means you will defeat in any business.

See in a dream fox

by the dream of animals

Fox is a symbol of tricks, longevity, fertility, hypocrisy and vice. Fox tricks are the dewing tricks in the Christian tradition. Redhead fox - a demon of fire in Rome. In North America - a symbol of deception. In the Scandinavian mythology of Lisa is connected with God Loki, the God of tricks, cunning, deception and inconstancy. In China, Ku-Lee is one of the symbols of longevity. It is believed that in the fifty-year-old aged fox can turn into a woman in a centenary - in a young girl. The fox knows what happens at a distance of a thousand whether and can affect the human mind, turn it into an idiot. When the fox marks a thousand years, he becomes heavenly fox, Tien-Hu, having nine tails. Heavenly Fox can take the appearance of not only women, but also men. In Japan, white foxes is a symbol of abundance. Face figures were installed at the entrance to the temple, in his teeth he is usually the key from the barn with rice. Where there is no fox, it is impossible to establish a village - a Chinese proverb.

Expert Answers

a fox

In a dream, my brother and girlfriend went to the forest. Collected berries. How suddenly the beginning began to darken sharply and began to surround foxes small and large and one wolf. I asked to turn on the flashlight, but no one turned on, they laughed. I was scared and I woke up. What is it for? (Akimenko, Daria)

Collect berries in a dream means troubles and concern that in reality. The appearance of foxes and wolves in a dream says that in reality you are in some kind of not very pleasant situation, do not understand how to solve it and feel that there are much more detractors around you than helpers.

Lisa for small vellis

The tricky redhead fox when it appears in your dreams, is a complex and multivalued symbol. Therefore, in order to correctly understand the meaning of your sleep about the fox, try to remember which one has happened about him a general impression.

  • If a fox is dreaming, it often predicts various negative events. Fox is a hoax from best friend Or a guest who will complain to you are not good.
  • Redhead and frisky fox can symbolize a cunning and insidious neighbor or a secret enemy that you do not suspect.
  • What dreams the fire-red fox is a warning about the danger of a fire in your home.
  • According to some sources, if there is a fox, it predicts some good events in your life.
  • To see that you killed Lesu - to victory over enemies and success in affairs.
  • What dreams to iron fox - beware, you are threatened with danger.
  • You ate fox meat warns of a likely quarrel with close people or colleagues at work.

Meaning of sleep about Lisa (Russian People's Dream Interpretation)

According to Russian people beliefsFox is considered a symbol of cunning, tricks and hypocrisy. Therefore, when a person dreams of Fox - this person should be feared by deception, including - and from close people. So deciphered, what dreams sleep. Often Lisa warns about the imminent treasure from a hypocritical friend or girlfriend. We saw a fox, try more carefully to look at those people who surround you. You will be able to notice something that will bring you on reflections.

Everyday sleep interpretation about the Chernobourku (according to the writer Ezopu)

Lisa - Lisa personifies such bad human qualities as cunning, trick and hypocrisy. About this cunning animal, fox, a lot of proverbs and sayings are folded, and all of them reflect the qualities of fox: "In the fox of Patrikeev, all the ears on the top of the top "

  • What dreams of fox in the river - sleep means that soon you are waiting for a meeting with a person who will make you a good sentence that can significantly improve your financial situation.
  • If the fox from the river dreamed in a dream, other animals pull out, then the dream says that you should think well before being taken for the proposed business, no matter how profitable, at first glance, it did not seem.
  • Watch in a dream as a fox takes away from any beast of prey, "in a short time you will need to show great wisdom to achieve the goals.
  • You saw how Lisa throws her prey, despite the fact that at that moment nothing threatens her, then in reality, you should think about what danger you are exposed to performing this or that matter.
  • What dreams of a redhead fox, running away from hunters, is evidence that, thanks to his excerpt and the mind, you will be able to win over your enemies and restore your reputation.
  • If a dream dreamed in a dream in a dream without a tail - the head of the fact that you will be able to defeat the enemies by their own weapons.
  • Fox dreams with small lystets in the dreams, you need more attention to pay for your children. Perhaps they are something cunning, and you will be very unpleasant when you learn about their lies.
  • To see the prevailing dead fox - there is a secret ill-wisher in your environment, which is just waiting for a chance to harm you.
  • To see in a dream fox in a cage - the prophecy that you will be able to establish your affairs, which are currently going in the best way.

See fox how to solve sleep symbols (for family dream book)

  • To see the washing fox in a dream, means that someone will flatter you, hoping to use you in your own interests.
  • The runaway fox is dreaming - misfortune caused by your best friend.
  • Fox running in a dream - Listen to the Council close man.
  • Dreamed black fox - you will have to spend a lot of money on what you do not need absolutely.
  • Fox, waving tail in a dream, by Freud - love relationshipwho will not lead anything serious.

Fox - What dreams in a dream (dream book of the XXI century)

  • Seeing the fox in a dream, foreshadows that a bad person will appear in your home.
  • It dreams to observe the fiery red fox - to a fire or deception from a friend.
  • Trying to catch a fox in a dream - try to neutralize rivals.
  • Dreamed to fight the fox - to a dispute with a smart and cunning opponent.
  • To see in a dream in the house of Lisu, means that soon you will love the evil woman and will become her slave.
  • He dreamed of ironing a fox - to deception, trouble.
  • Seeing the fox in a dream - to loneliness according to its own fault.
  • Dried killed fox - to the unfavorable development of circumstances.

Interpretation of the doned (in French dream book)

  • Fox - traditionally foxes associated with deception, cunning, cunning, hidden enemies. If a fox is dreaming - this is the foresight of the meeting with fraudsters in reality. If someone comes to you with an unusually tempting, at first glance, a proposal, do not hurry to agree on it - this is a trap.
  • See the dream in which you are struggling with fox - the strong and dangerous opponents are threatened. You have to make a lot of effort to cope with them.
  • If the fox dreamed on a leash, affectionate and manual - do not share. Most likely, one of your nearest environments abuses your trust.

What dreams fox in a dream (Miller's dream book)

  • If you dream in a dream fox, which secretly penetrated your courtyard or in a chicken coop, you can consider this dream as a warning that you can become a victim of someone's envy. Can suffer your reputation. Beware of enviousness because they are our worst enemiesAlthough they hide under the mask of benevolers.
  • See that you killed the fox, according to the dream book, it good signpredicting victory over your enemies in any business.
  • What dreams of fox hunting means that you will take care of dubious affairs and risky love stakes. Remember that sometimes a hunter and himself turns sacrificing, so do not share your imaginary successes.

Meaning of sleep about the cunning beast (Assyrian dream book)

  • Fox in a dream is a symbol of a friend and defender.
  • See the dream in which you managed to catch the fox is a good omen. Sleep predicts that you will be able to enlist the patron influential manwho will have invaluable help in many cases.
  • To see in a dream that Lisa was able to escape from the cage and escape, unfortunately, you will lose your patron or whether he will leave you for some reason.

Psychological analysis of sleep, where the animal was dreaming (the interpretation of the psychologist D. Ruffa)

What dreams of Lisa in the dream book? Fox is a tricky beast. Therefore, if you see the fox, then either you yourself have characteristic qualities for it, or become a victim of those. How do you feel about this symbol - with caution or with pleasant feelings? Regardless of whether you like this image of fox or not, it defines your idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and your relationship with it. If the Lisa appears in front of you as a rival, then the object that she is trying to pick up with you can be determining for interpretation.

The appearance of the fox in a dream signals that somewhere in your life there are qualities that are inextricably associated with this animal, and either these qualities come from you, or you experience their action. Is there anyone with similar qualities surrounded by fox? Is there anyone else in a dream, who belongs to you with caution?

Sleep value about LIS (modern dream book)

  • You see the fox in a cage, oddly enough, says that you have some secret friend. You yourself noticed already that many things are arranged by themselves.
  • A good sign is also a dream in which you caught the fox. It promises that soon you will be able to cope with the existing problems, to succeed, resorting to the help of a certain influential person who will provide you with their patronage, will take you under your defense.
  • If I dreamed in a dream that Lisa managed to escape and escape - means that the person who promised you help does not want or will not be able to give it.
  • If the fox dreamed at night - means that someone expects to take advantage of your gullibility to tone to your back and admire your torment.
  • If the dead or killed fox dreamed, your dream is a warning that the meeting on which you lay too big hopesOr they will not justify them, or it will not take place at all.
  • Fur Fox in a dream predicts receipt of some pleasures.

What dreams of the image (by the dream of Miss Hasse)

  • If in a dream you had a chance to see the fox and the dog, often warns that some kind of tricky and a quiet woman is going to deceive or already do it.

Dreamed Lisa (interpretation of the old Russian dream book)

  • According to an old Russian source, a person who sees in a dream of a fox, which attacks - must fear sudden attack Thief.
  • To see that you fight the fox - you have a serious confrontation of a cunning and cunning enemy.
  • What dreams of a modest and obedient manual fox, sitting at your feet and taking a treat with your hand - means that there are sly people in your close environment, which demonstrate your love and devotion to you. But use your trust in your own mercenary interests. However, fox in its meaning has a lot of similarities with wolves.

The meaning of sleep about red (folklore dream book)

  • If you are in a dream you see the fox with the fox, which we met somewhere on a walk - expect some bad news.
  • By dreams to see in a dream that you caught a fox - you will be able to imitate a false friend.
  • If you killed the fox - this is a good sign that predicts that you will be able to get rid of many troubles. You yourself will be surprised by learning how many problems in this life you have arose only for the reason that you trusted people who did not deserve this at all.

What does dream mean with a fox (for seasonal dream book)

  • In the spring, what dreams in a dream of a fox, which bites - to a meeting with a person who can not be trusted.
  • If in the summer in a dream dreamed of seeing a red fox - to the emergence of a person who cannot be trusted.
  • In the fall, what dreamed of buying a Chernobouri Fox collar is to sufficiency.
  • In winter, what dreams of fabulous foxes are dreaming, sometimes with a head of a person - a trick, deception; Cusar man.

Fox is a cunning, insidious, beautiful, graceful, bright and mysterious animal. A fox can be a terrible liaury, but she always knows everything albeit and will surely not miss. Therefore, the attitude of people to this animal is ambiguous: someone admires fox quality, and they will prevent someone. And if the fox appears man in a dream? What if you were dreamed of Fox? Perhaps the image of the row wants to convey something very important to the dream.

Interpretations in dream books are very different, because in order to decipher sleep, you need to remember every detail and circumstances. Under the mask of red-haired cunning, your enemy can hide either a cunning friend, and some interpreters say that fox in a dream brings good luck in business.

Therefore, before proceeding to the interpretation of your sleep, remember that Lisa did: Beshal, Kusala, lay, slept. Remember what you did with her: stroked, ran away from the beast, fled after him ... Only after the clarification of all the nuances you can proceed to explanations in dreambooks.

If you rely on common interpretationthen see fox in a dream means to meet in real life Lightly deceiver to whom do not betray you. After all, this is exactly what a fox comes in all fairy tales, myths and legends.

Sleep can foreshadow unpleasant events related to the fact that you make a non-delegate act, infant with public morality, and you will have to pay for it. Perhaps, the dreams will meet a pleasant man, but under his delicacy will be hidden meaning against you. A man who in a dream was a fiery chest, you need to be alert, keep the Ear East.

According to your home dream, everything in your life again goes to deception and tricks either on your part, or a cunning will come from who you never expected.

Advises to alert in reality and English dream book. It is likely that someone dismisses rumors and gossip around your person. Such intrigues can damage your business at work, especially if unverified information comes to the chief.

By dream book V. Melnikova see the fox in a dream - a warning: in the near future, a dream can be deceived in the store or rob. In general, the dreams may suffer from cunning people. And if you catch a fox, then the dreamhouse will reveal the cunning, a cheater, a thief or a criminal.

If you believe the dream of Rasputin, then the fox, who saw in a dream, foreshadows the conflict with a very close person. At the same time, the plans that you carefully built will be destroyed in one moment.

Dream Miller

Miller's dream book see Fox in a dream means to get into a dangerous love affair, which will end with disappointment or a real tragedy. The dream should closely look at people. And if in a dream, the cunning snuck into your house, wait for someone to put a pig for you at work, which will damage your authority.

Dream of Freud.

Freuda Lisa promises a dream Dark Delickens in reality. The dream cannot be accounted for any offers from unfamiliar people, otherwise troubles are not avoided.

Dream Vangu

By the dream book, Vangi Fox in a dream predicts a meeting one on one with the enemy, and in order to win it, the dream will have to show the quality of fox: cunning, smelting and resourcefulness. As a result, it will be blocked.

In addition, the person who dreamed of a fox should be careful with his relatives: Which of them thinks about you unkind.

Dream Nostradamusa

Nostradamus's dream book, Lisa warns a person that the mind, freeness and trick will help to cope with life problems in reality.

Universal Dream Interpretation, answering the question to what the Fox dreams, works in human associations. If stereotypes concerning fox qualities have developed in the dream head, then it is likely that it is false, cunning, sacrifices and a delicacy personifies fox in a dream.

If a fox for a person is a danger, hunting, then perhaps a dream seems that someone all the time leads a double game, trying to bypass you, surpass in all the indicators, to harm and, in the end, destroy.

It is possible that the dreams really want to be like a red-looking predator, that is, to be smarter in life, be able to adapt to various situations, leave any position with ease, amazing and surprising surrounding your gift.

If your friend was in a dream next to the fox, there was a friend or just a familiar, perhaps he plunges against you or does not negotiate any things.

If the jacket dreamed of a young girl, it is likely that she wants to be the same sexual and attractive for men.

Interpretation of sleep on Fox color

Bited fox, attacks

If you dreamed that the fox attacks you, trying to bite, behaves viciously and aggressively, it means that I will have to have something to deal with a cunning liar. In reality he is waiting better moment In order to substitute your leg. Be careful!

If the attacker aggressor managed to catch, then in reality you finally listen to the saying that the enemy must be kept closer to himself and make friends with their own enemies.

If the fox still bitten a dream, and at the same time it does not want to relax the grip, then the person will have to learn a very unpleasant truth.

The bite of the fox warns a person about non-primary enemies that do not just hatch insidious plans, and are ready to realize them in life, acting in this cold and unprincipled. If the bite of the cheating caused a dream of pain, then the enemy in life will be still very influential.

The bite of redhead foxes also predicts that someone from a very close surroundings is missing against a dream.

Kill fox in a dream

Man who has managed in a dream kill Liser, very lucky. Such a dream promises overcoming all difficulties, from any situation will be able to exit dry from the water. Interpreters are recommended to be taken for any, even the most risky business. Let a lot of time leaving the implementation of the plans, but the victory will be definitely. The main thing is not to tell anyone about what you have conceived.

If you dreamed already dead Lisa, the dream in real life will not have to take any effort to achieve the desired.

If the red-haired flutter is only pretended deadSo in the life of the dream there is the same hidden singers, which is waiting for the moment to be more like a blow.

If man succeeded catch the fox and close it in the cage, the dream is such a dream promises good luck and success in any case for which he will take.

Other Dreams about Lysitz

stroking Fox, then in reality, the dream will have to witness or participate in bad things, it is likely that not completely legal. Itself not knowing, the dreams will help to carry out a cunning plan of a deceiver, passing and an adventurist. If the dreams do not want a dream to be realized, he should look close to people and disagree to suggestions coming even from friends.

On another interpretation, a dream, where a person stroked the fox, says that in the life of a dream, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he made a non-custody act himself is very tormented. In other words, the conscience does not sleep. Maybe it's time to somehow correct the situation? After all, the dream still suggests that the dreams will have to pay a dream.

If a person dreamed that he kormat. The fox, it means that in real life it is waiting for a proposal for which he will agree. However, tempting promises will be false. If such a dream dreamed of a woman, then she need to be ready for deception from the beloved man. Perhaps some kind of man will offer her a hand and heart, and in the end it turns out that the groom is real dohinde and a liar.

Drawing mady A fox warns a man that a cunning person will appear in his environment, whose behavior is difficult to predict. One thing is clear: the scoundrel will cause a dream harm. Also, the mad fox can be a symbol of the internal fears of the person, which he seeks to overcome.

If the dream appeared, then the dreams can prepare for a meeting with an amazing woman. She will be wise, charming and charming. Under her spell, the dreams will be required.

Also, the family hints in a dream in a dream hints a dream that he needs to give more time to his children, discuss their problems for dinner, to learn together lessons, stroll around the city, to conduct joint weekends. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the confidence of offspring.

If a fox with cubs came to a lonely man, he will athhnd to meet a beautiful seductive, but she will also be cunning, like a fox-fox, calls him around his finger and leaves anything. A man should need to be more attentive in communicating with women: even the most cute beauty may be a false cheater seeking their own benefit.

If in a dream fox licks or washes lisate, it means that in real life a person will have to listen to flattery and perceive it for a clean coin. Need to try to bring down the fohy clean waterOtherwise, he who foaming his dithyrabs, provoke a dream for rapid acts, which will have to regret.

If in a dream fox arrows near the houseSo someone prepares a conspiracy against the dream, and the enemies can immediately be somewhat. Enviously like to dissolve rumors around you. If the cheating snuck into the house, wait quarrels with my relatives. By the way, the conflict will be at all the dreams, but Netactual relatives who will try to unceremoniously fit into your life.

If Lisa learned a mess in the apartmentSo the dream is expecting problems with money.

If a person dreamed liser in waterA foreign person will help to solve all the problems in real life, which will soon appear on the shower threshold. And this man will be bright, positive, in the same tone he will paint the dream of a dream, while it will fall asleep with money and tell me how to earn them.

If a fox dreamed, who lights, a person threatens a lonely life, and only he himself will be to blame.

If you dreamed like a fox eats his prey, then the dreams risks to acquire a disease due to erratic connections.

If dreamed wool or shelter, in real life, the dream will betray a friend.

If Dreams locks Lisu. In a dream, in real life, he himself is lying on every step and deceives people, which can lead to great psychological losses in the future.

Basically, the dreams, where it appears, seeing deception, cunning and clashes with enemies, goats and gossip. Therefore, in real life, a person needs to be at least a little to acquire the qualities of red chests to cope with difficulties. But do not forget that using the delicacy, insidiousness and dodging of the red ridge, you risk recking yourself. Where possible, act by the power of belief, believe in yourself, but do not let you inflate you!

Dream Interpretation Loffa

What dream of a fox woman dreams:

Lisa is a tricky beast. Therefore, if you see in a dream fox, then either you yourself possess characteristic qualities for it, or become a victim of those. How do you feel about this symbol - with caution or with pleasant feelings? No matter, you like this image or not, it defines your idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and your relationship with him. If the Lisa appears in front of you as a rival, then the object that she is trying to pick up with you can be determining for interpretation.
The appearance of the fox in a dream signals that somewhere in your life there are qualities that are inextricably associated with this animal, and either these qualities come from you, or you experience their action.
Is there anyone with similar qualities surrounded by fox?
Is there anyone else in a dream, who belongs to you with caution?

Dream Miller

See the fox in a dream means:

To see a hunt for foxes - means that you will take care of dubious affairs and risky love stakes.
If in your dream fox will penetrate your yard - this is a warning: to beware of envious people. Your reputation is under threat.
Kill the fox - means you will defeat in any business.

French dream book

Sleep with foxes in the dream interpretation is extruded as:

Having dreamed of Fox - the forever meeting with fraudsters. If in a dream you are struggling with the fox, - in reality it is threatened with strong and dangerous opponents. If a tamed chanterelle is in a dream next to you, it means that your servants (or employees) abuse your confidence.

Esoteric dream book

Sleep with fox means:

Living - to a light profit, inadvertent money. Fur - Pleasure. See products (fur coat, boat, cap). Darkhal, killed - the failed meeting on which high hopes were resting.

Dream Azara

Meaning of sleep fox:

The cunning enemy who twisted you to tears

English Dream

What does it mean if a woman is dreaming fox:

If you dream of fox - this means that you have cunning, banging enemies, or a competitor in trading, undermining your interests, or a rival in love, seeking to displace you from loving heart. If you are participating in the lawsuit, your lawyer will be two.

You will eventually lose the process.

Small dream book

What can Lisa be dreamed of:

If you dreamed that you go to the following fox, then I will have a risk of being involved in some dubious things. If in a dream you kill the fox, then in real life you can achieve any goal. A dream in which Lisa snuck into the yard to your chicken coop, warns you of whether the envious can defam your honor.

Dream Miller

Fox, in a dream means:

See the hunt for foxes - you will take careless affairs and risky love loves;
Fox Thai will penetrate into your yard - beware of envious people, your reputation under threat;
Kill fox - you will defeat in any business.
Also see hunting.

Assyrian dream book

If the girl dreams of fox, then this means:

If you caught a fox in a dream - you like the defender gained. If Lisa escaped and ran away, then your defender and patron will leave you.

Dream interpretation for women

Why dream of a fox woman:

Wet - Soon you will hear flattery. Runs - the best girlfriend will bring you misfortune. Running in a circle - the advice of a loved one will be very useful. Sleep from Saturday on Sunday - Sulit smeal death Animal to which you are very accustomed; From Sunday for Monday - such a dream warns that your angry and stubborn character repels from you around you, you risks stay alone.

Dream Interpretation Alphabetic

Fox in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetical

To see in a dream, the fox in the zoo foreshadows theft or robbery, in a live corner - a secret enemy, to meet her in the wild - beware of cunning people.

To see a fox in my home means that soon you will have a lot to break your head over where to get money. Catching a fox - it means that the liar under the face of the well-wisher is revealed.

Darkhal Foxhon says that it will be possible to avoid an unpleasant and humiliating instrument in your position. To kill the fox foreshadows your superiority in charming and femininity compared to all other ladies from among guest guests, among whom you will shine.

There are meat in a dream foreshadows a quarrel that gives up to hysterics and manual attribution. Fox collar means that you will take careless affairs.

Dream of 20th century

Fox in a dream from Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Usually symbolizes cunning and deception. Perhaps one of your surroundings leads you for the nose or you yourself are planning some kind of tricky business.

Bright redhead fox: a sign of love intrigues or gossip.

Gray, unspoic fox in a dream: the head of the fact that you risk becoming a victim of someone's deception and suffer some losses.

Fox, who fell into the trap, as well as fox hunting: symbolizes the exposure of deception.

If you have in reality, you are solaring any trick to kill the fox in a dream: the foresight of a serious quarrel or conflict, as a result of which the truth about some events will pop up to the surface.

The animal world is incredibly rich and surprisingly diverse, but besides real MiraMany animals love to visit our dreams.

It never happens just so - because animals, every representative of their world, are also bright characters.

No wonder most proverbs, sayings, legends, myths and fairy tales are filled with the images of animals. They are performed by bright qualities, they are associated with one or another phenomenon.

Special a bright representative The world of animals can rightly consider the fox. Red-haired cheerful, cunning, imperceptible and predatory, beauty-chanterelle is in every fairy tale.

If she came to a dream - obviously, she wants to say something to something. But to understand what a fox dream is not easy - because there are such different dreams with her participation.

It can symbolize an excellent woman, a cunning enemy, good luck in love or difficulty in affairs. It all depends on what she does in a dream - stealing or attacking, bites or runs. For example, Dream options with fox are such:

  • You saw a bright redhead, fiery fox in a dream.
  • You dreamed of Fox, who gave birth to lisate.
  • Fox in your home, yard or chicken coop.
  • You see how Lisa takes his prey from another predator.
  • Fox in your dream runs away from hunters.
  • Needless fox in your dream.
  • You were dreamed of nice Lylyati.
  • You saw a fox in a cage in the Greeks.
  • You dreamed like a fox just runs somewhere.
  • You hunt the fox in dreams.
  • Go to the fox trail.
  • Lisa wants to bite you, attacks, and you save.
  • Fox attacks and bites you.
  • You tamed fox, became her master in their Gresses.
  • You killed a red fox in a dream.

All these dreams are different, and of course, their values \u200b\u200bare also very different. Clearly interpret what a fox dream is, it is possible only after you carefully remember all the details of the donent. Then the dream book will tell you what to wait for it, and what to be ready.

The fox sits nearby

There are dreams, in which Lisa could simply disappear from the side, close or away, but not to enter into direct contact.

To interpret such a dream and understand what a fox dream is in a dream, where you did not contact her, carefully remember its appearance and habits, as well as what exactly she did and where it was. This will help get proper interpretation Dream and draw conclusions.

1. According to Dream Interpretation, Lisa Fiery-Redhead, bright and beautiful promises you to have the same bright and fiery experiences, adventures, temptations and temptations. You are waiting for a thousand pleasures, but try not to fall in extremes, do not succumb to temptations are too immensely, so as not to regret.

2. If chanterelle dreams of a woman or a girl, it may unobtrusively talk about what they admire it in reality, they consider it very attractive and seductive. So, if you are complex because of external data, or think that people do not like you - know that you are very mistaken.

3. Curiously still, what is the dream of a fox, which appeared in dreams together with newborn lies.

This dream is a sign that, obviously, somewhere in your nearest environment there is smart and wise womanAnd you should not only pay attention to it, but also listen to her advice, to get closer, to communicate with it if possible.

Because her experience and mind can give you a lot, to teach you how to become happier and come correctly. Keep it in mind!

4. As Dream Interpretation says, Fox, who quietly scratched into your home, courtyard or chicken coop in your dream, may mean ill-wishers that are in your society. And you still do not notice them.

To enemies or unkind people did not harm you, be careful. You are too kind and open, and do not see enemies nearby!

5. If you saw a fox in your Gresses take prey from any beast, it means that you will soon witness some conflict. You probably should not interfere in not risking.

6. Fox, who in your eyes in a dream runs away from hunters, symbol of what is in real everyday life You are in some confrontation with the enemy or a competitor (and maybe just with circumstances or difficulties).

But you will win thanks to your mind, tricky and calm. Use these qualities as they are stronger and help you be a winner in everything.

7. If you dreamed of a fox without a tail, it means that you can brilliantly defeat your enemy with the same weapon that he wanted to use against you. Knowing it, it will be easier for you to calculate the strategy of behavior with a detractor - so use the Soviet Soviet, you will defeat!

8. Lovely and cute redheads, dreamed of parents - a symbol of what you would have to closely treat the upbringing of your babies. Perhaps they appear cunning, and it is worth raving them a little more stricter or wise.

9. Fox in a cage in your dream - a sign that soon your affairs will be settled quite easily. If today you have a feeling that your problems have no end and edges, know firmly - it is not. Soon you can resolve everything and establish, just do not rush events.

10. If you saw a fox in your dream just runs somewhere - it can only mean that you will be very soon for happiness. Where? This dream book does not speak directly, and is it important? The main thing is that happiness is already on the way!

Catch foxes by tail

Even more curious and are saturated with meanings such dreams, where the fox did not just seem in the distance or ran by, and directly with you somehow contacted.

It is also worth remembering not only what a fox was and what did, and also what you did. From this, the meaning of sleep and its value depends.

1. Have you hunted in your dream on the fox? This is ambiguous sleep. On the one hand, love loves are awaiting you, bright emotions and temptations, but be careful. Avoid dubious entertainment, do not strive in extremes and, if possible, do not risk.

2. If you walked along the fox in a dream - you will be waiting for the adventures. But get involved in them, or not - decide for yourself, because it is better, nevertheless, do not risk a reputation.

If you doubt whether you should take part in any dubious business or the event that you offer - it is better to refrain, avoid an adventure.

3. If Fox is chasing you, wants to bite, attack is a testimony that you have to rivalry. But you are probably able to get out the winner if you are smart, fearless and show a little trick in the fight against the competitor.

4. If the fox attacks all the same and bites you, be careful - you probably too frivolous and underestimate your enemies. You are strong and no one hurts you, but only if you won't be too unfulfilled.

5. If you have tamed the fox in your Gresses, and she became your pet, it foreshadows you a new position, an increase. You can also expect a higher social situation, recognition, good reputation and even fame.

You have to become a boss - even if not very high-ranking, it's still, there will now be people in your submission. Are you ready for such?

6. Kill the fox in a dream - great sign. IN we won in any situation, even if you don't believe in your victory.

Any goal, even the most desperate and bold, you will achieve. Let not immediately, but believe in your strength, believe in the dream - and do what you should. You will get everything that you would secretly conceive.

Fox - the beast of cunning, and the symbol is ambiguous, complicated. She ran to your sleep, waved a fluffy red tail, and left you in thought - what does dream mean, what to expect, what to do?

Know that in fate it does not all depend on your direct intentions and actions, and not from dreams. Therefore, you can believe your dreams - and do everything you think necessary to improve the position of affairs, or bring good luck to bring, which is already close. Believe only the best!

Dream Lisa

What dreams of fox in a dream in dreams?

Fox is a symbol that personifies the trick and betrayal. To see her in a dream - it means to meet a liar on your path or to break the face that will have to answer for its moral and ethical behavior.

Sleeping about the fox can foreshadow a satellite that will give out for your friend, but in fact it will be an enemy. Its narcissism will be attractive for you than it will try to take advantage. Be alert when there is a dream, and evaluate everyone who wants to enter your circle of communication.

Do not let me close to yourself malicious subjects prone to manipulate you. Scrolley this dream book In search of a response and find out the point of what you dreamed.

What a fox dreamed?

Dreamed redhead fox

What dreams of a redhead fox? Such a dream foreshadows the appearance on life path The person who is not easy to penetrate confidence. To see a fiery-red fox - abuse with alcohol or indulge in orgies. You are trying to warn about possible consequences Such a lifestyle. Do not miss the chance to fix everything.

Dream Black Lisa

If you have dreamed that the fox was black - you are awaiting major cash spending that do not have real benefits. They will absorb your investment without income any income. Be careful money, they will serve you later.

See dead fox in a dream

Dream interpretation interprets a dream of a dead fox as a confirmation that your enemy will not remain unpunished. But you should not join this, since bad thoughts turn on boomerang.

Dreamed Darkhal Lisa

If you dream darkhal LisaYou got the opportunity to avoid unpleasant and humiliating orders. The state of affairs obliges you to be careful not to incline the scales in the other side.

See in a dream mad fox

To see a mad fox - get a blow to your back from any of your surroundings. Perhaps there will be a dishonest person in your environment, which will provoke a chain of malicious events. Along with this, the dream can reflect your fears. But do not forget to look back.

What did Fox do?

Fox bit in a dream

If you dreamed that Lisa was bitten, then you should expect the immediate attack of the enemy. Beware of his cunning and unprincipledness. For winning victory will have to make a lot of effort.

Lisa bit the hand

What dreams of the bite of fox by hand - to financial and material problems in the near future. Be savvy to survive this period. The accumulation of money is always more difficult than their spending.

I dreamed that Fox bit the leg

If you dreamed that Lisa bit the leg, then this means that you will have unexpected difficulties that will be reflected in affairs and work. It will be hard to earn. Take the situation under control and stages to eliminate the causes of disaster.

Together with whom was Lisa?

Fox with lisates in a dream

If a fox is dreaming with lisyats, it foreshadows a meeting with a smart woman. Remember that a fox is a symbol of tricks and deception. Be smarter than tricky fox.

Fox and wolves shot

Dream interpretation interprets: see a fight fox with a wolf - to enjoy with anyone. Know that the conflict will not pass painlessly, but will be resolved, even if a person enjoy with you more than one year.

Where was Lisa?

Dream fox in the house

Dreamed that you saw the fox in the house? To see the fox in his house - means that in the near future you are waiting for the difficulties associated with the main earnings. In cases or with customers, show zeal and tolerance.

What did you do in a dream with a fox?

Kill fox in a dream

Kill the fox in a dream - to get everything from life, wish. If the fox became your trophy, then you broke the bank and soon there will be a strong patron. Try to keep the wave of good luck and not shock on it.

Stroke the fox in a dream

If you have glanced to iron a fox in a dream, then you have received a warning about the coming troubles and deception. Do not warm on the chest redocking, anyway do not get anything from it.

Feed fox in a dream

What dreams of fox feeding? Feed the fox from the hand - get a rays cunning plans And break the goats of their enemies. Skill take advantage of the situation to turn it in your favor.

How do other dreams interpret?

Dreamed of fox to what it is, which means in a dream fox

Home dream book What dreams fox in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: You dreamed of fox to what it was - deception; cunning; cunning; resourcefulness. Fox hunt - dubious affairs; Fox Thai will penetrate into the house - there is an envious person in your environment; Fox is trying to pick up something - rival.

Dream Interpretation K. Cholla Interpretation of sleep Lisa:

What means in a dream fox - trick, traps. Little chanterelle - slyness. Feed the fox or leave her food - entrust the secret of an unreliable person. Seeing the fox in the cage - to solve the tricky intentions of another person. If Fox-Chernoburka dreams - to the acquisition of the fur product. Catch the fox - to expose the false friend.

English Dream Interpretation What dreams fox in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream you dreamed of fox to what it is - foxes are known for his cunning and mind, wherever he manifest itself - in escape from the hunter or in the stealing chicken coop. This animal is amazingly well adapts, while it is attractive externally, especially the fluffy tail and bright eyes. What dreams dream: what did Lisa do? Saveed, tried to hide or confidently marched? Is Lisa in a dream of some side of your personality or your subconscious warns you that someone wants to harm you, perhaps spreading rumors or false about you?

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great What does Lisa mean in the dream book?

What dreams what means in a dream fox - you see in a dream fox - sleep says that you are not very good to close, they deserve better relationship; You make fun to loved ones, but offended by large; You should work on your character or at least not to give him will. Lisa as if she sacked secret to you into the courtyard - an envious man thinks evil against you; Look for it among those who at least once visited you at home. You seem to hunt foxes - those against whom you are inventing tricks, the slices themselves; Those who you are flirting, are looking for love pleasures; Embed into the bustle sea of \u200b\u200bentertainment, you will take care of important affairs; On a risky way of love pregnancy, do not break your neck. You hit the fox on the hunt - not a single opponent of you; Your road will be easy.

Creative dream book meaning Lisa:

You dreamed of fox to what it was in a dream personifies hypocrisy, a chanting, cunning and a villaness.

Slavic Dream Interpretation Sleep Lisa:

You dreamed of a fox to what it was - for women - the danger of the appearance of the rival. For men, they should not be contacted in the near future with women. There is the possibility of deception, intrigue, money loss. You can deceive yourself.

Jewish dream book which means fox in a dream:

What does the fox mean in a dream - another interpretation to the fire: the buddy will deceive. According to Artemifor, the fox in a dream means the enemy, threatening LifeBut the secret, attacker because of the corner. Fox killed is an unjustified hope. A fox who is chasing the hare is the fulfillment of desire.

Dream Healer Akulin What does Fox mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a fox to what it was a secret enemy harms your undertakings. Imagine that you kill the fox and shoot with her skin.

Dream Sinnouncement What does Fox mean in a dream:

Fox. The fox traditionally consider cunning, insidious creatures. Accordingly, their appearance in a dream -cignal from your subconscious about what needs to appeal to these qualities of his personality. On the other hand, a fox in a dream can symbolize some person from real life.

Positive value

Chase, hunting or murder of a fox in a dream can mean plans to overcome those who makes something against you.

Negative implications

Dreams about foxes are traditionally considered precursors of danger, as a rule, hidden. Such soybeans can warn and advise being relaxed. Perhaps such a dream should be perceived as a warning: you need to be open in communicating with others; On the other hand, it may be a hint that it is necessary to show hemita.

Wild or manual. Fox House may indicate difficulties in relationships. Visible in the distance of a fox-protection of those who you trust. Fox hunting. Sleep about riders pursuing a fox, predicts the upcoming public event or a pleasure to communicate with others. Lysteat. Lylyaty in a dream, as they believe, symbolize heat and home comfort.

Russian dream book what means in a dream of a fox:

What does the fox mean in a dream - a secret enemy.

Dream Lisa

If in a dream you dreamed of Fox, grated a fox with lisyats, dreambooks urge you to be as cautious and idle in reality. Lisa, seen in a dream, for you is a certain person from the nearest environment. However, some of the dreams have a different opinion on this matter, believing that fox in a dream is you with your cunning and unworthy thoughts and actions. Anyway, but dreams involving fox need close and deep analysis.

Dreamed Lisa - cunning, dodgy; Otherwise, the mind and ingenuity.

Lisa is traditionally considered a symbol of quirkness, cunning and a big mind. Seeing such a dream, it remains for sure - who is Fox (you or someone from others).

I dreamed that Fox attacks, bitten a mad fox, a fox in a dream bites - We suffer from some sortie and dishonest person.

Fox is a cunning and cunning man who is typical to act a cheat. Be careful to reveal - this cunning person will soon go into an active offensive.

Dreamed of fox and fox, fox with lisates, fox and fox - Sunnaya and smart woman; Cunning and deception from children.

In traditional dreams, a fox with lisates symbolizes some very close to you, endowed with an attractive appearance, dexterity, great mind and cunning. According to another version of Lisyata, these are your own children who are underdeveloped to appear something capable of delivering you a lot of excitement and problems.

Dreamed fox in a cage or wounded fox - suffer from our own tricks; Otherwise, it is necessary to neutralize a fraudster.

If the fox wounded or put someone else into the cage, but not you probably reveal it is the punishment for the trick and deception. If, in a dream, you yourself wounded or closed in a fox cage, sleep gives a very promising forecast - you will be able to neutralize a strong and cunning enemy.

Dreamed fox in the house - evil and grumpy woman.

Revise the circle of relatives and loved ones. Probably some woman behaves like a fox, trying to use their attractiveness and trick for mercenary purposes.

Dreamed Fox Fur - to wealth; Otherwise - a lie and betrayal from a friend.

If in a dream you found fox fur, it good sign. I will show you the receipt of unexpected profits. And anxious sign, if someone dropped fox fox in your eyes in a dream. Probably, among your loved ones familiar and friends there is a person who hides its true face under the mask decency and a welcome.

Dreamed Black Lisa - Making competitors.

Black Fox is your competitor. Moreover, we can talk about work or affairs and about personal life.

Dreamed brightly red fox - troubles for the fault of drunkenness.

In traditional interpretations bright Red fox - warning signal. Probably, at the moment, you have to actually lead a too rampant lifestyle, which is naturally, no good things will lead you.

Dreamed White Lisa - Mighty and imperative patron.

White fox is quite a rare image of sleep, which has a rather favorable value. White fox for you is some kind of powerful, domineering and authoritative person who will very soon appear in your life.

What dream of fox?

What dreams of fox

To see the hunt for foxes - means that you will take careless affairs and risky love adventures. If in your dream, the fox will penetrate your courtyard - this is a warning: to beware of envious people. Your reputation is under threat. I drive a fox - means you will defeat in any business.

See in a dream

Lisa is a tricky beast. Therefore, if you see in a dream fox, then either you yourself possess characteristic qualities for it, or become a victim of those. How do you feel about this symbol - with caution or with pleasant feelings? No matter, you like this image or not, it defines your idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and your relationship with him. If the Lisa appears in front of you as a rival, then the object that she is trying to pick up with you can be determining for interpretation. The appearance of the fox in a dream signals that somewhere in your life there are qualities that are inextricably associated with this animal, and either these qualities come from you, or you experience their action. Is there anyone with similar qualities surrounded by fox? Is there anyone else in a dream, who belongs to you with caution?

What does Fox dream

If you caught a fox in a dream - you like the defender gained. If Lisa escaped and ran away, then your defender and patron will leave you.

See in a dream fox

If you dream of a fox - it means that you have cunning, banging enemies, or a competitor in trade, undermining your interests, or a rival in love, seeking to displace you from a loving heart. If you are participating in the lawsuit, your lawyer will be two. You will eventually lose the process.

What knows the dreams of fox

Fox - forever meeting with fraudsters. If in a dream you are struggling with the fox, the strong and dangerous opponents are threatened with you. If in a dream next to you a tamed chantech - this means that your servants (or employees) abuse your trust.

Sleep about Lisa

Lisa - Live - to a light profit, inadvertent money. Fur - Pleasure. See products (fur coat, boat, cap). Darkhal, killed - the failed meeting on which high hopes were resting.

What does it mean in a dream fox

Fox is a cunning enemy who will twist to tears.

Value of dreams Lisa

Fox - a symbol of cunning, tricks and hypocrisy.

That in a dream means fox

Sleeping about the fox warns us that we have a cunning, crazy, cheeky and dangerous enemy. Fight her in a dream - a sign of a dispute with an opponent. Catch the fox in a dream - a sign that you will paint the cunning plans of enemies and do not give them the opportunity to triumph. Catch the fox and bring her home in a dream means you fall in love with the evil and tricky woman who poison your life. If you dreamed that Lisa passed into your home, then beware of the reputation that may suffer due to the fault of the envious or rivals. Play with fox or ironing it in a dream - warning about danger. Kill the fox in a dream means unconditional victory over enemies. There is fox meat in a dream - the foresters of a quarrel with anyone. See Interpretation: Beasts, Animals, Hunting.

Meaning of sleep Lisa

To good // Fire, a friend will deceive, be afraid of a tricky person (neighbor), the worst tricky guest, a secret enemy, a host; kill - victory; stroke - danger; Its meat is a quarrel.

Interpretation of sleep Lisa

Wet - Soon you will hear flattery. Runs - the best girlfriend will bring you misfortune. Running in a circle - the advice of a loved one will be very useful. Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - promises the ambulance of the animal, to which you are very accustomed; From Sunday for Monday - such a dream warns that your angry and stubborn character repels from you around you, you risks stay alone.

Lisa personifies such bad human qualities as cunning, cunning and hypocrisy. A lot of proverbs and sayings are folded about this animal, and they all reflect the qualities of foxes: "The Patrikeev's foxes have all the ears on the top of the Makushka," "Lisa Seven Wolves will hold", "when you are looking for a fox ahead, then she's Nazady." To see a fox in the river - means that soon you will have a meeting with a person who will make you a good sentence that can significantly improve your financial situation. If you dreamed that a fox from the river pull out other animals, then such a dream says that you should think well before being taken for the proposed business, no matter how profitable, at first glance, it did not seem. Watch in a dream as a fox takes away from any beast of prey - a sign that soon you will need to show great wisdom to achieve your goals. If in a dream you saw how a fox throws her prey, despite the fact that at that moment nothing threatens her, then in real life you should think about what danger you are exposed to performing this or that matter. To see in a dream fox, running away from hunters, is evidence that, thanks to his excerpt and the mind, you will be able to win over your enemies and restore your reputation. If you dreamed of a fox without a tail - the head of the fact that you will be able to defeat the enemies with their own weapons. To see in a dream little lisyat - a sign that you need more attention to pay for your children. Perhaps they are something cunning, and you will be very unpleasant when you learn about their lies. To see in a dream prevailing dead fox - a sign that in your surroundings there is a secret ill-wisher, who is just waiting for the chance to harm you. To see a fox in a cage - the prophecy that you will be able to establish your affairs, which currently go not in the best way.

What does it mean to see in a dream fox

A dream in which you dream of fox hunting means that you will be at your own peril and risk will be indulging in love.

Interpretation of sleep Lisa

To see in a dream, the fox in the zoo foreshadows theft or robbery, in a live corner - a secret enemy, to meet her in the wild - take care of tricky people. Will the fox in his house means that you will soon have a lot to break your head over where to get money. To catch a fox - it means that there is a liar at the pure water under the lingerie of the well-wisher. "Silent fox says that it will be possible to avoid unpleasant and humiliating in your position. To kill the fox foreshadows your superiority in charming and femininity compared to all other ladies from among the guests of guests, among whom you will shine. There is a dream in a dream. Meat foreshadows a quarrel that gives up to hysterics and manual attribution. Fox collar means that you will take careless affairs.

What predicts the dream fox

Sly, cunning woman, deception; evil from others.

The meaning of the dream of Lisa

this is a cunning and false enemy, which comes in a way with whom it has or business. Creek Foxes means intrigue, conceived by some impostor or liar. Take the fox in a dream to the hands, it means that you have a top of the dispute. Who will stroke the fox, that can scare jin. Play with fox-to lovely and mutual love.

In dream to see fox

Fox hunting dreams of doubtful affairs and risky love adventures. Lisa, secretly penetrated into your yard, is a warning: you have better to beware of envious people, otherwise your reputation will be at risk. If in a dream you killed the fox - Win in any business. Dream D. Loffa says: "Fox is a tricky beast. Therefore, if you see in a dream fox, then either you yourself possess characteristic qualities for it, or become a victim of those. How do you feel about this symbol - with caution or with pleasant feelings? Regardless of whether you like this image or not, it defines your idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and your relationship with him. If Lisa appears in front of you as a rival, it can be the subject that she is trying to pick up. Listening to the fox A dream signals that somewhere in your life there are qualities that are inextricably binding to this animal, and either these qualities come from you, or you experience their action. "

Prediction of sleep Lisa

Usually symbolizes cunning and deception. Perhaps someone from your surroundings leads you for the nose or you yourself plan some sorted business. Jarky redhead fox: a sign of love intrigues or gossip.serau, a nondescript fox in a dream: the head of the fact that you risk becoming a victim of whose That deception and suffer some losses. Lisa, caught in the trap, as well as the fox hunting: symbolizes the exposure of the deception. If you reveal you to rise any trick to kill the fox in a dream: the foresight of a serious quarrel or conflict, as a result of which the truth about some events pops up to the surface.

What dreams of fox

Beware of the neighbor, to a fire or deception from a friend. Bad person It will appear in your house. You can catch the fox - you need to try to neutralize the rivals. You need to see a fox in a dream - to a dispute with a smart and cunning opponent. A confused fox in my home in the house - soon you will love the evil woman and will become her slave. To deception, trouble. I take the fox in a dream - to deliverance from the enemies. The fox - to loneliness according to its own wine. Eating fox - to unfavorable development of circumstances.

See in a dream

Fox - a mystery, crazy enemy, sometimes even the thief. If there is a fox in the yard, in the barn, - beware of slanders and envious, under threat your reputation. Lisa in the house - an evil woman, some kind of evil for you from a woman, deceased. Head Fox - Danger. Hearing - victory. Flushing Fur - to protect yourself from unfriendly. Wishes in a dream hunting foxes - to engage in dubious projects and unworthy love loves.

What does Fox dream

On this day you may be deceived.

See in a dream fox

Fox to see - a crammed enemy and his actions / your inner appearance / deceiving way / personality or spirit that knocks you from the right path. The native-redhead fox - wine, orgies and various damage from drunkenness. The fox - loneliness on his own wine. Lisa, Lies to bloody prey - Diseases from a disturbing life. Shira foxes - lie, betrayal from friend. Geony Fox - Your lie or False is circumfigured you on inner loneliness. Listen to Lays Lays from afar - Depression, loneliness. Head Fox or see the killed Plutnut / adverse development of circumstances / load of everyday worries.

What knows the dreams of fox

Symbol of tricks, intrigue and cunning. Lisa warns about bad consequences of a dishonest game. Configured cunning from friends. All people who are brought up in a Russian fairy tale, the image of fox is associated with cunning and cunning. If the fox, which you see in a dream, seems You are dangerous, you will probably become a victim of deception. A colors of the handmade Listen will remind you that the intrigue, which you begin, can lead to a quarrel with someone. In any case, having met in your dream, do not count on transparent relationships.

Sleep about Lisa

Fox - dreamed of Fox - you are very witty and cunning. If you hunt the fox - be careful with your friends, especially with attractive women. If you see the fox passing by you - you will find yourself smarter than everyone. If you hunt the fox - this means that it means that You should be watched by other people. Lisitsa (female) is a symbol of beauty and tricks. Highly very beautiful, self-confident and attractive women. Lisitsa with lisyats - indicates a clever woman.

What does it mean in a dream fox

See the fox - some kind of "fox" wants to deceive you. And you are not a raven!

Value of dreams Lisa

Fox - Beware of enviousness. So for foxes in a dream - try to save in secret risky love adventures. I drive a fox to crush the enemy and win in any business.

That in a dream means fox

Sly, evil person, enemy .Obman.

Meaning of sleep Lisa

there is no rather wolf as an example, yes, thanks to his cunning hawk, where, it lives him. "Lisa and in a dream chickens, he thinks in a man in Klelev!", "In the fox and in a dream ears - on the top of the Makushka!", "Where I'm a fox I will pass, there are three years old chickens! ",

Interpretation of sleep Lisa

Fox - non-traditional ways to solve problems.

That in a dream predicts fox

In the nature of Lisa: it has the ability to be invisible to move so that no one noticehes her. Likes are famous for cunning, slyness and ability to quickly mislead: are you trying to overcome someone, or others try to inflate you? This sign refers to physical appeal, as a woman with a bright appearance is called a "fox".

What dream of fox?



See in a dream hunting foxes - means you will do questionable affairs and risky love loves. If in your dream of fox secretly will penetrate your courtyard - this is a warning: to beware of envious people - your reputation is at risk. Kill fox - means you will win in any business.


Fox is a crazy enemy and his actions \\\\ inner deception, a Lbmantic path that knocks you from the right path. Fire-red fox wine, orgies and smallest harm from drunkenness. Lisa - loneliness in his own fault. Lisa devouring production - illness from a disturbing life. Fox skins - lie, betrayal from a friend. The persecution of fox - your lie or false chops you on inner loneliness. I hear Lysi Lay afar - depression, loneliness at all. Stroking fox - deception, disability. Measal fox is a quarrel. Kill the fox or see the killed - the unsuccessful end of our own plows, the load of everyday worries.

Chistyakova Olesya

I dreamed yesterday lisa, in the dream It is written that this is to ensure that the scapps will break her head over where to get money.