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What does the fall mean in a dream. What dream of a falling person? Vintage french dream book

Remember those children's dreams in which you run somewhere - and suddenly the earth disappears from under the feet? And when you start telling parents about what you had the opportunity to experience, hear in response: "It is grown in a dream."

What if you are not a child already, but still have to see this? What dreams fall in sweet gold? To get the right answer to this question, pay attention to the details:

  • From where you had to fall (from the roof of the house, mountains, cliff, indefinite height).
  • Where you landed (in pit, water).
  • You got injuries when falling or you managed not to break.
  • Have you experienced a sense of fear.
  • Before the fall, you climbed up and could climb after they fell.

In addition, we will focus on such moments as a faint and airplane crash.

Night vision in which you fly down

In case of falling, a person loses its balance and does not own his body. This state is based on a number of interpretations of dreams, which had to fall down from the height (to fall into the abyss). Dream interpretation warns: you risk losing control over the situation. As a result, you can lose social status, parts of the state, can suffer your honor and dignity.

Seeing such a dream, you should not be upset! Better to put your thoughts in order. It may be worthwhile to revise their life position, see and understand their mistakes, and then trouble will be avoided.

According to other explanation to fall from (falling into the abyss) - it means that it is not waiting for the implementation of the intended. Most likely, the problem lies in the fact that your requirements are too high. Try to reduce the bar, and you will succeed!

In addition, the dream in which the drop in the height occurred, talks about the vain attention of the dream to his chosen one. Dream Interpretation urges not to spend precious time by back, because with this person you will not go under the crown. You have not met your true afternoon. But fall in a dream, but immediately climb - a good sign. You will become a respected man with a considerable state.

A dream in which I had to fall from a huge height (bird's height) and at the same time do not break up, - a good sign. You are waiting for career growth and respect from colleagues. Also, the night vision with a soft landing foreshadows the problem and gaining the state of harmony, equilibrium.

If in a dream you got stuck and slipped into the abyss, while screaming loudly, then in reality you will support a certain person. Fall from the edge and crash - Warning: Currently you should not make serious decisions and take on important things, because luck is not on your side. Load a little - and the situation will be corrected.

If, falling from the cliff, you are in, you are waiting for pleasant changes. They can concern both work activities (for example, a promotion of service) and personal life (as an option - a change in social status). The dream in which you fell C, foreshadow you have a pleasant pastime. However, the dream book notes that he will have to pay for pleasure. The publication means money.

What if you fall in a dream with high? On the one hand, the vision is the personification of your alarm. You are afraid to lose your position in society, we fear that good luck will turn away from you. On the other hand, falling from the mountain foreshadows this very success in all spheres of the dream of a dream. Stand on the edge of the mountain cliff and feel a feeling of fear, looking down, and then sharply wake up - a good sign: urgent problems will end, the situation will change for the better.

If you fall from the roof in sweet gold, then you will achieve a lot in real life. However, you should not relax in order not to fall from the achieved height. Also drop from the roof foreshadows receipt of news. But the dream is not worth believing them, because they may be false. No wonder they say: trust, but check!

Several clarifications exist about falling into the pit. On the one hand, the vision warns about the danger. Options in this case a lot. It can be committing a ugly act on your part, problems with health or miscarius of ill-wishers. On the other hand, the dream promises unforgettable love. But if, under the arms of the Morpheus, you chose something in the pit, but you can't find a loss, I will wait for enrichment.

Other interpretations of dreams in which you fell

As the dream book, scramble up, but not cope, break down from the height - a kind of hint to the right action. Currently, the idea you are trying to implement (or just think about it), you are not unable. But this is still! Take a pause, take strength and experience - and things will go uphill. Conceived!

If you have a feeling of fear when falling down, then on the way to your goal you will come across enough serious tests. However, the dream book promises that you will handle them and achieve the desired result.

Sleep, in which, falling, you got some injuries, foreshadows disagreements with friends. Try to keep your emotions under control, be more condescending to the words and actions of comrades, and then the conflict will be avoided.

If, falling, you landed in, then in reality you can get into the predicament. You will be able to get out of it, manifesting efforts and determination. But if when you fall into the water, you have experienced pleasure (for example, jump in), then luck in the affairs is provided to you.

A warning is a dream in which you fainted: Pay attention to your loved ones - it is quite possible that some of them require your support.

If a young representative of the beautiful half of humanity fell into fainting, the dream book recommends to reconsider his views on life: it's time to grow and be more serious. Otherwise, you will have to face troubles. It is possible that they will be connected with health or disappointments in love.

But if you faint in sweet gold as a result of an excess of feelings from getting some news, then in reality joyful news awaits you. And also, to pretend in the presence of a man that you lose consciousness, and then enjoy it - to a successful marriage.

After analyzing all explanations about what dreams of falling in sweet gold, it is worth saying the following: In half cases, the vision foreshadows positive changes in the dream of a dream. The rest of the dream book foreshadows the emergence of difficult situations. But! Here the publication gives advice, how to behave to avoid their appearance.

Each person at least once in his life dropped the fall. Perhaps we are talking about the uneven surface of the asphalt hidden from the prying eye of the pit or the unfolded abyss. Even a drop from the chair may be accompanied by a sense of fear and anxiety. In some cases, having survived this, the person is rapidly waking up. Without waking up, it is possible to obtain some damage, depending on the plot and the situation. It will not be possible to get a definite answer, because every dream book has its interpretation of an experienced event. In addition to well-known sources, the value will have an environment in a dream and the plot. Stereotypes may be erroneous. Attention is paid to the details.

Most modern dreams offer negative interpretations seen in a dream. Often, we are talking about the approaching failures in business or household troubles. According to Hasse, this says that it is worth to count only on himself and not to wait for help from others, however, if a person falls from a high height, it is expected in the near future. You can also count on universal honors and praise. Miller claims that there are difficulty and testing, in the presence of a feeling of fear associated with falling. Tests will be completed quickly and pass without a trace, which should also be considered.

The generation that has grown on black and white TVs is often seen the same dreams.

Esoteric dream book foreshadows problems in business and a number of negative vital changes that come when a person expects the least. If the awakening was rapid, then the preparation time will be left less. According to English subjects, it is worth expecting some difficulties and rupture of current relations. The English Talmud warns from rash actions and transactions that will negatively affect the authority. The French have a key factor to consider subsequent events, for example, could a person after climb. If this succeeded, you will soon be paid thanks and honors. Misfortunes wait for those who did not work out.

Possible variations of events:

  • fall and immediately wake up;
  • falling into water;
  • the consequence of injuries and injuries are becoming;
  • fall as they say, in a flat place;
  • fall into the pit;
  • feeling of fear of height;
  • normal drop.

Options for the development of events in the world of dreams can be several. A suitable interpretation is able to pick up only one who survived a certain situation.

What could be the consequences

Often, such visions warn a dream about the coming troubles that can wear different character. It should not be afraid of such dreams, because they will help to predict possible troubles and take timely decisions on the way to prevent them. To all you need to approach wisely and calmly:

  1. A large height indicates the approaching troubles. On the way to the exercise of the goal may appear obstacles. Laziness and fear of difficulties will not help solve the situation.
  2. A character of personal growth is considered to fall from a huge height. Personal evolution occurs in the same way.
  3. Infused injuries are talking about possible conflicts. It should not provoke them, because no one strives to spoil relations with the environment. The resulting conflict will not be easy to resolve.
  4. In the presence of an acute panic attack when looking at the abyss, it is not recommended to worry. The intended path is thorny and complicated, but ultimately a person is waiting for an unprecedented success. Faith in their own strength will help move the deal from the dead point.
  5. A drop or fainting of a woman talks about the presence of contradictory or unauthorized feelings (emotions). Social opinion plays an important role in the life of a dream. Hiding feelings and desires, the installed stamps will not be broken. Other people's rules for compliance are optional. It's time to live your head.


Possible plot of fallInterpretation
SurviveAccording to Orakula, such a vision indicates the appearance of the possibility to get rid of spiritual torments that tormented a person for years. Started re-path will be full of pleasant surprises. In the near future, personal happiness will be purchased. In the selected endeavor, only luck will be accompanied. Perfected errors will seem insignificant and insignificant. About them it is better to forget at all.
Man crashedThe current job at work will cause difficulties. Success does not see. It's time to change the goal and start confidently move towards personal success.
StrangerMan has lost the meaning of life. This leads to the fact that the subconsciously dreams are preparing to die. For a man, this is a sign that the heart will begin to reach out for a married (busy) woman. Further relations are possible only if there is an appropriate desire on both sides. Thoughts and feelings should be put in order before it becomes necessary to take fateful decisions.
AbyssThe lack of feeling of fear indicates that pleasant changes are near. It is possible to find a new hobby that will cause delight. New projects will help self-realize and increase credibility.

In a dream, the human brain can turn off the function of automatic memorization of information. In people who argue that dreams they do not see in principle, this blocking is the most complete. The inconsistency and incoherence seen does not allow the brain to memorize "unnecessary" information. There are cases when dreams are automatically rejected by our memory. The instinct of self-preservation is triggered.

Possible plot of fallInterpretation
In waterLoss of head from the feeling of love. Open your heart. A stream of pleasant emotions and impressions are expected.
PitThe feeling of confusion and the absence of a strong shoulder at hand leads to scattered and apathy. In order to put the thought of thought, you should take a well-deserved holiday. Support can be obtained from relatives. The goal will be achieved.
Awesome awakeningAn event is expected that will turn the usual way of life of a person.
Feature feeling in elevatorThe feeling of fear in Gresses suggests that in life a person lacks decisiveness. The reluctance to move forward will lead to stagnation in business or career. Hang "in one place" is much more terrible than regularly take unsuccessful attempts to action. Experience unreasonable.

The bad dreams see the "owls" more often. Late care to sleep and early morning lifts lead to the fact that the brain is in an overloaded state. Thus, it does not allow to memorize even night visions, avoiding overload. Such a hypothesis found a confirmation in the course of research conducted in 2011. Larks practically do not see nightmares.

Possible plot of fallInterpretation
In a long placeA person overwhelms a sense of confusion and insecurity. To correct the situation, it is necessary to squeeze the will into the fist.
ElevatorIt suggests that the difficulties that have arisen due to uncertainty. Problems at work can also be resolved in the near future in the most obvious way. Circumstances do not affect the fate of a person. Changes will be favorable.
FaintingChanges are approaching. Pleasant news will be unexpected, which will lead to stress. Changes should be prepared in advance. It is difficult to get rid of old habits and stereotypes, but this is the only way to cope with the upcoming reality. Changes will be positive and bring a lot of happiness.
From the mountainTry to rejoice at the success that have already been achieved. Current behavior may be causing and even risky. Success to lose simply, however, it will take a lot of time and effort to restore the reputation. Former relations will be destroyed.

Falling a child

Most of the life of Aristotle devoted to interpretation of dreams. Prophetic dreams are present in the life of every person. Full scientific treatise turned out from Flammarion, which he devoted his life. More than two millennia, people are interested in interpreting visions and are looking for answers in available dreams. One of the first was developed by the dream book of Artemidor. The modern generation is more accustomed to trusting the leaders who started practicing similar only in 1768. Feeling of fear causes such images in which a person or his child falls.

Plots of visions can partially coincide with reality. So, in a mature age, a person can feel thirst and attempts to get drunk. Success in this will not achieve, but after waking up the need for drinking will not disappear. At the younger age, the most common phenomenon is the desire to go to the toilet. Reality may not be the best in the event that in the vision, the child has managed to play need.

This indicates the absence of a sense of confidence in its own power. There may be several reasons. There are also clashes with difficulties that will have to overcome in the near future. Prediction will be directly dependent on the outcome of the event: whether injuries or a child were obtained with a light fright. When falling in a dream of a child, dream interpreters give approximately the same interpretation along with the participation of adults. According to Nostradamus, a child can become a symbol of hope for a bright and a comfortable future. As a result, the fall may designate the loss of hope due to the difficulties and obstacles. If, as a result, the child got strong bruises or began to cry, then the trouble comes from a close environment. Relatives may want to deceive you in an attempt to earn trust.

Possible harbinger

For parents, this can be extremely negative sign. In addition to the emergence of life difficulties, the vision may indicate the presence of a problem in the kid. This refers to the category of subconscious projections. Internal alarm is reincarnated in a seen plot. The inability to take care of the baby in reality only strengthens fear. If the consequences managed to avoid, then close relatives will need help and support.

The fall of the child from the crib speaks of the troubles impending on family. The tactics of education of heirs should be revised completely. It can also say about the presence of an unrealized dream that needs to be changed. The new goal will be easier and more efficient. Allows you to achieve not only success, but also gaining happiness. A teenager turns into a person in such a development of the plot. His spiritual development occurs. Seen trusting should not be imposed by anyone, since negatively configured people can take advantage of those who are heard and it will become the main source of trouble.

Previous sleep phase is comparable to used meditative practitioners. The body is completely relaxed, the internal processes are gradually slowing down. The brain begins to emit alpha waves, causing a feeling of peace and tranquility. Being closed eyes, nothing will distract anything. A similar picture is reconstructed using meditative practices.

Interpretation of different dreams


Pretty diverse explanation provides the Talmud of this type. Height and other nuances talk about failures and problems in a person's life. Reality may have a slight position. Perhaps the significantly adverse effect of third parties. The power of enemies will increase, and the troubles will become more. Subsequent burial speaks of a possible ambulance. Falling a woman denotes an ambulance sex with an outsider man. From here and the term "fallen woman" occurs. Observation of another person testifies to the unconscious desire of the death of the offender. For a man, this is a hidden desire to enjoy a woman who belongs to the category of fallen or busy.

Pre-climb on elevation in a dream - hidden instinct of fear, based on prevailing ambitions. The overestimated requirements may not lead to anything. Time will be wasted, follows failure. There may also be a consequence of change of mindset (transition from active actions to passive expectation). The abyss is associated with a sense of despair and chronic loneliness. This is a kind of interpretation of the subconscious.


Caused by the subconscious fear to lose the current position in society. Suspend career growth. Stagnation will last an indefinite time, which will be spent on vain attempts to earn universal respect. It is possible to provide an extraneous influence, so a person is not responsible for the perfect actions fully. Also prescribed a fatal outcome, but in rare cases. An alternative to prolonged diseases that will lead to the impossibility of steadily standing on their feet. Allegorials of non-efficient erotic dreams are also seen with the participation of an inaccessible person. Particular attention is paid to the details of what seen. Often we are talking:

  • about love;
  • soon recovery;
  • eliminate troubles.


Serious tasks have to be solved that may pour into problems. The plot will tell you how to cope with the current situation. A strong blow talks about possible financial losses, parting with beloved and quarrels in a family circle. Tests will be passed without tangible losses, which will lead to universal attention and praise.


It will be necessary to meet with problems and difficulties. A special meaning will have a plot that will follow after falling. Stand on your feet - victory and honors from the work done. The tragic outcome promises unpleasant news and even misfortunes in the family. If everything ended well, it is not worth worrying. Doubts will appear only after waking and awareness of what he saw.


The injured seen speaks of tangible losses in reality. Loss can be and intangible in nature. Betrayal can occur from friends (nearest environments). Fear testifies to victory over the tasks. The problem will be solved by the most primitive way.

It has been proven to see dreams in the process of snoring - it is impossible. Such sounds man can only publish on the slow phase of sleep, and the dreams do not come on it. Painting is interrupted by breathing up to 300 times per night, which is fraught with the formation of predisposition to strokes and infarction.



In a dream, attempts to learn how to walk independently failed? Perhaps we are talking about the desire of young people to independently. The first steps may be failed, but this does not mean that it is necessary to neglect the possibility. There may also be a connection with the search for your place in life. Speaks about hidden uncertainty in its own power.


It should be prepared for possible misfortunes that will follow shortly after the seen the omen. The fall will mean the collapse of social life, the loss of the current status, reputation or part of the income. It may be a prevention that soon the mystery will come to the surface and will be the public domain. An alternative is a long disease. Fear or sharp awakening is a good sign. Life will start to improve.


Dream Interpretation offers four ambiguous interpretations seen at night:

  1. We will have to come to terms with the loss of status. Return to Olympus is possible, but only after time.
  2. It can be applied to those who are at the stage of becoming a romantic relationship. Attempts to create relationships will fail. There will be no pain, only an unpleasant precipitate.
  3. Applicable to businessmen and dolza. A difficult period comes at work, which is fraught with significant financial losses.
  4. It may become a precursor that the selected path is erroneous. The task is impossible or will not bring the desired result. Do not travel through water during this period. Perhaps will become a victim of shipwreck.

Negative consequences will have a dream in which a person will overtake with third-party persons from a high height straight into the thickness of the water.

Vision helps to solve accumulated problems. The subconscious will automatically scroll through the situation for the situation in order for the person to find a solution to the task. During the rest, the brain is engaged in analyzing the knowledge gained, forming associations to help understand the world.


He speaks of an excessive feeling of anxiety, which is not leaving a person for a long time. Depending on the height, one can judge the depths of fear and the origins of its occurrence. Man's ability to withstand existing difficulties. The desire to cede circumstances will be predominant. He indicates a loss of control, despair and helplessness.


Indicates an inadequate attitude to what happened in the past. The solution to the problem will be covered on the surface. If there were unsuccessful attempts to wake up, chaos spread in the soul. It may be a display of spiritual fall. Perfect nonsense and losses are able to activate nightmares. The body can give prompts that something is wrong with the spleen, liver and kidneys. It is possible to detect the disease.


A guaranteed person will get a significant advancement of the career ladder. From the height depends on the races of income, and the expansion of the sphere of everyday influence.


There is a disorder in the internal system. It is a consequence of the fact that the person sank "on the very bottom." It aggravates the situation and the fact that he does not seek to get out of the pit. The feeling of reality is concerned about concern and concern. Waking realism will cause an attack of depression.


The feeling of falling is caused exclusively inner fears, on the number of which will depend on the duration of the flight. When moving towards the abyss, things are much worse. In personal life there will be a change due to deterioration of relationships, financial losses are near. A similar value will be at the vision in which a person gets bruises.


In reality, you will have to face the loss of honor and good name. An explanation is rather ambiguous.

Support for loved ones

An attempt to stop the favorite for a man will mean an attempt to prevent incorrect actions in reality. From the overall impression, the degree of awareness and the plot will depend on the attempts taken. A child's fall testifies to the detection of a significant obstacle that will not allow to achieve the goal. It will take all the power of the Will in order to circumvent the barrier. In most cases, it is recommended to give preference to another path. Perhaps the naughty child will fall into trouble. The degree of internal anxiety and hidden desires will manifest when a woman sees a drop in a dream:

  • stranger;
  • child;
  • beloved;
  • husband;
  • familiar.

If a key role in the plot is given a close friend or family friend, then in the near future, the girl will have to pay for her sins. The reckless act can be expected from the belly.


I would like to say that any falls, whether it becomes or in a dream, it is better to avoid. If this still was harmful, then he should not lower his hands. Perhaps the highest strengths are trying to warn you about the impending danger or make it possible to avoid another karmic test. After the black band always comes white, regardless of which interpretation offers one or another dream book.

Fall in the dream and very frightened at the same time - promises you overcoming significant difficulties, which will lead you to luck.

If, having fallen you very much - wait for losses; It is possible that friends will leave you.

Freud's dream book

For any person, falling in a dream - symbolizes the possibility that he will be a victim of sexual harassment. For a man, it can also symbolize - his fear is insolvent with sexual contact.

Fall around Dream Hasse

Fall - believe only yourself.

Fall in Family Dream

The dream in which you fell and were very frightened - promises you overcoming difficulties and good luck.

If, falling, you were very hurt - perhaps you will have misunderstanding with friends.

Fall around Dmitry's dream book and winter hopes

Sleep about falling - a sign of an unexpected barrier in affairs. Related sample images often carry a prompt about how exactly you should beware of trouble.

Suddenly falling out in a flat place - means that the case that seems to you reliable and strong can be presented to an unpleasant surprise.

Fall, slipping - a sign that you are still better to postpone all affairs related to risk.

Climbing up and fall from the height - tells that the hard thing for which you took or are going to take, it is unlikely to be possible for you. Perhaps before being taken for him, you do not prevent you from relaxing.

Fall from the stairs - a warning that your position is under threat. It is possible that you allowed an effort in affairs, and this may turn into trouble.

A dream in which you dream that you have fallen from the bed - suggests that relaxation at the moment is inappropriate and can lead to serious trouble.

Fall on the run in a dream - a bad omen. This is a sign that you anticipate a very serious obstacle on your way, but do not know which party to expect him. You should keep our affairs with great attention and caution.

Fall in the dreams of Simon Cannel

As a rule, dreams about falls in which you are not an assault, pilot or driver, indicate that you feel your helplessness and therefore convey control over management to someone else. Sleep, where you see yourself with the captain of "Titanic", and not just a passenger, may mean that you feel responsible and feel the feeling of guilt for some kind of actions that led to sad consequences.

To salvation

So you fall faster and faster. You are afraid that you can crash. Afraid?

Usually a person wakes up before falling to the foot of the cliff. Sometimes a collision is inevitable. That's just last week you dreamed that you were driven into a narrow passage. You stumbled on a trash box and fell through the sewer grid. Suddenly someone - yes it's your cat! - came to your aid and pulled you out from there.

Fall by esoteric dreams

Fall - to failure in endeavors, sharp negative changes. If at the same time woke up - "drop" will soon be.

Fall in the dream of a modern woman

To fall in a dream and is very frightened at the same time - in reality means overcoming significant difficulties and eventually a victory over the circumstances.

If, falling, you are very born - wait for the material losses or loss of friends.

Fall by Dream Azara

Fall - see how the child falls - obstacles in endeavors.

Fall from a high height is an increase in service, deserved honors.

Fall in the dream book Eugene Tsvetkov

Fall feeling - to loss, bitter regrets; Fall in fact - to trouble, risky business; The falling star is right to sleep - the fulfillment of the most cherished desires, but if there will be no desires or the sea - the desires, the intimate will not be fulfilled.

If you dream that you fall and have a strong fear, you will be subjected to cruel tests, but fame and wealth will come to you gradually.

If you are injured when falling, you will find difficulties and loss of friends in real life.

Fall in Eastern Dream

The dream in which you fall and experience fear - means: there will be serious tests on the way, but you will safely cope with them. Worse, if you fall into the abyss.

If you dreamed that, having fallen, you damaged something - get ready for difficulties and conflicts with friends.

Dream Dream Fen Shui

Fall to what dreams - if in a dream you fell from a high height - to a decrease in service.

If you fell with my wife - to love for life.

If someone else falls in a dream - to loss.

If the patient fell from height - his illness is difficult to treat. The merchant fell from height - to business losses.

If you saw in a dream that you fall from the horse, "wait for the misfortune.

If in a dream you fall from the roof - to exile.

If you fell into water - to bankruptcy in business.

If an elderly person saw himself falling from the bed to the floor - to early death. If a woman saw her children fallen - to severe diseases of her children.

Fall - the fear of leaning something that falls under the censorship of morality.

Fall in Icelandic Dream

Fall - to loss of honor.

Psychological dreams fall

Fall - usually speaks of an elevated level of anxiety.

If the fall is dreaming - this means that you will be pusted before difficulties, inferior in the vital struggle (or at least, in the depths of the soul there was a desire to smear the hand and surrender), lose control of yourself, recognize your helplessness.

Fall in the dream of Rick Dillon

Fall to what dreams - should be believed only to yourself.

Dream Dream Dream

Fall to what dream is - loss of confidence; voltage.

Fall at everyday dream

Mostly dreams about falling are associated with loss of control over the situation and feeling of helplessness. It is possible that our first tags that we do in childhood and many drops that occur are related to our future dreams about falling.

There is also an assumption that they are an extension of fear of primitive people before falling from the trees. We know one woman, the father of which, when she was still quite a baby, every day, coming from work, grabbed her and began to throw up and tweak over his head. And still dreams of this full adult woman in which she flies or falls, filled with a feeling of fear, horror and admiration. Who (or what) will protect her from falling?

Your dreams remind a quick state change?

Do you prefer your drop or it happens suddenly? When you fall, you break the ceiling, stumble, fly out into the window? Or do you suddenly discover that just fly down?

Fall in modern dream

Prejudice is widespread that if in a dream we fall and mumble on the ground, we will soon die soon. In our practice, nothing like never happened. So why does this myth continue to exist?

Usually, if in a dream we begin to fall, we immediately wake up, because we were taught that falling very dangerous. Researchers know that dreams about falls often dreams of people in the BDG stage of the first carotid cycle - a little later, after you fell asleep. Falling in a dream sometimes twitch, go through legs or arms and eventually wake up. We do not know definitely why this happens, but these movements, which are called myoclonic, can be an instinctive reaction to the fact that the brain considers potentially dangerous.

Christian dream

Fall to what dreams - good luck will come to you through overcoming difficulties. Imagine that you fell and immediately rose. You did not get any damage.

Fall in the dream of the winged phrases

Fall, (descend) - "Lowly", "" completely sank! "," Sleep at the very bottom "to degrade. "Go down to Earth" - to gain a sense of real; "Stop twist in the clouds and go down to Earth" - really evaluate the situation.

Dream Svuvalova

If a person sees that he falls, it reflects the collapse of his romantic aspirations or desires, reflects his inability to cope with his problems and fear, he is not able to stand on his legs. Often, this means the loss of the faithful life direction, its own ideals and installations under the influence of some strong personality.

Fall in the ancient Russian dream book

fall feeling - to loss, bitter regrets; Fall in fact - to trouble, risky business; Falling star (right to sleeping) - performance of the most expensive desires; In water or the sea - the fulfillment of the desire will not be, the intimate will not be fulfilled.

Fall in the sensible dying dictionary

Fall - insult.

Fall in the dream of the future

Fall in a dream and be very frightened - promises overcoming significant difficulties, the fight against which will lead you to luck; Fall with high height - deserved honors, promotion.

Drop by idiomatics

"Lowly", "completely sank!", "Sleep at the very bottom" to degrade; "Go down to Earth" - to gain a sense of real; "Stop twist in the clouds and go down to Earth" - really evaluate the situation.


If a person sees that he falls - this reflects the collapse of his romantic aspirations or desires, reflects his inability to cope with his problems and fear, he is not able to stand on his legs. Often, this means the loss of the faithful life direction, its own ideals and installations under the influence of some strong personality.

Fall on Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Berti

Fall - denotes a loss of life, under whose effect. Very often, this image may be associated with the fear of the destruction of the career, the feeling of the fact that any relationship come to the end, the fear of death of physical or death.

If a person sees that he falls - this is a reflection of the collapse of his romantic aspirations or erotic passions, the reflection of his inability to cope with existing problems and fear. that he cannot stand on his own legs.

In the universal dream

Why are we so afraid of falling, because the sensations that we are experiencing quite exciting? What we are really afraid, is the lack of support and unpleasant landing.

If you fall in a dream - it means you lack support. Why don't you feel support? What can you do to regain a support in life again? Remember where you fell in a dream (from the cliff, from the stairs or just from the sky) and where you fell. What sphere of life was affected in a dream: work, relationship or social situation? This will tell you about what areas of life you lack support.

If in a dream you fall from the stairs - first of all, inspect the stairs in your home to make sure they are in good condition, and then think: perhaps, in a dream you assumed that someone will keep the staircase for you.

If you see in a dream, how the other person falls - think: maybe he needs support. Or did he put to you in disfavor? What does this person mean for you? Perhaps he symbolizes some aspect of your personality? Think about your life. Perhaps in a dream you foresee the failures at work, decay in relationships or other realm of life?

Fall on American dream

Fall - loss of control over yourself or above life. We often fall when we learn to walk. Situations when "land left from under his feet", as well as insecurity during personal growth, all this often serves as such dreams.

Fall in the Egyptian Dream of Pharaohs

If a person sees himself in a dream, fallen from the wall, is good, that means - the end of the discord.

Fall in antique English dreams

Sleep, in which you fall from the height (from the tree or from the edge of the abyss) - means loss of position and property. If you are in love. You are in vain give it (or her) with its attachment. You will not be able to get married!

Merchants and businessmen sleep - foreshadow in business, financial difficulties and the like. Those who are going to swim, is waiting for a big trouble: shipwreck and all troubles flowing from here.

Fall in love with lovers

If you dream that you fell and hurt - it promises separation from your loved one.

Fall in the lunar dream

Fall - insult; Fall and resist - return lost.

Fall in the dreams of Martyn Priefs

Fall - loss of property and health; From a high place - poverty, deprivation of a relative.

Fall in the medieval dream book Daniel

Fall from height - to severe illness.

See yourself falling - to joy.

Fall on the Russian dream

Fall - grow; In the abyss - interesting things; But if you fell and crashed - you do not achieve success.

Fall in the dream of a yellow emperor

Fall (a distinct feeling of fall) - do not own itself and the situation: that is, to confront with reality, based on its own weakness and inadequacy, generated by the inner disherence of feelings and opinions (inappropriate to self-protection and self-education is simply nonsense). All actions in this state are meaningless and self-desection. Anyway, all deeds will be aimed at preserving their own security, which will entail a quarrel and deterioration of relations with others, if not realizing that the main enemy and the source of fall, in the chaos of their own thoughts.

Fall into the abyss - a major spiritual loss, miscalculate (physically illness), not to have obvious open consequences - they are in perspective. All dream options are unfavorable here, everyone informs about varying degrees of liver, kidney and spleen.

Fall by psychoanalytic dream book V.Sammukhalova

Fall - an inevitable dangerous position, often accompanied by anxiety, indicating the true causes of failure.

The fall is associated as an entry into the hands of the enemy, the danger of failure, misfortune, the high probability of death due to the fact that it indicates a symbolic lowering in the grave. Close to this experience of falling asleep or self-laying in bed, as well as the birth (loss).

Falling in dreams Women - sexual intercourse, since the physiology of female sexuality implies drop and lowering (fallen woman).

The fall in another person is the unconscious desire of the death or fantasy of a man about the "fallen" woman.

The rise and fall - exaggerated ambitions often erect the barrier to children's fears, but over time the old fear breaks again. Life curve consisting of drops and lifts.

The fall in the individual, the loss of consciousness is the loss of the ego. Death and dream are often associated. The transition from active in passive state, from resistance to custodium.

Fall in French Dream

Fall in the dream, but immediately rise - the sign that the honors and well-being await you soon.

If you could not climb after the fall - your dream is the foresight of the coming misfortunes.

Fall in a dream for bitch

Fall - deserved honors, promotion.

Get frightened in a dream when falling - you will have to overcome possible difficulties.

Hit - separation with friends.

Dream Longo Dream

Feel the fall in a dream - to the troubles that lie in both public and personal life. The height of which you fall is important in solving such sleep.

Fall from a high height - there will be several unpleasant events in your life. Such a state of affairs will forgive you from the rut as difficulties will fall on you one after another, not allowing the opportunity to rest. You will lose a plot point, your fall will be inevitable. With great difficulty you can recover from hitting. You will require a lot of strength to withstand the strength test.

If in a dream you fall from a small height - it means that you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which you will be very difficult to get out. But it will be not so much time, and you will again be able to rejoice in life, despite small trouble.

If you get serious injuries as a result of a fall and feel a strong pain - it says that you will be in despair for a long time in despair, approximate to the light area, as you will be tired of waiting when your life will change a little for the better.

To see how someone falls - hurry to assist a friend who fell into trouble.

Fall in detailed dreams Deniz Lynn

We often fall when we learn to walk. If we have "left under the legs of the soil" - in some situation or we are in the process of personal growth and are not sure of yourself, we will often be similar signs.

When we "go on a new soil" and risk - often award will be successful. Sometimes we even need to cool down to come to success. Learn to risk in life.

Fall - can marvel and what you lose control over yourself or above life. If this is true, you have to find one area in your life, over which you hold control, and leaning on it, gain control over other areas of your own life.

Often they say "hit (fall) in the dirt face", "fallen woman" - these expressions may be symbols. Does this symbolism relate to you?

Fall around Dream Veles

Fall - humiliation, bad, misfortune, illness, loss, failure; in pit - death, fire; In the water - the desired will not come true.

Fall in the Ukrainian Dream

Sometimes our dreams are about flying so wonderful that we do not want to go down to the ground. We raw wings and want to fly further. It happens more often in those dreams where we fly ourselves, not in the plane, train or car. You stay one on one outdoor sky. You are free from the duties of a pedestrian.

At some point, you may notice someone that gives you to yourself from the ground. Maybe you are flying to school in a dream, hear the call, but you do not want to go down. This may indicate the desire to live more freely and carefree. It can also say that you do not want to take on some responsibility. Rather, you should shrink and see what the person who calls to himself wants from you. Maybe you have time to become vigorously for some reason. Only a little bit later, with the hope of moving your most fantastic dream into reality.

In dreams of flights and fall, we can overcome the space from Heaven to the underworld and to visit anywhere in between them. More precisely, we can survive the whole range of emotions, which can fill this extensive space. So, start looking at all these "lifts" and "falls" from this point of view: what can they tell me about my real life?

Fall in the children's dream

See yourself with falling - you lack confidence in your abilities.

Fall in gypsy dream

People often dream that they fall, Gypsies say - what it means that you are unhappy, especially in your personal life, and want to come out of this situation.

Fall in dream 2012

Fall - reflection of fear of failure. Reflection of risk.

Fall on the alphabet of dream interpretation

If you fall from a high building or in the abyss is a symbolic warning that an evil rock can play a dangerous joke with you. You lose status, condition, honor, etc.

Falling from a height - failure, exposing your secrecy.

Fall in the pit - illness, worsening social status.

Awakening when falling, horror is a neurotic anxiety, crisis, transition to recovery.

Fall into the abyss or from a height - your plans are impracticable. Adjust them, simplify.

Fall from a horse - for a pleasant adventure will have to pay. Prepare "coin".

Fall on the run - a little patience and you will succeed. Now take a pause.

Drop out of transport - everyone will have to begin again. Now is the time to dream about the future.

Learn from online dreams, what dreams fall, reading below the answer in the interpretation of the authors of the interpreters.

Dream Miller

What dream drop in a dream?

Fall - fall in a dream and be very frightened at the same time - promises you overcoming significant difficulties, the fight against which will lead you to respect and prosperity.

If you were hurt at the fall - wait for losses; Perhaps you will leave friends.

Intellone dream

What dream drop

The fall seen in a dream is an insult, so this dream is interpreted.

Dream Azara

What dreamed of falling on spiritual sources

Fall from a high height is an increase in service, deserved honors.

Vintage french dream book

Drop to what dreams, interpretation:

Fall - fall in a dream, but immediately climb - a sign that honors and well-being await you soon. If you could not climb after falling, your dream is the foresight of the coming misfortunes.

Large dream book Natalia Stepanova

What dream drop?

Fall in a dream and very frightened at the same time in this way means overcoming significant difficulties and in the end the victory over the circumstances. If you have a lot in the fall, wait for material losses or loss of friends.

Modern dream book


Fall - If your own fall has been frightened in a dream, then in this case it is a warning about numerous difficulties. However, your works will not be in vain, and a complete victory awaits you ahead.

If you were hurt with a fall, this is the foresight of some loss - it is possible that friends will leave you.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see fall:

Usually talks about an elevated level of anxiety. If you saw a fall, it means that you are pusted before difficulties, inferior in the life struggle (or at least, in the depths of the soul, there was a desire to smell your hand and surrender), lose control of yourself, recognize your helplessness.

ABC Interpretation of dreams

See dream about falling, what does this mean?

Fall - If you fall from a high building or in the abyss - this is a symbolic warning that the evil rock can play a dangerous joke with you. You lose status, condition, honor, etc. Falling from a height - failure, exposing your secrecy. Fall in the pit - illness, worsening social status. Awakening when falling, horror is a neurotic anxiety, crisis, transition to recovery.

Dream of Astromeridiana

What Drop Drops

In the symbolic interpretation there are two aspects - visible and tangible. In the first case, such dual dreams can symbolize a possible disease, because in reality the loss of equilibrium worsens well-being, while the feeling of the fall personifies the activation of hidden reserves.

Dried a walk through the ice field, and the feet of treacherously rolled? Did the fall happened? So, the life path will arise obstacles. And here you yourself decide: to stop and pop up a dangerous moment, generally refuse to go further or hit the ground to get up.

Do you see in a dream, fall in a flat place and no strength to rise? Dream foreshadows misfortune. Strong injury when falling - to loss (material or spiritual), for possible care of friends.

Romantic dreamnik

Drop to what dreams

The fall is to see someone's drop - the head of the occurrence of a difficult period complicated by the need to break the existing relationships. If you have a fall in a dream and flew from a great height into some kind of abyss, regard it as recognizing your own defeat before circumstances.

Such an image usually symbolizes the internal rejection of the struggle, the reluctance to fight for the attention of the beloved with rivals. Wait for fast fiasco in a relationship, if you do not take active actions.

However, for people with a permanent partner, the interpretation changes: despite the strong feelings, you are too falling under the influence of the second half. In this case, the fall foreshadows the wreck of ideals, the loss of itself and the quick disappointment in the elect, sometimes it foreshadows unfortunate separation and depression.

Psychological interpreter Fisterzes

By dream dream

Interpretation of psychoanalytic population plots when they saw a drop in a dream, depends on the layout of circumstances in a dream - whether it was "visible" drop or only the feeling that you fall / failing. According to representatives of traditional medicine, such dreams should be perceived as some reflection of the effects of physiological failures, especially the disorders of the sleep mode.

In a psycho-emotional aspect, such discerning plots can symbolize both the growth process and the spontaneous activation of the mechanisms responsible for the development of emotional ties.

To see your own drop, after which you managed to quickly stand up on your feet? It foreshadows glory and honor, effective overcoming circumstances. Others will be happy to take advantage of your experience, listen to the advice.

Dreams, in which you dreamed that you fall, tell us about what we consider ourselves worse than others or feel that it was not able to compare with more successful buddies.

The dreams of falling literally warn about the danger, which our subconscious (but not consciousness) has already noted. Dreamed that you fall from your front staircase, check it out and make sure everything is in order.

Lowish dream book

Household interpretation of dream of falling

See in a dream drop from a height, means that soon you will have to face big trouble, which will affect your social status and financial condition.

If the in love with a young man dreamed that he was falling from height, then such a dream could say that you incorrectly chose a partner to yourself. She not only does not meet your ideal, but at the same time its attitude towards you can be characterized as the search for the benefit or use of your connections, money, and so on.

If you dreamed of a drop, after which you immediately rose and did not receive any special injections in a dream, then in real life you are awaiting well-being, which, however, you can achieve only if you attach all the forces to achieving your goal.

If you dreamed of a dream, in which after the fall you could not climb if you have fallen into the fall of injury, then such a dream can be described as a warning about future troubles. During this period in real life, try to refrain from active actions - the less activity you will exercise in the coming months, the smaller losses incur.

If you dreamed a dream in which you see how someone else falls from the height, then this means that you will soon ask for help or advice.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see fall:

Inevitable dangerous position, often accompanied by alarm, indicating the true causes of failure. The fall is associated as hitting the enemy, the danger of failure, misfortune, the high probability of death due to the fact that it indicates a symbolic lowering into the grave. Close to this experience of falling asleep or self-laying in bed, as well as the birth (loss).

Fall in women's dreams. Sexual intercourse, since the physiology of female sexuality implies drop and lowering (fallen woman). Landing. Koitus, Earth - a symbol of femininity. Falling another person. The unconscious desire of death or fantasy men about the fallen woman. Rock up and fall. Exaggerated ambitions often erect the obstacle to child fears, but over time, the old fear breaks again.

Life curve consisting of drops and lifts. Falling an individual, loss of consciousness. Loss of the ego. Death and dream are often associated. The transition from active in passive state, from resistance to custodium.

Abyss. The abyss of inner loneliness and despair, the abyss of death. The underlying void is nothing, from which everything arises, and, therefore, the source of life. Or open, recipe, feminine principle. Archetype of the Great Mother. To be abandoned. The need to care in the unconscious and leaving conscious positions, step below and fall into secret depths of life. Suppression of concentration only on spiritual intellectual.

Drawing falls can be divided into two categories: those that we clearly see in the dream and those that can only feel. What dreams of the majority of "visible" falls, which organically fit into the plot of dreams and do not force the sleeping shrank and wake up, will tell the dream book. At the same time, many have happened not even fall, but as if falling asleep at the time of falling asleep.

There are many versions explaining the causes of such "flights". Doctors often write off these phenomena on breaking sleep mode and other physiological phenomena. If this symptom is repeated regularly, in some cases it may indicate a fear of the cardiovascular and nervous system or the initial stage of a number of other diseases. In the body nothing hurts discomfort just like that.

What dreams to fall down, can be interpreted both as a sleep-reversal, the value of which is exactly the oppositely seen. The disintended drop means nothing but a process of growth, both physical and moral or spiritual.

Involver, which means in a dream to fall, the dream book Longo warns that you can not find the point of the support in the most responsible moment, and as a result, the risk of getting a strong blow, after which you cannot move for a long time. Take measures to avoid such an unfavorable situation.

Fall feeling

Fall in a dream and wake up - the dream book connects such dreams with winning, enhanced by the service or any other luck of someone from your loved ones. It is noteworthy that this interpretation is quite substantiated. Similar sensations cause spontaneous activation of the chakra responsible for emotional connections.

Probably, many will understand what it means to fall in a dream. Such sensations are well acquainted with those who are very tired during the day, especially from physical exertion. The interpreter explains this phenomenon with strong experiences.

When in a dream, as if you fall, the dream book Anna Faraday believes that this is a signal from the subconscious, warning about possible danger. In the near future, do not lose vigilance.

According to another interpretation, the feeling when you fall in a dream may be a reflection of underestimated self-esteem. This happens with those who, who in reality, often happens to lose or cannot justify anyone's expectations to the great chagrin of sleeping.

Explaining why it dreams that you fall, the dream book mentions and dissatisfied with your actions on the eve. If you believe in the interpretation, good deeds and thoughts contribute to takeoff and steam in the sky, and falls and failures are experiencing those whose conscience of the unclean.

According to statistics, the feeling that in a dream you fall, I had to experience 90% of the respondents. Approximately half of the sleeping has no vascular diseases or problems with the nervous system, the true cause of the "failures" continues to remain a mystery at the moment of falling asleep.

Falls with high height

If you dreamed that you fall from the height, the dream book advises to assess the distance that I had to overcome in flight. The more depth, the more difficult situation you risk please in real reality.

When it happens to fall into the abyss in a dream, the dream book calls for marginal caution. The dream is a serious warning that the slightest oversight can lead to a big misfortune.

Those who had to fall into the abyss in a dream, Dream Interpretation Hasse advises in the near future to count only on himself. The dream indicates an occurrence of a very unfavorable period, until the completion of which is better not to rely even on those who used to trust - errors can cost expensive.

Explaining what dreams of falling in a dream from the mountain, the Chinese dream book offers a somewhat unexpected interpretation: try to deceive the fate of the villain and send efforts anywhere, just not to the goal, otherwise it is unlikely to succeed.

The dream book of Pharaohs is completely different in a similar dream: to fall from the cliff in the night sirows means in reality the completion of something extremely unpleasant, for example, long-standing enmity. It is known that such vision foreshadowed the end of the war or the fault of state-wide scales.

Italian psychoanalyst and dream specialist Roberti claims to fall from the cliff in a dream it is necessary for those who are inclined to succumb to the temptations and temptations, knowing it in advance that it will not lead to anything good.

Involver, what dreams to take off and fall, the esoteric dream book proposes to pay attention to the mood of sleep during takeoffs and falls. If this is a fun attraction like the American slide, consider the dream definitely a good sign, light fright symbolizes successfully corrected difficulties.

Sometimes it should be paid attention not to the fall itself, but on its completion. Involver, what dreams fall from the sky, the modern dream book comes from where you landed. Place of landing will tell you what the most you lack in life today.

If I had to fall in a dream with a staircase, the dream can be interpreted as literally, that and in a figurative value. Make sure the stairs that you use are working, and the person who keeps the staircase for you is quite reliable.

If you have a chance to fall in the elevator in a dream, make sure that you are moving correctly, which leads to the target, and not in a dead end. The dream can reflect your dissatisfaction with himself, and even the beginning of degradation.

What dreams to fall from the balcony, the dream book is regarded as a warning about possible difficulties in affairs and advises not to be upset that everything goes not so smoothly as you would like. As a result, you still achieve your goal.

Falling from the roof in a dream it happens to those who wait for all sorts of surprises. Even if you do not like surprises, the upcoming events will ask you to taste.

Everything that dreams of falling out of the window indicates the need to postpone with responsible solutions. It is better to postpone important affairs to a more favorable period than to be patient.

Often to fall into the pit in a dream is a dream, dissatisfied with your personal life. Dream Interpretation notes that the fall is not a sign of humility with failures. With a large probability, it can be argued that everything will be done soon.

The interpretation of a doned fall into the water has its own characteristics. If it happens to fall into water, consider the dream of a call to action. Dream Interpretation believes that success is entirely depends on your activity and deliberate decisions.

Those who had to fall into the sea, the dream book calls to open his eyes and look at both. Your position is not so stable as it seems to you, the time to celebrate the victory has not yet come - this is why such an unexpected dream is.

If you have a chance to fall from the bridge, in reality you may disappear and even alert the cold from the side of the expensive people. Dream Interpretation proposes not to accept alienation to heart and the more not attempt to find out the relationship: the problem will soon be resolved after a while.