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There are blue and blue roses where they grow and how much. What do blue roses mean? What does the blue rose mean in dele

The value of roses color helps to understand which sending the presented flowers carry. Each shade is endowed with its special meaning. We will open the curtain of the color of the colors and try to figure out what it means.

Yellow roses symbolize bright, sunny, positive energy. They personify all the most positive emotions. In society there is an opinion that the flowers are given to the separation of such a shade, but it is mistaken.

What are the yellow roses say:

  1. They are given when they want to say: "I feel good and comfortable next to you. I feel joy from communication and happy next to you. "
  2. A bouquet with flowers can also be a symbol of friendship. If you got it as a gift, then relationships will be strong, partner, based on trust and mutual understanding.
  3. They are made to give and spouses who have long been married. In the language of florists, yellow flowers suggest that people are infinitely respect and appreciate each other, and relationships will be filled with love and happiness.
  4. In some cultures, yellow flowers are a symbol of freedom, active actions, purposefulness. Therefore, they can be made with the wish of success in affairs, business or career.
  5. This is the perfect option for reconciliation. Giving such a bouquet, you seem to say: "Let's take care of all the insults and begin a new life, no complaints and quarrels."

Forget about what flowers are a symbol of jealousy or treason, betrayal or parting. It is only a stereotype that has nothing to do with reality.


Pink flowers - a symbol of innocence, romanticity and tenderness. The bouquet of them is made to give at the beginning of the relationship to hint about their nascent feelings, admit to love.

They talk about sincere sympathy, admiration and worship before the parent. Indicate the readiness to care for, express a sense of love.

Also pink color speaks of excellent taste, aesthetics, aristocratism and good manners. This is a symbol of elegance, courtesy, courtesy. A man who gives you a bouquet of pink roses as if says: "I bow before your charm, you are my muse, my inspiration."

They can be given and as a sign of gratitude for the service or assistance in an important matter.


White flowers - a symbol of purity and innocence, chastity. This is the most common shade.

Its values:

  1. Symbolizes clean joy, without envy and false.
  2. Protects consent and love, loyalty and trust. A man who presents such a bouquet, wants to say: "I give myself in your hands, completely trusting you and counting on reciprocity."
  3. Speaks about admiration for beauty and character.

And if you combine in one floral composition and red, and white roses, it will tell about the serious intentions of the chosen one in relation to the beloved. Such a bouquet shows that relationships can become long and happy.


Orange roses are given with the best wishes. This is the perfect present in the birthday, on an anniversary or a holiday in honor of the anniversary of the business. Flowers symbolize enthusiasm, dedication, energetic and incredible number of ideas.

Orange flowers personify charm and pride, which are combined and get along in one person. Therefore, it can be a gift for both lover. But most often they are given as a symbol of completion of important projects, cases, successful deals.

With the help of these colors, sincere thanks for the help, they say: "I am warmly treating you." They are decorated with corporate banquets.

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Even in ancient times, breeders in the field of botany tried to bring a fundamentally new kind of roses with blue petals. These flowers since ancient years old have excited the minds of scientists, and even today they can not withdraw these unusual and amazing plants. However, the blue roses are still available for sale - they appear using special coloring methods. No less interesting answer to the question about what the blue roses mean, where they can look For the purpose of buying, and to whom in the end they can be given

What is the meaning of unusual colors?

Blue roses are quite often mentioned in various literary sources as a symbol in any way unattainable ideal - this is a reference to the fact that they do not exist in nature, and earlier a person had to spend a lot of strength to at least approach perfection. Of course, today there are genetically modified flowers having a lilac shade. This is not blue roses, but even such flowers are quite highly popular and are often used to create bouquets and compositions.

In many cultures, blue roses are associated with royal blood, which was taken to be considered blue - hence another value of unusual buds, symbolizing the royal magnificence, beauty and some divinity, which inherent in people in whose authorities.

Today, you can give blue roses to anyone and ever - they do not have a strictly defined value. A bouquet of blue roses gives its owner the opportunity to fulfill the most intimate desires for him - the representatives of some nations consider it. If you want a person's important for you to appreciate your gift, it is better to purchase blue roses and independently make an original and bright composition.

Who can give it?

What do the blue roses mean, a gift from which will be remembered for a long time? It all depends on who is planned to give flowers. First of all, this is a good present for the lover. The composition of these colors will certainly symbolize mystery and inviolability, and the gift itself is estimated as it should!

It is worth remembering that the blue roses appropriate to give not only the beloved. You can make an unusual gift for a loved one, as well as for the person, to which you experience respectful feelings. You can give blue roses for any reason - for my birthday, the day of all lovers and even for the New Year - it all depends on when you want to please a person who has great importance for you.

Flower bouquet enlightens life, gives joy, soothes a look, creates a wonderful mood, carries peace of mind. A gift in the form of a bouquet of flowers perfectly expresses a donor feeling, if the number of buds and their shade are correctly selected.

Roses are the most popular flowers, which can be given according to any occasion, they are suitable for the expression of romantic feelings, they are presented in solemn cases, give them to the anniversary, such colors can congratulate the young girl, a mature lady, a man and a child. It is only important to know what the color of the roses and the number of roses in the bouquet so that such a gift becomes priceless and delivered joy.

Slightly stories

The appearance of his roots in the distant past, he originated in the east, was extremely popular there. For the impregnable harem walls, beautiful women, languishing from boredom, invented a way to convey the necessary information with flower arrangements, endowing the color value and number of colors collected in a bouquet.

In Europe, the floral language came at the very beginning of the eighteenth century, the Swedish king of Karl the second was just fascinated by him, after he visited Persia with an official visit. Arriving back to Sweden, he introduced the language of flowers in the daily usefulness, published the first flower dictionary, in which the designation of different colors was described in detail, it was explained that it means their number, described in detail how to make a bouquet correctly to express the desired feeling.

Subsequently, such dictionaries were distributed in many countries, they received particularly popular among the frivolous court ladies of the French court among the frivolous courts of the French court, but also the primary Englishwomen enjoyed this art.

What color of roses what does it mean?

Rose has always been considered the queen of the flower world, it is usually believed that the meaning of rose flowers is a passionate love, but not everything is so unequivocal, it is exactly the color of the rose in the compilation of a bouquet, because each shade is attributed to his secret expression of feelings.

  • Red flower - symbol of real, flame love. The lush bouquet will tell about the crazy passion, hints the subject of adoration about the flame feelings. One rose of scarlet will tell about respect and admiration for who received her as a gift.
  • White rose on flower tongue has always been considered a symbol of purity and innocence. And also this color is attributed to the following values: loyalty, consent, perfection. A bouquet of white roses, donated by the young girl, talks about clean and perfect love. This is one of the best wedding gifts.

If there are red and white flowers in the bouquet, the value of roses of these colors is the following: harmonious feelings, robust friendship, the Union of people who understand each other with a half-sleep. White roses with red edging implies the same meaning of the message.

  • A pink shade, denoting a light hint of future relationship, is made to give on the first date, such a flower arrangement hints at the romantic feelings of the donor, will show that he is experiencing sympathy and admiration for the ladder that flowers presents. A large selection of shades of pink color allows not only to hint on the feeling that has arisen, but also express your appreciation. In this case, the colors of more saturated shades should be selected: bright pink or cherry.
  • Orange roses are made to give in the event that I want to express the best wishes. Such flowers give not only beloved to demonstrate their hot feelings, but also those who want to express admiration and pride. Orange roses are the most positive flowers, they can be handed and a woman and a man.
  • Tea rose - parting symbol. Such a bouquet seems to be: "I will always remember you," this shade means constant and symbolizes hope for the future meeting.
  • The yellow color of roses does not at all mean separation, the value of roses color is completely opposite to the emerging opinion. Yellow bouquet symbolizes friendly feelings, respect, joy and admiration. A composition of yellow roses is the most appropriate gift for the anniversary or a celebration, and bright yellow flowers donated with his beloved after a quarrel denotes reconciliation. Such a bouquet can be asked for forgiveness for the mistakes perfect, to propose in the color of the colors to start renovate.
  • Blue roses appeared not very long ago, their mysterious, unusual color implies mystery. The blue tint of petals as if urges to achieve the impossible. Such bouquets are customary to be presented to the extraordinary people of creative professions.
  • Roses peach color. Such colors symbolize modesty. A bouquet of this color can be shown its sense of joy from the meeting, to express their appreciation, demonstrate the warmth of the relationship.
  • Roses of burgundy shades mean in flower tongue, a true passion, a sense of admiration. Luxurious burgundy bouquet - a wonderful gift of a luxurious woman.
  • Green roses have the following meaning: abundance, fertility. The Chinese horoscope recommends handing so unusual compositions to succeed.
  • Black rose has always symbolized sadness. But the bouquet of black roses and their number in the composition can carry another value. Nine flowers of black color can be handed a man with charisma and the power of will to emphasize their respect and admiration.

Having learned what a rose of a certain color in the color of the colors means, and with the number of flowers in the composition, because with the help of a certain number of roses, you can also transfer some information.

The number of flowers in the bouquet, which means

The floral language sharpens attention not only on color, but also on the number of roses collected in a bouquet. It is symbolically assumed that even the number of colors collected into the composition has a negative load, so the bouquet usually constitutes their odd number of flowers.

  • One rose is made to give in the event that I want to emphasize the following: this person is the only and unique.
  • Three flower denote joy, friendship, sincere feelings. Numerology (science of numbers) attributes the number 3 such concepts. A bouquet of three roses can be given according to any reason.
  • Five roses collected in the flower composition mean
  • Seven flowers are appropriate to hand the teacher or a person who starts to study, because the number 7 in the science of numbers symbolizes the craving for an unknown, the desire to know some secrets, to gain knowledge.
  • The nine has the following meaning - the desire to ask forgiveness, reassure in the deed. A bouquet of 9 roses can be given to a person with whom I want to achieve reconciliation, and this may be not only a favorite person, but also a colleague or friend.
  • A bouquet of 13 roses is never presented in our country, due to the existing concept of the "Drawskogo dozen", such a gift may carry an offensive meaning.
  • 15 roses - an unusually beautiful and lush bouquet. The composition of 15 flowers is presented to express their deepest respect and devotion to the one who is a gift to. Special sense acquires such a bouquet donated to the celebration.
  • A composition consisting of 21 roses has a deepest mystical subtext. It means the ideal, perfection. In numerology, such a number is customary to lay out on derivatives, seven and three - two numbers, symbolizing the highest love. Such a bouquet, presented at the wedding, will show sincere intentions and fiery feelings.
  • 29 roses are presented only by the beloved woman. This number symbolizes eternal love. A bouquet made up of such a number of slightly suitable flowers, will make it possible to understand how strong the senses of the donor. Number 29 is a special number, you should not give such a bouquet, without experiencing real feelings, it can stick misfortune.
  • A bouquet of 33 roses has the following meaning: recognition in love, offer to go together in life. The number of thirty-three, meaning in numerology the age of the Savior, symbolic what the all-sucking and eternal love means.
  • The composition of 36 roses is given in the event that happiness and longevity are trying to wish.
  • 101 Flower collected into a chic composition, a gift for special occasions. Such a bouquet is presented on the engagement day, weddings. Such a luxurious gift will give to understand the feelings of the donor without words.

A person is characterized by symbolism - endowment of its items with a special, hidden meaning. This fate has befell and flowers - bouquets presented at special cases could tell a lot about the donor gifted and the relationship between them. One of the most controversial flowers - yellow roses whose value changed over time.

Yellow rose value

The roses occurred from the usual barrel, rose is considered the most prestigious and common gift. The sophisticated fragrance, simplicity and grace of lines, the variety of colors make this proud beauty with a welcome gift for many girls and women. Rose can not be loved, but it is impossible not to admire.

The generally accepted value of roses received as a gift is a love story. From the dawn of the times, the ardent young man who wishes to conquer the heart of young and fresh, like this flower himself, girls, gave inflorescence in the hope of reciprocity. They were presented with venance and influential people - it emphasized their status in society. Warriors, leaving the walls of the native city, carried a pink wreath on the head: it symbolized the hardness of the spirit and confidence in the victory. Not bypassing them and gloomy glory - in history several cases were recorded, when the states were impregnated with the poison of the petals and sent a fatal gift to an infallible person.

The value of color rose

According to the canonial rules for compiling a bouquet, the color of the petals, the degree of maturity of the buds and the other flowers of the composition has great importance.

A difficult bouquet was akin to a letter speaking in the language of secret passions and affection.

Knowing the rose color value can be understood that it means your fan or independently make a bouquet to a solemn point.

COLOR Value in colors
Cleanliness and impurity, admiration for the perfection and sincerity of feelings.
red roses Classic love symbol. Fury of feelings and whirlpool of passion, obvious and bright attachment to their half.
burgundy roses Magnetism, circling head. Charm, love and admiration.
pink roses Sophistication, tenderness, feeling of feelings. Sincere sympathy and innocence.
yellow roses Reconciliation after a quarrel, care, happiness from a joint traveled path, success, shine. Fastened, with light hand Catherine II, behind yellow roses The value of separation and treason does not correspond to reality - modern trends have long been not followed by this archaism.
orange buds The color of energy, activity and purposefulness. Emotions that swallowed completely. Pride for your satellite of life.
peach roses Modesty, sophistication and elegance. Appreciation and gratitude.
green roses Do not talk about love - they mean jealousy. Second meaning: generosity, success, wish of abundance and prosperity.
black roses Contradictors: a long-time symbol of mourning and sorrow with time has acquired a new interpretation. Such a brave choice indicates the strength of the Spirit and the wish of good luck in difficult endeavors.
blue Roses Mystery and mystery. Admissive by the object of passion, recognition of its uniqueness and freedom of choice.

Reason to give yellow rose

Yellow rose - a unique flower. It can be given almost for any occasion, because one of the meanings of this color is the wish of success, wealth and prosperity, recognition of merit and talent. It is suitable for both men and women.

Often, such bouquets give to popular people: movie stars, theater, performers and artists. Creative energy combines a flower spirit - such a gift means the wish of glory and multiplying popularity.

In business bouquets, yellow flowers talk about the recognition of merit. They can be granted the head and subordinate: this will indicate that you are proud and admire their talents.

In the family circle, donated yellow roses will help raise the mood. Their power and heat will help to distract from problems and remind you that there is always a sunny day behind cloudy days.

You can give flowers without reason. To do this, the main mood and desire to make a pleasant - in this case it does not matter what color your bouquet. If your gift goes from the heart, loved ones will understand everything you want to say without words.

The question of what the blue roses are given to, carefully so many. These amazing flowers are expanding the imagination, make it make up and fascinate with their unusual and unearthly beauty. To understand the answer, you must first figure out how these beauties appeared on the light, because the blue color is unpromising for this plant, and in nature there is no rosehip with petals like coloring.

History and Facts about Blue Rose

Since ancient times, breeders of the planet tried to bring roses of unusual colors. Especially they occupied the question of how to find a way that could radically change the color of the petals of this royal flower. However, until this afraid, it was possible to withdraw only a distant reminder of blue. There are only a few varieties of roses whose petals under certain cultivation conditions are slightly close to blue.

In fact, such a color is obtained by ordinary staining. Scientists invented a certain dye, which, with one or another degree of saturation of the solution, can give the desired coloring of this flower. As a rule, white roses are used for staining, it allows you to get the most close to the desired shade.

What does the blue rose mean?

Blue roses were often chased by poets and prose women in their works as a symbol of something unattainable and beautiful. They meant the desire for the ideal, achieving the goal, dream and delight. Purple gennomified roses are often used in the preparation of various compositions. They have an amazing shade and enormous popularity among lovers of exotic and unusual colors.

Recently, quite often the bride began to choose bouquets of blue roses in return. Especially this composition looks good for thematic weddings in blue color. Beautiful bouquets with white, yellow or cream flowers are perfectly combined. Competent florists will definitely select for the bouquet of the newlywedheld shades, corresponding to the colors of the holiday, its alongside, hair color and hairstyle.

In some cultures of the world, the blue rose is considered a symbol of royal blood. It was possible to assume that people with the royal origin in the blood of blue. That is why the magic flower connected with the strong world of this world.

On the eternal question about what the blue roses give a girl or a woman, an unequivocal answer does not exist. These flowers will be appropriate to any celebration or just like a present without reason. It is believed that the presence of a lady such a composition, a man wishes her to fulfill all the most intimate desires. If you want to make a real lady surprise, choose a bouquet of blue roses, he will definitely strike the imagination of a woman and will remember her for life.

Who gives blue roses?

The main purpose of these colors is to surprise and admire the recipient of the gift. They symbolize mystery, riddle, inviolability and inaccessibility. You can make this present:

  • beloved as recognition of its originality and elegance;
  • man to whom you are experiencing deep feelings of respect and appreciation;
  • a close man to emphasize the special meaning he has in your life.

Our women are not yet accustomed to such exotic and amazing colors. Red, pink, white, cream or even yellow roses are most popular. They are accepted to give on any occasion - to the day of birth, for a wedding, for an anniversary or another equally important event. However, blue roses are no exception. They will also suit the floral present for any celebration.

Mystical meaning of blue rose: Does he have?

If a man thinks about what the blue roses are given to, and as a result, chooses a floristic present of this color, then he has good reasons for it. So, he wants to please a dear person with something unusual and surprisingly attractive. Getting such a bouquet, remember that blue roses give special occasions and just to make a pleasant. No need to look for mystical meaning in this flower, he is one - to deliver joy and wish the performance of hope and aspirations.

If a girl gets such a bouquet from his lover, she must be sure that in his heart reigns an infinite love for her. Thus, he is recognized in his sincere feelings and admiration for a passion.

Give your favorite flowers! Let it be one small rose in a simple transparent packaging, but this is attention that a woman is nice not only in solemn days, and just so, without reason. Blue Rose is exactly the sign of love that is so needed in relations any pair. Giving such a bouquet, you can ask for forgiveness after a quarrel, make your woman look at your other eyes, to appreciate her beauty and confess the most sincere feelings.