Repairs Design Furniture

Kitchen design with balcony 12. Cozy kitchen-living room with sofa

The kitchen-living room is 12 meters, and more precisely, the need for its design is a real challenge for a designer, a kind of checking it on professionalism. After all, combine two full-fledged rooms in a small space with a different functional purpose, and it is also properly zoning the task of the archent. The designer at every stage of work faces serious difficulties.

At the design stage, it is necessary to take into account and most use every centimeter of space, given the features of the designer composition, which will be thought out simultaneously with the preparation of the project. In general, work will have to be big and about some of her nuances, we will talk under this article.

We plan the space of the combined room at 12 square meters. M.

At the stage of planning a kitchen-living room, the main task of the designer is the subtle optimization of space, so that on the one hand fill the room with useful elements of the interior, and on the other not overload it. Simultaneously with the planning of space, you need to choose the style of the interior, which we will enter into such a room, as well as determine the method of separating its functional zones, we will talk more about this later.

It should not be thought that by means of designer research, a fairly close space can turn into a full-featured room for receiving guests, and even with the kitchen, miracles do not happen. But you can do cozy roomwhich organically combines the living room and the kitchen as part of the room cramped with twelve square meters, it can be very convenient to sit down and talk over a cup of tea with two-three guests.

When planning the configuration of the functional zones of the kitchen-living room, designers advise to divide the space about in half, and the kitchen zone must be fully functional, and the living area can be limited to functional. In the kitchen area there is a reason to arrange a kitchen set, refrigerator and several other options for household appliances. You can in the corner right above one of the elements of the kitchen headset on the mount hang the TV, so that its screen is directed to the living room area. In the opposite of the headset, the designers are offered to put corner sofaAnd nearby lay a small transformable table with several chairs.

Turn into the plan, and at the same time in the estimate a good powerful extract, so that you and your guests do not have to inhale the aromas of the burnt casserole.

Select the interior style kitchen living room in 12 squares

The choice of style in such a small room, and even the unifying living room with a kitchen can only be entrusted with a professional, note that such cramped space does not forgive even the smallest errors. Professional designers specializing in the design of small rooms recommend the following interior styles that are most suitable for the living room combined with the kitchen.

  • Minimalism. This is not an adequate to a large number of elements of the interior style, which although it loves space, but in some cases tolerant can take a few cramped space. The minimalism style also fits well into rooms with the combined interior, the main thing is correctly arranged by the designer composition, so that the minimalistic living room-kitchen looks as organically as possible.
  • In the room where half of the space is occupied by the kitchen, the style of High-tech can fit perfectly, and various high-tech rods will make a small kitchen-living room more functional.
  • The kitchen-living room in Pop Art can also be easily located in 12 square meters. m, and a colorful color composition, characteristic of this style, will definitely make a cloth room more cheerful.
  • Joint retro style room. Some readings retro style also tolerant to very limited space, so if you are a fan of this interior direction, you can experiment in your small roomThe probability of success is very large.

Determine and separate the functional zones from each other.

Definition of functional zones and their separation from each other within small premises Also represents difficulty. Most of existing ways Zoning for such a kitchen-living room is not applicable, as they also require space. It is necessary to use only those methods that spend the minimum of space, and the benefits of them are maximum. We offer several such ways to your court.

  1. Stages and protrusions. This is the most profitable way of visual zoning for a similar kitchen-living room, since it does not take space at all. The essence of this method is to organize the projection on the ceiling, exactly on the border of the functional zones, and the stage is usually organized under it, by raising the floor in the kitchen zone. Step-transition is perfectly obtained on a two-level tension or suspended ceiling.
  2. Zoning with light. It is also economical in the sense of the organization of space. A method of separating the functional zones of a small kitchen-living room. Its essence in the specific location of the sources artificial light and managing them. For example, you can brightly illuminate the kitchen zone during cooking, while the living room zone is illuminated by muted light, and during the meeting the guests to do on the contrary. The main thing is to remember what to achieve separate lighting in such little space You can only with directional lamps, point or spots.
  3. Zoning with a folding bar counter. This method also requires minimal "spatial costs" because narrow wooden stand With a leg, located on the border of the kitchen zone and the living room zone can lean away with the wall. During the cooking or light nohemal snacks, you can use it as an extra work surface that in itself is very convenient.

Features of the color scheme of the combined room of 12 square meters. M.

Summing up, you should say a few words about the election of the color scheme for the combined room at 12 square meters. m, because for cramped space, any colors will not fit. Designers recommend the following shades, which on one side of the interior composition will not harm, and with another visually slightly expand the room:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • pastel shades of green, peach, blue, pink;
  • grey;
  • silver and many others.

In general, lean towards pastel colors, the paceful shade, the most likely it will fit into color scheme Kitchen-living room. If you do not like pale shades of colors, then try to choose a competent dilution color that along with the main one will make an interesting color scheme. Successful designer experiments.

The kitchen is 12 meters - not so small - for many families it is read quite spacious square. Here you will not have to break your head, how to accommodate a refrigerator, a table and a kitchen set. On such an area, especially if the kitchen is square or rectangular, you can accommodate everything. And even create an original interior.

The kitchen interior is being developed based on many source data. It is affected by the planning, owner tastes, financial capabilities. Here, 12 meters no longer need to save space. But there is a different problem - how not to play and not lose the pluses of the kitchen 12 km. m and not clogged with its furniture.

Kitchen layout at 12 meters most often happens:

  • Square;
  • Rectangular;
  • Rightly angular.

From the point of view of the designer, you can choose a lot of kitchen concepts. For example, quite a large area of \u200b\u200bkitchen 12 square meters. If there is only one residential room, it causes temptation to make a branch of the bedroom, placing a sofa or an extra bed. Either create a big dining area With bar counter. In rare cases, such a kitchen is combined with the living room, creating an apartment studio.

Kukhko area allows you to create a full-fledged working area and comfortable working conditions.

Location of furniture

In the kitchens at 12 meters the interior will largely depend on both the owners decide to arrange furniture and primarily headsets and household appliances. In any case, you need to start with the fact that to develop a project, where it is indicated how to place the furniture and work out the design of the kitchen of 12 square meters. m.

The interior feature is such that it is appropriate to place the furniture in three ways:

  • Mr.;
  • P-figuratively;
  • With island elements

A linear way to accommodate furniture in one line, here is just inappropriate - the interior will look crazy and boring, and the space -waste. Although you can make a kitchen and with linear placement of the working area. This interior option is appropriate if the kitchen is an elongated penalty. And then, despite the fact that it is large in area, the space in it seems to be crammed and the linear arrangement of the washing table with cabinets is the ideal option for solving the interior.

P-shaped arrangement of the headset is very and quite interesting in this case. In a 12-meter kitchen, it is possible to use all three walls without prejudice to the space. Around the window you can place the shelves, and the window sills combine with a tabletop into a single working area.

Mr. The headset is used for kitchens most often. And especially if the kitchen itself is an angular. Then any angular furniture is actively used in order to use space bend. The refrigerator also fits into the line. This layout allows you to preserve the feeling of space, helping to create practical design Kitchen 12 square.

Important: Corner kitchen can be overwhelmed with dead zones. One way to use them is to apply angular accessories that allows all the angles to make places to store things. Also, if between the door in the kitchen and the wall of the place is a bit, there is a better refrigerator here. The project of the corner kitchen must be developed particularly carefully.


Kitchen 12 meters in one-bedroom apartments It raises a desire to make it even more functional. If its layout allows you to use it as a bedroom. Or an extra bedroom for guests.

In this case, here you can safely position the sofa. If the role of the sofa lies in the organization bedroomYou can purchase an unfolding option. If you want to create just a recreation area or a bedroom for one, then you can put an unfavorable sofa.

Kitchens with sofa are more functional and comfortable. To save the sofa, you can put along the wall and the day to use it as seating next to the table. At night, he becomes the attribute of the bedroom in the kitchen.

Kitchen-living room

Kitchen design 12 sq. M. m You can beat, combining the kitchen with a living room together and creating an interior of the studio apartment. In this case, you can create a very interesting solution interior. You can visually separate the space of the living room from the kitchen with furniture or bar counter. Actually, even a sofa, a dining area can become a kind of demarcation line. Interestingly, the sofa in this case allows you to make the kitchen completely multifunctional - it will begin to combine the functions of the bedroom, living room and the venue for cooking.

The kitchen space can be lifted to the podium compared to the living room. Such an interior solution looks stylish and modern.

Kitchen-dining room

In the spacious kitchen, you can safely arrange a kitchen-dining room. Here the full-fledged dining area in a single style with a furniture garnitour is already quite fit. The kitchen table is better to choose round or oval, as the rectangular will eat the space, and it still is not so large in the 12th meter kitchen as in a 20-meter. In this case, furniture and techniques are located around the perimeter.

Important: The table and chairs can be made of transparent material. This will give the interior of the fresh sound and visually will expand the space, make it air and light.

Double row kitchen

If the kitchen layout is unsuccessful and each of its wall is too short in order to fit the headset to fully along the wall, you can choose an extraordinary solution and pay attention to the placement of furniture in two rows. But not an angle to each other, but opposite each other. Such an interior will be very unusual and rarely encountered, at least yet.

Here you can divide the technique and furniture. On the one hand, there may be a stove, washing and part of cabinets with working surfaceOn the other hand, the refrigerator is other cabinets, for example.

In order for a convenient two-row kitchen, the passage after installing furniture should stay at one and a half meters. Otherwise, it will be too closely. Minus double row kitchen In the fact that there is almost no place for the lunch zone. Therefore, it is worth posting by the window. A folding table or folding design will be appropriate here. However, there is another option - leave the kitchen and at all without a dining table, putting it in the living room.

Modern interior solutions

In spacious kitchens at 12 meters, materials are well watching, which in small kitchens are lost. For example, it is here in all its glory will play glass panels that can not be limited in the area. In addition, the light, reflecting in them, will even more expand the space, making the kitchen volumetric.

Similarly, here will be appropriate large drawings On furniture and walls. You can safely use the painting of the facades with large catchy motifs, a large geometrical pattern, which is a good confirmation in the figure on the walls.

Kitchen interior 12 sq m (video)


The kitchen is 12 meters in size can be performed completely differently. How to arrange it, depends on the personal taste of the householders. The main thing - on this area there is where to turn around.

Kitchen design 12 sq m (interior photo)

Kitchen-living room 12 square. m is able to become a real oasis of comfort, functionality and beauty, because it allows experimenting with the design, various styles interior. Turn the dream to reality will be helped by the ideas of arrangement of the room from experienced specialists.

Rectangular planning

Design kitchen-living room 12 square meters. M. elongated form Typically implies the separation of space on the working area and a place to relax. One part can be much more different if the emphasis on a certain territory is made. Mistressors who spend a lot of time at the slab, prefer to equip the working area with maximum comfort so that the cooking process does not take a lot of time and effort. Busy adults or young families without children allocate more space to receive guests. In such cases, a third of the rooms occupy sofas, chairs, a large wall for the living room with a TV, stereo system.

Develop a kitchen-living room project 12 square meters follows with personal wishes and opportunities, but an important role is played by the location of windows and doors. In a narrow room with one window at the end of the room, it is advisable to put an angular kitchen headset with a built-in household appliances. It is very functional thanks to additional sections, shelf shelves and products that are necessary for room at 12 square meters. m. He can take a niche immediately at the entrance, then the recreation area will first of all be in sight. Save and optimize workspace Kitchen-living room 12 square. M will help replacing a large plate on a two-door. If a cook surface Rotate vertically, there will be much more space for tabletop for cutting products.

Ergonomically use 12 square kitchen workspace. M will help the layout in the form of the letter P. Thanks to this location in the kitchen, the so-called triangle principle is saved, so important for the owners. The main objects are a refrigerator, a washing and a stove - are in the visibility zone and at a distance of an elongated hand. This allows you to cook quickly and conveniently, without spending time on unnecessary maneuvers. Very interesting I. convenient option For kitchen 12 square meters. M is a sink into two bowls complete with a board. First, it is placed in a niche 2 times more dishes. Secondly, if necessary, the sink turns into a cutting surface. It is especially convenient when washing and cutting in vegetables and fruits. The mixer can not be installed in the middle, and on the side - then it will not interfere with the work.

The living room in this case is given to a small space, but it is enough to place it to accommodate kitchen Area with table or sofa with furniture and TV. The reception area and kitchen are often separated by racks with books, vases or other elements of the decor.

Square layout

For proportional space at 12 square meters. M design come up even easier. There are several options here.

  • Linear layout of a kitchen-living room of 12 square meters. M implies the location of the kitchen headset along one wall. With a sufficient length in a row plates plates, refrigerator, washing, washer, plus there is still a place for a large working surface. Directly opposite puts a soft corner, sofa, sofa or armchair, and in the middle - big dinner table. In such a kitchen, the studio will fit even the most numerous family and a large number of invited guests. The only minus for the hostess is that it is necessary to constantly move from one end of the room to another. But if the headsets are shortened, the work zone will become more compact and convenient, and the place to rest will increase significantly.
  • M-shaped design is also appropriate in a square kitchen-living room of 12 square meters. m. Kitchen set It may be less or more depending on the accent on the or another part of the room. This layout is perfectly combined with an island or peninsula.
  • Layout in the form of a letter C is used for a kitchen-living room of 12 square meters. m infrequently, but it looks very cute and homely. Usually on the one hand, a bar stand is installed or the working surface continues to which the slab can be transferred.

The kitchen adjacent to the kitchen for 12 squares can also be used to store preservation. If you insulate the walls and equip wooden boxes, Vegetables will not deteriorate for a long time.


Kitchen-living room 12 square. m, definitely needs the separation of space. The zoning of the room is carried out in the following ways.

  1. Shirma, partitions and all sorts sliding structures They will help to distinguish the working area and the recreation area. This option is also convenient for the hostess, and for guests. Foreign smells do not penetrate the living room, and the cooking process remains "for the scene." Most often choose glass matte partitions, wooden, less often fabric.
  2. Very original for 12 square meters. M will be the solution to lift the floor in the living room to get the podium. This reception makes the room more stylish, expensive and fashionable, especially if you install a point backlight around the perimeter.
  3. Contrast colors and different styles in the kitchen-living rooms of 12 square meters. M, the photos of which are presented on the site, will help you clearly designate the kitchen and living room without the help of foreign objects. For example, classic design well combined with the style of modern, and french styles Provence and Rococo perfectly complement each other in the interior.
  4. Bar rack is the most popular item element. It will be especially relevant in a narrow kitchen-living room of 12 square meters. M, where the main emphasis is done on the guest zone. Rotating carousel shelves will help to increase its functionality. With the help of a bar counter, you can replace a bulky dining table, leaving a place for spacious soft sofas, coffee table and TV.
  5. The island looks good in square kitchen 12 square meters. m. It serves as a place to store dishes and products, and a working surface, and a full place for eating. Visually expand the space of 12 square meters. m will help the combination of the island with low part Color headset.

The above designers advice will help you create a comfortable kitchen-living room, which will be a favorite place for guests and households.

Photo Gallery: Fresh Designer Ideas

Here are already implemented interior options that will help to decide on the selection of furniture and the choice. finishing materials, Oblast fresh ideas Planning and ensure the desired result in your kitchen.

Kitchen design 12 square meters. m when choosing proper layout and competent alignment Furniture can match fashion trends And at the same time be incredibly cozy. The relatively large space allows you to equip a comfortable work area for cooking and a separate dining room. What should be known before the start of repair of the kitchen? What are the idea of \u200b\u200binterior design offer modern designers? All this you will learn from this article.

Features planning

Design project is the first thing to start. It is usually involved by specialists, but it is possible to correctly furnish the room with an area of \u200b\u200b12 square meters. Today on the Internet there are many different programs where online is it possible to consider your future cuisine, see its advantages and disadvantages. Those who do not have a computer at a sufficient level, try another option: schematically draw the project by a regular pencil. This will determine the desired layout and avoid mistakes during repairs. When choosing, take into account the location of windows, doors, as well as communication places: Water drain, gas pipe etc.

There are the following options for opening a kitchen of 12 square meters. m.

Single row

Such a design is well suitable for rectangular elongated kitchen (see the photo on the site). Its width should not exceed two meters. The kitchen set is located along one deaf wall, and the dining area is opposite or in the center. For hostesses, this option is not very convenient, since the principle of ergonomic space is not observed, that is, the washing, the stove and the refrigerator do not form the vertices of the angles of an elevated triangle. In the kitchen with a similar layout, many unnecessary movements are performed and you have to constantly move from one end of the room to another. But on the remaining large area, you can equip a full-fledged seating area with a sofa, dining table, chairs or a mild corner. Such a design will suit people who do not pay much time cooking. It may be families without children or one working person.


For a similar standard situation founding in each second apartment, the location of the kitchen headset is characterized along two perpendicular walls with angle grip. Unlike the linear layout of the kitchen of 12 square meters. The design of the corner kitchen assumes that the work area takes the main part of the space and is equipped with maximum comfort and convenience for the hostess. When developing a project, pay attention to the fact that the angle is not too deep, otherwise it will be difficult to reach things lying on the distant shelves, and there will be difficulties during the washing of walls. Corner cuisines are suitable for square shapes, since a similar interior allows you to optimally use each centimeter of the area and leave a lot of space for the dining room.


With such a layout of the headset is located along three walls, often capturing the window. The design is worth considering if the kitchen width exceeds 2.4 meters, otherwise the room will look closely and bulky. The washing looks very original at the window: you can admire the panoramic view and at the same time wash the dishes. Sometimes at this place simply install a wide tabletop instead of a small window sill. It turns out a cozy zone for fast snack or tea drinking. Note that the slab is strictly forbidden to put under the window.


The principle of furniture alignment is the same as in the previous version, only the headset usually ends with a bar counter. This layout is suitable for rooms with a width of 2,70-2.80 m. Unfortunately, such a kitchen design is 12 square meters. M with a refrigerator does not allow to equip a place to relax and receive guests. It will be appropriate if there is a separate dining room in the apartment, and also if the family consists of 2-3 people.

Double row

This layout is suitable for elongated narrow rooms. The headset is located along the long walls. To preserve the so-called triangle principle, the refrigerator should be put on one side, and the stove and sink - to another. The distance between the objects of furniture located near the opposite walls should not be less than 1.2-1.5 m, otherwise in the kitchen will be uncomfortable to cook food. For the dining area there is a place at the end of the room at the window. If you shorten one side of the headset, you can put a soft corner or sofa.


Such a modern and fashionable planning has a great advantage: it is a multifunctional, separate block, which can be a dining table, and a working surface, and a place for storing dishes. The main headset is located an angle or along the wall in one row. This allows ergonomically to spend the space and comfortably equip the working area for the hostess. By cons include lack of space for a full-fledged dining room.

Secrets of decoration

Reflecting modern design The interior of the kitchen 12 squares must respond to the tastes of all households and combine beauty and practicality. Experts advise during repairs to take into account the following points.

  1. Dark and dark tones prevailing in the design of the interior, negatively affect the psychological state of the person. Give preference to shades of pink, green, beige, sandy, peach. These colors increase the mood and visually make the room more spacious. When decorated, it is allowed to focus on bright details. For example, choose suspended shelves Fire-red color, and the bottom of the headset, the table and chairs are white.
  2. The finish of the apron may not be such a shade, like in the furniture, but harmony in the interior must persist, otherwise the design will lose the integrity. When choosing a material, give preference to a ceramoclite that is easy to clean.
  3. It is desirable that the kitchen is 12 square meters. m, the design of which can be seen on the site, had a full-fledged dining area, especially if there is no separate dining room. To save space, it is recommended to acquire transformers, which in folded form occupy a little space, or retractable designs. With a single-row layout, you can put big table, designed for 10 persons, or give preference to a cozy soft corner with additional storage compartments.
  4. Built-in household appliances - an excellent option for a kitchen for 12 square meters. meters. If one person lives in the apartment, it will be advisable to establish a cooking surface on 2 burners and an oven with the microwave function. Purchase only the necessary technique that use every day.
  5. Zoning is carried out with various finishes walls, floor and ceiling. For the dining area you can choose a laminate, and for kitchen - tile. Also harmoniously combine washable wallpaper with decorative plaster.
  6. Registration of 12 square kitchen interior. m is impossible without good lighting, especially if the windows come to the north or west. Sunlight It does not always happen enough, so you should take care of the installation additional sources Lighting: scab, chandelier, point illumination, etc. This will allow not only to make the room comfortable and lighter, but also save on electricity, placing instruments separately in the working and guest zones.

When choosing color Gamma. It is worth repelled from the features of the room and personal preferences, not forgetting about the intelligent use of bright colors

Increase area

Sometimes the space is 12 meters not enough to fully implement conceived projects. The presence of a balcony or adjoining room will significantly increase the area and equip a full-fledged dining room and work area. Before start repairing the kitchen of 12 square meters. m, you should get permission in special government agencies. It is necessary to know that the unauthorized redevelopment entails a large penalty and prescription to return everything into its original state.

Modern kitchen design with a balcony involves disassembling the window design and doorway. At the site of the former window sill, a bar rack is installed, which plays an important role in the zoning of space. It is simultaneously a scene for a snack and a working surface. Look very stylish french windowwhich removes only the sub-mounted stand. Thus, the balcony remains isolated, but much more light penetrates into the kitchen. There is an option to combine the room with an adjacent room. You can leave the arched opening between them or demolish the partition at all. Here on real additional squares there is an opportunity to experiment with various styles, design and design.

Stylistic solutions

Deciding with the layout, you can start choosing furniture and decor. It is important that all the components are harmoniously combined with each other. Designers advised to acquire furniture from one collection, but there is no financial opportunity to update the entire headset. Just sustain enough characteristics Selected design. Consider the main styles for 12 square kitchen. m, photos can be seen on the site.

  • Lovers of simplicity and conciseness will have to make the style of minimalism. In such a kitchen 12 square meters. m There is only the most needed: built-in household appliances, multifunctional furniture. The interior is allowed to maximize three basic colorsBut no frills and pathos in the decor. Special attention is paid good lighting and ergonomic use of space, so such a design is so bigger. The combinations of natural materials with plastic and metal are welcome.
  • For spacious kitchen design in classic style - perfect option. All furniture should be made of natural tree, Threaded on facades and moldings. Openwork napkins, massive tables, curved legs on chairs, tablecloth with lace - distinctive features This style. Such interior looks truly expensive and exquisitely.
  • Provence style is characterized by smooth and symmetrical lines, slightly faming furniture in the sun, light warm shades. Kitchen design 12 square meters. m with a sofa externally reminds rustic interiorBut with notes of French aristocracy. When choosing furniture should be paid primarily to products from natural materials, but cheaper analogs from MDF or chipboard are allowed.
  • For a 12-meter cuisine, a high-tech style is also suitable. His distinctive features: Monochrome or contrast combinations of colors, predominance in the interior of plastic, glass, mirror surfaces and ultra-modern household appliances. The style motto can be formulated as follows: "rationality and maximum simplicity." Sometimes this design seems cold and uncomfortable, but it is the most practical of all existing ones.

Development of interior design for kitchen 12 square meters. Meters - a fascinating occupation for the whole family. It helps not only reveal the creative potential, but also with their own hands to equip the corner of comfort and home heat for numerous guests and favorite households.

Photo Gallery: Best Designer Ideas

Choosing a 12 square kitchen design. meters, for example, 3x4, can be used by any style of interior, learn options for planning and different photos Successful projects.

The kitchen is an area of \u200b\u200b12 square meters is considered to be the average for urban apartments. It can be placed in it. required amount Furniture and household appliances, put the dining table, also the place for the passage will remain. Equip the kitchen of 12 square meters. m is easy because there is no need to look for some non-standard modules. The question is only in choosing the idea of \u200b\u200bdesign and layout, which this article and photo interiors will help.

Arrangement of furniture

Working out the design project for a kitchen of 12 meters in size. It is important not to overdo it with decorative elements and additional cabinets. Still, the size of the room is rather the average than big, so the risk of overloading the space and create a feeling of litterness. So that this does not happen, you need to determine the placement of furniture before the repair. It will not cause special difficulties, as there are practically no restrictions here.


Such an arrangement will help to adjust the space narrow kitchen-pool. Linear headsets are not too hotels, so it should be closed to the models of high mounted cabinets or organize additional shelves under the ceiling. With such a layout, it will be at the opposite wall, but the table is needed oval or rectangular.

But competently designed kitchen design 3x4 meters with a single-row arrangement of the working area allows the entire room to turn into a spacious dining room. The leading role will get a dining group, and furniture wall will go to the background, becoming a compact and useful addition. How it will look in the interior, you can understand the photo.


An excellent option for the kitchen with a wide passage in the living room or for the studio apartment, where the workplace is separated by three walls. The center remains enough free space for the dining group with a round or square table.

As an option, the P-shaped headset can be improved by radius corner modules. Then the cabinet line will acquire a smoothness and soft U-contour.


Suitable for square or relatives in the form of rooms, while freeing up maximum free space for a full-fledged dining area. Kitchen set can be dial from large number Modules - they all fit along the adjacent walls. In general, creating a practical design kitchen 3x4 is much easier due to the optimal ratio of the side of the rectangle. And the hostess due to the angular layout does not have to run out of the end to the end of the kitchen to get, clean and cut the products.

The released space will completely go down to the dining area with convenient passages to the table. Here you can even organize a cozy corner with a sofa instead of traditional chairs, as in the photo.


A full-size island on 12 squares to form, of course, will not work, but the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe planning will give the bar counter in the center. Such a project is not designed for family dinners, so this option remains the prerogative of bachelor's apartments. But if you really want to get, let the compact, but own island, will have to organize the dining area here. At the same time, it is possible if during the repair the partition between them you were demolished.

Kitchen design 12 sq. Meters does not allow experimenting with separate location Modules - this option looks good only on large areas.

There are some restrictions for a two-row furniture arrangement. It is necessary to trace the headset between the lines a passage of at least one and a half meters. The dining area will have to be taken out of the main premises (see photo). This is possible if during the repair to connect the kitchen with a warmed balcony or living room.

Secrets designers

Even with respect to spacious kitchen 12 meters sometimes has an unsuccessful form. It is possible to place furniture and equipment in it, but the sensation of the irrigidity of the space will still remain. To solve such problems, we need a thoughtful design of 12 kV cuisine and knowledge of some secrets.

Cuisine penal

Long and narrow, it does not leave big choice when planning. Furniture headset has to be built up with a continuous near one of one of the longitudinal walls, from which the room seems already. To neutralize the created effect, you need to visually bring the long wall, highlighting it with a darker and saturated finish. Side surfaces can also be "push out", praise with bright, tone merging with each other as in the photo.

It is important to unload the upper part of the walls - from the eye level and to the ceiling. To do this, you will have to get rid of mounted cabinets or choose glass facades. Will contribute to the interior floor tiles or laminate laminated diagonally.

Empty kitchen

Such a feeling occurs when the room itself has right shapeBut furniture in it is supposed to at least or space during the repair process was combined with a large living room. So that the kitchen does not seem empty, the walls need to give a matte peach or sandy shade. Although these colors are light, they "compress" the room, giving it a camera.

Close kitchen

And on 12 squares with an unsuccessful planning project, a sense of gulling walls can be created. In this case, numerous lamps will be helped different levels. In general, always consider the orientation of the kitchen window on the sides of the world. From the west and north daylight Pretty poorly, and the kitchen seems dark, even gloomy. To prevent this, use a bright palette, and also add a few "solar" spots to the interior.

If free space is quite enough, the design of the kitchen of 12 kV can be created on the basis of saturated and dark flowers. But here you need to strictly monitor the balance and balancing the palette with light tones. The white ceiling will make the interior in the black and lilac scheme easier, and the "aggression" of the red headset will remove the snow-white household appliances and countertops. An example you can see in the photo.

Restore the color balance between large elements of the interior (walls and furniture garnitour) will help the protective apron. It does not necessarily have to match the color with the other objects of the situation, so it is easy to align the overcast in the palette.

When planning, do not forget about zoning space. The kitchen is 12 meters well, you can give an unusual and modern viewIf you use it to split it onto the working area and dining room.

Choose interior style

The first thing to be done is to determine the mood that you would like to "settle" in your kitchen. Simply put, work out its main style. After that, it will be easier to choose furniture and finishing. You also need to relate your idea with financial opportunities - perhaps something will have to be corrected.

Take an example classic style with it wooden facades, heavy curtains and gilding. With a lack of funds, it can turn into a tasteless cartoon if the objects of the situation are made of cheap materials. It is possible to preserve the right feeling, replacing the demanding classics on a more frivolous interior in the Shebbi-Chic style or loyal bidermeyer (in the photo).

The same with modern technological interiors. If for this High-Tech you cannot buy a super-modern household appliances, refer to minimalism by hiding "inappropriate" aggregates for laconic facades. Minimum things - minimum costs.