Repairs Design Furniture

Comfortable and practical bathroom design in a private house. Interior bathroom Country house Modern bathrooms in country houses

A close bathroom is not the one where architects have been taken under the bathroom too few square meters, and the one where the interior space is incorrectly organized. Even the room with a minimum number of "squares" can be turned into a sample of advanced designer thought into a sample. The main thing is to get rid of unnecessary. Consider photos of different design options for the bathroom.

The first thing to do is to ensure that the interior of the small size of a small size has become much spacious - remove everything too much. We continue according to tradition:

  • keep things not where they actually place
  • keeping at hand not only what is needed, but all that "suddenly need"
  • use bath non-destination

It is because of our inorganizedness and by virtue of the habits established since childhood, decorative cosmetics, washing clothes, 5 shampoo bottles or shower gel (when one), washing powder and cleaning agents (their place - in a separate cabinet or pantry).

IMPORTANT! With competent zoning and design, the combined bathroom can look much more attractive than the bath in the imperial style.

Interior of a small bathroom

For small bathrooms (a in the post-Soviet space, in almost all houses of the planned building, bathrooms are small) Minimalistic design is perfect. Baroque, motley ornaments and many details will make a small bathroom even closer. Ryushi, ruffles, roses and complex curls are not our option. In a small space, clear lines of objects and decor will be more appropriate.

Note! Wall mirror - a good way to visually expand the room. However, remember that in high humidity conditions in the bathroom, the mirror will sweat. One of the main conditions of stylish bathroom design is sterile purity (walls, floors, glass and faience).

Another way to visually increase the space is to issue an interior in bright colors with separate bright accents. Do not get carried away clean white color. In an absolutely white room, it is difficult to stay for a long time. In addition, white tile requires daily care and washing. It is better to choose a light shade of any color, and supplement the box with elements of a contrast or the same shade, but more saturated.

Note! The design of the premises works the same rule as when choosing clothes. Horizontal strips on the walls make a room wider, and the vertical "lift" the ceilings.

Instead of mounted or floor cabinets in a small bathroom, it is better to use built-in furniture - or mount the shelves with a solid "web" without gaps, so that they are completely covered with the wall. It seems that this option will reduce the space. In fact, the feeling of crashes is caused not so much by the actual area, how much how many separate items can distinguish the person. The built-in wardrobe or solid rows of shelves are perceived as a whole, and the bathroom seems more thanks to the psychology of the perception of space. For the same reason, everything that can be hidden into the closet must be hidden in it.

The more the smallest things and accessories will remain in sight - the closer looks like a bathroom.

The mirror in the bathroom can be equipped with point backlight, but it is not necessary to refuse from the upper light. Uniform filling of space with light is another way to expand the bathroom.

The door opens an additional half the door. Change the loops and install the doors that open out - or put sliding. This option is more convenient, but more expensive in montage and arrangement.

Design combined bathroom

Even if the bathroom is separate, one of the options to expand space is to combine these premises.. So do not be sad if the bathroom combined in your apartment.

Popular layout options for combined bathroom:

  • plain - The bathroom is located in width, the rest of the furniture is built along a longer side.
  • without corners - A niche semicircular shape is formed around the bath. Some of the useful space is "eaten", but it is easily compensated by the placement of a large mirror in the bathroom.

Combined bathroom is an inconvenient decision if a whole family lives in the apartment, with parents and children, grandparents. In this case, you can use a decorative screen that looks more attractive than the adhesive curtains, and is completely hidden in the closet after the filming of swimming (as opposed to the curtains that create visual noise, even asleep "in the corner").

How to make an angular bathroom

The angular bath is a compromise solution between the abandonment of the bathroom and the usual oval rectangular shape. It saves a place in a small bathroom. And in the form of a room, close to the square, the angular bath would have to take place the standard "sister" in type layers.

With the placement of the corner bath, everything is easier than with rectangular. The angular bath is square or oval - must be in the corner where she and place.

The rest of the rules remain exactly the same as when the bathroom is cleaned with a standard oval bath. In addition, the angular bath does not necessarily have to be in the form of a square. Modern plumbing manufacturers offer any configurations:

  • oval (with rounded edge)
  • square (with straight and clear lines)
  • circular (not the best option for closer premises, but it exists)
  • curved shape (The edge of the complex form, while the straight angle is saved)

How to choose furniture

All furniture for this premises should be moisture-resistant. This rule does not depend on the style or on the size of the room. Who wants to change all the interior items a year after the purchase? A reasonable person does not want for sure. So, first of all, when choosing, they are not focused on the design, but on the quality of execution. Basic materials from which bathroom furniture are performed:

  • plastic
  • glass
  • natural or artificial stone

Natural tree - practical and beautiful material. But, unfortunately, not in our realities. European manufacturers using natural materials in their collections for bathrooms are focused on the standard planning of Europe, where the usual size of the bathroom is from 4 to 9 square meters. Typical bathroom in our conditions usually does not exceed 4 "squares". Furniture made of natural wood will not survive high humidity and tightness. Do not torment her nor themselves (prices and prospects of re-equipment of the premises in the coming years) - stop the choice on more practical materials. Or choose furniture of elite producers from exotic, but moisture-resistant wood varieties. You will fit:

  • wenge
  • zebrano
  • iroko

Cabinets or shelves?

In close room, the cabinets are not a place! The more detached interior items - the closer it seems the room. The ideal solution will be a built-in cabinet to the ceiling.

Additionally, it is possible to expand the bathroom at the expense of the mirror walls of the cabinet. But remember - they will have to regularly wash off the plaque. More than once a week, but daily.

A solid rack from open shelves without doors can be replaced by the cabinets, or with sliding doors.

Basket for linen

Store underwear in a washing machine to washing - no way out. But from the basket in the bathroom it is better to get rid of - move to the pantry or other room. The main task is to make the lingerie basket not stand out on a general background. If you remove it at all nowhere - hide this "object of the interior" from the eye to the embedded cabinet. Similarly, you can enroll with a washing machine if the loading mechanism is not upper, but the frontal one. By this, you will decide two problems at once: the things are eternally left for a typewriter will not attract a look, and the machine itself works organically as the lower cabinet element to the ceiling.


The mirror is also better to choose Wall and Flat (Without a concomitant locker), but the maximum size. An ideal for a small bathroom can be considered a mirror in full growth. If you do not scare the prospect of laundering of large mirror planes - you can refuse the mirror as an interior object and make a mirror wall.

Modern manufacturers of mirrors cover them with a special film that prevents fogging. Such mirrors are much more expensive than the "room", but also serve longer. Perhaps you can save the forces for cleaning and money on household chemicals, and immediately purchase a mirror, "adapted" to high humidity.


Minimalism rule says: the smaller the room, the less individual items in it should be. And those that necessary must be minimal size. A glass of toothbrushes, a bottle for liquid soap or soap, other small, but important items, should be combined in color with the walls and not attracting a look. The same applies to the bathrobe (if you store it in the bathroom) and towels. To arrange accents, it is better to place several thematic decorative elements in the bathroom - an exotic sink, a picture or a moisture-loving curved plant. This approach will add to our extremely functional bathroom a little bit of carelessness, without cluttering the space with extra details.

How to equip a stylish bathroom in Khrushchev?

Khrushchev - not a sentence. It is quite possible not only comfortable, but also stylish. And the bathroom is also.

The first thing to do with the bathroom in a typical Khrushchev is to get rid of the standard bath and replace it with modern. The angular bath will save a little space. So what that the previous "cast iron"? High-quality acrylic keeps the temperature is not worse. But we released a little space for the washing machine, which is not sick. Instead of hiding a washing machine in the built-in wardrobe, you can place it under the sink. The designer, who thought of this witty decision, deserves a monument from all grateful residents of apartments with a typical Soviet layout. You can completely abandon the sink in the bathroom.

Another popular and modern way to save space is to install instead of an outboard toilet bowl. Visually, the room becomes easier. The answer to the usual question: no, will not fall. Fastening for suspension plumbers withstand the load up to 200 kg.

How to choose a tile?

It would be worth starting. After all, the repair and decoration of the bathroom begins with the selection of colors, shades, style and selection of tiles for the floor and walls. The smaller the bathroom - the smaller the size you should choose a tile. The psychological effect works very simply - we see not the size of the tiles, but their number. Many tiles - space seems more. If you allow the means and patience, you can lay out the walls with a ceramic mosaic. But do not overdo it with contrasts. Too gentle mosaic on the walls of a small bathroom will create a kaleidoscope effect, and the room will look even closer.

It is not necessary to follow the popular advice and lay out the bottom of the room with dark tiles, and the top - light. Such a "design" divides the space that we diligently try to combine.

The glossy tile for small rooms is suitable better than matte. It is more difficult to care, but reflects the light and performs the same role as the mirror - visually expands the room.

How to make a modern design

Design styles hardly more than the interior designers themselves. In the case of a small bathroom from all directions working with the theme "under the old", you will have to refuse. But it is rather a forced plus, no matter how strange this wording seemed.

The wealth of finishing, gold and shine in the elements of the interior, coupling ornaments, the abundance of drapes and non-functional "decorations" - all this was invented in the era of stone locks with spacious halls. What in the Middle Ages there was no need, so it is in extra square meters. A modern man living in a standard layout house cannot afford to dilute the precious space.

The best solution for a typical bathroom will be a high-tech or minimalism styles. A classic works well, if you adapted it a little. Fortunately, all three styles do not come out of fashion, develop and remain relevant.

Less details, practicality, pure straight or smooth lines - current trends in modern design, which are not suitable for a small bathroom.

Bathroom Design with Shower Cabin

If you want not only to create a feeling of additional space in the bathroom, but also really get a little extra free space - maybe you don't need a bathtub?

If you can live without a bath - install the shower. If the minimum size of the "lying" bath is about 140 cm in length, then the cabin takes from 70 cm. A half-meter died in architects planning old houses - by the standards of modern bathrooms, this is an unconditional victory over space.

If a life without a bath is not at all joy - you can find a compromise option. For example, install a shower cabin, at the bottom of which is a seating bath. Of course, to fully lie and relax in hot water will not work anyway - but you can sit and relax in hot water.

The walls of the shower cabin in a small bathroom should be transparent, not matte glass. And always clean. Then it will not attract attention to himself, dissolving in the interior.

How to organize repairs

The main problem of repair in the bathroom in the House of Soviet buildings is not close, but communications. The pipe outputs are strictly fixed, and capital redevelopment requires considerable effort and costs - if it is generally possible. In second place in difficulty - alignment of the walls. It is placed only on completely even walls. If your plans are not worth a periodic sticking of the tiles of tiles, the repairs should begin with putty and plaster walls.

Before re-equipment of communications, it is worth paining the project of your new bathroom. There are several programs for performing such tasks - they are easy to find on the Internet. But you can perform a project and in the old manner, by hand, on a sheet of paper. The main thing is that you exactly imagine what you want - and what place the area has for the embodiment of designer fantasies. Do not forget to read the same way with our material about!

bathroom design!

Beauty is, above all, harmony, causing positive emotions, delivering aesthetic pleasure. Our ideas about it change together with the fashion and development of new technologies. But still basic concepts remain unchanged.

For example, what is beautiful bathroomroom? Why do you like the interior of one room, and the other seems uncomfortable and creates a feeling of psychological discomfort?

Aesthetic requirements for bathrooms

  • Ergonomics. Clustered furniture room, moving on which it is difficult and has to be wrapped to wash, redeemed, put yourself in order or wipe the necessary things, it is unlikely to seem beautiful to us. And, on the contrary, rationally organized space usually looks attractive, "friendly" to a person.
  • Weathered style. In order to combine heterogeneous objects of the situation into a single ensemble requires the skill of an experienced designer. Much easier to acquire furniture, plumbing and accessories of one stylistic direction, then beautiful bathroomwe are provided.

Council : Buy objects of the situation from one collection - the leading manufacturers always try to produce products with rules, and not separate instances. The risk of violating the style unity of the interior will be minimal.

  • Color combinations. Excessive distround or monochromicity equally negatively affect our perception. It is recommended to use no more than 3 to 4 shades for the design of the room. If the interior is designed in one color, several contrasting accents should be made to "revive" it. It can be apron in shower, textiles, mirror in an unusual frame, lamps and so on.

Usually, the bathrooms try to withstand in light gamma, which is due to the small size of this room. If bright colors are preferred, it is worth remembering their psychological influence on a person. So, purple shades can cause depression, and red - excessive aggressiveness. Black must be complemented by neutral tones, otherwise the room will look gloomy.

  • Details. Original, tastefully selected accessories make up a "highlight" beautiful bathroomrooms. But it is important to observe the measure to make the abundance of small parts did not cause a feeling of chaos or untidiness. The more spacious room, the more decor items can be used. But small bathrooms should not overload accessories.
  • Quality of materials. An attempt to save in this case will turn against us. Budget ways of finishing or second-rate furniture - a pledge of multiple alterations and a slope of the bathroom. Does the beauty of Lee here, when the poorly glazed tile fuses and covered with a fall, the cabinets from the chipboard are smelling from the water, and the paint bursts from the ceiling?
  • The game of textures. In spacious bathrooms, it is desirable to apply different types of finishes: tiles, water paints, wallpapers, natural wood. It will create pleasant visual contrasts and help diversify design.

In the photo - Beautiful Bathrooms, Decor options:

Style Bathroom Solutions


Suitable for bathrooms with a large area and good ventilation (preferably not only forced, but also natural). It has an exquisite color palette, a decorative arsenal, taken from the architecture of the XVIII - XIX century, the use of luxurious natural materials: valuable wood, marble, high quality faience.

Requires material costs that pay off a long service life of the entire situation.


Strict proportions defined by more architects of ancient Greece and Rome are characteristic of this species of classics.

Wall decoration: tile in combination with plaster or waterproof colorful compositions.

Plumbing: Cast-iron bathrooms on carved legs or with podium, built-in showers "solvent" in space, washbasins with a worktop.

Colors: Pastel in combination with white.

Very beautiful baths in ampir style further on photo:

Victorian (English) style

The interiors of this direction look not so luxurious, but more cozy and do not require large-scale investments.

Characteristic style feature - wall decoration with rich shades with flower pattern. Similar pattern should be decorated with curtains, closing windows and a bath. Plumbing in retro-style is complemented by antique accessories. Usually in English style prefer to separate the bathrooms in the house, and not in the city apartment.

Selection photo interior Victorian Direction:


If traditional directions in pure form do not like, you can choose their modern reading. This is neoclassic.

There is no strict adherence to canons, it is allowed to include in the interior of avant-garde style accessories, such as paintings or art objects. What looks like beautiful bathroom In Neoclassical Spirit?

Color gamut: calm, neutral, without bright accents.

Plumbing in design approaches modern. Bath - steel or cast iron, laconic shape, often in a duet with a shower cabin to increase the comfort of the bathroom.

Furniture of classic proportions, but with minimal decor: the facades are decorated only by fillets and retro-fittings.

Photo Neoclassical interiors:


Small bathrooms are usually made in modern style. This direction as no other contributes to a visual increase in space.

  • The furniture has laconic forms, without coupling decor, and its facades are often decorated with glossy materials reflecting the light.
  • The color gamma is predominantly bright, why the room seems more spacious than in fact.
  • Almost complete absence of accessories, crushing space.
  • The active use of mirror surfaces, including tension ceilings, "adding" the height room.

In confirmation of the said - little beautiful baths in modern style on photo below:


Industrial style relevant for bathrooms in the apartment With free layout. Studios owners try to make bathrooms by part of the residential space, combining them with the bedroom and noting the border only with a transparent sliding partition (and sometimes going around and without it). This technique is characteristic of both the loft.

Easily recognizable style feature - open brick or concrete wall in the interior (see photo):


The French Country is the best option to decorate the bathrooms in country houses. Gentle, pastel shades, an abundance of exquisite accessories, Fleur romance, enveloping every object of the situation ... In such an atmosphere, even the usual bathing turns into an elite SPA procedure.

Ensure that of the right of our words, looking at the following selection of photos of beautiful bathrooms in the house of Provence style:


Exotic traditions and cultures are reflected in the interiors of the ethnic direction.

Shower here decorates Petroy and bright Moroccan tiles, instead of ordinary scabs used lamps with a sparkle from North Africa, and the usual furniture replace durable and unpretentious products from rattan or bamboo.

An important place is assigned to accessories that should not be imitation, but exclusively authentic subjects of crafts or art brought from distant travels.

The most beautiful interiors of the bathrooms in Eityle photo:

Scandinavian style

Beautiful bathrooms may look different. To affect the luxury of finishes and elite plumbing, as in the interiors of a classic style or simply please the eyes of a relaxed color scheme with a predominance of white and its shades, convenient atmosphere, unpleasant, but such cute accessories ... In short, all the fact that in our understanding is associated with home comfort.

This design assumes a Scandinavian style, whose number of fans of which is growing from the year, despite the variability of the interior fashion.

"Green" Baths

Ecological style appeared not so long ago, as the answer to an increasing removal of a person from natural environmental conditions. Return at least a particle is lost with the help of active introduction to the interior of houseplants (winter gardens, "living" wallpapers and so on) and the use of natural materials.

Ecosil involves the use of natural color palette: various shades of earth, greenery, sand, tree.

This direction is equally suited for spacious and for little beautiful bathrooms.

Attention: Bathrooms that are decorated with alive plants must have natural lighting and good ventilation. You need to choose room flowers, well-carrying increased humidity and room shades.

And one more important feature of the ecosil is the use of energy-saving technologies.

Photo "Green" bathrooms. It looks impressive, isn't it?

Modern housing is impossible to imagine without a beautiful bathroom equipped with hot water and plumbing devices.

Turn the bathroom to the personal comfort zone

The bathroom is quite difficult to correctly pick up a suitable color gamut and interior style, as this room has some features that distinguish it from other rooms in the house. This is relatively small size, large humidity, sharp temperature differences and so on. Therefore, the bathroom should be approaching well and very carefully.

Bathroom interior design in country houses: design ideas

The choice of style is the most important stage of repair work in any room. For the bathroom, too, you need to choose the design style corresponding to the unified interior of all rooms. Consider the features of popular bathroom interiors in the house.


This is the most famous bathroom design in a private house. In this embodiment, the design of the walls, gender and the ceiling is performed by wood. If there are windows, they drape them with curtains in a cell. The external design of the room is advantageously highlighted by chess towels, velvet bathrobes and other "devices". Suitable in this style will be wood racks and fluffy carpet of black tone.

Give the bathroom deliberately rude view


It assumes the design of the bathroom in the house of the tile of restrained colors, the presence of stretch ceilings, exquisite furniture, diode and suspended lamps. Excessively complement the interior of bathrobes and pure towels of pastel or snow-white tones.

Rococo or ampir

This design in the bathroom of your own home is suitable for luxurious mansions whose owners may not save on comfort. Here, any details of the interior are distinguished by a luxurious gloss, high cost and catchy. Often used bronze or clay sculptures, gilding, elegant devices.

Ampire style is distinguished by whimsical bends of lines and a rich finish

Perfectly fit into this style of decoration Golden large mirror in a chic frame, luxurious chandelier, elegant floor lamp, bath on sculptural gold legs.

When combing an amber and snow-white tone, the room will acquire an elegant and luxurious charm.

Rococo fill the bathroom shades of gold, amber and ivory

High tech

This modern design direction is chosen by supporters of minimalism and use of advanced technologies. Here the metal tone is dominated, cool colors, snow-white spot highlighting. Also, this direction is characterized by a minimum number of furniture and simplicity of finishing materials.

Haytech combines straightforward shapes, panoramic windows and restrained color gamut

In the bathroom in the style of Haytech combines glass partitions and glossy tile

To equip a stylish bathroom design in the house, if you show fudge and a wonderful harmonious taste. A competent combination of all elements of the interior decoration in the design of the bathroom makes it possible to reach comfort and beauty in the most needed room where the day of any family member begins.

Harmoniously combine in the design of the bathroom elements of different styles

Bathroom finish in a private house: planning features

In the suburban housing there is a lot of square to create an exemplary bathroom. This is a great case to embody the designer projects and your own courageous ideas.

Bathroom design project in the house

The execution of various construction work is impossible without a detailed project. The main superiority of individual household is the fact that it is quite possible without the help of specialists to distribute the appropriate zone for the kitchen, rooms and toilet.

Good design is based on accurate drawing with the location of the main nodes.

One of the main premises in the building is the bathroom. When the design project of the bathroom in an individual house is being developed, the main factors of building and planning the rooms are taken into account.

In a private house, it is better to immediately schedule other than the main bathroom, in case of receiving guests.

When planning in the house of one or more bathrooms and their square, the following conditions should be taken into account:

  • the floors of the building;
  • the number of people living in the building;
  • the possibility of posting visitors for a few days.

In the bathroom at home with a large family, the second washing machine is unshiving

Take into account when developing a bathroom project, the following layout features

  1. A small family of 1-2 people is quite a common large bathroom, where there will be a necessary furniture, bathroom, washing mechanisms, drawers and lining dryer. In this case, the bathroom room is better placed near the residential room. For comfortable movement, it takes 2 entrances in it - in the room and corridor.
  2. In a two-or three-story building, it is best to provide for the location of the bathroom and toilet for guests on the 1st, and for the hosts for 2 or 3rd floor.
  3. In a private house, there is always the possibility of installing a sauna that gives great opportunities for the recovery of the entire body and relaxing in a comfortable setting. The sauna can be a small, calculated for 1-2 people, but necessarily decorated with a good tree, the evaporation of which bring tremendous health benefits.
  4. Separately, you need to say about modern hydrobocoxes, in which, through automatic change of temperature modes, you can get a huge relaxing effect.

In a large house you can plan a spacious bathroom

Bathroom arrangement in the house

During the equipment, the bathrooms takes into account not only their method and location, but also technical equipment, and in addition, the presence of all communications. To form a design project of a bathroom in a private house, you can invite a qualified designer or architect, which all aspects of the bathroom finish understand and prompt what special equipment should be bought.

The device is a good bathroom requires professional designer services.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe guest bathroom can be small sizes equipped with a shower, toilet and a clothesline. Everything that belongs to the host toilets depends on the individual wishes and capabilities of the owners. Often bathrooms for the family are equipped not only with a bathroom or shower, but also a sink, urinal, bidet, designs for storing objects and other things.

Make the guest bathroom modestly but tasteful

Bathroom lighting

An important value for the interior design of the bathroom is a system of lamps or lamps. Modern mirrors, which are decorated with walls and furnishing for bathrooms enhance colors, and give the effect of auxiliary lighting. Often bathrooms of individual houses have natural lighting, but when solving, mounted a beautiful backlight, it turns out a more profitable interior option. To create a modern design of the bathroom in a private house, you need to maximize the progressive lighting devices and the technologies of the smart home.

Lighting should emphasize the beauty of the bathroom interior

Special attention should be paid to the installation of an exhaust structure for conducting, which will not allow moisture to penetrate the house.

Bathroom decoration rules in a wooden house

The interior of the bathroom in a wooden house can be done in a kind of manner and luxurious style, using bright creative colors, introducing their own designer finds and lifehaki. However, it is possible to create a cozy room, only observing the basic principles of the design of the premises.

The texture of logs and boards made of natural wood successfully fit into the bathroom interior

In a wooden house, a bathroom in the style of chalet looks natural

Principles for which the interior of the bathroom is arranged in a country house from a tree.

  • The color palette should not be very saturated or black.
  • It is necessary to make waterproofing of coatings, allowing to keep all the surfaces from the fungus.
  • For the repair of the floor is allowed to use a tile, laminate or high-quality parquet board.

Speecually looks in the bathroom from a tree of natural stone

The bathroom is distinguished by significant dampness, which adversely affects log structures. For this reason, before starting construction or repair work, it is better to apply on all the wooden surfaces that protect the tree from the blotch.

It is also necessary to take into account that wood is scrupulous to sharp temperature drops, under the influence of which it is capable of changing the form. This problem is possible to solve with insulation inside the building.

Designing Create a luxurious bathroom design of a private house, some factors affecting the installation of detergent and plumbing equipment should be taken into account.

The bathroom in a private building is built or repaired with the following conditions:

  • the presence in the premises of the water supply;
  • equipment of the building by the sewage drain;
  • ventilation system in the bathroom;
  • the presence of lighting devices;
  • the presence of comfortable plumbing.

Inside the building, everything should be proportionally. For example, a bath in a wooden house from a bar is desirable to be separated by a cafeter, wood moisture-resistant breed or wrapping. Tile mosaics are installed on a specific base, which includes floating fasteners.

The decoration of the bathroom cafeter will be a practical and beautiful solution.

The beautiful interior of the bathroom in a private house may differ in originality and exclusivity, because it is possible to create full-fledged widescreen compositions from the tile, smoothly flow from walls to the floor and reflecting marine topics or beautiful natural landscapes.

Photorealistic image on a tile in combination with a harmonious color gamut

As it belongs to practicality, the tile has long ago showed itself as high-quality, highly reliable and long-term material. It is absolutely not afraid of water, very strong and easy in cleaning.

Tile protects the bathroom from dirt and dirt

Beautiful bathroom in a private house

The inner decoration of the bathroom should be externally attractive and internally convenient for the owners.

The bathroom must be decoration at home

As a rule, the area of \u200b\u200bhousing in a private house gives you the opportunity to install not only the usual plumbing kit and the clothesline, but the dryer, lounge wardrobe, chair and other details of the furniture.

In the large bathroom you can install all the necessary furniture

In the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom, lingering basket is usually hidden in the corner or closet. If the family has children, you need to provide portable steps, so kids will be able to get to the sink.

One of the key components of the internal exterior is a mirror located above the sink. Of course, it is not necessary to release a towel dryer, hooks and other small elements.

In the bathroom, small but important details born comfort

Studying the interiors of bathrooms in a country house, competently constituting the design project, applying their own lifhacks and progressive innovations in the design, you can independently create a luxurious bathroom in your home, which meets the high level of comfort and has good functionality.

Put simple and functional furniture in the bathroom.

If you adore vintage style to screw the bathroom with rare furniture

Having provided for all aspects, "lent" from professional designers a number of extraordinary ideas, a bath in a country house can be turned into a unique place, which will inhale a new fresh wave, creating the owners comfort and the possibility of relax in the silence of their own home.

Video with bathroom design ideas in the house

Bathroom in a private house is an opportunity to create something more than what is usually found in the apartment. It can be equipped completely at wish, providing enough space for creativity and the inclusion of elements that would simply not fit in a close apartment.

Modern bathroom design in the house begins to fold on the design stages. Even before the construction of the house, you can choose the size of the room, focusing on the desired parameters.


In order to make a bathroom in a private house, you need to spend a lot of pipes through which the water will rise and leave. The complexity in installing communications for owners of their own homes is that everything needs to be done from scratch.

If apartments are enough to connect to already available systems, then in the house you need to lay a new plumbing and organize a drain system.

However, there are also its advantages, for example, when organizing their own well, the owner ceases to depend on housing and communal services, in terms of water.

In order to make a bathroom in a private house that has several floors, you need to purchase a powerful pumping station. She feeding from electricity will quickly raise water into the desired area.

In order for hot water in the crane, you need to select the system of its heating. If you choose a simple heating system, only hot water will appear in the house.

But if you make efforts and spend more money, you can combine heating and hot water, along the way, making heated floor in the bathroom.

Water dissolution

Without a competent system for removing water, all work will be done in vain. Since the toilet and the bath must dispose of water somewhere, without draining they will not work.

For household owners, there are two types of systems, fecal pit and septic.

The first way is known to our ancestors. It implies digging deep deepening in the ground. For the strength of the wall are strengthened with a metal sleeve or rest bricks.

The septic system is a set of cleaning facilities that will be thrown into the soil only fluid purified from large inclusions.


Ventilation in the bathroom must work well. Otherwise, fungi and mold will constantly appear in it.

The easiest way to organize ventilation in your own house is to create a natural air circulation system.

To create it, it is necessary that the ceiling in the bathroom had two holes. Through the first one will flow fresh air, and through the second removal of moisture.

Also a good solution will be the installation of the window in the bathroom, if the conditions allow you to constantly open the window to create a healthy circulation.

However, this method is suitable only for relatively warm regions. If you leave an open window with a sufficiently large minus, you can not only get sick, but also output the water supply system.

Get rid of this danger and improve the influx of air by installing the hood in the bathroom. Such ventilation will allow you to organize a constant temperature in the room, remove excess moisture and smell and prevent the appearance of mold and fungi.


For a comfortable existence, everyone needs enough space. Therefore, you should not make a bathroom in a private house, with photos of which you can find further, too small. The minimum area is considered to be 4 square meters. m.

It is also not necessary to have a bathroom in another, relative to the bedroom, the side of the building. Much more comfortable when in the morning or at night you do not need to go far to wash or take a bath.

Select the location of the elements and nodes is already on the preparation of the project of the house. You need to choose the right place to exit draining communications.


In a private house, the bathroom is almost always located so that one of the walls combined with the street.

In order not to form an extra condensate and no additional difficulty appeared, it is desirable to organize an additional layer of insulation in this area.

When choosing a suitable water heating system, it is possible to organize a heated floor without much costs.

Do not forget about the protection of electrical chains and electrical appliances from moisture from entering them.


In order for the hike in the bathroom or simple cleaning of teeth delivered positive emotions, you need to organize a pleasant design.

Features of the medium in the room require that all surfaces easily and have no pores. The most common output is the use of tiles.

But in order to make the appearance more modern, you can buy plastic panels. Their large range includes not only different colors, but there are also models with original drawings.

Stock Foto Bathroom in private house

It should not be thought that the owners of private houses are deprived of all the benefits that the owners of the apartments are provided. On the contrary, in private homes there are more space and opportunities for the implementation of ideas. Only it is worth remembering the nuances when building a bathroom in a private house. These include the choice and installation of communication and ventilation systems. Let's find out what should be the design of the bathroom in a private house.

In this design, the finishes and color solutions are very competent.

In a white bathroom, you can put a black bathroom and add some tree to the interior

Ceramic tile with a pattern of colors looks very beautiful in the design of the bathroom

If you are going to make repairs, adding a bathroom to a private house, you need to take care of the layout. Choose the quantity and appearance of plumbing and furniture that you are going to install. Private houses are most often built for large families, so you need to decide on the number of bathrooms. If you have a two-storey house, it is advisable to install them in each other.

In the bathroom you can combine large ceramic tiles and mosaic

In front of the arrangement of the bathroom, explore the advice of interior design professionals:

    when installing the sink, take care so that the sides were 20 centimeters of free space for comfortable use;

    in front of a toilet bowl at least 60 centimeters of free space, on the sides - 40 cm;

    the shell is installed at an altitude of approximately 80 cm, the main factors remain the parameter of people living in the house;

    the sink requires a plot of free space of sizes in 70 centimeters;

    in front of the bathroom (shower cabin) is set to 70 centimeters.

These recommendations will help not only save the place and make the room comfortable, but also visually will increase the space even in small houses. If you do not observe the distance, even in a large private house, the bathroom will look small and inconvenient.

In the bathroom you can combine absolutely different colors

Especially beautiful will be combined with a white bathroom with elements of a tree

Wall decoration in the bathroom is made of ceramic chocolate ceramic tiles

Communication of the bathroom in a private house

One of the most important steps is to arrange the sewerage and water supply system. If you have no centralized water supply, you need to purchase a pumping station that is installed in a well-heated room. It must be positioned above the floor level, and to minimize the vibration to secure on a flat platform from concrete.

Sewerage is another question that cannot be passed. Recently, a storage skeptic has become popular, which is an environmentally friendly option, while its cost is low. The owner of the house can make the sewer pipes without the help of specialists.

Also an important element is a ventilation system that removes wet air from the room. If you do not install this system, a favorable zone is created for the formation of mold.

In the bathroom you can use a tree

Wall decoration in the bathroom made of ceramic tiles

Finishing work

Finishing is an important component of comfort in any room, especially in the bathroom, due to temperature drops and high humidity. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the stability of materials to household chemicals and the ease of washing materials. Do not choose cheap and low-quality options, because of the features of the bathroom, they will last for a short time, you will have to re-spend money. Private houses have a huge advantage over the apartments - the bathrooms are usually much spacious, which allows you to experiment with the design.

Very beautiful bathroom design using wood

Bathroom design is made in modern style using wood

Bathroom design is made in the style of Provence.

How to make walls?

For the design of the walls, the tile of ceramics is often used. A huge number of different shapes and sizes make it possible to make the owner to arrange the rooms, embody the most unusual ideas. The best solution for the design of the walls is the tile: small options can significantly expand the space large - used for spacious bathrooms.

The design of the wall brings an incredible pleasure: you can lay out the mosaic, creating an incredible picture, combine materials of different sizes and colors, creating a unique style. An excellent solution for spacious bathrooms will be wood trim. The tree looks incredibly beautiful and additionally covered with varnish, which allows you to ensure high moisture resistance.

Soft walls in the bathroom will make it very unusual

The design of the bathroom is made in one color scheme.

Finishing materials for the ceiling

Manufacturers took care that the owners of private houses have a large selection in the ceiling decoration. The options are an incredible set, the most common and universal is a stretch ceiling. Its advantages over other options: can withstand both low and high temperature, moisture consists and easy to wash. Buyers have an unlimited choice, on sale every year more and more types of stretch ceilings appear depending on the style of the bathroom and its size.

In such a bathroom you will get double enjoyment

Wall decoration in the bathroom made of ceramic tiles

To correctly pick up the color for the bathroom. You can use the color circle.


When choosing finishing materials for the floor in the bathroom, pay attention to the level of resistance to moisture. The best solution is a ceramic tile that is much thicker wall and has a smooth surface. You need to choose models that can withstand high loads, while with anti-slip properties. The marble floor looks beautiful, but it is necessary for him a spacious bathroom.

What style to arrange a room?

It is necessary to determine the style long before the construction stage. This will help you table design options.

Select style is necessary exclusively from your desires and preferences. Enchanting elements from different styles to create a unique design.

Bathroom Design in Modern Style Using Tree

Walls and floor in the bathroom are made of ceramic tiles, and a tree ceiling

Should I use the Wallpaper in the bathroom?

Most afraid to use the wallpaper in the bathroom, which is explained by the main disadvantage - the paper base quickly absorbs water vapors. Over time, the material begins to swear, which leads to the dumping of the wallpaper. Due to the drops of temperatures, the glue begins to lose its properties, so many are afraid to glue the wallpaper in the bathroom.

It is worth paying attention to the advantages that overlap flaws:

    wallpaper finishes will cost much less than the use of a tile;

    unlike the decoration by plastic panels, the wallpaper can be punished independently, not attracting specialists;

    the material is easy to update, in case it starts to move away, and the full design update will take at least time and strength.

The main difference between all the materials available on the market is a technology on which manufacturing takes place. For a living room or bedroom, it is better to use paper options, but they will not fit for the bathroom, because there is too much moisture there. Washing wallpapers are gaining popularity that can be easily laundered from pollution, and the protective coating increases their service life, protecting against high humidity separation.

Bathroom design is designed in one style

The decoration of the walls of the bathroom is made by ceramic tiles and decorative plaster

The design of the bathroom is made in a modern style with a tree elements and illuminated shower

Allocate the following types of wallpaper.

    Liquid only conventionally called wallpaper, because this is a mixture that needs to be dissolved with water and then apply to the wall after the primer. Advantages - Easy application, not required wall alignment, ease of damage to damage. Remember that before applying it is necessary to process the walls of the primer of white color, and there must be no less than two days to dry such wallpaper.

    Flizelin type is performed on the basis of which it looks like paper, it is made of natural mixtures. Such wallpapers are easy to glue, you can choose any color and they are environmentally friendly (it is especially important if there are children in the house). It is easy to find wallpaper monophonic and fliseline wallpapers.

    Glassy - a relatively new version on the Russian market. They are made from fiberglass. If you compare with other options, glass windows have high strength, environmentally friendly, wash the dirt using detergents. This explains their popularity in the use of bathroom design.

Wallpaper is really one of the cheapest finishes options, but not always the last option requires tremendous costs of the globe of the wallpaper: first the walls need to be aligned, acquire wallpapers, the prices for which recently grow and buy a lot of paint, because it is necessary to paint with a thick layer of paint.

In a white bathroom, you can make separate places to make black

Wall decoration in the bathroom made of ceramic tiles

Selection of bathroom interior decor

Decor - the choice of each, there are no rules here. Some love minimalism, others - Baroque style puff. Someone likes the classic decor anymore, and someone delight leads a non-standard combination of styles. It is easy to find hundreds of ideas and photos on the decor in the bathroom, they will all be unique and in their own way. But there are some decor items that clearly use in the design of the bathroom.

The interior can be made saturated, playing on the contrast. For example, use lamps and mirrors in a variety of wall-style. You will immediately notice how the room looks brightly. If there is enough space, it is worth purchasing a massive stone countertop, on which the bottles with spirits and shampoo will be originally. It is worth using flowers, because they bring freshness and make any room comfortable. Artificial bouquets can be purchased, but the best option is live plants. A large vase with fresh flowers can be put on the floor.

Uniquely bathroom in a private house create much more interesting. It requires additional temporary and cash, but the field for creativity is more compared to the apartment. Use all the tips and create a unique interior design of the bathroom in a private house.