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Eisenhower Matrix as a tool for prioritization in competent planning. Eisenhuer Matrix - Effective Time Management Method

Time Management (or Time Management) - useful skill, allowing not to get confused in an infinite stream of current affairs. One of the easiest and effective techniques Self-organization by means of priorities is the Eisenhuer matrix.

The well-known American military and politician is considered the technique of technology. In the middle of the last century, purposefulness, performance and discipline allowed the Colonel Duight David Eisenhower to take the presidency of the United States.

What is the essence of technology?

Defined with the priority of the existing cases, Eisenhuer was guided by two criteria - urgency and importance. To present the matrix clearly, it follows on a paper sheet to build a coordinate system. The X axis will denote the degree of importance of cases, the axis y is their urgency. As a result of the construction there should be four quadrant.

In the upper left corner, all urgent, but insignificant cases should be written. These include the tasks of the "force majeure" category. They, as a rule, arise suddenly, and their execution does not take much time. At the same time, the implementation of tasks from this quadrant does not bring a person to achieving global goals. Unimportant urgent cases include: repair washing machine, sending a letter, congratulating anyone happy birthday.

The quadrant formed in the upper right corner is intended for meaningful tasks requiring speedy execution. Such cases, if not to do them on time, can cause health problems. If such tasks relate to work, the promotion of their implementation depends on the speed of their implementation career stairs, financial welfare. Examples of urgent important cases: Preparation of the presentation, protection of thesis, going to a doctor with acute pain.

The lower right quadrant should be significant tasks that require unnecessary execution. Despite the fact that such cases are not in a hurry, it is necessary to work on their implementation systematically. If this is not done, after some time they move out of the indigenous category in urgent. Time Management Specialists advise all classes in this quadrant, improving the quality of human life, as well as contributing to self-development. These include: sports training, educational courses, regular medical examinations.

Lower left quadrant - the lot of "funny" cases. Performing tasks included in this corner does not bring any practical benefit, but it gives emotional satisfaction. If you succumb to the temptation, concentrating on the implementation of the segment of this segment, it soon turns out that the rest, more important things are missing. In time management, everything that distracts from the fulfillment of the main tasks is made chronophages. To "Time Eaters" include: Looking for a TV, freezing in social networks, chatter on the phone.

How to apply technology?

Eisenhower Priority Matrix is \u200b\u200bnot only planning tool, but also a kind of test. An analysis of the filling of each quadrant gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow rationally a person uses time. A large number of tasks in the upper left segment (urgent / unimportant) indicates the absence of the ability to separate the main thing from the secondary. In practice, this is poured into permanent employment without visible return. Time management consultants recommend such employees to pay less attention to the momentary problems, short-term goals and other non-essential trifles.

The Eisenhower Matrix with the prevailing number of entries in the upper right quadrant (urgent / important) indicates the inability of the employee to distribute the load or its inability to adhere to the plan prepared earlier. The latter, as a rule, occurs when a person inadequately appreciates its capabilities. For example, he will assign 2-3 hours to prepare a report, and in reality spends all the working day. As a result, all the remaining planned tasks is forced to transfer to tomorrow. And then unfinished cases accumulate, like a snowball, and finally, the moment comes when you need to do everything in the last minute.

Best of all with the task of optimizing time, a worker copes, whose in the matrix dominates the lower right angle (indecided / important). The ability to properly arrange priorities, plan and adequately count the strength allows him to work for the future, that is, not only to be busy, but also receive dividends from their works. Such people employers characterize both organized, responsible and punctual. High evaluation in the eyes of the bosses, of course, affects career promotion.

Most tasks turned out to be in the lower left corner? The agenda, completed mainly by non-prior / unimportant affairs, signals that it is time to deal with the "time eaters". In the time management of maliciously recognize any inefficient activities. Chronophage may be, for example, a hobby that takes too much time. If the passion (even very useful) ceases to be an occupation at leisure, prevents the main type of activity, it must be placed in the time frame and strictly monitor the observance of the assigned limit.

How to fix the situation?

If the eisenhuer matrix revealed problems planning and prioritization, other time management tools must be used. For example, it is recommended to practice the formulation of long-term goals, to share great tasks for small, mercilessly struggling with chronophages.

Optimize time costs will also help practical adviceconcerning the eisenhuer matrix:

  • The number of tasks in the segment "Urgently and Important" must be reduced to a minimum - one or two.
  • If there are many unresolved problems accumulated, part of the authority can be delegated to other employees.
  • Concentrate attention is necessary on the site "Important and not urgently": there must be the most tasks.
  • Oplanting the timing of tasks, it is necessary to adequately evaluate the time costs.
  • It is necessary to strive to ensure that the section "is not important and not urgently" was empty.

If the reason for inefficiency lies in chronophages, they should be found and neutralized. In this case, this tool is useful as a timekeeping of the day. Mandatory condition At work and in everyday life should be the fulfillment of one case at a time. It is impossible to postpone the great tasks for later: they must be done every day gradually. Another valuable ability to work long and fruitfully, - the ability to relax.

Weekends can be devoted to hobbies or self-development, for example, read one of these books:

  • Allen David. How to bring things to order. The art of productivity without stress.
  • Arkhangelsky Gleb. Time Drive: How to manage to live and work.
  • Genius Anatoly. Highly efficient time management in the Eisenhawer Matrix.
  • Wheel Lothar. Your time is in your hands.
  • Leeds Regina. Full order. REDULT plan to combat chaos at work, at home and in the head.
  • Fiore Neil. Light way stop postponing cases for later.

It's time to stay in more detail on one of his tools: Matrix Eisenhower.

Why is it so popular already dozens of years and does not lose relevance? Let's deal with what the essence of the technique and how to apply it in practice.

Duight Eisenhower remained in the memory of descendants as a wise strategist and productive practices. He managed to finish the war in Korea, stop the persecution of dissenting countries and to achieve a number of other significant results in the external and internal politics. And thanks to him, today we have the opportunity to use the technique that got the name of the Eisenhower Matrix as a tool for the prioritization tool.

To develop this peculiar table, the policy of such a high rank had to itself, since other theories did not fully satisfy it. And you manage to constantly solve a lot of grand tasks at all, not everyone, even such a "mother's" manager of the senior.

Today, the photo depicting this scheme is very popular on a variety of online resources. The matrix is \u200b\u200ba page divided into 4 quadrant, where the tasks of varying degrees of importance and urgency fit.

  1. The first or quadrant A includes those cases that require the adoption of urgent measures.
  2. In the sector in hid no less important, but not so urgent tasks.
  3. Under the letter with are not the most important measures for the significance of the event, but which require rapid response.
  4. In the last quadrant D you can postpone how in a long box, things are indefinite and not relating to particularly significant.

The most important, not tolerant

If in the zone and the matrix of the priorities of Eisenhuer does not mean anything, the author of the document can be congratulated. It means that he has time to fulfill the conceived on time, and no avral action is required.

But sometimes without such tasks can not do.

What appropriate to position in Quadrana?

  • Tasks that require operational execution, otherwise not to avoid serious problems;
  • Unresolved tasks, really threatening to throw up you back from the goal;
  • "Firemen" health problems.

An example from the last item: signs of a sharp deterioration in health that require a doctor call for a home or urgent visit to the clinic. For work, this may be the most important meeting with a business partner, which will solve the issue with investment. Or surrender of the state examination student, call to the house emergency serviceif the smell of gas is felt, etc.

Essential but not hurry

B is the main planning zone. Here "live" vital and production significant tasks that weigh a weighted approach and a fairly long period of solution. It is not necessary to hurry with their implementation, it is better to pay attention to the quality of the realization of the goals. Who succeeds, he becomes the most successful in his business.

Here you can program preparation. term paper, establishing relationships with a new business partner, following the recommendations of the doctor, choosing a design for apartment repair, etc.

What it is necessary to seriously fear, so it is a "resettlement" of events scheduled here in Quadrant A, that is, in the category of "burning".

Urgent but not priority

"Unscruphery" is accounted for not only in priority areas of activity. A bunch of small, tedious cases are accumulated, which were postponed until the last moment, and suddenly they fell aside, and it is necessary to chop up this "proud node".

Sometimes there are such problems with our other, for example, the chef instructed you the urgent work of colleagues. Just because it believes you can cope better. And you and your cases above the roof! So you are moving: whether to focus on your indispensability, whether to honestly say the boss that work for two, and even for one salary, you have no desire. Especially annoying that the colleague-irrelevant will receive the same salary, "sitting on the furnace." Not fair!

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Especially if you can't take a job on the house: there is also force majeure, suddenly stunned relatives or other guests. Or the same quietly asked to help with moving to new apartment. And the second half you will definitely be included in the "rapid response group".

And the next day or the day after tomorrow, after all of these cases, it will be necessary to eliminate the consequences of the underdemplance already in their tasks and plans, by enhancing them in the sector from the Eisenhower Template.

Inderation and nonsense

It is impossible to engage all the time just what you need must and what is successful. Yes, and physically it is unrealistic. It is necessary to relax, have fun, take welcome guests, go on travel, walk on performances, ride on a river tram, etc.

In our life program, these moments do not call neither the main nor even essential.

But without them, we are at least boring. And this also affects well-being and self-realization. And then, the one who does not know how to relax, and in the work it is unlikely to reach a lot: just "bravery" or "break".

Some of these tasks can be attributed to other sectors, especially if they significantly affect health and efficiency.

But accurately in the group D will get "time eaters" such as long and non-delayed telephone conversations, other empty pastime options. The same TV steals a mass of time, not to mention the "freezing" in social networks or computer games.

What will help effectively use the matrix

Sign up the matrix is \u200b\u200bhalf an end. After all, it is necessary to fulfill its "guidelines". And for this, remember priority affairs and it is from them to start your day. To write the algorithm to achieve these critical goals, analyze the mistakes made, mark errors and schedule their corrections.

Be persistent and consistent, smashing and distracting and getting distracted by the little things, do not let others "sit on your neck" and be sure to choose the most convenient and relatives to you options for relaxation, recreation, restoration of forces.

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How does it work in practice?

"Master of Time" - This is the name of the training of Evgeny Popov, which develops and specifies the provisions of a number of well-known classical methods of time management.

We sometimes we have a mass of valuable literature, agree with the authors of wise ideas. But how it all applies in practice, remains incomprehensible. That's where the course of Yevgeny Popov is developed.

He himself went through the way from the theory, studying the heritage of the past, to his own practical work. This course is turned by his movement along the success stairs. He himself learned a lot, and now generously shares these knowledge and skills with us. Take a look at His "School", and much, which seemed difficult, will acquire clear outlines.

For today I have everything about science to plan the time and "tower" his rapid running. Ask questions, I am pleased to answer everyone who sincerely seeks to self-improvement.

Invite here colleagues, friends, acquaintances, even if they acquire the ability to rationally use every time.

In this article, we will look at what is a time management, which is its main methods and describe in detail the example of the Eisenhower matrix. This matrix is \u200b\u200bthe most common way to distribute time in any spheres of human life.

Eisenhuer Matrix - Time Management Method

Time management - The ability of a person correctly distribute its time to perform specific tasks. Time Management Methods There is a huge amount. One of the most popular and common ways to implement the time management is the Eisenhower method.

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Carefully reading him, we decided to offer him and to your attention ...

Dwight David Eisenhower is a famous political and military leader, David was born on October 14, 1890 in Denisone (Texas, America). Everyone knows how the 34th President of America, who allocated its organizational and mental abilities. This allowed him to achieve great success in life, become an example for many public people. David believed that the presence and performance of valuable deeds defines a person as a person, contributes to the development in all spheres and endeavors.

"Since I stopped being president, I am much less likely to win in golf"

Dwight David Eisenhower

As president, David was immersed in a huge number of cases, plans, tasks. He wondered how it could be clearly and correctly distributed his precious time to all time. Oddink all his plans for a certain period, he created a table where he identified his work, respectively, with their significance and urgency. Later, his method gained special popularity and began to be called the Eisenhuer Matrix. It looks as follows.

A quadrant Important urgent cases

In quadrant Important indefinition

With quadrant Nevable urgent

D quadrant Nevable indefinition

The essence of the Eisenhower window consists of an alignment of priorities in activities. A person should share all his plans for significance and urgency, relate to a certain category. Now consider in detail the main sectors or quadrants of the matrix. Example of the Eisenhuer Matrix Consider a little further in our article.

Quadrant A.

This includes important urgent cases that cannot be postponed as it can lead to negative consequences. With the perfect scenario, the correct time distribution, this square should be empty. A person must have important tasks to do that they do not become urgent.

Quadrant B.

Here are important indefinition. With timely execution of plans for this sector, a person is gaining a huge number of valuable urgent affairs. The gradual execution of plans for the degree of importance helps to make things in order during, without psychological and physical exhaustion of the body.

Quadrant S.

Unimportant urgent cases that are not significant in this momentBut they need to do now. Perhaps their execution is valuable for someone, but for you they are usual without any value.

Quadrant D.

To this sector, Eisenhuer attributed unimportant incidental cases to be performed, but they are not super-walled or urgent. Their execution brings to a person undoubtedly satisfaction, but the failure to comply with them does not threaten negative consequences.

We will look at the sector data in more detail, describing the example of the Eisenhuer matrix.

Objectives of the method of Eisenhuer

The Eisenhawer method pursues several main goals.

  1. Development of human self-organization. Seeing everything scheduled for several days, the person is activated, connects all its resources to achieve the result, thereby self-organizing without any help.
  2. Qualitative distribution of tasks everyday life. By drawing up such a matrix, everyone will be able to see significant things in a specific period of time, will try to fulfill them so that there is no avral.
  3. Skills of successful planning. A table with clearly painted plans helps to highlight a certain amount of time for each task, calculate this time correctly.

After reaching an example of the Eisenhuer Matrix, we will be able to more deeply analyze the objectives of this planning technique.

Features of the allocation of significant tasks with examples

As we have already found out, the Eisenhower Matrix consists of four main components to which our affairs relate to the degree of importance and urgency at the moment. Now, with the help of examples, we can figure out what matters can be urgent, and how to determine it yourself. An example of an Eisenhuer matrix will help completely deal with significant and urgent tasks in everyday life.

Quadrant A (important urgent cases)

As we mentioned, this sector should ideally be empty, a person must have time to do valuable things to do not become urgent. For example, to the "Sector A" we can attribute an unplanned operation or an urgent meeting at work. Significant affairs must be carried out on time, because when they become urgent and valuable, sudden obstacles may arise for their implementation (sharp deterioration in health, various force majeure circumstances). Take the situation with the exam. This is important, but not urgent. If a person will postpone the preparation for the last day, turning it into an urgent task, it simply physically does not have time to do everything, his body will be exhausted physically and psychologically.

Quadrant in (important indefinite cases)

The cases of this sector may wait, but their failure will lead to negative consequences. Particularly valuable things are allocated to perform them during. This includes tasks regarding their own health, personal development. For example, if you go to a doctor for consultation, the need for an operation will not arise. Another example, if you learn English during you, you can get a new well-paid post in a short time.

Quadrant C (unimportant urgent cases)

This sector combines the tasks that need to be performed at a particular point in time, but they do not have much significance for you. To determine the importance of plans yourself, ask yourself the question: "What will happen if I do not do this task?" If, as a result, the case has a negative impact on you, it means it is really important. An example of the tasks of this sector may be an insignificant conversation with a colleague or other, participation in the social range. These things only distract you from important affairs. For example, if you are engaged in a valuable project at work, you may distract any other guidelines, a friend's call just to chat. You must certainly postpone these tasks, focusing on a more important thing that it does not become urgent.

Quadrant d (unimportant trousers)

These plans man can exercise in their free time when there is no appointed important affairs. They bring a feeling of satisfaction with the work done. For example, you decided to get out in your library, fold things in the closet. This also includes computer games, freezing on social networks. These things help you calm down, but you should not put them in the first place, thereby ignoring significant tasks.

Let us try to figure out how to determine important urgent tasks with the Eisenhuer matrix. Consider an example of an Eisenhower matrix.

Suppose you have the following tasks for the first time:

  • repair a stool so as not to hate;
  • contact a dentist with pain in the teeth;
  • preparation for tomorrow's work project;
  • call colleagues with a request to send a report;
  • unplanned meeting at the Chef;
  • spend time on social networks;

Now let's try to structure these tasks as they are important and urgency. Create your example of the Eisenhuer matrix.

Quadrant A (Important) :

  • preparation for the work project;
  • unplanned Meeting at the Chef.

Quadrant in (Important Indecent) :

  • appeal to a dentist with a dentist;
  • mastering skills of English language To improve the qualifications.

Quadrant C (unimportant urgent) :

  • call colleagues with a request to send a report.

Quadrant d (unimportant idle):

  • repair a stool so as not to hate;
  • spend time on social networks.

Thus, the meaningful value of its upcoming affairs, you can easily deal with the distribution of priorities at the moment. Do not be lazy to allocate time to work on yourself, over the rethinking of your plans and undertakings, it will help you do more than you think.

"One hour of work on itself will teach more than one day of explanation"

Jean Jacques Rousseau

It is worth noting that the time distribution technique described by us is designed for short-term goals to achieve in the near future. It helps to structure the affairs of everyday life is very useful in any spheres of labor and livelihoods. This technique can use as presidents, so schoolchildren, since it is understandable for everyone and easy to use.

Suppose you thoughtfully approached the wording of the target, overcame the internal resistance in the form of fear and procrastinatsi, found excellent motivation to achieve the result. You are active and full of energy! However, after some time you notice with surprise, which is honest and stubbornly worked out the planned 8 - 12 hours, you cannot accurately determine

  • what is already done from the scheduled;
  • what an intermediate result is obtained;
  • as far as you have become closer to achieving the goal, which is in front of them.

The picture turns out quite depressing: your day is full of worries, you are all the time busy, and the result does not get closer. Instead of satisfaction from the fact that you managed to go a few more steps towards the goal, you only feel fatigue and disappointment.

"The problem of goal setting"

In the time management, such a phenomenon is called "Issues of goaling." Faced with her, you begin to feel like a famous hero of an ancient Greek myth - Sisyphoma, who is doomed every day to rolling down the huge boulder, driving down at the moment when the goal is achieved. Such a magnificent boulder in your case is a heavy daily work, the volume of which does not decrease, whatever efforts you have attached.

Arrange priorities

Although the problem with which you encountered is really serious and large-scale, it is quite realistic to solve it. But where to start? First, before starting to act, you need to figure out what exactly you want to achieve at this stage and rank tasks depending on their priority.

Do not start working on the task before you define exactly, to what purpose and how much its execution promotes you.

Of course, there is a whole category of affairs, which can be chaotic, according to the principle "found-done." It is even useful in its own way: such activity creates a specific attitude and helps to join the main work without any problems. Such cases can be attributed, for example, domestic "teaching": wash the dishes, wipe the dust, sweep the floor, etc. The list of such daily routine tasks is small, besides, the plus of their implementation is that you practically instantly see the result of your efforts and After completion, it is not only a sense of satisfaction from the work done, but also quite tangible physical comfort.

However, if it comes to those tasks that need to be solved during work on a large-scale project, a list of cases can become practically "dimensionless". The chaotic strategy is not suitable here - after all, you are limited in time to fulfill the entire project. It means that the risk, solving a lot of secondary questions, just do not have time to do something really important to achieve the ultimate goal. Therefore, before grabbing everything at once, highlight a few minutes to think.

Range current tasks

Think of your actions - the idea is good, but I want to do it not only effectively, but also quickly. For this purpose, a well-known method is suitable, which is actively used in time management. It is known as an Eisenhower matrix. IN different sources Several are offered various methods use this method. It seems to us the easiest and rational one that will be discussed further. He perfectly pointed itself as a convenient tool for practical applicationSo I am pleased to share them with you.

The matrix is \u200b\u200bthe name of the 34 President of the United States Dwight Eisenhower, the former Army General. It is for him that the invention is attributed to this methodBut, most likely, the merit of Eisenhauer is that at one time he expressed his thought: "Not all urgent things are important, and not all important things are urgent." Quote has gained popularity and, of course, formed the basis of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe matrix.

With the help of an Eisenhuer matrix, you can quickly make a sort of even a rather long list of cases. To do this, write down the current tasks (best, using the GTD methodology), and then appreciate each of them in total on two criteria:

  • Is it important? (well no)
  • Is it urgently? (well no)

As a result, all your list items, depending on the degree of importance / urgency, can be placed in one of the 4 quadrants of the Eisenhower matrix, which looks like this:

It is worth noting that the matrix in various systems Time management has different names, as well as the interpretation of quadrants can vary somewhat from different authors. So, Stephen Kovi, the author of the book "7 Skills of High Efficient People" calls it URGENCY \\ Importance Matrix. Detailed recommendations By its use, he gives in his work. In other sources, this method is called a visual option "Rules 4D", which we will tell a little later.

How to work with quadrants

The Eisenhower Matrix has not only many names of names, but also a lot of interpretations of how to do with tasks placed in each of the quadrants. We offer more details on two interpretations, and the first of them seems more convenient for everyday use.

Method Do-plan-delegate-eliminate

Actually, the name of this method already carries information on how to do with the tasks that you put in each of the 4 quadrants. Let us dwell on this several more.

Quadrant 1: urgent and important

These are cases that require immediate actions, otherwise it will happen irreparable: a fire, a bug that can block the release, or something like that. The perfect option is when this quadrant remains empty. In extreme cases, it is possible to place tasks from quadrant number 2 if unforeseen circumstances suddenly demanded their urgent decision.

Quadrant 2: Important, but not urgent

This is a quadrant for the most productive tasks. They are not necessary to solve this second, so each one can wisely plan and implement qualitatively. Working on the realization of tasks from the second quadrant, you are as a result of the very productivity, the absence of which led you to despair.

To further optimize the work within this quadrant, you can rank the tasks placed in it, on the same principle of importance / urgency. So you can first pay attention to more urgent and important (not "burning"!) Tasks, and then calmly move to solving less urgent and important (but still meaningful to achieving the goal) issues.

Quadrant 3: not important, but urgent

Cases from this quadrant are the most distracting factors that violate the calm workflow course and interfere with the ultimate goal. This is a long telephone conversation, fruitless discussions that have no ultimate goal, the need to distract to help someone from colleagues, etc. Such cases are recommended whenever possible to pass one who can cope with them instead of you. main idea - Do not fulfill them yourself. You can delegate them or give up their execution.

Quadrant 4: Not important and not urgent

About the affairs that were in this quadrant can simply forget. As a rule, these are some of your shortening desires that have nothing to do with the goals. If such a quadrant turns out to be empty - this perfect option. But even if there are some tasks that you still would like to fulfill, postpone the decision of this issue on an indefinitely long term and return to them after the main goal will be achieved, but for now it's just worth spending and time.

Rule "4d"

Justice to say that the rule "4D" in various interpretations It does not necessarily describe the quadrants of the matrix, about which we are speaking. But one of them fully corresponds to their descriptions above, and it can be used when working with quadrants:

Do, Delegate, Defer, Or Dump (Do (Urgently), instructions (other), postpone (for a while), throw).
Do, Decide, Delegate, Delete (do (now), decide (in what sequence), instructions, delete).

The main advantage of the described method is that it allows you to quickly rank any number of tasks. In addition, the matrix

  • Helps visually submit the amount of scheduled affairs and the degree of their importance / urgency. Thus, you get the opportunity to effectively use your time.
  • With it, you can easily share the tasks of groups on the basis of only 2 simple criteria. If it were not for this condition, it would be much more difficult to distribute the tasks of quads.

Check the efficiency of the matrix in practice

It is possible to use the Eisenhower Matrix not only to determine, the solution to which tasks bring you to the outlined result, and which - it creates obstacles to the goal. You can use this method and to assess how effective you are in general. So, if all your tasks are placed in the second quadrant, we can say that you have achieved a maximum efficiency.

In addition, the separation of tasks for quadrants allows you to clearly determine where exactly the most of your time and energy goes, and will also tell me how to increase personal performance. For example, seriously think about the delegation of most tasks to other members of the team or stop, finally, spend time and effort on cases, which found a place in quadrant No. 4.

Optimize the use of the Eisenhuer matrix method using applications that already exist in different options: Mobile, Web and desktop versions. And in order not to make mistakes in setting goals and determine rational ways to achieve them, use the service SmartProgress.. With its help, more than 35,000 goals are already embodied by various people. Have you determined your goal?