Repairs Design Furniture

Kitchen design 5. Kitchen interior design in Khrushchev (real photos). Differences of the execution of double row

What is the reality or myth, the creation of a functional, ergonomic, comfortable and beautiful design of the kitchen of 5 square meters. m?! In fact, absolutely no need to be upset if you have a very small kitchenette in your accommodation. After all, even in four squares, designers always manage to create a real miracle!

Therefore, if everything is properly organized in it, it will become a real gift of fate and a rather big joy. It is important to approach the solution to the issue with full seriousness and responsibility.

After all, you need to get a room with dimensions of five squares so that everything you need in it. At the same time, a cozy and completely outstanding interior should be obtained.

So that you have not tormented yourself to torment for a long time, we bring to your attention a photo of the kitchen design of 5 square meters. m. You can make sure that it is all the absolute truth!

Functionally? No problem!

If you think that you are catastrophically lacking five square meters for kitchen space, think over any options as you can expand the space.

It may take to dramatically modify the space in it, changing the dimensions, as well as geometry. In other words, make redevelopment.

But, where to take at least some additional squares? It can be a nearby corridor, pantry, loggia, balcony. In the process of connecting the kitchen with a neighboring room, the space can be increased by at least 1/3 part, and then any designer idea can be issued.

You can simply remove the door that has long been installed between the kitchen with the corridor, or expand the doorway, organize the arch, the corridor in the same interior style, like the kitchen space, and then it will look much spacious.

And at the expense of the door, which previously stolen a few centimeters, the room really will become more! Here you can even think about the design of the kitchen of 5 square meters. m. With a refrigerator!

Install a good powerful hood, and absolutely do not worry that in the apartment there will be different "flavors" from food that you cook. Nevertheless, it is worth considering that any kind of redevelopment requires compulsory approval. This applies to the affect of walls, partitions, water and gas supply. Therefore, it is necessary to think about everything very carefully, given all the advantages and disadvantages.

There are such cases when the house has some features, due to which no redevelopment in it can not be close. In addition, indoor fusion is also not always advisable.

In many cases, it is easier to apply the reception of a visual increase in the space, in which the walls are moved or the ceiling rises. Also helps with light tones, or smooth transitions between colors.

In a small room, you should not use bright, sharp colors, because they will be very obsessive, they will quickly get rid. Choose a monochromatic coloring of materials for walls, or with applying a relief ornament, a careless pattern that repeats the main tone.

Adhering to such simple moments, you can organize an interesting, cozy design of a small kitchen of 5 square meters. m.

Rational design? Easily!

The smaller the space, the more difficult it is to develop its design. So with the interior design of the kitchen of 5 square meters. m. After all, no one else wanted to just take and sacrifice the civilizational benefits! At the same time, few people inspire even the lit space, and even more so. To create some culinary masterpiece.

How and where to put furniture, equipment, dishes and other utensils in limited squares, without turning the room in a banal warehouse?!

Here you can use several ways to place furniture, thanks to which you will create even a cozy and interesting design of the kitchen in a 5-square meter Khrushchev. m.!

You can use the method of angular, M-shaped planning; Make a kitchen where the washing or surface for cooking / cooking will be in the corner; P-shaped method here is also quite appropriate; and of course one and two row planning - it's all already at your personal discretion

Photo of 5 square kitchen design. m.

For any hostess, the kitchen is one of the main sites. Small-sized kitchens 5 sq. M. You can turn into a comfortable room if you use corner headsets with a refrigerator. The photo presents functional design projects that are suitable for such a layout.

Convenient layout for small kitchen

If the choice of furniture is considered to be the most appropriate option, the most appropriate option is considered to be the most appropriate option. So it is possible to save the kitchen space for further cooking. In the apartment there may be initially planned small space, while the angular placement will become an indispensable organizer. Often this furniture is planned along the walls, while the most optimally placed it is perpendicular.

According to the formation form, angular small kitchers are divided into several types:

  • Mr. prominent form. Placed along two perpendicular walls. At the same time, they differ in compactness and versatility, which allows you to place such a headset in small rooms and small places.
  • P-visible shape. Such small kitchens are placed along the three walls conjugate, for which they were so named. In its layout, they may imply countertops, designed not only for cooking food, a and meal. But such kitchens have a small minus, since because of their placement, they are quite cumbersome. This form may even eat a certain space, so there are several additional meters for this placement of kitchen furniture.
  • Circular. There are headsets, in the center of which there is a working area, while the countertops are located along the walls according to the previous two forms. In this case, one side is a canteen, and on the other - cutting table tops.

Corner kitchens - pluses in the interior

Corner small kitchens are distributed due to their compactness. When ordering a kitchen headset, it seems the ability to position the countertops in any layout. What makes them easier to operate at times, due to the possibility of location in the premises of non-standard form, while the functionality of the boxes and cabinets does not suffer.

Another feature of such a placement of kitchen countertops is their ergonomics. The planned location of all necessary worktops and departments, saves space, and an excellent appearance leads to the delight of even the most whimsical owners.

Especially suitable such an option will be with non-standard kitchen layout, eliminating the presence of unnecessary shelves and lockers.

Priorities at corner small kitchens are really a lot:

  • The angular kitchen is placed on a smaller space, unlike the linear layout of kitchen countertops.
  • All space is used for the work area, while cooking and food intake occurs in opposite sides.
  • The sink is installed in the corner, which allows you to hide it, and do not spoil a general design solution.
  • With all its compactness, such kitchens look pretenuate and effectively.
  • The close location of household appliances and countertops allows the process of cooking less tedious.

The essential plus of such an interior is the position of the refrigerator. It can be an integral part of the furniture headset and comfortably accommodate along the wall.

Design of small-sized corner kitchen with refrigerator

For registration of the interior design of the corner planning of kitchen furniture, it is better to combine colors and textures according to a stylistic solution. So dark colors of the furniture headset are not suitable for small cuisines.

The choice of beige and dairy tones will become optimal for small space, due to these colors an increase in kitchen space will occur. Modern style profitably emphasize red, blue and green tones. For classic options, natural wood will be the best text.

Choosing a stylistic solution for the kitchen, it must be remembered that the drawing located horizontally stretches, and vertically extends. Even the presence of small outlines can lead to such a visual effect.

When choosing one-photo kits, it is better to dilute the kitchen headset with bright attributes and non-standard designer solutions.

Lighting plays a major role when planning a kitchen place. In the premises for cooking, one lamp cannot be located, this light will be simply not enough for cutting into small pieces of dishes and for decorating food products.

The presence of work light will be another advantage of angular kitchen. The location of the kitchen headset in front of the window, allow cooking dishes during natural lighting.
In the kitchen, the shelves can be located both at the bottom and in the top. Thus, the savings of the space doubles.

The excellent solution will be the location of the bar rack, which does not take up a lot of space and at the same time will disappear the need to acquire a huge dining table. A small corner kitchen with a bar stand is the best option for small-sized premises.

The choice of the style of corner kitchens, a rather controversial question, and if there are no special desires, it is better to give their preference to classical options. Since such an interior is suitable for designer solutions of any apartment.

Do not forget that the furniture in the kitchen should be combined with the whole apartment type. In the photo, small-sized corner kitchens are 5 square meters with a fridge created in a single concept with a common design.

Regardless of the preferences of the hostess, small angular cuisine have proven themselves as a functional attribute. This is the only option not only compact in layout, but is a financially advantageous investment.

When creating a small angular kitchen, it is better to use the system of smart doors, while they can leave or extend. Such trick will help save time and kitchen space.

Very often, women spend the greatest part of their time in this room to please close people with delicious dishes. Comfortable stay in the kitchen is not only the hostess, but also all residents of the house are the key to family well-being.

To read required ~ 3 minutes

Kitchen magnitude "2 steps" (2 - to the window and 2 - to the stove) are still not uncommon. Someone she got from the "Khrushchev thaw", someone managed to carve out a small space in the studio apartment, where the kitchen was originally planned, someone, horrifying a tiny "trailer", stripped in a no less tiny balcony, urgently united these "Booths" and received quite a decent kitchen in 5-6 m.

But the question of different owners of the kitchens "2 steps" is one: "What kind of repair to invent, to make a crumb-kitchenette, in addition to the execution of its basic functions, also pleased the eye, answered the aspirations of their owners?" 5 square kitchen design. M must be thought out to the little things!

Basics of kitchen design for all times

Large kitchen or just 5 squares area, any design is on three whales:

  1. The functionality of the room.
  2. Competent layout of entrusted space.
  3. Easy use + aesthetics.

These are the foundations of any thoughtful design, but they acquire a special weight when it comes to a small kitchenette, the entire area of \u200b\u200bwhich fits in the "2 steps".


If with the functionality, everything is more or less clear: there must be a table, a refrigerator, a stove, a set of dishes and "right" floors with ceilings, then squeeze all useful devices and gadgets in a small space, and to do it so that all this is at hand, Competent space layout will help.


Proper layout provides such aspects as:

  1. Organization of storage area (cabinets, shelves and selection of space for square meters with refrigerator).
  2. Organization of cooking zone (work area).
  3. Organization of the dining area (recreation area).

The planning of these zones is smoothly intertwined and the availability of use, and, of course, the overall aesthetic species of the kitchen is only 5 meters away.


And also a good layout must necessarily take into account the material side of the project - the costs of design solutions should not be cosmic, since repair and updating of the kitchen space have to do more often than cosmetic repairs in the other parts of the house or apartment. Therefore, the design of the kitchen should be budget!

What's new for this year?

Quickly changing time leaves no space for a long accumulating, heavy luxury of an ampier, and the items of this style are hardly "revivered" a small kitchen, the dimensions of which require simplicity and dictate minimalist in the situation. And one of the main requirements is a visual expansion of space.

The fashion that began a few years ago on the expansion of the kitchen space at the expense of combining it with the living room continues. But there is some know-how. Now it makes no sense to endure the whole wall completely, it is better to leave the bottom, artistically turning it into the bar.



The theme of the Bar Racks is generally very relevant, they not only share-unite the space of the kitchen-hall, but also put instead of the dining table, separate the working area from the recreation area, turn the window sills in an additional work area or plant the family to dinner behind it, abandoning the dining table.

Dining tables have changed. Returning small folding tables on 2 people, who are transformed into large dining tables, where a 10-12 person can fit.



Thanks to modern technologies, there are tables with removable upper glass countertops. In a folding state, such tables serve as beautiful skinali in the dining area, and in the lowered the guest table.



Save a five meter space helps the design solution of the table oven. The appearance of such a miracle is a small table-island in the midst of kitchenettes, and in fact it is a full-fledged oven.



Kitchen headsets and custom furniture

A successful option for the location of the kitchen headset in a small kitchen - an angle or letter "P".



The only wishes for such a miracle of kitchen furniture are ease of care, so modern headsets are monolithic, representing a single smooth glossy surface without protrusions and with a minimum number of open shelves and boxes. Support such a form helps a modern extractoring - chrome-plated, with a minimum of details.

Open shelves are allowed on the sidewalls headset, they will make it more easy to perceive.


Color headset will also help expand the kitchen: it is better to stay on neutral pastel colors. This season is very fashionable to make the kitchen of two-color, where one color is powerful, bright, but not the main one, the other is the main, blurred, as if shying to its blizzard.



A similar principle of furniture design is often used in a Scandinavian style that is experiencing another peak of popularity in our time, but with the walls (choose their design) must be sustained in white color (wrote more), and the headset panels are pale cream or ivory panels .


Patchwork style patchwork in the kitchen interior of 5 square meters. Meters are simply inappropriate.
But the glossy tile, laid out by large squares, or laminate with a longitudinal pattern of wood will be just right!

The working area in a small 5-class must be comfortable and compact, but with a large wide surface.

It is more convenient to place a washing in the corner, along the right hand at the end of the table tops to adjust the cooking panel, and on the left - refrigerator. Practical, rationally, movements at least, all at hand, no mess in the kitchen - the space on both sides of the corner is used as a maximum.
For such an association there is an option to order a single countertop with comfortable kitchen cabinets - built-in furniture to order.

  • Save.

Modern design provides Lighting Multi-level: Spotlights all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen - times; One or two lamps right above the dining table (Bar Stand) - Two; The backlight of the working area is three.

The lamps above the table should be the same shape, so as not to create the illusion of an electromagazine that will not engage the space, and halogen lamps for the working surface can be completely dried into the lower part of kitchen cabinets. If there is a dining table, then put it close to the window, and to refuse the windowsill at all.
In the modern world, the cuisines of the curtains do not really complain. The optimal frame for the window - or curtain, blinds is also a great solution.

Technique and kitchenware Save.

Modern designs for kitchens of small sizes are very democratic, you can use any desired style - classic, Scandinavian, country and High-tech.

The only style that will not fit into the layout of the crumb-cuisine - Loft. This style came from open spaces of industrial premises, unpressed under residential. The main requirement of the Loft style is large spaces.

Despite the constricted circumstances, the use of glass, plastic, "wild" natural elements for the decor of walls and kitchen surfaces is only welcome! The most non-standard solutions for the design of the kitchen are also welcomed, the main requirements for the interior: convenience, the comfort of the owners and, if I want, some unusual is a special high-raisin-cherry.

You can get acquainted with the photonons 2018-2019 on our website. Secrets are simple, but if you have never come across the planning of premises, then entrust the development of modern design of a small kitchen is better than a specialist!


The owner of an apartment in Khrushchev did not even think about redevelopment of the kitchen room. After all, due to the lack of free space (standard 5.5-6m 2) there is a problem associated with the placement of furniture or with the selection of the design of this room. But, despite the shortage of squares, with the right approach, it is possible to successfully transform the room, introducing a need for comfort and comfort.

The planning of the kitchen room in Khrushchev does not always allow you to successfully place the furniture. Therefore, the redevelopment is considered to be a great way to increase the small room. Due to getting rid of the wall, the purpose of which comes down to the division of the residential part of the house from the kitchen, will be able to visually make the kitchen more.

Some owners for separating the kitchen zone are installed bar rack, and then use it as a dining table.

It is worth noting that the ideas for redeveloping the kitchen can be different.

Therefore, with the right approach, there are many possibilities for transforming this room.:

  • At the first stage of the work, you should not develop the design of the room. Experienced masters recommend drawing up a detailed description of the alleged changes in the room, with regard to zoning space.
  • Getting Started by the separation of zones, you should decide on the purpose of the future room. If this room becomes a place to receive guests, it is important to take care of the allocation of some space. But if this room will be used only in order to prepare food, you can do without the arrangement of the food zone.
  • Thanks to the correct redevelopment and successful design solutions in the arrangement of rooms, both premises will be not only cozy, but also functional.

Successful repair will allow to provide free movement in the kitchen even despite its small sizes. The distribution of the room into two parts does not violate the single picture of the style design, thereby observing the overall interior.

Design Little kitchen in khrushchevke (video)

Methods for converting a small kitchen in Khrushchev

After repairing the renovation of a kitchen with a size of 5.5 square meters. m, it is necessary to take care of choosing a method for converting this room.

There are several methods that allow you to increase the space.:

  1. Functional method. The size of the kitchen can be expanded with the help of the correct and rational alignment of the main furniture items. It is worth choosing furniture having a small size and trace a decrease in the distance between all the elements of the interior.
  2. Planning method. This method implies that redevelopment is carried out by eliminating the wall connecting the kitchen with residential premises. Thanks to the use of this method, it is possible to increase the area by 1.5 or 2 meters.
  3. Aesthetic method. This approach allows you to apply an unusual design. Experienced masters by various experiments choose the solution optimal to increase the space. The result of the use of aesthetic method will be an interesting design and a significant expansion of the kitchen space.

Even small kitchens can be converted and enlarged. To do this, you need to use absolutely all space room. You should not leave a niche or even an angle, perhaps they are able to add such necessary centimeters.

Kitchen design 5.5 square meters. m in Khrushchev

But what to do if the owners of the apartment cannot use the planning method, and the kitchen room needs to be expanded? If you follow the advice of designers, there will be a good solution to zoom in the room using the window opening. It is known that thanks to the sunny light easily creates a similar illusion.

For the proper design of the kitchen, you should take care of:

  • Choosing furniture. It is better to choose furniture made under the order. Giving preference to such interior items can be released some space, because the size of such furniture is less than standard by 20 cm. To avoid visual decrease in the room, it is recommended to choose bright shades in the interior, as well as use mirror surfaces. Some small and rectangular kitchens, in such rooms it is better to have all the furniture along the long wall. And for the dining table, it is necessary to highlight the window by the window.
  • Built-in technology. For premises in 5.5 square meters. Meters solve the problem will allow the use of special integrated equipment. In addition to increasing the space, the data of the interior attributes make the room attractive and comfortable.
  • Detercore. When selecting a color gamut for repair, it is recommended to choose light tones. It is worth remembering that dark shades, as well as heavy materials, are able to visually reduce the already small kitchen. Curtains should be light and transparent, they are needed to penetrate enough light into the room.

  • Lighting. It is important that the light is bright, but not irritated his eyes. For such purposes there is a wide selection of low-size lamps. Some owners prefer to install special halogen lamps in the ceiling or decorated floor backlighting.
  • Doors. The interior of the apartment is considered completely decorated in compliance with all the style features of the rooms. Sometimes instead of doors between the kitchen and residential premises, it is installed with an arched shape.

But in case of reluctance to remove the doors, sliding doors will be a good solution. They are relatively inexpensive and able to save space.

Several tips for increasing the kitchen space in Khrushchev

In a small kitchen, it is better to abandon the oven. Instead, it will have to do only to the cooking surface. An excellent solution will be a transformed cooking surface that, after covering the lid, is used as an additional desktop.

Those who can not do without the oven, it is better to purchase a brand cabinet, along the dimensions of similar with the microwave.

A seat under the sink is worth a dishwasher or washing machine (if it is distinguished relatively small size).

Instead of the usual vertical refrigerator, today many prefer horizontal models. They are placed under the working surface, thereby not freeing more space in the kitchen.

All kitchens in Khrushchev have a window with a window sill. Instead of vases, this surface is recommended to use more rationally. After all, it can be used as an additional work surface.

Kitchen planning design in Khrushchev 5 meters (video)

Kitchen in Khrushchev with dimensions of 5.5 square meters. m It is quite possible to increase and make more cozy and comfortable. Thanks to the redevelopment of the room, it will be possible to significantly expand the space of the room and it is advantageous to emphasize the overall interior. You should not leave a single centimeter of this room without attention. After all, correctly selecting the furniture and considering the advice of designers, it will be possible to transform the kitchen and make it spacious.

Kitchen planning in Khrushchev 5 meters (photo)

Residents of panel or brick two-five-storey houses of 1950 - 1980s Building often face the problem of lack of space elementary for cooking. Indeed, a kitchen in a 5-square Khrushchev. M does not please the dimensions, however, this room can be made stylish and functional, without resorting to the help of specialists. The secrets of designers for design and layout will help independently develop a kitchen project in Khrushchev and significantly improve the housing conditions.

Small-sized kitchen 5 square meters. m, the photo of which are presented on the site, with a headset with a refrigerator, the necessary home appliances and a dining table looks closely and uncomfortable. Not every family has a financial opportunity for redevelopment and overhaul, therefore it is worth considering the options for adjusting the finished interior. Sometimes some more changes in the kitchen design of 5 square meters. m in Khrushchev - and the kitchen looks 2 times more spacious.

Color solution

Visual perception largely depends on the color gamut of the room. If bright saturated or dark colors prevail in the interior, then the kitchen is 5 square meters. m seems much less than it really is. This problem is especially acute in apartments with windows to the north or west, where very little sunlight. Viewing room size 5 square meters. M will help tender pastel shades, peach, salad, sand, beige, white. It is desirable that the kitchen is monophonic, without bright prints and large drawings on the walls and on the floor. The bright room looks spacious, fresh and elegant. To give the interior of the style and originality, it is an emphasis on one free wall, sticking onto it is a photo wallpaper, or when the apron is cleaned, you can choose a crawled glass with a beautiful pattern.

Finishing the ceiling

The height of the kitchen in Khrushchev is from 2.5 m to 2.7 m. This allows you to consider such options for finishing the ceiling, such as plasterboard structures, stretch ceiling or simply coating the surface of white paint. It looks very original as the so-called soiled ceiling. Its essence is that the perimeter of the room is installed cornice in which the LED tape is mounted. Such a stylish know-how will make the kitchen cozy and spacious. Just note that the power supply unit for the LED ribbon is better to place in place with good ventilation so that it does not overheat.

The stretch ceiling can be matte or glossy, but preferably the second option, since any shiny surfaces increase the kitchen space. Pay special attention to the quality of the material: it must be wear-resistant, withstand humidity and temperature drops, and also easy to wash. Savings in this case is inappropriate, since it will only lead to excess waste for a new coating.

Registration of walls

When finishing the walls, you can use wallpaper for painting, decorative plaster, bamboo panels, wall panels from MDF or chipboard. It is desirable that they were monophonic or with vertical stripes, which visually increase the height of the kitchen in the 5 kV Khrushchev. m. It is also recommended to choose high-quality materials, easy to use, so that the walls on wet cleaning are easily laundered from fat and soot.

As for the finish of the apron, there are two options here: ceramic tiles or skinali (glass apron). The second option is much more original and more reliable, because it is comfortable and easy to care, it looks very stylish and modern thanks to bright images of flowers, fruits, or just landscapes. Manufacturers of ceramic tiles offer products for every taste and wallet, so such design will cost much cheaper.


If you plan to overhaul the kitchen, it is advisable to pre-remove the old coating and make a screed. It is necessary to align the floor, giving the desired slope. In addition, the finish coating will serve much longer. This process takes several days, but the result is worth it. Give preference to moisture-resistant laminate, ceramic tiles, linoleum. To visually expand the room, the coating should be kept diagonally. Avoid large drawings that make the kitchen of 5 square meters. m closer and bulky.


In the design of the kitchen in Khrushchev 5 square meters. Master the highlight playing lighting. One sunlight is not enough, so you should take care of the installation of additional lighting devices. These include:

  • halogen lamps;
  • chandeliers;
  • lED ribbons;
  • lamins with fluorescent light;
  • ordinary light bulbs.

Energy-saving lamps will save electricity: they have less consumption consumption, and they serve much longer. It is very important to make high-quality backlight of the working area, apron. This will optimize the cooking process. Over the dining table you can hang a sconce, and in the center of the kitchen - chandelier. Different types of lighting installed in opposite embodies is a great way to zoning space. Summary will increase the space of 5 square meters. M Point illumination headset and mounted in open or transparent lamp shelves.

The work area should be brighter, and a more dull diffused light is allowed in the dining room.

Features planning

Competently furnish the kitchen in Khrushchev - it's not easy, especially when it is necessary to accommodate the headsets with a fridge, a stove, a microwave, washing, dishwasher, toaster, coffee maker and a dining table with chairs. Molding the kitchen layout in Khrushchev 5 meters can be a few, however, modern specialists have found ways to solve this problem. First of all, it is worth considering possible accommodation options for furniture.

  1. Corner kitchen headsets are the most optimal option for small-sized premises in Khrushchev. They are located along two perpendicular walls with angle grip. Such a layout retains an important for the hosts the principle of ergonomic space, in which the washing, stove and refrigerator are visually combined into an anoscele triangle. This allows you to facilitate the cooking process because it is not necessary to make extra maneuvers.
  2. Linear layout involves the arrangement of the headset along one deaf wall. An essential plus is the low cost of furniture, because it is enough just to measure the length of the room. The disadvantages include the irrational use of a small kitchen area in Khrushchev. For example, if you put a refrigerator, then there will be practically no place for the working table. This option is more suitable for those who do not like to cook a lot or prefers to eat outside the house.
  3. P-shaped planning is the placement of the headset along the three walls. For Khrushchev, this method is possible only if one sidewall kitchen headset flows into a tabletop or bar counter. Usually this design is located near the window and replaces the dining table. Just pay attention to its height so that children and older people do not feel discomfort, climbing too high chairs. For the working area, a lot of space remains so that the hostess felt comfortable.

Functional furniture made under the order, taking into account the individual sizes of the kitchen of 5 square meters. m will help rationally use every free centimeter. Preferred headsets with built-in home appliances, a plurality of additional shelves, compartments, niches for storing kitchen utensils and products. As for the arrangement of the dining area, then in the corner near the window you can put a small cozy table with chairs or a mild corner.

Develop kitchen design in 5 kV Khrushchev. m is easy and independently. To do this, it is enough to arm a handle, a sheet of paper and schematically portray the desired interior. Confident PC users can take advantage of a special program, where in 3D mode there is an opportunity to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the future kitchen.

When choosing a planning, decide which technique and furniture you need, and from which one you can refuse. For example, a family of several people will have enough 2-korphic plates, and the microwave can be replaced with the oven with the microwave function. A very interesting option is a horizontal refrigerator. It takes a much less place and placed in a tumba or locker. As for washing, it can also be made more functional, acquiring a special plate. If desired, an additional surface covers the sink and turns into a place for cutting products.

Avoid massive furniture, which makes the space close and bulky, "eating" precious meters. It is very appropriate to be a folding table, which in folded form is an extra shelf. The same applies to folding chairs. It is appropriate on a small kitchen at 5 m. Transforming furniture. These multifunction blocks are not only suitable, but also mobile. If you wish, they easily move to another place.

Increase space.

5 m design does not always meet the requirements and wishes of all family members. Small size of the room do not allow all households and guests in the kitchen at the dinner table. And then the only possible way out improve housing conditions is redevelopment.

Consider the main overhauls in Khrushchev.

  • Dismantling the wall between the kitchen and the dining room. This method will allow to combine two autonomous premises in one studio, in a functionally dividing it into zones: living room, dining room and kitchen. If the wall is carrier, then its demolition is impossible. In this case, it will be enough to make arched opening, pre-strengthening the wall. When repairing, note that the load does not increase on the design of the lower floors.
  • Kitchen union with balcony. There are two ways: either to remove all the opening with the partition, or remove the window frame with the door. It's easier and more suitable to leave the partition and make a bar rack or a tabletop that will serve as a snack or tea party. With full combination of the kitchen and living room area of \u200b\u200b5 square meters. m significantly increases, becoming a single whole. Do not forget that the balcony in this case must be insulated and transfer the radiator there. This will require additional investments and approvals with the administration. A French window looks very impressive, which makes the room lighter and spacious and at the same time leaves the room isolated. On the balcony you can equip a winter garden, a working office, a lounge zone, a place to relax or simply take a large household appliance there.

Remember that any redevelopment should obtain permission to the technical inventory bureau. The process of paperwork is long and painstaking, but it is necessary to avoid the collapse of the house in the future. Any unauthorized construction work on combining and changing the initial interior of the apartment is threatened with a major cash fine and register all the designs and walls on source places.

Photo Gallery: Modern Designer Ideas

A small-sized Khrushchev is the realities of most families, but it also has its advantages: it is not necessary to spend much on the repair, and the design you can come up with yourself. Show a little imagination, creativity and creativity - and the kitchen will turn into a real oasis of comfort and home heat.