Repair Design Furniture

How to make corner shelves and assemble a module from them? Do-it-yourself corner shelf - manufacturing technology, ideas and recommendations on how to make a shelf Do-it-yourself corner shelf from chipboard

There are many ways to do corner shelf. All of them are quite simple and accessible to everyone. Certainly, complex product with many decorative carved elements and other decorations can only be done by a professional. However, the usual angle, which is in no way inferior to factory products, is very easy to create with your own hands.

At work, you can use the following materials:

  • Chipboard. Laminated sheets are used. The material is convenient because it does not require processing. Do-it-yourself shelves are easy to make at home.
  • plywood. Plywood shelves are probably the easiest option you can imagine. At proper processing furniture will be very beautiful.
  • Boards. A correctly made corner made of wood will please the eye for more than one generation. Due to the simplicity of the product, you can safely give preference to this material.
  • Drywall. It will make a built-in corner, that is, the product will be stationary structure. Advantages - no need for a large number of tools and ease of operation.

There are 2 main types of shelves: hanging and floor. The difference between them is clear. Both types are easy to make with your own hands.

The basic principles of creating furniture from wood materials

Below are drawings of products that are easy to do with your own hands:

No matter what material is chosen, plywood, chipboard or natural wood, the following tool is required in the work:

Also, the order of work is the same:

  1. Preparing details. The corner shelf has walls and shelves themselves. It is necessary to cut all parts from the material used. Then holes are made through the furniture conductor for the subsequent fastening of the parts together.
  2. Product assembly.
  3. Final work.

Features of working with chipboard

If you decide to make a shelf with your own hands from chipboard, then you need to purchase furniture edge. This special material, which is attached to the ends of the products. Thanks to him, the product will be protected from moisture, it will not swell or crack after a couple of years of use.

The parts are fastened together using self-tapping screws, metal corners or confirmations. The choice is up to the employee. It is important to make all measurements correctly - if, when working with wood, the wrong hole can be repaired, until the chipboard “does not forgive” the mistake.

wooden shelf

When creating a wooden shelf with your own hands, you need to consider several details:

  • Correct selection wood - regardless of the type of wood, the forest must be carpentry, that is, have a moisture content of no more than 15%.
  • The tree must be processed. After the parts are prepared (cut to size, provided with all necessary holes etc.), they are processed with sandpaper or angle grinder, opened with varnish. Before that, you can apply a stain to give the product shades of valuable species. The varnish is applied in several layers. The first one is ground. For it, either a highly diluted used substance or a special primer can be used.
  • You can fasten parts in several ways: with the help of dowels, by making special grooves, or with self-tapping screws. Often hanging shelves have such a design in which it is possible to connect opposite walls using the shelves themselves, without sacrificing the reliability of the product.

The drawings presented in the section on chipboard shelves apply to natural wood as well. Here are a few ideas on which wooden shelves you can make with your own hands:

Plywood is a lightweight and durable material.

Many people prefer to make shelves from plywood, as the most affordable and easy-to-use material. For example, the product shown below can be cut in 15 minutes if there is a jigsaw. It remains only to cover the plywood shelves with paint and wait until it dries.

It is very convenient to create hinged products from plywood - it is light and does not require serious fixation. And if you have skills and patience, you can even make a real work of art from this material.

Similar compositions are cut with a knife. The work is very painstaking, requires a lot of attention. Such a plywood shelf is suitable for those who need not only functional, but also original item interior. Pattern stencils can be found online. Here are a few items that might come in handy:

Drywall shelf

From drywall, you can make a stationary, immovable shelf with your own hands. The principle of its creation is simple: a frame is made of metal or wooden slats, on which prepared gypsum parts are attached.

The work will need:

  • Stationery knife - drywall will be cut with it.
  • Hardware gypsum-wood or gypsum-metal, depending on what material is chosen for the frame.
  • Putty, spatula, dilution container.
  • Metal corners, the side of which is equal to the thickness of the drywall used.
  • Frame materials - wooden slats or metal corners.
  • Level, tape measure, pencil.

How to make a corner shelf according to the instructions with your own hands:

  1. On the wall, the places for installing the rails are marked. All markings must be done as evenly and accurately as possible. Each needs to be controlled by level.
  2. The frame is attached.
  3. Prepared drywall parts are installed.
  4. Attached to the ends metal corner and sealed with putty.
  5. finished corner colored to taste.

Corner shelves save space, so this design decision is a godsend for small areas. A similar piece of furniture can be made independently, because this does not require special knowledge, expensive equipment and a large number time.

Corner shelf drawing.

The choice of material and tools for the shelf

Do-it-yourself corner shelf can be made from various materials. Consumers very often make a choice in favor of chipboard, MDF or plywood. Another option may be window profiles, as well as glass.

The choice of tools depends on the material from which you need to create a shelf with your own hands.

Yes, for wooden models worth having:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • a saw with fine teeth;
  • drill;
  • glue;
  • a rail for creating compasses and compasses with a large radius;
  • wooden lath for the base of the structure.

Diagram of a wooden corner wall shelf.

If the corner shelf will be made from a window sill profile, then you should purchase the following tools:

  • drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • level;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rail to reinforce the rigidity of the edge;
  • glue "Moment";
  • cable channels.

The least number of tools is required when you need to make a glass corner shelf:

  • holder set for glass shelves(there are already self-tapping screws and dowels);
  • level;
  • drill.

When all the materials and tools for the work are collected, you can begin to create shelves.

How to make a corner shelf

Creating a shelf and its installation is a fairly quick process. Therefore, in a few hours (or less), you can easily transform the room, which can not be compared with the time spent when you need to create a closet. You can make the shelves correctly with the help of step-by-step instructions.

glass shelf

Diagram of a corner glass shelf.

To make such a shelf, you need to follow these steps:

  1. A shelf template is created from cardboard.
  2. Cutting and processing glass can be done both at home and in a special workshop. But it is the pros who will do all the work at a high level, and the consumer will have the opportunity to choose the most suitable material.
  3. Holders are being purchased.
  4. Next, you need to put the shelf on one of the holders, attach it to the wall and use a pencil to outline the upper limit of its attachment.
  5. The first holder is attached, for this, the self-tapping screws and dowels included in the kit are used.
  6. The glass is inserted into the first holder, fixed and put on the second. Use a level to level the shelf. Mark the drilling locations with a pencil.
  7. The second holder is mounted.

Here is a simple way to make glass shelves at home.

Shelf from window sill profile

The shelf can be given any shape, but you should always remember about right angle base that will be attached to the wall.

Corner shelf from window sill profile.

In order to build a shelf, follow the instructions:

  1. The material is marked.
  2. Using a hacksaw, a shelf is cut.
  3. Further, with the help of a special rail, which coincides with the profile in thickness and length, the frame is reinforced. To do this, put this material on the glue "Moment" and fix it to the edge of the profile.
  4. Holes are drilled in the already glued rail.
  5. Self-tapping screws are driven into the wall under the holes already drilled in the shelf. During operation, a level is used.
  6. The open ends of the structure are hidden behind cable channels selected by thickness. They are stuck on with glue.
  7. The shelf is fixed on self-tapping screws.

You can change the color of this design using various adhesive films, matched to the interior.

Thus, an ordinary profile will easily turn into marble.

Chipboard shelf (plywood, MDF)

The fastening of such shelves is done in several ways. The first consists in fitting onto a longitudinal base rail, the second in fixing it in the grooves of the transverse base.

Scheme for the manufacture of shelves from chipboard.

The first method is good because there is no need to drill either tiles or walls:

  1. A shelf is cut out of chipboard. To do this, using a compass, you need to draw a circle, divide it into 4 parts and cut each with a jigsaw or a hacksaw.
  2. On the base rail, the locations of the shelves and the size of the required groove are marked. The blanks are applied to the rail, and their width is fixed.
  3. With a fine-toothed saw, cuts are made to the depth of the middle of the rail, and an unnecessary element is removed with a knife.
  4. On the shelf at the base corner, a section is planned that needs to be cut out. In terms of area, it is equal to the depth and width of the groove in the rail.
  5. With a fine-toothed saw, according to the marked markings, you need to make a cut and remove an unnecessary element.
  6. Next, the shelves are polished, and entry into the grooves is checked.
  7. Using glue, the rail must be fixed to the wall, secured with tape and left for at least an hour.
  8. Shelves are inserted into the already fixed rail without any other fixation.

In such a simple way, you can make shelving for the living room, bathroom, kitchen, etc.

To make a shelf in the second way, you must first make grooves, and only then take on the main element:

  1. In two bars, along the length equal to the size of the sides of the shelf, using circular saw grooves of the required width are formed.
  2. These elements are attached to the wall using self-tapping screws or dowels. It is necessary to ensure that their hats are completely recessed.
  3. The angle is carefully measured. The measurements are transferred to the material, where the contour of the shelf is drawn.
  4. Using a jigsaw or file, an element is cut out.
  5. A special tape is used to decorate the edges.
  6. When the shelf is completely ready, it is inserted into the grooves.

Just a few hours and beautiful element decor is in place!

Creating a shelf with his own hands, the master takes into account everything: his ideas, the interior, the features of the corner, where this item will be located.

Very often you have to hang shelves on the walls to accommodate all the elements. To rationally plan the interior, it is worth using the corners and, thus, freeing the walls for cabinets and shelving. This requires a corner shelf, which can be made independently from existing materials. The article will discuss the main recommendations on how to make a corner shelf, as well as the main examples of designs.

Place corner shelves in different rooms

You can install a corner shelf in every room, but in most cases it is great for a kitchen or bathroom. Any housewife will quickly place on it a variety of jars with seasonings, cereals and other kitchen utensils, and in the bathroom such a shelf near the mirror will allow you to accommodate all hygiene products and empty the necessary drawers. It should be noted that these premises have enough high level humidity, which means that the tree will need to be additionally treated with antiseptics and applied at least two layers of paint. The best option will become plastic or glass, as they have more advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and temperature changes;
  • mold and fungi do not appear on surfaces;
  • withstand a lot of weight;
  • easy to clean;
  • A variety of colors will allow the design to fit into any interior.

Also, corner shelves on the wall are a rational option that is suitable for bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms. Any other furniture can be placed under the shelf, for example:

  • nightstand;
  • computer desk;
  • armchair.

Regardless of what material was used, the design will look spectacular and presentable. All sorts of little things will be conveniently placed on the corner shelf: books, photographs, dishes, candles, toys and much more.

Note! To add more effect to the corner shelf, you can swipe to it LED backlight. With this method, designers give the wall depth.

Necessary materials and tools

Before embarking on planning and manufacturing, it is worth collecting the available materials and calculating: will they be enough? You can make your own corner shelf from the most variety of materials, such as:

  • wooden boards;
  • plywood;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • window profiles;
  • iron and others.

The first 4 options are considered the most common and practical. Everyone will cope with them, besides, a special tool is not required, as is the case with glass or iron. The set of tools in each case will be varied, but if we talk about lumber, then it is worth preparing in advance:

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw (manual or electric);
  • saw;
  • stationery knife;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue and fasteners;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • paints and varnishes (paint or varnish);
  • brushes.
Note! For comparison, when making a glass corner shelf, you will need fewer tools: fasteners (self-tapping screws and dowels), level, drill, felt-tip pen and ruler.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Suitable as base material plain board left over from renovations. The width should be selected individually, based on the items that will be placed on it and the place where it will be installed.
  2. In addition, for fastening you will need glue with a dispenser and screws (3.0 × 25 mm). As a decor, you can use semicircular slats.
  3. We apply markings on the board at an angle of 45 ° of the required length and, using a hacksaw, cut it at an angle of 45 °. As a result, we get 4 shelves.
  4. From the remnants of the board, you need to cut racks of the same size (for example, 5 × 20 cm) in the amount of 6 pieces.
  5. All elements must be cleaned sandpaper to perfect smoothness.
  6. Let's start building the structure. To each shelf, except for the top one, it is necessary to fix two racks. The markings are applied in the middle, then the elements are fastened with screws. To strengthen the fasteners, use PVA glue.
  7. For ease of fastening, the racks of the middle shelf are placed at the edges.
  8. The remaining parts of the corner shelf are assembled in the same way.
  9. If desired, and if you have free time, you can decorate the shelves using semicircular slats. So, with their help, you can make low handrails so that small or round accessories do not fall out. At the final stage, the shelf is painted.
Note! After the first element has been cut out, it is necessary to attach it to the wall and check the correctness of the calculations. To prevent the board from bursting when fastening, a hole for self-tapping screws is drilled a little smaller than the screws.

Corner glass shelf

To make a small and simple design, it will not take much time and special skills, even if we are talking about the glass shelf. So to be precise and make a design correct sizes measurements need to be made. After that, a diagram is drawn on paper indicating all the parameters obtained.

Glass cutting can be done independently, if there is no tool, then go to a special workshop. Here the masters will be able to cut out the necessary shape in a few minutes. Holders can be:

  • metal rods;
  • aluminum profile;
  • wooden frame.

V ideal it is worth buying special holders, to which self-tapping screws and dowels for fastening will be included. Holders are fixed on the wall and glasses are put on alternately. With help building level evenness is checked. As a result, the cost of the shelf will be lower than the cost of a new one from the store.

Note! For convenience, experts recommend creating a template for a future cardboard shelf. This will avoid inaccuracies.

Only with exact observance of the data obtained after measurements, it is possible to produce a high-quality and reliable product, in particular, a corner shelf. It is very important to measure between the walls, as this angle is not always equal to 90°. As a basis, you can take the most different materials that gather dust in a shed or garage.

Often the corners in the rooms are empty, although there is a way to use them rationally: arrange corners. Such designs compare favorably with standard appearance, and most importantly - save free space in rooms with a small footage.

They are sold in a furniture store and made to order, however independent construction won't cause any problems either. Today we will tell you how to properly place such furniture in the house, choose suitable materials for manufacturing and making corner shelves from wood, chipboard, glass and scraps metal-plastic pipes without the help of professionals.

Wall corner shelves

Hanging corner shelves are good because they allow you to free up space below for other furniture. Typically, these shelves are used to store books, souvenirs and other small things. It is also convenient to put flowers, icons, telephone, bathroom and kitchen accessories on them. We will look at the nuances of creating models suitable for each of these cases, and we will start with a corner shelf for the living room.

Corner shelves save space in the room

Shelves for flowers, souvenirs and other trifles are made of metal, drywall, glass, but wood and its substitutes are still the most popular material: they are practical, easy to clean and can be processed at home without any extra effort. To save money, wood-based panels (MDF, chipboard) can not be taken full-sized, but chosen from the leftovers on the market, there are often pieces of suitable sizes for shelves.

In addition to the material, you will need tools for woodworking - a drill, a jigsaw, sandpaper, a tape measure, a ruler and a marker for marking. You can not do without fasteners (self-tapping screws, dowels) and trim tape for finishing edges.

The considered decorative shelf on the wall consists of three tiers connected by sidewalls. First, we make a design drawing and indicate the dimensions of the components on it. Then we make individual parts from cardboard or paper and transfer them to the material, in this case - laminated chipboard, tracing the outline with a marker or the tip of a clerical knife.

Construction drawing

Sawing parts is done with an electric jigsaw with small teeth. After cutting, it is better to number the fragments of the shelf so as not to confuse them during assembly. In the finished parts, the places of fasteners are indicated (for fastening individual fragments of the structure and for hanging on the wall) and holes of the desired diameter are drilled with a drill.

Before joining, the components of the structure are cleaned of dust and sawdust and equipped with a decorative edge. To do this, the miter tape is applied to the places of cuts and glued, drawing a heated iron over the surface covered with rags. If at the same time the tape turned out to be longer than necessary, the excess is carefully cut off with a clerical knife, and the resulting edge is cleaned with sandpaper.

Section processing

After completing the processing of parts, we proceed to assembly, focusing on the scheme and numbering. Dowels are inserted into some of the holes and the parts are connected to each other with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver or a screwdriver. Upon completion of the assembly, marks are made on the wall for the fasteners on which the shelf will be hung. In this case, you will need four of them - one for each jumper.

Having drilled holes of the required depth with a drill (for concrete walls it is worth using drills with a winning tip) dowels are placed in them and the shelf is fixed with self-tapping screws. The finishing touch is decorating the hats of wall fasteners with special plugs to match the color of the shelf. The design is ready! Now it remains to arrange books, photos and other trifles dear to the heart.

Hats of fasteners can be disguised

Corner shelves in the kitchen

The kitchen accumulates a considerable number of all kinds of jars with spices and sauces, small utensils for cooking, serving and the like. If the main lockers are already full, they will come to the rescue in the fight against kitchen chaos. corner shelves on the wall. They are suspended above the dining area, above the stove or in another suitable place. Of course, such a shelf must be durable and roomy, so we opted for a two-tier structure made of fiberboard.

Layout and scheme of the kitchen shelf

The tools needed are similar to those used for the living room shelf. Fittings and fasteners are also similar, but hinged hinges and confirmations (furniture screws) will be additionally needed. First of all, they measure the available free space and, focusing on it, draw up a drawing of the shelf, indicating on it the parameters of all the details. The sketches given in the article are taken as a sample or others are found on the Internet.

Work on the construction of the kitchen corner shelf is carried out in the following order:

  • We make sidewalls. To do this, the contours of parts are applied to the sheets of material, which are then cut with an electric jigsaw. It is more convenient to perform this work for two sidewalls at once, if it is possible to fasten 2 sheets of fiberboard with clamps.
  • If chips are formed when cutting parts, they are treated with sandpaper or a grinding machine.
  • The cuts on the sidewalls are pasted over with a miter tape, ironing it with an iron. In places of bends, the iron is applied to the tape with the bow.

Sidewalls and crossbars
  • After making all the sidewalls, they cut out rectangular crossbars with which they will be connected. To give the design originality, the edges of the crossbars are rounded. Pasting of sections is carried out in the same way as on the sidewalls.
  • Let's start assembling. At the junction of the two inner sidewalls with the upper crossbars, cuts are cut in the side parts of such a length and thickness that they fit the upper part of the shelf.
  • In the remaining places of connection, two holes are drilled with a drill for confirmations on each side.

Connection of parts
  • The elements of the shelf are joined and fastened by screwing in confirmations until a slight crack appears when tightened.
  • The last bar of the shelf is inserted into the pre-cut grooves. In the place of contact with the outer sidewalls, it is fixed with confirmations.
  • At the end, the fastener caps are masked with decorative caps and the shelf is hung in the chosen place. Suitable suspensions are purchased on the market or in a hardware store.

Shelf assembled

Corner shelves for icons

Majority Orthodox people keep icons in the house. Their placement requires special place, traditionally icons are placed in the corner of the house, looking to the east. A corner shelf, especially a wooden one, is great for this purpose.

A simple single-tier shelf for icons

Making a shelf for icons does not require special skills, difficulties arise only if you want to decorate it openwork carving or balusters. But without such a finish, you can do or buy the right details from professional wood carvers. We will consider the creation of the simplest single-tier shelf.

Natural wood looks nobler than substitutes, so you should opt for it. Of the materials, solid wood and wide planed boards are suitable. The first step is to draw a contour and cut out a corner that will become the basis of the structure and a cornice - a narrow bar attached to the front of the shelf.

Preparation and assembly of the structure

If desired, the cornice is made figured - wavy from below. The connection of the cornice and the shelf is carried out with the help of dowels (protruding wooden pins). To do this, recesses of 2-3 cm are drilled in a triangular fragment and dowels are placed inside them so that they protrude outward by 1 cm.

Then, on the cornice, places are marked opposite the dowels and holes are drilled to allow the two parts to be tightly connected. Before assembly, the components of the shelves are recommended to be sanded and varnished. Ready product equipped with four hangers (two on each side) and attached to the wall. Interestingly, if you place the same design lower, you get an original shelf for the phone on the wall.

Corner shelves in the bathroom

glass shelf For bathroom

The bathroom is a place that needs space saving more than others, because the rooms for taking water procedures in most apartments cannot be called spacious. Therefore, it is more rational to use corner structures for storing things in them. It is clear that the corner shelf on the wall, wooden or made of chipboard, is not the best solution for the bathroom, high humidity quickly destroy rot-prone material. In this situation, it is more appropriate to use plastic or glass products that are resistant to moisture and can be treated with disinfectants without any problems.

Such shelves are available in abundance in any plumbing store, but if you like DIY and want to get an original thing adapted to your tastes and needs, you can make them yourself. Consider how to make a bathroom shelf using the example of a glass structure.

From the tools you should prepare:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • building level.

You will also need shelf holders (sold in hardware stores) and tempered glass no thinner than 5 mm. First you need to think over the design of the product, take measurements at the place of its placement and draw a template. Then the pieces are cut out of the glass. This procedure is recommended to be ordered in a glass workshop, so the shelf will look more aesthetically pleasing, and you will protect yourself from injury and possible damage to the material.

The next stage of work is to attach the finished parts to the wall. To do this, the holders are put on and fixed on the shelf, it is brought to the wall and places for the dowels are marked in the right place. According to the marks with a drill (with a special drill), checking the level, holes are drilled, fasteners are inserted into them. Then it remains only to hang the structure and make sure that it is securely fixed.

Holes for fasteners

Corner book shelves

The owners of a large library are familiar with the problem of convenient when you want to place your favorite publications in direct access and at the same time not clutter up the room with cabinets and shelving. There is an exit. How to make classic wooden shelves we have already told, but there is another option corner design perfect for storing books. Because of unusual design it will not take root in every home, but lovers non-standard solutions surely you will like it.

Roomy bookshelf from pipes

Corner shelf on the wall of scraps water pipes will compactly place your books and will cost quite inexpensively. You will need pipes, carbon fittings, dowels, paint screws and tools - a grinder, a gas wrench, a vice, a welding machine.

The shelf is assembled as follows - the pipes are cut into fragments (in this case, 15 pieces), connected with fittings and welded. If welding machine no, you can get by with screws by screwing them in at the junction of pipes with fittings. The structure is fixed to the wall at the upper and lower points using dowels previously driven into the wall.

It is desirable to paint the finished product (spray paint is suitable) to hide defects, traces of welding and differences in the color of the parts. The resulting octagonal shelf will easily fit into modern interior apartments and organize your library.

Convenience is above all. It can hardly be said about modern home, but more and more attention is paid to comfort and rational use of space. No, we are not talking about a closet in which the bed is hidden, and not about a retractable table structure, although this interesting ideas. We will talk about simple shelves, or rather about what a do-it-yourself corner shelf can be. Well then, young Padawans, let's begin.

If the reference to the Jedi Master was not appreciated, then I will say otherwise - you can make a corner shelf yourself, and, with the right approach, it should turn out well.

The solution is simple, but it does not lose its effectiveness already. long years. This is because they are useful in almost all types of spaces: whether it is a bathroom, kitchen or living room. In addition, it can become an excellent and stylish detail of your interior.

Material selection

Naturally, the first thing to think about will be just what you can make a shelf from at home. In this regard, everything can be simpler than it seems. For clarity, you can go to furniture store and personally see how what material looks like.

There is an easier way - open the IKEA website and just look interesting options. Everywhere there is a description with the material indicated in it, from which the shelf was made.

The simplest and most familiar material for a shelf is wood. Well, because this tree is simple, reliable, beautiful, rich, if you like. Best suited for shelving or shelves of similar design.

The opposite of it is chipboard, or rather sheets of this material. It occurs often, it is not expensive, it has chemistry inside. Nothing serious, just comparing with a tree.

Glass is a particularly interesting material for the shelf. It looks very nice, I personally prefer matte, but here you will run into one condition - you can make the frame yourself, but you will need to buy the shelf itself, unless you work with glass professionally.

Materials, types and sizes of corner shelves have more variations than ice cream in the store. Maybe not more, but you understand me. All because we haven't talked about two interesting materials- drywall and plastic.

The latter is great for the bathroom, because it has no problems with moisture. The first is more entertaining due to its subsequent decoration. It feels normal near the fire, while it can still be covered with tiles and it will be very good, as they say.


At this point, I divide corner shelves into two large and important categories: hanging and floor-mounted. Personally, I prefer the second option, but you need to understand that there are situations in which a shelf can only be hung up. This is what increases the amount of usable space in the room.

You should have already decided on the material earlier, and therefore you need to focus on the design of a new piece of furniture. To do this, we need tools for working with wood, a simple pencil or marker, glue, compasses, and preferably with a larger radius and a simple level with a ruler.

You can make drawings for making a corner shelf yourself, or you can rummage through the Internet. Luckily there are plenty of options. Sounds a little simple, but follow simple designs and ways of implementation in this undertaking.

The fact is that the shelf must first of all stand, or hang, well, and hold everything that is put on it. If you yourself introduce some kind of complex system of jumpers, the probability of violating the integrity of the structure will greatly increase. This is especially bad in the child's room, and even if the shelf is made of a rack.


First you need to mark and prepare the individual parts of the shelf. If everything is bad with this, then look on the Internet for designs that can be detailed instructions how to make a shelf with your own hands. There will be markup and everything else. Or buy from IKEA a simple shelf, and assemble it yourself at home. Also an option.

We return to our question. If the shelf is suspended, you must immediately begin installation from the mounting holes. It is not difficult to do this - first we drill the first hole at an approximate suitable point, after which, using the level, we evenly transfer it to the desired distance and drill the second one. We do the same on the second wall.

The option with a rack in this regard will be more interesting. V certain conditions such a shelf can simply be put in a corner, and it will stand. Contributes to this and the design, which perfectly resists falls.

Despite this, if your shelf-rack reaches almost to the ceiling, along with the height, the likelihood of unnecessary movement of the structure will increase.

Avoiding this is easy - you just need to add one wall mount at a height of more than half the shelf. Two additional fastenings will be quite enough even for the heaviest shelf.


In addition, you can additionally equip the shelf with some bonuses. For example, lighting. It is worth considering this at the preparation stage, and then prepare the necessary channels and holes before assembly. Having installed such a shelf on the wall, it will not be difficult to conduct wires and connect it to power.

DIY corner shelf photo