Repair Design Furniture

Carved products: cornices. Home decoration with carved wooden elements: cornices, platbands, quilts, balusters, friezes Wood patterns for cornices

Despite the abundance of modern materials for decorating interiors and facades, carved platbands, balusters, balustrades, friezes, brackets and other “age-related” elements do not lose their attractiveness. Unlike typical moldings sold in any building supermarket, craftsmen carve these decorations themselves, which ensures exclusivity. Let's consider the main categories of carved patterns, the specifics of their application and modern manufacturing methods.

Openwork international

At the mention of carved patterns, platbands, cornices and skates made of wood, with which our ancestors adorned their huts in abundance, come to mind. However, not only our country was famous for its wooden architecture, carving was equally popular in England and Australia at the end of the 19th century. With the difference that we and the peasants hung logs with wooden lace, and overseas it was the privilege of wealthy homeowners.

In modern Australia, the fashion for carved patterns has not gone anywhere, family estates, as in past centuries, are generously decorated with carvings, but in our country, until recently, such elements could be found in remote villages. The boom in wooden construction that has erupted in recent years, and in Russia, has revived interest in a variety of openwork platbands. In addition, the popularity of vinyl siding, imitating wood cladding, is also contributing to the return of carvings to facades. By means of carved openwork around the windows, along the pediment on the cornice or under the roof of the terrace, it is possible to transform beyond recognition the siding covering, which turns all buildings into Siamese twins.


The main task of the platbands is to protect the junction of the wall with the window frame. On the roofs, a carved ridge, again, protected the joint from moisture ingress, as in other areas of connection of building elements. With the help of platbands, you can adjust the proportions - visually extend or expand the windows so that the entire facade looks harmonious. In ancient times, with the help of patterns carved from wood, they drove away evil spirits and were guarded from the evil eye, enlisted the support of higher powers and thanked them for their patronage. Today, with the advent of effective thermal insulation, carved platbands perform exclusively decorative functions, give the house individuality, and help to deviate from the standards.

Materials (edit)

If earlier the platbands were only wooden, now the choice of the material base is wider, and not every tree is suitable for openwork.

  • Wooden - the complexity of manufacturing depends on the type of wood, as well as durability. If it is difficult to cut out of oak and beech, but they will last for decades, then linden is easier to process, but it will also become unusable faster. Larch, alder, maple or birch are also used.
  • Metal - most often cut from sheet metal, further processed and painted, they will not fit on a wooden facade, but they will make a successful tandem with metal siding or fiber cement.
  • From MDF boards - various variations of wood fiber boards attract with ease of cutting, you can create an arbitrarily complex pattern, but are susceptible to moisture, but inside the room, the openwork door frame and the interior will revive and last a long time.
  • Plastic (PVC) - the best option for ordinary plastic windows, durable and strong, but sold only in sets and cannot be made by yourself. Consequently, an identical set may well be found in a neighbor in the country, which will nullify the whole point of their use.


The most common wood carved elements, since with the advent of modern tools, it has become much easier to work with wood. It is important that modern protective and coloring agents allow you to maximize the service life of the pattern and emphasize the natural structure of the tree. Having at your disposal a jigsaw and a couple of stencils, purchased, downloaded from the network or drawn with your own hand, if your talent allows, you can arrange windows and other parts of the facade so that an experienced designer will be jealous. There are several technologies for creating patterned wooden platbands:

  • Cut (openwork) carving - the pattern transferred to the platband is cut through and through, the most "airy", "lace" products are obtained without a background. Depending on the material, the pattern can be flat or three-dimensional, but this is the most difficult form to make, which is worth aiming at, having solid experience.

  • Applied thread - cut-out pattern elements are fixed in parts on a wooden base. These can be full-fledged patterns or several curls located in the central part and in the corners. Since the work is carried out with a thin workpiece, and the background hides flaws, this method is easier.

  • Sampling (blind thread) - using tools from wood, a part is selected to a certain depth along the outlined contours, embossed, but more massive platbands are obtained.

According to the method of installation, the platbands are divided into overhead and telescopic - in the first case, installation is carried out on fasteners or glue (inside the room), in the second case, the product has special projections that go into the grooves between the structural elements.

Varieties of carved patterns

In the understanding of the majority, carved patterns are platbands used around windows, but in fact, the scope of application of carved elements is much wider.

Skirt or border - a carved wide panel or strip, which is knitted under the roof of a veranda, terrace or gazebo, serves not only for decoration, but also helps to balance the scale of the extension.

Frieze - straight or arched carved border under the roof, usually mounted above the porch, terrace or veranda. Frieze patterns are more often geometrical, but playful curls and floral motifs are also possible.

bracket - a triangular carved element designed to decorate the junction of the supporting elements and the roof of verandas, terraces, gazebos, awnings and porches. Often, the pattern duplicates the thread on the border or border and serves as a continuation of the decorative line of the structure, the openwork ligature seems to descend along the post or baluster, giving the structure an airy look.

Balustrades - carved railings starting at the stairs and encircling the veranda or terrace around the perimeter. Together with the decorative function, they provide additional strength to the fences.

Reasons - side carved decorations of gable roofs, often combined with overhead carved pediments. Depending on the general style of the structure, they can protrude beyond the end elements inward or outward.

Platbands - decorative strips mounted around the perimeter of a window or doorway are used in facade decoration most often, they allow to combine and bring together all the design elements into a single whole.

In interior decoration, door trims are in demand, as well as arched brackets, which adorn high doorways and corridors. Balustrades are ideal for interior staircases. If desired, you can decorate almost any part of the room with carved patterns.

How to fix the applied thread on the base, you can learn from the article. Wooden platbands will become a wonderful decoration for a modern one, the manufacturing process of which is described in the material. The video reveals the technology of making shingles - a roofing made of wood, which is ideally combined with carved patterns.

No plastic window can match the finish of wooden windows. Wooden platbands give this uniqueness and charm. They are really very popular now, they are used in the design of country houses, summer cottages, buildings on a country or summer cottage - baths, gazebos, guest houses. This popularity is justified, because in general, wooden housing construction not only does not lose its demand, but is also expanding. Moreover, this fact is typical for large cities, and for small ones, and even for villages and towns. There are a lot of examples when all buildings on a suburban area are decorated in the same style, this is especially effective and stylish.

The SevLesProm company has been manufacturing platbands for over 10 years. We work only with selected materials, solid wood from Kostroma forests, harvested according to all standards. Such materials lend themselves well to proper processing, make it possible to create any shape and size of the casing, retain all their properties for a long time, and will not crack.

Our materials are selected according to all the rules to create truly high-quality and exclusive products. The use of this raw material makes it possible to create such platbands so that they are strong, durable, keep their shape and color well, and are not subject to external influences.

Wooden platbands for windows and doors

In our company, you can buy ready-made platbands both in small batches and in bulk. The prices are very favorable, as we work without intermediaries. In the catalog below you can choose the type of platband that suits you for your decoration, the assortment is extensive. You can also order a new sketch. We even have a service for making a sketch from a photo and description. Depending on the pattern, sketch, shape and size of platbands, their cost varies.

Carved cornices on the roof of the house

The eaves on the roofs look very beautiful on houses built in the traditional Russian style. This design performs several functions at once: aesthetic and practical. Aesthetic - cornices serve as a decor, give a special style to the house, guest house or other building. Practical - protect from rain. We have our own production base, we have all the necessary equipment for production, we employ only professionals with extensive experience. All this allows us to create masterpieces to decorate your homes.

Attention! Special offer for buyers of platbands!

When ordering more than 15,000 rubles, a DISCOUNT is provided - 20 rubles per running meter.

vendor code
№ 1

per r. meter

  • Width: 95mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 2

per r. meter

  • Width: 130mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 3

per r. meter

  • Width: 130mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 4

per r. meter

  • Width: 140mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 5

per r. meter

  • Width: 140mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 6

per r. meter

  • Width: 140mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 7

per r. meter

  • Width: 190mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 8

per r. meter

  • Width: 190mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 9

per r. meter

  • Width: 140mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 10

per r. meter

  • Width: 140mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 11

per r. meter

  • Width: 140mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 12

per r. meter

  • Width: 140mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 13

per r. meter

  • Width: 140mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 14

per r. meter

  • Width: 140mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

№ 15

  • Special style and charm.
    Such original carved elements make it possible to express individuality in some cases, and in some to create beauty and luxury on your site. Everything will depend on what type of product you choose.
  • Unified ensemble.
    Did you use different building materials on the site? There is no uniform style? In this case, such elements as platbands and cornices will just help. You can order both products in one style and one pattern - and the solution is ready.
  • Protective function.
    In this case, it is meant that the platbands protect against the ingress of dust and moisture.
  • Additional noise insulation.
    Due to the tight fit of the products, the noise insulation characteristics of the overall structure increase. This is very important if the house is located near the road or within the city.
  • Reliability and thermal insulation.
    Our platbands are of such quality that you do not need to worry about temperature changes - there will be no cracking or deformation. In addition, the snug fit prevents heat loss, and also makes it possible not to lose coolness in hot weather.

Natural attractiveness and easy processing of natural wood allows you to create wonderful wooden decorations for interior and home from it. This environmentally friendly material created by nature has been tested for centuries and continues to be in great demand in construction and everyday life.

Original carved wood box

Increasingly, even wealthy citizens prefer more expensive brick buildings or logs. And this is not only a tribute to fashion, wood is a unique material with lively energy. Wood perfectly retains heat and creates a favorable indoor climate. Along with wooden houses, interest is gradually returning.

In the old days, houses were decorated with carved elements not only for the sake of aesthetics - each pattern and ornament had its own meaning and served to protect the home and family from troubles, evil spirits and bad people.

The carving was applied to the elements of the facade of the house: cornices, shutters, platbands, towels, pillars and supports. Today, few people think about the symbolism of carved home decorations.

Various carved decorations on the facades of houses

However, beautiful patterns invented by old masters continue to live, acquiring new details. New technologies and high-precision equipment come to the aid of modern wood carvers, thanks to which it is possible to create complex and original wood products.

Roof carvings

The upper triangular part of the roof (pediment) in the old days was called an ochele. It was he who was decorated with decorative carvings especially richly:

Carving on windows

An equally important element of home decoration is considered. With the help of not only a decorative effect is achieved, but also the gap between the window frame and the wall is closed, and the house is better protected from noise and draft.

An example of original carving on windows

The carved decoration of windows in the old days also had a great protective value, because it is through windows and doors that evil spirits can enter the house. Over time, carved amulets turned into beautiful ornaments that have come down to us.

A carved platband could have a fairly simple structure and consisted of three, rarely four boards, on which a simple repeating pattern or ornament was applied. The more complex and decorative framing of the window included various elements, multi-layered carved overlays and details:

House carving technique

House carving styles and techniques have combined many schools, directions and methods of application. Wooden house decorations can be done in the following ways:

What wood to use for house carving

The most common, and in the north-western regions the best, is the pine. Strong enough and easy to handle, it is well suited for making carved decorations for the facade of the house.

Decoration with carved elements of the facade of the house

Unpainted pine eventually turns light yellow, almost honey. Since ancient times, aspen has been valued as a good ornamental material. It has a soft pliable structure, dries out slightly, and is resistant to cracking. With age, aspen wood ornaments acquire a gray steel sheen that might be mistaken for metal.

Basswood is plastic, soft and very comfortable for carving. Smooth light linden wood is uniform and well suited for embossed carving. However, the softness and porosity of the fibers make the linden tree short-lived and demanding to care for.

Oak is a very strong and durable material, but it is very expensive and difficult to work with due to the hard and dense wood. Larch is also a durable and hard type of wood, but it is rarely used for carving ornaments, since linden is easily cracked.

You can make so many decorative items and useful little things from carved wood and plywood that it is foolish to limit the scope of the work. In fact, it can be absolutely anything that has enough imagination: boxes, covers for decorative and collection books, lampshades, panels, shutters, furniture elements, trims, cornices ... But the most attractive thing about creating exclusive works is that everyone can do them willing, if he makes a certain amount of effort.

Slotted wood carving: photographs, drawings and sketches

The main key to success in creating interesting gizmos with slotted carvings is the choice of pattern. It is he who conveys the general concept and sets the aesthetic tone for the entire product.

The easiest way for beginners will be to make geometric patterns, as in the photo.

Carved drawings of floristic and animalistic themes are classic ornaments for any field of application.

Lettering is a modern use for wood and plywood carving. At the same time, you will hardly be able to find drawings and sketches on the network - they will have to be compiled purely individually for personal requirements for sizes, fonts, words.

Stencils for slotted carving

However, unlike cut-out lettering on plywood, drawings with plant, animal and fantasy themes can be found on the net. So feel free to choose the stencils you like in the album, and ideas for creativity will last for a long time!

The simplest sketches are suitable both for training at the very beginning of the path of manufacturing products, and can become separate elements of a complex design. For example, this is how carved houses are decorated.

More complex patterns will take some skill and patience, but the results will be worth it. Such pictures can serve as an independent product, even a gift.

Whole compositions with an idea and meaning usually serve as either a separate piece or form the basis of a work.

Slotting tools: jigsaw or router

However, the choice of drawing is only a third of the success. Another important aspect that must be considered before starting the work itself. Namely - the choice of the tool that will be used to carve wood or plywood.

Depends on the equipment:

  • how thin the thread will turn out;
  • the complexity of the pictures;
  • cutting speed;
  • accuracy of work.

Therefore, it is important to evaluate all the pros, cons, possibilities and limitations of each of the traditional sawing tools:

A jigsaw is a device for curly cutting out parts. It is quite laborious to work with a hand tool, but it allows you to very accurately cut out according to the drawing. The power tool allows you to quickly produce curly plywood products, but requires caution.

A router is a tool that gives a flat-relief slotted thread a thinner and more complete look. It is with its help that it turns out to round off the edges, remove chips, make valances, and carry out the most difficult cutting.

Theoretically, a milling cutter can perform the same work as a jigsaw, and even more, but in fact, such handling of the tool is fraught with its quick failure, frequent replacement of the frieze.

Slotted thread materials

In most cases, plywood is chosen for this type of work - it is uniformly thin, has a pleasant color and structure, it does not lead during further use or storage, unlike solid wood. It is the choice of material that becomes the third pillar of successful work.

The modern market is replete with different types of materials, so it is easy and confusing. For such work, you should choose:

  • FC plywood - harmless to humans and the environment, durable, easy to cut, practical;
  • FB plywood is also safe for humans, but resistant to an aggressive environment, since it undergoes special processing and receives a protective coating, which is why it can cost an order of magnitude more.

Note! In no case, do not choose plywood of the FSF class for interior work - it is processed with carcinogenic preservatives and is permissible for use only in the fresh air - they are perfectly lined with a bathhouse or a house outside.

Photo of carved wooden houses

For Russia, slotted carving is of particular importance as a decoration for the facades of buildings. For a long time, ornaments carved on birch bark and other similar materials adorn huts, baths, churches, which are colorfully demonstrated by photographs.

Wood milling video with a hand router

If you just decided to try your hand at curly slotted carving, it would be useful to watch a video with a master class. It will help you better understand how drawings are created, and how such a home beauty appears.

Initially, a purely practical product - a carved cornice became the basis for the decorative design of facades. Wooden planks decorated with carvings, stretching along the roof slopes, attract the eye and amaze with the variety and uniqueness of the patterns.

From the history of cornices

The main function of the eaves of wooden houses was to protect the walls of the building from moisture. Intricate curls were actually the original barriers to water. Raindrops, slipping along the stalks of unearthly grasses and the curved necks of birds of paradise, did not fall directly on the frame itself. Wind turbulence created in the openwork pattern of the cornice also contributed to the deflection of precipitation from the bearing walls of the building.
In addition to carved wooden cornices that descend directly from the eaves of the roof, a number of old houses can boast of other carved wooden products: friezes - carved boards that border the walls of the house at the top. They were designed to withstand the effects of water and snow that overcame the carved cornice. Carvings such as cornices and friezes were usually multi-layered for better protection.

Application of cornices

Carved wooden cornices add elegance and originality to the house. Even a modest cornice (for example, a cornice in the Rostov style 042 kn. 07) will make a small country house or a bathhouse stand out from many of its kind.
Openwork cornices with intricate carvings (such as cornices in the style of Red Hill 037 kn.06) will add lightness and airiness to a garden gazebo or a summer pavilion of a cafe.
But, of course, most often carved cornices are used to decorate the facades of houses and cottages. In addition to the traditional placement of such carved wooden products under the roof, cornices with original carvings can visually divide the first and second floors (Kalyazinsky cornice 007 kn. 01). Carved cornices will give a finished and attractive look to a balcony or balustrade. It is possible to emphasize the romance of the attic or mezzanine thanks to multi-layer combinations of friezes (025 kn. 03 Myshkin style) and cornices (024 kn. 03 Myshkin style).
Carved cornices are also used in interior design for rooms made in the traditional Russian style (for example, Mamontovsky cornice 011 kn. 02).

Wood composite carved cornices

The Art Gorodets company offers you carved cornices made of wood composite - a material that surpasses wood in a number of characteristics: it does not rot, does not dry out. In addition, the wood composite does not contain substances that have a negative impact on human health. The carved platbands of our company are sustained in the primordial Russian traditions of the Tver, Vologda, Rostov provinces, which have been famous for their house carvings since ancient times.
At your request, our specialists will develop the decoration of the facade of your house with carved cornices, or you can choose cornices from those presented in our catalog.

Cost of carved cornices

Our company offers carved cornices 900 and 1800 mm long. The thickness of the cornice boards can be 16 or 25 mm, and in width you can pick up both narrow 50 mm strips and wide strips of 100 mm. Depending on the complexity of the thread and the width of the cornice, the price of carved cornices varies widely. So even the cost of cornices made in the same style (cornice 034 kn. 05 and cornice 032 kn. 05 Tver style) can differ by more than 2 times, and for cornices of different styles - up to 5 times (cornice 025 kn. 03 style Myshkin and cornice 009 book 02 style Mamontovka). More specifically, you can familiarize yourself with the prices for our carved products according to the price list of the Art Gorodets company.

The design of the cornices, like the architraves, was developed under the guidance of the architect Alexander Nikolaevich Zhdanov.