Repairs Design Furniture

How to make an angular shelf. Corner shelf: types and photos of angular shelves. Corner shelves for the bathroom

There are many ways to make an angular regiment. All of them are simple enough and are available to every wishes. Of course, only a professional can perform a complex product with a variety of decorative carved elements and other decorations. However, a normal angle, which is not inferior to factory products, is very easy to create with their own hands.

The following materials can be used in the paper:

  • Chipboard. Laminated sheets are used. The material is convenient because it does not require processing. Shelves do it yourself from it easy to do at home.
  • Phaneur. Shelves from plywood is probably the easiest option that can be represented. With proper handling, the furniture will be very beautiful.
  • Boards. Properly made angle of wood will delight the eye not one generation. Due to the simplicity of the product, it is safe to give preference to this material.
  • Plasterboard. It will turn out the built-in angle, that is, the product will be a stationary design. Advantages - the lack of need for a large number of tools and simplicity of work.

It is possible to highlight 2 main types of shelves: mounted and outdoor. The difference between them is understandable. Both types are easy to make it yourself.

Basic principles of creating furniture from wood materials

Below are drawings of products that are easy to make with your own hands:

Regardless of which material is selected, plywood, chipboard or natural wood, the following tool is needed:

  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver;
  • furniture conductor.

Also no work is different:

  1. Preparation of parts. The angular shelf has walls and shelves themselves. It is necessary to cut all parts from the material used. Then the holes are made through the furniture conductor for the subsequent fastening of parts between themselves.
  2. Build product.
  3. Shipping work.

Features of working with chipboard

If it is decided to make the shelf with your own hands from the chipboard, then you need to purchase a furniture edge. This is a special material that is attached on the ends of the products. Thanks to it, the product will be protected from moisture impact, it will not swell and will not crack after a couple of years of use.

Bonding parts with each other is performed using self-tapping screws, metal corners or confirmates. The choice remains for the employee. It is important to do all the measurements correctly - if working with a tree, the wrong hole can be sealing, the mistakes will not forgive the chipboard.

Wooden shelf

When creating a shelf of a tree, you need to consider several parts:

  • The correct selection of wood - regardless of the tree of wood, the forest should be joinery, that is, there is no more than 15% humidity.
  • Tree must be processed. After the items are harvested (cut in size, equipped with all the necessary holes, etc.), they are processed by sandpaper or ears, lacquered. Before this, you can apply the veil to give a product of shades of valuable breeds. Varnish is applied in several layers. The first is soil. For it, it is possible to apply either a strongly divorced used substance or a special primer.
  • You can fasten the details in several ways: with the help of a wanking, making special grooves, or self-drawing. Often, the hinged shelves have such a construction at which you can connect the opposite walls using the shelves themselves, without sacrificing the reliability of the product.

The drawings presented in the section on the shelves from the chipboard are applicable to the natural forest. Here are some ideas of what shelves from wood can be made with their own hands:

Plywood - light and reliable material

Many prefer to make shelves from plywood, both from the most affordable and simple in the application of the material. For example, the product shown below can be cut in 15 minutes if there is an electrolovka. It will only be to cover the shelves from plywood paint and wait for it to dry.

From plywood it is very convenient to create mounted products - it is light and does not require serious fixation. And if there are skills and patience from this material, you can even make a real work of art.

Such compositions are cut with a knife. Work is very painstaking, requires a lot of attention. Such a regiment from plywood is suitable for those who need not just functional, but also the original subject of the interior. Stencils for patterns can be found on the Internet. Here are some elements that can be useful:

Shelf of plasterboard

From the hyposkarton you can make a stationary, non-rapid regiment. The principle of its creation is simple: a frame of metal or wooden rails is made, on which the harvested parts are attached.

In the work you will need:

  • The stationery knife - they will cut a plasterboard.
  • Hardware gyro-tree or gyro-metal, depending on which material is selected for the frame.
  • Putty, spatula, breeding capacity.
  • Metal corners whose side is equal to the thickness of the cycling used.
  • Materials for frame - Wooden rails or metal corners.
  • Level, roulette, pencil.

How to make an angular regiment according to your own hands:

  1. On the wall there are places of installation of the rail. All marking must be made as soon as possible and accurately. Everyone needs to be controlled by level.
  2. Frames fastened.
  3. Mounted prepared parts from drywall.
  4. A metal corner is mounted on the ends and climbing.
  5. The finished angle is painted to taste.

Shelves are often used not only for supplement and decorating the overall interior room, but also for a clearer and appropriate organization of space. Thanks to their use, the apartment owner gets the opportunity to conveniently arrange a huge number of small things that are simply lost in the closets.

To date, the market presents the mass of various models that are made from different materials. They differ in the design.

You can choose not only products with classic design, but also ultra-modern designs.

But more and more, people prefer to make such interior details independently. Asking how to make the shelf with your own hands, they reread the lot of literature and browse many directories.

However, this does not mean that the independent manufacture of the shelf is characterized by complexity and it is not able to a person who does not have special skills. No, it is completely wrong.

Familiarization with literature in this case is necessary in order to create a product with a beautiful design that will fit into the overall interior. Consider in more detail what the shelves are.

Varieties of the shelves

Any specialist will tell you that before proceeding to the creation of the product, it is necessary to decide for yourself, which design you want to get and whether it will be combined with the interior. And only after that you can start creating a product.

After all, for the house, decorated in a classically weathered style, is completely unacceptable to use trendy and modern shelves. They will look extremely ridiculous.

The most popular and widely known fond of the shelves is a classic shelf. It is determined by the fact that it is quite simple to install, and the appearance, due to simplicity, seems exquisite and sophisticated.

Used success and open, closed shelves. Closed products are used most often for decorating and installing indoors decorated in more modern styles. For their design, glass and sometimes plastic are used.

The open designs can be used both in houses designed modern and apartments with classic design. Over the past few years, this kind of shelves have become enormous popularity and therefore gradually displaces classic options.

In small rooms, it is quite often possible to see the angular shelves that have a special way of fastening. They are mounted on the adjacent walls that are adjacent to each other. Most often they are used in bathrooms, kitchens and subsidies.

In addition to the above, shelves, which are attached to the wall, there are suspended and outdoor structures. Suspended shelves are mounted not quite in the usual way.

They are installed using cables and vertical racks, and fasten directly to the ceiling. Such a fastening looks rather unusual and original.

The outdoor designs are most often used in the hallways. After all, it is precisely the floor shelves for shoes made by their own hands, not only look beautiful, but also help you organize the space of a small hallway. At the same time make them quite simple.

How to make a simple shelf?

To create a declared product, you should prepare in advance or prepare some tools and materials. You can use what the connecting elements you can use what is more suitable for you. But the most popular are the usual self-tapping screws, brackets and dowels.


For example, take the photo shelves with your own hands, which is presented below. It depicts a product with such parameters: width 250 mm, height 300 mm, length 1100 mm. The manufacturing process for convenience will be divided into steps.

Stages of work

At the first stage you need to mark the markup. To do this, you should put the boards on the table or any other smooth surface and move the measurements with the drawings. Side walls should have an altitude of exactly 268 mm.

This markup is optimal because, the side walls will be located between the two parts.

In the second stage it is required to produce board boards. For cuts to get smooth and neat, it is necessary to use an electrolovka. After cutting, you will succeed 2 sufficiently long blanks and 2 shorter.

In the third stage, you can proceed to the processing of the obtained billets. The resulting segments should be covered with a special protective varnish or verses, pre-polishing them.


In the event that you only plan to paint the shelf, you can do the treatment with the usual antiseptic primer. So you will increase not only the service life, but will achieve a more uniform paint distribution.

At the fourth stage of the manufacture of a wood shelf with their own hands, you start directly assembling it. The bottom board should be laid on a flat surface. From the end of the workpiece, retreat 8 mm and spend two lines parallel to cut.

They should be noted 2 points with a distance of 5 cm from the edge. In the noted points you need to drill holes for the screws. With the second workpiece it is necessary to do the same manipulations.

After that, you should install lateral blanks on the bottom segment of the board and secure them. As soon as you finish with the mounting of the side panels, proceed to install the top panel and securing it.

At the fifth stage, the brackets should be fixed on the ends of the side panels, and in the wall there are several holes for dupels. After that, screw the screws so that they protrude 5 mm. And here is your shelf ready.

In the same way, you can make acoustic shelves and acoustic shelves, but you need to take into account the size of the equipment itself. Measurements should be performed carefully, because if you make a mistake, work will have to start again.


Photo shelves do it yourself

The problem of free space is always relevant, this is especially true of small apartments. What if you want to place your favorite books or children's crafts? Angle shelves will be out.

Always always in the apartment there is an unoccupied free angle, which perfectly passes the rack or a small shelf. This will make it possible to release a little space, and also add a new decorative element.

Materials for the manufacture of shelves

It is difficult to find a house or an apartment in which there is no shelves. It is convenient for them to decompose personal care of personal hygiene in the bathroom, place books, flowers, kitchen utensils or small crafts and trinkets. The angular position provides great opportunities for designer fantasy when creating various shelves configurations.

The angular shelves due to the design are able to save the space of the apartment and at the same time aesthetically decorate the corners.

Today it is possible to choose an angular shelf on the wall for any room. Specialized stores are ready to offer a wide range of forms and structures from various materials. But the cost of such shelves is not always suitable for each of the potential buyers.

Traditionally, it looks traditionally a wall of wood. It can be performed in the style of minimalism, but still will remain attractive.

Those times have long passed when the handling of furniture was considered a lot of poor people. In each apartment or house there were cabinets, walls, shelves and other furniture made according to a single pattern. What kind of design could we talk at this approach?

Today it is easier to choose the appropriate furniture, but it does not always correspond to the wishes of the owner or the preferences of the hostess. In addition, it is often happening so that exactly what you need and cannot find, for example, a suitable mounted shelf. In this case, there are 2 options: order its production in the workshop, hoping that you understood, and the product will be good quality or you can make the shelves on the wall with your own hands, which will be a good and convenient addition of intended design.

Types of wall shelves

Thanks to the modern universal tool, the homemade craftsman can make almost any shelf, even in the conditions of the apartment, not to mention the work in his workshop. However, before being taken for the tool, it is important to determine the type of the designed shelf. This will help the table in which the design features of wall shelves and their application are described.

Type of wall shelf



It is believed that the classic is part of an ancient culture that has come down to us. It is also called a generally accepted sample style. The shelves made in the classic style are characterized by simplicity in the manufacture and uncomplicated form, so they are easy to do at home.

The angular shelves have a triangular shape and are attached directly to two walls. Most often it is a small design, placed in the bathroom or in the room, where other types of shelves will interfere. Also, the angular shelves can be outdoor.


Hinged shelves are intended only for hanging on a flat surface and most often are above average. Such a location allows not to occupy the free space of the room.


Outdoor shelves can not only stand on legs, but also, for greater stability, be attached to the wall, especially when they are narrow and high. Most often these are shelves type shelves or vertically spaced modes.

The word modus is often used to designate species of forms. For this reason, the shelves with different sizes of the used parts began to call mododules. Sometimes it can resemble abstractionism. Different types of modes can occur in a particular room of the room.


This is not a separate section, but the collection of all extraordinary and non-standard. You can store the shelves from old suitcases that taught their TV and even water pipes. There is no limit for imagination.

Wooden shelves on the wall

The tree is an excellent material, since the shelf made from it will be attractive, good, ergonomic and practical. Although the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, as well as the emergence of new technologies and innovative materials on the market, did not make the use of natural wood less popular and in demand, nevertheless among the admirers of natural beauty and style it is still in demand.

The advantages of furniture made of natural wood massif is abound, and it is not only an attractive appearance, but also in high performance qualities, thanks to which the wood has been used for many centuries, both for construction purposes and for the manufacture of original interior items. Not even having much experience in carpentry work, you can make a beautiful wooden shelf. If you are new to, it is best to start with this universal building material, taking the basis of soft, inexpensive wood species intended for the manufacture of furniture.


First of all, you need to consider the size of the shelf manufactured and decide on the place where it will be, only after that acquire boards. If the design will be collected from the material available at hand, you have to adapt to its size.

Of course, not to do without the tool. Minimum is a tree knife and a cross screwdriver. Of course, with such a set of tools there is nothing to take for the manufacture of complex design.

Video: Minimum newbie joiner toolkit

To assemble something solid and beautiful, you will need:

Lobsik or hand saw

It will be more convenient to operate with an electroller, but if it is not available, you can use the standard woodcutter with a small tooth. With this tool, blanks for the future shelf will be cut.

Grinding or set of different grain

It will have to spend manually to spend the grinders in 5 minutes. With the help of this tool, the workpiece is performed, and then the entire shelf.

Electric drill

If shelves are made of chipboard, you can not spin the screws or confirmates in such details, pre-drumped the hole for this fastener. In wooden parts, too, you need to drill holes under the self-tapping screw.

Screwdriver or screwdriver

Only if the regiment is small and simple, you can painfully spin several screws or screwdriver screws. If the attachment points are much, then it will be done very difficult to manually. Use for these purposes an electrode is not recommended, since it is impossible to control the strength of screwing.

In addition to fasteners, it is advisable to buy plugs under the color of the shelf. It is important to know that, depending on the selected fastener, the plugs are selected individually.

Wooden varnish

Wooden varnishes are different. Many people prefer to use alkyd varnishes with additives of the Urethane group, as it will dry quickly (up to 12 hours) and is very durable, which is important for the product that will be used to use.

Middle sized brush (40-80 mm)

The shelf will need to operate with varnish. At home this procedure can be performed using a brush. Since most lacquers for wood are toxic and make a sharp smell, then work should be performed in a ventilated non-residential room.


With it, you can make all the angles of smooth. If there is no one tool, you can check the correctness of the corners with ceramic tiles. Accuracy will not, of course, perfect, but still better than nothing.

Manual frezer

Make a wooden shelf is more beautiful, it turns out to be a manual milling, with which you can create a variety of decorative patterns on the corners, in the ends and in the middle of the product.

After purchasing wood, it needs to be inspected to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the manufactured shelf will look. The fact is that the raw boards are not very different from each other, but after applying the veil dark places to manifest themselves more than bright places. If from one board does not work out the sidewalls, then pick up the boards whose textures will be similar.

Consider the manufacture of the shelf on the example. Suppose that we need a wooden wall shelf on 3 cells, the dimensions of which will be 100 cm in width and 40 cm in height.

For the convenience of counting the depth of the product will not calculate. Board thickness - 2 cm. Self-samples of 40-50 mm.

So, we will need to cut such a length from the billet board:

  • 50 cm - 2 pcs.
  • 96 cm - 2 pcs.
  • 26 cm - 2 pcs.

Now we will explain how we got such dimensions.

If 50 cm is clear with the sidewalls, everything is clear, then the length of the remaining parts should be calculated. For example, 2 horizontal parts have a length of 96 cm. Here, too, nothing is complicated. With the width of the shelf at 100 cm, we take the thickness of two boards used as the side walls:

100- (2 + 2) \u003d 96 cm.

In the same way, we obtain the height of the jumpers (vertical 2 parts), with a height of the inner part of the shelf at 30 cm:

30- (2 + 2) \u003d 26 cm.

It goes without saying that all pair parts (in our case) must be the same size.

Build a wooden wall shelf

Every detail needs to be treated with grinding, only then it can be fastened with other details into a single design. Hands should be clean, because the untreated wood is very brand.

Let's go back to our scheme where you can see that the bottom board is slightly raised above the lower level, which is 2 explanations: first, it makes the shelf more beautiful, and secondly, it protects the lower edge of the sidewall from cracking when screwing the screws. Usually this indent is within 1 cm, but if necessary, it can be done more. For the suspension at the site of screwing the self-pressing in the lower part of the sidewall, it is necessary to drill in advance with a thin drill of the hole. In our case, they will be at an altitude of 2 cm from the lower edge of the sidewall (1 cm of an otpope + 1 cm to the middle of the thickness of the screwed board).

Now gradually about the assembly process.

  • By lifting the bottom shelf for 1 cm, side parts are screwed to it alternately. It is necessary to ensure that when screwing the screws, they were located straight.
  • Turning the workpiece upside down, place the position of future shelves. If the sizes of the cells are the same, then 96 cm divide by 3 (in our example 3 cells). It turns out 32 cm. Departed from the sides of 32 cm and we apply to the board of the point, in which the screws will be screwed (centimeter 3 from the edge of the board). The line is better not to draw, as it will be visible under the layer of varnish, but put small tags on the ends.
  • In this position, jumpers are screwed to the bottom of the shelf.
  • The shelf turns over and after checking the verticality of the jumpers, they are screwed.
  • Now it is the turn of fastening the sidewall to the upper crossbar.
  • In order for the shelf to be smooth, and subsequently did not overflow it, at the bottom, on the reverse side, you can fix the location of parts with flat window corners. If the rear wall is mounted, the corners are not needed.

  • The assembled design is painted with a verse, after drying which, you can begin to lacken.
  • The entire surface of the shelf must be cleaned of dust dust. After applying the first layer, you need to check whether there are no villi in it. If there is, then you need to once again work with an abrasive skurt to remove them. If the lacquer is thick and does not lie down with a smooth layer, then it can be slightly diluted with a solvent, which recommends the manufacturer.
  • You need to apply 3 layers of varnish, with a frequency of 12 to 48 hours. This interval depends on the type of varnish and ambient temperature. In any case, you need to wait for it drying. Each time check the surface for the presence of tubercles and sands. If you notice something, immediately grind the abrasive sponge until you delete the defect. Then again you need to apply varnish.
  • After drying, the lacquer was left behind to fasten the loops, after which the shelf can be hung on the wall.

Making an angular wooden shelf

The angular shelves can be the most different heights, and have a different number of levels.

Video: Production of the corner shelf

Consider the sequence of the manufacture of a wooden corner shelf from the 20 × 50 mm rails.

  • After examining the rail, you need to choose the most even, with a minimum number of bitch - of which 2 frames will be made, the size of 40 × 70 cm. For their manufacture, you will need:

- 4 details of 70 cm long;

- 6 parts of 30 cm.

  • Ram details are preferable to glue, clamping clamps.
  • Now it is the turn of the manufacturer of the shelves. They can be done:

- typical, gluing several rivers, from which the parts of the desired form are cut and outside the figure rake outside;

- from the sheet of plywood;

- from laminated chipboard. In this case, the cut must be sanded and saked with a furniture edge or somehow differently, at its discretion;

- From the fragment of the old furniture, if the front part is smooth.

  • The shelves are screwed to the frames and vague.
  • It remains to fasten the loops and hang in your place the made shelf.

For an angular shelf, a set of 2 loops is best suitable, as in the illustration. If you hang the shelf on a loop with a wide ear, then the shelf can be moved along the wall, and put the second loop.

Tree Shelves Photos


Shelf for books do it yourself

Despite the fact that the electronic devices displace the printed publications from the life of a person, yet many people carefully keep their hearts of books and magazines, whose storage location often leaves much to be desired. If such a situation has developed for you, it will be useful to learn how to make bookshelves that would be functional and fit into the interior.

If you are not a specialist, then you should not immediately take for the manufacture of complex design. Next, we consider the process of manufacturing a simple bookshelf from the REC.

Stages of work

To work will require a tool:

  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • electrolovka or tree knife;
  • roulette;
  • construction solo.

With regard to consumables, they will be needed:

  • rake 20 × 40 cm;
  • self-tapping screws 3.5 × 45 mm (at the rate of 2 pcs per point of attachment).

Now you can proceed to the manufacture of the shelf. First of all, you need to make "lades" - lateral parts (and with a large length of the shelf and medium, too).

The dimensions of the shelves will depend on the size of the book on it will be stored. If books are not large, then the shelves of a width of 20 cm are quite enough to accommodate them. The height of the cells is selected with such a calculation so that the book is convenient to take from the shelves. Also, the height of the cells at different levels may differ. As for the height of the shelf, this is a matter of personal preference, but it is important to consider that although this shelf will be attached to the wall, yet it is not intended to be suspended, so it will stand on a solid surface.

First, the rails will be prepared, which will be used as racks, and they are already attached to them, for which, at the edges of each plate, holes are drilled.

Flexing the crossbar with one self-tapping screw, you need to check its position.

Aligning the rail, it is fixed with the second self-tapping screw.

The collected "ladents" fit into the floor, and after checking the correctness of the angle begin to be fastened with rails, which are cut off, according to the length of the structure.

Then the rest of the rails are attached.

The design rises and is attached to the wall, after which the remaining rails used as shelves are fixed.

Such a regiment will withstand a lot of books.

The collected shelf is intended for a large number of books, but if you need a less overall design, you should pay attention to the video instructions and in the photo of the products you like.

Video: Bookshelf on the wall

Shelves for flowers

Often you can see when people decorate their housing with artificial flowers, but still nothing can replace freshness of a natural beautiful plant. Many owners, trying to decorate the wall, allow the curly plants on it, suspend the vases to the ceiling or placing them on the shelves of their own design. The advantage of this approach is that it is possible to do something your own, unique and inscribed in the interior of the room. Depending on the type of color available and their quantity, the shelf is constructed.

Of course, I immediately want to do something volumetric and beautiful, which is quite natural, but first you can try your strength, making a simple but neat regiment.

Stages of manufacture

We will need a 120 × 25 mm board with a length of at least 130 cm. It will be more convenient to skill the board while it is a whole.

After that, one edge must be trimmed so that the angle is straight and apply a markup every 20 cm clearly at an angle of 90 °. This will help the building corner, but if it is not, you can use any solid object, the angles of which are direct, for example, with ceramic tiles.

Slicing the item, you need to keep the hacksaw at an angle relative to it. If you keep the knob straight, it will be hard to make the cut smooth.

For the manufacture of the shelf, we will need 6 parts of 20 cm.

Each item must be cleaned with sandpaper from all sides. The canvas used should not be coarse-grained, otherwise you can scratch wood.

As the screws will be twisted close to the edge of the board, then in order for it not to split, in these places you need to drill holes in these places.

The entire assembly process is to fasten the parts by self-draws. If there is a PVA glue, then the connection site must be pre-smeared by them, and, giving a minute to set glue, copp the items. When screwing the screws do not need to make excessive efforts so as not to split the board. It is enough so that the hat of the self-pressing was in a challenge with a board.

Since our shelf is wall, then you need to fasten the fasteners.

Since the height of the shelves is small, and the design does not differ in great strength, it can be put on it curly or low plants in small pots.

Such a product can be used not only for flowers. So that the shelf is not dirty, it is best to open it with varnish.

Video: Unusual colors shelves

Original shelves

If there is a desire to diversify your interior, then comfortable, original and beautiful shelves can be made from various materials, having hung them in the office or in the living room. They will help conveniently arrange a lot of things and are able to give rooms a more cozy view. You can make unusual shelves on the wall from wood, glass, plywood, fiberboard, pieces of tin and even from water pipes.

With confidence it can be said that unusual shelves are the embodiment of originality and exclusivity. However, in everything you need to know the measure and understand that when designing any product, it is often necessary to maintain the style of the existing style. But now it became fashionable to break the room on the zones. After looking at the photos in which interesting ideas are embodied, you take something as a basis by adding your highlight.

Photos of original shelves

Shelf under TV

It often happens so that in a small room, well, it's just nowhere to put the TV. For example, a small kitchen and so clogged with furniture, it would seem about what TV can we talk about. However, the exit from the situation can be a regiment located in the corner or on a free wall.

In a modern concept, when the TVs began to simply hang onto the wall, the shelf under the TV is called the shelf located under the TV on which the DVD player can stand. In one way or another, the shelf can be made at home. We will not dwell on simple shelves that can be placed under the TV, as we have already affected the manufacture of such as they have already affected the article, and consider only the manufacture of such that you can put the TV.

Let's start with the simplest - the angular shelf of plywood attached to the wall. In our case, it will be installed near the window, and that the curtain does not interfere, we will make a small recess for her on the left side. The corners of the workpiece must be sanded, then all its (or only the top) paste the self-adhesive ribbon with the drawing chosen.

To the workpiece you need to fasten the fasteners with screws through which it will be attached to the wall. You need to pick up the self-tapping screw, the length of which will be slightly less than the thickness of the plywood sheet, from which the workpiece was cut. In our case, the front elements of the attachment are located below, and the top of the billet, but if it does not interfere below, they can also be installed under the shelf.

Now the shelf needs to be placed on the necessary height and mark the place of attachment on the wall. The shelf is removed to the side and holes are drilled in the marked places.

Insert a dowel into the holes so that they are not sticking out from the wall.

Now you can mount the shelf.

The shelf must be installed smoothly, and the attachments are well clamped.

Now you can install the TV, and the wires are turned down through the gap left in the corner.

Such a regiment does not need additional finishes and immediately ready for use for its intended purpose.

In this article, we made a common overview of wall shelves and led an example of the manufacture of simple structures. If you want to see new ideas or need help, leave a comment at the end of the article.

Find storage space is one of the main tasks that people face during design thinking, and after him too. Sometimes, even in a large room, another bulky wardrobe will be inappropriate, but what should I do, if you need to place a collection of figures or a dozen books? Salvation in such a situation - wall shelves, which will be discussed today.

Types of shelves

Wall shelves, although they themselves are a kind, but they also differ at the location. Conditionally they are divided into the following types:

The easiest and most common option is attached to a smooth wall. But it is due to its simplicity that they provide a wide field for the flight of fantasy: shelves of different geometric shapes, sizes located in the form of cells or creating complex compositions.

Such structures can become a single board, nailed to the wall, or make a silhouette of a tree in which each "branch" serves as a storage location. Book shelves are under inclined or asymmetric. In the ocean of interesting ideas, there are even round, only in the case of unusual figures you need to think in advance every moment: the location, filling, plot points.

This place is usually empty due to its impracticality, but the angular shelves not only rehabilitate the space, but also help to transform the interior. The mount is made on two adjacent adjacent walls. In this case, not only internal, but also an outer angle can be involved.

The variability of the design of angular wall shelves depends more from the materials and decor, but even in itself such a solution looks unusual. Especially the shelves use under books or household items in the bathroom, as well as in storage rooms.

As it is clear from the name, these shelves are not attached directly to the wall, but hang on the ropes - to the ceiling or beam. This design is not very stable, so it is used to store books, and not crystal VAZ. But it is perfect for creating original accents indoors.

It can be installed as one regiment and several. The first option is often created in the form of a triangle or enter the shelf in the circle. The main thing is to make sure that the repository reliability.

Materials for wall shelves

The wooden board, nailed to the wall - the easiest version of the shelf, which immediately comes to mind. But for modern design it is not enough. The choice of material, even for such a simple product, is quite wide - as well as their capabilities.

Wood and derivatives

Even if it is an obvious basis, it should not be discarded immediately. Diversify the wooden wall shelf will help complex forms and fastening. For minimalism or loft, this solution will be very relevant. And if you want to enter an element in the classic interior, it is recommended to pre-process the parts, and maybe even decorate the carvings.

To save on the material, you can use MDF, chipboard or plywood - beautiful, simply, practical.


But the metal wall shelves will definitely attract attention and harmoniously fit into the interior, especially if it is High-tech, fusion or, as an option, minimalism. Only for their installation will need special skills.

Such a base has high characteristics - durability, reliability, strength. And from corrosion pre-processing will save.


Cheap, malleable, universal material that may look simple or luxurious, imitating natural options, but leveling their flaws. Especially if such a shelf on the wall is forced by the items, so it will not be possible to familiarize themselves with its details. For the bathroom - a very successful solution!

Glass or mirror

Such a basis has a significant drawback - fragility. A sharp push or a blow can damage the shelf, but when storing light items, this situation will not arise. Is it worth mentioning how gracefully looks like glass, and how glamorous is a mirror surface? This will give the interior feeling of weightlessness.

What are the types of fixtures?

It will also have to choose the method of attaching the shelf to the wall - from three options. Reliability depends on your solution, as well as the mobility of the design.

Installation is made by dowels or anchors to the wall. It provides a strong fixation of the entire product, increasing its carrying capacity and strength. If the shelves are assumed to store heavy items, then this species is perfect. But there is a big minus - it is very difficult to dismantle it without consequences for a wall or design.

Moderately rigid fastening with brackets and assembly hooks, which is easy to implement at home, unlike the first type. If necessary, they can be dismantled without damaging the shelf, after which - to install a new one.

Fully appropriate to modern trends to functionality and mobility, such wall shelves are installed on the principle of extension: the lower tiers become support for the upper. It is appropriate to look a variety of combinations of shades or forms that complement each other.

We pick up the shelves under the interior style

With high-quality work, the shelves turn into full-fledged furniture, which, like any other item, must be in harmonious to enter the stylistics of the room.

Modern style

Here everything is simple and at the same time diverse: suitable as laconic products from different materials and whole ensembles of all sorts of geometric shapes. Instead of empty decorations - Conceptual aesthetics. In priority - modular or mobile types of wall shelves.

It is necessary to focus on the walls of the walls: in the case of a neutral coating, you can enter bright designs, and on the side with a bright finish it is better to do without shelves.

Classic style

Expand in the classic style will not work. Wooden shelves on a flat wall, as a last resort - corner. You can display brackets if they are used and approaching the design.


Related requirements presents both Provence. Only to the processing of the base should be approached more carefully. First, use a tree or its derivatives. Secondly, cover them with white paint and, if possible, create an effect of antique furniture. Some negligence in the installation will give the charm of the design, but you can not forget about her strength.


To begin with, we note that at the same style it is unlikely to be able to instruct the open shelves a lot of "small things" - it is also minimalism. To fit a lot of items, it is recommended to provide the shelves with doors, thereby led from the eye disharmony. Glass or wooden surfaces look good - smooth, smooth, directed strictly horizontally.


The greatest variety offers us freedom-loving loft. At the same time, not necessarily fanatically grinding the boards to perfection - light carelessness is quite organically combined with brick walls characteristic of this style.

An excellent option is the shelves suspended on a thick rope or angular construction, which is based on a pipe-based pipe. In general, Loft allows you to turn the shortcomings of space in dignity, and technical elements in decorative and aesthetic.

Decor shelves

In addition, you can choose wall shelves with an interesting design, they can also be additionally decorated for greater effect. To avoid the effect of a naughty, make sure that the practical filling of products does not enter the conflict with the details.

The easiest option that is suitable for standard wooden shelves - surface decoration. Here you can use all available tools: stencils, decoupage, decorative scotch and so on. Such a solution will look good on neutral walls, for example, painted in white.

For the interior in the style of Provence, the use of textile elements is characteristic, so why not decorate them the shelves, lay a little beautiful sweating scarves with patterns? Cozy and practical.

Romantic mood will give candles placed by one by one or groups. However, with sources of light, you can experiment, schoing some modern trends. For example, wall-mounted shelves with backlights - mounted lamps, which gently highlight the parts located on them.

Tubular fasteners on the shelves can be used as a peculiar "hanger": for example, for a lamp, towels or garlands. With a small force, a simple storage place turns into an elegant interior element.

It would seem that such a simple product, and so many options! But not all of them are easy to implement independently and, let's recognize, even for a simple look need certain skills. Before proceeding to the creation of the shelf with your own hands, read the main recommendations that will help beginners in furniture business or experienced craftsmen.

So, before the main process it is necessary to consider the design in the details and make a sketch. Determine for yourself the purpose of installing the shelves, alleged things that will be stored on it, location, shape and size.

Evaluating the load, select the material and method of fastening. After that, marking on the surface of the base, and the material is lifted.

The resulting modules are collected, re-frooms are made, which is compared with the markup for fasteners. Next, the finish finish of the elements is carried out, namely grinding, pulling and painting, if necessary.

The fasteners are mounted on the surface of the wall and on the shelf, after which the details are fixed, as well as adjustment by the level with the finishing pin.

In addition to the above options, we present you more pictures with ideas for wall shelves that will help determine the interesting solution. Inspiration and beautiful interiors!