Repairs Design Furniture

Installation of the gutter of the drainage with their own hands. How to mount the waterproofs to the roof: Rules and ways of reliable mounting. Number of drainage pipes

Rain and melting water can cause significant damage to the site and the foundation of the house. Therefore, on the territory of the country site, it is necessary to take care of the installation of storm sewage, the house part of which is a waterproof system, which plays a major role in protecting the foundation and walls of the house from water erosion.

The drain is a system of funnels and grooves, as well as vertical drainage pipes, the purpose of which is to collect and lead the atmospheric water from the house roofs.

The drainage systems are divided into 2 main types that differ in the place of passage pipes.

Applicable in those regions where very cold winters are characteristic, as well as for buildings with a flat roof. In the case of the use of such a roof drainage, a slope is 1-2%, at the lowest point of which there is a catchment funnel, connected to a storm drain passing inside the building. The riser connects with the tap, which takes out water to the collector. Such a drainage system assigns atmospheric moisture into a storm sewer.

Note! The drain riser is not caught up close to the outer wall of the building to eliminate moisture freezing in the pipe.

Roofs with a row tool external drainage systemwhich includes a gutter connected by funnels with waterproof pipes, moving in a drain removal, removing water from the building. The removal can be connected to the storm system of the site.

Whatever the type of drainage, its design and installation are produced until the end of the construction of the house. It is mistaken to assume that the installation of the outer drain system can be carried out after the installation of the roof is completed.

Drafting of the drainage system

For private houses, the most common is the external typewriter. She is simpler and it is not so difficult to mount with her own hands. However, its installation is preceded by design. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the view and area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, the roof material, the financial capabilities of the owner, as well as the appearance of the house.

These indicators are important not only to determine the number of necessary elements of the drainage system, but also the material from which they are manufactured.

In addition to choosing a material, at the design stage it is necessary to determine the number of structural elements and the drainage system. It depends on the roof configuration and the length of its sink:

  • each slate must be equipped with a chute;
  • if the sink length does not exceed 10 m, then a sufficiently single drainage pipe at the end of each gutter;
  • with a longer sink, the chute should have along the drain at each end.

Based on this data on paper, a diagram is drawn up, reflecting all the elements of the drain on your home.

Materials and tools

After you make a drawing of your home with a future drainage system, you can proceed to the purchase of materials and the preparation of the necessary tool.

Depending on the configuration of the size of the house and the roof you may need the following items:

  • gutters that can be semicircular, rectangular and trapezoid cross section;
  • external and internal corners for gutters;
  • connecting locks;
  • plugs;
  • funnels;
  • pipes for drainage;
  • swivel knees for drain pipes;
  • discharge for drain;
  • clamps for fastening the drain (minimum 1 per 200 cm pipe);
  • hooks for mounting grooves (1 per 60 cm plastic or 80 cm of metal gutter).

Note! If the roof area is less than 80 m2 The pipe diameter can be 10 cm for home to 150 m2 It is necessary to purchase pipes with a cross section of 14 cm.

For comfortable and correctly performed, the work will need such tools as:

  • building level;
  • measuring tape measure and a simple pencil;
  • hoven, knife with an acute end and blade
  • a hammer with a rubber and metal boom;
  • screwdriver;
  • saws.

And do not forget to prepare a reliable staircase.

Installation of drainage. Step-by-step instruction

The installation of the drainage system begins with the highest point.

Step 1 . First of all, they prepare fasteners for gutters or their future location is noted. This stage, like installing fasteners, is going on before installing the roof. Mounts can be mounted to the frontal board or rafter.

In the first case, simple metal brackets can be applied. The places of their installations are celebrated on the frontal board to keep the required slope of 2-3 mm for each meter of the gutter.

Metal brackets equipped with extension cords are used for mounting on the rafter. To do this, the angle of inclination is noted on the mounts themselves, and on the mark, the extensions of the brackets are rejected.

Step 2.Fasten brackets to selected places. At the same time, the first and last hooks are mounted at a distance of 0.15 m from the edge of the house. Before installing hooks to the front board, it is mentally necessary to extend the roof. From it to the outer edge of the gutter should be a quarter meter. Given this, determine the place of fastening of the first fastener.

When installing a hook on a rafye, it is necessary to prepare the groove to prepare the fastener to be mounted.

Step 3. At this stage, the preparation of the grooves. If there are no holes for a funnel or a direct junction with a drain pipe, then they are cut with a hacksaw. For prepared holes insert funnels. Plastic funnels are fixed with glue, and metallic - special locks. PVC chute can be combined with each other locks, and at the ends to install the plugs before mounting to the house.

Step 4. The gutter separately or the already assembled plastic design is installed on the hooks, fastening the locking elements.

Step 5. The clamps on the pins removing the pipe from the wall at least 30 mm to protect the house are attached to the wall of the house at the place of installation of the drain.

Step 6. Connecting knee is fixed to each funnel, and it is already a collected drainage pipe. At the bottom of the drainage, there is a removal that should rise above the ground at a minimum of 0.3 m.

Step 7. Fix the pipe to the wall with the help of clamps.

Installation of the drainage is completed.

Video - the installation process of the drain

A discharge plums can be connected with storm sewage, it is especially true for locations with a plenty of precipitation. An easier option is to collect wastewater in the container with further use of atmospheric water for watering. You can directly remove the pipe to plantations, but the output should be no closer to one and a half meters from the foundation of the building.

The correct installation of the drainage system by 90% ensures its durability and normal operation. It should be installed a specialist who knows all the subtleties and rules of installation. And when independent installation, you need to adhere to the installation instructions.

Nevertheless, the developers continue to mount the drainage without complying with the recommendations of manufacturers and make up problems in the same place. Due to the negligent or irregular installation, the economies of the attachments are disturbed by the functions of the drainage, which leads to the leaks of the roof and wear of the facade.

What is the installation errors.

When installing each system, it is necessary to take into account the pipe material, the method of assembling the system and the type of fasteners. And although the modern plastic drainage at first glance is collected as a designer, "for the scenes" there are individual features of the system known only by professionals.

Common errors when installing the drain system.

Wrong selection of pipe diameters and the number of funnels is the reason that the system does not cope with the flow of water. This is more design question, but often unprofessional calculation and installation of the drainage system are "hand in hand".

The gutter is installed horizontally, which is why water accumulates in the yob itself and in the corners of the system. If rainwater is harvested in tanks for irrigation - reasonably, then the "accumulation" of water in the gutters does not allow drainage to perform its basic function - to remove water.

The stagnant water turns into a lot when cold and melts in thaw, contributing to the appearance of ice traffic jams that prevent drainage. One or two years of such operation - and the whole system will require repair, and plastic drainage can even burst. Less is less susceptible to the copper drainage, but also the cost above.

The roof is too hanging over the gutter or, on the contrary, far from his center. It is also wrong to mount a groove with a slope of the wall or from the wall of the house, in which case it is possible to overflow through the edges of the gutter during the rain of high intensity.

Pipe is very close to the wall of the house. The ill-mounted fixing of the drain system will lead to the wetting of the walls during the rain.

The main rules for the installation of the drainage system are common to all its types. But in the installation of metal and plastic drainage, there are some differences.

Correct installation of the drain system.

Unforeseen difficulties with the installation of drainage can be avoided by installing them before laying roofing.

The gutter is usually fixed on rafters, crate or frontal boards. But if the roof coating is already laid, the rafters are closed, and the frontal board in the design is missing, there is a problem with the fastening of the drain system. Yes, any drainage can be installed on the finished roof, but then the process of fixing the drainage gutter is complicated.

Consider the procedure and rules for mounting the drainage system with differences in the installation of water pipes from plastic and metal.

1. Compliance with the temperature regime during installation.

Plastic drainage mounted at temperatures above +5 ° C, metallic, depending on the material of the protective coating. Minimum temperature for plastisol +10 ° C, ceramic granules -10 ° C, Purala -15 ° FROM.

2. Fastening the drainage gutter to the roof with a slope.

Fig. one Double bias on line more than 24 m. / Simple bias on line up to 24 m.

The gutter is installed with a slope toward the livneryman. The magnitude of the slope is indicated in the installation instructions for the waterway system. As a rule, for PVC drainage, it is 3-5 mm per meter for a metallic 2-5 mm per 1 meter of the gutter. The distance between the livnevniki should not exceed 24m.

3. Installation of chute holders at the same distance.

First, the extreme holders are fixed in the highest and lowest points at a distance of not more than 200 mm from the edge, and between them are placed the rest. Depending on the design of the roof, manufacturers have different types of hooks (holders). Long hooks are attached to the lower part of the crates, and compact holders to the front board.

Fig. 2.

The distance between the brackets for the plastic waterproof is a maximum of 50 cm, for metal - no more than 60 cm. Holders of gutters on the sides of the livnerymaker are located at a distance of from each other no more than 50 cm for plastic drainage and 60 cm for metal. The end stub of the gutter and the angle of rotation must be from the bracket at a distance of no more than 20 cm.

4. The edge of the roof must have 1/3-1/2 of the gutter.

At the same time, the chute is below the conditional line continuing the roof (attaching a rail, as shown in the figure, we form this very conditional line) so that the snow is not slipped by the whole mass.

Fig. 3. Fastening of the gutter to the front board / fastening of the gutter to the crate

Plastic drains cut with a saw with small teeth (hacksaw or saw for metal), and for the holes use scissors for metal. The edges of the plastic drainage cutter are cleaned with a fabulic or sandpaper.

Fig. four Cutting pipes

For cutting metal pipes, an angular grinder ("Bulgarian") cannot be used, because it heats the steel and destroys the coating.

6. Fastening the drain system to the wall of the building with a sufficient number of pipe holders.

Holders are installed at a distance of 2 m from each other for buildings with a height of up to 10 m and 1.5 for buildings above 10 m. The pipe must be at a distance of 3-8 cm from the wall of the building. Bending pipes formed with knees.

Plastic Drains connect:

  • on glue (cold welding);
  • on latches and clamps;
  • on rubber seals.


  • on seals;
  • clamps.

To connect the elements of the plastic pipe is needed, taking into account the gap to compensate for the linear extension. The draining is mounted at a distance of 25 cm from the ground or 15 cm from the scene.

Installing the drain, be sure to follow the rules for the installation of the drainage system and the manufacturer's recommendation.

Is it possible to save on the installation?

You can mount the drain on your own, strictly adhering to the installation instructions for the installation of the drain system. Pay attention to the strength and reliability of fixtures and components.

Consequences of errors when installing the drain system:

  • if you set less brackets, the chute can be caught and crap;
  • if removing the drain too high, water will fall on the walls of the house, destroying the facade;
  • incorrectly assembled pipes can flow and burst.

The standard chute holder withstands about 75 kg, but not the weight, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe Oppulating area is important. If you install a smaller number of holders, the pressure is concentrated at one point and is not distributed per meter length. The chute will "lead" or it will break.

Again, it will reduce the cost of the competent calculation of the system during design. Then you will acquire the optimal number of elements without prejudice to the reliability and proper operation of the system.

Check whether the drain is correctly installed quite simple. The bias of the gutter can be measured by the usual building level or hydraulic level, if there is an opportunity - level and theodolite. The tightness of the connections is checked like this: plug holes, pour water into the chute and look, whether the leakage will appear in the joints. You can also then open stock and see how quickly water stalks completely. The throughput and absence of overflows are checked by sending a watering hose with a middle pressure of water. The correct position of the gutter at the edge of the roof is controlled by applying a rack to the skate. She should not persist in the gutter, and go over him.

Installation of the drain better entrust the specialist. But if it still decided to establish it yourself, it is necessary to follow the installation instructions of the selected Eastern system. So you can avoid gross mistakes and ensure the proper operation of the drain throughout the life.

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Removal of precipitation from scanty roofs - main functionthat any drainage systems must be performed. Manufacturers guarantee the minimum life of such structures to 5-12 years old subject to compliance with the rules for installation and operation.

Adhering to not difficult rules for the installation of the drainage system described in this article, you will avoid problems with abundant precipitation and melting of snow.

What are the drainage systems

  1. Depending on the type of connections between the elements, they themselves rubbereither with rubber seals.
  2. Metalor polymerBasic raw materials for manufacture.
  3. There are also the same outdooror internaldepending on how the drain is organized.

What to pay attention to, making a choice

You need to perform several actions for the right choice:

  • Learn what maximum level of precipitation in the region.
  • Conduct the calculation on the skate area. But it is necessary to keep in mind only the largest element in size. This factor determines what kind of chute you need to choose in one way or another.

When the system is selected, transfer to the calculation of the required amount of materials. This will require drawings of planes, schemes with specified dimensions. Thanks to this, further calculations will be easier.

Fastenings and materials, features

Fastening hooks are long or short. Long needed to hang the gutter on the rafter. Then the product is attached before the roofing material itself is installed. The second option is useful if the design consists of front board. You can install this product on the finished roof.

The pipe cross section is usually round or rectangular. The main thing is to organize the flow of water in the vertical direction. There are also special brackets with which the pipe is attached to the walls.

The number of pipes is determined depending on how many funnel will be.

System markup

The first stage of installation is the markup of the fastening of the brackets for the grooves. The minimum required slope is 2-3 millimeters mm on the temporon meter.
Fastening sites can be such:

  1. Slinge foot, the last bar of the root. But this approach is not applicable to the end and lateral fasteners.
  2. Hard platform flooring.
  3. Carnisket windshield, located along the edge of the roofing edge.

Adjustable brackets are considered a more modern solution. The user uses screws to regulate the shoulder, depending on the slope on the roof skate. This does not need to bend metal products.

The main rule is that the end of the gutter goes beyond the borders of the roof covering. If the lower edge hits no more than a third of the diameter - the rain water will accurately get into a special tray designed for this.

It is important to have a small difference between the heights of the inner and outer edge at the tray.

Stages of installation of the drain system

Installation of the private house drain provides several stages. From successful implementation each of them depends the result of all work.

Installing brackets

There are certain technologies for fastening chub holders. Without it, do not make water together with atmospheric precipitate to flow in the right direction. Compared to the continuation of the roof, the outer edge of the gutter should be 25 millimeters below for regions with frequent precipitation.

  1. Metal brackets Installed at the moment when the roof doome of the roof is connected to the rafters. On the same items, we then labeled the cornice. By 1, the meter, the slope should be at least 5 mm.
  2. The recommended step of the chute holders should be equallydistance between rafyles. This is usually 5-6 tenth meters.
  3. Additional brackets are attached to the shap at the required distance, if the previous parameter turns out to be greater.
  4. Hooks place horizontallySo that the water flows normally in design. Blind save small - 5 cm on 10 meters of chute.

Sometimes the length of the brackets turns out to be more necessary. In this case, the details can be beatened. The main thing is to take into account the roof slope. To the vertical side of the root, too short hooks are attached.

Installation of gutter

The gutter is necessary latch in brackets. The place of the joint is fixed with a special lock mechanism, where two gutters are connected to each other. The sealant is applied to special recesses, without which it is not necessary in this process. It will make the joints so much durable, as much as possible.

There is a specific method for mounting plugs. A strip of glue up to 5 millimeters width first on the inside of the plug. After that, it connects to the gutter. Standard sizes for the latter - three meters.

Connection of drainage

Where the drains are connected to each other, the masters are applied with 4 glue bands, each of them - with a width of up to 5 millimeters. In relation to the bracket, the distance of this part should be at least 10 cm. The main thing is to take into account the natural expansion of the details.

The glue fill the places of jet connections. It will take an expansion element in the case when there are more than 8 meters between the angles of horizontal rods.

Mount the corner

On each of the corners we apply two bands of glue, each - with a 5-mm width. Then the corner itself is attached to the drain. Saving the corner on the chute until the stop, we collect the drain, very slowly. It is necessary to press work surfaces to each other. The glue is applied not only for one corner, but also in place where one item connects with the next one.

Setting the knee

We glue the top knee to the funnel. Top and bottom knee not necessary Connect with each other with glue. Between them simply insert a pipe with a necessary diameter.

Install the drainage pipes with the figure part

  • A straight pipe of at least 60 millimeters is inserted into the connection of one knee with another.
  • We collect a curly part, in which the upper end of the pipe itself is starting.
  • For mounting to the wall we use clamps. Between them should be a distance of at least 1.8 meters. One of the clamps is fixing, and the other - asks the direction. Sometimes it is required to use compensators for temperature expansion. Place the clamps under the connector.
  • With a plumb, set the pipe strictly vertically.
  • The drain knee is mounted on the lower end of the pipe attached with the help of clamps.
  • The lower end of the pipe can be started in a livneryman or drainage system in the presence of appropriate elements.
  • On each pipe, we install the connector, which includes the next pipe.
  • Cold Breppy under each of the compounds.

Need to take into account heat expansionBy mounting the drain system. Sometimes it is not necessary without special compensation gaps. In other cases, builders put special lines.

At the end of each season must be carried out periodic examination of systems, rinse them. It is not allowed to use sharp metal items to solve this issue. The drainage will be born by foliage, if you save on any elements, especially connecting. To the same large distance between the brackets leads to the fact that the system begins under the weight of precipitation. Therefore, at the end of the work, it is necessary to check whether all the details are exactly the project designed earlier.


Check out the video editing of the drainage system.

Installation of plastic drainage is the perfect option for those who want to independently protect the roof of the house from excessive moisture. The function of the drain system is the rapid waste of precipitation with the roof of the building. From how it will be installed (correct, not correctly), will depend on how long and how efficiently the system will function. In fact, the drainage system is not mounted with your own hands. The main thing is to comply with the instructions for the assembly and installation of the system elements. Installation of plastic drainage can be structled into several stages.

Installation of roof drains: Preparatory stage

The advantages of plastic drainage are the following:

Big popularity and competitiveness;

Long-term use;


At the same time, plastic drains have disadvantages. First, this is the fragility of the design. Secondly, if installing the elements of the system is not correct, then the plastic can change the color or shape.

First you need to do all the calculations. To calculate the diameter and the length of the system, you need to take into account the height of the building and the area of \u200b\u200bits roof.

Pattern of calculation: Building height \u003d 4.5m, Roof area \u003d 9m. With such source data for the installation of plastic drainage, the following will be required:

Three-meter gutters (3 pieces),

Drainage gutters (right and left),

Funnels (2 pieces),

Brackets are applied to fastening the gutter (16 pieces),

Plastic tube long 3 m (4 pieces),

Fastening pipes to the wall (10 pieces),

45-Tigradus turns of the pipe (6 pieces).

Required inventory:

1) Construction knife

2) Perforator

3) Level

7) Bulgarian.

Installation of roof drains: mounting stage

The drainage system is not complicated with its own hands. First you need to decide on the location of the drainage system. In places where the installation of drain pipes is planned, funnels should be mounted.

Throughout the plane of the wall, it should be evenly distributed fasteners - brackets. Between them you need to observe a distance of 500-600 mm.

The drainage system continues the installation of the grooves with his own hands.

Many prefer to collect waterproof gutters with plugs, funnels immediately on Earth. After that, the entire design is raised up and attached to the brackets. On your own, alone, it is problematic. Therefore, the baking system is best to collect upstairs.

The gutter is mounted from the funnel, while they are joined using connectors. The edges of these elements are introduced to a special mark.

If you want to cut off the groove on the specified size, then in this case you can use the metal hacksaw. Borrowers are cleaned with a file.

From the end side of the grooves mounted plugs. From the frontal board to the plug should be at least 30 mm.

The drainage system is properly moving from the funnel with their own hands. If the roof is small, then it is recommended to use a clutch.

In order to connect the pipes, you should use the coupling, as mentioned earlier. You need to leave the clearance in the coupling when entering the bottom pipe. Under this element, the bracket (with a clamp) is installed.

Similarly, the couplings are mounted tees, as shown in the photos below.

Then the bottom of the pipe is glued to the bottom tube.

Next you need to install a livneemic. It is installed in the place where water will leave the drain pipe. To do this, they will need polymer pipes that are discharged into the well. From the house you need to dig a trench and equip the filter well. Pipes are placed in the trench. One end of the pipe will be mounted in the filter receiver, and the other in the veil. Cooks can be purchased in a specialized store. After the pipe was laid in a trench, the livneryman concrete.

On this, the installation of plastic drains is completed.

With the long-term direct effect of atmospheric precipitation on the wall or foundation of the house they begin to collapse. Avoid this will help the installation of the drainage system. But the installation should be carried out in accordance with the technological requirements, since otherwise the design will not be functional.

Organized drainage obligatory to the device, since moisture has a negative impact on the materials of the facade.

Varieties of drainage systems

There are several classification parameters: according to the methods of organizing water drain and manufacturing material.

According to the organization's method

Here the systems will be such:

  1. Unorganized. In this case, water flows from the roof directly to the ground due to the covered roof. The disadvantage of such an organization is that the liquid falls on the walls and the foundation, accelerating their destruction. For residential buildings it is not recommended. It is more suitable for technical and economic structures with a single roof type.
  2. Organized internal. They are equipped on high-rise buildings. Such a system is considered preferable in a harsh climate. The drainage pipes are inside the walls, so the risk of their freezing is reduced.
  3. Organized outdoor. They are structures of gutters and pipes by which water is removed from the roof.

In the form, the system is rectangular or round. You can make it yourself or purchase a factory option.

By type of material

For this parameter, the design is metallic or made of plastic. Each has such advantages and disadvantages:

Material Characteristics
Plastic The system is adhesive and blissful. It has such advantages:
  • resistant to the sun rays (does not fade);
  • durability and low weight;
  • simplicity of installation;
  • a variety of components;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • the presence of a wide color scheme;
  • adhesive system does not require additional care;
  • an extensive range of temperatures: -40 ... + 70 ° C.

But plastic has such disadvantages:

  • collapsed due to mechanical impact;
  • applies only on low-rise buildings;
  • no repair after breakage;
  • requires regular replacement of rubber seals;
  • has a high linear extension coefficient
Metal Such products are durable, have stable dimensions, withstand the temperature in the range of -60 ... + 130 ° C. The advantages of metal structures are:
  • do not burn;
  • high reliability;
  • the ability to withstand large wind and snow loads.

But systems of this type are expensive, complex in installation. Color gamma scanty. With mechanical damage to the protective layer on the product, rust appears. In metal structures there is a small number of elements, so the scope of their application is limited.

These systems are such:

  • steel (galvanized, with polymer coating, painted);
  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • zinc titanium (they are the most durable and expensive

The choice of design for drainage depends on the type of roof, the estimated load used by the roofing material, the floors of the structure.

Installation of drainage when the roof is already covered

There are situations when attaching the drainage needed after the roof of the country or residential house is completed.

The reasons for them are as follows:

  • the subsequent installation of the system is provided by the project;
  • the house was bought in an unfinished form, and the previous owner did not mount the design;
  • replacement of the old system is required.

An example of the installation of the drain on the invisible brackets.

Enable such installation options:

  1. Through the roofing material (metal tile or other material is drilled through).
  2. To the frontal board. This option is used for plastic products, since they are lungs and do not require additional consolidation.
  3. Fixation "on crutches." Screen to the wall. Made these elements from wood or metal.
  4. Fastening on invisible brackets. They hold the chute from above, so they are not visible. Fixed on the crate or rafters.
  5. Directly on the roofing material. Mounting of this type can be installed on fragile corrugated coatings, but their cost is high. Apply them is permitted only if the amount of precipitation and the load on the system is small.

The drainage in the country or in a residential building should not solve the problem of the presence of snow on the roof. There are other systems for this.

Methods for fastening drains do it yourself

This process requires compliance with technological features.

Types of brackets for fastening grooves

To secure the design properly with your own hands, you need to decide on the type and material of the manufacture of clamps, as well as the place and the method of their installation.

The varieties of brackets are:

  1. Long. They are used for mounting under the roof until it is laying. The hooks are screwed to the rafters to the flooring of the crate.
  2. Short. They are used if the fastening of the grooves will be made on the frontal board or on the wall of the structure. You can fix such brackets both before laying roofing material and after it.
  3. Universal. Such a design can understand. It is adjustable in length, and it can be mounted at any convenient time.

From the selection of the brackets depends the correctness and strength of the fastening of the drainage.

1 - short, 2 - long, 3 - universal bracket for the suspension of gutters of the drain system.

To rafters or crate

If the mounting of the brackets is made even before laying a professional flooring or other roofing material, it takes fixation of products on the last board of the crate or rafters. Here you will need hooks on long legs. If necessary, they flex. For this purpose, you can apply universal brackets.

If the roof is already present, then for fixing the brackets will have to remove the lower rows. To do this, unscrew the fasteners and gently remove the material. To avoid this process, you can use brackets with bent in the horizontal plane with a mounting area. They are attached to the rafters. But this option is possible if wooden fragments have a cross section of at least 180 * 50 mm.

If the roofing material is soft, it is enough just to lift its edge. Fix the gutter is necessary so that the coating hung over it.

On the windshield

Fastening the drain brackets to the frontal board.

It is installed on the rafting legs (on their end sides). The width of the board is different, which depends on the type of drainage system used and fasteners.

For such an option, long brackets are required (if the board width) is required). You can still use special hooks, which consist of a guide profile and bracket holder.

Directly to the edge of the roofing

This method involves fixing the drain along the roof cornice. It is applied if the crate is a hard roofing material. Special clamps are used to fix hooks.

Some types of fixtures require drilling holes in the roof. If the clamps are metallic, then under their paws it is necessary to put rubber gaskets. They will reduce the likelihood of damage to the roof. Brackets can be made of plastic or metal.

With an additional long bracket

They will need if the holders for fastening the gutters are short. The bracket has a T-shaped form. Its long part is fixed on the rapid leg (side part), and the holder is attached on the short mounting site. With the help of such fixtures, the system can be installed, even if the roof is already laid. In this case, the risk of damage to the material is minimal.

Groob parameters and angle of linker

To install drainage gutters, a diagram is required on which the slope and roof skate parameters are indicated. If they do not take into account, then with a strong shower, the liquid will be blown through the edge. An important parameter is the cross-section of drainage pipes. To do this, it is necessary to find out how much such items will contain the system on one roof slope.

If the length of the eaves does not exceed 12 m, then 1 drain funnel and vertical pipe will be needed. In other cases, 2 pipes are required, which are located at the corners of the structure. If there is a short gutter, its slope is carried out in one direction.

In its lower part, a pipe, reducing water, is installed. With a skate length, 2 gutters are required for more than 12 m. They have a bias from the center to the corners. Its height is 3-5 mm for each meter.

Other elements of the drainage system

Design details are selected individually, depending on its complexity, manufacturing material.

Elements of the drainage system used during installation.

The standard system includes such elements:

  1. Plastic retainers with rubber or polymer gaskets. They are used to seal joints interconnected with gutters. Such a component is required for constructions with a bias into two sides.
  2. Corner element. It is installed in the case of the location of the drain pipe on the facade of the house.
  3. Stub. The cover of the semicircular or square shape, installed in the end of the gutter.
  4. Funnel. Through it, the water from the gutter enters the drain pipe.
  5. Knee. If you put it in the bottom of the pipe, you can take water further from the foundation. It is also required to change the system configuration when necessary.
  6. Brackets and clamps for fixing the drain pipe on the wall.
  7. Dowel-nails, selflessness.

To calculate the number of funnels, plugs, brackets need to know the rules for their location. The installation step of the holders - 50-80 cm, clamps - 120-180 cm. For a simple design, 2 plugs are required, as well as 1-2 funnels.

Installation of the drain system

The installer's manual involves a preliminary selection of tools, design marking. The system itself can be collected on the ground, and then consolidate.

Required tools

The toolkit depends on the material of the drain production.

The standard set is:

  1. Handling on wood or metal, jigsaw with the appropriate web.
  2. Scissors for metal.
  3. Screwdriver or hammer for fixing fasteners.
  4. Pliers (if work is carried out with galvanized).
  5. Rubber hammer for mounting plugs,
  6. Device for beating hooks.
  7. Water level.
  8. Perforator (to install clamps on the walls).

You will still need a roulette and a marker, a cord for marking, a stepladder or scaffolding.

On the left - two ways to install brackets to the rafters, on the right - the attachment of the brackets to the doom.

Step-by-step sequence of installation work

Step-by-step instruction provides for work in this order:

  1. Marking of the position of brackets and their slope. The distance from the first attachment to the wind board is 5-10 cm. In the marked place, a nail is driven to which the cord is attached. This point is above the rest. Now it is important to determine the height from the top edge of the backing board of the nail. On the opposite side you need to postpone the same segment. After that, focusing on the resulting horizontal, the necessary slope is littered.
  2. Installation of brackets. First, the first and last fastener is installed, and then intermediate. For fixing the bracket requires 2-3 nails or self-pressing.
  3. Installing funnels. Plastic elements are connected by adhesive method. So that the pipe does not fall into the pipe, it is equipped with a grid.
  4. Installation of the grooves. Their parts of each other are connected by special lock locks. In the metal structures of the part of the gutter, one on the other braziness towards the slope. It is 5-6 cm. The junction is additionally sealed. On the end parts of the gutter are mounted plugs.
  5. Setting the knees.
  6. Installation of pipes for drain. Brackets with clamps are attached to a plunder. On the ends of the plums are mounted with water taps.

The reliability of fixation depends on the compliance with the installation technology. If the system is calculated correctly, no water flow is not afraid for it.