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The scenario of the holiday for the day of laughter "Clown is visiting the guys." Scenario funny clowns

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Game program for children of senior preschool "Meeting with clown"

The purpose of the game program is an increase in interest in physical culture and a healthy lifestyle of children.

1. Increase interest in the active way of life to all participants in the educational process.

2. To form volitional qualities: dedication, exposure, strength, dexterity.

3. Relieve a sense of partnership, courage, dexterity, attentiveness, fantasy.

Props for games: phonogram of music games and funny music for competition, ball, balloons, sheets A-4, pencils (markers),

Under merry music Children enter the hall. Clown comes to the scene.

Clown : Hello, and here I am! Hey! Firework! Let's get acquainted. My name is a pencil. Remember? What is your name? Tell the choir!

Clown (children's responses) All clear! All boys today is called bu-boo. And girls "SYU-SYU" !

Clown: How are you feeling? I can not hear! (children answer)

Clown: What are you today all beautiful and elegant. I want to make friends with you. I invite together for the dance, and it is called "Friendship" ( dance "Friendship «)

Clown: Mood you just have super! Upper class! So you can start our program . Well, we will play, sing, dance? (Merry music sounds)

Clown: Oh, how I want to play! Do you like games? Now we know! I ask those who love games and jokes, speak loud!

Who loves cartoons?

Who loves sunbathing?

Who loves to yell?

Swim in a dirty puddle?

Who is not my ears?

Clown. And tell me, guys, do you charge in the morning? I

i also do, just not a simple and cheerful charging. Want to teach you?

Clown. Hey, girls, hands wider,

We sit on the floor, as in the apartment. (Squatting)

And now everyone got together,

Hands to the belt removed.

Step to everyone right, step to everyone left,

All you like the queen!

Clown . Hey, boys, legs to scrub,

And we jump on the spot,

And hands up and down

All praise on the bis!

And then sneeze together, and now you need to laugh!

Clown . Now all together on the shoulders hands,

So that there is no melancholy boredom

The leg is right forward, and then the opposite.

Together they sat down on the floor,

Twisted, got up, sat down, as if we were on the carousel!

Clown. And now the team is listening:

Grasp your ears

And the shock of the local

And so everything is together together you jump on the spot!

Clown . Well, the real monkeys turned out!

Clown: I declare a musical workshop. ( music warm-up "Giraffe speys everywhere ..")

Clown: By the way, since we decided to have fun today, we will do the opposite . The game "On the contrary" Clown : Not tired of responding? Let me get silent. And you guys obedient? ( clown takes the ball, music sounds) . Guys! I invite you to a fun holiday ball! We will play with them. There is a game. Children pass each other ball while music sounds. Who stayed with the ball leaves.

Clown takes balloons.

Clown : And my balls are not easy. This is a sharkrosiki. Sharrosiki - Well, balls with questions. Who answers the question, the ball gets.

Game program for children of senior preschool age Meeting with clown
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Game program "Meeting with clowns"

Nelli Kabanova
Game program "Meeting with clowns"

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten № 76" Leninsky district of Saratov

Entertaining game program For children of senior groups « Meeting with clowns»

Prepared and held a musical leader Kabanova N. V. Saratov 2012

For fun music, children enter the hall. There are two scene clown.

Chupp: Hell, and here we are!

Chupa: Let's get acquainted. Our name is chup and chups. Remember? I am a chip.

Chupa: What is your name? Tell the choir!

Chupp: You call your name - once, two, three (children's responses)

Chupa: All clear! All boys today is called bu-boo.

Chupa: How are you feeling? I can not hear! let's so: I ask you, and you in response to you, clap, whistle. Clear? So, prepared! Started!

Chupp: Mood you just have super! Upper class!

Chupa: So you can start our program.

Chupp: Well, we will play, sing, dance? I'm asking you. Let's sing.

Chupa: By the way, since we decided to have fun today, we will do the opposite.

Chupp: Not tired of responding?

Chupa: Let's keep silent.

Chupp: Do you guys obedient?

Second clown enters the ball.

Chupa: Guys! I invite you to a fun holiday ball! We will play with them.

There is a game. Children pass each other ball while music sounds. Who remained silent, leaves.

Chupp: Does anyone know the poems about the balls?

Children tell poems about balls.

Other clown in hand balls.

Chupa: And my balls are not easy. This is a sharkrosiki.

Chupa: Sharrosiki - Well, balls with questions. Who answers the question, the ball gets.

1. What color balls like Piglet? (Green)

Scenario of entertainment "Clowns came to us"

Scenario of summer entertainment is aimed at creating a good, positive attitude from participation in games and fun, contributes to creating a favorable, friendly and friendly atmosphere in the process of communication.

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"Scenario of entertainment" To us clowns came ""

Clown came to visit us.
purpose: Create a good child, a positive mood from participating in games and fun. Promote the creation of a favorable, friendly and friendly atmosphere in the process of communication.
- Improve motor skills and skills, develop physical qualities: force, dexterity, speed, coordination of movements.
- To form the ability to interact in the team.
- bring up a feeling of mutual assistance, attention to each other.
Preliminary work: Preparation of musical accompaniment, attributes and details for entertainment, learning words of songs and non-pieces with children.
Equipment and materials: Costumes for clowns, music center, discs with moving baby music record, balls, big candy with candy for children, balloons.

Hello guys! Which of you is sitting sad . Who has an acidic look? Our entertainment will raise the mood.
We invite everyone to merry gymnastics (a fun melody sounds).

Game "Cheerful Gymnastics"

Children are moving in a circle each other

Then the movements are performed in a circle according to the lyrics:

Hands on the belt first,
Left and right to swing shoulders.
You will reach the little finger to the heel.
If managed, everything is in perfect order.
And finally, you must smoke,
String, cover, head and rherish. Well done!

Do you like fairy tales, cartoons? I suggest playing a fun game.

I will be called calling fabulous heroes, if it is a thrown hero you clap, and if evil - so you have. And so start. I am a jump-jumping and Malvina met (children clap), Karabasa-Barabas, Wolf, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Babu Yagu, Koscheya Memmonious, Bunny, etc.

Well done. And now guess the riddle:

In the circus it is funnier than everyone.
He has a great success.
Just remember it remains
Messenchak he is called.

Two clowns run on music with balloons.

Hi, merry and chali!

We came on a fun hour -

see us!

Children clap your hands.

Together: Chupa - Chupp!

Chupa: What is your name, tell me, name your name!

Game "Name your name" (Children shout children)


At the end of the clown cry.

Clowns: how sad it is.

Host: Hundred happened?

Clowns: Hhahahahahaha, we joked!

We brought you friends, balls -

all surprises are full!

ChUP: Red Ball We will take and laugh everyday!

(Laugh phonogram sounds, clowns laugh. Invite children to laugh)

Leading: Chupa and Chuppa and let's play a fun game.

Game "Merry Riddles».

I will guess, and you guess, and the guys will help you.

A bunny went out,

lape at the hare smoothly ...

(not five, and four)

Irinka and Oxanka

(not sledge, but bicycles)

On vaccinations and injections

Moms of children are cast in ...

(not in schools, but in the clinic)

And caprit, and stubborn,

In kindergarten does not want ...

(not mom, and daughter)

Asked Mom Julia

She pour a seagull in ...

(not a saucepan, but in a cup)

On the roads was land - I have a dry ...

Birthday on the nose - we baked ...

(not sausage, and cake)

All scrolls, sneezes Lada:

(not chocolate, but ice cream)

On lunch son Vana

Mom cooks soup in ...

(not in a glass, and in a saucepan)

I could choose myself

a pair of verges for ...

(not for feet, and for hands)

Frost cracks in the yard - you are dressing the hat ...

(not on the nose, and on the head)

We see, you are fun guys:

love to laugh and play.

Blue ball we take and dance now begin.

Dance- game "Giraffe Spot-Spots"

Chupa: - Yellow ball we will take and play we begin.

I ask those who love games and jokes, speak loudly - I!

- Who loves cartoons?

- And who loves the cake?

- And who loves the treasure?

- Who loves sunbathing?

- Who loves to yell?

- swim in a dirty puddle?

- Who is not my ears?

Scenario of Entertainment "Merry Clowns"

(entertainment for children of middle and senior preschool)

Purpose: to develop interest in theatrical - game activity.

1. Activate the dialogic speech of children, to achieve the right and clear pronunciation of sounds and syllables.

2. To form the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of the characters, transmitting them to the facial expressions, pose, gesture, movement, main emotions and feelings.

3. Relieve a sense of partnership.

Children enter the hall, they are cleared to the places, a knock on the door is heard, a clown of tick riding on the horse appears.

A type - Igo! Igo, food, go far!

I seem to come! Hello my friends!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

I hurried, I hurried, I almost fell away from the horse!

And my brother clown did not come to you? That's good, it means that I am first! I will go to meet it!

Sits on the horse, leaves.

Cloon top appears. Rides a hunch of horses backwards.

Top - Food, I go to you, friends, all meet me!

I sit on the goat, in all the sides I look,

Going back in advance, the people are surprised!

TPRUUUUU! Well, at least back in advance, but I drove!

Hello, kids, girls and boys! I'm not late?

My call is clown top, I have a brother clown type.

He probably slept, and did not come.

I will go to look for him! Type, ay!

Enters a clown type.

Top - Type where are you? AU!

A type- Here I am! (hug).

Together: Hello merchant and chali!

Hi Girls and boys!

We came on a fun hour - meet us as soon as possible!

Children clap your hands.

A type: I'm a type!

Top: I am top!

Together: We are type and top! What is your name?

A type: Tell your name!

Top: Well, again, yes, pogromic!

Game "Name your name" (Children shout children)

A type: Everything is clear: all boys are called "Bu-Bu-bu, and the girls" Syu-shu "!

The button includes a button

Button: Hello, guys, hello type, hello top! And my name is the button. You have not seen a clown mushroom with my friend?

Grisha clown, loaded with heavy bag and umbrella appear in the hall.

Grisha: Hello, but where did I get it? What are you doing here? - (everyone greets him).

Button: - Ah-ah, so he came, did not dreamed! Grisha, so where were you?

Type and top: Epidemic!

Grisha: Yes! Signs of illness - smiles, laughter to fall! - (Conspiring) - There are deaths!

Button: What to do? And we wanted to play with the guys, have fun?

Grisha: Do you want to visit the circus? And you guys? Then we will go right now in the circus to the presentation of "clowns and cloud! "

Button: Well, I see clowns, and where is the cloudy?

Grisha: Now we will fix this! - (opens his bag and shows caps)

All clowns put on caps for children and smear each child's nose and cheeks lipstick.

Grisha: Well, lovely my cloudy, now we will arrange such a circus here, just Ahnet!

Button: Please those who love to play - clap your hands and talk - "I! "

(hereinafter, clowns are transferred in turn, shouting) - who loves cartoons? - Chewing gum? - Cake? - Ice cream? - Poduters? - Who likes summer? - Who loves sunbathing? - swim ... in a dirty puddle? - sing? - Dance?

Button: We are not bad! … Attention! The following number will be juggles! Do you want to be juggles? Then playing!

An attraction is held: "Catch the ball with a hat"

Play two people 2-3 times

Top - And now for you a fun game! And it is called "Tell the word!"

Top Gray wolf in a dense forest met the red ...

Top - My sock disappeared, dragged him ...

Top - A whole day sings a bird in a cage on the window.

She is a bird-like, and afraid.

Top - Mikhail played football and scored in the gate.

Grisha: Well, now we invite you to a cheerful dance!

There is a common dance with clowns: "Bugs - Vuy"

Button: And now who will reproach whom - children or clowns?

The game "Who will reproach whom?"(children laugh together)

A type: We will take bags now

Jump in them will soon begin.

Game "Running in bags" (bags without bottom)

Zhanna Rushanovna Fenina

Together with your daughter, we spend children's birthdays! I am as a lead and musical leader, and my daughter as a clown.

We have a lot of scenarios. Here is one of them.


Good afternoon dear friends!

Each person in life has a reason at least once a year to collect together friends and loved ones, those who are always happy to see, on their personal holiday - a birthday. Today is the birthday of Sofia.

Today you, Sophia, marks 10 years. This is the first round date in your life. This is the first date of years, consisting of two digits. 10 years - anniversary!

I wish you at ten years

Live fun, bright, without trouble.

Useful gifts, surprises,

Smaller offense and whims!

Let in school and at home everything will be fine:

Nice, understandable and cool!

I wish the perky laughter,

More good luck and success!

All together: happy birthday! (3 times)

And now you will be waiting for a surprise, on a visit to you on the anniversary birthday we invited ...


Hello everyone, friends!

All welcome you today!

My name is Cloon Typa,

And I'm not stretching at all.

The reason for the meeting is better and you will not come up with

I am a cheerful clown and I hurried for my birthday to the most beautiful, charming, attractive! (comes to the birthday girl and gives the flower, shy)

Great, it's just great what you are all beautiful, and how is your mood? The most important thing is your mood, without which a fun holiday is simply unthinkable! (Answers) I do not hear something? How is your mood?

So, tell me, the guys, and who has a name today?

"What is customary to do for a birthday?"

(Answers, of course, were different: Play, there is a cake, give gifts, blew candles and so on.)

"True, but it is still considered to desire a birthdaynice of all the best! And what do you want to wish her on this beautiful day?

I, Clown Trepa, announce the competition for the best wishes for the birthday room!

The day of the birth has come!

Today is a holiday, treat

There are candies, there are cookies!

But there is not enough congratulations.

And now we will fix it. Everyone now wishes something good our birthday on this beautiful day! I invite everyone to approach multicolored balls and write your congratulations.


Excellent! We hope that all the wishes will definitely come true!

Tell me guys, do you like to travel?

(children answer)


Then I suggest everyone to go to an excellent fabulous country, where fun adventures are waiting for you. And we will go there on special transport - in a balloon! (All holiday participants get balloons). Who is the first balloons, the first and get into the magic country. The only condition: you need to ensure that the ball does not burst. So, inflate ...

Competition with balls:

who inflates it faster! So,. Tired!


So we got with you to the island of fairy adventures. The first reached. (name). Let him praise him together! It's time to participate in funny adventures! Now share with you for two teams (girls and boys)

Competition "Elash"

You need to roll as many balls through the line. Which team has more balls on their territory, they lost.

Competition "Merry clowns"

Children in the team of their dressed up their clown


We are the most fashionable and modern clowns of disco


And now you will check what are you talked, so on one to me come, take the rings in your hands!

Competition "Kolzebros"

Who will get rings in the goal

Competition "Chamomile" Music

A daisy is made of paper in advance - petals as much as children are. On the back of each petal, funny tasks are written.

Children take off the petals and begin to fulfill tasks: go to a housal, grind, jump on one leg, sing a song, repeat the patter. MUSIC


All these fabulous creatures are talking in different languages, the Eurovision Song Contest_2012 is held on the island and you, Trepa, can now try too.




Edin Siri Dragay Balei,

Two Weswehh Gace.


Lived and bibes Move Vicily Hisi

Idin Syria Drigii Bily

Move Vicilich Hisi.


Juliau Yu Fucku two Vyusyulyukh Gyushu,

Yudun Suliu Dryugu Bulius,

Two Vyisyulyukh Gyushu


Julu at the Bubus of the Tsulukh Gus,

Udun Suruy Dugui Bulian



Sting a babasa two Vasalah Gasa,

Atan Sarai Dragay Balay,

Two Vasalach Gasa


Zhal, I gone to the two hassles.

yazyan Skylary Diryazy Bialayai,

Two Commons Gyasya


Well done! You once again managed to prove that you have a mood at the highest level! Do you wonderfully, but what about dancing you? Check!


And you do not need to check us, we are all the great dancers, truth guys? Will you check us? I know how I love to dance! And here is my magic bag, if you endure any thing, the legs themselves ride themselves! (Clown himself first puts the thing from the bag and dancing, and then children)

The game "Magic Bag"


And now Trepa and Sophia will play a comic lottery.

You will get comic gifts from the birthday!

1. You will have to live burning grief,

Do not forget about the calendar days.

(Prize - calendar)

2. It is clear to you, what is the meaning of the gift?

Life will be joyful and bright.

(Prize - Feltolsters)

3. It's time to swing and save,

in kopecks, paper bills

so that it was reliable to store them somewhere,

You safe gets home.

(Prize -Coper)

4. Walking with hairstyle will be beautiful

Captive all thick, fluffy mane.

(Prize - Comb)

5. While the teacher with you "takes off the chips"?

Quietly brew tea mug.

(Prize - Mug)

6. the one who gets a candle this

We will have to travel through the light.

(Prize - Candle)

7. Although this cream and inedible,

But the smell is just dislike.

(Prize - cream)

8. Get a gift tube,

So that glitter in the sun is a tooth.

(Prize - Toothpaste)

9. Address of a friend, phone

where to find, do you need it?

Let it be in summer and winter

will be in a note book.


10. And you will not be bitter - it will be sweet,

Because you got a chocolate.

(Prize - chocolate)


Competition "Invitation with Ribbons"

Children are taken for tapes, and leading keeps all the ribbons for the middle. Then he lets the ribbons, children turn out to be distributed over couples. After all, 2 tapes are connected together.

"Merry puzzles"

collect on two pictures, who are faster

Competition "Who will raise a clown faster"

Children are divided into 2 teams, each team runs up and draws one element.

Performed by the birthday girl sounds

song "Happy Birthday"

(Children stand in a circle)

1. A day when happy smiles

Pour out radiant eyes

Again in greeting cards

Someone remembers us.

And when gifts are impatible

We are waiting, the breath is taking

In this bright holiday Birthday

I will be all happy.

Birthday, birthday,

Again in the fairy tale you believe.

He is for adults for a moment

Opens the door in childhood.

Birthday, birthday,

So I want to hear me

Words wonderful congratulations

Happy Birthday to You!

2. A day when pleasant surprises

Everywhere surround us

Even all leprosy and whims

We are forgiven this time.

This day prepare treats

And guests are waiting for guests

Oh, what's a pity that the birthday of the birthday

Comes once a year.


Let everyone remember this day

Dancing, dances and fun

After all, you haven't got fun -

Only pleasure.


A joint photo in memory of such a wonderful day will help us to finish the anniversary.

Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye! For goodbye to arrange an unusual salute in honor of our birthday girl. All together again congratulations sophia happy birthday!

Prepared! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To finish the anniversary, we helps a joint photo in memory of such a wonderful day.

Tatyana Smirnova

Birthday script« Traveling with clown cray» .

In the festively decorated room comes clown.


Hi Hi! How many guys, all such elegant and beautiful! Ah, you probably have some kind of holiday? Right? Give i guess: New Year? Not? March 8? Again did not guess? Really day birth? Great, then I got to the address, well ... let's get acquainted: My name is - Trepa, but I'm not stretching at all .... And what's your name I'll find out!

Game - acquaintance - (Trepa throws the ball, children catch the ball and call their name in affectionate form)


Well, I got acquainted, but I don't understand one, who is the culprit of the celebration?

Answers children:


Great, (the name of the child, I congratulate you from all my heart and in honor of your holiday I suggest to go to the beautiful fairytale country, where you are waiting for fun adventures. And we will go there on special transport E - balloon! (All participants of the holiday get balloons). Who's first inflated the balloon, the first falls into the magic country. The only thing condition: Need to ensure that the ball did not burst, agree? Well, flew away!

Competition with balls - who inflates the balloon faster.


So we got with you on the island of fairy adventures, first got (child name). Let him praise him together! It's time to participate in funny adventures! Tell me, do you like to draw? (Children's responses) And the portrait of the birthday name of our one will draw?

Now we will check it. I ask all the guests of this wonderful island will prepare! Ready, young artists? So let's quickly draw the culprit of the celebration!

Competition - Portrait of a birthday party. (Each player takes out a magic bag an inscription on which it is written that he should draw: nose, eyes, mouth, hair ... And so on.) Merry music sounds - children draw a portrait.

Leader: Yes, I see that our real artists have gathered here, a very beautiful and realistic portrait turned out. Let's give it to our birthday.


And we continue to play, agree?

Game - Saw Souvenir. (This is a long-time game, our grandmothers were played in her, to this day, children are delighted with her: small souvenirs are suspended on the rope in the number of participants, the players tie the eyes and with the help of an adult child should cut her gift with the scissors)


Great, are everyone satisfied?

Guys, I repeat, you are all so beautiful and elegant, but still something is missing in your festive outfits, here are like that they like little babes, moms and dads often do not give you this speak: Appetite will spoil, the teeth will hurt ....?

Answers children:


That's right, guys, these are candies and chocolate ... because today we still have a holiday, and not a weekday, I agreed with your parents and brought you a lot of delicious sweets! I suggest play your game!

Game - fit a friend in a candy row. (With the help of clutches of kids blindfolded, decorate each other with candy)


What are you great guys, you have so fun, but we still have not congratulated our birthday!

Let's now we are loud krique: WITH DAY Birth! (3 times)


Well done, and now it's time for the very best grocers in the world for our birthday!

Game - Crochet - Groceries.

Congratulations on the day birth! (Yes Yes Yes)

All bad mood! (no no no)

Be (name, kind, cute! (Yes Yes Yes)

Naughty and fucking! (no no no)

Whatever mommy love! (Yes Yes Yes)

And ice cream fed! (Yes Yes Yes)

Be healthy and intelligent! (Yes Yes Yes)

Like a crocodile green (no no no)

May the success waiting for you! (Yes Yes Yes)

You, name, best! (Yes Yes Yes)


Oh, how cool, we knocked our, name, just and everything, and now please remind you on what we flew to our country of adventures?

Answers children:

Right, in balloons! They will need them now, to return to the festive table, but to return the first to those who can keep the ball in the air!

Competition - Hold the ball in the air. (Children, without helping their hands hold the ball in the air, you can help your head, nose, shoulder ....)


Hooray guys did it work perfectly, look like, we have a festive table again, and our birthday girl is waiting for congratulations. Let's all together we sing a song!

Song - a loaf-loop!


The song was sang, played, but something still lacks, where are the gifts?

(Children hand gifts for a birthday party under a cheerful song, while the celebration's culprit is rejoiced to gifts, mom along with clown Candle festive cake make. The birthday boy poins the candles, makes the desire ...., Cippa helps everyone treats the cake and says goodbye to children)


So it's time for us to say goodbye, guys, I was very fun with you, you are so good, friendly! And you liked traveling together with clow? I promise that we will definitely meet you! Bye!

Publications on the topic:

Birthday with clown past! Birthday with clown past! (Guys play in the group, clown runs away with balls) LLC ... How many children? And girls, and.

Birthday Scenario in the Preparatory Group "Travel to the Tripheat Kingdom" "Journey to the Thip Day" Summary of Birthday Entertainment for children prepared to school team. Purpose: Formation of skills.

Birthday scenario for children from 4 to 6 years "Journey to the country Nevelland" Scenario of the birthday of the birth of "Journey to the country of Nevelland" (for children of 4-6 years), the child always waiting for his birthday with excitement.

Birthday Scenario for Girl 4 years "Birthday with a princess Lesnikka and Baba-Yaga" Birthday Scenario for Girl 4 years "Birthday with a princess Lesnikka and Baba Yaga" Princess: Hi Baby Girls and Boys.

Birthday Scenario "Travel with Clown" Birthday script "Travel with clown Gosha" Gosha: Hello everyone, friends! All welcome you today! My name is Gosh, I am very.

Spring humorine

(entertainment for children of middle and senior preschool)

Purpose: to develop interest in theatrical - game activity.

1. Activate the dialogic speech of children, to achieve the right and clear pronunciation of sounds and syllables.

2. To form the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of the characters, transmitting them to the facial expressions, pose, gesture, movement, main emotions and feelings.

3. Relieve a sense of partnership.

Holiday travel:

Children enter the hall, they are cleared to the places, a knock on the door is heard, a clown of tick riding on the horse appears.

A type- Igo! Igo, food, go far!

I seem to come! Hello my friends!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

I hurried, I hurried, I almost fell away from the horse!

And my brother clown did not come to you? That's good, it means that I am first! I will go to meet it!

Sits on the horse, leaves.

Cloon top appears. Rides a hunch of horses backwards.

Top- Food, I go to you, friends, all meet me!

I sit on the goat, in all the sides I look,

Going back in advance, the people are surprised!

TPRUUUUU! Well, at least back in advance, but I drove!

Hello, kids, girls and boys! I'm not late?

My call is clown top, I have a brother clown type.

He probably slept, and did not come.

I will go to look for him! Type, ay!

Enters a clown type.

Top - Type where are you? AU!

A type- Here I am! (hug).

Together: Hello merchant and chali!

Hi Girls and boys!

We came on a fun hour - meet us as soon as possible!

Children clap your hands.

A type: I'm a type!

Top: I am top!

Together: We are type and top! What is your name?

A type: Tell your name!

Top: Well, again, yes, pogromic!

Game "Name your name" (Children shout children)

A type: Everything is clear: all boys are called "Bu-Bu-bu, and the girls" Syu-shu "!

The button includes a button

Button: Hello, guys, hello type, hello top! And my name is the button. You have not seen a clown mushroom with my friend?

Grisha clown, loaded with heavy bag and umbrella appear in the hall.

Grisha: Hello, but where did I get it? What are you doing here? - (everyone greets him).

Button: - Ah-ah, so he came, did not dreamed! Grisha, so where were you?

Type and top: Epidemic!

Grisha: Yes! Signs of illness - smiles, laughter to fall! - (Conspiring) - There are deaths!

Button: What to do? And we wanted to play with the guys, have fun?

Grisha: Do you want to visit the circus? And you guys? Then we will go right now in the circus to the presentation of "clowns and cloud! "

Button: Well, I see clowns, and where is the cloudy?

Grisha: Now we will fix this! - (opens his bag and shows caps)

All clowns put on caps for children and smear each child's nose and cheeks lipstick.

Grisha: Well, lovely my cloudy, now we will arrange such a circus here, just Ahnet!

Button: Please those who love to play - clap your hands and talk - "I! "

(hereinafter, clowns are transferred in turn, shouting) - who loves cartoons? - Chewing gum? - Cake? - Ice cream? - Poduters? - Who likes summer? - Who loves sunbathing? - swim ... in a dirty puddle? - sing? - Dance?

Button: We are not bad! … Attention! The following number will be juggles! Do you want to be juggles? Then playing!

An attraction is held: "Catch the ball with a hat"

Play two people 2-3 times

Top - And now for you a fun game! And it is called "Tell the word!"

Top Gray wolf in a dense forest met the red ...

Children - Fox!

Top - My sock disappeared, dragged him ...

Children - puppy!

Top - A whole day sings a bird in a cage on the window.

She is a bird-like, and afraid ...

Children - Cats!

Top - Mikhail played football and scored in the gate ...

Children - goal!

Grisha: Well, now we invite you to a cheerful dance!

There is a common dance with clowns: "Bugs - Vuy"

Button: And now who will reproach whom - children or clowns?

The game "Who will reproach whom?"(children laugh together)

A type: We will take bags now

Jump in them will soon begin.

Game "Running in bags"(bags without bottom)

Grisha: And now there is still a game! Have fun, bastard! The next number of our program will be the performance of equilibrists! You need to carry an air ball between foreheads, belly, backs!

Game is held: "Transfer the ball"

Top: Wonderful! The next number of our program will be "Lichy Rider". Guys, have you seen in a horses circus? And how the riders go to them! We will spend the competition, and the balls will serve our horses!

Competition is held: "Liche Rangers"(Relay with big balls)

Button: And now - intermission! Musical pause! And we ... And we ... And we are now singing with you. I will be a conductor, and you - my choir! (divides children into three teams: 1 - piglets; 2 - frog; 3 - puppies. The group of children will sing the voice of these animals to which the conductor will indicate. Then - all choir. Singing the song "Grasshopper"

Grisha: And here's another contest: - Who can eat candy without hands? And here I can! I ate yesterday!

Clowns on the interruption: - And I. And I!

Button: And I ate the day before yesterday. And today, not one ... Loose ...

Competition is held: "Eat a candy."

(hands from behind, candy on the table in a half-walled candy)

Grisha: Attention attention! We declare a deadly number! Nervous, please remove from the hall! Because, now there will be a deafening attraction: "Lopni Ball"!

Right legs are tied by balloon.

Then offering all children burst balls Popami - who is more! The task is to the ball of the partner.

Type and top:

We see, you are funny guys: love to laugh and play.

And we love to dance together!

Dance "Hula-Hope" (technology T.I. Suvorova).


Mashed? Passed?

And, I hope, played out? (Children: Yes!)

Button: So it's time for us

to say goodbye!

A type: Guys, feel free to smile more often!

And stay so much such!

Top: We are handing gifts

And come to you promise !!! (Available Chupan Children).

Kovalenko Elena Nikolaevna

Clownings are hardly advisable to fulfill everything at once, they can be included in the course of a joking concert, between the speeches of children.
Clowns Bim and Bom in bright costumes go on stage from different sides, found in the center and stop. Bim and Bom must act at ease, fun, mischievously, jokingly.

I part

Bim (joyful). Bom!

Bom (surprised). Bim!

Bim. How glad I am to see you!

Bom. And I'm even more glad!

Bim. Hello, bom!

Bom. Hello, Bim!

Long shake each other hands, repeating: "Hello!"

Bim. So, with you something forgot to do something.

Bom. I did not forget anything.

Bim. We forgot to say hello to the guys.

Bom. It's true. Oh, how bad! It's you, Bim, to blame.

Bim. All the same, Bom, who is to blame, must be greeting. Start you.

Bom. And I do not know how.

Bim. You can not?

Then I will say hello first, and you learn. Look and listen. It is very simple. Hello guys, hello! ( Bow all sides).

Bom. Well, now I ( little pause.) It is very simple. Hello guys, hello! ( Bow all sides.)

Bim (comes to boma, takes it a little back and in a low voice, but that everyone heard, says to him). Very easy to speak. Say only: "Hello, guys, hello!"

Bom. Very easy to speak. Say only: "Hello, guys, hello!"

Bim (irritably). You, bom, do not understand anything. Do not speak to the guys: "Very simple" say only: "Hello, guys, hello!" How do you not understand - I teach you. Even small know how to greet, and you are not small.

Bom. Ah! ( Loudly crying.) You tend me badly and scold me. ( Goes away, Bim runs up to him and pulls it back. Bom again grabs him and pulls into the center.)

Bim. Oh well. Do not be angry. Let's say hello together. Repeat after me: "Hello, guys, hello!" And bow. ( They say together, bow.)

Bom(running with a cry). Lost! Lost!

Bim (runs up to it). What did you lose?

Bom. Candy lost ( Looking for in all pockets). And here there is no. And there is no.

Bim. And what was your candy: fruit, chocolate, marmalade, mint?

Bom (continues to look in pockets). Nowhere not. And you ask what kind of one. Delicious! That's what!

Bim. And if you find candy, you give me off?

Bom. Found! Here she is my candy! ( Goes along the first row of the audience and shows it.) Bim , Do you want candy, and not even bite off, but kiss?

Bim. Want!

Bom. I will give you candy if you guess, in what hand I will hide it.

Bim. Okay. I will definitely guess. Hand quickly.

Bom. Only you turn away and do not spy.

Bim(leaves and gets up to boma back). Hung away!

Bom. Ready! ( Stretches both hands.)

Bim (looks at one one, then boma on another hand, wants to pull one, but pulls out his hand). I'm afraid to make a mistake. ( Goes away, then again comes to boma, looks at his hands then on face.) So, you have a great Mosquito on the forehead.

Bom(frightened). Great Mosquito? (Shopping free hand over forehead.)

Bim (quickly grabs another hand). Candy - in this hand.

Bom. Rightly guess, get candy. How did you guess?

Bim. Ask the guys, they will tell you. And now take candy and eat. And I have no time. ( Goes away.)

Bom. Guys, how Bim found out, in what hand I hid candy? ( Children explain.) Oh, what a cunning! ( Runs away.)

Enters bom and having fun.

Oh, and laughter! Oh, and laughter!

I'm cunning, of course, everyone!

(Sits in the chair and pulls the legs.)

And believe me, not lying,

What I will overheat!

Bim imperceptibly sinks, slightly touches the left ear of Boma and hides behind the chair.

Bom. Oh! ( Grabs behind the ear and with caution, slowly turns to the left.) There is not anyone. But someone also touched my left ear. ( Pause.) Probably, the bird flew and the wing was hungry. ( Fun repeats his song.)

Oh, and laughter! Oh, and laughter!

I'm cunning, of course, everyone!

And believe me, not lying,

What I will overheat!

Bim is touching the right ear of Boma and hides again.

Bom (grabs behind the ear and slowly, it turns into the right.)Again someone touched me, but already for poina. And again no one. Probably, the plane flew and the wing of the back . (BIM pulls the bovar head on his head.)

Bom. Oh! It became completely dark, I see nothing. ( Loudly.) Bim, where are you? Go more like here.

Bim (departs in the direction). What happened?

Bom. Suddenly it became dark! I do not see anything ... What does this mean?

Bim. This means that the night has come. Everyone is asleep. Only you are so cheerful.

Bom. I'd like to go to bed too. But how do I find my bed?

Bim. I will help you.

Bom. Do you see?

Bim. Yes, I see a little and insert you to bed.

Bom. Please BIM, Take me away!

Bim. Okay. Give me your hand. ( Takes his hand.) Now let's go, but only carefully. And so that it was more fun, let's sing your song, just quietly, to wake anyone. ( Bim drives boma on stage in different directions. Both are quietly singing.) Caution, bumps! Above lift legs.

Bom (walks high raising legs). Bumps? I'll deal my nose, and I have one.

Bim. Now walk wider, here are puddles.

Bom. Puddles? There is nothing worse than puddles. ( Continues to go.)

Bim. Jump, here is a ditch.

Bom. Ditch? I can fall. ( Jumps and falls, he flies a handkerchief.) Again light! What is this: day or night?

Bim.This I reached you. ( Pause.) So, now I will sing your song. ( Sings.)

Oh, and laughter! Oh, and laughter!

I'm cunning, of course, everyone!

And believe me, not lying,

What I will overheat!

Bom.Yes, you reached me. But I'll calculate with you now. ( Departs from Bima, shurns the sleeves and after 5-6 steps screames and falls.) Oh, the leg turned up! ( Tries to rise and can not.) Oh, Bim, I can't even get up.

Bim. (helps him to rise). How did it happen?

Bom. I do not know myself. Leg turned up. ( Tries to go, but can not.) What will I do now? Can not go.

Bim. We must go to the doctor.

Bom. But I can't go Bim, help me. Take me to the doctor.

Bim. Okay. Sit on the trolley. ( Bom sits down, Bim is lucky in a circle.)

Bom. Pave! How well you pulled me! Thank you! Bim! Well, who is cunning? Who will sing my song?

Bim. Let's sing it together!

Sing and go.

Bim walks on stage, sings without words, tightly holding his lips, and conducts himself.

Bim. Bom! Come here!

Bom.Did you call me, BIM?

Bim. Yes. Do you know what I came up with? Let's sing.

Bom. Well invented. I love to sing. But when I start singing, then everyone is migrated and complete silence comes.

Bim. Is it better to listen to you?

Bom(sad). I sing very loudly, just shout, and everyone runs away.

Bim. Why do you shout? We must sing, not shout. Try!

Bom begins to sing a familiar kids song in all throat. Bom runs up to him and his hand closes his mouth.

Bim. No need to scream, sish! ( Bom sings the same song a little quieter, but still very loud. BIM clamp her ears. Bom immediately stops singing.) Even quieter. ( Bom sings quieter.) Even quieter, quieter! ( Bom gradually reduces the sound and finally sings sobfully, only opening her mouth and shell lips.)

Bom. Pretty joke. Let's sing.

Bim. And what will we sing?

Bom. We sing a song about the guys.

Bim. Okay.

Bom. And the guys will sing with us. We will be met, and they sing in hand: "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends." If you guys don't like anything and you will not agree with our purchases, do not sing, but hold your lips and swing your head ( shows). Like this.

Bim. Understood? Come on, bom, start.

Bom and Bim (sing)

We ask us now,

Who loves the song here, laughter?


Bom and Bim

Answer the choir, VMY,

Who is the most dowel here?

Some children begin to sing chorus.

Bom. Bim, you see how much dabulicists here.

Who is used to you

Does the uber make charging?

Children. This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Which of you, tell me, brothers,

Forgets to wash?

Children. This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

And one more question:

Who does not wash your nose?

Children. This is me, it's me, it's all my friends ..

Pastchard arrived!

Who pains out of you?

Children. This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Bim and the bom are bowed, they are masted by their hands and go to the music.