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Velkhattsev varieties: reprehension, rejected and thin. Barchatts rejected - Sunny mood in the home garden Therapeutic properties of velvetsev

On the days of the most common colors among the seams are the velvets (photo). This is explained not only by their amazing unpretentiousness, speed of growth, but also high decorativeness, variety of forms, sizes, coloring. Fraging at the beginning of the season, they adorn streets and squares to late autumn, because the flowers are very resistant to the urban environment and perfectly carry the gas tank. The velvets are popular with dacnis, they are enough to pour on the day off and you can not worry - in a week, even in the hottest dry weather, you will meet the same fresh flowers. And to grow velvets die for everyone. School seed will come soon, almost in any conditions, and at the same time will reward long abundant blossoms. Yes, and the benefits of the velvetsev there is a considerable - they will protect the neighboring plants from diseases and pests, help to improve the soil, serve the seasoning or natural dye in cooking, will help me to cure faceless.

Not only the practical side makes lovers in these flowers again and again to plant them on the flower beds and in flower beds, on balconies and in rockers, to make bouquets and floral compositions. Unpretentious solar-colored flowers with peristrase leaves every year everything is brighter and more spectacular about themselves and adequately compete with the best masterpieces of world floral selection. And all many centuries ago began on the American continent long before the appearance of Europeans there.

History and traditions

Photo Left: Thrarting velvets (Tagetes Tenuifolia)
Stock Foto Right: velvettsy vertier (Tagetes Erecta)

The first connoisseurs of the velvetsev were indigenous inhabitants of modern Mexico - Azteci. They called them sempoalshchitl And they seed their gardens, admiring beautiful flowers. After they were treated with them for fever, depletion, kidney disease, and in their ritual rites, the same velvets were certainly used. The ancient Indians were convinced that Tagtessians grow where gold was hidden. Until now, Mexico has preserved respect for the velvets. Flowers are used to decorate the altar in the annual holiday of the day of the dead, when it is customary to remember all the deceased relatives and acquaintances. Flowers are called Flor de Muerto (the colors of the dead) and the holiday planted on the graves of the dead.

Photo: Bargents Rejected (Tagetes Patula) in curb landing

With the arrival of Europeans to the American continent, the velvets spread around the world and stuck in many climatic belts, where they can now find not only cultural, but also the wild tagets. In India and Thailand, the velvets decorate weddings and festivals. Velhets in Hindu religion are widely used. For example, in Nepal, during the festival, they were playing, symbolizing the victory of good over evil, garlands made of velvetsev make up the doorways and windows of houses, offices, shopping complexes, the velvets are riveted into their hair and even dress up animals. In Vietnam, the velets are one of the main Christmas decorations and mean a long life. The tattoo with the image of the velvetsev, symbolizing longevity, use the secret criminal community of China. In Ukraine, the velets are considered one of the national symbols. Under the name of Chernobrivtsi (Chornobryvtsi) they are often referred to in Ukrainian songs, verses and fairy tales.

We advise you to read: the beneficial properties of the velvetsev "


The Latin name of the velvetse tagetes is given by the plant in honor of Tagés (Tages) - the beautiful grandson of the God of Jupiter, who is also the gift of foresight. In the genus TAGETES ASTRAY FAMILY (AsteracEae) includes about 59 species and many hybrids.

TAGETES, or velvets, - annual or perennial herbaceous plants with straight stems height from 10 cm to 2 meters. They form a reprehensive bush with a basking root. Peristo-disseated light or dark green leaves are beautifully well-groomed velvets themselves. The gears along the edge and arranged alternately or oppositely they are very decorative, which is why the velvets is beautiful even without blossoming inflorescences.

Golden, orange, yellow, red, burgundy, double, white and even greenish velvet flowers have nothing more than complex inflorescences "baskets" with a central disk in the middle consisting of tubular rolling flowers. On the edges of such a core there are boundary tongue flowers. In different varieties, they can be wavy, bent, narrow and wide and even carved, located in one, two, and more rows. The diameter of inflorescences in different species is an average of 4-6 cm. The inflorescence of velvetsev, as a rule, is single, located at the ends of the stems. Bright coloring of Taghetez attracts butterflies, why flowers are often used when creating Garden butterfly where you can admire both the two beautiful creatures of nature: flowers and butterflies.

Photo: Bargetes Rejected (Tagetes Patula)

The flowering of velvets occurs in the spring and continues until frosts. The blurred velvets form black or black and brown fightened numerous seeds, can multiply by self-sowing, with proper storage seeds retain to 4 years old. The velvets is easy to propagate, however, hybrids are little suitable for this, they can change their properties.

TAGETES, especially during flowering, have a peculiar smell, in different species and varieties it is different. Perhaps, it is the sharp smell of individual of them that explains a number of people who do not take these flowers. But often such a rejection over time is replaced with a completely opposite feeling. Then winter comes acute nostalgia on the fragrance of velvetsev, when I want to inhale it again and again. And not surprising. After all, many types of velvets are used as spicy aromatic plants in cooking.

Types and varieties of velvetsev

In Europe, the velets appeared only in the 17th century and immediately became popular with flower water for their decorativeness and unpretentiousness. Since then, a lot of hybrid varieties of velvetsev for decorative use are created, as a rule, this annual culture. Many modern garden hybrids are deprived of a pronounced smell of velvets, which attracts even more fans to them. The velvets differ not only by the size and color, but also the structure of inflorescences. On this basis, the varietal velvets are divided into

- nation (inflorescences consist mainly of tongue flowers dissected around the edge),
- Chrysanthemum (inflorescences consist mainly of large tubular flowers),
- anemovoid (edge \u200b\u200btongue flowers form 1-3 rows, in the center of large tubular flowers),
- terry (numerous rows of tongue flowers or multiple large tubular flowers),
- semi-grade (tongue flowers are located in 2-4 rows),
- Simple (tongue edge flowers are located in one row).

Also, garden velvets are separated by height on
- gigantic (above 90 cm),
- High (above 50-60 cm),
- medium (up to 50 cm),
- low (up to 40 cm),
- Very low | Dwarf (up to 20 cm).

In the garden culture more common hybrids of three types of Tagtetes: velvets reprehension (African), rejected velvets (French) and velvets Throughly (Mexican). Despite the "speaking" definitions (French, African), America remains the birthplace of all velvets. Separate types of velvets, for example, Tagetes Lucida and Tagetes Minuta, grow completely with other purposes. These plants are used in cooking, traditional medicine, perfume and liquor-vodkah industry.

Photo: Thrarting velvets (Tagetes Tenuifolia) in a suspended container

Types of velvetsev

Very vertices, they are Barchatts African (Tagetes Erecta). The plants of this species have a reprehensive bush, large single spherical terry inflorescences of monochrome color diameter up to 13 cm. Strong stems reach a height of 110-120 cm, side - directed up, the base of the stems are decorated. The velvets are used in flower beds, group landings, in containers and on a cut. Basically, with the exception of the best modern hybrids, poorly carry a protracted rainy weather: inflorescences are losing decorativeness, roots are puments.

The velvets are rejected, they are small velvets (Tagetes Patula), they are French veccets. The height of these velvets is 30-50 cm, blooming from July to October with small flowers-inflorescences with a diameter of 3-6 cm. Branched bushes, lateral shoots are rejected. Often, flowers have a pronounced disk in the center, can be double. In flower beds, they are often planted on the forefront as a curb, they also grow in balcony boxes and vases. French velvets are more cold-resistant and are the most unpretentious, as they grow almost in any soil.

Photo: Bargents Rejected (Tagetes Patula) in a city flower bed

Tagoles Tagtetes Tagetes Tenuifolia, Tagetes Microglossa, Tagetes Signata), they are mexican velets. In culture since 1795. Plants have a compact gustanic bush height 20-40 cm. Leaves small, light green, narrow, twice peristracted. Numerous simple daishemoid flowers represent basket inflorescences with a diameter of 1.5-3 cm. Well suited for containers, borders and various flower beds. Used in cooking as seasoning. Especially demanding to heat and light.

Afro-French velvets. These are interspecific hybrids with larger than the French velvets, inflorescences (8 cm diameter), but more compact (height up to 45 cm) and abundant blooming, rather than the African velvets.

Clear velvets (bright, radiant), Mexican etaragon (Tagetes Lucida), Known as well as Spanish Tarkhun, Sweet Marigold. The form is represented by perennial plants with a height of 45-75 cm, which are used in cooking as spyaromatic grass. The fragrance of these velvets resembles anise or estragon and is felt at a distance. The velvets are used in a dry and fresh form to flavor soups, sauces, confectionery, in salads. Known in the culture of the Velhets Anisov (Tagetes Anisata) are grown in one-year culture, including in flower beds.

Velhets graceful (small) (Tagetes Minuta) - Annestly high plant (60-210 cm) with small flowers. In Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Georgia is used in cooking as a spice for the preparation of dishes or compiling sauces.

Photo: Thrinking velvets (Tagetes Tenuifolia) in a balcony box

Some varieties and hybrids of garden velvets

Velhets Personnection African F1 Antigua (Tagetes Erecta F1 Antigua). Very compact hybrid with large colors for a dense landing. The diameter of inflorescence is 8 cm, the height of the bush is 25-30cm, the width of the bush is 25-30 cm. From sowing to flowering 2.5-3 months. Flowers in spring and autumn. In Series 4 Coloring: Light Lemon (PRIMROSE), Yellow (Yellow), Golden (Gold), Orange (Orange).

Velhets Personal African Lunasi (Tagetes Erecta Lunacy). Super-dwarf taghetis (height 15-20 cm) with chrysanthemum-shaped inflorescences of orange color, width of a bush 17-25 cm. From sowing to flowering 2.5-3 months. Spring-summer flowering time.

Velhets Personnection African F1 Munsong (Tagetes Erecta F1 Moonsong Deep Orange). This hybrid of velvetsev is the winner of the Association of American breeders. It has saturated-orange flowers of unique shape, which for a long time retain decorativeness. Super-dense flowers practically "pushed" raindrops. Stems with a height of 30-40 cm, durable, well branched, the width of the bush is 25-35 cm. From sowing to flowering 2.5-3 months.

Velhets F1 Aztek Lime Green. Gustomah wine flowers of this series have a unique lime green color. Their diameter is 10-12 cm. Compact plants, 45 cm high, branched, powerful stems. Flowering from July to September.

Velilets F1 Vanilla. The height of the bush 45 cm, width 30 cm. Large flowers with a diameter of 7 cm of vanilla yellow color. The hybrid is suitable for any flower beds and cass. Flowers are good in cutting.

Velchattsi Amerta (Tagetes Erecta). Plants are compact and strong, altitude, altitude (40 cm) and Gabitus. Gustomahmer flowers. The bloom is early and long. Weather conditions are stable. Well tolerate transplant. Can be grown in pots and flower beds.

Photo: Velhets in a flower bed

Velhets Taishan Orange F1, Yellow F1, Gold F1. With a height of a bush 30 cm diameter of inflorescences 9 cm. Flowers are nice fragrant, retain decorativeness for three weeks. Blossom comes from the beginning of June. Velhets fill the space between plants in flower beds.

Velkhattsy navitic color F1 orange mood. The height of the bush 45 cm. Carnation-shaped inflorescences with a diameter of 8 cm are located on a long blossom. Flowers are suitable for cutting.

Velhets Durange F1.In a series of anemovoidal hybrid velvets, several colors: Duneso Bi - dark red in the center with a yellow edge; Duneso Bolero - golden with dark red strokes around the edge; Durancen Tangerine - Orange, like tangerines; Duneso yellow; Duneso Golden; Duneso red. Plants are very compact, severe, not more than 30 cm high. On the bush a lot of bright colors with a diameter of 5.5 cm. Blossom is very early and long. Flowers are well tolerated with a transplant even in a blooming condition. Suitable for flower and container growing.

Velchattsy Thrinkled Mexican Gold Jewel. The height of these velvets is 25 cm, the bushes are thick with thin leaves. Throughout the summer, covered with beautiful simple golden colors flowers. Suitable for potted cultivation, as well as on the flower beds.

Velchattsy Thrinkled Mexican Red Gem. Very elegant ball-like cluster with a height of 30 cm with thin stems and perista-dissected leaves. Simple flowers with a diameter of 2 cm of dark red color with a yellow core thick plants.

Velhets Rejected French Gabi. Compact bushes with a height of 20-30 cm from the end of June to frosts completely covered with simple bright yellow flowers. Plumbing plants, corrosive leaves peristracted.

Barchatts rejected French terry gold head. A thick compact bush height is 25 cm. Chrysanthemum-shaped inflorescences with a diameter of 4 cm. In the center of the inflorescence. Large tubular yellow flowers. On the edge of the cuff from one row of the bent down the book of dark red tongue flowers with a wavy edge.

Velhets Rejected French Bonanzbut. A very popular series of velvets is presented in several colors. Sawing of inflorescence can be yellow, golden, yellow-red, golden-red, orange-red and red-orange. Buckets are compact, 25-30 cm high. Terry flowers, 6 cm with a diameter. Flowering early and long.

Photo: Flowerbed with velvets

Growing conditions

Velhets - unpretentious annual plants. However, that their inflorescences are large and bright, lush, flowering, busty and long-lasting velvets should create certain cultivation conditions.

Shine. The ancestors of modern velvetsev lived in solar hot mexico. Therefore, even resistant hybrids and grades of Tagtetes are better to highlight the solar open or slightly sexual place, the flowering of the taghetess will be more spectacular.

Temperature. The origin explains the thermal lobility of the Tagtetes. The velvets do not tolerate minus temperatures at all - die, and at temperatures from 0 to +10 OS stop in growth and change the color of the leaves. The most favorable for colors is the temperature + 19-23 OS - bushes grow well and tie buds, and the flowers do not fade for a long time.

The soil. Velhets are fast-growing and unpretentious garden flowers, can grow practically on any soil. But the best decorativeness is achieved when growing on loose drainaged and nutrient soils. It is not like tagtessy acid, as well as heavy and wet soils with water stagnation, their roots are puments.

Watering. This thermo-loving plant easily tolerates drought, so it watered moderately and rarely. Young plants watered more often, which contributes to the formation of a lush bush and numerous large buds.

Podrel. Although the velvets love nutrient soil, the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers, especially in the spring, undesirable. This causes an intense growth, but delays flowering. The velvets feed with complex fertilizers 1-2 times a month, when growing in containers - once every 10-14 days.

Care. In addition to conventional care activities, it should be reminded about the weeding of flower beds, as well as the removal of flashing buds - it prolongs the flowering of Tagtetes. If you need a billet of your own seeds, several best inflorescences are left to full aging of seeds that are collected in dry weather. The tall varieties of velvetsev should be tested to the support so that they do not break them away. In the spring and autumn, the velvets should be stolen during short-term frosting spunbond or other observer material. Good bunches of velvets with unknown buds in the fall can be transplanted into a pot or boxes, put into the room and grow some time on the windowsill.

Diseases and pests. In general, velvets are resistant to diseases and all kinds of pests. The roots of African velvets may be affected by mushroom diseases in rainy weather, and the inflorescences are rotten. When overwhelming, crowding or poor, seedlings are amazed with a black leg. In this case, plant and soil treatment is treated with phytoosporin or other antifungal drug, seedlings create optimal conditions for cultivation. Seedlings in a dry climate can be amazed by a paouth tick. In this case, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air by spraying with water from the spray and carry out 2-3 multiple treatment with the infusion of red hot peppers, onions or yarrow. Young plants can also be affected by slugs.

Photo: Composition in landscape design with velvets

Reproduction. The velvets breed seeds: straight sowing in open ground and through seedlings.
Reproduction direct sowing in the ground

The seeds are seeded in an open ground for stationary beds after the threat of frosts into the grooves to a depth of 0.5 cm (seeds are sowing immediately at a permanent place). From above, the seeds are slightly sprinkled with a loose substrate and watered. For more quick germination, crops are covered with spunbond. Seeds germinate at a temperature of +20 OS. Shoots appear within 7-14 days. Speakers can accelerate the germination of seeds, if you pre-dock them in a wet fabric. In phase, 2-3 leaves seedlings are cleared, blocking to the seedlings. At a permanent place, you can plant well-formed bushes, and even in the bud phase or blooming, blocking 2 cm below the previous level. When transplanting with a lore earth, the velvets does not suffer at all.

Reproduction through seedlings

The timing of sowing velvetsev is calculated on the basis of the planned time of their flowering, taking into account the time that needs to go from sowing to the formation of buds. This is an indication of the packaging of seeds. On average, it takes 2 months on this velets. Therefore, in the fall of flowers at the end of April, bloom should be expected at the end of June.
The velvetse seeds are seeded in separate glasses or containers at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. For the landing, a pre-moist and compacted soil mixture for flowers or seedlings is used, or they are independently made of turf, leaf land, peat and humus with mandatory adding sand. Seeds slightly sprinkled with loose soil, moisturized from the sprayer, are covered with polyethylene. Sevings contain in bright and warm place, ventilate. If necessary, moisturize. After the appearance of sections, the film is removed, contain at a temperature of +20 OS. In the phase 2-3 of these leaves, the velvets searched on separate cups, blocking them to the cotyadal. In the process of growing seedlings, if necessary, transplanted into the pot of larger volume. Filling the planting tanks soil mixture on the bottom should be put drainage, in pots, cups, plates to make a pre-hole for water drainage. At the permanent place, TAGETES planted at the end of May-early June at a distance recommended for this variety, usually 20 cm for low-spirited varieties, 40 cm - for tall.

Photo: Velhets in a flower bed

Properly selected varieties will be appropriate in any flower bed. Tagtess also feels well in a limited space of balcony boxes and pots, and bouquets from the velvetts are not fading for a long time. This does not end possible the use of velvets. In addition to decorative qualities, TAGETES has useful and therapeutic properties, used in cooking.

Velhets (Lat. Tagetes) - Flowers that are distinguished by many species and varieties, among them there are both one-year and perennial species. Velhets, or Barhottsy, belong to the class Dwallennaya, ASTERANAE Outwords, AstroCracket, Astrovy Family, Astrovye Face, Barhantsevy's tribe, Barchatz's race.

International Scientific Name: Tagetes ( Linnaeus.).

Although this amazing flower was delivered to Europe in the XVI century, he received his scientific name only in the middle of the XVII century, when Naturalist Karl Linney created a classification of species. A scientist, affected by the beauty of the plant, called him in honor of the beautiful Etruscan Hedgehog of Taguez, who is the grandson of the Supreme God of Jupiter.

The Russian name "Velhets" flowers received because of their petals, the surface of which resembles velvet. This feature is most pronounced in varieties with dark color.

The British call this Plant "Marigold", which means "Mary Gold", the inhabitants of Germany know it as "studentenblume" - a student flower, and in Ukraine these beautiful flowers are called "Chornobrivі", or the Blacks. For residents of China, these flowers are a symbol of health and longevity, no wonder they are called "flowers thousands of years."

The period of flowering velvetsev begins in June and lasts before the onset of frosts. After its end, it is formed and ripens strongly focused fetus Black and brown or black coloring. Each such seed box contains many seeds that retain their germination for 3-4 years. 1 gram is usually present from 270 to 700 seeds.

Types and varieties of velvetsev, photos and titles

According to the database of, there are currently 53 types of annual or perennial velvets, most well-known of which are only 3 species (reprehension, rejected and thin-film). On their basis, breeders brought a huge number of series and varieties. Below is a description of several varieties of velvetsev.

Velhets Personnection (African) ( Tagetes Erecta.)

This species includes annual plants with a basic root system. Compact or spreader bushes formed by these velvets have a height from 0.4 to 1.2 meters and a reverse pyramidal form. The main escape is pronounced, the side shoots are watching up. The coloring of the unpaired half-disseated leaves with the tooths along the edges varies from light green to dark green, and they are located on the stem in the next order. Large monophonic, less often two-color inflorescences of velvets of this species can be simple, semi-grade or terry. The inflorescences diameter varies from 5 to 13 centimeters. The flowering period begins at the end of June or early July and ends with the first frosts. Personal velvets are suitable for flower beds, chains, vases, balconies, cuts. The homeland of the parking lot of velvetsev is South Mexico.

Series and varieties of parking velvets: Albatross, Alaska, Antigua, Velvet season, White Moon, Snow White, Glitter, Vanilla, Hawaii, Gelber Stein, Glitters, Golden Flaffi, Gusara, Discovery, Dune, Uncle Stepa, Yellow Stone, Golden Dollar, Golden Light, Golden Prince, Golden Age, Golden Dome, Inca, Kilimanjaro, Cosmonaut, Krash, Crackerjek, Cupid, Lady, Lemon Quin, Lemon Pai, Lemon Prize, Lemon Miracle, Maximix, Marvel, Mary Helen, Beach season, Prima Gold, Spanned, sun giants, Taishan, Titan, Trulli, smile, fantasy, cracker, popsicle, amber lace.

Antigua variety. Taken from the site:

Barchatts deviant ( Tagetes Patula.)

Synonyms - French velets or velvets finely color. This species form perennial plants with numerous reprehensive and highly branched stems whose height ranges from 15 to 60 centimeters. Side shoots rejected. The peristracted dark green leaves of a small size with the saw blades are formed from several shares of a linear lancing form. On the stems, the leaves are located both in the next and opposite. Single, as well as the baskets of these velvets assembled into the shields, are growing up to 4-6 centimeters in diameter. The form of inflorescences can be simple, semi-level or terry. In addition to the velvetsev with a monophonic color, a variety of two-color varieties are derived. The most intense bloom is observed during July and August. Start blooming in early June. Motherland of rejected velvetsev - Mountains Mexico.

Series and varieties of rejected velvetsev: Aluminum, Bonanza, Brockade Yello, Gabi, Harmony, Hero, Gullebrand, Jolly Jolester, Disco, Durango, Carmen, Red Cherry, Cross, Fight, Bolero, Capricious (Chalking) Marietta, Little hero, Mandarin, Mercedes, Coetta, Orange Flame, Guy, Pascal, Petit Harmony, Petit Gold, Prosperity, Grow Red, Safari, Striptease, Tiger Eyes, Fireball, Chika, Playing Marietta.

Grade Tiger eyes. Taken from the site:

Capricious maritte variety. Taken from the site:

Nicky velvets (thin-filled, Mexican) ( Tagetes Tenuifolia.)

From these annual plants are formed low, gustany, compact bustle bushes, the height of which can be from 20 to 50 cm. Straight naked shoots have light green color. Light green small leaflets of peristracted shaped shapes, which are located in the next order, are formed by narrow shares with rare cloths. Abundant blooming flares are collected from simple five-point baskets, the diameter of which ranges from 15 to 30 mm. Coloring of inflorescences monotonous or two-color. Thanks to the strong-shooter stems, the entire plant has the appearance of an almost perfect ball. This type of velvetsev begins to bloom in early June and finishes flowering with the first frosts when the temperature drops to 1-2 ° C. Narrow velvets are used for flower beds, borders, chains, vases and arrays. The birthplace of narcotic velvets - Mountains Mexico.

Series and varieties of thin-filled velvets: Gnome, Golden Jam, Golden Ring, Golden Gem, Star Light, Star Gloss, Karina, Red Gem, Lulu, Mimimix, Fire Stars, Ornament, Paprika, Starfyer, Starfyer, Ursula.

Variety ornament. Taken from the site:

Grade lemon jewelry

Velhets rays (bright, clear) ( Tagetes Lucida.)

Other names of this species: Mexican Estragon, Spanish Tarkhun, Sweet Marigold. This is a perennial recreational plant with bushes with a height of 40 to 80 centimeters. Narrow green leaflers with a length of about 7.5 centimeters are reminded in shape of a natural estragon leaves. Single-colored golden plates of velvets Simple shapes in diameter do not exceed 1.5 centimeters. The radiant velvets bloom from the beginning of June to the end of September. The leaves of this plant are collected and used in fresh and dried form as a replacement of etragona, and a beautiful food dye is obtained from dried flowers.

Taken from the site:

Velhets Nelson ( Tagetes Nelsonii.)

Decorative, pretty powerful plant, 90-120 cm high, with shutter shoots and dark green leaves. The form grows in Texas, occurs in the territory of Mexico. Velhets have a very pleasant aroma of citrus fruits with a light fruit-musky note. Flowers of this type of velvetsev are often used as a spicy supplement to fish and meat delicacies or as a fragrant accent in baking.

Taken from the site:

Lemmonam velets ( Tagetes Lemmonii.)

The second name is lemon velets. In the wild, these perennial velvets found at the end of the 19th century are growing in the mountainous areas of the United States (in the canyons of South Arizona) and in the north of Mexico. The bustle of the velvetsets reach a height of 120 cm, the leaves of the plant are length from 5 to 15 cm, the diameter of numerous yellow flowers is approximately 5 cm. The plant exudes the aroma resembling the citruses and mint with the bare notice of the camphor. Sometimes the smell of this plant is compared with the smell of mandarins. The velvets attract many butterflies that are constantly circling over the flowers.

Tagetes Filifolia.

The plant with a height of a bush from 8 to 50 cm. In the wild, this species grows in the steppes, on the slopes of rocks, in pineage and oak forests, it is rapidly feeling on corn fields, growing there as weed. Everywhere meets on the extensive territory from Mexico to Costa Rica. A bush has a pronounced anise aroma, the plant is rather unpretentious to the quality of the soil and easily transfers drought.

Taken from the site:

Velhets small ( Tagetes Minuta.)

The type of velvetsev, with a height of a bush from 50 to 180-200 cm. The length of very fragrant dark green leaves varies from 5 to 20 cm, the diameter of rather small flowers does not exceed 15-25 mm. The leaves have deeply dissected edges and are located on the stem oppositely. Small velvets grow in the USA and Mexico, Brazil, in Southern Europe (France, Spain, Italy, Romania), in the south of Africa, in China and Japan, in India and Libya, in Thailand and Turkey, in Australia and New Zealand.

Taken from the site:

Classification of velvets in height of the bush

Floriculture use a classification in which the separation is conducted at the height of the plant, the form of inflorescences and their coloring.

In height of the bush distinguish:

  • Giant velvets (90-120 cm);
  • Tall (high) velvets (60-90 cm);
  • Average velvets (45-60 cm);
  • Low (low) velvets (25-45 cm);
  • Dwarf velvets (up to 20 cm).

Giant velvets, varieties, photos and titles

These include plants that reach heights from 90 cm to 120 cm. Most often, the velvets giants are found among the reprehensive plants. The most famous varieties of giant velvets:

  • Gold Dollar (Gold Dollar) - Early annual hybrid grade without flavored velvetsev. The variety refers to the reprehensive velvets. Bushes are dense, shoots strong and thick, 0.9-1.2 m tall, with quite large light green leaves. From the first decade of June to the appearance of frosts, they are decorated with terry baskets of medium-sized inflorescences, a diameter of from 7 to 8 cm. Inflorescences resembling their shape of the carnation consist of red and orange-red petals.

  • "Lemon Quune" (Lemon. Queen.) - Beautiful lemon velvets with quite high (up to 120 cm) bushes. Inflorescences of light yellow or golden color, with a diameter of up to 9-10 cm. It blooms abundantly in July-August.

Taken from the site:

  • "Orange" - Bustard of velvetsers of this variety reach 1 meter in height. Large (up to 15-17 cm in diameter) Orange inflorescence of a terry type is pleased with the eyes from June and to the first frosts, ideal for cutting - stand in water 2 weeks.

Taken from the site:

Tall (high) velvets, varieties, photos and titles

The height of the bushes ranges from 60 cm to 90 cm.

  • "Yellow Stone" (Gelber Stein) - Sort-one-air, forms a bushes with a height of about 70-80 cm. The plant has beautiful dense yellow-colored inflorescences. Diameter of velvetsev up to 15 cm. The plant begins to bloom in early June.

  • "FRILS" (Frills) - Bushes of this late varieties of velvetsev grow up to 80 cm in height and up to 8 cm in diameter. In the last decade of July or at the very beginning of August they appear large, terry, carnation-shaped inflorescences - baskets, which consist of tongue petals of saturated shades of orange and golden color. Flowering since the end of July to the first frost.
  • "Lemon Prince" (Zitronen Prinz) - A straight plant forms high (65-80 cm), straak-shaped and rather dense bushes. On the dark green shoots of this variety is visible a pinkish flare. The terry cloves of the velvetsev are quite large - 8-10 cm in diameter. When they are completely revealed, they become similar to lemon yellow balls. Flower velets of this variety from June-July to September.

Taken from the site:

  • Hawaii (Hawaii) - Present annual plants are compact bushes growing up to 90 cm in height. From the middle of the summer (from July) to the middle of the autumn on durable light green blooms, large terry carnations are revealed in the form of a hemisphere of orange-colored with a diameter of 10 to 12 cm.

Mattering velvets, varieties, photos and titles

The height of plants included in this group varies from 45 to 60 cm.

  • Among the white reprehension velvets of medium height, perhaps one of the most beautiful is the variety Kilimanjaro (Kilimanjaro). This annual hybrid plant forms weak-tangible bushes with a height of 40 to 50-60 cm, with a clearly pronounced main escape. The attractiveness of the grade is explained by large dense-level inflorescences of 7-10 cm in diameter resembling the shape of a ball with an unusual vanilla-white color. Abundant bloom begins in June and lasts before frosts.

Taken from the site:

  • Throughly velvets of this group are represented by numerous varieties, among which it is especially highlighted Golden Ring,or Golden Ring. Despite the subtle gussonic shoots with narrowly dissected leaves, the spherical bushes of these velvets are quite compact and reach a height of 40-50 cm. Small simple inflorescences are not exceeded in a diameter of 25-30 mm. They are composed of orange small tubular petals in the center of inflorescences and bright yellow, bent down, tongue petals. The flowering lasts from the first days of June and ends with the onset of the first frosts.

Velhets Light, varieties, photos and titles

Presented by varieties whose height ranges from 0.25 to 0.45 m.

  • This numerous group includes a series of "Bonanza", obtained as a result of selection from rejected velvets. Annual miniature bushes in this series have a height of no more than 30 cm. Terry inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter can be painted in any colors, ranging from a saturated yellow and ending with red-orange. Variety Bonanza Dip Orange "(Bonanza. Deep. Orange) It is one of the most beloved among the flower water. This is a beautiful grade of early flowering, with compact bushes, the height of which ranges from 0.25 to 0.3 m, and the width does not exceed 20 cm. The terry inflorescences with a diameter of 5 to 6 cm painted into a deep orange color.

  • A series of dyskovery varieties is removed from the vertical velvetsev. Although small bushes do not exceed 20-25 cm heights. Inflorescences, abundantly covering them, have quite large size and bright saturated color. Many gardeners and flowerflowers grow on their verges of velvets Discovery Yellow (Discovery Yellow)or "Discovery orange" (Discovery. Orange) . These are annual plants with compact bushes.

Soothes with numerous peristrained, sizo-green leaves are littered with large and dense maniform inflorescences of bright yellow or orange. The diameter of inflorescence is 8 cm. The flowering of velvets begins with the first days of June and lasts before the onset of frosts.

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Dwarf velvets, varieties, photos and titles

This group consists of plants, the height of which does not exceed 20 cm. It includes a variety of varieties from rejected, thincase and reprehensive velvets.

  • Among the representatives of the rejected velvets are the most interesting series, the battle series (Boy), which consists of one-year varieties with compact branchy bushes with a height of 15 to 20 cm and about 20 cm wide. Parish-disseated velvette leaves growing on side shoots, painted in dark -green color. The diameter of yellow, orange or two-color terry inflorescences, which abundantly cover bushes, range from 4 to 6 cm. The most interesting of this series is the vertex grade "Harmony" (Harmony). It is distinguished by its magnificent inflorescences consisting of middle-colored golden yellow flowers, which are surrounded by brownish-brown tonguecake flowers with fine golden edging.

  • Among the thin-colored velvetsers of the dwarf group, the most common series "Mimimix" (Mimimix.). The varieties of this series form dense compact bushes of a spherical shape with a height of only about 20-25 cm. Leaves are narrow, half-disseated, dark green.

Inflorescences are simple, with a diameter of about 20 mm, painted in various shades and tones of yellow, red or orange. The velets begin to bloom in July and finish blossoming in the last decade of September.

  • Among the dwarfist renovative velvets is very popular "Lunasi Orange" (LUNACYOrange). Its compact bushes reach a height of 15-20 cm.

The diameter of the bush reaches 20-25 cm. A distinctive feature of these velvets are dense chrysanthemum-shaped inflorescences of bright orange color.

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Types of velvets in the form of inflorescences, photos and titles

On the form of inflorescence and the number of tongue flowers, the velvets are:

  • Simple
  • Semi-grade
  • Terry
    • Anemovoid
    • Navivocol
    • Chrysanthemids.

Below are their more detailed description.

Simple velvets, varieties, photos and titles

Simple inflorescences consist of a small number of central tubular flowers and one row of tube flowers.

  • "Lemon Jam", or "Lemon Jam" (Lemon. Jam)

one-year low-grade variety, derived from the selection of thin-filled velvets and reaching in a height of 0.25 m. Small simple inflorescences of 3-4 centimeters painted in gold or yellow color, and their middle consists of small bright orange tubular flower.

  • A representative of a simple group of thin-filled velvetsev is a variety Paprika (Paprika.). It is distinguished by dwarf (no more than 20-25 cm) with strong balls of spherical shape. Peristo-disseated leaflets growing on thin shoots, painted in light green color.

These are very beautiful velvets, the period of abundant flowering of which begins in June and ends at the end of September. Simple flat baskets with a bright yellow middle are painted in a flame-red color, and their diameter does not exceed 20-30 mm.

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Semi-grade velvets, varieties, photos and titles

For the formation of semi-world velvets, at least 2-3 row of tongue flowers are needed. This group includes:

  • A full representative of the rejected velvets of the semi-world group is variety "Gold Bol",or Gold Ball (Gold Ball). Its colorful bushes with durable severe tracks and small green leaves can reach a height of 50-60 cm. Inflorescences are simple and semi-marked, their diameter is 4-5 cm.

The tubular petals of velvetsev who are in one or two rows are located in the center of the inflorescence, painted in bright yellow color with a golden tint. The tongue petals located along the edges have a reddish brown color. This is an early variety of velvetsev: the beginning of their flowering falls on the first decade of June.

  • "Red Brockada" (Red Brokad.e.)

annual low-grade variety from the Blocade series (Brokade), derived from rejected velvets. The strongwheel, but compact bush grows only to 25 cm in height. The semi-world inflorescence of medium sizes (about 4-5 cm in diameter) consists of slightly corrugated tongue flowers, which are painted in yellowish and red-brown.

Terry velvets, varieties, photos and titles

The terry velvets are formed by a large number of flowers, both tongue and tubular.

  • An example of such a structure of inflorescences can serve grade "Eskimo" (ROPSICLE)Hybrid. This is a low-speed plant with a height of a bush up to 40 cm. Its inflorescences resembling the shape of the balls, and in color Vanilla-white ice cream, reach 6-10 cm in diameter and delight with your beauty, starting from the first decade of July to the most frosts.

  • "Aztek Lime Green"

Very unusual velvets of salad (light green) color. High-grade inflorescences have a diameter of 10-12 cm. The height of the plant is 45 cm. The heat is resistant to the heat.

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  • "Fantastic" (Fantastic)

Tall varieties of velvets growing up to 0.7 m and pleasing gardeners with their bloom from the beginning of summer to the first frosts. Large inflorescences with a diameter of 8 to 11 cm are composed of narrow tubular flowers. Coloring of the dense basket can be golden (Fantastic Gold), yellow (Fantastic Yellow) or Orange (Fantastic Orange).

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  • Strawberry Blonde (STRAWBERRY BLONDE)

Sort-annual. A low-speed plant with a height of up to 25 cm high, 15-20 cm wide and the average value of inflorescences resembling a clove form. Throughout the period of flowering, baskets can change their painting, ranging from bright yellow and ending with terracotta tones. In addition, the temperature intensity affects the temperature of the air. Under the reduced temperature, the variations occur slowly, but with a high contrast between colors. The temperature rise leads to the acceleration of the process, but the contrast of colors is significantly reduced.

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Angreovoid Velhets, varieties, photos and titles

Anemonovoid velvets consist of large tubular flowers located in the center, and framing their tongue colors located in 1, 2 or even 3 rows.

  • To such a type of body of inflorescences include varieties of velvetsev durange series (Durango) (Durango.) created on the basis of rejected velvetsev. These are low annual plants with a height of a bush 20-30 cm and with inflorescences of about 55-60 mm. The series includes vertex vertices with golden yellow, red-brown and bright orange color. The greatest interest in the gardeners is the variety of Durance Mix (Durango Mix), which attracts attention to its unusual inflorescences painted in a variety of tones, from yellow and burgundy to motley.

Navitic color (nail) velvets, varieties, photos and titles

The navigation velvets consist mainly of the tongue flowers, whose petals are dissected at the outer edge.

  • A typical example of such a building of inflorescences can be called vitchants "Carmen" (CARMEN). This is an annual plant forming a bushes with a height of no more than 0.3 m, which are abundantly covered with foliage. Petals of tongue flowers slightly corrugated and painted in red-brown, and tubular central flowers have yellow-orange color. The size of the inflorescence of the velvetsev reaches 50 mm. The flowering period lasts from the beginning of the summer before the beginning of the autumn.

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  • "Black velvet" (black V.elvet.)

annual velvets derived on the basis of small-bedroom velvets. This is a low-rise plant with a height of up to 30 cm with a compact bush, which abundantly blooms small inflorescences with a diameter of up to 6 cm, painted in dark cherry color and framed by thin orange border. Bruising terry, carnation. Flowering velvetsev lasts from the beginning of summer and ends with the onset of frosts.

Chrysanthemum-shaped velvets, varieties, photos and titles

Chrysanthemum-shaped velvets are almost fully formed by tubular flowers. The bright representatives of this group are annual Zortseli, derived from the vertical velvetsev:

  • Taishan (Taishan)

Little flowers with a height of about 0.25-0.3 m. From the end of spring to the beginning of the fall, the bustle bushes are covered with rather large inflorescences consisting of wide tubular flowers. The basket size reaches 70-80 mm in diameter. This series includes grades with golden (Gold), orange (Orange) and yellow (yellow) baskets.

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  • "" (Vanilla. F.1)

An annual low-resistant hybrid with a compact bush, the height of which does not exceed 40 cm, and the width of the bush is about 25 cm. Large inflorescence is about 7 cm, resembling a ball form, painted in gentle cream-white color. Blossom comes to the last decade of May and ends with cooling.

Where are the velvets grow?

Today, the velvets are cultivated in almost all countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. In the wild, the velvets grows in Spain and Portugal, France and Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Belarus, throughout Russia. These flowers and in India, Pakistan, China, but the largest agricultural area is celebrated in Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Paraguay and other countries of South America, as well as on the territory of Mexico. These flowers are rather unpretentious to external conditions, therefore it is easily transferred to the periodic absence of irrigation, poor soils and even clogs of the space weeds.

Therapeutic properties of vertexes

In addition to the beautiful view, which delivers aesthetic pleasure, as well as a pleasant aroma inherent in these colors, the velvets are widely used in cosmetology, therapeutic and culinary purposes.

Throughout the growing season, the plant accumulates essential oil in all its parts, containing several unique components. By the content of some biologically active substances, the velets are ahead of many medicinal herbs and plants. They contain:

  • ocitomen
  • apnene
  • sabinen
  • carotene,
  • lutein,
  • mirzen
  • citral
  • pigments
  • alchatoids and flavonoids.

Amber-yellow velvetse oil has a pleasant aroma to which the notes of oriental spices and fruits are mixed. The oil from the velvetsev has the following healing properties:

  • antimicrobial
  • antifungal
  • antispasmodic,
  • antiseptic
  • soothing.

Vegetables petals contain potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, copper, gold and zinc, as well as vitamins C, A, E, folic acid and rutin.

SPANISH BROCADE variety. Taken from the site:

How to make oil from velvetsev?

For the preparation of healing oils from the velitans, it should be finely chopped by a green material from stems, leaves and colors, and then pour it with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10. Withstand the mixture in a dark place for 10 days, it is placed on a water bath, after which the resulting extract is drained and filtered. It is necessary to store the drug in a cool place, pre-spilling it into bottles of dark glass. The velvetsev oil is a potent tool, so it is necessary to use it with caution. It helps to reduce blood pressure, contributes to the healing of the wound and eliminates the skin infections.

Infusion of velvetsev and method of cooking

Thanks to the antiseptic properties of this plant, inhalation with its irons are used for therapy of viral and bacterial diseases of the respiratory organs. Such a procedure can be carried out both with the help of special devices and in the old way over the kettle. For infusions, 5 buds, which are poured with boiling water (no more than 300 ml).

Buckle of velvetsev and method of cooking

Pain from arthrosis or other joint pathologies can be reduced if taking brazers from velvetsev. Such an aqueous extract is prepared in large volumes and has a smaller concentration. Prepare decoction of dried or fresh inflorescences. It is enough to take them about 20-30 pieces and insist within an hour. The frequency and volume of the received drug is desirable to learn from the doctor.

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Application of velvetsev in cosmetology

The aromatic and therapeutic properties of the velvetsev have long been used in cosmetology. Extracts of these flowers are part of the spirits and nutritional creams of all French perfumes. In addition, many fine-sex representatives make masks based on decoctions of these colors or nutritional balms from a mixture of olive and almond oil, filled within two weeks on one tablespoon of crushed inflorescences.

Velhets in cooking

Dried and crushed velvette flowers are used as seasonings known as Imereti Saffron. They give food not only a special spicy taste, but also a beautiful golden color. Leaves and flowers of velvetsev are part of some salads, as well as used for canning vegetables. Marinade, in which a couple of inflorescence added, give cucumbers a special elasticity and make them crispy. The inflorescence of velvetsev is a raw material from which food dyes are produced having a saturated yellow or yellow-orange color.

Damage to velvets and contraindications

It should be remembered that people who have allergic reactions to active substances that are part of the stalks, leaves or plant colors, as well as women during pregnancy, use drugs, ointments, balms and seasonings from velvetsev is contraindicated.

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Velhets: Growing and Care

Thanks to the natural beauty of the velvetsev, as well as due to the prolonged period of flowering, they are used for the decorative design of urban parks, garden sites and reception areas. The landing site depends on the size of the bush. So gigantic, tall or average varieties of velvetsev are used to decorate the center of the flower bed or the background of the flower garden, and colorful floral curbs form from low-layer plants. The velvets are suitable for cultivation in floor vases, large pots, balcony boxes and even porridge, and cut flowers can be standing for quite a long time in a conventional vase.

The soil

In Russia, flowerflowers, mainly engaged in breeding inferior, reprehension and rejected velvets. Despite the fact that these plants are rather unpretentious and can grow almost on any soil, the most intensive bloom is achieved on fertile, neutral, driving soils, which are sufficiently fertilized and moistened. To enrich the soil with the necessary minerals and microelements, any of the full mineral fertilizers contribute to it, but not only manure. When creating conditions for the full supply of the root system with oxygen at the landing site, there is a good drainage, which can be used compost.

Temperature and lighting

Flowers of velvets are thermal-loving plants, so they need to be planted at sunny areas, although the light shadow will not harm them. The best temperature that is needed for optimal vegetation and full bloom is considered to be the range from + 20 ° C to + 23 ° C. Upon cooler temperature conditions, the sprouts slow down their growth, and the leaves acquire a pale green color. The first frosts usually lead to the death of plants. On excessively shaded places, the growth of shoots is accelerated, and flowering is oppressed.


Long-term heavy rains can adversely affect the state of the velvetsev, causing the charges of inflorescences and fungal diseases of the root system, but the drought these plants are transferred quite easily, as they come from solar and arid regions of South America and Mexico.

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Ways to landing vechatsev

Floriculture uses 2 methods of breeding vertices:

  • sowing seeds directly into the soil,
  • empty method.

Flowers planted by direct sowing into the ground, begin to delight their bloom only in the middle of summer, but the landing of the prepared seedlings makes it possible to admire the beauty of plants in early June.

When to plant velvets?

Dates of landing of velvets in open ground depend on air temperature. Seeding or planting seedlings should be produced only after the night temperature will not fall below + 5 ° C. In the southern regions with a soft and warm climate, disembarking can be started from mid-April, and in areas with temperate climate it is better to postpone the second decade of May.

Gardening of the seeds of Vitytsev

So that the shoots were friendly and strong, planting material germinate. This preparation method is equally used as for sowing seeds directly into open soil and for growing velvet seedlings.

Seeding does not represent much difficulty. To do this, it is necessary to wrap the seeds of the chosen grade into the wetted cloth from the cotton fabric. Then the bundle should be put in a shallow flat saucer and put it in a transparent plastic bag. Now it remains to put a container with a wetted planting material in a warm and bright place and wait two to three days. When the seeds proceed, you can start landing.

Antigua F1 velyts. Taken from the site:

Landing velvets seeds in open ground

On a plot prepared for the sowing of the velvetsev, with the help of a chipping, a shallow (no more than 2 centimeters) grooves, in which, with an interval of about 15-20 millimeters, should be laid down the grocessed seeds of velvetsev. After that, you need to fall asleep their soil layer with a thickness of at least one centimeter. With a thicker layer, the sponsors will be difficult to break through, and they may die, and with insufficient powder - just to dry. It is necessary to water carefully and moderately, not allowing both excessive convergence and flushing of seeds from the soil. The first shoots can be observed already after 7-8 days. You can cover the landing site by agricultural or any other nonwoven material (acrylic or Loutrasil). When 2 or 3 of the present leaflet appear on the sprouts, it is possible to break and sear plants according to the varietality, height and width of the bush.

To enjoy blossoming in the last days of May or in the first decade of June, sowing velvetsev at seedlings should be carried out during the period of March and the first half of April. Those who want to grow several different species, it must be borne in mind that in March, seeds should be seen the seeds of the vertical velvetsev, and the mellover and rejected - in the first two weeks of April. In this case, flowering will come simultaneously in early June.

It is quite easy to grow a healthy and strong seedlings of these colors, but some nuances should be observed. The best substrate for the extension of velvetsev can be considered a mixture taken in an equal number of humidiation, peat, delicate earth and half of the norm of pure large river sand. To destroy pests and weed seeds that can be in soils, it is necessary to carry out its disinfection. To do this, you can use any fungicide or a dark pink potassium permanganate solution (manganese).

In order not to stagnate water in the substrate, a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 3 centimeters is poured onto the bottom of the planting drawer or container. To do this, you can use fine crushed stone, gravel, crumples or even large sand. Two thirds are added to the drainage from the desired scope of the soil, which is compacted by tamping. The rest of the substrate should be in a loose state so that the root system of seedlings to properly supplied with oxygen.

You should not fill the seedbox or container to the top: from the top of the tank to the surface of the soil should remain 10-20 millimeters of free space. Now you need to shed a prepared substrate with water and give a container or box to stand in a warm room for a couple of days so that the soil reached the desired structure. To remove excess moisture from the soil capacity, at the bottom of which several small holes have been made, it must be equipped with a special pallet.

Before boarding the velvets to seedlings, the substrate surface is needed slightly and with an interval of about two centimeters make shallow grooves. The crumpled seeds need to be decomposed into these grooves every 10-15 millimeters, and then they should be covered with a layer of substrate with a thickness of no more than 10 mm. After that, it is very good to pour the entire surface of the planting, and the container is covered with a transparent material (polyethylene chicken, cover from the edible container, glass, etc.) and are referred to a warm room with a temperature of + 22 ° C to + 25 ° C.

It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not drive, and periodically hold watering. When the first velvette sprouts appear, the tank with the seedle is transferred to the lighter and cool room, in which the temperature ranges in the range of 15-18 ° C. At the same time, it is starting to "teach" seedlings to fresh air, for which the daily ventilation is carried out. In addition, this will make it possible to reduce the risk of some diseasescharacteristic of seedlings. If the slightest suspicions appeared that some seedling is infected with a black leg, it needs to be removed along with a lump of the substrate. After that, you should fill the resulting well of fresh soil, and then process all the soil along with the spicial solution of the fungicide.

When the friendly shoots of velvets appear, the shelter is completely removed. During this period, watering is carried out only after the land in the tanks for seedlings dried. Also, should not be allowed to accumulate water in the pallet, so after some time after irrigation, it should be merged with an extra liquid. So that the seedlings grow strong and healthy, it is recommended twice a month to feed them with special fertilizers for seedlings.

If all the planted marriage seeds are going, the sponses will be quite closely in a container or drawer. In this case, it will be necessary picking. This operation is carried out after a while after watering. In a separate container with the same substrate, as for the cultivation of seedlings, the wells are prepared in which the sprouts extracted with a spoon from the container are transplanted. The landing lead, blocking the plants to almost the cotyadal, which will lead to more intense and abundant root formation. The velvet seedliness readiness signal to the flooring to open ground can be considered 2 or 3 of the present leaflet.

Landing seedlings of velvetsev in open ground

In the open ground, seedlings are planted in the middle or late May in the pre-prepared soil. For this purpose, the selected area is drunk to a depth of no more than 25 centimeters and put into it complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. After that, the soil is reappeared and watering. The number of mineral fertilizers made should not exceed 30 g / m 2.

Waving some time so that the water absorbed into the soil prepare the wells in which the seedlings will be planted. The distance between the wells and adjacent rows of velvette depends on their type and variety. For giant and tall plants, this indicator is equal to 40 centimeters, the average-eligible flowers should be planted after 30 centimeters, but the low-spirited and dwarf velvets are planted after 20 centimeters.

The depth of the seedlings should be such that the root neck of the plant can be in-depth in the soil by 10-20 millimeters. After the root system is neatly placed in the hole, you need to carefully fill the emptiness around the roots and slightly compact the soil. Next, it is necessary to hide the seedlings, avoiding unnecessary convergence. It is noteworthy that, unlike many plants, the velvets are not afraid of getting water on the leaves.

Barchatic care

Further care for these flowers is rather simple.

  • So that the bushes are plentifully blooming, you need delete weeds and periodically loose soil Not only between plants, but also between rows.
  • Despite the fact that the velvets are unpretentious, making phosphorus-potash fertilizers Character will affect the appearance of bushes, making blossoms more lush. It will be enough for one or two root feeding for the entire season performed when the first buds appear and after the start of abundant flowering. Apply nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied, as this will lead to the growth of escapes and to the oppression of the development of inflorescences.
  • In addition, the plant looks lush and tidy, you need periodically delete inflorescencewhich have already been blowing and carrying out the forming cutting of the velvetsev.

In the fall after the onset of frosts, the velvets die. Plants need to be removed from the ground, finely crushed and close in the ground during autumn people.

Such a measure will allow the prevention of soil fungal infection.

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Diseases of the velvetsev, photo and names

Like all plants, the velvets can also hurt.

  • For example, if the summer was turned cool and rainy, or if the bushes are planted too close to each other, on the leaves of plants and on their stems often appear spots of dark brown. This disease is called "Gray rot" And leads to the death of not only infected bush, but also can cause the spread of fungal infection to other plants. To avoid this, you need to immediately dig up all the bustz kosses affected by the gray rot and destroy them.
  • Excessive moisture can also lead to the appearance slizney and Snails. You can get rid of them using a manual collection or jars with chlorine that needs to be placed between the rows. The sharp smell comes from them by pests.
  • In the roast dry summer, especially when watering is carried out irregularly and in insufficient quantities, the plants are exposed to invasion custom tick . You can get rid of this dangerous pest using the spraying of the bushes with influences of special plants, since the velvets poorly carry chemicals. To prepare info, you can use onions, yarrow or red burning pepper. If the infection by the paw-tick has not yet happened, it is possible as preventive measures two or three times a day to spray the bushes with simple water.

It is noteworthy that phytoncides, stalks and leaves contained in the roots, stalks and leaves prevent the development of most fungal diseases not only in the colors themselves, but also serve as excellent protection for those plants that grow close to them. Therefore, many experienced gardeners create peculiar flower borders around planting tomatoes, potatoes or berry shrubs.

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  • Personal Barchatz flowers have the ability to pull heavy metals accumulated in the soil, which allows them to apply them to carry out lands in disinfecting.
  • The first written mention of the velvets appeared at the end of the XVI century in the fundamental study of the Spanish missionary, historian and linguist Bernardino de Saagun.
  • In India, the velets are considered sacred colors, so they sleep the foot of the statues of God Krishna.
  • The aroma coming out of leaves, more resistant and sharp than the smell of inflorescences.
  • In the language of flowers, which in the era of Queen Victoria was used for a hidden expression of feelings, the velvets meant fearlessness, courage, unparalleled courage and were a symbol of royal lion.
  • Residents of Mexico still use plant leaves as a coating or diuretic agent, as well as in the treatment of fever. In food poisoning, the velvets is used to cause vomiting and clean the stomach.
  • The aroma emanating from the velvetsev attracts bees, OS, beetles and other pollinator insects, therefore, putting such flowers near cucumbers or other crops, you can achieve a significant increase in crop.
  • In the era of the origin and dissemination of Christianity, the inhabitants of the British Islands surrounded the images of the Blessed Virgin Mary wreaths who flew from the velvetsev. Flowers symbolized gold coins.
  • According to Orthodox Scriptures, when Maria and Joseph were forced to flee into Egypt, the robbers rose behind them. When the pursuers overtake the fugitives, they took the wallet from them. But how were the gangsters were surprised when, by opening it, they found not silver or gold, but the inflorescence of the velvetsev.
  • The indigenous Indians of South America in their tales and legends associate plants flowers with Divine Sunny Light.
  • The velvets are grown not only in decorative purposes. There are species that are cultivated for use in the food industry and the production of alcoholic beverages.

The velvets originally from Mexico, so they are well tolerated heat and do not need abundant irrigation. Velkhattsev varieties with simple flowers are actually not ill because of the overvailing (even on an open balcony in rainy weather), but they do not even withstand the weak frosts.

Velhets usually represent bushes up to 25 cm. With the exception of dwarf forms, they are more suitable for balcony containers than for keeping in the room. Flowers are yellow or orange, can have red or dark burgundy specks. Depending on the variety, the flowers are simple or terry.

Sort: with simple flowers - zinna bar; with bright yellow flowers - Pascal, Suzi Wong; Raffle Red; With terry - golden ball, orange babe, Queen Sophie, gold, baby.

In addition to the popular T. Patula, two more types of velvets are usually grown: T. Signata - with small flowers, dwarf; T. Eruta, African velvets, - high, with large terry flowers.

Light: Maximum possible; The plant should be no more than 2-3 hours in the shade, provided that during the rest of the day it will be brightly illuminated.

Temperature: Velhets do not tolerate frosts.

Watering: Shoots should grow in wet soil. Adult plants move-burning harmful, so the soil must completely die between watering.

Air humidity: Keep a plant in dry air. Terry flowers do not spray, otherwise they can be contrary.

The soil: Fertile clay mix.

Feeding: Momitically feed the velvets with liquid fertilizers, diluted 2 times weaker than the manufacturer recommends. You can use fertilizers in the form of sticks.

Reproduction: Velchatse seeds are large and easily board. Put them in a container of early spring, covering the soil layer. Sowing at 16 ° C. Seeds germinate about 3 days. Approximately 10 days after the sowing, pick up seedlings into the boxes or one by one in separate pots. Provide the plants good lighting and influx of fresh air. Place into balcony containers when the threat of frosts.

External care:remove faded inflorescences to grow new flowers faster.

Vehicle care features

The velvets do not tolerate supercooling, so they need to be stolen from the cold, especially carefully - young plants before frosts. In the glazed unheated loggias, close and insulate the frame. If the velvets grow on an outdoor balcony, cover the plants with cardboard boxes or foam slices.

Velhets - the permanent inhabitants of the majority of garden sites of Ukraine and Russia, although their homeland is America.

In some places they are more famous called "Blackheads", unpretentious, charming decorative, very simple in cultivation. Even novice will cope with them.

Seeds in open soil sow in wide in-depth holes by 1.5 cm from each other so that there is no thick and seedlings did not stretch and did not hesitate. Plush the ground from above with a thin layer of 0.5-1 cm and carefully pour. Watering mode let it be moderate before the appearance of sprouts, and they will appear very quickly.

When 2-3 pairs of leaflets appear, transfer the seedlings to a permanent place at a sufficient distance (not thick) and blow it 2 cm more.

Seeds can only be purchased for the first planting, and then at the end of flowering them to collect them. Leave several flowers on drying a bush, let it finally be covered.

The main thing is that at that time did not go rain. Then you easily remove the freshest seeds from a cup of flower, which dried and save to spring.

The rule "the earlier will put, the earlier it blooms" it is quite suitable for the velvets. If you wish, you can sow seeded seeds in early spring. Keep seedlings in warm and bright room until May. Then you can make the outdoor air tank for a week so that the seedlings are accustomed to new conditions, and after planting them at a permanent place.

The land should be loose: DERN - humus - peat - sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5). For the prevention of the "black leg" provide colors of a good drainage of 3 cm rubble, crumples and sand. In the soil before planting, you can make prepared fertilizers, but not fresh manure. In the threat of frosts, cover the seedlings of the film - your seedlings will become strong.

Velhets can grow in the shade and half, but they will bloom more magnificently at the most sunny places. The main thing is that they are not too wet and dark. Up to germination, the temperature is desirable 22-25 ° C. With cold wind, flowers need protection. The soil must be well moistened during the growth period.

Clean the colors evenly, without any hopping. Of all the velvets, the most unpretentious - rejected, come in in any soil and will be abundantly blossoming even without fertilizer. If you want to feed, then do it no more than once a month, otherwise the bush will grow intensively and will not bloom for a long time.

During growth, watering should be moderate, and later it will need to be reduced so that there is no stagnation of moisture, from which the plants are sick, rot and do not bloom. It is better to water in the summer heat in the evenings. The velvets may well live without feeding, but they will respond very grateful on them.

Fertilizers contribute three times: when the seedlings are growing up to 10 cm, when the first buds and to the beginning of blooming will appear. You can use comprehensive fertilizers.

We have regular weeds and loosen the soil, because the velvets love loose soil and must breathe. In the summer, spend the trimming - it will help to form lush beautiful bushes. They will bloom stronger if you remove the outflower inflorescences.
In the fall after wilting and drying them, they are cleaned with a bed.

Velhets can grow perfectly in a pot. For this purpose, put them in the fall, and then to the spring, the bush will surely bloom.

Diseases and pests

Specific fragrant smell of velvetsev and the same fragrance of dealers from roots in the soil is a kind of protection against fusariosis and other fungal diseases not only for the colors themselves, but also for everything that grows nearby. No wonder professionals advise to fraward velets almost all the garden plot! For the same purpose, the chamber is planted.

A healthy type of velvetsev depends on the care. If a web mite can appear too dry. With dampness - fungus and rot. In the first case, correct the situation with watering and spraying, in the second - drying and warmth.

With the appearance of snails and slugs, it is better not to use poisonous spraying, as the colors of this oh, how not to love. Dark brown wet spots can appear from low temperatures, dampness, humidity and population of landings on stems and leaves - gray rot.

The affected plants immediately destroy until they infected healthy. It is noteworthy that if you jump into a compost bunch of frozen velvets, no midge and other harmful creatures will be headed in it.

You can plant velets nearly anywhere, except near water bodies and in thick shadow. Depending on the shape of the bush (spherical, compact, inverted pyramid) and the height of the stems (20-120 cm), try to disembark the most shortaries along the edges of the curbs, and more tall - closer to the center of the flowers so that all the flowers look at the flower bed.

Almost monophonic (for example, all shades are yellow-golden) or contrasting (red-white, brown and yellow) can be in the flower palette of the flower bed.

From summer to autumn, the flowers will not lose their decorativeness, because dried inflorescences will be hiding under dissolved.

The usual problem of all lovers is to plant a plot for a maximum of your favorite vegetables and fruits, and so that there are enough space for flowers.

So, the velvets can be added around the perimeter even a bed with potatoes or any other vegetables. It will be pretty and fun!

Types of velvetsev

Professional gardeners are known for almost 60 types of velvetsev. Of these, only three are considered to be the most popular: reprehension, rejected and thin-film. In America, they not only decorate garden flower beds, but also used in medicine. In some countries, they make a popular seasoning - Imeretin Saffron (the leaves have a specific spicy fragrant aroma).

Flowers, by analogy with a chamomile, can be simple, semi-maritime and terry, carnation similar. Dark green leaves are no less beautiful than flowers that can stand long in the water in a cut form.

African velvets reprehension (Tagetes Erecta)

Plant annually. A bush has a clear main escape, can be compact or spread.

The stems are very branched, high up to 1.2 m, branched, small-necrorebral with large inflorescences - baskets up to 13 cm in diameter on long blossoms. Inflorescences are one-photon yellow shades or two-color. Blooms at the end of June - early July.

French rejected veciatts, small color (Tagetes Patula)

Single-night with a direct branching stem, linearly lanceal pointed-saw leaves. Heads of inflorescences of medium size are sitting on thickened legs.

Leafs are growing among themselves. Blooms in the second half of July.

Mexican Bolkottsy Velhets (Tagetes Tenuifolia)

An annual, low compact bush of 20-40 cm high, gustanic with small leaves. Small baskets of inflorescences are simple, sit on short blossoms, collected in tweeted inflorescences of yellow or yellow-orange shades.

Velhets Anisala (Tagetes Anisala)

The stem, the leaves and flowers have the smell and taste of the etragona, while much more pleasant and stronger. The fragrance is heard even at considerable remoteness. Flowers abundantly all summer.

It is good for a flower bed of any type, even with a limited amount of soil. Unpretentious, drought-resistant, but loves warmth. Even in a blooming form can easily be transferred.