Repairs Design Furniture

The cultivation of annual crops of OKVED. Annual Flowers: Sowing Technology. Annual flowers for summer cottages


Restores - a group of plants that differ in their biological characteristics, but the same for use - only one year. They are called annual (or semids) also because the plants of this group are developing from seed to seed: seeding seeds in the soil in spring and their collection in the fall occur in one season. The most decorative annual floral cultures in the first year of sowing, although many of them (for example, Petunia, Lion Zev, Salvia, etc.) can bloom on the second and even in subsequent years.
A group of annual plants is distinguished by a variety of decorative qualities and biological properties of plants. Depending on the culture, they bloom from early spring to late autumn. To bloody the plants in early spring, usually apply a seaside process of cultivation. For example, when landing seedlings in February-March, most varieties bloom in May-June.

For decorative qualities, annual cultures are divided into three groups:
1) Drazing: Astra, Levka, Clarkia, Esch-Sholia;
2) Decoratively deciduous: Cineraria, Maritima, Coggy;
3) Curly: peas fragrant, Ipomea, decorative beans.

By duration of the occasion from sowing to flowering, annual cultures are divided into the following groups:

1) With a period of development of 130-180 days: Sacabo cloves, Lobelia, Maritima Cineraria;
2) With a period of development of 100-120 days: Ageratum, An-Tirrinum, velvets, polka dots, fragrant, phlox annual, etc.;
3) With a period of development up to 100 days: Calendula, Clarkia, Pack Annual, Chedd, etc.

Given these features, to obtain earlier flowering in the soil, annuals are grown through seedlings. Seeds of plants of the first group are sown in January-February, the second - in March, the third - in April and May.
The seeds of homework resistant temperatures can be heated in an open ground in late April or create a small protected chatener.
Similar period is called wounds. In the first decade of May, the subsequent sowing is carried out. Not bad results can be obtained in the subject (from the end of October at the beginning of November) and winter (subject to snow falling, the lack of thaws and return of frost during December-January) crops at a permanent place or in a ramp. In these cases, seed seeding rate is increased by 2-3 times.

Aster-a perennial beautiful plating plant belonging to the familiar family. In horticulture is usually called the Astroy also annual culture - Callistephus Chinese (Callistephus chinensis).

Annual asters are represented by a huge number of varied varieties. Among them there are dwarf and tall, single-way and branchy; Inflorescences have a rich gamut color, there are two-color varieties.

The form of inflorescences is also different: pomponny, needle, chrysanthemum, and so on. Sizes of inflorescences range in the range from 4 to 10 cm. Annual Astra - OssennetsNerving plants, however, the timing of their flowering varies depending on the variety; They bloom from August to frosts.

Astra can be multiplied by seeds. The varietal features of the plants are best preserved when breeding the division of bushes. Usually the bushes are separated, growing in one place for 5-6 years. Asters divide and transplant early spring or after flowering. Astra autumn blossoms are divided and transplant only in spring. The bushes are easy to share their hands on the part where the kidney and several roots should be.

Tall and spreadable plants plant at a distance of 70- 90 cm, low - 30-50 cm. Asters are growing quickly, forming powerful bushes. Tall grades Perennial Astra must be taped.

Astra is light-headed, they should be planted on the open areas illuminated by the sun. The cultivation in the half is possible, but not recommended, as plants, especially in raw summer, are amazed by mildew. Therefore, all perennial astra, in any place they grow, in order to avoid this disease, it is necessary before flowering 2 times with an interval of 12 days to make a preparation "Topaz" (2 ml on 10 liters of water). In the fall, after flowering, astra is treated with a copper vapor (50 g per 10 liters of water), after that the plants are cut and burned. Astra prefer soils loamy, medigative, preferably neutral reaction, with the presence of nutrients and mineral elements. Before the portion of the area for ASTR in the soil is added 200 g of limestone or dolomite flour, 3 tbsp. Spoons of superphosphate. Pumping as deep as possible (30-35 cm).

This group consists of plants that have blossom and the highest decorativeness manifest themselves for the second year after sowing. However, in the middle lane of Russia, twilights can bloom well and grow also in subsequent years. True, some plants of this group decreases decorativeness due to dying of shoots, degradation of the center of the bush, the death of the leaves at the bottom of the stem as it is growth. They also call them meals yet because the seeds of these plants are obtained for the second year after sowing.
Two-room seeds are multiplied mainly by seeds, sometimes dividing the bush (for example, daisies). The positive quality of the twilight is the possibility of obtaining planting material in an open soil. Sowing is held in the middle of summer (in June-July) in the ridge or boxes. Permanent place is planted in August-September.
Seedlings can also be planted in a flower garden in the spring. For example, Viol, forget-me-not and daisies can be sown in the soil in the spring, and by autumn they bloom, but weakly. Abundant blooming two-year-olds still for the second year after sowing.


The plant relates to a herbaceous form, is characterized by a short root, the leaves of the root is a stupid, has an oblong and uncontamous form. There are almost no leaves on the stem. Daisy flowers can be pink or white, tongue form. Each flower contains a tubular yellow seed, it is flexible.

The plant can be assembled in bushes, has inflorescence in the form of a basket. Daisy refers to many years of plant type, blooms only a year later, as it was planted. The plant is a two-year-like view, so on the third year it is deformed and dies.

Daisy is unpretentious in care, it can bloom from April to November, is a frost-resistant look. In winter, buds, leaves can be saved before the spring. The plant is multiplied with the help of self-saming, stalling, the division of the bush.

Perennials - plants growing more than 1 year, but blooming every season. The total decorative of the site and the duration of flowering in many ways depend on the proper selection of perennial plants that are grown in one place for more than 3 years. At the same time, to prepare the laying of the flower garden is especially careful. The agricultural equipment of cultivation depends on the biological features of cultures, as well as on the characteristics of the plants of the plants. The value of perennials increases if the flower plants of other groups do not yet bloom. Application in landings Perennial colors frees from annual labor-intensive work on the preparation of planting material.
Decorative herbaceous perennials in the structure of the above-ground part of the plant and the life expectancy can be divided into two groups.

1. Perennials with winter overhead shoots. This is arabis, long-term carnations, Iberis evergreen, granular and twisted stone, some types of surmas, phlox creep, etc.
2. Cultures that have an overhead part of the plants annually, but the underground stem part is preserved, and vegetative and floral kidneys are formed on it, ensuring further growth and development of plants.

Perennials of this group, depending on the structure of the underground part, in turn are divided into 4 subgroups:

1) Rhizable - Iris, Badan, Rudbeckia, etc.;
2) axial - peony, Akvilia, Lupine, Phlox, Dolphinium, etc.;
3) Lukovichny - Tulip, Narcissus, Lily, Hyacinth;
4) Clubneelukovichny - Gladiolus, Crocus, etc. Floral organs in plants can be laid in the year of their growth (at Dolphinium, Lupine, Aquillegia), a year before the flowering of plants (most of the bulbous cultures - tulip, Narcissus, Szillla, Muskari), and Also in the fall (in Peony, Iris, Badan, Flox Czczuchny, etc.).
These features need to be considered in the cultivation of perennials, since good care for plants after flowering stimulates the laying of flower kidney for flowering for the next year (for example, Arabis, Badan, Peony, Primulus).
In relation to the light, perennials are grouping in the following categories:
1) Svetiversary - Astra, Begonia, Gelenium, Helie-Outsis, Lupine, Mac East, Narcissus, Peony, Tulip;
2) Shadowish-Akyviegia, Athonite, Astilba, Dolphinium, Doccentre, Iris, Lilynik, Small Lukovichny, Primula, Rogers, Rudbeckia, Flox, Fun-Kiya, Cyminizfuga;
3) Teleboy - Brunner, Sharphenia, Bathing, Lily of Lily, Fern, Tiallla, Fuquia.
Coldo and frost resistance - an important addition to the characteristics of perennials.

According to the ability of plants to transfer low temperatures, especially during the winter months, all perennials are divided into:
1) plants wintering under open soil: iris, daffidss, peony, tulip, phlox, etc.;
2) Plants that are not wintering in the open soil: Georgin, Gladiolus, Cannes.
Soil in the gardens has the ability to retain moisture. Depending on this, perennials can be:
1) drought-resistant - carnation gray-blue, bell Poineshlag, Kotovnik, Lavender, Phlox Douglas, Sage Dubravny, Yukka Nichtage;
2) The moisture-loving is a buczital, a pubastik, a derbennik of the Iris (Plakuan Grass), Iris Movyoid, Bolotnaya Kaluchny, Lily Small, Breakfunger, Pink Primulatory.

Iris (Iris)refers to the family of casamic, or iris (Iridaceae Juss). Short-corneous herbal perennial, 10-15 cm tall. Rhizome thickened. Leaves roasting, linear, sly, 6-10 cm long and 3-10 mm wide. Stems up to 5 (15) cm high, with one flower. Purple pill, blue, yellow, whitish different shades, his tube up to 5 cm long, with three purple stripes; The outdoor shares of the perianth have a rounded or oblong plate, covered out of 2 long green leaves, leathery only on top. Trigger box, pointed up, sitting or almost seated. Character seeds. Flowering-april-May.

Irises are grown in groups, mixlers, on cutting and pasture. In decorative flower growing, the most common varieties and forms originating from the Iris of Hybrid (I. Hybrida) are the most common. They vary in color, shape and size of flowers.

Experienced flowers pick up the varieties of irises in such a way as to enjoy their blooming all summer. Dwarf types of irises can be grown in room conditions.

Semids occupy one of the leading places in decorative crop. Most semids are a long day plants. The period of their greatest decorative accounts for the summer season. The textures are planted in various fenofases of their development, even in the full bloom phase. The textures are less damaged to diseases and pests compared with perennial species. For most sectors, the surface root system, therefore, for their cultivation, a relatively small fertile layer of soil is required. The listed qualities make seals by leading decorative herbaceous cultures for urban landscaping.

Most of the grades of the seeds breed seeds. Capacity-building species (antirrinum, verbena, petunia, etc.), as well as carpet crops can be propagated vegetatively (cuttings).

On decorative qualities, the textures are divided into the following groups: beautiful, curly, decorative, damage, soil or carpeting, drunks. The textures are widely used to create flower beds, rods, borders, rociries, on a cut.

By the length of the growing season, the texts are divided into the following groups:

  • 1) S. long vegetation (130-180 days): Begonia eternal, Verbena, Lobelia, etc., seeds are sown in protected primer in January-February;
  • 2) S. vegetation of medium duration (100-130 days): Age-Ratum, Antirrinum, Callistefus, etc., seeds are sown in March, in protected ground;
  • 3) S. short vegetation (less than 70 days): Calendula, Mattiola, Eshololization, etc., seeds in protected ground seed in April, in open ground - in early May.

The seasides are growing and reckless ways (((?)\u003e Fig. 288).

A seaside method of growing sediments. Seedlings are used for landscaping various objects of garden construction. The seedlings are planted in the bootonization phase or the beginning of flowering, which allows in a short time to create the necessary decorative effect.

To grow seedlings as a substrate, a mixture of a delicate earth, leaf humus and sand in an equal ratio is used. Seeding is carried out in cassettes or flat containers at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. After the appearance of sections, the temperature is reduced to 15 ° C.

The optimal temperature for growing seedlings of cold-resistant crops (carnation, kallisuthephus, left, etc.) is 12-14 ° C, with active air ventilation in the greenhouse. Seedlings of thermo-loving crops (Tagtess, Petunia, Zinnia, Sage) are grown at a temperature of 20-22 ° C.

Most seams have sequers to appear on 8-12 days after sowing. In the early sowing of seeds, as well as when the appearance of very small shoots (Begonia, Lobelia), segregations are seen several times in the pixel boxes of 100 pcs. In the box with an interval in one month. Most of the textures are divened once in pots with a diameter of 7 or 9 cm.

Care of seedlings includes the following work: 1) the removal of weeds; 2) soil looser; 3) watering; 4) feeding; 5) For some crops - the piping of the stems.

Seedlings are fed twice: in the first feeding - nitrogen fertilizers, in the second - full mineral fertilizers. The segments of the stems are carried out to enhance branching (anti-Rininum, rank).

Since the beginning of May, seedlings are hardened in greenhouses, gradually reduce watering and enhance the ventilation, from the middle of May they remove greenhouse frames to adapt plants to the oscillations of night and daytime temperatures.

The seedling seedlings start with the third decade of May and finish in the first decade of June. At first, cold-resistant cultures are planted, after 2-3 weeks - heat-loving. The planting scheme seedlings depends on the size of the plant and the type of flower bed. On average, the lowered, compact plants are planted after 15-20 cm, the average - after 25-30 cm, tall - after 40-50 cm.

Since the seedlings of the seedlings has a surface root system, after landing, a systematic and frequent watering is required.

The reckless way of growing semids. In a temperate climatic zone in open ground, seeds of such cultures are seeded, which are characterized by rapid growth and development, as well as high germination. To increase the germination of seeds and accelerating the growth and development of seedlings, it is recommended to process seeds with solutions of growth stimulants and microelements, as well as effect on seeds by variable temperatures.

Sowing is usually carried out manually. Apply the following sewing time:

  • 1) earlsian (second half of April) - sow cabbage seeds (Mattiola, Iberis, etc.) and other cold-resistant crops (cornflowers, calendula, cosmeya, Eshcholce, etc.);
  • 2) lady (The first decade of May) - sew seeds of heat-loving crops (Tagtess, Nasturtia, etc.);
  • 3) tomnia (The end of October - the beginning of November) - sew the seeds of cold-resistant crops into frozen soil with mulching peat or humus (1-2 cm) - anti-crime, vasilek, year, calendula, cosme, etc.;
  • 4) winter (during the winter) - sow seeds in the snow, a layer of which is 15-20 cm with a peat mulching - the same kind as for the South Seva.

The soil for sowing seeds of the seed should be light, aligned, indulged. Before seeding, organic fertilizers must be made. The texts are divided into three groups of need for organic fertilizers: 1) with a low need (2 dm 3 / m 2) - year, Clarkia et al.; 2) with an average need (3 dm 3 / m 2) - Helichry, calendula, etc.; 3) with a high need (5 dm 3 / m 2) - antirrinum, aster, cosmeya, left, zinnia, etc. Some seals do not tolerate the introduction into the soil of fresh manure - Age-Ratum, Verbena, Nasturtium, etc. In excess of organic substances Most of the textures are intensively developing a vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering.

Typically, the seeds are sown with a nest (3-5 pcs. Seeds in one hole), the distance between the nests of seeds depends on the size of the plants. The depth of seed seed 1 is 1.5 cm either to the soil surface with a peat mulch layer 1-2 cm. Sewers need to be 2-3 times to cut forward. The first time - in the phase 1-2 of the real leaves, the second and third time - after 2 weeks, in the phase 3-5 of these leaves. After the last thinning in the nest, 1-2 plants are left.

Care of sealing in flower beds. In flower beds, the following agrotechnical works on plant care are carried out: feeding, watering, soil looser, weeding, protection against diseases and pests, capacitance, steaming.

Feeding. In 1 liter of garden land, suitable for growing textures in the open soil, should be contained (by X. DRUZU): 100-150 mg D.V. Nitrogen, 175-300 mg D.V. phosphorus, 350- 550 mg D.V. potassium. The lower limits are recommended for young plants, upper - for adults. Optimal soil acidity 6-6.8. Usually, the textures are fed three times. The first feeder is carried out after seedlings have taken place, full mineral fertilizers (for example, 5 g / m 2 ammonium nitrate, 10 g / m 2 superphosphate, 5 g / m 2 of sulfur patrol). The second feeder is carried out during the boutonization period, the third - at the beginning of flowering. When conducting the second and third feeding, phosphoric and potash fertilizers are used (for example, 15 g / m 2 superphosphate, 6-9 g / m 2 of sulfur patrol). Fertilize or dry or dissolved in water fertilizers, as a rule, manually.

Watering. The need for water depends on the biological characteristics of plants, soil-climatic conditions, the fenstic phases of the plant development. Most sediments are moderately moisture. Optimal soil moisture 50-60% NVP. The greatest need for water sediments is tested during the period of intensive growth and bootonization. With the beginning of flowering, it decreases, by the time the seed ripening is reduced to a minimum.

Ruffle soil and weeding. To destroy weeds and improving the air air regimen regularly loose, especially in the period when the above-ground part of the annoying will not come true. To combat weed vegetation, the use of gerbecides is possible.

Protection against pests and diseases. Protection can be carried out by agrotechnical, physicomechanical, chemical and biological methods. Agrotechnical methods: the right crop rotation, deep chilly plowing, liming, phosphorus-potash feeding. Physico-mechanical methods: steaming of garden land, heat treatment of seeds. Chemical methods: The use of fungicides and insectation. Biological: the use of biological preparations, traps for insects.

Pipher and steaming. Pipher and step-in regulate growth, branching of stems, flowering, fruiting, maturation and sowing seed qualities.

Seed collection. The collection of seeds of the seeds is carried out in the second half of summer or in the fall, when the seeds reached the seeds of biological maturity. In crops with a stretched maturation of fruits and easily revealing fruits (Ameratum, Astra, Calendula, Cosmeya, Petunia, Salvia, Tagtess, etc.) Seeds are collected selectively and repeatedly. In crops with friendly maturation and durable fruits (nasturtium, etc.) - once. Fruits and seeds are usually collected manually. After the thread, the seeds are separated from impurities and calibrated in size and specific mass. Small seeds are stored in packages, large - in bags.

The classification of sediments on decorative qualities is given in Table. 10 (prepared by A. V. Isachyn).

Table 10.

Classification of sediments on decorative qualities

Decorative group



Callistephus - Callistefus.

Callistephus Chinensis - Callistefus Chinese

Cosmos Bipinnatus - Cosme Doublepe

Gazania Rigens - Goting Sparkling

Tagetes - Tagtess.

Tagetes Erecta - Tagtess Personal

Tagetes Patula - Tagtess Rejected

Tagetes Tenuifolia - Tagtess Tricultural

Zinnia Elegans - Zinnia Elegant

Begoniacecae - Begonia

Begonia - Begonia

semperflorens - Begonia Emerctive



Lobularia - Lobulia

Lobularia Maritime - Lobularia Sea


Matthiola Incana -

matthiol grayaya

Campanulaceae - Bells

Lobelia - Lobelia

Lobelia Erinus - Lobelia Erinus


Salvia Splendens - Salvia


Decorative group



Raregasaee - Makov


Eschscholzia Californica -

eshcholce California

RO1etosaeeee -


Phlox - Flox

Phlox Drumondii - Flox Drummond

Bsgoryagtseae - Norichnikovy


Antirrhinum Majus -


Byapaasee -


Petunia - Petunia

Petunia X Hybrida - Petunia Hybrid

Nicotiana - Tobacco

Nicotiana Alata - Tobacco Winged

Ugianpacea - Verbenne

Verbena - Verbena

Verbena x Hybrida - Verbena Hybrid



Brassica - Cabbage

Brassica Oleraceae Van Acephala - Luxury Cabbage Curly

Svporospasee - Mare

Kochia Scoparia - Cocia Vhenichny

Pyretrum - Pyrethrum

Pyretrum Parthenium - Pyrethrum Girl

Senecio - Crossman

Senecio Cineraria - ashist


Atagap1Iasonae - Amarantovye

Alternantera - Alternernanta

Alternantera Amabilis - Alternancer Pleasant

Alternantera Amoena - Alternantra Adorable

Alternantera Metallica - Alternantra Metal

Decorative group



Alternantera Paronychioides - Altternander Pa-Ronihioides

Alternantera Versicolor - Alter-Nanter Multicolor

I Resine - Syrovine

Iresine Lindenii - Linden Syrovine

Boraginaceae - Burachnikovy

Heliotropum - Heliotrop.

Heliotropum Peruvianum - Heliotrope Peruvian


Sedum - Sedum

Sedum Acre - Sedum Crash

Sedum Album - Sedum White

Sedum Carmeum - Sedum Pink

Sedum Coeruleum - Sedum Blue

dasyHpyLLUM - Seduum Tolstolent

Sedum Spurium - Sedume False

Echeveria - Eheveria

Echeveria Agavoides - Agavovoid Eger

Echeveria DCSMeciana - Desmecyan Egeria

Echeveria Metallica - Metal Eheveria

Echeveria Secunda - Eheveria Siza

Decorative group



Giraniaceae - Geranium

Pelargonium - Pelargonia

PELARGONIUM ZONALE - Pelargonium Zonal


Coleus - Koleus.

Coleus Blumei - Coleus Blum

Onagraceae - Cylet.

Fuchsia - Fuchsia

Fuchsia Hybrid - Fuchsia Hybrid


Fabaceae - legumes

Phaseolus - Beans

coccineus - Fire-red beans

Lathyrus - China

Lathyrus odoratus - Fascinous rank

Tropaeolaceae - Kapuchinovy

Tropaeolum - Nasturtium

Tropaeolum X Cultorum - Nasturtium Cultural


Amaranthaceae - Amarantovye

Celosia Argentea - Silver Code

AsteracEae - Astrovye

Helipterum - Helipteruum

Helipterum Roseum - Helipter Pink

Helychrisum - Helichrum


PlumbagInaceae - Pinky

Limonium - Limonium

Limonium Sinuatum - Lemonium Lamp

Control questions

  • 1. What time do the seeds of annual cultures are met with a seeding method of cultivation?
  • 2. What are the basic landing schemes seedlings in the open soil do you know?
  • 3. What groups on the need for organic fertilizers shall be divided?
  • 4. What are the differences between the textures and annual plants?


Each owner of the garden plot wants to see his flowering and beautiful all warm season. Summer in our lane is short and fast, so you want to have time to enjoy the beauty of planted trees, shrubs and flowers.

For flower decoration of the plots, decorative herbaceous plants must be used with various biological features (annual, twilight, perennial, bulbous, ephemeeroids), since their combination will allow a long decorative effect.

Or the so-called "semids", grow one season, at the end of the summer these plants give seeds. Annual cultures bloom sufficiently enough, have a rich aroma and decorative foliage. Many decorative floral cultures are perennial, but only in warm countries. We also vegetate one season (Lion zev, Begonia, Verbena).

Annual floral cultures are drawn up flowerbeds, Rabata, balcony boxes, parter and carpet flower beds. Speected group and solitary (single) landing from seventeels (sunflower, cooke, fragrant tobacco) look. Curly and ampels annual Beautifully look at the design of the balconies (fragrant peas ,,). For these purposes, high-flowering seals are used, which are well blooming in boxes and pots (Levka,, Lobelia, Lion Zev).

Summers with fragrant flowers (left, tobacco fragrant, Alissaum, residue, fragrant peas) sit in flower beds near garden houses for decorating household plots. Good textiles and for obtaining a viscous material on gardening and garden sites and in industrial culture (Astra, Lion Zev, Gaylardia, calendula). Cotic flowers can be obtained early in spring and late in autumn when growing plants in greenhouses (Sacabo, Astra, fragrant peas). A group of sediments, called dryweight, gives material to compile winter bouquets (helichrum, acroklinum).

Annual culture most often. But the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows in our homes is so small that everything desired through the seedlings is impossible, so some annual species can be sown directly into the ground.

Technology Sowing

Directly into the open soil sowing such flowers as cosme, nasturtium, calendula, vasilek, nigella, linak, esthemal, sunflower, decorative herbs. For sowing you need to prepare the soil in advance.

If the land on the planned plot is clay, then it needs to be emphasized. Often for these purposes make peat or compost, as well as river sand. Conduct a replenish on the bayonet shovels, carefully choosing weeds, align the surface with robbles. It turns out fertile garden land. Sewing seeds for permanent place is carried out after May 15-20, when the soil warmed up enough. Seeds smear over the surface in fine-free crops (Nigella, Mac, Esholzolization) or close to a depth equal to two seed diameters. Some cultures before sowing need to be mashed in water (fragrant peas, decorative beans, Kleschevin, Kobei, Nasturtium).

Small seeds (Nigella, Mac, Lion Zev, Nemesis) are mixed with sand and scatter on the surface of the soil. After shootings appear, the plants are cleared or thinned if the shoots turned out to be thick. There are several plants on the square meter (5-15 pcs.), Taking into account their expandability. After these plants surgery, it is necessary to sneak with solutions of epin growth stimulants or zircon for better adaptation to new conditions (2 ml of 5 liters).

Every 10 days it is necessary to feed young seedlings with liquid complex fertilizers in the specified concentration. It is impossible to translate soil overwhelms, since mushroom infections are developing in humid conditions (black leg, malievous dew). To prevent these diseases, shoots are sprayed with a solution of "phytoosporin" into dry windless weather and loose. Earth between sowing loose to avoid crust formation. When the plants are growing, the agricultural engineering is the same as other annual cultures.

Many annual cultures can be sung in the ground in advance, from autumn. They will pee and spring will give early friendly shoots. The time of blooming in such plants will be earlier than that of the expected in April - May.

Grouping annual decorative crops for seeding
Name Conditions Agrotechnika
For sowing in open ground
Alissaum, Vasilek, Gypsophilla Elegant, Dolphinium Annual, Dolichos, Fascinated Polka Dot, Iberis, Calendula, Cosmeya, Lavaters, Lenaria, Malva, Mattiola Curry, Mac, Naturery, Nemophyll, Nigella, Sunflower, Chedd, Facre Decorative, Eshololization After
Smiling soil
With a thickened crop needlation. Sowing on the depth of two diameters
For sowing in open ground
Gypsophila, year, Highlander,
Calendula, Clarkia, Facelia, Malopa, Eshcholce
Set labels to designate crops or sprinkle with sand. Seed seeds S.
Sowing standards
Taking into account the rates for the winter

Source: "Country season" №3, 2013

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TO annual There are plants that implement their life program for the 1st growing period (from sowing seeds in spring before they are received in autumn).

General information - fast growth energy (germination 7-10 days after sowing, grows quickly, bloom depending on biological features in different times, the duration of flowering depends on the conditions of their life, form seeds depending on the origin and conditions of cultivation).

Important factors providing the best development of these plants are the main environmental conditions (light, heat, wealth and mechanical composition of the soil, air humidity, for individual plants the pH value, the presence of trace elements and plant care). In accordance with the biological characteristics of each culture, it is not always possible to ensure the best degree of all the necessary requirements, so a person regulates these features by placing plants on a sunny-protected place from a cold wind, if necessary, or easy priest is created, etc.

In relation to temperature:

    plants, better developing at average temperatures that do not suffer from low temperatures and small frosts (levko, asters, fragrant peas, phlox, aconite, etc.)

    plants are thermal-loving, not carrying even minor frosts (zinnia, Salvia, Tagtess, Ipomoy, dahlia, balsamines, garden beans / Turkish /, Nasturtium)

High temperatures affect negatively especially in combination with dryness of air and soil on the size of the plant, the duration of flowering, on the terrain.

Plant ratio regulation to temperature conditions should be carried out in a timely manner in accordance with the phases of the plant development. Cold raw weather badly affects the overall development, education of buds, seeds, promotes plant disease.

In relation to water:

    requiring constant irrigation (Salvia, dahlias, poppy, asters, levko, aware),

    require moderately wet conditions (Lobelia, Flox, Code, Anchorinum, Petunia, Alissaum, Matiolla),

    drought-resistant (drunks, portulak, zinnia, verbena, tobacco, calendula, velvets, etc.)

Moisture supply And the soil aeration should always be optimal. Therefore, the best are raw, deep, but rare, with mandatory subsequent loosening. Most of the annuals prefer light lighter soils containing essential substances, loose, water and breathable, with a good structure. Fertilizers better make gradually. The main amount of them is made under the patch (better in the fall) in the form of composts. In the spring, complete fertilizer makes, and then in the form of feeding during the growing season. From nurses the most valuable are cow and bird; Konsky - for warm greenhouses. The bird is the most concentrated, it is brought in a dry form 2-3kg / m 2. The feeding is one part of the litter of 6-7 parts of the water (1/10). Fermentation for two weeks. Dilution in accordance with 1/20 and make 10 liters per 10m grooves. The peat has excellent properties. Nitrogen in it is as much as in the manure, decomposes slowly (deposit from autumn), prepare compost with the addition of lime.

Agrotechnika . Seeds of flower plants are usually saved 2-4 months. Sowing is carried out as early as possible (April). Promination of sowing is possible for cosmei, calendula, cornflowers, levko, dolphinium, etc. Sevings can be carried out in boxes or other tanks. Standard box size 60 * 30 * 10cm. The substrate for sowing should be lightweight, better mixture of sheet, turf and sand. Sowing make in the scatter. Dates of Sowing: January - Begonia, February - Cabin, Levko, Antirinum, Mart - Salvia, Verbena, Lobelia, Petunia, Astra, Cineraria, Perill, April - Ageratum, Matrikaria, Portulak. Salvia, dahliannaya annual, velvets, zinnia - sowed depending on the timing of flowering and opportunities. Sowing rates - from the size of seeds and further cultivation conditions.

Lobelia, Petunia, Begonia - 0.3-0.5 g per 1 box.

Antirrinum, fragrant tobacco - 1 g.

Astra, Verbena - 3 g

Zinnia and Georgina - 7

Boxes are covered with glass and provide Temp-RU + 18 ... + 24 0 C. After the appearance of germs, the Temp-Ru can be reduced, strengthen the ventilation and after the first real leaflet appears to conduct a dive. After the first picking in the box should be 100 - 150 plants. Relatively more profitable compared to the boxes grow seedlings in the greenhouses. The number of picking depends on the duration of cultivation. Plant pulling is very unprofitable and harmful, the cause is a large density and excess heat with a lack of light.

Plants having a rod system, better grown in peat and cubes or cubes.

Seedlings are grown in a closed soil in compliance with the general rules and individual characteristics (regulation of ventilation, watering, priest, hardened before landing in an open ground - for 10 - 15 days open a greenhouse).

Individual features of plants :

1) attitude to frosts;

2) the ability to transfer a transplant and dry air.

Plants who fear transplants are better grown in the pots with a diameter of 7 - 10 cm, sowed in a pot of 3 - 5 seeds, in the future break through, removing weak, sowing directly into the ground.

In the late spring frosts (5 - 10yyuna) to provide for the shelter of shoots. The formation of crusts on crops, especially on heavy soils, watering and easy processing tools, weeding, feeding, watering into drought, the fight against pests and diseases.

Actentomy: Ageratum, Alisum, Aramrant, Astra Anasta Anasta (Chinese), Vaskitz, Vasilek, Verbena, Gaylardia, Carnation Chinese, Immortennik, Georgina, Gypsophila, year, Dolphinium, fragrant peas, Iberis, etc.