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Highlights when choosing a jambier. Drums with their own hands: Step-by-step instructions, device, rings and rope tips

Here I would like to talk about what moments should draw your attention when choosing a Jambier to find exactly the one that would sound like you want exactly and accidentally do not stumble upon a fake. Let's consider in detail each criterion when choosing a jamb.

1. Appearance

Appearance is a purely individual thing, someone likes one design by Jambé, someone else. As they say, the tastes do not argue. The most important thing is that you like it. I don't want to stop at this moment for a long time. I think everything is clear here.

size 2

Jambe is taken in inches, which correspond to the diameter of the membrane. What he is more, it will sound more powerful.

8 inches. Such jambes are considered "children's". And this is not because only children play them, and since he looks too frivolous. Although, despite this, if such a jambier is well tuned, it will sound quite good. Learning on this, I would not advise, just because you will not succeed to achieve the right hand setting, by virtue of him little size (Hands will not be placed properly). But, nevertheless, 8-inch djembe is a great option for hiking, which are planning to play music.

Weight: 2-3 kg.

10 inches. This option is suitable for both walks and for playing in small acoustic groups (just follow the rest musical instruments did not overlap the sound of your jambier). It can be used for learning.

Weight: 4-5 kg

11-12 inches. Already considered a professional option. Great for scene, for the street and for training. One of the most common options. If you doubt what size to choose, then feel free to take this one.

Weight: 5-7 kg.

13-14 inches. This is the most powerful option. Such a djembe has a deep bass powerful top. For any sizes, you will need a case, especially for such a big option, like this, because Jambier is a fairly fragile musical instrument ..

Weight: 6.5-8 kg.

The greater the size of Jambé, the more powerful it sounds in general, and this does not mean that it will be more bass, just the range of sound in large drums is wider than that of small. The sound itself largely depends on the setting and each configures his djembe as it wanted to him.

3. Manufacturers

3.1. West Africa (Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire)

African jambier is a sound benchmark among all manufacturers. Not surprising, because it is the homeland of the tool itself. African jambé has a bright sound, clear tone, ringing Slepep and a powerful long bass. On the stage almost always use only such jambes. They are considered professional.

They are mainly produced from the Mansonium or Iconko tree, and always only from a solid piece. The membrane is the shaved skin of the goat (no skin treatment is never used in lime solutionSince this will affect the sound for the worse). Such a jambier is done in manual, so they never look perfect, wood has minor cracks, a simple drawing, etc. It is such a natural appearance and a powerful sound appreciated by professional drummers.

3.2. Indonesia

Mostly from Indonesia is brought by a jamb, which, in fact, are souvenir. However, among them sometimes there are very good on the sound of instances. The cost of them below is African. Externally, Indonesian Jambie look very pretty, as such drums are often decorated with artificial carvings. They are poorly tolerant (the skin begins to weaken), but after they are driving the system returns.

3.3. Branded

This is a factory djembe, made according to standards. They do not have individuality, but there is almost no marriage.

From plastic. The sound of such jambes does not look like an authentic, he is loud and is something average between Djembe and Darbuka. The advantages can be attributed to the fact that they are perfectly tolerated humidity, have good strength and have a bright sound. A good option For beginner drummers.

From wood. Such a jambier sound is authentic. Practically do not differ from ordinary Indonesian drums. They are characterized only by the presence of a label, and strict adherence to the standard. Like plastic, suitable for beginners and lovers.

Professional series. To create such djembes, use better breeds of mahogany. The membrane is fat skin of the goat. The appearance of them is neat, status, dear. An excellent option for perfectionists who want high-quality sound and do not want to see small cracks and scuffs characteristic of African Jambé.

4. Leather

The skin should not be white, thin, similar to a paper sheet. This indicates a cheap souvenir fake. High-quality djembal skin is thick and durable. Also note that there are no holes and cuts on it, because when tensioning is the high probability that they disperse. Only such lumens on the skin of the drum, which arose due to the fact that when shaving, the wool pulled out with the bulbs.

5. Weight

If you notice that the difference in weight between, it would seem that the same drums are very significant, then you should not be afraid, there is nothing terrible in this, it happens quite often, it does not mean that one jambier is better or worse than another .

6. Cracks

Don't be afraid if you see small cracks On the leg, they will not affect the sound. Marriage is considered large cracks on the bowl (especially through) and on the leg, they will strongly affect the power and color of the sound.

7. Edge

The edge should not have a dent. It must be smooth in the horizontal plane. So that the striker did not beat his fingers, the edge is spinning. Unfortunately, in the production of souvenir jambé, the edge is simply cut, without rounding it is a significant minus.

8. Rings and ropes.

The rope should be reliable and high-quality so that it can not break. Marriage is considered if Jamebe instead of the bottom metal ring Rope, because such a drum will be almost impossible to configure.

9. Sound

Do not be surprised that we put the sound not at first. The fact is that the sound depends largely on the setting, and this is already a matter of taste. A qualitatively made by Djembe will always sound well, but to identify the quality to you will help our above items.

A little about setting up: a strong stretch gives high "top" and weakens bass (this is configured by the classic soloing jambier). The one who loves low sound plays a slightly lowered membranes.

My acquaintances also shared their experience in acquiring Jambé. They found him here. There were no complaints from them, only positive reviews, everyone was satisfied with sound and quality.

Now you know what parameters it is worth choosing a jambé. I wish good luck in acquiring and improving the game on this wonderful percussion instrument!

By collecting information about Djembe, I most often find the description of the drums, ads on numerous schools games on Jambé, people who want to sell their own tool.
Common efforts, on the bitches, we collected information about the origin of the drums. But, as it turned out from comments, most of you these historical references Already known.

Then, by numerous requests of reading friends, we decided to turn to the theme of the manufacture of drums. Fortunately, Seryozha did with her own hands for Ashiki and understands well what this is speech And is it worth it for it. Selecting the material, we studied foreign sources, tips of the local masters. Found sensible step-by-step instructions and excellent video on the topic!

So, the masters and craftsmen, we present all the wishing brief guide: "Djemba do it yourself!" - Dare.

Step 1. Selection of wood

If you are going to cut a tree to make a jambier with your own hands, keep in mind important moments:
During my searches, I was looking for the trees already collapsed.
The advantage is that half of the work has already been done for you, and the wood has already started to sleep. (More about this later).
The disadvantage are worms. If the tree was sank sufficiently for a long time, the worms have already begun to eat wood, tearing off the channels. It can be fixed later, so it should not scare you.

Despite the state of the tree, try to get a piece of wood, as close as possible to the root. First, the larger the diameter, the more the drum itself will be. Secondly, more the core of the tree. I suggest you split the tree on 2 or 3 pieces of 40 inches each. 40 inches is sufficient material for work, and additional logs can be used for other drums or as a backup material.

Comment OT africansoul :
Choosing a tree, its density should take into account. The density of the tree depends on how Jambie will sound. A tree with a low density - pine, for example, or birch - simple for processing, but the drum will sound deaf and inexpressively. The dense tree is such, for example, as an oak or male, it will be difficult, or almost impossible to process without special professional instruments. Sober evaluate their own technical capabilities When choosing a tree. The weight of the drum is important. It should also be an important criterion.

Step 2. Drying Material

If you have a log, you must put them vertically, not on open air: This is important because the wood dries and shrinks unevenly in all directions. So if you start the thread too early, it can end the curvature of Djembe. So, here's recommendations on the drying of the workpiece:

1. Protect the log from the rain.
2. Raise over the surface (so the air will be able to get under the logs).
3. Install in a vertical position.
4. Fully remove the bark.
5. Give him time.

By time, the drying can take from week to three months, depending on how long a tree was

Comment OT africansoul :
Since the tree really dries unevenly, and when drying, the outer part is compressed, and the core, remaining all the wet, retains the volume, voltages are formed in the thickness of the log. This leads to cracking and damping of the workpiece. It is possible to avoid uneven drying by building end-spike blanks (where the drying process goes faster) oil paint. Drying time depends on the tree of the tree you choose and its state. - professionals about drying wood.

Step 3. Determination of the size and creation of contours

You should be able to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich the diameter of the drum will be from your log. In order to find out what height you need a drum, look at the table.

When choosing proper size Jambier is most importantly found a drum, which has a height more than the diameter of the drum. However, when buying a drum, you will come across that its diameter will increase with an increase in its height.

You must choose a drum that will stand high enough when you sit on it to play. The base of the drum should stand on the floor, and the drum membrane should be higher than the top of your foot in the sitting position about two or three inches. The drum must be rejected from you. If the drum is too low, it will be difficult for you to hit its membrane. On the other hand, if the drum is too high, you will have to raise your shoulders when you blow through the membrane, which will quickly lead to fatigue. You should always be in a comfortable position and not strain the body during the game, movement - to be smooth and soft.

Below is a table that will help you get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat size should be Jambé.

Height diameter
Jambé membrane
12" 7"
16" 8"
20" 10"
24" 12"
26" 13"
28" 14"

So, I repeat the process of selecting sizes:

The diameter of the drum - the diameter of your log
The diameter of the narrow part - 1/3 of the diameter of the drum
The diameter of the bell - 1/2 diameter of the drum
Height - depending on preferences, but usually twice the diameter of the drum.

Choosing "Ideal" sizes, you can start cutting a log. As you do this - at your discretion, but I prefer to work by chainsaw. I suggest you start with the bell itself, and cut the top later. Remember that you are just trying to get a common form at this stage.

A wonderful idea, according to psychologists, is considered to be a child's accounting to music from early age. The drum can be both purchased in the store toys and make it easily. Easy to make a conceived can help a simple tin bank and a little fantasy.

Benefit or noise?

Many adults believe that there is no benefit from the children's drum. It is simply a source of noise and accompanies the appearance of headaches. Nevertheless, the drum very often instructs to make marsh parents along with the kids in kindergarten. However, this does not happen for the additional workload of the crumbs and parents on the weekend. Most often a loud attribute is designed to perform a matinee. And without it can not do.

Do not think that the manufacture of this item is an empty time spending. Who knows, maybe the child has acting abilities, and already in kindergarten will determine future profession. And such a snaps will bring a lot of benefits, even if it is carried out at the request of the tutor from kindergarten.

What to make a tool

In the mass of the necessary advice on the creation of drums, with their own hands at home, it is worth allocating one not quite a serious recommendation. She wears, rather, comic, but in every joke there is its own part of truthful meaning. Homemade drum For a child can be applied at all for the matinee. It all depends on the fantasy of the parents.

We just have to look around yourself, every person can notice a few tin cans Or packages that are unlikely to be useful. From these materials and you can make it possible to make a drum for the game with hands or special chopsticks.

Causes of creating crafts

This question is probably worried about all adults. Each parent wants to look for the reasons for such a pastime along with his child. There may be several times for such a classes:

  • Rapid with a child through joint classes.
  • Fascinating the beginning of the evening for the whole family.
  • Development of coordination of movements and feelings of rhythm in crumbs. After all, with a craft, which was invented and created with their own hands, you can participate in the improvised march.
  • The baby may not constantly knock on the drum with chopsticks, and try to reproduce an interesting favorite melody from a children's song or a cartoon.
  • Drums on which they play hands can become excellent option crumbs for some time on cottage plot.
  • Finally, the drum can be an instrument of revenge by annoying neighbors who constantly make repairs on Sunday morning.

It should be borne in mind that the act of retaliation for neighboring apartments can occur without breaking adults. For this, residents of the apartment with a new drummer need to buy a birushi or a couple of headphones in order to muffle noise indoors.

Plastic bucket with lid

Not every adult knows how to make a drum with your own hands from a plastic country bucket. Coloring this tool can simple paintsIt can also be placed by ordinary colored paper. It all depends on fantasy little Master. The lid on such a bucket should sit tightly. After all, the tool is spoiled if the upper part of the tool flies at the most inopportune moment.

The plastic bucket drum can be simply kept in their hands, and you can also hang on the neck. Perform this action is very simple. The material has two holes from the handle on the sides. In them, you need to turn an improvised strap by fixing it with nodules.

Sticks for similar plastic instrument You can choose from girlfriend. This role can easily play pencils or old markers that no longer paint. So, things will be given the second life and the child will remain satisfied. It is interesting sounds for kitchen brushes that have each mistress.

The child can try to sound absolutely any object in the apartment, choose the most suitable. Do not limit the future musician or composer in the fantasy. Child must sometimes give freedom of action.

Paper product

Decorative drum for a small musician and can be created from simple paper or cardboard. To do this, cut two circles of the same diameter. Their size can be any. After that, cut out a strip of paper, which will become a connecting element for the top and bottom of the tool.

Paper design can be glued with glue or joining the scotch. You can decorate the craft with the help of paints or pencils, plane various illustrations of paper, stickers, cover with bright satin cloth and put funny pumps on the sides on it. So, the children's handicraft will acquire their individuality with their own hands. This part of the work, undoubtedly, can be performed by the Little Mother's Assistant himself.

Almost any idea of \u200b\u200ba little fantasist can be implemented. And for this not necessarily go shopping and spend large sums. Drums do with their own hands will not only look unusually and original, but they will not be required to create a lot of time.

Required tools and materials

The basis of the crafts for the child in this case will be a simple tin jar round shape. Other necessary materials Refers:

  • hole punch for leather matter;
  • small cut fabric bright color (can be replaced with colored paper);
  • leather flap;
  • adhesive Pistol;
  • laces from leatherette;
  • glue for tissue elements;
  • wool.

And also in the process of work it will not be possible to do without wooden sticks.

Manufacturing tool step by step

Initially, it is necessary to cut the part of the right size from a bright fabric and enclosed it to the jar. Fabric can be any. With its absence, the base is simply planted with colored paper, which is sold at any stationery store or supermarket.

On the segment of the leather material there are a can and outlines it. To the resulting diameter of the tool must be added 10 cm. Draw another circle.

For a radius, the parts with the help of the pencil are marked areas where the holes will be located. From the edge in any variant of the manufacture of the drum, they make an indent equal to 1 cm. The holes on the skin are made by a special hole panel.

Through the recessed holes, the lace from the leatherette is loaded. It must be subsequently tighten on one side of the jar. The same actions need to be repeated when creating a bottom for the manufacture of a drum with their own hands. The lace is used for additional fixation of products diagonally. In this case, the element is drawn under the lacing, which is located on top and bottom of the drum.

The final stage is the manufacture of sticks for a drum with hands at home. For this, a wand from the tree is connected to the bead-embodied. A small cotton ball glued over the beads, wind up with threads so that there are no empty places. So it turns out drumstick.

Instead of the result

So simply you can create drums with your own hands. Without a doubt, this fascinating occupation will like the baby. After all, the child in the work can act as an apprentice. And creative studies with the whole family will not only contribute to the development of the child's imagination, but also will be favorable on fantasies and thinking of crumbs. If a child seeks to create things with her own hands, then this occupation should be encouraged by adults, because such a conduct of time contributes to the development of children, the consolidation of various household skills, and just brings joy.

By collecting information about Djembe, I most often find the description of the drums, ads on numerous schools games on Jambé, people who want to sell their own tool.
Common efforts, on the bitches, we collected information about the origin of the drums. But, as it turned out from comments, most of you these historical references are already known.

Then, by numerous requests of reading friends, we decided to turn to the theme of the manufacture of drums. Fortunately, Seryozha did with her own hands for Ashiki and understands well what is being discussed and whether it is necessary for it. Selecting the material, we studied foreign sources, tips of the local masters. Found sensible step-by-step instructions and excellent video on the topic!

So, the masters and craftsmen, we present all the wishing brief guide: "Djemba do it yourself!" - Dare.

Step 1. Selection of wood

If you are going to cut a tree to make a jambier with your own hands, consider several important points:
During my searches, I was looking for the trees already collapsed.
The advantage is that half of the work has already been done for you, and the wood has already started to sleep. (More about this later).
The disadvantage are worms. If the tree was sank sufficiently for a long time, the worms have already begun to eat wood, tearing off the channels. It can be fixed later, so it should not scare you.

Despite the state of the tree, try to get a piece of wood, as close as possible to the root. First, the larger the diameter, the more the drum itself will be. Secondly, more the core of the tree. I suggest you split the tree on 2 or 3 pieces of 40 inches each. 40 inches is sufficient material for work, and additional logs can be used for other drums or as a backup material.

Comment OT africansoul :
Choosing a tree, its density should take into account. The density of the tree depends on how Jambie will sound. A tree with a low density - pine, for example, or birch - simple for processing, but the drum will sound deaf and inexpressively. A dense tree is such, for example, as an oak or male, will be difficult, or almost impossible to be processed without special professional tools. Soberly evaluate your technical capabilities when choosing a tree. The weight of the drum is important. It should also be an important criterion.

Step 2. Drying Material

If you have a log, you must put them vertically, not outdoors: it is important because the wood dries and shrinks unevenly in all directions. So if you start the thread too early, it can end the curvature of Djembe. So, here's recommendations on the drying of the workpiece:

1. Protect the log from the rain.
2. Raise over the surface (so the air will be able to get under the logs).
3. Install in a vertical position.
4. Fully remove the bark.
5. Give him time.

By time, the drying can take from week to three months, depending on how long a tree was

Comment OT africansoul :
Since the tree really dries unevenly, and when drying, the outer part is compressed, and the core, remaining all the wet, retains the volume, voltages are formed in the thickness of the log. This leads to cracking and damping of the workpiece. It is possible to avoid uneven drying by building end-spike blanks (where the drying process goes faster) oily paint. Drying time depends on the tree of the tree you choose and its state. - professionals about drying wood.

Step 3. Determination of the size and creation of contours

You should be able to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich the diameter of the drum will be from your log. In order to find out what height you need a drum, look at the table.

When choosing the right size, Jambier is most importantly found to find a drum, which has a height more than the diameter of the drum. However, when buying a drum, you will come across that its diameter will increase with an increase in its height.

You must choose a drum that will stand high enough when you sit on it to play. The base of the drum should stand on the floor, and the drum membrane should be higher than the top of your foot in the sitting position about two or three inches. The drum must be rejected from you. If the drum is too low, it will be difficult for you to hit its membrane. On the other hand, if the drum is too high, you will have to raise your shoulders when you blow through the membrane, which will quickly lead to fatigue. You should always be in a comfortable position and not strain the body during the game, movement - to be smooth and soft.

Below is a table that will help you get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat size should be Jambé.

Height diameter
Jambé membrane
12" 7"
16" 8"
20" 10"
24" 12"
26" 13"
28" 14"

So, I repeat the process of selecting sizes:

The diameter of the drum - the diameter of your log
The diameter of the narrow part - 1/3 of the diameter of the drum
The diameter of the bell - 1/2 diameter of the drum
Height - depending on preferences, but usually twice the diameter of the drum.

Choosing "Ideal" sizes, you can start cutting a log. As you do this - at your discretion, but I prefer to work by chainsaw. I suggest you start with the bell itself, and cut the top later. Remember that you are just trying to get a common form at this stage.

The Russian person is habititive that the slacker has white hands, no blurred, because of the word "Beloruk" in Russian. And if a person plows at the plant from the machine all in fuel oil or mine, then his hands began to be black. But in Africa everything turns out to be quite the opposite. The slacker's hand is black, sleek, and workers here, for example, covered with white woody dust. Like these drains, what makes the drums of Jambé in the workshop near the handicraft market in Accra. The technology here is the same as in most carpentry works - the coarse blank is first made, and then in several stages it is treated increasingly and more accurate tool, on the last one with a small skirt. That is then the Africarians and become white, just like with us with you. The guys themselves themselves, and not local, but those who needed to the Accru from the neighboring Côte d'Ivoire. Well, as if the Belarusians with us. This is because the best djembe is done exactly there, west of Ghana, in Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, etc. In Africa, in general, a lot different types The drums, and for the local Ghanan culture, as explained to me, the most characteristic type of drum, similar to the bidon, is unlike the jamb, which resembles an hourglass form. But Jambier is most famous and best bought by tourists, because they are also demand. In general, the question of the classification of African drums is very interesting, with some types I'm already familiar, and I hope that in the future I can explore it in more detail. In the meantime, I'll show you the cards, how do Jambie make in Accra and some other crafts in the suburb of Abury accrements, where there is an craft market too. So, guys, not everyone, who has a black hand - a plower, but not everyone who has a whites - a slacker, that's how it comes out. Here I have, for example, hands are always white. And you? Photo 1-12 and uppercase made in Accra, photo 13-21 in Aburi. Billets for jambier.
The process went.

Facility with the bark, he does them himself and plays too. Not a bark, but a bark!
Jembe is almost ready. But it remains still to tear the wool from the skins. The very type of drum, which is more characteristic of Ghana.

And here the hands get twice black, there is nowhere to go.
A man sets up a bark. Balafon's cotton. Children also teach to work. Do not worry, they go to school, but today is not a school day.