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How to twist the drum wand - basic tricks

Have you ever watched someone in the class deftly turn the pencil on the big finger? Thoughtful how to do this unemployed and spectacular trick? Steps needed to twist a pencil around a thumb, easy to study, but it is difficult to bring to perfection. With hard practice, you will be very soon to play a pencil as a police baton! Read Step 1 to start.


    Take a pencil index, middle and thumb. Keep it with your own hand - the distance between the index and middle fingers should approximately equal to the width of the thumb. In other words, if it were not for a pencil, the thumb could conveniently sit between the index and average.

    • There are different opinions about what part of the pencil should be compressed. Some prefer to grab the middle, next to the center of gravity, others are taken over the end of the pencil. Establish you - Experiment to understand how it is easier for you.
  1. Move the middle finger to move, as if you click on the trigger. In this trick, the main power of rotation of the pencil transmits the middle finger. Holding a pencil with large, index and middle fingers, as described above, press or click the middle finger to yourself, as if you press the trigger. If everything is correct, the pencil will start turning around the thumb. If you do not turn out to turn the pencil around the thumb, work over grip - if the middle and thumbs are too close to each other, you may pushing the pencil on the Finger, not around him.

    • It is very difficult to calculate the perfect force of the movement of the middle finger. If you hit too much, the pencil will fly away, but if it is not enough forces, the pencil will not be able to describe the circle around the thumb. It's all about training - over time you will develop flair, and you can rotate a pencil just like.
  2. Rotate the wrist to help the pencil turn around the thumb. Newbies typically have problems with the rotation of the pencil at the very beginning. Often they can not describe the full circle with a pencil around the thumb. To make it easier, try to rotate the wrist when you make the movement of the middle finger. Mildly turn the wrist (as if turning door handle) aside from yourselfwhen press on the trocker. This gives an additional impulse pencil and, moreover, helps other fingers do not interfere with the rotation of the pencil.

    Put your fingers so as not to interfere with the rotation. When learn to twist a pencil, it is very important to monitor the location of other fingers after the initial "push" by the middle finger. A common mistake among newcomers is involuntarily to interfere with the rotation by the index or middle finger. There are several techniques that allow you not to touch the pencil fingers, two of them are described below:

    • After the initial "push", pick up the index and middle fingers so that they are under the joint of the thumb. Pencil should spin around the thumb over the other fingers.
    • At the same time, bend the middle finger in the lower joint and pull the index finger as possible. Your middle finger should touch the thumb on the inside of the upper joint. The rotating pencil will not touch the attached index finger.
  3. Catch a pencil. The most impressive part of the rotation of the pencil is not even the rotation itself, and the fact that a person performing a trick is able to easily catch a pencil and repeat the trick again and again. We will master the subtleties of rotation of the pencil, work on how it is beautifully "catching". After one turn, rotate the pencil towards the middle finger. As soon as he touches the middle finger, maintain a pencil from different sides with big and index fingers.

  4. Training and workout again. Of course, at first you will not get. However, as in any other manifestation of agility (for example, driving a motorcycle or showing focus), over time, movement will become so natural that it will be difficult to rotate a pencil wrong. Training, try various grippers, technicians and rotation angles until you find the perfect combination.

    • To complicate the task, having mastered the execution of the trick leading hand, try to make it a secondary hand!
    • If you use a handle that disrupts the balance, keep it for a heavy end.
    • Food you hard to learn, make sure your thumb is smooth. That is why the handle is spinning. Otherwise, the bending of the finger will discard the handle to the side.
    • Pencil should continuously touch the skin between the thumb and the joint. If it concerns the joint, it means that you curb the middle finger is not enough. If he concerns the nail, you keep the pencil incorrectly (starting it from the middle of the thumb, touching the nose niza; during the rotation, the pencil drops below).
    • Start training with a long pencil, and then improve the skill with short.
    • When the pencil / handle rotates, the point of equilibrium should have to the middle of the thumb.
    • Having learned to rotate a pencil well, you can try to twist it in the other side! This will return a pencil to its original position. Watch the video to learn.
    • Pulling the pencil, move the thumb so that there is more space between your finger and hand. So there will be more space for the movement of the pencil.
    • To make it easier, perceive the push as, in fact, rotation around the thumb.
    • Remember that you do not need to click on the pencil. Bending the middle finger, you make a pencil "spin." If the pencil departs without touching the thumb, then you click on it.
    • Long pencils will be better.


    • Never try to do it with sharp pencils!
    • Bending the middle finger, do not apply too much strength. To spin the pencil, you need quite a bit.
    • Careful, do not get into your eye or someone else.
    • To begin with, it is better to take a pencil without a griffel, otherwise you can paint your hand.

    What you need

    • Pens or pencils. Increicable pencils are best suited, because they are long, heavy enough and perfectly balanced. Some fanatics even rewar handles so that they come to this goal.
    • Try to do it with a drum wand. because of larger weight They are harder to twist. Keep a wand closer to her middle.


Measure the connoisseur, even if you do not put the goals to become a drummer. For virtuoso possession of chopsticks, it is important to know some mechanisms of a professional game. Check out the main grips of the drum sticks, "Make friends" with this unique tool. The main condition for the execution of tricks on rotation will be the ability to avoid superfluous muscular tension.

Make a relaxation exercise. Sleax right hand. Start slowly lifting your forearm, touch them biceps. The shoulder should remain relaxed, the brush is to sag up.

Chat with a brush, let her go to her freely and fall under the influence of gravity. Repeat these actions until they become absolutely natural. It is such relaxed wrist movements that are important both when playing on the drums in general and for rotation of sticks in particular.

Find the balance point of the stick. Bend your hand in the elbow and put a stick between your fingers - big and index. The middle finger is drawn along the tool, the index falls on it - the lock is formed, which will become a point of the support for the subsequent free rotation of the drum sticks.

Keep a stick, not straining muscles. Let's knock it on the drum - the tool should easily bounce off the plastic surface. It is enough to keep it with light touches so that it does not slip out of the hands. The place of capture of the sticks, where the very free rebound will be observed, and there is a found balance point. It is usually located at a distance of 8-12 cm from the thickened end of the tool.

If you do not have a drum at hand, try to find the drum string point in a different way. Bring the tool and determine the point of equilibrium, then retreat a couple of centimeters from it towards the bottom of the thick part. It is here that you need to grab a stick.

Try to scroll through the drum sticks like a propeller first by handling hand, then - simultaneously in two hands. When you bring the rotation of the stick in one hand to automatism, you can perform the same actions with another limb, but already in the mirror reflection. In the paper, fingers will be involved from a large to index; The main clamps are carried out by three fingers - large, index and middle (see step 4).

Pull all your fingers and put a stick horizontally between the index and nameless fingers, under the middle. Upper, refined, the end of the tool must be facing the right side of the body. Remember relaxation exercises; Break up with a stick. Take such an initial position so that the tool lay absolutely straight.

Press the middle finger on the stick so that its pointed end rejected to an angle of 45 degrees towards the body. Easy, not pressing, hold the drum stick with a middle finger on top and index - bottom. Mysiilian reject. Expand stick vertically, down with a sophisticated end.

Each drummer, from beginning to experienced, wondered how to learn to twist the drum sticks. As in any other case, learn the tricks will not be difficult if you have a certain determination and time for classes.

The main thing is that you need to remember, starting to similar exercises: only regular training will help achieve an excellent result. To begin, feel the sticks, their weight, structure, how comfortable they lie in the hand. Sensation of balance - important factor And when playing, and when demonstrating tricks.

False rotation

One of the most common tricks. This is a good start to master how to twist drum sticks on your fingers. The main attraction lies in the fact that high speed Rotation is the impression as if a small propeller is built in the hand, it looks really cool and professionally. Although the wand itself remains in the same position.

To perform, it is necessary to clamp between the first phalanges of the index and middle fingers. Point of support is located in the center of the stick, i.e. It must be balanced between the fingers, do not fall in different directions. Your task is to minimize the intervention of handbrush and start moving with fingers only. "Take up" a stick from the side to the parties, feel the weight, do not lose your hand. At high speed, this threatens the inappropriate attempt on someone else's property or health - to fly a tree may far.

When you were mastered and understand how about myself a wand in this position, try to give her a pulse forward so that the tips "drew" are not a trait, and feel the wand moving on inertia. Do not hurry, listen to your feelings, make sure that the wand leads. As soon as it began to get better, increment the pace.

Roll between fingers

How to twist the drum wand truly? Start with the location of the stick between the second phalanges of the index and middle fingers. As in the previous rotation, the wand must be balanced, resting in the center.

Merly shake the clop up-down, it should not cause strong stress in the brushes and fingers. Next, roll the wand through the middle finger pulse forward, without helping your hands or brush, hold it between medium and unnamed fingers. Continue to swing, get used to this provision. Touch the transition through the middle finger, achieve freedom in this movement. The next step is to roll through the ring finger and fixing the sticks between the little finger and unnamed. Continue to wiggle in this position, if necessary, do it to do flip through the ring finger.

Reverse pass

When you mastered the transition from the index to the little men, you need to master how to turn the drum stick in the opposite direction. To do this, hold it between the index and middle fingers, make the transition through the middle, wait a little, feel the balance and return the wand back to the roller through the middle finger to the other side. So the wand will again be at the index finger, and you can repeat the maneuver. The next step is the transition from the second position to the third. Those. To the location of the sticks between the nameless finger and the little finger through the non-name - and the opposite movement.

Having mastered the movement downwards and ascending separately, align them, gradually rolling the wand on the first position to the third and back. Later, when you get used to, you can thus perform turns in different directions for a different number of times. Everything will depend on your imagination.

360 degree revolution

To perform this trick, you can simply throw a wand in the palm of your hand, give it to do 1 - 2, or even more complete turns, catch and continue the game. This element of the show is also sufficiently distributed and looks spectacular, but another version of the full rotation will be considered here.

The wand should be taken so that she lay on the little finger, unnamed and middle fingers, and on the other hand she held the index. Sharply pushing three fingers wand, you give it the necessary impulse. The index finger here serves as the axis of rotation. It is necessary to push very much that the wand makes turnover of 360 degrees and returned to the palm. Do not be afraid to let go, it is necessary that the trick takes place. The more you practice, the less noticeable movements will be, and therefore, more spectacular - the rotation itself.

Remember that all exercises should be performed by both hands, developing them to the same extent.

Having mastered these three tricks with the rotation of the stick, you can surprise your acquaintances and add "fire" into the game on the installation.