Repairs Design Furniture

Float the door in the bathroom what to do. Wakes up and stops closing a wooden door. What to do? How to eliminate door handle malfunction

Finally we waited for spring. Together with the joy of warmer weather and the first solar tan to us and "new" old worries come to us. The theme of swelling of wooden doors in the seasons high humidity - In the spring and autumn - discussed at all construction forums constantly. And on our website it is mentioned in several blogs. But, it happened so that our family was tired of waiting until the doors were dried by themselves, or normal ventilation In the apartment, we decided to get rid of this problem at least in the bathrooms and asked for help from our neighbor - masters for all hands. He passed with us all the stages of bringing in order of two doors, describing his actions in detail, and I literally outlined his comments. After all, such a lesson with practice happens not every day.

There are many tips that you need to establish ventilation in the apartment, check and clean the air ducts, process wooden doors with special moisture-resistant solutions, but it so happened that all these advice passed by us. The door to the bathroom stopped closing.

The first thing that Kuzmich did, our neighbor was decided what exactly changed the size - the door itself or the door box. For this, he measured the door frame at different height, unfortunately, we did not have a metal level, but we found a bar , even on all faces. If we had a swollen door box, it would be easier. The bar would "rolled" on the spot that hesitate. We would define it. Would remove the victorious platband, cut the mounting foam under it, screwed the platband back. After two or three days, the tree would have taken the form of a new bend itself, and we would safely forgot about our problem.

But, no one has canceled the "law of meanness" and we got a weather option - the door was sweeping. I had to take off the castle, we have a door handle with a latch. Then it was necessary to attach the emery to the bar, we used the same, and pass the door to the door. That is, we took turns erased excess wood and, at the same time, constantly checked how much you still need to work. I didn't want to do too big gap. The hardest, it turned out to install the castle in place. I had to deepen the place in which the castle was sitting earlier, we removed the layer of wood and the latch began to hurt the box. After I coped with the lock, there was a judicial nonsense - to put an arranged door to the door.

But if we could not pick up the veil and varnish in the color of the door, we would have to polish the door to the door from the loop, so that it was not so noticeable. And then there would be a lot of trouble with the deepening of places for landing loops and proper installation Doors in place. Indeed, in this case they would have to shoot. In general, we coped with the work, thanks to the leadership and help of our Kuzmich and now they are not confused if there is such a problem.

And in conclusion, I would like to mention how to avoid swelling or, on the contrary, drying the doors wood. Such tips will be placed if you just come to repair your apartment.

Of course, now you can buy doors with already structurally laid ability to counteract moisture - this is, for example, doors inserted at an angle in the grooves of the frame, wood in such doors changes the form only in rigidly given boundaries.

If the doors have already been bought, very simple and good way - cover the doors with varnish, which prevents moisture penetration into the wood and, on the other hand, does not give wood to dry at low humidity.

Well, of course, making repairs, do not forget to put the apartment ventilation system, if for any reason it is not possible, use the devices for drying the room. For example, a Ceresit air dryer is a small container that can be placed in any room and which, passing through itself, cools it, accumulating condensate in a special container.

In general, you can fight the door, but it is much smarter to deal with the accumulation of wet air indoors.

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21.02.2011 10:08

In case of swelling of the door canvase, it is best to start with checking the presence of a gap between it and a frame from the loop side. If there is a gap, then it will be more expedient to replace the loops on the normal 4-pin with the ability to adjust in 3 positions, which will avoid problems in the future, since when the door size changes, you can always adjust them.

Many people soon or later face the problem of swelling interior doors. Especially often such trouble happen to the canvas, overlapping access to the bathroom and toilet. Those people who never encountered such problems are wondering what is happening. This is especially annoying if the door is new and only recently installed. Immediately all reproaches fly to the installer, they say, the amateurs have tried. But you should not blame them right right away, because it is not always a problem in the installation.

First of all, you should always determine the reason for the poor closing of interior doors. If the bathroom swallowed the canvas, then this is solely due to the dampness in the room and bad ventilation. If the door is made of natural tree or MDF, then from dampness sooner or later it will swell or deform.

How to deal with door boat

Basically, interior doors leading to the bathroom, toilet, or those between the unheated corridor and the heated room are suspended.

If the entrance door has weak sealing, then cold air penetrates the outside of the slot. The interaction of two different temperatures occurs, as a result of which moisture is formed. She, in turn, adversely affects the door.

If the cracks are entrance door No, but it is not insulated, then the result will be the same. Many simply do not understand the importance of the insulation of metal door structures. With a painted door, nothing will happen, but there may be problems with interroom.

To eliminate the problem of swelling, it is necessary to tightly and qualitatively compact all the door seams, as well as, if necessary, insulate and strip the entrance door canvas.

When the door swelling occurs in the bathroom or between rooms, there is a reason for faulty or incorrectly working ventilation.

First you need to remove the grille and clean it thoroughly. Over time, she could just clog the elements of dust or soot. Next, check the ventilation shaft for the presence of thrust. This can be done, bringing a burning match to the window. If the flame is tightened into inside, it means everything is in order, there is a craving. Otherwise, you will have to clean the mine.

Checking thrust in the ventilation mine

If the ventilation shaft is not clogged, then for reliability, a compulsory fan should be installed, which will provide a wet air extractor outside. Currently, there are many of their varieties that have an attractive appearance and excellent technical characteristics.

Installation of forced fan

Now it is worth paying attention to the windows in the room. If cold air is seeping through them, it will also be the cause of the swelling of the doors. When the windows are ordinary, wooden, you should thoroughly smear all the joints of the glass with the frame, as well as install seals between window block and individual sash. In this case, there will be a swelling of not only interroom doors, but also the windows themselves. In the future, they simply will not be able to close normally.

Optimal option Decisions of this problem will be replacing old windows on plastic, however, it will cost it quite expensive.

Another reason why the door to the bathroom could swell, are incorrectly displayed gaps between the door frame and the canvas themselves. The optimal option will stick to four millimeters. True, many do not pay attention to what they suffer from. View the door to the bathroom from all sides. It is possible that it does not close from swelling, and, maybe due to the jamming at the bottom of the canvas. Then it should be slightly lifted the door by placing the washer desired size under the loop rod.

Navigation door gap

Well, the most serious problem in which the door to the bathroom will not close is raw housing. This often happens in corner apartments and in private houses. To exit this situation, you will need a considerable amount of money, because you have to go out with the outdoor insulation of the entire perimeter of the dwelling. With a qualitatively performed work of masters, the result is immediately noticeable. The apartment or house becomes much warmer, and the air is significantly land.

Lining washers on the loop rod

It is possible to engage in your own outer insulation only in your home, and it is advisable to attract masters for work at height.

Step-by-step solution problem

When the door was swung in the bathroom, the question is what to do, it becomes first. First of all, it is necessary to determine what I changed the form: Door box or canvas.

To determine the deformation door box In the bathroom it is necessary to make it measured in height, diagonal and using the rule to determine the bulges on vertical faces.

If you start the frame, then the following steps should be performed:

  • remove the damaged platband;
  • remove dried assembly foam under it;
  • install the platband for your previous place.

After the appearance of free space, a few days later, the door frame will return to its original state, and there will be no problems with it.

When the cause of swelling lies in the doorway, then work will be much more:

  • removed door lock;
  • with the help of the eats, it is necessary to pass the door end. Thus, a small layer of material is removed. It should be followed in order not to remove extra, otherwise large slots may form;
  • so that the castle could clearly sit in his grooves, should be deepened a little, because some layer of wood was removed;
  • after that, the lock is installed back. And everything canvas is covered with a layer of veil or varnish. If possible is found suitable color Under the previous one, it is not necessary to paint the entire door, just update only the end after stripping.

How to avoid swelling doors in the bathroom

One of the most acceptable ways to counter swelling will be a banal coating of the door block by moisture-resistant varnish. Such a coating will perform several functions at once:

  • first, it will impede the effects of moisture on the door surface;
  • secondly, it will not happen to dry the door block from exposure to low humidity in the bathroom;
  • thirdly, the lacquer is attached to the doors a aesthetic appearance.

Coating door lacquer

You should also take care of the proper ventilation of the room. Installing forced fans in the bathroom or special air dryers will help get rid of humidity indoors.

03.09.2016 70778

In the apartment or own home Many elements performing different functions. Among them - domestic doors For rooms installed between the premises. They share rooms, protect against extraneous noise or unnecessary light. In addition, these devices perform a decorative role, complementing the interior, making it completed.

Classification of interroom doors

In construction practice there are different interior structures.

  • Swing. This is a common option in typical apartment houses. It is traditionally resorted to the construction of cottages or country housesfreight. Constructively they:
  1. single one;
  2. two-winged;
  3. bivalve.
  • Folding. A similar design of the design is resorted when the surrounding space in the rooms is limited. Such devices consist of narrow elements by the type of harmonica.
  • Between adjacent premises is practiced. They can be shifted if there is only one sash and sliding - in the presence of two sash, traveling in different directions.

By type of material from which interroom designs are manufactured, they can be;

  • plastic;
  • door from MDF;
  • from an array of wood;
  • Chipboard, fiberboard or carcase with cellular filler.

During operation, door structures are subjected to loads and external influences. As a result, you need repair of interroom doors.

When there is a need for repair

Door structures for internal use have a list of common damage arising from operation:

  • weaken the attachments of the handles and the locks are not closed;
  • the door canvase saving;
  • wake up the material from which this device is manufactured, the construction of the wood array is most susceptible to this;
  • peep composite parts of the door;
  • peeling or cracking veneer covering the design;
  • a crack appears in the door of the door.

How to eliminate door handle malfunction

Repair the handles can be independently. For you need the following tools:

  • cross and flat screwdriver;
  • wrench.

The first reason is the weakening of the screws that fix the outer covers covering the internal mechanisms of the castle. To fix such a problem, the weaker screws are tightened. If it is not delayed, it is necessary:

  • unscrew the screws;
  • remove the lid;
  • insert wooden sticks into the holes from the screws;
  • wear a lid and wrap screws.

In case the reason for the failure of the handle in the inner mechanism, it is necessary to disassemble external decorative lining, using wrench Remove the handle and pull out this mechanism.

Carefully inspect the lock and if it is impossible to fix it, then you need to take a new one and install it to the place of faulty.

What to do if the door does not close

Proper functioning door construction Creates a comfortable home furnishings. The discomfort appears if the interroom door does not close. It annoys the owners and leads to a damage of the door leaf or box.

The reasons for the fact that the interroom door is poorly closed can be:

  • improper installation of the door frame or its skew during operation;
  • swelling;
  • does not close the door due to incorrectly installed loops:
  1. With the help of a level (best - laser, he has high accuracy) And the plumb to determine the correct installation of the box. In case of skew, the door leaf is removed from the loops, the platbands are removed. Then lines the box. Modern builders fasten it on anchors, so it is necessary to a screwdriver so to eliminate the skew. Then close the formed gaps and install the door leaf in place.
  2. If swelling, then it takes to remove it. Most often it happens with product array products. Consider the interior door in this case, you can use the plane. To do this, it is necessary to make the plans from the other side of the door cloth, which prevents the closure. Sometimes it is required to cut the wood from the canvas on all sides. When we need to take care of the wooden door canvase, it is necessary to abide care during slices so as not to damage the design in gluing places component parts Doors. Section sections to cover the same tint or paint, which is processed by the entire door.
  3. Repairs door loops Need if they are planted deeper from the front edge of the door canvase. Often, when operating such a loop design, fastening screws are bent or loosened. When determining such a defect to eliminate it, you need to rear items on the place. If the loops are deformed - replace them. When performing this work, a cross screwdriver for self-tapping screws will be required.

How to eliminate sagging

Having found that I keked the interroom door need to find out why it happened. The reasons here can also be different:

  • weakened loop mount;
  • the loops were deformed due to a large load;
  • successful door due to sinking boxes.

Having determined that the door leaf is pulled by a poorly fastening of the loops, it is necessary to fix them. To do this, remove the door. Cross screwdriver tighten the screws. To fastening it is durable, you can replace the screws for longer ones.

If the screws in the nests are sinking, then you need:

  • remove loops;
  • the released holes are filled with wooden staps, you can pre-lubricate them with glue;
  • attach a loop to the former place of fastening and wrap tight screws;
  • hit the door to the place.

The deformation of the loop occurs due to improper selection of fittings. The loops turn out to be weak for the actual weight of the door. In such a situation, it is necessary to change the fittings for a stronger one.

There may be such a situation that the door has saved due to improper loop installation. In this case, you need to deepen the half of the loop in wooden surfaceCutting with the help of the chisel the necessary deepening.

You can make this deepening in the door or box, depending on the need.

When the results of the inspection it turns out that wine saving is the skew of the box, then it is necessary to dismantle it. Repair of interroom doors is possible in this case.

If immediately after installing the door design, they functioned normally, then the changes occurred due to the sediment at home. In this case, order repair work It will be as follows:

  • remove the cloth and platbands;
  • free from fasteners and pull out the door frame;
  • if it is strongly deformed, replace it;
  • using the level and plumb to set the box and consolidate it with anchors, three pieces per face;
  • tracing the door and attach the loops in line with its new position;
  • hang up the door cloth and check the correctness of the closing;
  • put platbands in place.

Veneer repair on interroom doors

On the door design, a coated veneer can manifest various damage - From scratches to cracks and even dugout some sections of the surface.

Repair is done, depending on the severity of damage, using polyrol or glue.

  1. In the event of an appearance on such a surface of scratches, the repair of a veneer will be incredible by the polyterol of the damaged area.
  2. Make the repair of cracks on the veneer can with the use of plow liner or varnish for doors and sawdust. Of these, the melt is mixed, which rubs the crack. After such a procedure, it is necessary to cover the repaired place with a tinting composition under the color of the canvas. If the crack is large, with some sections, then this veneer area is better replaced with a new one.
  3. If the veneer died from need to be carried out with a removed door web.

Prepared in advance glue solution For wooden surfaces.

In a place where the veneer was dug, filled with glue discovered emptiness, and also laundered with a glue surface on which veneer will be lying.

The dug apart pressed against door canvas And covered with tracing. On top of it, it is stacked for crimping the surface.

Experience shows that a person with minimal technical skills is able to perform with their own hands without any special difficulty.

The main thing is to notice the defect in time and not to delay it with its elimination.

03.09.2016 104460

Condensate accumulation on the surface is a common phenomenon that more often overtakes owners of country houses. This negative manifestation must be eliminated as soon as possible after detection. Sweating design will not be able to protect normally interior From cold and comes in disrepair due to deformations and blowning. Why so often the entrance doors sweat and how to deal with it?

Causes of fogging

Turning more often than the rest of the metal structures. The reason is the high thermal conductivity of the metal (higher than the tree, 300 times). The metal itself, not equipped with thermal insulation, does not delay heat - it spreads the thickness of the material and goes to the street out of the premises (or vice versa in summer).

As soon as the difference in temperatures on the street and indoors, to which the latter cools, giving the "excess" temperature to the street. In contact with the first, the moisture falls from the first, which is the condensation of the inlet metal door.

Three reasons for which the entrance door sweats:

  1. Bad thermal insulation design or its complete absence.
  2. Incorrect internal slopes.
  3. Excessive level of humidity in the premises.
Condensate formation by metal design - One of the main problems encountered during operation. It is necessary to solve it quickly and coolly.

What are the consequences of the phenomenon?

Some people do not consider fogging the entrance door to the problem, they do not worry the reasons for which the inlet metal door sweats. However, this phenomenon spoils comfort and seriously harms the design itself. List of negative effects:

  • Increased risk of freezing, which provides even greater danger.
  • The growth of energy flow in the heating process (the stubborn door gives heat).
  • , boxes and canvas right up to failure.

If it is not necessary to eliminate the causes of the fog in time without it - you will have to purchase a new one. This will be a lesson for life, but you can go easy and economical way.

Elimination of the problem

There are five proven ways, with which you can get rid of condensate. It is recommended to resort to all specified simultaneously:

  1. Doing isolation. Since metal itself is a bad barrier to keep heat, you must take care of its insulation. Isolate the metal parts of the design, which are addressed inside the room - they can be filled mounting foam, then close the facing. Another option is to install the rubber seal around the perimeter of the box and the canvas.
  2. Heat. Perfect option - Floor plasticine, but in this case it is impossible. Move this option and purchase a special lining on the keyhole. In idle, she closes the castle tightly, and in order to insert the key, you need to push it away.
  3. Sealing gaps. The clearance between the box and the opening should be hermetic. Check if it is? Otherwise, you will have to re-fill the holes with mounting foam.
  4. Mobile door. We are talking On a special "energy-saving" paint, which is called in the people. Finding on the surface, it creates a thin film that does not miss the heat, thereby preventing the surfaces of the surface.
  5. Install the vestibule. It is very effective method Of all here are called. Even a laptile exterior door in the presence of a tambura will not be fading. The advantage of the method is overshadown by the complexity of execution - it is necessary to establish the input, and these are the next costs and construction garbage in the House.

It is not recommended to install the second metal doors In the tambour, as they will take place heat in the vestibule - the same situation will be the same as it was. In order to avoid repetition, it is necessary to put wooden canvases as an additional, as they do not heat and leave the vestibule cold, which in turn prevents fogging input.

How to prevent fogging?

There are three reliable ways to eliminate fogging, but it is best to prevent it in advance. The following recommendations will be allowed to forget about condensate problems forever:

  • Check the quality of the design of the design during its installation. Between the box and opening it is impossible to leave the gaps - even a small gap of 1 mm can lead to partial fogging and further freezing of the entire design. Metal parts should be directed outward. It is easier to prevent errors during installation than after a while disassemble the door (sometimes you have to do it in winter) and eliminate the causes of fogging.
  • Refuse to install the eye and warm the keyhole.
  • Take care of the presence of a tambour. As mentioned earlier, the tambour is a 100% way to prevent the formation of condensate on the door surface even in a strong frost.

It is also recommended to put near the door. heating devices. They will warm the cloth and the box, preventing the formation of condensate. But you should not neglect this method and furnish the door to the COLIrs - observe the measure.

Eliminate the causes of the door swelling immediately after manifestation, and then you will not come across the need to replace the design due to the exit of it.