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28 Panfilovtsev historical reference. Panfilov's feat: the future of Russia for the heroes of the past

/ Alexander Zhuravlev

The 75th anniversary of the battle near Moscow raised a new wave of disputes about the main symbol of that victory - 28 Panfilovtsy. Informburo special examination.

The legendary battle at the Dubosekovo road happened in exactly 75 years ago. The weather then, in November 1941, there was the same as now - in November 2016: Snowfall and stamped convincing minus. The German was clearly hurried to take the Soviet capital to the calendar in the fall and especially irrigated with bombing folkolam bridgeheads.

Shelves who were going to send a German command to Red Square, set off 100 kilometers from Moscow. The 316th Motorized Relief Division stood on the brave columns of the Wehrmacht, tightened the battles for four long day; As a result, forced the enemy to transfer troops to another direction, and his ability to regroup forces for the effective defense of Moscow.

Volokolamsk. Moscow region / Alexander Zhuravlev

Tactics, as you know, justified yourself, and these well-known facts are not taken to challenge even the most outer critic. And the point here is not at all in the successes of Soviet propaganda. The battle for Moscow tightly asslaved and in the fields of those and in archival funds, and in our memory from the Soviet school, where they were taught - for which the divisions were assigned the name of her comgon.

Anniversary is always an extra reason to creepy, sweat, tuping. And when a large anniversary, promoted, ideologically fragile - so suppressed. "The feat of twenty-eight" is a permanent field of irreconcilable "troops" battles in the landscape of social networks, where the line of contact with the scar stretched over the entire length of the Internet. Tell me you believe in 28 Panfilovtsev, - and I will immediately say who you are. And let's notice the label.

One or two documents on the "Facebook Justice". Yes, and it's small - to sow doubts. To foul over our days is not a problem - anyone and anyhow. Help-report "On 28 Panfilovtsy" of the main military prosecutor of the USSR Afanasyev became a swivel for the entire Panfilovsky history. The battle near Moscow was openly called Soviet Fake.

"The materials of the investigation found that the feat of 28 Panfilovsky Guardsmen, lit in the press, is the fiction of the correspondent of Kitoeva, the editor of the Red Star Editor ODITARGA and especially the Literary Secretary of the Crivitsky newspaper. This fiction was repeated in the works of writers N. Tikhonov, V. Stavsky, A. Becka, N. Kuznetsova, V. Lipko, M. Svellova and others and was widely popular among the population of the Soviet Union, "concluded in his investigation by the Chief Military Prosecutor of the USSR Nicholas Afanasyev.

The counterproof was the date of investigation of the detachment of the main military prosecutor's office. Skeptics immediately picked up: once they dug so deeply, and the conclusions did so boldly - it means there was an order from above. The "legend of the 28th Panfilov" openly popularized the beetles, but after the war, the Marshal got into opal, and the promoted partially, the feat could seriously spoil the commander blood.

Monument Heroes-Panfilovtsy at Dubosek's Travel / Alexander Zhuravleov

However, hasty and "insolvent conclusions" of the main military prosecutor's office did notice the "where necessary" in time: Athanasyev's prosecutor's certificate was shoved under the cloth, and the version of Lijepiling was jammed. And even the question was set: and to whom all this is beneficial - deny the feat near Moscow? Crivitsky only in the 70s confirmed that such a "order", typical of the Stalinist regime, directly demanded recognition from him that "28 Panfilovtsev - the fruit of its author's imagination."

"I was told that if I refuse the testimony that the description of the battle from Dubosekovo completely invented, and that I did not talk to anyone from the serious or remaining in living Panfilovtsev before publishing the article, I will soon be on the Pechora or Kolyma. In such I had to say that Dubosekovo's battle is my literary fiction, "Alexander Krivitsky recalls the Literary Secretary of the Red Star newspaper.

But let's call 28 Panfilovtsev myth - and opponents immediately enclose and hang out shameful tags. A sharp face where an adequate discussion is easily folded, society is rude into two irreconcilable parts. Drain of the next document - and flew the bulls along the Zakolem. While alone attack, others are defended, pulling up the reserves to be taped with a worthy "Rent". Just have time to fan know what to throw up ...

"Those who are trying to investigate the feat of the warriors of the 8th Guards division themselves, they themselves recognize that during the defense of Moscow, such a section of the front defended the division formed in Almaty - the 8th Guards Rifle Division. Critics themselves admit. Everything else - Insinations . In the years of war, all nations have merged in the years of war and, in spite of any kind of deprivation, they got a single front for the defense of their fatherland. And now they want to knock out and put others, alien to us, "said Almaty City Chairman Committee of Veterans of the Went of the Justice of Justice Genpeies.

The history of that battle was spinning to legendar, the editors of the Red Star - Master of the Soviet military posts. The front-line correspondent of Kitheev found a front summary about the battle of Dubosekovo and marked "Died everything before one, but the enemy did not miss" sent it to her chief - the chief editor of the "Red Star" Ortenberg. So from the real frontade feathers, the Soviet medi driver began to scrupulously "stamping" the motive of Popopes.

"Upon arrival in Moscow, I reported to the editor of the Red Star newspaper Ortenberg, told about the combat company with the tanks of the enemy. Orderberg asked me how many people were in the company. I replied that about 30 people and that two of these people turned out to be traitors ... Thus, the number of fighting - 28 people appeared. Orterberg said that it was impossible to write about two traitors, and decided to write only about one traitor in advanced, "from the testimony of the front-line correspondent of the" Red Star "Vasily Kitoeva, the Chief Military Prosecutor.

For the report from the scene Orientberg sent his subordinate - Litisecretary Crivitsky. The feat was supposed to hook the reader with heroic details. And Crivitsky sincerely believed that he did not criminate the soul, by producing individual moments. Country in the conditions of war and the onset of Hitler's Germany. For the Chief Star, the question of propaganda did not stand in principle. Later, at the interrogation, he directly recognizes that the figure of "28" is imposed by the Crvitsky, as well as the format of the Advanced Article: The will of the fallen heroes.

"Crivitsky said: It is necessary that there are 28 Gvardeans-Panfilovtsev, who led the battle with the German tanks. I stated him that the entire regiment was fought with the German tanks and in particular the 4th company of the 2nd battalion, and the heroic was really fought. Beyond the 28th Guards I am unknown to me ... Over 100 people died out of the company, and not 28, as they wrote about this in the newspapers, "from the testimony of the commander of the 1075th Rifle Regiment Ilya Caprov to the head of the military prosecutor.

Battle's place at Dubosekovo Travel / Alexander Zhuravlev

A compolant caps, if you believe the materials of his interrogation, said that about 28 Panfilovtsy first heard only at the end of the 41st. There has never been any documentation about that legendary in division. And none of the command officially confirmed anything officially confirmed anything to Crvitsky, he entered the surnames himself, by memory. In the division, they generally learned about their heroes when premium sheets were rewarded on 28 who were particularly distinguished. Such a reporter takes place on the version of the random editorial error does not stretch in any way.

Crivitsky at the site of the battle under Dubosekovo does not find any participants of the feat, nor eyewitnesses and is limited to a survey of the local population, but it is at home, on the basements, they also led the history of Panfilovtsev, only heard only from words. And when the "Red Star" publishes that story, the real feat is finally hiding behind the LEGRAM's shirma and come around for eternal doubts. In his final version, the literary secretary Crivitsky writes about 29 Panfilovts: 28 heroes and 1 traitor.

Quote from the newspaper "Red Banner" / Illustration Site

The legend of 28 Panfilovtsy Crvitsky himself called on interrogations "literary conclusion." The document of the main military prosecutor's office was declassified only in 2015, and it was he who provoked a new one - a new reason to discern "Myth 28". Slightly lit - and immediately got caught ... Only you begin to deny dry, it would seem, the figure - immediately throw the shadow to the entire Battle near Moscow. And nothing else.

The laws of propaganda were not greatly changed since the times of Soviet power, just now there is a choice - whose position is to occupy. And the selection is now harsh. Yes or no. Either one, the west side of the Dubosekovo drive, or by this. And looked - not mistaken. Recommend, and more than once. And - Chevron on the avatar either "Vodnika" Sovovoy, whether the New Drazen "Mayidanochny". There is no third.

Rally in honor of the opening of the monument warriors in Volokolamsk / Alexander Zhuravlev

  • "There were not 28 fighters against tanks, there were 4th company there. All of the ranks, but the Germans did not miss. 28 Guardsmen, 100 Panfilovsky Guardsmen - this is a matter of another plan. You do not need to pull out fried facts and displacing heroes and their feat. To allow the revision of general history to not repeat the tragic mistakes - what was allowed in the pre-war years, "said Professor of Kazakhstan-German University Bulat Sultanov.
  • "Indeed, the outcome of war decided - now you can talk about it - Sibiryaki and Kazakhstanis, Kazakhs. Of course, somewhere in the reservoir of the surname could inaccurately, someone could get captivated, could be inaccuracies, but the feat of the Panfilovtsev nobody He has the right to challenge, "the scientific secretary of the National Congress of Historians Ziyabek Kabuldinov insists.
  • "Start saying that the Soviet people and the Soviet army fought under the Dules of the NKVD. Comes every new generation and is trying to conduct an audit. We do not learn from respecting the story as it is, regardless of political or ideological addictions, or modern fashion, which is dictated from. It is sometimes funded, "the deputy of the Mazhilis Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Magherram Magherramov is convinced.

Who is on this, oriental, side, honestly admit: in front of the entire 4th mouth, it is time to publicly apologize to publicly. Not 28 died, beating German tanks, and good hundred. This is two thirds of the real heroes of the battle near Moscow, whose names do not even "go go." We must apologize and repent, if you have, but the legend of 28 is no longer touched. Not our mind is the case - the feats of grandfathers rethink.

"In an unequal battle with the fascist tanks, the fourth company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment of the Panfilovian division was reached. There were 130 people. Alive, as the commander of the regiment was recalled, a man remained 20-25," says the head Museum complex "Volokolamsky Kremlin" Galina Odin.

  • "The current generation of Kazakhstanis and Russians should carefully keep the memory of how the Soviet people fought for their freedom and many victims put on a single altar of victory. The delivery of the Soviet capital could move the day of victory over the fascist ig. The inadmissibility of this was aware of all the people," said this At the opening of the monument, the heroes of the Second World War Vice-President of Aluminum Kazakhstan JSC (ERG) Bezdia Islands.
  • "I think the hero was everyone who was not afraid to look at the enemy's face, who in November-December 41st year stood to death for his country. And in the trenches, it seems to me that people did not share each other by nationality, religion, origin. And While we will remember this - everything will be fine with us: in every region, house, family, "an assistant military attache of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation spoke at a rally in Volokolamsk.
  • "In the hearts of the young, on their generation, the task is entrusted to keep this feat and this memory. You can not give a chance to try to refute it once again, and maybe again and again, after a few years, I do not know, but these attempts will continue," - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Elmira Highimurzin appealed to the victory of Volokolamsk in the park.

Unexploded grenade of the 41st year / Alexander Zhuravlev

On a small journalistic mistake that provoked big political consequences, history does not pull frankly. If the stars of heroes legend 28 were just strengthened, then to assign the name of the division general for an invented feat in those days would not be exactly. In the country who won fascism, and without half-phth stories of real feathers was enough. Why burn extra gardens.

"In the entire history of the Soviet Army, only two divisions were assigned the name of their commanders: 25th Chapaevsky Division and the 8th Guards Panfilovskaya Division. No one was awarded the name of its commander," the Guide of the Heroes-Panfilov Museum in the village of Nelidovo Larisa musician.

Who actually benefits to debunk legend to the myth? Did you really have so many countries overwhelmed far beyond the limits of feats, or at least human actions, about which heard no less Bratov fakes? Is there anything else that you can truly be proud of? Why deny what you can't change, - own history? And why are these, including, facts do not become the very fasten, which we are 25 years without success?

IN This day, during the defense of Moscow, from the fascist invaders, they made their feat of Panfilovtsy.
The division division of General Panfilov, destroying about two dozen German tanks stopped the offensive of the Germans. The fight at the Dubosekovo road became famous for the newspaper essay of the front-line correspondent V. I. Korotoeva. The article said that they "died everything to one thing, but the enemy did not miss" ... further an attempt to figure out where the legend, and where is ...

The battle near Moscow became one of the decisive battles and the most important event of the first year of the Great Patriotic War.

Soviet troops, defended the city, received an order: to delay the enemy, by all means. The fulfillment of this task is for the 316th Rifle Division under the command of General-Major I.V. Panfilova, which was supposed to not miss the enemy on the Volokolamsk direction.

The fascists expected to break through the defense at the Dubosekovo railway crossing, break out on the Volokolamsk highway and move to Moscow.

On November 16, 1941, German troops went to the offensive. The 316th rifle division opposed the 2nd and 11th German tank divisions. The battle, which gave night under Dubosekovo, a group of tank fighters entered all history textbooks. For four hours, Panfilovtsy under the squall fire of artillery and bombing from the air constrained the tanks and infantry of the enemy. They reflected several enemy attacks and destroyed 18 tanks out of 50.

This fight is Oveyan myths and legends. Most squad fighters died, the rest were seriously injured (although for a long time it was believed that all 28 people were killed). Of course, during the defense of Moscow there were other examples of courage and heroism among the parts of the Red Army, thousands of Soviet soldiers gave their lives in the battles near Moscow (as well as Major General I.V. Panfilov himself), but it happened that it was the feat of heroes Panfilovtsev remained in history and became a legend.

The phrase "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind the Moscow!", Which, according to the journalists of the "Red Star", said before the death of Panfilovets Politruk Klobkov, was included in Soviet school and university history textbooks. The phrase is really it. Personal letters of Klochkov, in which he expressed his senses of special responsibility for Moscow, in addition, approximately the same appeals were printed in the appeals of Panfilov and in the rooms of the Divisional newspaper.

Memorial memory 28 Heroes-Panfilovtsev.

The 316th Rifle Division was renamed the 8th Guards Rifle Division and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. As it turned out later, Panfilov may have been more, according to some historians about a hundred. In addition, not all Panfilovtsy died. Six of them survived, but were injured or controversial - two were later in the hospital, two more were captured and experienced all the horrors of fascist concentration camps, and two more for various reasons were excluded from the heroes list.

In 1967, in the village of Nelidovo, located 1.5 km from Dubosekovo's road, the Museum of Heroes-Panfilovtsev was opened. In 1975, a memorial ensemble from the granite "feat 28" will be erected at the site of the battle, consisting of six monumental figures that personify the soldiers of six nationalities that fought in the ranks of 28 Panfilovts. Their faces are facing where the fascist tanks came from, and behind the spins of the fighters - Moscow ...

Memorial in Dubosekov

In November 1947, he was arrested and brought to criminal responsibility for the treason of the birthplace of I. E. Dobrobababin, who was captive in the very battle after easy injured and was captured, and later began to cooperate with the fascists. With the arrest of Dobrobabin, a book was found about 28 Panfilovts heroes, and it turned out that he was listed by one of the participants of this heroic battle, for which he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

The scandal also broke out and the main military prosecutor's office of the USSR began investigating the attachment, admitting later that the number of Panfilovtsev does not correspond to reality. But to the wide masses of the public, the results of the investigation were decided not to bring.

Under Moscow, the country needed feats, here are journalists and tried to make their petitions ... The better, the better, without thinking about the future and what their literary fiction can lead to that.

However, according to the assumptions of some historians, the feat was really, and all this investigation about literary fiction was "order" for the etching of Zhukov, who was just the initiator of the awarding of Panfilovtsev with the stars of heroes.

You can relate differently to the number of Panfilovtsev and argued 28 of them or 45 or about 100. Of course it is difficult to imagine that 28 of the passenger soldiers in the conditions of flat locality could successfully confront more than fifty advancing tanks with the support of motorcycles. But cases were when and alone or less Soviet soldiers destroyed dozens of enemy tanks. And their exploits are proven and no one calls them in doubt.

Today shows the 75th anniversary of the battle of Panfilovtsev at the Dubosekovo road. After two weeks, the film "Twenty-eight Panfilovtsev", information support that has a red line television channel. The editorial office of the Red Line prepared material dedicated to this battle.

Panfilovtsy - Fighters of the 4th company of the 1075th regiment of the 316th rifle division, heroically died in battle on November 16, 1941 at the Dubosekovo road during the defense of Moscow.

Panfilovtsev battle

On November 15-18, 1941, the final stage of the Typhoon operation began - the "last offensive" of the Wehrmacht to Moscow.

To resume the onset of the onset of Moscow, Wehrmacht deployed a fifty-one division, including thirteen tank and seven motorized. According to the German command, the Center for the Center "Center" should have broken the flank parts of the defense of the Soviet troops and surround Moscow.

The Soviet command decided in defensive battles to urge the enemy, to force it to use the latest reserves, and then go to the counteroffensive.

"Stop the enemy now on the approaches to our capital, not to put it, grind the Hitlerian divisions and corps in the battles ... The Moscow node is now decisive ... it will take a little more time, and the occurrence of the enemy to Moscow will have to choke. It is necessary for all means to withstand the tension of these days, "he wrote Georgy Zhukov in November 1941.

At 6:30 am, on November 16, with the support of aviation and artillery, two combat groups of the German 2nd Tank Division moved to Nelidovo and Dubosekovo. The goal is to cut the Volokolamsk highway towards the northeast with a common vector on Wedge and Solnechnogorsk.

In the defense on this site, about 20 kilometers wide was the 316th Infantry Division of Major General Ivan Panfilov. After the previous battles in the division, there are few military equipment and weapons, especially anti-tank agents. Before the fight, the division received replenishment - several thousand people.

The division artillery consisted of twelve 45-millimeter anti-tank guns, twenty-six 76-millimeter division guns, seventeen 122-millimeter warm guns and five 122-millimeter corpus guns that could be used in battle with German tanks.

Map Dubosekovo

In the Dubosekovo district, the 4th Panfilovskaya, the 5th and 6th company of the 1075th regiment were held - 400-500 people. From weapons, the fighters had 3-4 anti-tank guns, anti-tank grenades and bottles of an incendiary mixture. Several 76 mm of division guns were installed in the rear. Infantry companies should have held tanks on their positions until artillery from the distance to beat German cars.

This group had the main blow to the German 1st Combat Group in the composition of the tank battalion with artillery and infantry parts.

On the morning of November 16, German tank workers conducted exploration. After a short battle, the Germans moved and regrouped. Soviet fighters were able to beat several tanks. Having tightening the reserves and conducting art preparation, the Germans again went to the attack.

As a result of the battle, the defense was broken, but the Soviet fighters were not retreated - almost all died. The commander of the 1075th regiment Ilya Kaprov said that in battle the biggest losses suffered the 4th company Captain Gundilovich.

What is the feat?

The feat is that the fighters did not run and did not surrender, almost all died, but, poorly armed with anti-tank funds, could cause damage to the enemy - to beat several tanks. The line of defense of the Soviet troops did not have barrier detachments, only their own motivation, combat fraternity, faith in the need for self-sacrifice for Russia and socialist homeland (then it was completely normal words) allowed the Soviet fighters to fight until the last.

"In battle, the 4th company of Gundilovich was most affected. Of the 140 people survived only 20-25 led by the Roach. The rest of the company suffered less. In the 4th rifle company, more than 100 people died. The company fought heroically, "follows from the testimony of Ilya Caprov on a consequence held in the late 1940s.

Soviet soldiers were armed with anti-tank funds with disabilities. Anti-tank PDD guns began to produce 3 weeks before the battle. Behind the war, more than 280 thousand were produced, but the first factory batch of guns from 300 pieces was taken to Rokossovsky's army, which was the 316th Infantry Division, only on October 26. PDD pierced with a 40 mm thick armor at a distance of 100 meters. This means that the fighters could break through the tank armor only into the board at a right angle or shoot in the back of the body.

In the conditions of the frontal offensive of the Germans on Dubosekov, there was no such possibility for the Soviet fighters. The use of anti-tank guns required a large excerpt from fighters - it was necessary to shoot from a distance of up to 100 meters. After the start of firing, the Germans easily showed the shooters and shot them from machine guns.

To use the manual anti-tank grenades of RPG-40, you need to let the German tanks closely, and then, under the fire of tank machine guns and accompanying infantry, throw a bunch of four grenades, with a total weight of 5 kilograms, on the tank body.

From the reports of commanders and political officers of the 316th division, it turns out that on November 16-18, the division fighters fought courageously and heroically.

On November 16, 15 fighters headed by the 6th company of the 1075th rifle regiment P. B.Vikhrev had a five enemy tanks from the village of Peshino. All fighters died, Politroh was shot.

On November 17, 17 fighters of the 1073th rifle regiment were defeated in the village of Nykanino. Of the 17 people survived only two.

On November 18, 11 saps from the 1077th Rifle Regiment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Rockovo several hours held back the attacks of the German infantry battalion with the support of tanks, providing a shelf waste. In July 1942, all sappers were posthumously presented to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but were awarded the Order of Lenin.

During the battles on November 16-20, the offensive of the Germans on the Volokolamsky direction was stopped. They again regroupled and tried to step on the Leningrad highway.

On November 18, Ivan Panfilov Division was killed in battle, the division on the same day was renamed the 8th Guards named after Panfilov. After replenishing the division, they move to the front to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Leningrad highway, where she became famous in the battles for the village of Kryukovo, who passed eight times from hand to hand.

On December 5-6, Soviet troops began a counteroffensive near Moscow, during which the troops of the Center group were defeated.


Decree on the assignment of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union

At the end of November 1941, three articles in the "Red Star" and Izvestia newspapers were published about the Bay near Dubosekovo. The authors offered each of his version of the battle. The most famous and generally recognized version was the version created by the Literary Secretary of the Red Star Alexander Cryeritsky.

According to Cryeritkovo, the Dubosekovo road took the battle of the 4th company consisting of 28 people who hit 18 tanks, all died, but for several hours they detain the offensive. Crivitsky wrote an essay, which described the feelings of fighters and the words of Politruck Klochkov: - "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow!"

The story of "28 Panfilovtsev" became an important factor in improving the combat spirit of the army and an example for fighters.

In the summer of 1942, all 28 Panfilovtsy assigned the title Hero of the Soviet Union. After the war, in 1947, during the investigation in the case of one of the volunteer policemen Ivan Dobrobabin, it turned out that he was listed among the dead "28 Panfilovtsev".

In this regard, the main military prosecutor's office of the USSR conducted an investigation into the history of the battle at the Dubosekovo road, during which documents were collected and the witnesses of the battle were collected, among them the commander of the 1075th regiment, the Colonel Caprov and the Literary Secretary of the Red Star Crvitsky.

From the investigation of the prosecutor's office therefore, the details of the battle were invented by Crivitsky.

"When talking in a Pure with t. Stupivine, he was interested in where I took the words of Politruck Klochkov, written in my" basement ": -" Russia is great, and there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow, "I answered him that I was invented ... I myself ...

... In terms of sensations and actions, 28 heroes are my literary condemnation. I did not talk to any of the wounded or remaining in the living guards. From the local population, I spoke only with a boy of about 14-15, who showed the grave where Klobhkov was buried, "" said Crivitsky.

Predit the widespread results of the investigation did not become. The investigation materials were published in 1990, after re-verifying the USSR prosecutor's office.

On November 16, 1941, the troops of the Wehrmacht moved to the second - decisive - stage of attack on Moscow. They were about 80 km from the capital - Kaluga, Mozhaisk and Moscow region Borovsk were taken in October. For a decisive attack on Moscow, the 51st division was deployed - these parts were supposed to break the flanks of Soviet defense and surround the city. Under the Volokolamsky on November 16, the 2nd Tank Division of the German Army Group "Center" passed into the offensive. On the way, she turned out to travel Dubosekovo, who defended the fighters of the 1075th rifle regiment of the 316th rifle division, which will very soon become known as Panfilovskaya.

On this day, the division fighters will take a battle, which will start the history of 28 Panfilov Heroes - first described on the "Red Star" pages, their story will later play their role in the rise of the combat spirit of soldiers. Including in the days of German offensive under Stalingrad. Later, part of the information reported by the journalists of the "Red Star" in his reference will be challenged, and the story of the feat of 28 Panfilovtsev's heroes will become one of the most discussed episodes of the Great Patriotic War. However, no matter how much the disputes around the first publications are, to question the very fact of the feat of the Panfilov fighters in battle at the Dubosekovo road - it is impossible. It is only possible to assume that the heroes that day could turn out to be much more famous 28.

Decisive blow

At the end of October, the second stage of the German offensive was completed - the Soviet parts were broken under Vyazma, the Germans went out to Moscow, on October 15, the capital was announced in a siege situation, on November 7, a military parade was held on Red Square, which was equivalent to military parade, which was equivalent to military Operations - most of the connections right from the square went to the front. The Germans were at a distance of 80-100 km from Moscow at a distance of 80-100 km from Moscow, the battles were carried out in the near approaches to the capital.

After a small respite, the Wehrmacht again moved to the offensive 15, November 16 and 17 to break through to Moscow and finish the campaign until the end of 1941. Two blows - on Wedge-Rogachevo and Tula-Kashir - planned to dissect the flanks of the Soviet defense. Moscow defended backups, divisions already exhausted in battles, and consolidated compounds of graduates of military schools - at the same time new reserves were already tightened to the capital for planned in early December. But to throw them into battle before the beginning of the counteroffensive command could not.

On November 16, the German 2nd Tank Division moved to the offensive under Volokolamsky to clear the path for the onset of the 5th Army Corps scheduled for November 18. One of the first on its way was the Dubosekovo crossing, which was defended stretched almost 20 km, only reconciled the 316th Infantry Division under the command of General Major Ivan Panfilov.

Feature article"Red Star"

On November 27, 1941, an essay of the Military Correspondent of Kitoeeva appeared in the Red Star newspaper, which was told about the feat of the fighters who took the battle at the Dubosekovo road: dead, but not missing Germans to Moscow. The next day, on November 28, in the newspaper they were devoted to the post of "Testament of 28 fallen heroes", written by the Literary Secretary of the Jervitsky newspaper - for the first time in the press, it was mentioned that it was about Panfilovtsy and their number was indicated - 28 people. However, the names of the dead fighters were not called. They were listed in the essay of Crivitsky "On 28 Fallen Heroes", published by the "Red Star" on January 22, 1942 - by this time the troops of the Kalininsky front after a series of success at the beginning of the month have stopped under Rzhev, facing the fierce resistance of the German parts. Stubborn, bloody and exhausting battles here will last until March follows.

According to journalists, after the start of the German troops on November 16, the fighters of the 4th round of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment during the four hours, a fight with enemy tanks, destroying 18 cars. All of them died. It was thanks to these publications that the phrase of the Klochakov's political officer who died on that day was widespread: "Russia is great, and there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow." After publications in the "Red Star", all 28 people were represented by the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, a book was published about their feat. According to the memories of many front-line feathers, the feat of 28 fighters played a "exceptional mobilizing" role in a number of large battles of the Great Patriotic War - including Stalingrad and Kursk arc.

Unexpected arrest

However, after the war, in 1948, in the Kharkiv region, a former military personnel of Dobrobababin was arrested in the Kharkiv region. During the arrest, a book was discovered in it, which described the feat of Panfilovtsev and, in particular, his name was also indicated as one of the dead participants in battle. At the initiative of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR, an investigation was conducted during which it turned out that several more people who died in a battle at the Dubosekovo road, actually survived, and the description of the collision given by journalists does not have direct documentary evidence - while the fact itself The battle was not questioned.

Curvitsky and Korotov, the authors of the materials in the "Red Star", during the inspection first stated that they were based only on the oral stories of the fellow soldiers of the dead and their colleagues, military correspondents, but with anyone who could probably know about the details of the battle, were not familiar. Later, Crivitsky said that he was forced to give these testimony under pressure. The Military Prosecutor's Office concluded that the story is in which it was presented in the "Red Star", is a fiction of journalists - however, exactly that day the fighters of the Panfilov division stopped the offensive of German tanks, and still had to establish.

"The heroes were thousands"

The very fact of conducting heavy defensive battles at the 4th company defense site during the German offensive to Moscow, neither after this checking was not questioned. On the contrary, the story of the fighters of the Panfilov division is a rare case, when the number of heroes could only increase.

So, many of those who at one time or another challenged the well-known version of the description of the Panfilov dente, indicated that journalists underestimated the courage of other fighters of the same compound.

"Mass heroism, manifested at the Dubosek road, is replaced by the resistance of only the" group "or" platoon ". The existence of such a unit documents of military archives are not confirmed. They testify about other - the heroes were thousands, "said Major Major Major Maximovich Malkin's researcher.

Nevertheless, in battle on November 16, if you believe the memories of the participants, it is the same, the 4th company, which, according to the materials of the "Red Star", belonged to the fighters, really took on the greatest blow. This was complained about this Colonel Ilya Vasilyevich Kaprov, who commanded the 1075th regiment on the days of German offensive near Moscow. However, according to him, the company was fully staffed at the beginning of the battle, and therefore, more than 28 fighters went to meet death.

"In battle, the 4th company of Gundilovich was most affected. Total 20-25 people survived led by a torment from 140 people. The rest of the company suffered less. In the 4th rifle company, more than 100 people died. The company fought heroically, "recalled late Colonel Ilya Vasilyevich Kaprov.

"To retreat nowhere"

When the prosecutor's office after the war began checking the information specified in the "Red Star", the Literary Secretary of the newspaper Crivitsky said that he had entered the history of the phrase "Great Russia, and there was no place to retreat - behind Moscow" does not have a documentary confirmation and is the fruit of his artistic fiction.

However, a number of witnesses - including the fighters of the Panfilov division - and documentary sources (first of all, the letters addressed to his wife) confirm that the phrase entered into the history or at least very consonant to her, the political officer of Klochekov, most likely, was indeed uttered .

30-year-old Vasily Klochekov, in the fall of 1941 repeatedly writing relatives about Moscow and appealed to fighters with similar words from the pages of the Divisional newspaper, was among those heroes of the first publications about the feat of Panfilovtsev, whose death in battle with German tanks from Dubosek's road November 16, 1941 was never doubted. His body after the battle was identified by the fighters of the Division and are betrayed by the land by local residents. Like the rest, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

At the village of Kryukovo.

And no matter how much the history of Panfilovsky fighters have developed - whether they were 28, 100 or thousands - it was the onset of two tank and one infantry division of the Wehrmacht on November 20, the onset of two tank and one infantry division of the Wehrmacht was stopped at the Volokolamian direction.

The fighters of the famous 4th company and their fellow soldiers intervened in the plans of the Commander of the Center for the Commander of the Center of the Center of the Boc. Faced with their stubborn resistance, he was forced to transfer the entire 4th tank group on the Leningrad highway. Where, ironically, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Kryukovo, it was again met with the forces of the Panfilovian division and its 4th company in this direction. The offensive in the area of \u200b\u200bKryukovo by Soviet troops was stopped.

Do you know who Panfilovtsy are? What is the feat? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Panfilovites are called the military personnel of the 316th Rifle Division, which was formed in the cities of Frunze Kyrgyz USSR and Alma-Ata Kazakh USSR and later began to be called the 8th Guards. They participated in 1941 in the protection of Moscow under the leadership of Major General I. V. Panfilov, who before that served as the Army Commissioner of the Kyrgyz SSR.


What was famous for Panfilovtsy? The feat is known to many. In the 1075th Rifle Shelf (4th company, the 2nd battalion), the service was held 28 people who received the greatest fame. It was them that they were called "Panfilov Heroes". The USSR has been widespread version of the event, which happened in 1941, November 16. It was on this day that the Germans began to step on Moscow again, and the fighters of the 4th company committed a feat. They carried out defense in seven kilometers southeast of Volokolamsk (Dubosekovo district district) under the leadership of Politruck Klochkova Vasily. During the battle, a long time, soldiers were able to destroy 18 Hitler tanks.

In Soviet historiography, it is written that all 28 people, called heroes, died (later began to indicate "almost everything").

According to the correspondents of the "Red Star", Politruk Klobkov pronounced the phrase: "Velika Matushka-Rus, and there is no place to go away - behind Moscow!". She was included in the Soviet university and school textbooks on history.


Did Panfilovtsy do the feat? In 1948 and 1988, the uniform version of the act was studied by the main Army Prosecutor's Office of the USSR and was recognized as artistic fiction. Open publication of these documents Mironenko Sergey caused an impressive public resonance.

At the same time, the historical fact is the heavy fortification battles of the 316th Rifle Division against the 35th Infantry and 2nd Tank Divisions, which took place in 1941, on November 16, on the Volokolamsk direction. In fact, the entire personnel of the 1075th regiment participated in the battle. Writing battle options usually do not indicate that the correct battle hero had to fight not only with tanks, but also the numerous infantry of the enemy.

Major General Panfilov commanded a typical military formation during battles at the Moscow course. His division was poorly trained, diverse, honeged to plugging those who appeared in the Soviet defense. The defending Red Army people had a sufficient number of serious anti-tank weapons. That is why persistent opposition to the blow of powerful iron vehicles is a feat and also Mironenko Sergey is not questioned.

Despite the discussions, the scientific consensus makes up from the fact that genuine facts of battles were recorded by military correspondents in distorted form. Further, on the basis of these articles, far from the actual historical facts of the book were manufactured.


So what are the famous Panfilovtsy? The feat of these people is invaluable. Captain Gundilovich Paul called the names of 28 missing and killed soldiers, whom he was able to remember the results of the battle, journalist Crvitsky Alexander (some believe that Crivitsky himself found these surnames in the missing lists of missing and died).

In Russia and other former Soviet republics, steles and other monuments are installed, on which the names of these 28 soldiers are inscribed, they are included in the official anthem of Moscow. However, according to the documents, one of these individuals were captured (Timofeev, Shadrin, Kozergenov), the others were killed earlier (shopov, Natars), or later (Bondarenko). Some were crippled in battle, but they remained alive (Shemyakin, Vasilyev), and I. E. Dobrobababin even helped the Nazis and was subsequently convicted.


And yet, the feat of Panfilovtsev is true or fiction? Mironenko Sergey believes that there was no attitude that this is one of the legends imposed by the state. Critics of the official option, as a rule, lead the following assumptions and arguments:

  • It is not clear how Crivitsky and Korothev learned the impressive number of battle details. Information that the information was received in the hospital from the participant in the battle of Notarov, who received a fatal injury, are dubious. After all, in accordance with the documents, this man died on November 14, in two days before the battle.
  • About the battle with details, nothing is unknown either the commander of the 1075th regiment by Colonel Kaprov, nor the commander of the 316th compounds of the Major General Panfilov, nor the military leader of the 2nd battalion (in which there was a 4th company) Major Reshetnikov, nor the commander of the 16th Army Lieutenant-General Rokossovsky. German sources about it are also not reported.
  • By November 16, the 4th company was equipped with soldiers by 100%, that is, she could not consist of only 28 fighters. I. V. Kaprov (the leader of the 1075th regiment of Rifle) argued that in the company there were approximately 140 souls.

Facts inquiry

People decided to find out the feat of Panfilovtsev - True or Fiction. The Military Prosecutor's Office of the Garrison of the city of Kharkov in November 1947 for the treason of his homeland arrested and attracted to the criminal responsibility of I. E. Dobrobabin. Experts found out that Dobrobababin, still fighting at the front, surrendered to the fascists in captivity by goodwill and in the spring of 1942 went to them to serve.

This man took the post of police chief temporarily captured by the Germans Perekop (Valkovsky district of the Kharkiv region). With arrest, he found a book about 28 Panfilovtsy heroes, and it turned out that he participated in this supper battle, for which he was assigned the title of Hero of the USSR. During the interrogation, it turned out that Dobrobabine in Dubosekovo really wounded and captured the Germans, but he did not commit any feats, and everything that the authors told about him in the book, not correspond to reality.

Is 28 Panfilovts - fictional characters? The USSR General Military Prosecutor's Office was thoroughly studied the history of the battle of Dubosek road. For the first time in the authenticity of Novels about Panfilovtsi publicly doubt E. V. Kardin, who published the article "Facts and Legends" in the Almana "New World" (1996, February).

And in 1997, an article of Edelman Olga and Petrova Nikolai "New about the heroes of the USSR" appeared in the same journal, which said that the official EDABLE version was examined by the main Army Prosecutor's Office of the USSR in 1948 and recognized him with literary fiction.

Jervitsky testimony

Interrogated Crvitsky (secretary of the newspaper) showed that 28 Panfilovtsev are his literary fiction. He said that he did not speak with any of the remaining or wounded guardsmen. From the locals we called only with a boy of 14-15 years old, who brought him to the grave, where Klobkov is buried.

From the compound in which 28 heroes served, in 1943 he was sent to the diploma of the assignment of the guardsman. Division he visited three or four times. Krapivin asked Crivitsky, where he found the famous statement of the Klochkov political officer about the impossibility of retreat. And he replied that he composed him himself.


So, the materials of the investigation found that the heroes of Panfilovts are the fiction of the editor of the Red Star editor of Orberg, Journalist of the Korothev and most of all Crvitsky (secretary of the newspaper).

In 1988, the main Army Prosecutor's Office of the USSR re-engaged in the circumstances of the feat. As a result, the military main prosecutor of Justice, Lieutenant General A. F. Katosyev, in the "Military Historical Journal" (1990, No. 8-9) was published an article "Alien Glory". He wrote in it that the massive feat of the entire division, the entire regiment with the negligence of dishonest correspondents, was reduced to the scale of the fabulous platoon. The same opinion has a doctor of historical sciences director of the State Archive of the Russian Federation. S. V. Mironenko.


Surely the heroes-Panfilovians really existed. Marshal of the Soviet Union D. T. Yazov defended the official version. He relied on the analysis of the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. A. Kumanoweva "Forguing and feat. In 2011 (September), the Sovetskaya Russia newspaper published an article "Shamelessly Sent Feat", which includes a letter of Marshal, in which he criticized Mironenko.

The battle of Dubosekovo studied Writer V. O. Osipov. According to his data and the testimony of the soldiers of the Panfilov compound, it is said that the author of the famous pharase is precisely the political officer of Klochekov, and not Crvitsky correspondent. Personal letters of Klochkov, preserved to this day. In them, he wrote his wife about his sense of a special tower for Moscow. Among other things, such appeals were also published in the rooms of the Division newspaper in the appeals of Panfilov.

Ideological value

Today, even children know what feat was the Panfilovtsy. Researcher IRI RAS K.S. Drozdov (Candidate of Historical Sciences) believes that the Battle of Dubosekovo's Travel was played by "an extraordinary mobilizing role, having made an example of self-sacrifice, courage and resistance." Her Soviet propaganda raised it as an example for the soldiers of the Red Army. Marshal of the Soviet Union D., T. Yazov believes that the actions of Panfilovtsev became a model of perseverance for Defenders of Leningrad and Stalingrad, with their name, our soldiers reflected mad enemy attacks on the Kursk arc.