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Small tricks of a homemade master. Useful tips for a home master Small tricks tips home master monas

Any job, including home, requires a lot of effort. To simplify it, there are useful tricks for the house. These are those things that make everyday affairs and care easier.

A few examples

If after the brush remained in the paint, so that it does not dry, you can remove the brush into the cellophane package and close it tightly. Paint with metal objects will crack, if before applying it to wipe the surface with acetic solution, and give dry. Wash knives hot water Not recommended. They are completely stupid from this. But the preliminary soaking of half an hour in the solution of kitchen salt will help to accelerate their sharpening.

When staining window Operactions You can grasp the bulb or vinegar solution with a glass surface. Now the paint, accidentally falling on this surface, will be easily removed.

Make useful things with your own hands

Anyone is nice to look at your own creativity, and it does not matter what it can be.

The main thing is that it was done with the soul and pleased the owner.

Useful homemakes with their own hands can be made of girlfriend, for example, can be made original shelf Of the used tin jars. It is possible to use it for storing small things. But the main thing is that it is impossible to fantasize about the size and form of the future masterpiece. First jars need to be prepared, remove sharp edgeIf they are, then in each drill holes at several points, depending on how they are located. Fastening can be carried out by bolts or self-drawing to each other. You can bother with a regular screwdriver to the wall, driven by a dowel in it.

Useful homemade with their own hands are invented by domestic masters not only from different materials, but also for different needs.

These can be devices for the cottage or urban apartment.

Cleaning is not the most favorite occupation of the majority of women, but they spend it and know the secrets of rapid cleaning at home, and most importantly - without loss of quality. There are many ways to help young hostesses.

Clean the iron from the stains on the sole will help a simple way.

You need to try the salt, scattered on a sheet of paper. If the iron is equipped with a steamer, then you do not even have to touch the surface, it is enough to bring to salt the sole and turn on steam. After that, the dirt will fall on the salt, and the ironing surface will be well-groomed and smooth.

Remove the wool from the furniture to help kitchen rubber gloves will help, it will stick to them and will just be able to wash his hands.

Scratches on older wooden table Strongly spoil it exterior appearance. Little tricks will help to get rid of them. A mixture of half of the glasses of olive oil and the same amount of vinegar must be rubbed into the tree with a moistened rag. After such a procedure, the appearance will be transformed, and scratches will disappear.

Water spoiled appearance of the crane can also be transformed with vinegar. It must be left on the surface for a while, and then just wash off with a sponge. If there is a stain from the hot furniture on polished furniture, then the iron will help it. On the klyaks, you need to put a dense rag moistened in the water, to pass it through it for 15 seconds.

This embodiment of furniture, like microfiber, is very beautiful, but not practical. Light furniture need to be cleaned carefully. To do this, take a white brush and sponge, the last moisten in alcohol and wipe the pollution places, later the brush is to consider dirt from the surface.

If there is a desire to lead the correct lifestyle and abandon toxic chemistry, it can be replaced by natural means. For example, lemon will help get rid of spots on the plumbing.

Gas burners are strongly polluted, but it is difficult to clean. You can try the following method. Put the burner in the cellophane package, pour a quarter of a cup of ammonia, leave for the night. After that rub the usual sponge.

Wooden boards in the kitchen always in the go. To contain them clean, you can use this means. Employed the board from pollution with a solution of two tablespoons of vinegar and water, after it should be wiped with half lemon, dipping it into salt.

Not easy business - cleaning oven. Simplify the task of soda and vinegar. First you need to clean the surface from the sera, and then abundantly scatter soda. Vinegar should be pouring into the sprayer, and from it to spray soda. To achieve the desired reaction of these substances, after left for 20 minutes, and then remove the composition of simple movements.

You can clean the blinds with the help of a simple sock, put it on your hand, moisten in acetic solution in half with warm water and wipe the surface to the desired result. Traces from the marker can be removed using useful tricks for the home: with the help of an ordinary toothpaste, the track is cleaned with a simple paper towel or cloth.

You can save a kitchen sponge from microbes using a microwave. Place the washup in it for a couple of minutes, which will make it safe for further use. It is important that the sponge is not dry. Using these little tricks for the house, you can significantly save the time of cleaning and not to feel like an eternal cute.

Kitchen utility

There are useful tricks for the house designed for cooking to comprehend all of them on their own, not one year.

To beat eggs into lush foam, proteins are pre-cooled and add a bit citric acidBut yolks are better to beat warm, with the addition of sugar.

To get a beautiful crust on meat, it, before starting roasting or baking, is deceived by honey.

To the bow stops to be pattering, you need to cut it. After - pour boiling water for a couple of seconds.

So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they first need to be insolent with cold water.

Any rice will become crumbly after cooking, if you pre-dock it half an hour in cold water.

To give transparency, you can lower the croup for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

Pasta and rice will not stick together if they pour some vegetable oil to the pan or after readiness to rinse large quantity Cold water.

In order for salt in Salonka, it is always crumbly, you can put several rice grains into it. He will absorb extra moisture.

Give a good appearance with faded bow or parsley will help a solution of a low concentration vinegar.

If vegetables omit immediately into boiling water, then after cooking they will be significantly tastier. But if you start boiling them in cold water, then the broth will turn out.

Any vegetables are boiled on a moderate heat and add salt only at the end. Thus, it is possible to prepare carrots, you can not longer than 15 minutes, then she will not lose their taste.

Milk does not fake on medium heat in a saucepan, rinsed with cold water.

Applying home tricks, useful tips and the accumulated experience of many generations, even a beginner hostess will feel confident.

Distribution of its time

Many people think that they have a limited time and for it they cannot fulfill the task.

How to do everything to do everything? First you need to organize yourself. This can be done in several stages.

Make a list of cases.

Stop distracted, on non-affiliated with business, things. Especially relevant in our age everywhere present internet.

Determine your capabilities, do not take too many tasks. It is better to perform a pair, but qualitatively than a dozen, but with alterations.

Keep order in the workplace. This is a way to keep in order and your thoughts.

Any business, including homemade, can be simplified and optimized.

Remuneration for successful implementation, this is a big stimulus to motivation.

Do not save unfinished things. They are still drawn by themselves and also, and thoughts about them simply do not give rest. No one canceled the expression: "Making a business - Goulai boldly!"

If you need extraneous assistance, you do not need to be shy to ask her.


Such simple, at first glance, the rules will help radically change the attitude towards life and its difficulties.

And using small tricks for the house, you can significantly save time cleaning and not feel the slave in your own home.

Some cunning receptions For home masters, posted on his video by the channel "Strojakhak".

1. If you are a happy owner of a manual tape measure, a painting tape will come to the rescue. Get it onto roulette and you do not have to constantly run to the table to record the results. All this can be done right on the roulette. And then transfer to paper. Or just stick the ribbon itself.

Surface ribbon.

2. To save a spatula clean, for example, when working with any dirty chemistry, which is then difficult to tear off the tool, use a solid economic ribbon. This is a very comfortable little trick. Strong and at the same time it is easy to break. Shoot on the spatula and it will always remain clean after work. Economic tape is removed, not leaving no trace. This technique is very useful when working with bituminous masticFor which the spatula has to launder the solvent. By the way, customers perfectly seal the nose of building tubes, it is not necessary to twist different self-tapping screws. It is only better to glue with a shifted edge. It is more convenient to remove later.

Cellofan helps

3. Often PVA glue dries on the thread of the bottles in which it is located. Unscrew the lid next time very difficult. So that this is not repeated, take a package of thick polyethylene and cut a small piece from it. Now carving safe. And the bottle with glue will always be easy to open.

Circular saw fixture

4. Circular saw has several nozzles various diameters. But all of them periodically arise one problem: when drumping holes, a wooden circle is left, encircled inside the saw, get it from there is very difficult. Of course, you can use a screwdriver, but it is more convenient to use the screw, twisting it into the wood. And he, rubbed into the base of the saw, will perform a problem residue. Useful trick for homemade Masters.

Plastic pipe clamp

5. If you have a piece plastic pipe from repair, from it will work out a wonderful clamp for different wires and cords. Cut a few centimeters with any tool. Haves or special drump over 2 through holes. It is convenient to take first drills of a small diameter, and then a little more. In the wizard, for example, a drill with a diameter of 5 mm. The edges of the cut part can be sharpened on emery paper. We take the rubber band, stretch through the hole and tie at the ends of the nodes. Device ready. A bunch of old naughty wires will now be fine.

Cunning for comfortable drilling

6. The painting tape will come in handy in one case. When you need to make holes on the wall for some gadget. For example for your phone. We stick on the device and simple pencil Show planting place For fastening. Remove the tape and celebrate space for drilling. Now it remains only to glue the wall. And can be corrected. Now we do holes.

Hose to work with the mind

7. If you have divorce or, as they are also called, stopping, use the following advice. Cut from rubber or silicone hose A couple of pieces and put them on the tool sponges. Now when working with delicate surfaces, it seems chrome detail, do not leave scratches. In order not to lose the pieces of the hose, they can be put on the tool, after removing plastic handles.

Visualization of tricks on video

Look on the video, how to apply tricks and receptions for a homemade smart wizard.

1. Remove the sleeve of a deaf opening is a difficult task. You can solve it like this: pour thick machine oil into the hole, insert a steel rod into the sleeve and hit the hammer on it. The energy of the blow, passing through the oil, will throw the sleeve.

2. Spray head from used aerosol cylinderInserted into the rubber pear will turn it into an excellent pulverizer for liquids.

3. Simple segment in the form of a segment metal corner Much will make it easier making frames for paintings and photos.

4. In the midst of home canning, many dry sterile cans are required. You can solve this problem like this: laundry at once a lot of cans, put them in several rows in the oven gas stove, light a weak fire and withstand, cans at a temperature of 120 degrees 5-10 minutes. There they dry and reliably sterilize. Cool banks slowly, without removing out of the oven.

5. Fake diamond It can be used in construction in the form of bricks. Ingredients: Magnesia - 35%, small wood sawdust - 65%, 0.1 - Magnesium chloride solution. All mix up to the tough condition. Then pour into forms.

6. It turns out, it is possible to solder the composition: Lead - 25%, tin - 10%, bismuth - 40%, cadmium - 10%, mercury - 15%. This solder is suitable for metals. So the metal soldered to the glass.

7. The inscription on the glass makes such a composition: liquid glass - 12 V / h; distilled water - 16 V / h; SERFITE BARIY - 10 V / h; silicism - 1 V / h; Mineral paint - to taste and tonality. Silicism to cook it is not difficult; to liquid glass Add acid, such as HCl or H2CO4. The precipitated and there is a silicone. It is washed, dried, crushed.

8. You have cracked on old tile? Want to try to hide them? Cut from thick paper stencil with the desired pattern, cover it with rubber glue to a degreased acetone tile. On the open areas Apply the surface with the sprayer, apply a car nitroemal (you can use nitrocracy in aerosol packaging). After driving, remove the stencil. The coating will be resistant to damp, smooth and brilliant.

9. Coating from you can paint. To do this, the floor must be pre-washed with a solution of linen soda, then clean water And dry.

10. Nothing anniversary after repair, like the unbearable dust from whitewash and splashes oil paint. on the window glass. It should be borne in mind that:

Oil paint will not stick to the glass if before coloring window Rams Lubricate it with vinegar.

Protect glass from paint paper strips 50 mm wide., Glued with soap along the window binding.

Dust will be less if before removal old bliss Furniture close the film, floor to cover with newspapers, wash the ceiling with a ceiling, give it to dry and remove the scraper whipping.

11. When painting walls in two colors along the border of colors, you can pull and glue the insulating tape to the wall, which will allow you to get a smooth edge. After painting the tape to remove.

12. The screwdriver "lost" the handle is happening quite often and is hard to repair. But if you pour a little small sand and unwanted rosin into the hole of the handle, and roll up the screwdriver before repairing the brand - the connection will be almost more durable than the factory provided for at the factory.

If the handle for any reason is lost entirely, it is possible to make a new one of the massive piece of plexiglas: the screwdriver is clamped into the cartridge of the electric drill and drills the plexiglas. Connected parts in the process of friction will warm up, then cooled and very well "grab".

13. Pliers open too tight? It is not difficult to cope with this misfortune: just need to drill in the center of the axis a small hole. If a small hole does not help, its diameter should be increased, just do not stop: more than half of the diameter of the axis hole should not do.

14. Drinking a wedge into a hammer or ax, drive it at an angle: it will split the handle in both planes and strongly hold on.

15. The chop knob will not split when working, if you put an ordinary beer tube on its end. And the kiyanka will last you much longer if it is tightly slaughtered with an insulating ribbon.

16. To drill, by the way, it is possible and using a drawing circulation-tree, plastic, textolit. Just remove the needle from the circulation and insert a small drill on her place.

17. Chewing gum - yes not simple, but used - can be useful to a home master in a variety of cases, sometimes unexpected. It is clear that screwing screws in hard-to-reach places will be easier if the screwdriver and screw to connect such a mass; But the use of gum as a sealant when connecting pipelines - the solution is less obvious, but gives a good result. (A "Orbit" was once or "Dirol", with sugar or without sugar - no value.)

18. If the narrow grooves are required in the details (for example, the slot in the screw head), and there is no special, such as slot, such an operation can be performed using ordinary knobs For metal, slightly frozen her canvas. To do this, on the rotating sharpening circle on both sides of the canvas evenly over the entire length, the side edges of the teeth are sharply disappeared by the "divorce". Correctly walled canvas should have smooth shiny surfaces and a thickness of a notch, by 0.1-0.3 mm. Large than in the non-working edge.

19. A comfortable swelling can be made from a clock screwdriver, in which the working part is replaced by a thick sewing needle.

20. The checker from the sharp-proof copper rod is convenient when marking ferrous metals.

21. The harder the material to be drilled, the larger there should be a sharpening angle of drill: for wood - 60, for metals - more than 90, for glass (and solid steels) - 120 degrees.

22. If the thin drill is poorly fixed in the drill cartridge, you need to wind on the shank drill a copper tinted wire with a diameter of 0.4-0.6 mm. - Tight, turn to the turn, in one layer, and suck.

23. The roller from the glass cutter is suitable for engraving on glass, metal, plastic, if it is fixed in the bullshine tip using a holder for abrasive discs or fasten on the axis of any little Motor. With sufficient motor power, the roller easily cuts the glass to a large depth.

24. Needle from a medical syringe will help restore seam in hard to reach place. The needle is inserted into the hole of the seam outside, and the usual sewing needle From the inside to the touch rest in the SCOS at the end of the medical needle. Sewing needle squeeze the needle from the syringe and easily stretch the sewing needle and thread.

25. In the absence of a micrometer, it is possible to determine the diameter of the wire, wound on a round rod or a pencil several dozen turns of the wire and dividing the winding length (in millimeters) to the number of turns. With a thorough winding and sufficient length, it is measured by the diameter of the wire in this way with an accuracy of 0.01 mm.

26. Knives, chisels and other cutting tool make it easier and faster, if you pre-lower the blade for half an hour in weak Solution Salt salt, and the bar is slightly moiste with kerosene.

27. Different (not too volatile) fluids consumed by small doses, it is convenient to keep at hand in small polyethylene bottles with a screwing plug, in which a small hole is drilled or pierced. Turning the bottle down the plug and squeezing its walls, squeeze the desired dose of liquid, for example, for degreasing the surface, for wetting the emery bar or tampon, etc.

28. Slow after two thermoshudars and drying is easily split into plates with a thickness of up to 0.02 mm. To do this, the mineral must be heated to 400-600 s, immediately cool in water and repeat the operation.

29. In the manufacture and repair of various snapshes and tools, especially soldering iron, sometimes it is necessary to bend the mica with a small bend radius. So that the mica has become more elastic, did not break and did not crumble, it must be rolled, heating to a light yellow color, and give it slowly cool.

30. Bonding heterogeneous plastics, for example organic glass Or a polystyrene with a celluloid, it is difficult because the dichloroethane, which is a solvent of organic glass, does not dissolve celluloid, and the acetone does not dissolve organic glass. A mixture of glue prepared on acetone, with glue on dichloroethane does not provide high gluing strength.

The strength of the glued junction, equal to the strength of the joint materials, can be obtained if the celluloid part is lubricated with acetone glue, and the part of organic glass or polystyrene is dichloroethan. After drying the glue, each detail is lubricated once again with the corresponding glue and press one to another. The final drying is produced 4-6 hours at room temperature.

31. Old rubber products can be returned softness and elasticity by immersing them for 20-30 minutes. in a weak solution ammona alcohol. You can immerse the rubber product for 1-2 hours. In pure kerosene. It should be remembered that the long residence of rubber in kerosene can not only soften it, but also significantly increase in volume. The softened rubber must be washed in warm water with a detergent and rub.

- This is the folk wisdom that will help you in almost any situation when you have a difficult position: for example, during home repairs, repairing the car, in the manufacture of the things you need, can always not be at hand required tool or material.

Look around yourself and you will find a lot of not necessary things from which you can benefit for yourself by showing the resourcefulness and smelting.

Iron or cast-iron grille on the balcony before painting should be cleaned from old paint. and rust with a rigid brush made of fine steel wire, or a large sandpaper.

The grille should be rinsed, and when it dries, primed. For the primer, it is best to use Surik, divorced on the olife. When the primer is faster, you can paint with already oil paint, covering a thin layer twice.

Paint metal subjectsIn the open sky, it is necessary to be in good weather so that the paint lay down on a dry surface.

Mazzka can be painted in any color in the manufacturing process. If the frames are painted in white color, lead or zinc whiskers add and stirred to a working viscosity. If a lot of paint has been added and the mask has become rare, the ground chalk should be added to it and change it in hand.

On oil and enamel paints, a sufficiently thick film is formed during long-term preservation. So that it does not appear, after the end of work on the surface of the paint, put a circle of thick paper, pour a bit of olifa from above.

If the lid from the can, where the paint is stored, lost, upper region Banks across the circumference Squeeze the paint and cover the glass in such a way that the paint sticks to it.

Cut the chopper from the lime bark of the desired size. Spare it in steep boiling water, carefully dry and one end thoroughly sweep the hammer. As a result, get a brush for joinery glue. You do not have to now expose your patience to clean your brush cleaning from dried glue: Cut the end and throw it away, and the tip of the remaining wand will again break the hammer to form a new tassel.

To frosted glass did not spoil, were clean and had beautiful viewThey wash them with hot water, adding a little vinegar to it.

Hands from oil paint easier to wash off, if you pour mustard in the water.

To eliminate leaks from rusty pipes or their joints, you need a faulty place to clean the waterproof material tightly (for example rubber, insulating tape) and secure it with wire.

Adhesive color is used only for inner surfaces that are not exposed to moisturization mainly by plaster. For raw premises, it is better to use a lime color.

To beat the part of the wall, the thin cord is deceived by dry paint, chosen for the color of the walls, stretch it on pencil marks and, recalling, release - a trail remains on the wall.

Oil and enamel paints are poorly missed air. Therefore, they are undesirable to apply for painting walls of residential rooms.

For pores, the plaster is better to use a wooden spatula.

Grinding is performed by pembed on dry or wet (moistened in water) putty, as well as skirt.

Useful advice Homemade Master - The topic is truly inexhaustible. Small, simple useful tips to the home master are often more necessary than the detailed articles on one thing.

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For many of us, cleaning is the most painful duty and terrible punishment. Often only at the moment when the house does not remain clean and the apartment begins to remind the field of battle of dinosaurs, we are doomed to attach order. In fact, cleaning is easy and quickly, if you know the basic secrets.

We are in website The goal of facilitating your life and collected several new tricks, which will help to cope with their homework.

Clean the most dirtiest items in the bathroom

The old bathroom curtain will look like from the store, if all dirty areas and even places with yellow and mold washed with a solution consisting in equal parts From hydrogen and water peroxide.

To clean the toothbrushes from microbes, soaked them for an hour in vinegar. Then my well under running water.

Mochlocks soaked for an hour in hot water and vinegar in proportion 1: 1. Then we rinse well with clean water and dry.

My bathing bath

From limescale, yellow spots and sulfur surface helps hydrogen peroxide well. We spray it with the help of a pulverizer to the surface of the bath, we leave half an hour and then wash it well with warm water.

You can easily clean the surface of the bath, if you fall asleep with soda and after a few minutes to pour vinegar. After that, you need to slightly clean the surface with a brush and washed with warm water.

Unwanted yellowness effectively removes a solution of ordinary citric acid. Make the solution at the rate: one bag on a glass of water. This tool with a sponge is applied to the surface of the bath and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off warm water.

Clear to the brilliance of the bath and get rid of the solar plaque with the help of a mixture of vinegar and salt. We mix the ingredients in the proportion of 1: 1 and we spend the bathroom to white.

We cope with a dirty toilet

The toilet flashes from purity, if used for cleaning mustard powder with adding in equal parts of citric acid and corn starch.

To purify and refreshing the toilet, you can independently prepare cleaning bombs. Only 1-2 bombing, abandoned in the toilet, will give not only the hygienic effect, but also a pleasant smell.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of soda
  • 1/4 lemon gnaps
  • 1/2 h. L. vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. l. 6% of hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 15-20 drops of beloved essential oil


I smell soda into a bowl, add citric acid. In the second world, mix the vinegar and peroxide and pour this liquid drop in the dry mixture. Add essential oil And we form small balls with a spoon. We spread bombings on parchment paper and dried at least 6 hours. Store bombing in a closed glass jar.

Clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom

With the help of a conventional white paraffin candle, you can get rid of mold, dark plaque and dirty sediments on the seams between tiles. To do this, you need a stupid end of the candle several times spent on a dirty seam. This will allow cleaning and protect the seams from mold and mud.

Falling into the bowl of food soda, we take it moistened in water an unnecessary toothbrush and clean the dirty places. After cleaning, we rinse the surface with warm water. Stitches as new!

We mix warm water with hydrogen peroxide in proportions 2: 1. Brushing or sponge clean the seams between the tiles of this solution, which then can not be flush.

Wash the tile

We take 15 grams of citric acid and dragging it with a glass of warm water. We wash the resulting mortar. Then wash off clean water.

With too dirty tile Walls helps vinegar. Sprinkle the surface of the pulverizer with vinegar, we leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water. Then we wipe the tile with a soft napkin from the microfiber. This method will not only wash the tile, but also disinfects it.

We put a washing machine

Clean the washing machine 1 time per quarter.

Clear car from scale and water stone will help usual citric acid. In the powder compartment, we fall asleep 60 grams of citric acid. Run the machine to the full washing cycle with the highest temperature.

Preparing idle I. effective toolwhich will lead washing machine in order.

You will need:

  • 2 glasses of vinegar
  • ¼ cup food Soda
  • ¼ glasses of water
  • sponge


In the bowl mix water and soda. Pour this solution into a powder separation. Vinegar pour into the drum washing machine. Run the typewriter in normal washing mode. After the cycle is completed, all rubber gaskets and the door wipe the sponge. Dry drum with an open door.

Ideal my stove

We remove fat from the surface of the plate and with small details of the usual eraser. In this way, employees of professional cleaning services are used.

Sedielded plate can be put in order using lemon juice and lemon slices. Squeeze the juice, wipe the plate lemon and leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe the wet rag.

Clean the oven

Clean the overall cabinet from fat and nagara can with a glass of ammonia alcohol and liter of water. The oven heat up to 150 degrees and turn off. We put the container with hot water to the lower grille, on the top - the container with the ammonia. We close the oven door and leave to cool until the morning.

In the morning in the container with the ammonia, add several teaspoons of any detergent And half a cup of warm water. Sponge with the resulting solution wipe the oven and rinse it with water.