Repairs Design Furniture

My OSB Plate Installation Tips (OSP). OSB (OSP): Features for work with plates and installation recommendations Is it possible to produce a cut with a conventional hacksaw

Leaf construction materials are used in frame house building, with dry alignment of planes. One of these materials is an OSP (OSB, OSB) stove. She fell, Glk. And all because with good specificationshas a low price.

What is OSP Plate and OSB

One of the leafy building materials is an OSP (called OSB more). Name - Abbreviation from the full name of the material - "oriented chipboard". That is, this material is correct to call OSP. The second name - OSB - happened from the transliteration of the English version of the name - OSB ( oriented Strand Board). British letters simply replaced with similar in Cyrillic.

OSP is a multilayer material (3 or more layers). Each layer consists of wood, grinding in chip, mixed with resins. The chips are used long and thin (a few millimeters thick, up to 7 cm long). The chips in the layers are located in different directions: the outer layers have longitudinal orientation, internal - transverse. Due to this, high elasticity and stability of sizes is achieved. Various resins are used as a binder. They give the material water resistance, but contain formaldehyde. It is the content of this substance that stops many of the use of OSP. But if the material is made according to GOST, the emission of formaldehyde does not exceed the wood indicators. That's just check it only in laboratory conditions. So the ordinary buyer remains only to hope for verifying bodies. Or choose another material.

Types of OSP

Depending on the consumer properties, foolent stoves are released in several types:

If you need moisture-resistant OSP, carefully attribute to the manufacturer's choice. Be prepared for the fact that OSP 3 is more expensive than non-fatty brands. Yet more money We'll have to give for OSP 4. Search cheap material We do not recommend. Too many complain that bought OSB 3 from humidity swelling by 3-8 mm, in some cases even blurred or rumped up with fungi. All this is due to attempts to reduce the cost. For this, less disinfectants are used, a cheaper binder. Chinese manufacturers instead of pine chips are placed, which is easily affected by fungi and diseases.

Properties and specifications

OSP slabs compete with other sheet materials both in the construction area (for the construction of frameworks, creating formwork) and in the decoration area (alignment of walls, floors, ceilings). This is facilitated by the OSP properties:

Once again, we draw attention to the fact that moisture resistance and resistance to deformities are characterized by an OSP, which were made in compliance with technology. Unfortunately, material russian production is not different high quality. Less powerful presss are used, they are trying to save on the binder, do not apply markup. As a result, there are many examples of negative experience: the plates from moisture will burst, they are corded, the glue is washed out ... Exit - search for plates of imported (Europe or USA) production. In connection with the growth of the dollar, they now have considerable prices, there are very few of them on the market, but if desired, you can find or order with delivery.

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that in appearance to distinguish moisture-proof OSP3 from the non-fatty OSP2 or 1 is impossible. The last is much less. Unfair sellers sell cheaper under the guise of moisture resistant. So it turns out trouble. As a way out of the situation, you can do this: Buy one sheet of OSP 3, check its behavior when high humidity. If there are no visible changes, buy a batch.

Application area

OSP properties allow you to use this material as a construction or finishing. With which work it can be used:

  • Testing frames and walls from the inside and outside.
  • Floor alignment, ceiling.
  • Flooring a rough or finishing floor by lags.
  • Removable formwork when working with concrete.
  • Solid cutting under, metal tits, slate ,.
  • Production of sip-panels and thermopadals.

Among developers are constantly going to argue about how safe is the OSP plate. When it is produced, resins are used that allocate formaldehyde. Manufacturers claim that the release of this substance does not exceed 1%. Materials with such emissions of formaldehyde are read absolutely safe. Approximately the same amount of this substance highlights wood. Therefore, such materials are allowed for the construction of children's furniture. In addition, OSB plates with emissions are 0.5%. You can distinguish them in two criteria: in the name there is a Bio or Green prefix and are more expensive.

Please note that the emission level of formaldehyde should be monitored. Each batch of material should be checked, specify the actual parameters in the accompanying documents. Despite all the arguments, not everyone consider this material safe, preferring to use natural material - Boards. They are no doubt eco-friendly material, but working with boards longer, they are more expensive. In general, everyone decides for itself - use OSP plates or not.

Sizes oriented chipboard

Since the assignment of the OSP plate has different, there may be different sizes. The situation with sizes of OSB plates is not easy. On sale there are constantly 1220 * 2440 mm and 1250 * 2500 mm. There are still 1250 * 2800 mm formats, 1250 * 3000 mm, 1200 * 6000 mm, but they are found in our market extremely rare, although in many cases they are much more convenient. Feeding the desired size, you get rid of the need to "fight" the missing centimeters or unpacked extra. But they are not so much on the market, as it is the plates of imported production, and with imports are now difficult ...

OSP plate can be different thickness - 9 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm, 22 mm, 25 mm. For each type of use, its thickness is suitable:

  • Wall sheath, ceiling - from 9 mm.
  • Solid doom under roofing materials - from 12 mm.
  • On the floor will go a stove of an OSP from 15 mm thick.

One of the applications plate OSB - Removable formwork for concrete works

OSP Plate - Comfortable construction material. It can be cut in a regular saw saw, use a grinder with cutting disc, Electrolovik. The material is well drilled, screw nails can be used without prior deployment. But then their hats stick out that it is not always convenient.

Before trimmed, OSP stove is covered with primer. It is selected depending on finishing materials - To level the absorbency and improved clutch with other materials.

IN lately Building is gaining popularity oriented chipboard. In Russian standards, this material is abbreviated called OSP, sometimes they are designated english letters OSB (Oriented Strand Boards) or Russian OSB. We have already reviewed the main characteristics, brands and scope of these products in the article. . In this article, we will tell about how to work with oriented chipstone.

What is important to understand when working with an OSP

First of all, when working with it is important to understand the principle of manufacturing this material. Structurally, the slab consists of chips (chips), which are oriented in a certain direction. All layers have their own clear direction, the chips in each subsequent layer is perpendicular to the subsequent and previous one. This is the key to the strength of the OSB. Accordingly, depending on the direction, each oriented plate has a longitudinal and transverse axis. The longitudinal (main) axis has the greatest bending strength indicators, in transverse (secondary) - these parameters can be two times lower. For this reason, the installation should be done so that the main load lay on exactly the main axis.

Internal structure of material

Besides strength characteristics and brands, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the chip material. According to GOST, it has certain permissible parameters, it can not be less than 5 cm, and the thickness is 2 mm. If there is no large chips in the stove, and a pipe is largely present or ophov, then the real structural properties of the material are reduced.

Acclimatization problems

Before use, it is necessary that they pass acclimatization in the environment where they will be used in the future. This is due to the fact that wood material It has a property to change its volume depending on the humidity and temperature. Structural changes in OSP are larger than that of plywood - depending on the brand, the material can swell from water by 15-25%.

The oriented chipboard is divided into four stamps. OSP-1 - general purpose material, is designed for humidity no more than 65%, OSP-2 is used at a similar level of humidity, but it can withstand bearing loads, OSP-3 and OSP-4 are used in an environment with a humidity level of no more than 85%.

Acclimatization passes within two days. Plates are installed in a vertical position, there are rail between sheets to improve air circulation. According to GOST, it is recommended that the absolute moisture content of products range from 2 to 12%. At the same time B. unheated room Material moisture can fluctuate at 16 - 18%.

The chipboard must be protected from water even if the OSP-3 and OSP-4 brands are used. Contacts with liquid will cause deformation and swelling of the material. After mounting the plates must be protected from moisture facing materials (clapboard, siding, etc.). It is not recommended to process the shake surface with a large water content. When using the material for external wallsIt is covered with a protective film so that the plates do not have a moisture moisture from the ground, the sheets are placed on wooden lining. Also with help wooden Reques It is necessary to create airspace between the film and OSB, again this is done to circulate air.

The ends are the most vulnerable places of the OSP, in the process of acclimatization when changing the medium with dry on the wet, they can swell, in this case before installation they must be seized.


Before mounting, cuts onto sheets different size. To do this, a manual or electrical instrument can be used. When working it is important to exclude the stove vibrations, so it is securely fixed by clamps. For dipped on a flat line, guides made from straight boards are used. When sawing, it is important to use the corner so that the reson is always perpendicular to the leaf boundary.

When conducting markup, you need to take into account the thickness of the cut, all tools are yours. Before starting work, it is recommended to carry out a rough cutting of an unnecessary piece of material. Singing oriented marked material follows at moderate speed, the translational movement must be performed smoothly. Markup is made using a ruler and a construction marker. Because of the large dimensions of the sheets, they are installed on wooden standAlso allowed outdoor option in a vertical position. Consider the basic tools that can be used for cutting.

  • - For sawing, the OSB uses a tool with a small tooth. For serious construction work, the hand saw is badly suitable, since the cutting speed rests on the physical effort of a person. To completely abandon the hand saw also, it is also not worth it, it can perform auxiliary role when cutting small items. For OSP cutting, it is best formed with a shallow tooth.

  • - The tool is manual or desktop. When working with the last user, the user pursues the plate on the rotating disk. For sawing, OSP will suit discs with large quantity Teeth and attacks of solid alloys. On some disk saws there is nozzle for connecting a vacuum cleaner, which collects sawdust remaining from work.

  • - Easy handling tool for sawing different materials. Resized by movement hiscellular cloth. On some devices there is a function of pendulum cut, when the blade goes not only up-down, but also in the direction of cutting. Working with the device is simplified if there is an invisible web replacement. The adjustment of the angle of the sole helps to make complex spears in the inclined plane. For the cutting of large plates, the electrolybiz is less effective than circular saw. The main inconvenience is the complexity of even cut.

Some manufacturers produce canvases specifically for wood board cutting.

Firmly fix - varieties of fasteners

The oriented chipboard can be used in different building areas. Depending on the scope of the application, the fasteners differ. Nails, screws, screws and brackets are usually used.

  • - fastening element In the form of a rod, most often used to mount an OSP to the exterior framework (during construction frame house) And on the crate for the roof. In this regard, nails have a serious advantage over self-drawing, as they hold the slabs from the displacement. Self-taking care of the weight of the vertical plate will simply break, and the nail can be bought, but will continue to hold the wall at home. Best for working with flexible materials, screw nails show itself. Also used ersh and ring nails, they are more common to roofing work. It should be remembered that it will be difficult to pull out such nails. IN finishing works Hatching hardware with a small hat.

For fastening it is necessary to use galvanized fastening elements so that it does not corrode.

  • Screw connections - These include screws for wood and. Fasteners are easily spinning and easily twisted, without harming the material. Screw connections are used when mounting an OSP to concrete with a dowel (styling of the black floor on concrete screed). Screws and screws provide better fixation to the separation, so more often used on horizontal connections.
  • Skoby - H-shaped attachments are used to connect edges of the chipboard on the roof. Pneumatic or electric building staplers are used to bonding surfaces.
  • Gluing Not used as the main method of fixation, more often applying adhesive compositions is used as an additional mount when laying the plates on the lags. Usually use any wood adhesives, they are selected depending on the fastener and humidity method.


Installation is different depending on the type of work. TO general recommendations Refers the presence of a compensation seam and protection against water contacts.

Compensatory (deformation) seam - This element is called differently, in fact it is the usual seam. As we know from the features of the material, OSB plates have a fool, change their form and volume depending on temperature conditions. When installing without a compensation seam, waves and bugs appear on the surface of the plates. The seam between the plates should be 3 cm, next to the walls - 12 - 15 cm, to the foundation when installing the wall - 10 cm. If the length of the mounted plane exceeds 12 m, then it makes a gap 25 cm.

When installing the tipped plates, the deformation seam is formed by itself thanks to the design of the groove-ridge.

Example of creating compensatory seams When installing the floor

Now consider the features of editing on specific examples.

  • Installation of roughing - Oriented chip plates are stacked for subsequent placement of laminate or parquet on them. Installation is made on lags or on a concrete screed. Sheet thickness When mounting on a concrete screed is 8-10 mm, a stove is required to 22 mm depending on the distance between the supports. Fasteners are carried out on nails or dowels with self-drawing, sometimes glue is used as an additional fixation tool.
  • Paul N. ribbon foundation - In this case, the installation is also made on the lags from the bar, but at the same time the side of the OSB, facing the Earth is processed. It is allowed to lay two layers of plates, in this case they fit the "rotary" so that the seams are not on each other.

Chernovoy mounting features outdoor coating Fitting materials depend on the subsequent finishing processing. For example, for tiles, a solid base will be required, so it is better to use the designs of the groove-crest, when using a roll material (carpet), the gaps should be sealed with the help of glue-sealant.

  • - Schemes are used in the ceiling, as well as when fastening the floor on lags, beams are used only for the ceiling. To ensure the stiffness of the design, the main axis must be perpendicular to the beams. The ceiling is covered with a waterproof film to protect against water, special holes for removing fluid are made. Fixation is produced on self-tapping screws, screws or nails.

Installation of the ceiling with OSB

  • Installation of walls Performed on the rack of the frame house. The challenge of the chipboard is not to bore the structure, but to give the structure stiffness and create a power outline of the house. The mount is made on three frame racks using screw nails, which are driven around the perimeter each 15 cm, in the central part of the sheet - after 30 cm. When the distance between the racks, 50 cm are used with a thickness of 12 mm. The nail at the same time should be 2.5 times the thickness of the leaf itself and driven at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. So that water from the house is not condensed on the insulation and on the stove, on the inside, the material is protected by
  • From the outside of the OSP closes, it does not make moisture from precipitation to fall on the material, while it allows the wall of the house to "breathe", organizing an air exchange inside the wall. Couples out of the room freely coming out, but the moisture remains from the outside.

Multilayer wall of the frame house - "Cake cake"

Such a structure is called "pie" frame house. Main appointment multilayer Wall - Protection of OSB from condensate. Improper design leads to the development of mold and deterioration of the entire structure.

  • - Oriented plates are the basis for the subsequent fastening of the roof, the sheets are installed on the rapid system. Sheet thickness is selected depending on the step stropile foot. At 60 cm optimally use the plates with a thickness of 12 mm, at 80 cm - 15 - 18 mm, for larger step Slingers are used by PCP 22 mm. Fastening is made on screw nails, as on scope Roof The shift fastener is important. Longitudinal axis plates is perpendicular slinge system. Broadcasts of the material are connected in two ways: tongs or brackets. If there is a pinned compound, you can not make a compensation gap, otherwise the clearance should be 3 mm, and the mount is made by H-shaped brackets.

When installing the roof, the slabs are stacked by a side side to ease the movement of builders

Finish treatment

After installation needs a final finish. The material is suitable for sticking wallpaper, putty and painting. But for this surface must be prepared.

  • Sealing seams - Technological seams are not necessary. In most cases, they are closed with laminate, tiles or any other external coating. Sometimes sealing seams is even harmful. When using dry mixtures during shrinkage, the slab may be deformed. With some types of work, the seams still have to handle, for example, when painting, 3 cm gap will spoil the appearance of the room, so the slots are closed using a docking grid that is attached to the putty.
  • Grinding - Unlightened OSB has not quite even texture. To cover with paints, it is better to use polished material or handle the product yourself using a tape or eccentric grinding machine. This procedure is especially relevant before processing the flooring, as it allows you to get rid of irregularities.

The stove of factory grinding in its marking has the letter W, the unlocked product is denoted by the letter combination of NSH.

  • Primer - The simplest and most universal way to prepare the surface for finishing. The primer is applied before painting, before laying a tile, before using varnish, etc. For an oriented-chipboard, primer mixtures provide protection against moisture and increase adhesion (adhesion with other materials). Antiseptic mixtures can also be used to prevent the development of pathogenic microflora, for subsequent use alkyd paints put primer. For spitting use ground.

  • Reinforcement - imposition of reinforcing grid for subsequent plaster, laying tiles or tiles.


OSP is a multifunctional material that can be used in different areas, depending on the features of installation and processing, but there is also general principles Works with chipstones. It is necessary to take care of the minimization of water contacts. When mounting the walls, it is important to comply with the correct design of the walls to avoid the formation of condensation. When laying plates, it is impossible to forget about the need for compensatory seams.

Building yard

OSB (OSP): Features for work with plates and installation recommendations

Tips Masters


So that the oil paint does not fall when storing and so that the film does not form on it, put on the surface of the paint of the CRC of the LOW from thick paper and "fill it with a thin layer of olifa.

" Polyethylene film, shelter balcony or greenhouse, preydates from the cliff with the wind of the BECHEV, stretched on both sides with about between 10-15 cm. "

"To work with concrete mixture It was easier, it is usually added to clay, but clay reduces the strength of the mixture. Add a spoon in it washing powder At the rate of water bucket. "

"In order for the screw whose head is hidden behind the obstacle, did not rotate along with the tightened nut, you need to throw several turns of the thread or thin wire on it and slightly pull the ends. Due to the friction, the screw is well held on the spot. The ends of the thread on the fracture layer can be trimmed."

"Cut the tweeter pilot can be without coofer. It is enough to split the front side of the board in the center and cut off by a chisel or an ax of a semi-permanent size of the required size, after which again connect the halves."

Wooden tubes for screws are scattered and falling out of the village. Do not rush cut a new plug. Tightly pick up in the wall of the Kapron from the old stocking. Heated brass-resistant suitable diameter Flow hole for a screw. The ravine Capron will turn into a solid cork.

"A carpentry level is not difficult to turn into a theodolite, providing it with a sighting device from a slot and flies."

"In order for two lanes of the linoleum to lay jack, it is convenient to use a self-adhesive decorative film by putting it, under the basis of whether the noleum."

"So that the nail walked in right direction And it was not bent when scaby in a deep hole or groove, it should be placed inside the tube, fixing with mint paper or plasticine. "

Before driving a hole in concrete WallFix down a piece of paper just below. Dust and fragments of concrete will not fly around the room.

"To cut off the pipe exactly at a right angle, we advise you to drink it. Take a smooth paper strip and screw it onto the pipe along the dipping line. The plane passing through the chrome paper will be strictly perpendicular to the pipe axis."

"Spindle logs or wooden beams will help an easy when an intact - a segment of a motorcycle or cycling chain, up to a hook-entered on one side and fixed to the late Tom from the other side."

"In order for one one to work in two-handed saw, we advise you to use a simple reception: rearrange the saw handle from the top position to the bottom."

Cut the slate piece of the required size can be saw, but it is better to pierce the hole with a frequency of 2-3 cm on the line of the alleged section of the nail with a frequency of 2-3 cm, after which the slate is broken on the support.

"The best way to stick the tile to the wall: take bitumen, melt and drop only four drops in the corners of the tile. Prints on the dead."

The shaped holes in the manufacture of curly window cages are the most convenient to drink with a shovel with a sharpeble web.

"Production of stained glass - it's a long and difficult. You can make a quick imitation of stained glass. For this, it takes thin specks or rods of the vine, stick to the glass sheet, and then paint the glass and covered with varnish."

"If there was no dowel at hand, it can be made of a piece of plastic tube. For this, the body of the shares of the punched knob can be approaching. Scuffing a piece of the desired length, make a long cancer, approximately half, and a dowel is ready."

"It is known how difficult it is to hang the door, working alone. But it is enough to shorten the lower pin for 2-3 mm and will work much easier."

"Very durable, awesome and sufficient waterproof putty turns out of the bustilat, mixed with any powder - scrap, plaster, cement!, Sawdust, etc."

"If you need to screw in the ends of the chipboard screw, drill the hole slightly less than the diameter of the screw, fill the hole with the" moment "with the glue (only not epoxy!), In a day, screw the screw. The plate is not resolve. However, the resulting connection can be installed only through the load. day. "

"Fix portraits, photos, paintings in wooden frames With glass it is more convenient not carnations, but with the help of stationery CNO, bent at right angles. The buttons are softly pressing the screw. Compared to nails, the danger split the thin framework is reduced to a minimum. "

"Wrap a screw in solid wood species is not so simple. If a chill is a screw for a screw for a screw, and it's screwed to rub it with soap, then after such an operation, work will go like oil."

In order to save time, the edge of the wallpaper can be trimmed with a sharp knife, without unfolding the roll. To do this, it is necessary to pre-align the ends of the roll and a simple pencil to circle outside the edge boundary. Working a knife, the roll must be gradually rotated in the coagulation direction.

For carrying at home large sheets Plywood, La or thin iron stack conveniently use the wire with a telem with three hooks at the bottom and handle at the top.

If you want to cut into the distance in the distance of a round stick, this work is easy to perform it with a template. It is made of a metal tube with a groove in the middle. The diameter is selected so that the template slides freely on the stick.

It will be better to work with a hacksaw, if in the middle part of it, the height of the teeth is in the middle part of it.

If the front part of the machine is an arctic saw to attach the weight by weight of about a kilogram, then it will be easier to work. Cargo need to be removed, so that the saw can be broken and other works.

"The coating resembling wax can be obtained, painting the surface with diluted PVA glue. To get needed color, You need to make glue with water, tinted watercolor. "

"Make a cover on the blade toporas - easier Simple. A piece of rubber tube is taken, it is cut along and put on the blade. From scabbing it protects the ring carved from the old auto mobile chamber. "

"Get without clamp when gluing wooden Ram. It will help the liner cord. You should wear four short loops on the corners of the frame and two long strut the frames diagonally. Corners are registered with sticks that curb medium loops. "

"How to make silence a violin floor? Between the flooring you need to drill a hole at an angle of 45 ° with a diameter of 6-8 mm, to score a wooden pin in it, lubricated with joinery glue, Cre on a chisel protruding end and sharp the surface of the floor."

"To facilitate the flooring of the floor covered with varnish or paint, swallow it with an iron through a wet cloth - and work one hundred is no easier."

"A small rotation on wood can be eliminated so: the affected wood is removed from a healthy layer, and then peeped with a 10 percent solution of formalin. After drying, the area is covered and painted."

" Door hinges Will not scrip if they are lubricant in time - this is a long-known rule. But you can do without lubrication. To do this, make a puck of plastic plug and put it on a hinge pin. "

"Fabying the door latch because of the breakfast of the spring can be repaired as follows: the role of the spring will be successfully carried out by the riser of the rubber tube with a diameter of 15 mm or a piece of elastic re zea, installed between the rigle and the latch enclosures."

We offer a simple device for fixing the window frame in the open position: a wooden or plastic plate, in which a series of holes for the shatter are drilled. Plate Creates to the window box with a screw.

"Cut B. sheet material big hole It is possible about a simple way: to hold the nail into vice (it will serve as a axis) and the fragment of the drill (it will be a cutter). The circumference cuts over the rotation of the sheet around the axis. "

PRODUCED LLC KALEVALA DOCK High-quality and reliable OSP (OSB) Plates today have been widely used in the areas of production and construction. Oriented chips made from wood pinch coniferous rocks and a binder by pressing under the influence of high temperature. Moreover, for the manufacture of one plate, three layers of chips are used, in each of which chips are located in parallel with respect to each other and perpendicular to the chips of the adjacent layer. This gives material increased strength.

SPLAs are very strong, reliable, simple in processing and operation. They do not contain emptiness, bitch, do not resolve, are not deformed under the influence of moisture. That is why OSP finds use in modern construction and repair, in decorating premises, in the production of packaging and furniture items.

1. Select the appropriate plate type

To carry out work, you must select the desired plate size and proper type OSP in accordance with the indicators of humidity at the object and the level of the planned load.

There are the following modifications of plates: OSP-1. Suitable for use indoors at low air humidity and low load. Are general design constructions. OSP-2. Plates are suitable for use indoors at low humidity. Refer to categories of structures carrying a load. OSP-3. Can be used in high humidity. Refer to categories of structures carrying a load. This type of plates is most popular and in demand in the market.

How to cut chipboard (wood chipboard)

OSP-4. Plates can be used in high humidity. Different with increased levels of stability.

In addition, the plates of various thickness and format are available. The stove thickness can be from 9 to 25 mm, size is up to 2800 x 1250 mm. Also, depending on the project, you can choose plates with a flat side face, or with a "groove-comb string" that allows you to dock.

Prefer the products necessary typeDepending on where they will be operated to increase the efficiency of using the material.

2. Tips for acclimatization of plates and their protection against water and humidity

Before using an OSP on construction siteIt is advisable to withstand them in a specific object of at least 48 hours. This will allow the material to acclimatize.

In addition, it is important for the storage time to protect the plates from the harmful effects of water and moisture. And if the material has already been used for registration external surfaces object, protect it from atmospheric precipitation, sticking with a dense film. The joints of the OSP-3 plates are recommended to be seized immediately before the final finish.

3. Material processing specificity

Cutting, milling, drilling OSP can be carried out using cutting tool or drills from solid alloys. For cutting it is permissible to use also manual power tools. It is important to note that before starting processing, the OSP must be fixed, and the speed of the tools must be moderate.

4. Fastening the plates and processing of gaps

To fix the material, it is recommended to use screws, brackets or nails (only not with a smooth rod). The same connecting elements are suitable as when working with an array of wood, and their length should be at least 50 mm. The mounting of the OSP (OSB) of the plates from the middle of the upper part is beginning, moving on the sides and down.

As for the gaps, when docking plates with smooth edges, as well as other building structuresTheir width should be 3 mm. What if we are talking On plates with milling edges (with a grasty "groove-comb"), then between them the gaps are formed by themselves. In addition, when the plates are placed on the floor, between them and the wall leave a gap of 15 mm. And if the material is used to cover the walls, the gap between it and the foundation should be 10 mm.

5. Application on the surface of paints and varnishes

For processing OSP plates, you can use the same varnishes and paint as when working with other types of wood. And apply them in exact accordance with the instructions.

6. Heat and waterproofing of the OSP

As heat insulating materialused in conjunction with plates, perfectly demonstrates mineral wool. It is placed from the facade side of the building.

If the facade is planned to establish an OSP, their joints are sealed with a special insulating tape or add to the "groove-ridge" adhesive or PVA.

As for the junction between the stove and the foundation, it must be hydroizing it. For this, it will be suitable, for example, bitumen-based compositions.

7. Basic principles of storage and storage of material

The following requirements are presented to the OSP storage process:

· Ensuring protection of structures from water (atmospheric precipitation, soil isolation, etc.);

· Ensuring the protection of structures from moisture;

· Providing good ventilation.

Folding the plates is necessary on smooth surface (Making pallet or wooden lattice) Plafth. Direct contact with the soil should be avoided.


One of the largest manufacturers of OCP (OSB) plates in Russia.

Launch of the 1st line ensures the release of OSP plates in the amount of up to 300 thousand m 3 per year. The first enterprise of the timber industry complex in Russia, built within the framework of project financing.

More details

How to cut Phaneur?

Plywood today is one of the most popular materials for finishing. In this regard, many people have a question than to cut Phaneur? To answer it, it is worth familiar with some useful information.

"Golden" rules for plywood cut

In order to cut the plywood qualitatively as possible, you must adhere to a few simple rules. First, you first need to resolve across the fibers, and after which along. Such a measure helps to avoid splitting the corners and other deformations of the material.

Secondly, depending on the part of the cut, various tools should be applied. So, if we are talking about the inside, then the most the optimal choice will be manual or band-saw. If you want to cut the material with back sideYou should apply the contour or disk saw.

Thirdly, you need to know that when cutting hand circular sawThe speed of revolutions should be maintained at a high level. At the same time, the material itself is best served slowly and smoothly, since otherwise the risk of damaging the material is great.

Fourth, every person should know that regardless of the type of saw, its teeth should be small. In this case, the risk of defects are significantly reduced, in the form of a sheet of sheet.

Finally, the fifth rule should be understood that when cutting it is necessary to stick adhesive tape. This allows you to protect the surface of the sheet from chips.

Is it possible to produce a cut with a conventional hacksaw?

The above information is able to help a person deal with the question than to cut Phaneur? Depending on the specific situation The optimal tool can be different. But what to do, if you just have a hacksaw?

OSB Application Guide

If you do everything right, you can even with the help of such a primitive tool exactly cut the material.

So, if immediately after the markup, take it over the handsaw and start cutting, the edges will turn out terribly uneven. This is due to the features of plywood, however, there is a way out. Before starting to cut, you need to pour the material with boiling water, give it a little to absorb, and then remove the excess fluid. Such a measure allows you to achieve a smooth and smooth cut.

There is another way - before sawing to make cuts with acute knife. Moreover, they should be located at a distance of just 1-2 mm from each other (depending on the thickness of the tool). Such a measure allows you to avoid breaking the hacksaw and, as a result, an uneven cut.

Thus, it can be stated that any tool can produce high-quality cutting. The main thing to adhere to simple rules on cutting. However, in order to guarantee the desired result, it is better to purchase professional tools Or seek help from specialists.

Paul and ceiling

Laying OSB on the wooden floor do it yourself

OSB-slabs - a popular building material consisting of several layers of compressive and glued resins wood chipswho has become an excellent replacement of fiberboard and chipboard. Plate gluing is performed in several layers: to create external chips, it is laid in length, and for internal - already in width. Such an accommodation provides OSB stoves with increased strength and gives them the ability to hold the screws tightly (or other fasteners used).

How to fix the base plate to the wall with the outside of the house.

Unlike DVP and chipboard, OSB sheets have a normal thickness.

Several OSB layers laid on the floor provide excellent sound insulation, increase the thermal insulation characteristics, and also soften the effects with the floor when walking. Modern manufacturers Request from adding toxic substances to the composition of the plates, so this construction material is completely environmentally friendly.

With the help of OSB, the wooden floor is very often aligned, which over time has come into disrepair. OSB plates are simple in laying, do not require special skills and tools, so it is not difficult to correct the irregularities of the floor of the wood. How to do it with your own hands - read further in the material.

OSB on the wooden floor: how to lay down

If the main wooden surface has irregularities, then it is necessary to level the level using special lags, and only then begin to lay the OSB sheets. Locking bars should be installed at an even distance from each other, when taking into account joints. In some cases, to eliminate mobility wooden boards, the floor will have to go out (install new boards in problem places). FROM wooden surface It is necessary to remove the influx of paint and protrusions using sandwich. After that, it will not be superfluous to brew a wooden floor, although it is optional.

To provide maximum reliability, The lower side of OSB sheets should be covered with waterproofing. If you intend after OSB plates to lay the laminate, then on the surface of the plates it is worth making steam insulation using a polystropted film to prevent condensation.

Now we scatter on the floor of the OSB plate so that the seams of the next row operates. The junctions in the form of a cross - should not be! Also envisaged gaps between the plates - 3 mm, and around the perimeter of the walls - 12 mm. After OSB sheets, it is necessary to drill holes, and their diameter should be the same as in tree screws, which will continue to fix the base plate to the floor. Holes themselves need to drill at a distance of about 20-30 cm from each other.

Now you can proceed to the fastening of OSB plates to wooden semi. Optimal length Self-tapping screws - 45 mm and more. If there are no screws, you can use nails, but this is not the best alternative. To increase the strength and other positive characteristics, you can lay the second layer osb., but only so that the above and underlying layers of the seams were placed with a displacement of 20-30 cm (that is, the placement of the seams of the first and second layer should not coincide).

At the end of work, all the gaps can be fill in mounting foam, the remnants of which are easily cut by the construction knife after drying. That's actually all the process.

Preparation of OSB plates to the finish finish

If the Natural Figure OSB plates suits you, then you can turn it with varnish, put the plinth and the floor will be ready, but the other type of finishing can be installed on top of the plates. If you install on top of the plates, nothing is planned, then in any case it is necessary to cover them with a varnish or special substance that will be protected from coredists and excessively spent wear.

When laying a laminate on top of OSB plates special requirements Not extended. It is enough to have a surface without sudden drops, and then the laminate that is equipped with fasteners will fall on OSB plates without any problems.

But Linoleum and carpet needed perfectly smooth field. Even the smallest drops at the junctions will be given to know about themselves when used, and even externally it will not look attractive. If the carpet will be stacked elastic, then all the cracks and differences will be felt even when walking. To eliminate all irregularities floor before laying these roll Materials It will be best for obtaining one level.

How to close the gaps in the wooden floor

Marmoleum: Laying do it yourself

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