Repair Design Furniture

What they do with a hammer. Hammer: types, applicability, correct selection. Now let's look at the basic rules of work.

What instrument is present in every home? A hammer, of course. It is used in the installation and repair of various structures and mechanisms, in household use. The application is so extensive that there are more than 10 subspecies and specifications of hammers. This division helps to solve highly specialized problems clearly and accurately, spending a minimum of effort.

But the most common is an ordinary metalwork hammer, which has a handle and a working part of the usual look. It is this tool that is most in demand - out of 10 purchased hammers, 6 are locksmiths.

Any device for certain jobs must be designed in such a way as to ensure high accuracy and efficiency in performing the assigned tasks. That is why there are about 15 types of hammers, each of which increases labor productivity and reduces the amount of physical effort expended. However, any device consists of several parts, which may differ in appearance, but perform the same task. A tool such as a hammer is no exception, and has two functional parts. Each of them must meet requirements and standards, which helps to complete tasks with minimal effort.

So, regardless of the subspecies, any hammer consists of a head and a handle. The first detail is responsible for the efficiency of the work performed, the second for safety and convenience. The striking part of the hammer, in turn, is conventionally divided into several parts.

The most important is the firing pin. Durability depends on its shape and quality. In addition, this part of the hammer performs the main mechanical work, that is, it is exposed to the maximum impact and wears out faster. The end opposite to the striker is called the spout. As a rule, it has functional differences in different versions of hammers, which allows you to perform specific types of tasks - pulling out nails, crushing stone, giving relief to hard surfaces. There are models in which the spout is a firing pin of the same shape or a smaller diameter. Such hammers allow you to perform operations with greater precision and force, since the impact area is reduced, but the mass of the head remains the same.

Also, the hammer head contains a part called the cheek - the surface between the spout and the striker. Its thickness must be sufficient in order to withstand the required load during operation and not break. And the iron part of the hammer must have a hole for the handle. An exception is the all-metal tool, which is poured in shape. However, it is used in quite rare cases for specific work.

The role of the handle should be noted separately, because safety depends on the quality of its fastening. Most often, in hammers with a wooden handle, a conical shape is chosen. It allows you to tightly fix the head, and an additional wedge driven into the center improves the reliability of this connection. In more modern models, the hammer device does not require this, since the parts are made according to precise measurements and using special materials and fasteners.

The dimensions of the device and its structure are also important. Accuracy and transmitted impact force depend on the cross-sectional shape of the striker and the length of the handle. Additional functionality is provided by the shape of the back of the striker. The impact force and its effectiveness depend on what mass the head has. For example, the weight of a nail hammer usually ranges from 250 grams to a kilogram. But the weight of a sledgehammer for forging or driving piles can even reach 12 kg.

The weight of a hammer depends a lot on what tasks it is designed to perform. Many models have certain technical characteristics - a state standard that must be taken into account and implemented. For example, for a locksmith hammer, there are requirements that describe its shape with an accurate representation of the head and handle diagrams, as well as a description of the smallest details and the weight of each part.

Download GOST 2310-77

Therefore, if at the time of purchase on the product there is an inscription "metalwork hammer GOST 2310 77", you can vouch for its quality.


Different types of hammers are designed to do different jobs. It is possible to use non-core devices, but you need to understand that this will only reduce efficiency and worsen the quality of the result. This is due to the fact that the specifics of a certain task sometimes require slightly different qualities. For example, when straightening thin metals, the force of mechanical action is compensated by a large recoil, which can cause additional damage. Therefore, for accurate work, you will need a tool with a working part that can reduce or completely extinguish the reaction force.

Depending on the task to be performed, there is a developed specification of the hammers. Most of them are described in detail and have certain GOST quality standards. However, it should be borne in mind that in some factories and workshops, technical conditions established on an individual basis are used for manufacturing. In some cases, this is done due to the improvement of one of the parts, its improvement. But there are exceptions that allow violations of the manufacturing and assembly technology of the hammer, which reduces the quality, service life and safety. Therefore, before purchasing, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's reputation, as this directly affects human life and health.

The most common type of hammer is the bench hammer. This view is found in almost every home.

It has the simplest head structure, which allows it to be used as a universal tool. Such a hammer is used to hammer in various fasteners and when assembling furniture, with its help, the installation of wooden structures and the upholstery of the interior are carried out. It is impossible to ignore the hammer in operations such as chopping, forging or straightening finished products.

Also, for work that requires a certain more gentle impact, wooden hammers can be used. They are called mallets and are used for processing soft metals.

In the assembly and repair of cars, a specific rubber tool is used. It is called a rubber mallet and allows you to straighten out dents without the risk of additional damage. Plus, the soft material allows you to compensate for recoil and reduce it to near zero.

When there is a need for a purchase, the master, as a rule, understands what type and amount of work will need to be done with the help of the tool. Therefore, it is necessary to determine which hammer should be purchased based on these parameters.

  1. We define the type. To do this, we estimate the frequency of performing specific tasks. For example, whether it will be necessary to close the roof or lay tiles in the near future. Perhaps the listed process is a professional activity. In this case, it is necessary to purchase a tile or roofing hammer. However, most often it is enough to purchase a plumbing tool.
  2. We calculate the weight. It is important to consider this parameter when choosing a hammer. For large-sized products, it will be necessary to use sufficiently large nails, which, in turn, will require a greater impact force and striker area. To save on the physical costs of hammering, choose a heavier hammer with a long handle. For example, a hammer as a tool for this type of work is ideal.
  3. Choosing a shape and size. Even certain subtypes of hammers have different functional adaptations that need to be considered in terms of necessity. For example, a tool with a nailer nose will cost more than a conventional wedge head. It is worth determining the appropriateness of the overpayment yourself.
  4. Additional equipment. Modern tools have a number of advantages. For example, more prominent handles allow for better grip and less effort in the process. And additional rubber pads insure against accidental slipping. As a result, productivity will increase due to more hammer blows. Therefore, if there is a choice between a more modern and a classic version, you need to choose a more advanced version.

Thus, it becomes clear that in order to choose the right hammer, you need to decide on its functional purpose. The type of work and their volume should be thought out in advance, because its weight, shape and additional equipment will depend on this. Only with the help of such a sequence is it possible to accurately select a tool for solving certain technical problems.

A hammer is an impact tool used for a wide variety of tasks. It consists of a handle and a head, which is its working part. The tool can be used for forging, deforming or breaking various elements, as well as hammering nails, chisels and chisels.

Design and features

Hammers differ among themselves primarily in weight and handle length. There are also differences in form and purpose. The classic design is a wood or modern polymer grip with a headband. The handle can also be metal if the tool is made by casting. If the handle is wooden, then most often it is cut from hard species: ash, oak, hazel, hornbeam, birch, maple.

The working part of the headband, which is in direct contact during operation, is called the firing pin. The back of the head can also repeat the shape of the striker or be sharpened for a chisel, stake or nail puller. The purpose of the instrument depends on the shape of the striking part, the angle of inclination of various elements, as well as the back side.

The headband can be made from carbon steel, soft metals such as copper and brass, and wood or rubber. Steel hammers can be monolithic or hollow ball-filled hammers when the headband is three-quarters filled with small pellets to make the tool more accurate. This modification is called non-bouncing. Internal rolling of the filling ensures inertia damping. The non-bounce design allows for improved sheet metal handling where a bouncing tool after impact can cause an unwanted indentation towards the desired impact point.

Types and types

The hammer is a versatile tool that has a huge range of applications. In this regard, to perform individual tasks, various variations of this tool were created, differing among themselves in weight, material of manufacture, geometry and other parameters. There is a special form for almost every area of ​​work.

There are the following types:
  • Carpentry.
  • Joiners.
  • Locksmiths.
  • For a stone.
  • Tiled.
  • Roofing.
  • Straightening.
  • For driving in posts, forging and dismantling.

It is easily recognizable due to the special design of the back. It is made in the form of a nail puller. The tool can be used to drive in nails as well as pull them out. Its firing pin is perfectly flat, so it is convenient to work with it when hammering in fasteners, preventing them from entering at a non-right angle. Often, the end face of the working part of carpenter hammers has a rounded shape. The tool weighs between 300 and 800 g.

Also, the carpentry structure has an additional improved modification, which is equipped with a special step between the striker and the nailer. It is equipped with a built-in magnet, which allows you to fix the nail without hands for quick knocking down with one blow, after which further hammering can be carried out directly with the main working part. The magnetized tool is made in one piece, since the design features do not allow the formation of a step if it is necessary to prepare a hole for a wooden handle.


It is produced in a weight range from 100 to 800 g. Its impact surface is absolutely flat, and the reverse side is a wedge. Such a tool is ideally balanced because it is designed to deliver precise strikes. The hammer is suitable for driving small carpentry nails. This design has a rounded striker with a turned chamfer, which is necessary to prevent dents in the wood.

Mallets can also be attributed to the carpentry category. These bulky tools are made entirely of wood. They are used to hammer in wooden wedges or work with chisels. When the mallet hits the wooden end of the chisel, it does not crack, as in the case of contact with a hard steel surface.


The locksmith's hammer is the most common. It can be found in almost every trunk of a car. It has a universal purpose and is used for a wide range of tasks. Its front part has a square or circular cross-section, often convex in shape. The back is a blunt wedge. This tool is resiliently hardened to prevent it from shattering when hitting hard surfaces such as a core. As a result, deformation may occur during operation. For this reason, the tool needs to be monitored, since when the headband edge splashes, a piece of metal may break off, which is traumatic.

Stone hammer

This category includes several varieties of hammers that are used to split stone, concrete, brick and other building materials. The design feature is a flat striker with a sharpened wide rear part. This tool is induction-hardened, which makes it durable and tough to handle.

Also, the so-called "bushard" belongs to the category of hammers for working with stone. This is a specific tool that sculptors use to neatly chip off stone chips. There are thorns on the working part of such a hammer, which provide pinpoint destruction of granite, marble and other natural materials.


The hammer is a lightweight tool weighing less than 75 g. It has a very hard front and a pointed back. Its shape allows precise chipping of ceramic tiles to give them the desired shape. By striking with the back side, you can split the tile in half, and using the front firing pin, you will be able to destroy individual sections, which is sometimes required to obtain rounded edges when laying around pipes and other obstacles.

Although this tool is professional, the vast majority of tilers do not use it. The fact is that with the help of such a hammer it is impossible to break off a part of the tile exactly. The edge turns out to be wavy and unattractive, which spoils the overall picture from laying, therefore, either with a diamond wheel it copes with the task much better.


Used to work with sheet metal for roof construction. The striker of the tool is made of steel or has a polymer lining. The back part is a pointed wedge with which you can create holes in the roof or unbend bent metal. The wedge is on the side of the back, so it looks like the hammer is broken. There is a nailer in the center.


They are used for leveling or deformation of tin products. With their help, sheet metal is bent, for example, when leveling dents on the car body. The striker of the tool can be made in a rounded shape or have rubber, leather and polyurethane pads. The straightening hammer with a ball-shaped back side allows you to make a convex surface from flat metal. With gentle blows from the center with a circular motion, the surface is stretched to the required parameters. Such a hammer is indispensable for straightening convex body parts of a car or boat.

A conventional flattening hammer with soft tips allows you to deform metal sheets with minimal noise, without creating unnecessary dents on their surface from impacts. The tool allows you to bend sheet metal without leaving embossed marks on it.

For driving in posts, forging and dismantling

For heavy tasks, sledgehammers and hammers are used. They belong to the most massive instrument. Their design is characterized by a long handle and a heavy head, weighing up to 16 kg. The sledge hammer is a two-handed hammer, with a long handle and a heavy headband, while the hammer itself is more close to the classic metalwork hammer, but with two strikers on the front and back.

Such a tool is used for crushing stones, concrete and other materials. Also, with the help of a sledgehammer or hammer, pillars, wedges and racks are hammered. Their headband shape can be rounded or square. To ensure a strong blow, the length of the sledgehammer handle is usually 80-120 cm, and the length of the hammer is 30-40 cm.

Some people think they are well versed in carpentry and joinery. Especially when it comes to tools. One has only to look at the photo of the hammer and everything is immediately clear. In fact, more often than not, the picture looks completely different. Many outwardly similar tools suggest different purposes. Even a tool that is simple in its name, such as a hammer, is divided into several varieties, and each has its own specific function.

Hammers are used in different areas. Such a concept is familiar, for example, for medicine, for shoemaking. In a specific case, those varieties that are used in construction are interesting.

Locksmith hammer

The instrument got its name from a specific profession. Its practicality gives it the right to be considered the most common species. The shape of the hammer head is the presence of a flat striker on one side and sharp points on the other. The wedge-shaped side is called the spout. The weight of the tool, taking into account a wooden or plastic handle, can range from 200 grams to 1 kilogram.

To choose the right tool, you can look through the catalog of locksmith hammers. It is easier to hammer in small nails with small, light tools. To do this, use the narrow part of the striker. When installing glazing beads or securing the lining, this side of the hammer works best for the job.

A different range of construction processes is provided for heavy types of locksmith hammers. They are used when hammering large-sized nails, when bending metal sheets and other more time-consuming work. Over time, the metal head can fly off the butt (handle).

In such cases, it is a good idea to know how to make the hammer work again. Craftsmen do not always throw out rejected tools. Whenever possible, they try to get him back into work.

Roof hammers

Roof work involves the use of several types of hammers, united by a single name for roofing. But this does not mean at all that they are all intended solely for securing the upper roofing elements (metal sheets). They have a wider range of uses. Roofers generally use hammer sets.

Working with a nailer

This variety is considered universal. On average, nail hammers weigh up to six hundred grams. This hammer can be used by carpenters and roofers. The uniqueness of the variety is given by a nailer located on one edge of the hammer. On the other side there is a round convex striker.

The hammer copes with its main purpose perfectly. It is most convenient for them to pull out previously hammered nails. His help is invaluable when dismantling wooden plinths, bars, boards, logs, and other wood products connected with nails. Convenience and practicality when using a nailer are manifested in the construction of lathing and installation of bituminous tiles.

The nailer can be a solid metal hammer with a rubber handle or a plastic surface at the grip. There are also wooden or plastic handles, but they wear out faster. Integrity allows the tool to work for a long time.

Where are mallets used

Mallets are lightweight hammers. They are made of wood or rubber and are used in cases where you need to check the quality of the work performed in order to eliminate defects in time. For example, determine the adhesion strength of the tile layer to the base with a rubber hammer, identify and eliminate voids, trim the row. He gained great popularity when working with paving slabs.

Understandably, rubber hammers are used when brittle materials are involved. Mainly to prevent the formation of defects on the surface of the base material, the product.

The wooden variety is used for molding work, leveling the formed dents and bumps on the surface of metal sheets. Interest in this type of tool increases when it becomes obvious that making a hammer with your own hands is not particularly difficult.

There are some simple tips for those wishing to work with different hammers. You should always choose the tool that is best suited for the job. A good choice will contribute to good speed in carrying out the work and, of course, guarantees a high-quality performance.

The hammer is not a toy. It can become dangerous in the hands of an amateur. When working with it, you need to take into account and follow the safety rules:

  • do not play with a hammer;
  • do not use a broken tool;
  • do not work with views containing chips and cracks.

Photo of hammers

Hammer v farm- an irreplaceable thing, especially if you are used to doing a lot with your own hands. With the help of this simple tool, you can perform not only the usual operations for us, for example, hammer a nail, but also many other works, because today there are very many different hammers in for various applications. Let's figure out what types of hammers there are, what is their purpose, and we will try to decide how to choose a hammer.

1. Hammer construction and basic materials

The first hammer appeared a long time ago. We can say that this is the first of the tools that people used for their needs. We have all seen the hammer, held it in our hands many times, and we know that the simplest hammer consists of two main elements: handle and head.
Head has an asymmetrical shape, one part of it has a sharpening, which is called a wedge, and the other part is flat or slightly convex, it is called a firing pin. This is the main hammer head, which accounts for the main work. It has sufficient strength and surface area to withstand repeated impacts on hard surfaces. Wedge-shapedpart hammer is used to split something or when minting. Its shape allows for greater impact force due to the smaller contact surface area.

In the center of the head there is a special hole for attaching the handle, which is called horse... Usually it is made in the form of a round or oval hole, which smoothly turns into a cone. After attaching the head to the handle, the part of it that protrudes from the hole is wedged so that it completely occupies the internal cavity of the seat. Such a mount prevents the head from falling off.

In order to ensure high strength and durability of the head, it is made made of high-strength metal by forging, casting or milling, followed by heat treatment. Special hardening modes allow achieving high surface strength with a viscous core. The hardened surface layer reaches 3-5 mm. This structure provides high hardness, but at the same time protects head from fragility. For protection heads from corrosion, it is covered with electroplating or special types of paints are used.

Universalmaterial for the manufacture of handles the hammer has always been wood. It is very durable, does not slip in the hand and has a long service life, and if you break the handle during use, it is very easy to replace it or even make it yourself. Very important so that the grains of the wood from which the handle is made are perpendicular to the head. In this case, if it breaks down, you will not be injured. Breed the tree should be a certain kind... For these purposes, beech, birch, ash, oak, hornbeam, maple or mountain ash are well suited. Pine, aspen, alder and spruce are not suitable species.

There are handles made of metal or plastic, and more modern hammers come with fiberglass handles. This is a new material that has proven itself very well in use. It does not slip in the hand and helps to reduce the force of recoil on impact. The metal handles are hollow inside, have the shape of a circle in cross-section, and are covered with rubber for ease of use. The plastic handles are also covered with rubber. Plastic, metal or fiberglass grips have two Benefits in front of a tree: they do not dry out over time and do not swell when in contact with water. Choose depending on what material is more convenient and pleasant for you to work with. The main thing is that the handle is much lighter than the head and has the appropriate length.

2. Locksmith hammer and its purpose

Design a locksmith's hammer is described in detail in the first paragraph. This is the simplest and common type working tool. He intended for hammering, breaking, bending or straightening parts. The pointed edge in the form of a wedge allows you to hammer in a nail with a small head and work in a hard-to-reach place where the wide part of the head cannot fit.

The striker of a locksmith's hammer can have not only a square, but also a round shape in cross-section. The square type has one flaw- if at the moment of impact you skewed the hammer and the inclined angle fell on the surface of the material being processed, there will certainly be a dent on it. Such defects are especially upsetting when assembling new furniture.

Since the bench hammer is designed to apply multiple series of blows, it must be completedfrom very durable material... Perfect fit chrome vanadiumsteel, which has increased hardness, which will help to avoid deformation or destruction of the striker. The weight The plumbing hammer ranges from depending on its number. Of everything exists five numbers, weight No. 1 - 200 g, No. 5 - 800 g. Choose the weight of the hammer, depending on the type of work and physical strength of the worker. Lengthhandles, on average, is 300-400 mm.

3. Joiner's hammer

Design carpenter's hammer has a distinctive feature... At one of its ends, a special slot is made, which can have a different angle of separation and slightly curved edges. This bifurcation serves to extract nails from the required surface. Hammers with a large groove angle are called Californian, and with a smaller angle, European. But not all carpentry hammers are designed with a nailer at one end. There are tools with regular wedge at the end and perfectly flat striker.

Handle may be completed made of wood, metal or plastic with a rubber coating to prevent slipping in the hand. Such hammers are considered more accurate than percussion instruments. Weight its head lies in the range of 100-800 g in 50 g increments.

A joiner's hammer can look very simple - the impact part made of tool steel and a wooden handle, or have a more ergonomic shape and some additional features. For example, its handle can be made made of high-strength material fiberglass or carbon, and the drum is made of titanium or other high-strength steel with special anti-corrosion coating and passed a special heat treatment. As an additional function, a nail holder can be present, which allows you to do the work with one hand. And its design can be collapsible or prefabricated, which makes it very compact and easy to store.

4. Sledgehammer

it the biggest, powerful and heavy kind of hammer.The weight such a tool can reach 4-10 kg, but there are also more serious tools with a weight of the working part and up to 16 kg. Their apply for work that requires high impact force, but low accuracy, for example, dismantling partitions, old tiles, crushing concrete or stone, driving posts into the ground, driving wedges and other hard work.

Head of this instrument performed made of high-strength steel by forging with subsequent heat treatment in the form of hardening to the required hardness and can be in the form of a parallelepiped or a conventional hammer. By the way, hardened layer depth after quenching reaches 30 mm. The handle has a larger diameter and length compared to previous models, which means two-handed operation.

Length handle is directly proportional to the weight of the working part of the sledgehammer: the higher it is, the longer the handle and can reach 120 cm, but usually it is in the range of 80-90 cm. The cheapest sledgehammers have a wooden handle, but they can also be all-metal.

Hole, into which the handle is inserted, has a conical shape, and the handle itself is inserted from above and does not need to be wedged. This assembly method is completely prevents slipping massive head. When working with a sledgehammer, you must be extremely careful, because it is considered a traumatic tool. Varieties sledgehammers several, but the most used is a blunt-nosed sledgehammer weighing 2-16 kg, longitudinal silt with a sharp-nosed transverse, which weigh from 3 to 8 kg. Preferred Stick Option- rubberized, it is more expensive than a wooden one, but the tool will be securely held in your hands and dampen vibration during impacts.

5. Mallet

This type of hammer can also include straightening hammers... They are intended to align iron products that have suffered deformation, drainage systems, roofing and other works that are associated with the use sheet metal.

Such a tool has one very interesting feature... The striking part of the straightening hammer is made with an internal cavity filled with sand or fine shot. Such a structure made it possible to completely extinguish the inertia of the hammer during the impact. When working, it does not bounce off the surface and practically "sticks" to it. Such hammers got the name inertia-free... They are made of rubber or polyurethane, and some models are made of metal with replaceable heads from a softer material.

Mallets are intended for plumbing and joinery work, namely for straightening, leveling or adjusting large elements made of soft metals or wood. Impact part instrument made from rubber or hardwood such as birch or elm. Rubber can be either black or white. Whitemallets preferable, since black rubber strikes may leave dark stripes on light surfaces.

As handle material use wood, plastic or metal, usually the handle has the shape of a circle in cross section. Depending on the destination mallets can have different shapes of the striking part. Carpentry tools are cylindrical or barrel-shaped, while locksmith mallets have one side wedge-shaped. The advantage of these types of hammers is that they do not leave dents or marks on the work surface.

When choosing mallets need to be guided by the type of work performed. If these are more precise actions, then a tool with a small weight from 220 to 450 g is enough for you, if you need a large impact force, then pay attention to an instrument weighing from 900 to 1000 g. Price policy this type of hammer is very different, but you should not choose the most expensive mallet. You will hardly be able to find differences from the average pricing policy tool, which means that you will overpay for the “name”.

6. Pick or Pick

This hand tool is used for working with hard materials, namely, with stone or stony ground, for dismantling old masonry and many other heavy work. Design picks are very simple. It consists of a striking part and a handle. The striking part can be bilateral or unilateral... The second option will look like a long spike, at the end of which there will be a rounding or a regular hammer. A reversible pick has either two symmetrical long spikes, or a spike and a narrow blade. In any embodiment, the pins will be slightly bent, and arc... This design is more productive and allows you to reduce the force of recoil during the impact.