Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a summer shower at the cottage: step-by-step instructions, photos, video, recommendations! Country crafts from plastic pipes Shower of polypropylene pipes with hands

For a long time, he experienced difficulties in order to just pay his dog. With a short-term shutdown of water, the dog ran away, and the hose scared her to death, so I had to somehow get out, and it took a lot of time and strength. Not everyone will be bathed in a dog in his own bath. So what remains?

Build a street shower for your PSA from polypropylene pipes. This work does not require special skills. All connections are made on dry, without using adhesive substances, so the shower is easily disassembled, and you can send it to storage until the next time.

Considering the cost of polypropylene pipes and accessories, this design is no longer a budget, but believe me, it is worth it. Making street shower for the dog with your own hands, you will not regret.

To work, you will need the following materials and tools:

1. Materials:

1. Polypropylene tube of suitable cross section - just over 11 meters:
2. 79 cm. - Eight segments;
3. 101.5 cm. - Three segments;
4. 100 cm. - One segment;
5. 93 cm. - One segment;
6. 6 cm. - One segment;
7. 4.5 cm. - One segment.
8. Corner tees - 8 pcs;
9. Tees under 90 ° C - 3 pcs.;
10. Rotate on 45 o C;
11. Hinged adapter with pipes on the hose;
12. Flexible water supply hose;
13. Metal clamp for fixing the hose.

2. Tools:
- metal hacksaw (perfectly suitable for sawing polypropylene pipes);
- screwdriver;
- construction roulette;
- drilling machine or drill with a drill to do the holes in the pipe;
- A pair of clamps or something suitable for fixing the pipe during drilling (if you use the usual electrode).

Step 1: Prepare details

Follow the polypropylene tube on the specified dimensions and cut the parts using a metal hacksaw.

Measure the desired length of the flexible hose for the flow of water to the soul and prepare the segment of the required size.

Collect all the details and proceed to pre-assembling the design.

Step 2: Soul Assembly

Collect side frames from segments of 79 cm using angular tees.

Connect them with each other with long pipe sections of 101.5 cm. There are three of them in the list of necessary materials. The fourth segment is broken into two details: 93 and 6 cm. Between them there will be a cutting for the supply of a flexible hose.

To carry out the cutting, connect the details of the tee under 90 ° C. Connect the rotation to 45 ° C. Fix the metal adapter from the pipe to the hose. The author used a hinge adapter with a crane so that water can be adjusted to supply water without departing from the PSA.

Jump the hose on the adapter and secure the connection using a metal clamp and screwdriver.

On the upper strapping of the soul there is another longitudinal tube in order to increase the volume of water supplied and make the bathing even more efficient.

For it, use a pipe cut 100 cm. Here you will need the last two tees left in the list on 90 o C. Connect them to the opposite ends of the part and try on the estimated place.

Mark the place of the insert marker or chalk. Split pipe and connect the item.

Step 3: Drilling holes

However, if the drilling machine was not at hand, you successfully use the usual electric door. Although in this case will have to sweat.

In order not to spoil the details and comply with all precautions, use the clamps. This will allow you to securely secure the pipe on the spot while you will drill holes in it.

The holes are provided in the three top longitudinal details of the soul and are located at a distance of about 3 other from each other. For one's own convenience, the author previously stacked the marker to a flat line along the pipe.

Disconnect the pipes that intend to drill before work.

Please note that when a subsequent assembly of the holes in the pipes should be placed in such a way that the flow of water rushes towards the center of the structure. So, as shown in the last photo. Since you connected the items without using adhesive substances, tilt control will be as comfortable for you.

Pick up the suitable drill size. If a reduced water pressure in the water supply system, it is better to use smaller drill.

Step 4: Test Drive!

I liked the souls, what to say. The flow of water is moderate, and it can be adjusted with a crane. The owner is always near and offense will not give.

PVC tubes have proven itself not only in the plumbing, but also in the country area. In today's selection, I want to offer you 27 comfortable models, which will make your country living easier. For example, on the first photo, the convenient frame of the greenhouse, in the base - a thick tube, insert thinner pipes, stretch the agrofibur from above.

Light summer tent canopy from PVC

The idea of \u200b\u200ba simple lung in the assembly and disassembling a canopy from the Sun, which can be decomposed in a few minutes. Two arcs on which the tent fabric is stretched, and the transverse tube is a strut. And you can already sit in the shade or hiding from the summer rain.

Deep watering in drought

In the heat sometimes it happens to moisten the plants from above, as the moisture simply does not reach the deep roots. Having mounted next to a tree or plant PVC tube with drilled holes, you deliver the lifelike moisture directly to the roots.

Tool holders from PVC pipes

Here is such a simple device will help you always keep your instrument in a vertical position, convenient to use, without any problems, you can pull out rakes, forks or shovel, without experiencing inconvenience.

Girling with PVC pipe arcs

Convenient Grokery Greenhouse, PVC arches are inserted into wider diameter holders screwed to the corners of a wooden carcass. Comfortable spring version of the lung guinea for greens.

The idea of \u200b\u200bgreenhouses from PVC pipes

However, not only a greenhouse, but even a greenhouse can be made with their own hands from PVC. Using fittings you can give a greenhouse the required form, combine all the framework elements.

Comfortable chairs for weeding from PVC pipes

Often, work in the garden requires a long stay in a bent position, so for the weeding, for example, it will be very high by the way. Dimensions and height can be chosen.

Cut for chickens from PVC pipe

Your chickens will always be able to get food, even in your absence in the country, if you do such a long-term feeder. Fall asleep in the cavity of the pipe you can easily go to the city in cases, even for a few days, without fear that your pets will remain hungry.

Seed fit device

It is possible to plant seeds without even flexing if you make this original seeder from PVC pipe. Please note that the seeder has another plus - it is with a step, that is, a planting seed, you automatically outlines the next landing site.

Feeder - Mooder for Goat

With this device you can make your goat and feed it. The height of the podium is such that it is possible to milk without flexing, just sitting on the stool.

Wolter for chickens from PVC pipes

Original aviary for your chickens for a period of summer content. From time to time, Woller can be moved from place to place so that the bird always has a green grass.

Hose holder

Comfortable hose holder. The device can be stationary and mobile, with wheels for transporting the hose on the site.

Holders for tomatoes

The carcass that supports the trunks of tomato will be a good option for those who grow tomatoes in the open ground.

Twells for cucumbers from PVC pipes

And this is the option of a grinder for cucumbers growing on the garden.

And here is such a variant of the tag, which will support the capers of the cucumbers.

Strawberry growing turret

There is a method of growing strawberries in PVC turrets, covered ground, with holes in which strawberry sockets plant.

Dacha Penal Penal

So that all sorts of trifles are not lost and always were in one place, make a PVC pipe penal for them, with a retrointed cap.

Cartridge guar and flower

Such a mobile greenhouse can be used to protect young landings from night frosts. On the day it can be removed to the bed, or open only the upper part.

Holder for small things

The original idea of \u200b\u200bthe holder for all sorts of country things. Of the short trimming of PVC pipes, you can make a stylish design, which will be perfectly stored small Skarb.

PVC pipe rack for giving

PVC pipes can serve you as the basis for the country rack. The shelves can be made of both wood and chipboard blanks.

Country car

Some homemakes are so original that they fit to give them a premium for originality and convenience. In such a cart you can carry hay, compost, bags, some country cargoes.

Drinking bowl for Kur.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe drinking box for poultry from PVC pipes. Nipples for drinking can be ordered to Aliexpress, there they are a penny, unlike shops.

Rack for drawers in pantry

A spacious shelving for storing boxes with things can be made for the garage and for the Hozblock.

Drip irrigation system for dachas of PVC pipes

The photo shows the idea of \u200b\u200ba drip irrigation system for giving. You can choose the required cell size, or distribute the pipes in parallel, including flexible hoses from droppers into the system.

Bird feeders

Original bird feeder from thick PVC pipes. The principle of the feeder is such that the feed can be covered for a long time and birds will always be able to have a snack at a convenient time.

PVC pipe lamp

Very beautiful idea - make a lamp on solar panels from carved PVC pipes. In the evening, the lamp will be highlighted from the inside the space of the pipe, and we will observe the vegetable pattern.


The idea of \u200b\u200bthis seedrian extensive is that water with nutrients is in the pipe.

Roof and trays cleaning device

By connecting the hose to the extension from PVC pipe, you can wash the roof, clean the water drain and so on.

And in winter it is possible to clean the roof from the snow with the help of PVC.

Today I have everything! I hope that these ideas of crafts and fixtures from PVC pipes for your cottage and private house will help you in the farm!

The best holiday after tense work on its summer cottage is a pleasant, warm, relaxing shower, which not only affects soothing, but also remove the nervous tension accumulated over the whole day.

To install the soul, use epoxy resin for the manufacture of which is used by special fillers for resins.

Therefore, many gardeners equip their sectors with summer shower cabins.

Summer shower on your cottage

The shower cabin outdoors is perhaps one of the most important buildings on the site. With it, it is not only possible to wash your body after a whole day of work on its site, but also refresh yourself in the summer heat.

Before mounting the shower cabin on its site, it is necessary to optimally choose a place for this. The shower must be on a small distance from the main structure, most often behind the house.

After the owner of the site decided on the shower site and the size of the shower cabin, it can start mounting. This room should be at least 1 sq.m. By area, but preferably a little larger.

If a shower fabric is planned, in order to undress and rave dry things, the construction area is doubled. The height of the structure is usually approximately 2.5 meters.

In general, the sizes of our cabin are equal to 1.0x2.0x2.5 m, this is the optimal option. If the installation of the cab is planned from a tree, then it is necessary to mount a frame using a tree bars or metal corners.

Walls in the shower, for the best ventilation method must retreat from the ceiling and floor for twenty centimeters. They can be constructed from materials remaining after the main construction of a nursery house.

Water shower equipment

When installing the shower cabin on its summer cottage, the owner must necessarily think in advance how to equip the supply and removal of water. Since the removal and supply system is mounted at the time of bookmark the foundation of the future shower cabin.

Water in the shower room is very often served from the source at a remote distance. Such a source can serve as a well, drilled on a plot or standard water supply.

Nowadays, due to the presence of plastic pipes of a small diameter, combine the cabin with the main source of water supply, will not be much difficult. What is beneficial to these pipes, they are more durable and are not covered with rust and various erosions, like metal pipes.

They are sold in the bays, and there are no special troubles during the laying of a pipe for water supply, it is necessary to provide only a connection with the main source, which can be done with a small, rubber piece of hose.

You can easily connect a plastic tube with a cumulative shower tank. The advantage of such pipes is that if they were mounted not by capital, they can be easily removed from the site for the winter period.

Drain of water in the shower

Water removal after washing, can be made in various ways. Some owners of country sites, absolutely do not drain the water.

One of the most normal ways to make a watering of water to centralized sewer, but, unfortunately, such an opportunity is not every owner of the country area.

The best way, of course, remains the waste and drainage pit. It does not require much costs, and allows wastewater to go deep into the ground. A hole for drainage waters can be placed under the shower, or in close proximity to it.

It turns out in a depth of no more than 50-60 cm, the size of the sides is 1.0x1.0 m. After the pit is dug, the soil in it is tightly trambed and covered with rubble or broken bricks.

On top of a pitted pit, put a plastic, steel or wooden pallet.

After that, mounted a shower cabin. If the wedding pit is near, it is best to make a removal of a sewer pipe from plastic.

Photo of ideas how to make a summer shower in the country

Holidays in nature is an excellent way to relax. Some leave to the village, others - to the cottage where comfortable lounge chairs are waiting for them, allowing you to forget about the environment and build a little. Such attributes remove the voltage from the spine and almost all the muscles, it is worth only to choose the most comfortable option: a rocking chair, an ordinary folding chair or sun bed.

It is easiest to buy a ready chaise longue, picking it up under the interior of the cottage or under your individual needs. But not everyone has financial opportunities. The model made by your own hands is more appreciated and fully corresponds to the taste of its owner.


Create homemade sun loungers does not represent complexity. Before starting work, you must choose the view of this furniture that you want to implement. There are several of them:

  • Armchair. As the basis, you can take items from a crib or clamshells. Armrests are made at will.
  • Sunbed. The creation process takes about four hours. The product can be created from plastic or wood, which is perfectly grinding and varnished.
  • Rocking. His back is at an angle, so it is possible to lie down, relax, to rise. At the same time, it is important to make a strong bottom attribute so that it does not break when swinging.

In addition to the distribution of products in appearance, there are variations of structural types:

  • Monolithic. When it is created, all the elements are fastened, so the disassembly is impossible. Such a chaise lounge is durable and durable, but here the back and the product is not regulated as a whole it does not develop. As a result, problems may arise with its transportation.
  • Portable.A reliable and compact folding attribute has a special mechanism that makes it easy to adjust its position.
  • Savory with inserts.The practical product will decorate any interior due to attractive appearance. But inserts from other materials do not guarantee durability.

If the chaise lounge is made of durable materials, it can be supplemented with a blanket, pillows and other objects for a comfortable stay.

Possible materials

When choosing a deck charm manufacturer, you need to take into account its location. It may be a country area, a beach, a special pool place or even at home. There are the following options:

  • Wooden. This design is durable, comfortable, environmentally friendly, differs in forms and appearance. The only drawback is a big weight. To facilitate the transfer of the sun lounger, wheels are attached to the legs.
  • Plastic.Products are lightweight, inexpensive, it is easy to care for them. Of the negative sides - the briefness.
  • Fabric.Attributes are convenient and compact. The frame can be made of boards, metal, profile pipe.
  • From rattan.Against the background of nature, such chaise lounges look unmatched. They are environmentally friendly, but they are expensive. If you have skills for weaving, make such an attribute for rest is easy.
  • From PVC. The same suits with a fabric base, however, the framework of the frame is the PVC pipe.

It is not difficult to make a chaise longue on its own, it is necessary to correctly determine the dimensions of all items and spend several hours on their assembly.

Making various options scheme

Before starting to make an attribute for rest, you need to draw it a scheme. It plays an important role, because it defines the dimensions of the elements for the product, their form, quantity and other parts. You can make such a scheme yourself, but not everyone can. Therefore, we give an example of such a scheme. High-quality chaise lounge (fabric) will succeed in such a drawing with dimensions.

It remains only to find materials to create a sun bed. There are also other drawing options for different types of chairs.

From wooden lattice

Such a chaise lounge is quite durable, reliable, and its back is adjusted. For such a model, wooden plates from coniferous rocks should be taken, as they are resistant to climatic changes. Here is a scheme with the specified sizes:

All work is done in stages:

  • A frame of bars is created, it is fastened with metal corners.
  • Boards are attached to the outside, and they are legs.
  • The stove is poured with an electrolybiz and a wooden grille is made.
  • The adjustable back is separated from the main part of the attribute and fastens with the door loop.
  • A mounting plate is attached to the head of the head of the head, and the rack is joined to it.
  • The finished product is grouped and covered with varnish.

If lying in the future will often move from one place to another, it is better to attach wheels to his legs, because the weight of the attribute itself will be considerable.

Fabric on the frame

Work on the frame takes place in this order:

  • Finished basic base is taken From clamshell or baby cot. In the absence of such a rack of the desired length is taken or cut and grind.
  • Holes are drilled in the main frame, The other is supplied with cutouts (4 pieces) to adjust the tilt of the back.
  • Holes are made at both ends of the railto install seats.
  • Armediffs of round cross section lubricated with glue and installed in the holes.

Now the seat should be prepared. To do this, add the basis of the product and measure the segment of the canvas. It must be saved for a comfortable placement of the owner. All edges are processed on the sewing machine. Then the canvas wrap the transverse round crossbar and from both sides nourish it with small cloves. The attribute is ready and can be enjoyed with rest.

From pallets

This is the easiest option to create a sun bed. Such a product has a small weight (it is easy to move in different places) and practical (you can put a mattress for greater comfort). The work happens in the following order:

  • Pallets disassembleAll nails are pulled out.
  • A framework of two smooth boards is made.They are put on the edge and in parallel to each other, and the rest are cut in half and are attached to the base. As a result, it turns out a seating with two supporting legs from behind.
  • To create anterior legs into two equal parts, the board is cut down from the pallet. Next, with the help of the bolts, they are screwed to the base of the seating and are tightened with nuts through the washers. The transverse bar is needed to strengthen the legs.
  • The back is created from two boards, Which are connected to the seating frame with bolts, nuts, washers. It should be done at an equal corner. After that, on the supporting boards, the boards for the backrest are attached to the supporting boards. The bar is attached to the rear legs - it is necessary for the strength of the structure.

The completion step is grinding the attribute by the sandpaper.

To prevent the rotting of the boards, the product is covered with varnish.

From polypropylene pipes

The drawing of such a chaise lounge is identical with fabric, only the wooden frame here is replaced with polypropylene tubes. Two-inch pipes are needed to create a product, fittings in the form of letters "G" and "T" 8 and 6 pieces, respectively. The assembly process has several stages:

  • First, a vertical plank is made. The T-shaped connector is taken and the pipes 30 and 45 cm are bonded with it. M-shaped fittings are dressed on the ends. The lower vertical is also bonded and the two sides are connected.
  • Important moment: horizontal crossbar must be solid and have a length of 66 cm. Onit is mounted closer to the connection of the letter "T" to be sent to the inside of the structure. The other side is two pipes of 30 cm, bonded by T-shaped fitting. This tee must be deployed from the oblong side by 45 degrees. The end result is a rectangle.
  • For rotating seating in a triple connecting element, a 5-centimeter tube is inserted, which is fixed as the same part. It will be the basis of a horizontal frame.
  • Long sides of the horizontal frame are made in the same way as the vertical. For transverse crossbar, a 30 cm long tube is taken and another consisting of 2 to 20 cm with a tee fitting. The result is a rectangular figure in the same figure.
  • The seat will be between the short section of the horizontal site and the oblong vertical.After adjusting the level of inclination, the backup is inserted.

The frame is ready, which means that the tissue base is now necessary. To do this, take a dense cloth and consolidate it on the basis.


Such an attribute for recreation has a number of advantages: a compact, comfortable, easy to fold, has a small weight, durable and reliable, in foldable form takes little space. In appearance resembles a chair with a high back. An unusual assembly way looks original. For this, they will need bars, galvanized wire (diameter 4 mm) and the same staples for fixing the wire (16 pieces), nippers, hammer. The process is happening like this:

  • A protective coating is applied to the bars. But items should be ready for the assembly.
  • Holes are made. However, they must be more wire for a couple of millimeters.
  • Bruks are collected in an interesting way, which is why the whole design looks creative. Here is this scheme:

At the end of the entire process, the chair neatly rises and declined. It looks like a folding product stylish and modern.

Original ideas

People with creative thinking do not always want to see simple lounge chairs on their territory, so there are several original ideas for creating models for recreation.

From birch chock

This design has an unusual appearance, so you have to work hard. For such a sun bed, you need birch logs with a diameter of 75-120 mm. But you need to take into account the larger the diameter of chocks, the more it will be fun to weigh the product. Before starting work, you should stock up the following tools:

  • electric saw;
  • drill;
  • set of drills;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • staples.

Plastic pipes are one of the most popular materials for crafts. And this is quite natural: they are publicly available, it is inexpensive, cutting and installation do not require special skills and special equipment.

Especially harmoniously crafts from plastic pipes with their own hands will look at the cottage. We share the selection of fresh ideas that motivate to creative experiments.

1. Water treatments

On a hot summer day, so I want to refresh yourself at the cottage, quickly and comfortable. This will help the shower of plastic pipes. To the design of plastic with holes you need to attach a watering hose. It remains only to turn on the water and enjoy pleasantly cool.

2. Comfortable sites for seating

The more plastic pipes will enter the design of the chair or sun chairs - the greater the weight it will be able to withstand. If you need a chairs for a child, then a sufficiently minimal amount of pipes, and the seat can be made of dense fabric. The chaise lounge for an adult is better to completely make plastic.

3. Air Flumbus

Even the most common walls of the country house made from non-unprecedented building blocks, convert suspended flower beds. Such crafts made of plastic pipes for giving can also make a child. Pipes with holes, plugs covering their side parts, and metal fasteners are all that will be needed for the manufacture of unusual flower beds.

4. Quickly dry things - it's easy

It is worth spending a little time - and from plastic pipes it turns out to make a compact dryer for clothes. Such a product will weigh quite a bit, so it is easy to put in the most illuminated place on the plot.

5. So that strawberries are tastier than the neighbors

It often happens that strawberries grown in the usual way - on a garden, matures unevenly and can even bend. After all, on one of her side the sun may not fall at all, since often the fruits lie on Earth or are under the leaves. Solve the problem will help vertical beds from a cut of a large diameter plastic pipe. Strawberry as a wing plant will definitely find the way outside - through the holes in the plastic.

6. Plastic fence

Making an external fence separating the street from the household plot, from plastic pipes - perhaps, not the best idea. But to protect them the pen for animals or another dacha zone is a solution that will be reasonable. To give such a mini-fence of similarities with the present, color it with silver paint.

7. Fabulous place for friendly gatherings

From the pipes it is easy to collect an unusual arbor, which will probably become a favorite place for a country rest. Stretch between rope pipes and fall aside curly plants under them, for example, ivy. When he grows - in the gazebo it will be nice even on a sunny day. To the gazebo looked more picturesque, use brown pipes.

8. Effective irrigation system

Water the lawn or another large area at the cottage is not the most exciting occupation. A system of watering for giving from plastic pipes will be free from it. Just move to several connected segments of the plumbing hose and turn on the water. If you make holes in small, then the drip irrigation system will turn out.

9. Simple and mobile greenhouse

Thin pipes become the main material for the manufacture of greenhouses. The main advantage of such a craft for giving plastic pipes is its mobility. At the end of the summer season, the greenhouse is easy to disassemble, and on the next - mount again in any selected place.

10. Fencing for the terrace

A small plastic fence for the terrace will show that during this time period, the owners of the dacha do not expect guests. In addition, ordinary fence can be made from segments of plastic pipes. So that it looks more spectacular, color plastic in a bright color.

11. Vertical flowerbed

Cultivation of seedlings - the case is quite troublesome. Make this process more organized and comfortable can help the flower bed from plastic pipes. If you spend a little more time, it can be touched by water, and then the process of watering the seedlings will be automated. It is enough to do the holes in the bottom of the containers in which plants are planted.

12. Merry swings

Plastic pipes in which the hands of the rope, holding the swing, will become comfortable handrails. The scheme of manufacturing such swing is quite simple. Eight pipe segments with holes, rope and board are all that will be needed for their manufacture.

13. For lovers of outdoor activities

Active rest in which all family members participate - a great version of the pastime at the cottage. And adults and children will pass the game of football. Finding the ball will not be much difficulty, the case is only behind the goal. They can be collected from plastic pipes. Also need a segment of any grid.

Support for flowers.

Decorate the terrace or veranda with flowering plants - a great idea. But to endure a lot of pots and arrange them in different places can become a tedious occupation. Solve the problem will help the stand for flowers from plastic pipes. It weighs quite a bit, so it is very easy to rearrange it if necessary.

16. Laconic flower pots

The same flower pots will make the interior of the country house. Bole stylish and cozy. If you do not want to spend extra money, they can be made of equal segments of the plastic pipe. As the bottom of the flower pots, plugs for PVC pipes protrude. They just need to wear on one of the edges.

17. To feel the knight

Depending on the species, some pipes are fairly easy to bend. This is possible if the product is a small diameter and made of flexible plastic. If you can not bend the pipe, it can be slightly heat. For example, a construction hairdryer or over the open flame.